[Offprint, inscribed to Mary Proctor, containing autograph note.] Detection of Venus' Rotation Period and of the Fundamental Physical Features of the Planet's Surface.

Percival Lowell [Percival Lawrence Lowell (1855-1916), American astronomer] [Mary Proctor (1862-1957), American astronomer]
Publication details: 
'Reprint from Popular Astronomy'. 'Lowell Observatory, November, 1896.'

5pp., 8vo, with five plates. Stitched. In brown printed wraps headed 'Compliments of the Author', with 'Reprint from Popular Astronomy' at foot. Heavily aged, in worn and stained wraps repaired with tape. At the head of the cover Lowell has written 'iss Mary E. Proctor'. Manuscript note in another hand (presumably Procter's) on cover: 'Contains a note in Lowell's own handwriting on page 2'. Lowell's autograph note on p.2, with slight loss due to trimming of the edges of the pamphlet, reads: 'For further story by me see Jan. '97 pular stronomy'.

[Presentation copy of offprint.] Nouvelles Recherches sur les Propriétés des Courants Électriques Discontinus, et dirigés alternativement en sens contraires, par M. A. de la Rive, Professeur de Physique a l'Academie de Geneve.

Auguste Arthur de la Rive (1801-1873), Professor of Physics at the Geneva Academy, and pioneer in the field of electricity
Publication details: 
'(Extrait des Archives de l'Electricité, Supplément à la Bibliothèque Universelle de Genève.)' [1841.]

80pp., 8vo. Stitched and unbound. All but the first few leaves unopened. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with traces of the original blue wraps adhering at spine. In manuscript at head of title-page: 'hommage de l'auteur'. At the time of his death de la Rive's work was deemed by one obituarist ' indispensable for the scientific student of electricity', and the phrase was repeated in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Scarce: no copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and of the seven copies on OCLC WorldCat, five in Swiss libraries.

[Presentation copy of offprint.] De l'Action du Magnétisme sur les Gaz traversées par des Décharges Électriques par MM. A. de la Rive et E. Sarasin

Auguste Arthur de la Rive (1801-1873), Professor of Physics at the Geneva Academy, Swiss physicist and pioneer in the field of electricity [Édouard Sarasin (1843-1917), Swiss physicist]
Publication details: 
'Communiqué à la Société de Physique et d'Histoire naturelle de Genève dans sa séance du 6 avril 1871.' ['Tiré des Archives des Sciences de la Bibliothèque Universelle. Mai 1871. Avec autorisation de la Direction.']

22pp., 8vo. Stitched and in brown printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, in chipped and damaged wraps with shelfmark. Unopened. In manuscript at head of front wrap: 'de la part des auteurs'. Scarce: no copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and only three copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Offprint.] Des Mouvements Vibratoires que déterminent dans les Corps, et essentiellement dans le fer, la transmission des courants électriques et leur action extérieure. Par Mr. le Professeur de la Rive.

Auguste Arthur de la Rive (1801-1873), Professor of Physics at the Geneva Academy, and pioneer in the field of electricity
Publication details: 
'(Extrait des Archives de l'Electricité, Supplément à la Bibliothèque Universelle de Genève.)'

35pp., 8vo. Stitched and unbound. All but the first few leaves unopened. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with traces of the original blue wraps adhering at spine. At the time of his death de la Rive's work was deemed by one obituarist ' indispensable for the scientific student of electricity', and the phrase was repeated in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Scarce: no copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and of the nine copies on OCLC WorldCat, eight in Swiss libraries.

[Offprint of anonymous article attacking Pusey and the Oxford Movement.] The Thirty-Nine Articles. (Extracted from "The Press and St. James's Chronicle," September 5, 1868.) [Including 'Extract from the Bishop of Worcester's Charge'.]

[The Press and St. James's Chronicle, London; the Oxford Movement; Edward Bouverie Pusey; John David Macbride, Principal of Magdalene Hall, Oxford; Henry Philpott, Bishop of Worcester]
Publication details: 
[London: The Press and St. James's Chronicle, 1868.]

2pp., folio. On single leaf, with the reverse paginated 2. In double column. The article begins: 'No sign of the times appears to us fraught with more emphatic warning than the proposal of Dr. Pusey, that the Universities should abandon subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles, as the practical qualifications for orthodox Church of England Protestant teaching.' A footnote cites a work by Macbride.

[Bibliographical Society offprint, inscribed by the author Michael Sadleir to Richard Bentley.] Anthony Trollope and his Publishers.

Michael Sadleir [The Bibliographical Society; Anthony Trollope]
Publication details: 
London: Reprinted by the Oxford University Press from the Society's Transactions (The Library). 1924.

[1] + 28pp., 4to. New title-leaf and text pp.215-242. In printed brown paper wraps, inscribed at head of front cover 'to Mr Richard Bentley | from Michael Sadleir | Dec 1924'. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The paper was read before the Bibliographical Society on 17 November 1924. NOte: Sadleir describes the wonderful moment when he first saw the Bentley file copy collection in "Nineteenth-Century Fiction". He inevitably became very friendly. Richard Bentley was the grandson of the founder of the firm, selling up to MACMILLAN'S IN 1898.

[Offprint.] English Law Reporting, A Paper read by Sir Frederick Pollock of London, England, at the Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting of The American Bar Association held at Hot Springs, Virginia, August 26, 1903.

Sir Frederick Pollock [The American Bar Association]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Transactions of the Association.' [Philadelphia: Dando Printing and Publishing Company, 34, South Third Street. 1903.]

13pp., 8vo. Stitched, in grey printed card wraps. In very good condition. Originally printed as an appendix to the 'Report of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association held at Hot Springs, Virginia, August 26, 27 and 28, 1903.' Scarce: no copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Offprint.] Things and Sensations. [From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. II.]

G. F. Stout [George Frederick Stout (1860-1944), philosopher and psychologist] [The British Academy]
Publication details: 
London: Published for the British Academy By Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner, E.C. [London. 1905.]

13pp., 8vo. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, with slight wear at spine from disbinding. Copies on COPAC at the British Library and five other locations.

[Offprint, 'Reprinted by kind permission of "The Morning Post."'] [on cover:] The True Story of the Tank [drophead title:] A Miscarriage of Justice. | How the Tank was devised. | Lord Kitchener's Foresight.

[Captain Bede John Francis Bentley (1878-1939), Royal Army Service Corps, claimed inventor of the tank; Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener [Lord Kitchener] (1850-1916)]
Publication details: 
On cover: 'Morning Post. [London] | Wednesday, August 9 [1922].' At rear: 'Printed by St. Clements Press, Ltd., Portugal Street, Kingsway, W.C.2.'

[2] + 11 + [1]pp., 12mo. Printed in black on cream paper, with the wraps printed in blue in 'Stop Press' style. In very good condition, with minor spotting from staples. Presumably printed up by Bentley himself, and taking the story of his claim to 29 March 1922, the Home Office response to his petition to the king. The text begins: 'When Earl Kitchener called in Captain Bentley, a pioneer of motor transport, to embody in actual design the famous car which became known in the war a a "Tank," he promised that his interests as an inventor would be safeguarded.

[Printed offprint from Punch.] The ill-used Homoeopathists.

[Victorian homoeopathy; homoeopathic; Punch, or the London Charivari]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [From 'Punch's Almanack', London, 1859.]

1p.,12mo. Fifty-three lines of small type. Good, on lightly-aged and ruckled paper, with traces of mount on blank reverse. The item begins: 'MR. PUNCH is accustomed to receive letter and treaties, imploring him not to call homoeopathy fudge, and some of them attempting to assign reasons why he should not. In all these communications, the medical opponents of homoepathy are called "allopathists."' Later on the author comments: 'PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY is perhaps an allopathist; however he does not tell us on what principle his pills and ointments cure all diseases.

[Offprint of article by Dr Jules Béhier of the Beaujon Hospital.] L'Antagonisme Réciproque de l'Opium et de la Belladonne. Par M. Béhier, Médecin de l'hôpital Beaujon, professeur agrégé de la Faculté de médecine de Paris, etc.

M. Béhier [Jules Béhier (1813-1875)], Médecin de l'hôpital Beaujon, professeur agrégé de la Faculté de médecine de Paris
Publication details: 
Publications de l'Union Médicale (nouvelle série), du 5 Juillet 1859. [5 July 1859] Paris. - Typographie Félix Malteste et Ce, rue des Deux-Portes-Saint-Sauveur, 22.

8pp., 8vo. Stitched. In original plain yellow wraps. In fair condition, aged and a little worn at extremities, in stained and worn wraps. Stamp on title-page: 'HISTOLOGIE | Collège de France'. Scarce: the only copy located at the Bibliothèque Nationale.

[Printed Press Extracts' relating to the geologist William Hobbs Shrubsole.] 'Biographical Sketch of W. H. Shrubsole, F.G.S.' from the East Kent Gazette; 'Presentation to Mr. W. H. Shrubsole, F.G.S., F.R.M.S.' from the Sheerness Times, and two others

William Hobbs Shrubsole [W. H. Shrubsole] (1837-1927), British geologist, who made discoveries at Sheerness
Publication details: 
Extracts from the East Kent Gazette, the Sheerness Times, the Proceedings of he Geological Society of London, and the Rochester & Chatham Standard; dating from 1894 and 1895.

Shrubsole was a frequent contributor to the Manchester Guardian, and its obituary of 21 May 1927 was headed 'DEATH OF GREAT SHEERNESS GEOLOGIST WHO WON FAME THROUGHOUT THE WORLD' ('Experts in every continent sought his wonderful advice, and it was during his researches at Sheppey that he made many valuable discoveries. Below we are able to give a detailed account of his brilliant career. He was a frequent contributor to the columns of the "Guardian" up to the time of his death.'). 3pp., foolscap 8vo, in a bifolium. Printed in three columns of small print.

[Printed offprint: 'EXTRAIT de la Revue de Médecine, no de Septembre 1890.] Nouvelle Etude sur l'Action Therapeutique du Sulfate de Cinchonidine.

H. de Brun, Professeur à la Faculté de médecine de Beyrouth, Médecin sanitaire de France en Orient, Médecin de l'hôpital français de Beyrouth
Publication details: 
Paris: Ancienne Librairie Germer Baillière et Cie., Félix Alcan, Éditeur, 108 Boulevard Saint-Germain. 1890.

69pp., 8vo, paginated 689-757. With diagrams and table in text. In original olive printed wraps. Unopened. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in discoloured and chipped wraps. Stamped at head of front cover: 'HISTOLOGIE | Collège de France', with 'Physique & chimie 20' beside it in manuscript. No record of this item in the Bibliothèque Nationale, or on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Offprint.] The British Astronomical Association. Work of the Radio-Electronics Section.

J. Heywood [John Heywood, pioneering radio astronomer] [British Astronomical Association; Sputnik 1 and 2, Russian earth satellites]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 188, No. 4754, pp. 900-901, December 10, 1960. [Printed in Great Britain by Fisher, Knight & Co., Ltd., St. Albans.]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Begins: 'In January 1957 the British Astronomical Association formed a Radio-Electronics Section. [...] The great stimulus to the Section's activities was the launching of the first Soviet Earth satellite. Its members made both visual and radio observations of Sputnik 1 and Sputnik 2 which have been reported elsewhere.

[The Bee Kingdom Leaflets No. 19] Swarming and Its Control.

H. J. Wadey [Herbert James Wadey], Editor, 'Bee Craft', England, Vice-President, B.K.L.
Publication details: 
'REPRINTED | From the "BEE KINGDOM" | May, 1938'. Published at 60, Rue Menasce, Alexandria, Egypt.

12pp., 8vo. Stapled and unbound. Fair, printed on browned high-acidity paper, with some creasing and wear at foot. No copy of this offprint in the British Library or on COPAC.

[Offprint.] The Wilde Lecture. V. The Mechanical Principles of Flight. By the Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. Delivered February 13th, 1900.

Rt. Hon. Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt (1842-1919), 3rd Baron Rayleigh, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics] [The Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society]
Publication details: 
Manchester: 36, George Street. 26 April 1900. [Manchester Memoirs, Vol. lxiv. (1899), No. 5; Memoirs and Proceedings of The Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society 1899-1900.]

26pp., 12mo. Stitched. In remains of original printed wraps. On aged paper, in chipped wraps, with several leaves loose. An important work in the history of eronautics by one of the great experimental physicists of the nineteenth century. Excessively scarce: no copy of this offprint in the British Library or on COPAC. 'In this lecture Rayleigh discusses the method of calculating the mechanical forces on a plane presented obliquely to a current of air, so far as this can be done. At best, the calculation is very incomplete.

[Offprint from the 'Jewish Chronicle'] The Treves Family in England: A Genealogical Sketch. By Lucien Wolf, Past President of the Jewish Historical Society of England, etc., etc..

Lucien Wolf (1857-1930), President of the Jewish Historical Society of England
The Treves Family in England
Publication details: 
London: "Jewish Chronicle" Office, 2, Finsbury Square, E.C. 1896.
The Treves Family in England

8vo, 20 pp. In original grey printed wraps. Text clear and complete. A fair copy, on lightly-aged paper; wraps discoloured and chipped. Printed in small type, with 123 footnotes, and containing a mass of information. This separate printing is excessively scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Sheffield.

[Printed offprint of poem by J. H. Nightingale.] The "Four Liverpool Merchants" and their Letter to the Hempror Napoleon.

J. H. Nightingale ['Joe Nightingale'] [Liverpool Daily Post, 1859]
The "Four Liverpool Merchants" and their Letter to the Hempror Napoleon.
Publication details: 
From the Liverpool Daily Post of Dec. 6, 1859.
The "Four Liverpool Merchants" and their Letter to the Hempror Napoleon.

On one side of a piece of paper 27.5 x 11.5 cm. Text, in small type, clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-creased paper.

[Printed offprint pamphlet relating to the American President George Washington.] A Washington Token. By William C. Wells. Reprinted from the British Numismatic Journal.

William C. Wells [President George Washington; numismatics]
A Washington Token. By William C. Wells.
Publication details: 
London: Harrison and Sons, St Martin's Lane, W.C. 1915.
A Washington Token. By William C. Wells.

4to, 7 pp. In original printed wraps. Fair, with an unobtrusive closed tear to the title leaf. The purpose of the article is to explain the relationship between John Washington, the issuer of the token the article describes, and the first American president. Both sides of the token are illustrated on the front page. The last page carries a family tree of 'The Washingtons of Northamptonshire, Sussex and Virginia'. The only copy of this offcut on COPAC is at the British Library.

Broadside titled 'Mr. W. J. Bryan. Speech at Thanksgiving Day Banquet, Hotel Cecil, November 26.' Inscribed by Bryan to Cecil Harmsworth.

William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925), American politician, Democratic Party nominee for President of the United States, 1896, 1900 and 1908 [Cecil Harmsworth (1869-1948), 1st Baron Harmsworth]
Publication details: 
[1903.] [London?]

In three columns of small type, on one side of a piece of paper 41.5 x 26.5 cm. Fair, on aged and lightly-worn laid paper, with a little offsetting from the ink of the inscription. Reproduces the text of Bryan's speech without editorial interpolation. A report on the banquet (held by the American Society in London and with 'over 400 covers') in the New York Times, titled 'Bryan and Choate in a duel of repartee. Former Guest of Honor at Thanksgiving Day Banquet in London.

Inventaire des documents provenant de la mission Frantz Cornet au Congo (1948-49) et conservés au Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale a Tervuren.

Marcel Luwel [Frantz Cornet; the Belgian Congo; Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale; Belgium]
Publication details: 
1960: Académie royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer. Classe des sciences morales et politiques. Mémoires in-8o. Nouvelle série. Tome XXIV, fasc. 1. (Histoire). Rue de Livourne, 80A, Bruxelles 5. [Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale.]

8vo: 87 pp. In original light-green printed wraps. Internally very good. Front wrap with minor spotting and slight damage to one corner. Presentation copy, signed on title 'To Mrs. H. Stanley from M. Luwel | 14. XI. 1960.' Inventory divided into ten sections, beginning with 'Baptist Missionary Society' and 'Missions protestantes au Katanga', and ending with 'Uele'. Uncommon: copies at the British Library, Oxford, Cambridge, University of London and SOAS.

Offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature: 'On Two Events which occurred in the Life of King Canute the Dane.'

John Hogg, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society of Literature [John Lee (ne Fiott) (1783-1866), of Hartwell House]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by W. Hughes, King's Head Court, Gough Square. 1855.

8vo: [ii] + 18 pp. In worn original buff wraps with white printed label on front. Clear and complete. On aged, damp-stained paper. Presentation copy, with note on title-page: 'To John Lee Esqre. L.L.D. | with the Author's kind regards.' Ownership inscription of 'J. Lee. Hartwell. 3 May 1856.' also on title. Scarce.The only copies on COPAC at the British Library and the Society of Antiquaries.

Presentation copy of offprint of article: 'Divine Kingship in the Ancient Near East: A Review Article'.

Theodor H. Gaster [Theodor Herzl Gaster (1906-1992)], Anglo-American anthropologist, an authority in the field of comparative religion [Sir James Frazer]
Publication details: 
Copyright 1945 by Columbia University Press | Reprinted from THE REVIEW OF RELIGION March, 1945'.

8vo: 15 pp, paginated 267-281, In grey printed wraps. Inscribed by Gaster on front cover: 'With kindest regards | T. H. G.' Good, on lightly-aged paper, in grubby and lightly creased wraps.

Offprint of letter to the editor of The Times, headed 'MR. DICKENS AND MR. BENTLEY. | To the Editor of "The Times." '

George Bentley (1828-1895), London bookseller; son of Richard Bentley (1794-1871) [Charles Dickens]
Publication details: 

8vo (21.5 x 14 cm), 4 pp. Unbound bifolium. Good, on lightly aged and foxed paper. The item is well-printed, paginated with two footnotes. The subject is laid out at the start: 'In the first volume of Mr. Dickens' Life, just published, I read an account of Mr. DICKENS' literary connexion with my father, which it is impossible for me to leave without remark. The biographer therein presents my father in a character which all who knew him would repudiate as belonging to him.

Autographs [Reprinted from The Concise Encyclopaedia of Antiques Volume IV by kind permission of The Connoisseur].

P. J. Croft [Winifred A. Myers (Autographs) Ltd]
Publication details: 
London: Winifred A. Myers (Autographs) Ltd, 80 New Bond Street, W1. [c.1954].

Quarto: 10 pp (paginated 236-41). Stapled. In original printed green card wraps. Good, though lightly creased. Five plates, examples of the hands of Queen Elizabeth I, Sir John Harington, Admiral Lord Nelson, together with an original and a faked Burns letter. While the offprint is undated, the Encyclopaedia itself was published in 1954.

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