[ The Musical Standard, Fleet Street. ] File copies of eleven issues, containing around 175 items of original correspondence and other matter relating to advertising, and marked up by advertising manager Harry Lavender.

The Musical Standard, Fleet Street, 1862-1933 [Harry Lavender, advertising manager; nineteenth-century British journalism; newspapers in Victorian London ]
Publication details: 
The Musical Standard, 185 Fleet Street, London, E.C. The eleven issues dating from between 21 April 1888 and 21 March 1891. Incoming correspondence from various addresses in Britain.

For more information about the periodical, see the entry in Brake and Demoor's 'Dictionary of Nineteenth Century Journalism in Great Britain and Ireland' (2009), which stresses the its independence: 'the Musical Standard was rare among nineteenth-century music journals in that it was not produced by a music publisher or other music issuing body'. The present item consists of around 175 items laid down in file copies of eleven issues, four of them from 1888: 21 April, 26 May and 16 and 30 June; and seven from 1891: 3 January, and 7, 14, 21, 28 February, and 7 and 21 March.

[ Penguin Books Ltd. ] 35 items of Penguin Books ephemera, including 11 issues of 'Penguin Book News', stock lists, order forms.

Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex [ twentieth-century British publishing ephemera ]
Publication details: 
Penguin Books, . Dating from between 1954 and 1964.

The collection is in fair overall condition, on aged and worn paper. Not all from the same source (includes stamps of W. H. Smith & Son, Bromley; the Pioneer Bookshop, Woolwich; and Ascroft and Daw of the Charing Cross Road). ONE: 'November Penguins | published 29 October 1954'. Illustrated fold-out pamphlet. TWO: 3 issues of 'Penguin Books | Order Form', December 1954, August 1958, and October 1958. Fold-out leaflets. The December 1954 issue (creased, as is one other) features a full-page illustrated Christmas message. THREE: 'The New Penguins | ready 27 October 1955'.

Single leaf extracted from 'Die Chronica van der hilliger Stat van Coellen' (The Cologne Chronicle, 1499) as a keepsake for a 'Colophon' dinner, with folder and explanatory text, together with a leaf from

Johann Koelhoff the Younger, printer of 'Die Chronica van der hilliger Stat van Coellen', 1499 [ 'The Colophon: A Book Collector's Quarterly'; Dr A. S. W. Rosenbach; incunabula ]
Publication details: 
[ Cologne: Johann Koelhoff the Younger, 1499. ] [ New York: The Colophon (Pynson Printers). Undated (1929?) ]

Four items loosely inserted in a 33 x 25.5 cm black paper folder which is in good condition, with light signs of wear. With 26.5 x 20.5 illustrated label on cover, printed in black and brown, for 'The Colophon | A book collector's quarterly'. Presented to the guests at a 'Colophon' dinner (perhaps the inaugural one in 1929?). The contents as follows. ONE: Leaf from the Cologne Chronicle, 1499. The dimensions of the leaf from this incunabulum are roughly 30.5 x 20.5 cm. In fair condition, on aged paper with light damp staining. With three woodcuts, each roughly 5 x 4 cm.

[Publisher's Catalogue] General Catalogue 1935

Cobden-Sanderson [Richard Cobden-Sanderson, publisher]
Publication details: 

25pp., 8vo, printed paper wraps (monogram "CS" round urn), edges sunned, staples rusted, other minor damage, contents good.

[ Longmans, London publishers. ] Prospectus for Clarke Abel's 'Personal Observations, made during the Progress of the British Embassy through China', and list of Longmans books 'Published in the Course of August and September [1817]'.

Clarke Abel, Physician and Naturalist to the Embassy [ Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, of Paternoster-row, London Booksellers; Longmans; East India Company ]
Publication details: 
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster-row. The prospectus is undated; the list of publications is dated 'Oct. 1817.'

The two items are disbound, but attached to one another. On aged and worn paper. PROSPECTUS: 1p., 12mo. Reads: 'Mr. Abel's Account of the Embassy to China. | In the press, and immediately will be published, | In One Volume, Quarto, illustrated by Maps and other Engravings, of Landscape, Natural History, Geology, &c.

[Proof engraving of 'The Welcome Coffee House' (Moreton Pinkney, Northamptonshire?) ] Manuscript Letter, signed 'Pro S. W. Partridge & Co | F. N', to W. H. Dunlop, enclosing a proof engraving from the 'Coffee Public News'.

[ S. W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, London publishers ] [Samuel William Partridge (1810-1903); W. H. Dunlop (proprietor?), The Welcome Coffee House (Moreton Pinkney, Northamptonshire?) ]
Publication details: 
S. & W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, London. 25 October 1880.

Both the engraving and the letter are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ENGRAVING: Dimensions of image: 5.5 x 9 cm. Dimensions of paper: 12 x 18 cm. In black ink. The coffee house, with signage, is shown behind an old stone wall, in front of a country house. It is built like a barn with a taller structure beside it (possibly a reading room). LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium.

Pawnbroker's [pawn] ticket

Thomas Benn Sowerby, pawnbroker, of 78 Chiswell Street [London]
Publication details: 
Aug 1834.

Card, c.6 x 5cm, irregularly cut. Printed words, "Thomas Benn Sowerby | 78, Chiswell street || Unpaid Letters refused". In manuscript a list of sets of books, British Essayists (45 vols), Johnson's works, Locke's, Shakespeare's (12 vols.), and Fielding's. On reverse is written "I think you can polish the covers by a clean Rag."

[ Bookplate of German library of children's books. ] Three variants of the bookplate of the 'Kinderbuch-Sammlung von Walter Schatzki', on green, blue and cream paper.

Walter Schatzki [ Walther Schatzki ] (1899-1983), German-born American bookseller and antiquary [ Kinderbuch-Sammlung von Walter Schatzki ]
Publication details: 
[ Kinderbuch-Sammlung von Walter Schatzki. ] [1960s?]

Three examples of the same bookplate: on green, blue and cream paper. All three in very good condition, lightly-aged. Paper dimensions: 4.5 x 5.5 cm. Illustration dimensions: 3 x 4 cm. The image, reproducing an eighteenth-century engraving, depicts two children seated at a table and studying, with a globe on the floor between them. Beneath the image: 'KINDERBUCH-SAMMLUNG | VON WALTER SCHATZKI'. Accompanied by slip of paper with manuscript note regarding reproduction 'in Photo-Litho', after 'permission received O.K. from Walter's'.

[ Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., London publishers. ] Illustrated booksellers' 'order form': 'A New Series of Children's Toy Books'.

Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., 4, Stationers Hall Court, London, EC4 [ catalogue of 'Children's Toy Books' ]
Publication details: 
Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., 4, Stationers Hall Court, London, E.C.4. [1919, for 1920.]

8pp., 4to. Illustrations of covers on every page. Stapled. In good condition, on aged paper, with rusted staples. The cover (with a central photograph depicting the covers of eight titles) is headed: 'Order Form. | A New Series of Children's Toy Books. | The Publishers offer in this new series one of the most striking and original Coloured Toy Books ever published. They will please little children. | These Toy Books will command an immediate sale in any part of the country. They are not expensive.' In right-hand margin of cover: 'A Selection of 49 Titles'.

[ Nisbet & Co., Ltd., London publishers. ] Two items: 'Nisbet & Co., Ltd. | Juvenile Order List', August 1917' (with many items by R. M. Ballantyne) and 'Nisbets' Preliminary List | Autumn, 1917'.

Nisbet & Co., Ltd., London publishers [ R. M. Ballantyne (1825-1894), children's author; juvenile publishing ]
Publication details: 
Nisbet & Co., Ltd., 22, Berners Street, London, W.1. 1917.

Both items in good condition, lightly-aged. ONE: 'Nisbet & Co., Ltd. Juvenile Order List'. 4pp., folio. Bifolium. Blue addendum slip tipped-in onto front cover. Divided into 18 sections, including 'The Schoolgirl Series', 'Little Picture Books' and 'The Dominion Library'. With a heavy emphasis on R. M. Ballantyne, with four sections titled: 'R. M. Ballantyne's Famous Stories for Boys | The Copyright Edition', 'R. M. Ballantyne's Tales of Adventure', 'R. M. Ballantyne's Stories | Crown 8vo' and 'R. M. Ballantyne's Stories | Crown 8vo. Picture Cover'.

[ Sir Humphrey Sumner Milford, publisher to the University of Oxford. ] Duplicated typed circular, with facsimile signature of 'Humphrey S. Milford', describing the economic situation which has resulted in an increase in prices.

Humphrey Milford [ Sir Humphrey Sumner Milford ] (1877-1952), publisher to the University of Oxford [ Oxford University Press ]
Publication details: 
On his Oxford University Press letterhead ('Manager: HUMPHREY MILFORD | Head Office: Amen Corner, London, E.C. 4'. 16 August 1919.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and spotted paper. A convincing copy of a genuine typed letter, with Milford's signature and the letterhead in black ink, and the typewritten text in purple. 25 lines of text in three paragraphs. An interesting glimpse into the state of the British publishing industry in the period immediately following the First World War.

[ The Antiquarian Etching Club, London. ] Printed prospectus, with 'Plan of the Club', 'Rules' and 'Contents of Volumes already issued. With descriptive letter-press.'

[ H. W. King, Hon. Sec., the Antiquarian Etching Club, London, founded 1849 [ John Russell Smith, bookseller, 36 Soho Square, London ]
Publication details: 
[ John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. ] Tucker, Printer, Perry's Place, Oxford Street. [Circa 1852.]

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium. Disbound. A frail survival, on aged paper, with chipping to gutter and extremities.

[Jane Austen's family: library section of printed auction catalogue, annotated by London booksellers Maggs Brothers.] A Catalogue of the Contents of the Masion, Capel Manor, Horsmonden, Kent.

'By Order of the Trustees of John Francis Austen, Decd.' [ John-Francis Austen (1817-1893); Maggs Brothers, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
To be sold by Auction by Messrs. Knight, Frank & Rutley [...] in conjunction with Messrs. Richardson & Pierce, Ltd. on the premises [...] 17 August 1931 and three following days.

J. F. Austen was the son of John Austen VII. For his relation to the novelist see 'Jane Austen's Letters', ed. Le Faye (OUP, 2011). The present item is excessively scarce, with no copies traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. 4to, 18pp. on ten leaves, paginated [1-2], 17-24, 57-63, 79. In original brown printed wraps. Aged and worn, with rusted staples.

[ William Maskell, connoisseur and book collector. ] Autograph Letter Signed, inviting an unnamed recipient and 'Mr. Stokes and Mr. Ayre' to visit him and view his book collection.

William Maskell (1814-1890) of Broadleaze near Devizes, Wiltshire, Roman Catholic convert and liturgical scholar
Publication details: 
Broadleaze [near Devizes, Wiltshire. 15 September [1886?]

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-discoloured paper with wear to one corner. Year of writing unclear. The letter suggests a time for a visit by the three men. Regarding Ayre and Stokes he writes, 'I can only hope they will not form too high expectations of seeing most wonderful books: but such as they are, some few must prove of interest.' He concludes by giving an address to which he will send letters should 'this not reach you'.

[ Maggs Brothers.] Two Autograph Letters Signed by W. E. Lent, reporting on sale, with copy of ''Hallgate Auction Rooms, Doncaster. Catalogue of the Library of Rare and Valuable Books, The Property of G. E. Crouch Yarborough, Esq.'

[ W. E. Lent [William Lent] of Maggs Brothers, London booksellers; G. E. Cooke-Yarborough; J. H. Crouch & Son F.A.I., Hallgate Auction Rooms, Doncaster ]
Publication details: 
Letters both on letterhead of Danum Hotel, Doncaster. 11 and 12 February 1931. Auction catalogue: J. H. Crouch & Son F.A.I., Hallgate Auction Rooms, Doncaster. 11, 12 and 13 February 1931.

The two letters each 1p., 4to. Both on aged paper, with wear to left hand margin causing loss to text. In the first letter Lent gives details of 8 of his 17 purchases on that day, adding that 'The Lots sold quite well, a good many co are here, also Bowes, Blackwell, Mc Leis Taylor (Scheurer). Edwards, Pickering & E. Mathews, have marks.' In the second letter he gives details of 5 of his 10 purchases, one of them for 'Mr Butterwick'. He gives details of three commissions which Butterwick left with him, only one of which was successful. Catalogue: 31 + [1]pp., 4to.

[Charles Thomas Courtney Lewis.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. T Courtney Lewis') to an unnamed recipient, regarding his two books on the publishers Le Blond & Co.

Charles Thomas Courtney Lewis [ C. T. Courtney Lewis ] (b.1856), English writer on art [Le Blond & Co., London fine art publishers]
Publication details: 
32 Great Queen Street, Kingsway, London, WC2. 4 October 1928.

1p., narrow 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He explains that he has 'not written since my Vol in 1920 any Book on Le Blond except the one just published of which I enclose the Prospectus & do not contemplate any other'. He points out the differences between the two volumes and ends with an offer of help.

[ The Federation of Master Printers, London. ] Printed booklet titled 'Booklets that make more Business'.

[ The Federation of Master Printers, London. ]
Publication details: 
The Secretary, The Federation of Master Printers, 7/10, Old Bailey, London, E.C.4. C.A.4 11/24 [i.e. November 1924].

16pp., 8vo. Printed in black and red. In card wraps, with title on front cover also in black and red stylised lettering on front, and an advertisement on the inside back cover ('This is the first of a series of three informative pieces of literature which are to be issued and presented by the printers of the country to users of printing. [...]'). Saddle-stitched with brown thread. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council. ] Typed report of a talk given at Norwich Central Public Library, titled 'The Making of a Book'.

[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council (F. S. Denys Page, President); George Arthur Stephens, city librarian, Norwich ]
Publication details: 
[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council. ] Undated [1920s].

2pp., 4to. Carbon. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Begins: 'The third of a series of lectures arranged by the Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council was held at the Norwich Central Public Library on March 19, when the City Librarian (Mr. Geo A. Stephen, the author of "Commercial Bookbinding" and other works) gave a lecture on "The Making of a Modern Book". The lecture was illustrated by about a hundred lantern slides and exhibits. [...] Mr. F.S.

[William W. Clary, Los Angeles book collector.] Typed Letter Signed ('William W Clary') to the wife of London theatrical bookseller Ifan Kyrle Fletcher, regarding 'autographed letters', the publication of a Max Beerbohm item, and the Zamorano Club.

William W. Clary (1888-1971), Los Angeles lawyer, book collector and founding member of the Zamorano Club [Ifan Kyrle Fletcher (d.1964), London theatrical historian and bookseller; Max Beerbohm]
Publication details: 
433 South Sprint Street, Los Angeles 5, California. 8 May 1961.

1p., 8vo. Air mail letter addressed to Fletcher at 22 Buckingham Gate, London SW1. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He thanks him for his letter 'regarding autographed [sic] letters', explaining that 'we have gone in very little for letters and manuscripts, although we have made a few exceptions where they were in bound volumes or had some very important Oxford interest'. (Clary's Oxford collection is now at the Claremont Colleges Library. Williams's letters do not 'quite fit our program' (the plural presumably referring to Claremont).

[Methuen & Co., London publishers.] Sixteen printed publishers' advertisements, including lists of 'Messrs. Methuen's New Books', and handbills for Jack London's 'White Fang', and works by Robert Hichens, Arnold Bennett and others.

Methuen & Co., London publishers [Jack London; Arnold Bennett; Robert Hichens]
Publication details: 
Methuen & Co. Ltd, 36 Essex Street, London WC2. Dated items between Spring 1907 and Autumn 1939.

The collection of sixteen items is in good overall condition, on aged and worn paper. Includes: two lists of 'Messrs. Methuen's Sixpenny Books', one of them dated to 1908; lists for 1912, 1915, 1924 (two), 1934 (two: novels and 'new books'), 1939 (two: one in red of novels, and the other in blue of non-fiction). Also advertisements for: 'The Illustrated Pocket Library of Plain and Coloured Books'; 'The Heather Moon' by C. N. and A. M.

[Methuen & Co., London publishers.] Eight in-house publicity items and a trade catalogue, comprising: two issues of the firm's 'Book Gazette & Notes on Books'; six issues of its 'Monthly Bulletin'; and 'A Complete and Illustrated Catalogue of Books'.

[Methuen & Co., London publishers.]
Publication details: 
All items from Methuen & Co., 36 Essex Street, London, WC. The two copies of the 'Book Gazette' from October 1896 and September 1901. The six copies of the 'Monthly Bulletin' between July 1904 and April-May-June 1910. The 'Catalogue', January 1929.

The collection in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The catalogue stitched and in wraps; the other eight items with rusted staples, and unbound. Items One and Two: Copies of the 'Book Gazette' (both 32pp., small 4to), numbered 8 (October 1896) and 16 (September 1901), and containing Announcements, Literary Notes, and extracts from publications. Items Three to Eight: Six copies of 'Methuen's Monthly Bulletin'. All 8vo, and ranging in length from 20 to 32pp. The earliest of the six (July 1904) with announcement on front cover: 'Messrs.

[W. Heath Robinson.] Proofs of two sets of prelims from his Navarre Society edition of 'The Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais', with a total of ten illustrations by W. Heath Robinson.

W. Heath Robinson [The Navarre Society, London; Morrision & Gibb, Limited, Printers, Edinburgh; Francois Rabelais]
Publication details: 
Navarre Society, London. Both sets of prelims with stamp of Morrison & Gibb, Limited, Printers, Edinburgh, dated 18 March 1954.

Both sets of proofs unstitched and unopened (and both opening out into a folio sheet), and both with title-pages printed in red and black. Both in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, and both stamped on first page 'PLEASE PASS FOR PRESS | MARGINS' in blue, with purple oval dated printers' stamp. FIRST SET: 16pp., 8vo, paginated to xvi. Title: 'THE WORKS OF MR. FRANCIS | RABELAIS | [...] | Illustrated by W. HEATH ROBINSON | The Second Part'. Publishers' details at foot on pasted label at foot of title-page: 'MCMLIV | THE NAVARRE SOCIETY LONDON'.

[Eric Gill.] Compliments slip of the bookseller George Sims, featuring a woodcut illustration by Eric Gill, with typewritten inscription by Gill to 'Tony & Jean', stating that the item has been given to them 'just before it was remaindered'.

Eric Gill (1882-1940), artist [George Sims (1923-199), English bookseller]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Printed in black ink on 8 x 12 cm piece of thick watermarked laid paper. In very good condition. Sims acquired the Gill archive from the artist's widow, and it seems likely that he had the illustration made from one of the artist's blocks. The illustration shows a bearded man in loincloth, trailing a sword along the ground as he runs from a tree. Printed beneath the illustration: 'With the compliments of | George Sims'. Above the illustration is typed 'for Tony & Jean', and below the printed text 'just before it was remaindered'.

[Free Public Libraries] Notes on Free Public Libraries and Museums Edited by James Hibbert.

James Hibbert, editor
Publication details: 
Preston: The Guardian General Printing Works, Fishergate, 1881.

"Privately Printed for Distribution". Pamphlet, xiii.110pp., 8vo, with detached folding plan (described below), disbound, library marks and some foxing on title page, good condition. Label on verso of title "Presented by James Hibbert Alderman of the Borough of Preston"; Preface (the origins and purpose of the pamphlet); Contents; Report to the Free Library Committee of a scheme for the foundation of a free public library [...]"; Corrections.

[Henry Southern, journalist.] Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed individual, explaining that he is not being generous and making a sacrifice [by accepting the appointment of editor of the London Magazine].

Henry Southern (1799-1853), English journalist, editor of the London Magazine and founder of the Retrospective Review
Publication details: 
7 January 1825.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with minor remains of stub adhering to one edge. The letter would appear to concern Southern's appointment in January 1825 as editor of the new series of the London Magazine. It reads reads: 'My dear Sir | It is needless to say that I shall have great gratification in dining at your table on Tuesday. I fear that my letter has been delusive. I have no claim to the kind word you use. Generosity is smost certainly out of the question. I make no sacrifice - and in point of fact I expect to gain. I shall be deceived if I do not.

[Charles Dolman, Roman Catholic London publisher.] First part of Autograph Letter [from the publisher Charles Dolman] to Nicholas Wiseman in Rome, discussing his

Charles Dolman (1807-1863), Roman Catholic London publisher ('nephew and successor to the late Joseph Booker') [Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865), Roman Catholic Cardinal]
Publication details: 
London. 12 May 1839.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. 135 lines of text. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. At the time of writing Dolman had just published 'Four Lectures on the Offices and Ceremonies of Holy Week, as performed in the Papal Chapels. Delivered in Rome, in the Lent of 1837, by Nicholas Wiseman'. Later in 1839 he would publish Wiseman's anonymous 'A reply to the Rev. Dr. Turton's "Roman Catholic Doctrine of the Eucharist considered"'. Written in a close neat hand.

Two Aquatint engravings by William Henry Pyne, both engraved by 'Smart & Hunt', titled 'Cheap Meat', showing an angry man bursting into an eighteenth-century bookshop, and 'A Thief in the Kirk', showing a man in tartan running through a congregation.

William Henry Pyne (1769-1843), author and artist; S. & J. Fuller, 34 Rathbone Place, London printsellers
Publication details: 
Both 'London, Published July 1, 1822, by S. & J. Fuller, 34, Rathbone Place.'

Both in the same style. ONE: 'Cheap Meat.' Dimensions: paper 25 x 29.5 cm; plate 22.5 x 27.5 cm; image 18.5 x 23.5 cm. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight discoloration to corners from previous mounting. Beneath plate: 'W. H. Pyne delt.

[Richard Bentley, publisher.] Two copies (one proof) of his pamphlet 'Death of the Broad Gauge', describing a Great Western Railway journey during the switch to Narrow Gauge, in a series of letters to his father George Bentley. With printed envelope.

Richard Bentley the younger (1854-1936), member of celebrated firm of London publishers, son of George Bentley (1828-1895) and grandson of Richard Bentley (1794-1871) [Great Western Railway]
Publication details: 
[Privately printed for Richard Bentley the younger, of Richard Bentley & Son, New Burlington Street, London. 1892 and 1893.]

All three items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Untitled proof, with 'Proof 6.12.92 [i.e. 6 December 1992]' in manuscript at foot of first page. 20pp., 8vo. Unbound and unstitched. Two manuscript corrections, and two indications of where maps are to be placed. The first letter is written from 'Dawlish, S. Devon, | May 20, 1892', and the last from 'Clifton, | May 31, 1892'. A passage, on pp.5-8, is under the heading 'The End of the Broad Gauge', the first paragraph reading: 'On Thursday the men arrived from all parts of the G.W.

[James Tregaskis, London bookseller.] An engraving by Herbert Railton of the interior of his celebrated Holborn shop, captioned 'Old Stairway at the "Caxton Head."' Signed in pencil by Tregaskis.

James Tregaskis (1850-1926), London bookseller; Herbert Railton (1857-1910), illustrator
Publication details: 
Published by James and Mary Lee Tregaskis, "Caxton Head," 232 High Holborn, London, 1894.

On 32.5 x 23 cm piece of thin wove paper. In fair condition only: aged, especially at extremities, and with loss to all four corners on removal from mount. The image (which is roughly 21 x 17 cm) and text are clear and clean, as is the signature 'James Tregaskis', in pencil in the bottom right-hand corner. A charming view, in Railton's characteristic style, of a somewhat decrepit eighteenth-century interior, with a plump young girl in voluminous late-Victorian smock playing on the stairs with a small dog.

Printed 'Duplicate' of grant by 'The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company to Messrs. W. H. Smith and Son', of 'exclusive right of Selling Newspapers &c., and of Advertising at the Company's Stations and Premises', with two related documents.

[The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company; Messrs. W. H. Smith and Son, stationers and booksellers; A. de C. Parmiter, Manchester.
Publication details: 
Grant of 1908: A. de C. Parmiter, Manchester. 'Dated 5th November, 1908.' Agreement of 1915: place not stated. Duplicated agreement of 1918: A. De. C. Parmiter, Solicitor, Manchester. 'Dated 10 January 1918'.

ONE (Grant of 1908): 9 + [1]pp., 8vo. Unstitched and unbound. Properly printed and paginated, with marginal glosses. On aged and worn paper, with closed tears along fold lines. Containing 27 clauses, in an agreement for a term of seven years from 1 January 1909. Between the railway company and, on behalf of W. H. Smith and Son, the Honourable William Frederick Danvers Smith MP, Charles Awdry, Alfred Dyke Acland, Charles Harry St John Hornby and Charles Selwyn Awdry. W. H. Smith had opened their first railway bookstall almost exactly sixty years before, in November of 1848.

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