[ 'Lewis Melville' [ pen name of Lewis Saul Benjamin ], author and actor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lewis Melville'), enquiring whether his book 'In the World of Mimes' has been accepted for publication.

'Lewis Melville' [ pen name of Lewis Saul Benjamin (1874-1932) ], literary biographer, novelist and actor
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Playgoer's Club, Strand, W.C. [ London ]. 28 July 1900.

1p., 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged. He writes to enquire whether the recipient 'can undertake the publication of the novel I submitted to you – In the World of Mimes – as I am leaving town at the end of the week', and he hopes to 'settle the matter one way or the other (preferably one way & not the other)' before he leaves. 'In the World of Mimes' was published in London by Greening & Co. in 1902.

[Henri Hoener [Haener]; Printing History] Letter (secretarial?) Signed "H Haener" to "Née de la Rochelle, libraire" [bookseller](Wikipedia

Henri Haener [Hoener ], Imprimeur du Roi, Nancy, France [Printer to the King]
Haener printer
Haener printer
Publication details: 
Nancy, le 22 7bre 1787 (date corner chipped but year found within the letter).
Haener printer
Haener printer

Four pages including address panel, 4to, bifolium, edges dulled, a little foxing. He outlines what he has done (sending things?), in a one page letter, and, on the other two pages, given a detailed account of what he has done for the bookseller from December 1787 to May 1788, including "brochures" (pamphlets). The recipient has noted when he replied. See images on my website.

[In original boards, with catalogue of Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, London booksellers.] Memoir of the Early Life of William Cowper, Esq. written by himself, And never before published..

William Cowper [ Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London. ]
Publication details: 
Second edition. London: Printed for R. Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street; and sold by all booksellers. 1816. [ Printed by R. Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street, London. ] With catalogue of Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London, 1816.

Subtitle: 'With an Appendix containing some interesting letters, and other authentic documents, illustrative of the memoir.' 130pp., 12mo. Frontispiece. Bound in at the end is a twelve-page catalogue, dated 1 October 1816, and with drophead title: 'Valuable Periodical Works, Published by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London. Beneath the drophead title is a woodcut of a lion. Only one copy of the trade catalogue traced on OCLC WorldCat.

[ Richard Chenevix Trench, Archbishop of Dublin and poet. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd. C. Trench, [ to his publisher the London bookseller John W. Parker ] regarding his writing plans and engagements.

Richard Chenevix Trench (1807-1886), Archbishop of Dublin in the Church of Ireland and Irish poet [ John William Parker the younger (1820-1860), London bookseller ]
Publication details: 
'Itchen Stoke'. 15 August 1840.

4pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with closed tears along the fold between the two leaves of the bifolium. Trench's publishers were 'John W. Parker & Son, West Strand'. The letter begins: 'I heartily wish that I could go to the press at once with the 3rd. Edition of the Parables. [ 'Notes on the Parables of Our Lord', first published in 1841 ] I have been however working hard at them & they are nearly ready.

[ John Murray the second, London publisher. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Murray') to the historian Henry Hallam

John Murray the second (1778-1843), English publisher [ Henry Hallam (1777-1859), historian; Thomas Phillips (1770-1845), portrait painter ]
Publication details: 
Albemarle Street [ London ]. 3 August [ circa 1841 ].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by informing him that the accounts 'for sale of your works for the past year are being made out'., and that he hopes to send them in a few days: 'they have been delayed only until I could receive from the various newspapers the acc[oun]ts of advertising'. He continues, regarding a portrait of Hallam by Thomas Phillips: 'I have this day seen Phillips Copy of your Portrait - very nearly finished - &, as it seems to me, executed with care & accuracy'.

[ Henry Huntingford, classical scholar, praises the work of Richard Watts, former Printer to the University of Cambridge. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Huntingford') [ to Richard Watts ], praising the work on his edition of Pindar,.

Henry Huntingford (1787-1867), classical scholar [ Richard Watts (d.1844), Printer to the University of Cambridge; Thomas Cadell and William Davies, London booksellers and publishers ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ Circa 1814. ]

The subject of this letter is Huntingford's 'Pindari Carmina', 'excudit R. Watts sumptibus T. Cadell et W. Davies', published in London in 1814. Watts had been made Printer to the University of Cambridge in 1802, resigning in 1809 because, as Stokes notes in his 'Cambridge Stationers, Printers, Bookbiinders, &c' (1919), 'the Press did not prosper under his rule, although, when he left Cambridge, he did good work as a printer of Oriental volumes'. Between around 1812 and 1815 he was working in Broxbourne. In 1816 he moved to London, where he established the Oriental Type-Foundry, Temple Bar.

[ Edward Bocquet, historical engraver. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E Bocquet') to the London booksellers Messrs. Lackington & Co.', regarding his engraving for them of a portrait of the Earl of Southampton.

Edward Bocquet, historical engraver [ Lackington & Co., London booksellers; Joseph Harding ]
Publication details: 
Without place. 11 January 1816.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, aged and rather dusty, with small closed tear at head. He begins by explaining that he has been 'prevented by ill health from finishing the plate confided to my care, & of waiting upon you to make you acquainted with the cause of the delay. The engraving is 'in a state of forwardness', and he is willing to let 'Mr Satchwell' give his opinion of it before he sends it to them. 'I shall prove the plate again next week, after which I shall be enabled to state the time of its completion'.

[ Edmund Yates, journalist and newspaper proprietor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edmund Yates.') to an unnamed recipient, assessing the character of the London publisher William Tinsley.

Edmund Yates [ Edmund Hodgson Yates ] (1831-1894), Scottish journalist and author, friend of Charles Dickens, proprietor of The World newspaper [ William Tinsley (1831-1902), London publisher ]
Publication details: 
On embossed letterhead of the Post Office. 19 November 1868.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with small closed tear unobtrusively repaired. Reads: 'Take the enclosed note to Mr. Tinsley, 18 Catherine Sreet, Strand, a very rough but thoroughly clever and enterprising publisher, and tell him what you require. If possible, I trust he will meet your views'. According to Yates's entry in the Oxford DNB: 'In 1867, after leaving Temple Bar, he edited a new monthly, Tinsley's Magazine, but fell out with the proprietor who believed Yates was overpaying contributors, including himself. His official salary was by now £520 p.a.

[ John Camden Hotten, London bookseller. ] Signed Autograph inscription ('Jno Camden Hotten') to Charles Welford., on hf title of his 'Literary Copyright'.

John Camden Hotten (1832-1873), London bookseller [ Charles Welford ]
Publication details: 
No place. 24 October 1871.

On the half-title of his self-published anonymous 'Literary copyright: seven Letters addressed by Permission to the Right Hon. the Earl Stanhope' (1871), now a loose leaf in 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Printed in the centre of the page are the words 'Literary Copyright.' Above this Hotten has written, in his stylised hand: 'To Charles Welford | with the respects of | Jno Camden Hotten | 24 Oct. 1871.'

[ Joseph Butterworth, legal bookseller and politician. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Jos: Butterworth') regarding the interest taken by Thomas Jeffery of Portsea in 'the Convicts in the hulks'.

Joseph Butterworth (1770-1826), legal bookseller and politician [ Thomas Jeffery of Portsea; transportation ]
Publication details: 
Bedford Square [ London ]. 28 January 1826.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, aged and with creasing at foot. Reads: 'Thos Jeffery | 7 Conway Row | Half way Houses | Portsea | takes an active part in visiting the Convicts in the hulks & wd be most thankful for some tracts | Jos: Butterworth | 28 Jany 1826 | Bedford Square'. At the head of the page, in another hand: 'Rec'd £1. 1. 0'.

[ Everard Meynell and his 'Serendipity Shop': catalogue by J. & E. Bumpus Ltd. ] Catalogue of the Books of the Late Everard Meynell including the most interesting items from his "Serendipity Shop".

[ Everard Meynell (1885-1956), author, and his 'Serendipity Shop' ] J. & E. Bumpus Ltd., London booksellers [ J. G. Wilson (John Gideon Wilson); Coventry Patmore ]
Publication details: 
Now offered for sale at the instruction of the Executors by Messrs J. & E. Bumpus Ltd. 350 Oxford Street, London, W.1. [ Circa 1956. ]

120 pages (unpaginated), 12mo. Stitched without covers. In fair condition: worn (particularly the first two leaves) and aged. A marvellous collection, described in a carefully printed and compiled catalogue of 901 lots. A two-page 'Prefatory Note' has a long quotation from one of Meynell's catalogues, beginning: 'My books must at my death be turned to account.

[ Justice Owen Dixon; Inscribed ] Jesting Pilate and other Papers and Addresses. Collected by his Honour Judge Woinarski

The Right Honourable Sir Owen Dixon, Chief Justice of Australia 1952-1963
Publication details: 
The Law Book Company Ltd, Australia, 1965.

[viii].275, cr 8vo, frontis. photographic portrait, dw (sunned at edges, wear to corners, tiny closed tears), very good condition. INSCRIBED by Owen Dixon: "The Honble Viscount Simonds | With warmest regards | Owen Dixon | Melbourne | 20th Dec. 1965". Viscount Simonds, Judge, was sometime Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.

[ Book; Ltd Edn; Connaught Rangers; Inscribed ] Memoir of Sir Horatio Shirley, K.C.B. written in the Year 1879.

Publication details: 
Privately Printed, No 1 of 30 (see note below), Pickering and Co. 1880

53pp., sm. 4to, 1/4 paper vellum, blue boards, sl. damaged, corners worn and bumped, minor foxing, eps stained, mainly good condition. Inscribed front free ep, "30 copies only privately printed. || No.1 The Dowager Lady Suffield; | from the Author\\" Front ep, bookplate of Ralph Assheton Harbord, with the same name written above (not in the same hand as the inscription above described) giving the address, "the Close Norwich". See Wikipedia for General Horatio Shirley.

[ Charles L. Woodward, New York bookseller. ] Printed catalogue: 'Bibliotheca Bloodandthunder | No. 3. | Trials and kindred Literature, for sale by Charles L. Woodward, Dealer in Rare Books and Pamphlets relating to America, 78 Nassau St., New York'.

Charles L. Woodward, New York bookseller [ Bibliotheca Bloodandthunder ]
Publication details: 
Charles L. Woodward, 78 Nassau Street, New York. Undated [ late nineteenth century ].

18pp., 8vo. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and brittle paper. 404 items in double column. First page headed 'IX. LXXX. XVII.' An interesting collection of Americana. First entry: 'ABBOT, LIEUT. JOEL. Naval Court Martial. Scandalous Conduct. Printed from Official Record on file in Navy Department. 8vo, pp. 152. Washington, 1822. 75 [cents] | Another, Reported by F. W. Waldo, to which is added an Appendix, containing Sundry Documents in Relation to Management of Affairs on Boston Station. 8vo, pp. 237, boards, uncut. Boston, 1822. 1 00 [i.e. one dollar]'. Last entry: 'ZANE, SARAH.

[ A Royal Navy engineer in the Far East and Pacific, 1882-1891. ] Account book of George Parsons, latterly Chief Engineer of HMS Champion, recording his personal and professional expenses on various tours of duty.

George Parsons, nineteenth-century Royal Navy Chief Egineer on HMS Champion [ Naval and Maritime ]
Publication details: 
Between August 1882 and May 1891. At locations including Port Said, Alexandria, Portsmouth, London, Suez, Malta, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Tokyo, Vladivostock, Shanghai, San Francisco, Vancouver, Esquimault, Honolulu, Halifax. Further accounts,1889-1911.

73pp., in a 12mo account book with printed red rules, in dark marbled boards with black cloth spine. Internally in fair condition, aged and worn, in heavily worn binding. Inscribed 'G. Parsons' twice on front endpapers. (Parsons' Royal Navy certificates as an assistant engineer (1872) and engineer (1878) are held by the National Archives.) The present volume contains a full set of accounts, 1882-1891, over 52pp.; less-detailed accounts, 1898-1911, over 8pp.; desultory accounts over 5pp., including two-pages of the 'Furniture Fund | H.M.S.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Harwood') to Messrs Cadell & Davies, London publishers of his 'History and Antiquities of Lichfield', regarding the price and sending of a presentation copy.

Thomas Harwood (1767-1842), clergyman, author and antiquary, perpetual curate of Hammerwich, near Lichfield, Staffordshire
Publication details: 
Lichfield, Staffordshire. 2 April 1816.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-agedl, with slip of paper from a Victorian book catalogue laid down beneath the signature. Addressed by Harwood on reverse of second leaf, with two postmarks, one of them from Lichfield, 2 August 1806, to 'Mess: Cadell & Davies | Strand | London'. The text reads: 'Gentlemen | I have just been informed, but have not my self seen it, that the History of Lichfield is advertised to be sold at thirty Shillings; lest there should be any mistake, it might be right to remind you, that the price of it is thirty five Shillings.

[ Charles Coote, historian and biographer. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to Cadell of the London pubishers Cadell and Davies

Charles Coote (c.1760-1835), historian and biographer [ Thomas Cadell the younger (1773-1836), publisher with London firm Cadell and Davies ]
Publication details: 
28 January 1814.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Tipped in onto leaf of grey paper removed from an album. Addressed by Coote on reverse to 'Mr. Cadell'. Reads: 'Dr. Coote presents his Compliments to Mr. Cadell, & offers many Apologies for having solong [sic] kept back, from Inattention and Negligence, the Books which Mr. C. furnished for the Supplement to Mosheim. - January 23, 1814.' For more on Coote, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Cadell & Davies published his six-volume supplement to Mosheim's ecclesiastical history in 1811.

[ Charles de Coetlogon, divine. ] Manuscript 'Inventory of Mr De Coetlogon's Books'.

Charles de Coetlogon [ Charles Edward de Coetlogon ] (1747-1820), Church of England clergyman, preacher and theologian, vicar of Godstone, Surrey
Publication details: 
Undated [ post 1800 ].

3pp., 4to. On bifolium of watermarked laid paper. With additional slip of paper listing around twenty titles loosely inserted. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The first page is headed: 'Inventory of Mr De Coetlogon's Books.' Beneath the main heading is a list of 25 titles, with the subheading '1st. Shelf Drawing Room Right hand Corner of fire Place.' The second page continues with two more columns of similar books. The third page, also in two columns, is headed 'Shelf of Books. - left hand of fire-place'.

[ Stuart family of Castlemilk and Torrance. ] Manuscript: 'Torrance Library | Copy List of Books forwarded to Sir Richard Harington | June 1916'.

The Torrance Library [ Stuart family of Castlemilk and Torrance, Lanarkshire, Scotland; Sir Richard Harington of Whitbourne Court, Worcester ]
Publication details: 
[ Torrance, Lanarkshire, Scotland. ] June 1916.

6pp., folio. On two bifoliums held together with pink ribbon. Folded into a packet and docketed. 56 books are listed, with author's names and dates of publication, and details of presentations and inscriptions, such as 'B P Stuart - Charlotte Stuart - The Gift of Robt. Harington' and 'Memo in Rob Harington's Handwriting'. Includes works in English, French and Italian, the earliest being Wright's 'Rutland', 1684 ('B P. Stuart of T. | Marianne Harrington [sic] 1834') and the latest O. M. Mitchell's 'Orbs of Heaven', 1853 ('R Harington'). From the Harington family papers.

[ Leslie Cope Cornford, architect and journalist. ] Original monograms, designs and sketches, including several items for WImbledon House School, Brighton (the future Roedean), founded by the sisters of his future wife Christabel Lawrence.

Leslie Cope Cornford (1867-1927), architect and journalist; his wife Christabel Lawrence (1869-1952), sister of three Lawrence sisters, founders of Roedean School, Sussex [ Wimbledon House S
Publication details: 
Two items from his addresses: 47 Norfolk Road and 46 Sutherland Road, Brighton, East Sussex. [ Wimbledon House, 36 Sussex Square, Hove, Sussex. ] Between 1889 and 1908.

65 items of varying size, on pieces of card and paper. The collection is in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. As his obituary in The Times (5 August 1927) describes, before embarking on his journalistic career, Cornford trained as an architect. He was articled for three years from 1884 to Sir John William Simpson (1858-1933), and then studied at the Royal Academy in 1888. He then served briefly as assistant, first to Thomas Verity (1837-1891), and then to F. S. Waller and F. W. Waller, before qualifying as an architect in 1889, and ARIBA the following year.

[ L. A. G. Strong, British author. ] 24 Signed Letters (5 of them in Autograph and 19 Typed) to Margaret Greenwood, mainly regarding her efforts to adapt his books for film. With copies of 26 letters from her to him.

L. A. G. Strong [ Leonard Alfred George Strong ] (1896-1958), author, poet and publisher (Methuen & Co., London) [ Margaret Greenwood ]
Publication details: 
Strong's 24 letters between 1946 and 1952, on letterheads of Shortfield House, Frensham, Surrey (21); Salterns, Eashing, Godalming, Surrey (1); Methuen & Co. Ltd, London (1). Greenwood writing from Bexley Heath, Kent.

A total of 50 items, all but the three earliest of Strong's letters held together with a brass stud. The collection in good overall condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Strong's 24 letters total 37pp., with the early letters signed 'L A G Strong' and the later ones 'Leonard', and occasional variant signatures in between ('Leonard Strong', 'LAGS'). The copies of Greenwood's 26 letters (two in autograph, the rest typed) total 32pp. An interesting correspondence, in which Strong responds with tact and patience to his inexperienced correspondent's proposals and actions.

[ Awnsham Churchill and Edward Clarke of Chipley, John Locke's associates. ] Printed Exchequer receipt, completed in manuscript, and signed by the bookseller 'A. Churchill' and witnessed by radical MP 'E Clarke'.

Awnsham Churchill (1658-1728), bookseller at The Black Swan, Paternoster Row, London, Whig member of parliament, publisher and friend of John Locke; Edward Clarke (1650-1710) of Chipley ]
Publication details: 
[ Her Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 28 June 1715.

1p., 8vo. On aged paper worn at head. Customary printed Exchequer receipt, completed in manuscript, headed (manuscript text in square brackets): 'Annuities, 3700l. per Week. | Record' [19 Janu. 1715]'. Calculations in right-hand margin and clerical sign on reverse. Recording the payment by Sir Richard Onslow of £100 to 'Awnsham Churchill Attorney for mr ffra: Bennett & for selfe'.

[ Printed item. ] George Newnes, Limited | Balance Sheet and Directors' Report | For the Year Ended 31st March, 1935.

George Newnes, Limited, London publishers noted for their popular magazines and part-works
Publication details: 
Secretary and Registered Offices: Horace Cole, 8-11 Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. [ 1935 ] [ Williams, Lea & Co., Ltd., Printers, Clifton House, Worship Street, London, E.C.2.'

[8]pp., 4to. Stapled pamphlet. Aged and worn, with rusting staples. Two-page 'Directors' Report', with topics including a yearly balance of £134,953 5s 3d, the death of Lord Riddell and the decision to 'rebuild the old-fashioned sections of the Company's premises in Southampton Street, Tavistock Street and Exeter Street; centrefold balance sheet; single-page 'Statement Showing Combined Assets and Liabilities of George Newnes, Limited and Subsidiary Companies'; single-page 'List of Magazines and Periodicals'; and cover page. The subsidiary companies included Country Life; W. H. & L.

[ Sale catalogue by Maggs Brothers of London. ] Original Drawings by Kate Greenaway and Hugh Thomson | Chiefly in watercolour.

[ Maggs Brothers, London booksellers; Kate Greenaway; Hugh Thomson ]
Publication details: 
Maggs Bros. Ltd. London. [ Printed in Great Britian by The Courier Press, Leamington Spa and London. ] No date. [ 1930s?]

13 + [1]pp., 8vo. Stapled and unbound. Staining to inner margin of front cover, otherwise in fair condition, on lightly aged paper. Thirteen items, eleven by Greenaway (with three illustrations) and two by Thomson (both illustrated). The most expensive item, at £100, is the first, Greenaway's 'Apples' (illustrated): 'A large water-colour drawing of a little girl standing in front of a whitewashed wall holding a few apples in the lid of a hamper.

[ Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., London publishers. ] Copy of the firm's retrospective book 'Fifty Years 1898-1948', signed by twelve members of staff, including senior director George H. Milstead and directors Mervyn Horder and P. D. Crichton-Stuart.

Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., London publishers [ George H. Milsted; Mervyn Horder; P. D. Crichton-Stuart; A. J. Griffiths
Publication details: 
Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd. 3 Henrietta St., London, W.C.2. 'Printed for private circulation, 1948'.

62pp., 12mo. In printed boards with blue printed label with red text on front cover. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper, in worn boards. The flyleaf carries twelve signatures: 'George H. Milsted' (Senior Director), 'Mervyn Horder' (Director), 'Patrick Crichton-Stuart' (Director), 'A. J Griffiths.' ('London traveller'), 'Alan Harris' ('literary adviser'),'A. G. Lewis' ('On the managerial side'), 'G P Rothwell', 'A G. Rudge', 'M. H. Pyke.', '', 'E Walton.' and ''.

[ One of 255 copies, signed by Edward Heron-Allen. ] O. U. Miscellanies. No. 14. Account of The Great Learned Societies and Associations. And of the Chief Printing Clubs of Great Britain and Ireland.

'Bro. Bernard Quaritch, Librarian of the Sette of Odd Volumes' [ George Clulow, President; Edward Heron-Allen, club secretary; Wyman & Sons, London printers and binders ]
Publication details: 
[ The Sette of Odd Volumes, London. ] 'Imprynted by Bror C. W. H. Wyman, Typographer to ye Sette, at hys Printing-house in Great Queene Street, over against Lincoln's Inne Fields, within ye Parish of Saynt Giles in ye Fields London'.1886.

55 + [3]pp., 12mo. Frontispiece engraving of Quaritch, with facsimile of his signature. Bound in card boards covered in pink fake vellum paper printed in gold. In good condition, lightly aged, in lightly worn covers. Limitation leaf completed in manuscript, with this copy no. 134 of 255, with pencil signature of 'Ed. Heron Allen', presenting the book to ' Gottschalk'. Introduction by George Clulow, President. Note at end by 'B.

Statements of account of the sales of books by 'Owen Meredith' [Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton], by the London publishers Messrs. Macmillan & Co., Ltd., and Longmans, Green & Co.

Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton (1831-1891), Viceroy of India and poet under the pseudonym Owen Meredith
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1890 and 1916. Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row, London, EC. June 1893 to June 1916. Messrs. Macmillan & Co., 29 & 30 Bedford Street, Covent Garden [later St. Martin's Street], London. April 1890 to June 1900.

On forms printed in red and black, totalling 1p., folio; 40pp., landscape 8vo; 6pp. (of which four in landscape), 12mo. The seven accounts from Messrs. Macmillan & Co., all relating to 'The Ring of Amasis', are on seven sheets, landscape 8vo, dating from between 1889 and 1900.

Manuscript account book of the estates of Sir Thomas Maryon Wilson of Charlton House, titled 'Account of Payments Allowances and Expenditures for the Charlton Woolwich and Leicester Estates | From Christmas 1797'.

[Sir Thomas Maryon Wilson (1774-1821), 7th Baronet, of Charlton House; Woolwich and Charlton in Kent; Leicestershire]
Publication details: 
[Woolwich and Charlton.] Covering the period between 1797 and 1804.

36pp., 12mo. In worn calf-bound account book. In good internal condition, on aged paper; detached from the worn leather binding, and with the front free endpaper (bearing the title) loose. Label pasted to front cover reads: 'Accounts | G. B. R. | Charlton | Woolwich | Leicestershire | 1797 to 1804'. The volume is the work of Wilson (who acquired the estates in 1798 on the death of his father) or of his land agent. Paginated by the writer to 64, and with the accounts for 'Land Tax paid and allowed' on pp.1-7, for 'Cash paid & allowed for' on pp.11-23, and 'Cash paid & allowed for.

Mimeographed typescript history of a club for New York antiquarian booksellers, titled 'The Old Book Table | A Social Organisation | An Informal Record 1931-1970 | Lists of Officers & Members and of Guests of The Old Book Table | &c., &c.'

The Old Book Table, club for New York antiquarian booksellers, founded 1931 [Ernest R. Gee; E. Byrne Hackett, Brick Row Bookshop; Frank R. Thoms (Thoms and Eron); Edgar H. Wells; Geoffrey J. L. Gomme]
Publication details: 
Undated [1971]. New York: The OBT [i.e. The Old Book Table].

[iv] + 39 + 7 pp, with a further 17 pp loosely inserted at back (making a total of 67 pp), 4to. Good, in maroon plastic folder. Preface followed by list of 'Past Officers, Roster of Members, etc.', 'Chronology of The Old Book Table [1931-1970]' and 'Alphabetical List of Guests 1933-1970'. The loose leaves mainly consist of 'Extracts from the Minutes: 1931-1954'. The preface begins: 'Five members of the antiquarian booktrade in New York City met for a friendly dinner on the night of 9 January 1931. They were: Ernest R. Gee, a leading specialist in sporting and color plate books; E.

[British Book Trade.] Manuscript list of material, made by collector 'Mr Abrahams', with an Autograph Letter Signed from W. H. Peet, who made use of Abraham's collection in compiling the bibliographical index to Mumby's 'Romance of Book Selling'.

Abrahams; William Henry Peet [F. A. Mumby [Frank Arthur Mumby] (1872-1954), author of 'The Romance of Book Selling' (1910), later 'Publishing and Bookselling' (sixth edition, 1982)]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [circa 1910].

The manuscript is closely-written over 80pp., 4to, in green cloth, and is interleaved with the twenty leaves of Peet's printed bibliography from the 1910 edition of Mumby's book (paginated 431-470), to which it does not correspond, with only a small amount of the information in the manuscript also in Peet's bibliography. It contains a mass of material not present in Peet's bibliography, and has the main list followed by entries under the following headings: 'Booksellers' Portraits', 'Tokens', 'Petitions & Memorials', 'Charities', 'Magazine Articles', 'Book Labels' and 'Copyright'.

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