Thirty-four Autograph Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Vice-Admiral Sir (Henry) Percy Douglas
Publication details: 
1935-8; on letterheads including 18 Dealtry Road, Putney, and 34 Waterloo Mansions, Dover.

British sailor (1876-1939), hydrographer of the Royal Navy (1924-32), inventor of the Douglas Protractor and the Douglas-Appleyard Arcless Sextant. Various formats from 12mo to octavo. Very good, some docketed and/or bearing the Society's stamp. Relating to the business of the Society, and in particular to a lecture by Douglas involving film of the Manchester Ship Canal.

My friend Henry Miller.

Alfred Perles
Publication details: 
London: Neville Spearman, 1955.

8vo. Pages: xi + 242. 11 plates. Good, despite one bump at head of back board. Dustwrapper good, despite fraying at head and tail of spine and show-through sellotape discolouration . Dustjacket discoloration to free endpapers. Neat inscription, presumably by Perles, in green ink on front free endpaper 'To | Jack Mitchell | from Alfred Perles | & | Henry Miller | London March, 56.'

Three Typed Letters Signed, two of them to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with three leaflets relating to the 'THE AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS LTD.'

Alfred Henry Angus [ADVERTISING]
Publication details: 
The letters, 30 November, 3 and 7 December 1931; the first on the letterhead of the Audit Bureau of Circulations Ltd, and the last two on the letterhead of the Incorporated Society of British Advertisers Ltd.

Founder and first editor of The British Advertiser (1873-1957). The collection in very good condition, with rust marks from a paperclip to one item. All items quarto. All items signed 'Alfred H. Angus'. The first letter invites 'The Managing Editor' of the Society's Journal to become a member of the A.B. of C. 'It is felt that your co-operation would be of the utmost value to the Bureau in the achievent of its objectives.' Letter three states that the I.S.B.A. executive have 'unanimously elected' W. D. H. McCullough as their representative to the R.S.A. committee.

The cruise of the gyro-car.

Herbert Strang [pseudonym of George Herbert Ely and C. J. L'Estrange]
Publication details: 
London: Henry Frowde, Hodder & Stoughton. [No date, but circa 1914.]

Octavo. 243 pages. Frontispiece illustration. In original red cloth embossed binding. Poor copy: rear endpapers split, binding grubby, pages foxed. Presentation inscription on verso of flyleaf dated October 1914.

A letter to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, on the present wants of the church.

Henry Kingscote
Publication details: 
London: Seeley, Burnside, and Seeley, Fleet-street. Fourth edition. 1846. 'PRINTED BY L. SEELEY, THAMES DITTON, SURREY.'

Octavo. 16 pages. Disbound pamphlet from the Churchill Babington collection. Good, but with first and last pages somewhat grubby.

Printed governmental circular (in form of facsimile of manuscript) addressed to 'The Town Clerk' (with 'Town of Maidstone' in manuscript).

Henry Hobhouse [MAIDSTONE, KENT]
Publication details: 
Copy | Whitehall July 1827.'

Hobhouse (1776-1854) was a Privy Councillor in 1828, and Keeper of the State Papers, 1826-54. Quarto. One page. Very good, on first leaf of bifoliate. Folded twice. On watermarked Whatman paper of 1827. Facsimile signature 'H. Hobhouse'. Begins 'The King having been pleased to comply with the prayer of an humble Address presented to His Majesty in pursuance of a Resolution of the House of Commons [...] for a Return of all Towns Cities Places of Jurisdiction within England & Wales' and ending 'I am directed by Mr.

Typed Letter Signed to W. Perry, Royal Society of Arts.

Cecil Henry Desch
Publication details: 
2 February 1937; on letterhead (including map of environs) of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex.

Eminent British metallurgist (1874-1958). One page, quarto. Very good. 'I should have been pleased to take the chair at Professor Bragg's Lecture, but I have already undertaken to preside at a similar lecture by Professor Bragg [...] and to have the same Chairman on both occasions, the lectures dealing with the same subjects, would suggest that Metallurgy is very poorly represented in London. Would it be possible to get Sir Harold Carpenter to take the chair? I am sure that you will have a good Meeting, as Professor Bragg's lectures are always exceedingly interesting.' Signed 'C. H.

Autograph Note Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Professor Henry Gibson Atkins
Publication details: 
5 October 1915; '8, Granville Park | Blackheath, S.E.'

British linguist (1871-1942), Professor of German in the University of London. One page, 12mo. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. 'In answer to your letter of October 2nd., I have pleasure in sending a Report on the Viva Voce German Examinations held in 1915.' Signed 'H. G. Atkins'.

Four Typed Letters Signed to W. Perry and A. W. Luckhurst, Royal Society of Arts; and Typescript of 'Notes of Sir Philip Devitt's Speech at Southampton, 25th March, 1938.'

Sir Philip Henry Devitt
Publication details: 
Letters: 18 January 1935; 14 and 17 March and 23 May 1938; on letterhead of 'THE DEVITT & MOORE NAUTICAL COLLEGE, LTD.'

British mariner (1876-1947), 'Sole Partner of Devitt and Moore' (Who's Who). All five items very good. The four letters all one page, quarto. The typescript: seven pages, quarto. Three letters docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. LETTER ONE: He has received the letter informing him that 'any day about 12.30 will suit Captain Steele for the presentation of the Thomas Gray Memorial Shield. I presume that you have duly received the sheild and that it has been engraved and is being sent to H.M.S. "Worcester" [...]'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and first leaf of Autograph Letter; all three items to Sir Henry [Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Edward North Buxton [BIG GAME HUNTING]
Publication details: 
29 April and 2 May 1901, 8 May [1901]; all three items on letterhead 'KNIGHTON, | BUCKHURST HILL.'

Politician and director of Trueman, Hanbury, Buxton and Co. (1840-1924), whose entry in 'Who's who' describes his 'Recreations' as 'a keen follower of big game in four continents'. All three items 12mo and very good. The first two items on cream paper and bearing the Society's stamp; the last item on grey paper and docketed. First and last item signed 'E N Buxton'. ITEM ONE (two pages) addressed to 'Sir Trueman' [sic]: 'I have not forgotten that you asked me how my films stood the Climate & if I got any decent results in the Soudan'. Offers to show Wood 'a few' at the Athenaeum.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Henry T[rueman]. Wood, [Secretary,] Royal Society of Arts.

Alexander Joseph Finberg [THE WALPOLE SOCIETY]
Publication details: 
23 and 27 January 1917; both on Walpole Society letterhead.

British art historian (1866-1939) whose papers are now in the Courtauld Institute, London; Turner specialist and founder of the Walpole Society. Both items one page, quarto, very good. Both docketed and bearing the Society's stamp, and signed 'A. J. Finberg'. First letter enquires whether 'a full list of the recipients of [the Society's awards] has been published, or whether the materials for the compilation of such a list are in existence & are accessible to research'.

Typed Note Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

William Henry Patchell
Publication details: 
12 August 1922; on letterhead '64, Victoria Street, | Westminster, | London, S.W.1.'

British engineer (1862-1932), President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and for thirteen years 'Engineer-in-Chief, Charing Cross, West End, and City Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd'. One page, quarto. Very good. Thanks Menzies for a copy of the Society's journal, 'including Dr. Crowley's Paper with my contribution'. Signed 'W. H. Patchell'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to [Sir Henry Trueman Wood,] the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir John Wolfe Wolfe-Barry
Publication details: 
Letter one: 28 June 1917; letter two: 29 October 1917; both on letterhead 'DELAHAY HOUSE, | 15, CHELSEA EMBANKMENT, | S.W.3.'

British railway engineer (1836-1918). Both items very good, and both stamped and docketed, and signed 'J. Wolfe-Barry'. LETTER ONE: one page, octavo. 'I have much pleasure in accepting the Office of Vice President of the Society and shall be glad, as an ex-officio member of the Council to be summoned to its meetings'. LETTER TWO: one page, octavo (landscape). 'I want to propose William Archer Tait D.Sc Civil Engineer for admission to the Royal Sy of Arts. His address is 9 Victoria Street S.W. Please take the necessary steps'.

Note in a secretarial hand Signed to Sir H[enry]. T[rueman]. Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with compliments slip.

Sir Benjamin Baker
Publication details: 
The letter, 11 June 1901; the compliments slip 17 June 1901; both on letterhead '2, Queen Square Place, | Queen Anne's Mansions, Westminster, S.W.'

English civil engineer (1840-1907), who built the Forth Rail Bridge and worked on the Metropolitan and District Railways of the London Underground. Both items one page, octavo, on grey paper. Both in good condition, stamped and docketed. The note, signed 'B. Baker', reads 'I am sorry to say the Glasgow University Jubilee will prevent me and I have no doubt others from beingn at Marlborough House on the 14th.' The slip reads 'With Sir Benjamin Baker's Compliments.'

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Morris
Publication details: 
St Beuno's College, S: Asaph. | October 27, 1875.'

English Jesuit (1826-93). Two pages, 12mo. Very good. He found what his correspondent had to say about Nicholas Roscarrock (an Elizabethan Roman Catholic versifier) very interesting, and is 'glad to hear that you have materials for a memoir of him.' He provides detailed answers to the two questions his correspondent has asked, but 'cannot add to the information you have so industriously collected'. Looks forward to his correspondent's memoir and thanks him for promising to send it.

Autograph Letter in the third person to the City [of London] Remembrancer.

Sir Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquis of Lansdowne
Publication details: 
Berkley [sic] Sq[uar]e. | May 12th.' [no year, but post 1809].

Aristocrat and politician (1780-1863). Two pages, 4to. Grubby, stained and creased. Several folds. Remains of mount adhering to one edge, and with small piece of glued paper at foot of verso. Formal letter in the third person. 'The Marquis of Lansdowne presents his compliments to the City Remembrancer, & will be happy to present the petition of the Corporation of the City this day as requested. The House of Lords in consequence of the event of yesterday is to meet this day at two oclock, & may possibly adjourn soon afterwards.

Autograph Letter Signed to the wife of the Rev. Charles Henry Middleton Wake.

Alexander Henry Hallam Murray
Publication details: 
9 June 1881; on letterhead '50, ALBEMARLE ST. | W.'

Son (1854-1936) of the publisher John Murray and partner in the firm. The husband (1828-1915) of the recipient was a connoisseur and print collector. Two pages, 12mo. Folded three times. In very good condition. He cannot accept the dinner engagement for the 13th June. 'I have unfortunately an engagement on that evening to dine with friends in this neighbourhood.'

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville
Publication details: 
Downing Street | Saturday. 12. O Clo | 2. 3. 1799'.

Scottish advocate and statesman (1742-1811). One page, quarto. Bifoliate on good laid paper watermarked 1798. Grubby and somewhat ruckled, and with small printed notice neatly pasted in bottom right-hand corner. 'My Dear Sir | I have your letter, and should be glad to see you before you see Lord Liverpool or any other Person. Will you dine with me tomorrow. | Yours sincerely | Henry Dundas'.

Autograph Note in third person to G. S. Allan.

Henry Hallam
Publication details: 
24 Wilton Crescent | Thursday May 2' (without year, but docketed '1844').

English historian (1777-1859). One page, 8vo. Folded twice. In good condition although slightly grubby and with one small closed tear at foot from clumsy cutting. Verso attached to remains of previous mount. Reads 'Mr Hallam will be glad to see Mr G. S. Allen tomorrow morning at ten, if he has ceased to attend Mrs Marcets [the author Jane Haldimand Marcet, 1769-1858] or at 1/2 past nine if he still does so.'

The pillar of the cloud: "lead, kindly light": Cardinal Newman, 1833. A translation into Latin elegiacs.

Richard Horton Smith [Cardinal John Henry Newman]
Publication details: 
A reprint from 'Notes and Queries,' ninth series, vol. x. p. 425.; November 1902.

Horton Smith is described on the title as 'K.C., M.A., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge'. Attractively printed 12mo bifoliate on good quality paper, but with the blank verso of the second leaf still adhering to piece of the paper on which it was mounted. Newman's poem of 1833 and Smith's translation of 1902 facing.

Autograph Signature.

Joseph Hatton
Publication details: 
No place; December 1901.

Piece of grey card, dimensions roughly 5 1/2 inches by 4 inches. In poor condition: grubby and discoloured, and crudely mounted on a piece of card. Novelist and journalist (1841-1907). Clearly in reply to a request for an autograph, Hatton has written, in a large hand, 'With pleasure - | Yours very truly | Joseph Hatton | Dec 1901'. Neatly docketed with a number '30' in a circle.

Substantial Part of Autograph Letter Signed [to Charles Dolman], Catholic Bookseller/Publisher.

Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman [Cardinal Wiseman]
Publication details: 
No date (but 1853); on letterhead '8 York Place | Portman Square | London W'.

Four pages. 16mo bifoliate. In poor condition: grubby, creased, stained and worn. Traces of previous mounting along top of two central pages, and of stub along one edge, removal of which has caused a small hole (not affecting text). A letter to the publisher of his 'Essays on various subjects' (3 vols, 1853): '<...> sermons, I have "50 Heaven" "Means of salvation" being "49." | Either therefore our lists do not agree, or one of us has made a mistake.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Roman Catholic cardinal-archbishop of Westminster (1802-65). Paper dimensions approximately 2 3/4 inches by 4 inches. Grubby and creased. Reads 'Yours sincerely &c | N. Wiseman'.

Autograph letter signed to an [W.H. Harrison, poet, editor of "Friendship's Offering", literary advisor to Ruskin]

Thomas Miller.:
Publication details: 
31 Elliott's Row, St George's Road, Southwark, 22 May 1837

Poet and novelist, basketmaker and bookseller (1807-1874). One page, 4to, one nick not affecting text, fold marks and signs of having been laid down, mainly good. He has made "few alterations in the Poem, which if you think an improvement, may be adopted. I am afraid that so much practise in writing prose is creeping into and tinging my poetry. I do not truly like this 'Desolate Hall' and yet I can do nothing better at present". He has had no review in the "Literary Gazette" as yet, and comments on the "mass of new books that every corner of the columns have been crowded . . . Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed to Lewis S. Benjamin.

Leonard Huxley
Publication details: 
3 May 1920; 16 Bracknell Gardens, Hampstead, N.W.3, on letterhead of The Cornhill Magazine, John Murray, 50A Albemarle Street, London, W.1.

English writer and editor (DNB), son of the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley and father of the novelist Aldous Huxley. One page, 8vo, in good condition. Docketed 'not acknowledged'. 'Having secured a clear evening on May 10th I look forward to attending the dinner of the Titmarsh Club, & beg to enclose cheque for my subscription 12/6. I do not propose to bring a guest.'

Autograph Letters Signed (x 2) to Mrs [Henry?] Brewster.

Anna Bishop.
Publication details: 
Pavilion Hotel, no date, and Madras, [18] March 1868.

Ann[a] Bishop, singer (1814-1884)(DNB). (No date) Three pages, 8vo, fair but legible, edge rough where extracted from an album.. She is sorry not to have been able to see her. She is travelling to Australia on that day and willbe in England in four months. She apologises for the writing, giving the reason. (1868) Four pages, 8vo, good condition but edge rough where extrcated from an album. She would be pleased to meet Mrs Brewster in England and gives her brother's address ("Mr Riviere". She would be happy to give her singing lessons. Two items,

autograph letters signed (x 2).

Tom Heslewood
Publication details: 
one 1910 and one 1940.

Actor and costume designer (1868-?). The first letter, docketted "Alas poor Tom -", to Miss Grosvenor, 4 December 1940, 18 Selwood Terrace., 2 pp, 8vo. He apologises for not being able to attend any of her at homes. "I have been at Plymouth & Cardiff the last fortnight with H. B. Irving [Henry Brodribb Irving, 1870-1919] arranging his new play". The second letter, to L. E. Berman, 21 April 1940, with embossment 52 Temple Fortune Hill, 2 pp, 12mo, in stamped envelope addressed in autograph. He thanks him for forwarding the letter from Barking.

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