Photographic portrait by J. E. Mayall of Brighton and New Bond Street.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet, biographer and translator
Publication details: 
Without date. 'J. E. MAYALL | 91, KING'S ROAD | BRIGHTON | 164, NEW BOND ST. | LONDON. W.'

Dimensions of photograph 9 x 5.5 cm. Good sepia image, on backing card with Mayall's details printed in red at foot. Reverse of card mostly covered with remains of previous cream paper mount. This image does not feature among the three portraits of Martin listed in the National Portrait Gallery's online catalogue of its collection.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C S.Calverley') to Mrs [?] Lewis [of Ickleton?].

Charles Stuart Calverley (1831-1884), English poet and wit [Sir George Grove]
Publication details: 
Bishopsbourne Rectory, Canterbury; 19 August [year not stated].

Three pages, 12mo. Very good. The blank verso of the second leaf of the bifolium laid down on remains of leaf detached from autograph album. Begins 'At length by certain Proofs 'tis plain (to quote a hymn familiar to my childhood but forgotten now all but that first line) that the readers of Macmillan will know all that is to be known about the mistletoe, thanks to your labours, before Christmas.' He hopes she has received the proofs, and says that 'Grove, the Editor, writes to me that they are in type & he is forwarding them to Ickleton'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Pearce to Keppel, docketed by the latter 'Tallemachs Charges &c'.

W. Pearce; Frederick Walpole Keppel (1797-1858) of Lexham Hall near Swaffham, Norfolk; Tallemach; Windsor Park and Castle
Publication details: 
29 December 1837; 10 Whitehall Place [London].

Three pages, octavo. On aged, dampstained paper with a few nicks, but with text entirely legible. Addressed on verso of second leaf of bifolium to 'F. W. Keppel Esqre | Lexham Hall near | Swaffham | Norfolk', with two postmarks ('Swaffham | Morning Post' in black and maltese cross containing date in red) and red wax seal. An unusually intimate agent's letter, of significance to Windsor local history. Keppel's letters 'are always most acceptable to us "Old folks"'. Despite some 'little Relapses', Mrs Pearce's health continues 'tolerably well'.

Letter in secretarial hand signed by Webb ('Aston Webb') to Alice Bertha, Lady Gomme (1852-1938).

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), English architect, best-known for Admiralty Arch, the Victoria Memorial and his work on Buckingham Palace
Publication details: 
1 March 1912; on letterhead '19, QUEEN ANNE'S GATE | WESTMINSTER | LONDON, S.W.'

One page, octavo. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. 'Pray use me as you think fit on Monday March 4th. & I will do what I can | Perhaps you would not mind telling me if it is to be in reply to a toast & if so what & also whether decorations are worn. I imagine it is more or less of a private dinner & therefore they will not be'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

General Charles Grey
Publication details: 
W[indso]r. C[a]stle | Feb. 14. 1859'.

Grey (1804-1870) was successively Private Secretary to Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. Three pages, 12mo. Good, on grubby paper discoloured with age. He acknowledges receipt of the letter of the twelfth inst. 'The recovery of any <?> which shd revert to the Crown, is, I apprehend, a matter for the Treasury to look to - as it is for the Gnt. to consider the provisions which it is expedient to adopt in any measure of the nature of that to which you allude.' He is commanded by Albert to thank his correspondent for the 'kind attention which has prompted you to make this communication'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed to Kenneth Luckhurst, Secretary, and G. P. Griggs, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with four unsigned carbons of Typed Letters from them to him.

Sir Charles Harvard Gibbs-Smith [AVIATION]
Publication details: 
1949-51; three on letterheads of the Victoria & Albert Museum.

Historian of aviation (1909-81) at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. Eight items, various formats. Very good. LETTER ONE (two pages, octavo, 14 January 1949, on V & A letterhead): 'As a very new fellow of the Society I hesitate to burden you with reading the enclosed [an article on 'Father Gusmao: the first practical pioneer in aeronautics', not present], but I thought there might be some chance of its appearing in the Journal. It is too historical for the Roy. Aeronautical Society's Journal and too aeronautical for the others, so I am stuck!

Autograph Note Signed to M[arion]. H[arry]. Spielman[n].

Sir Aston Webb
Publication details: 
9 December 1903; on letterhead 19 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, London, S.W.

English architect (1849-1930), responsible for many notable London buildings, including the Victoria and Albert Museum. The recipient Spielmann (1858-1948) was an art historian. One page, 12mo. Grubby, and with pin holes in top left-hand corner, as well as small closed tear at foot of leaf (not affecting text). Reads 'I regret that having to be in Manchester on Friday next I shall be unable to attend the art Committee of the St. Louis Exhibition'. Signed 'Aston Webb'.

Catalogue & Supplement 5,800 named and dated silhouette portraits by August Edouard 1789-1861. Silhouettist to the Royal Family of France and to H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester' and 'Catalogue of 3,800 [...] American silhouette portraits' by Edouart.

Mrs F. Nevill Jackson [Augustin Amant Constant Fidèle Edouart; SILHOUETTE PORTRAITS]
Publication details: 
ITEM ONE (5,800 portraits): 'HARDING & CURTIS, LTD., BATH.' [1914]; ITEM TWO (3,800 American portraits): 'WAKEHAM, TYP., KENSINGTON.' [circa 1925].

ITEM ONE: 56 pages, octavo. In original orange printed wraps. Poor, on cheap paper discoloured with age, and with damage and loss to wraps. PRESENTATION COPY to 'Mr. Joseph Ceci'. ITEM TWO: 32 pages, octavo. In original green printed wraps. Poor, on even cheaper paper fraying at extremities, but without loss to text. Both items with Mrs Jackson's address on front wrap amended in her hand. Both items poorly repaired with tape. Two items,

One Autograph Letter Signed and one Typed Letter Signed to W. Perry, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Arthur Leigh Bolland Ashton [Leigh Ashton]
Publication details: 
Typed letter: 19 November 1930; autograph letter, no date; both items on (different) Victoria & Albert Museum letterheads.

Director (1897-1983) and Secretary, Victoria and Albert Museum, 1945-55. Both items one page, quarto. Both in very good condition. Typed letter bearing R.S.A. stamp. Both items concerning a projected lecture. TYPED LETTER: Perry will have a typescript by the end of the month, 'but as a good dea of my lecture is extempore you may find it rather shorter than you had anticipated. The written part will be roughly two thousand words.' Signed Leigh Ashton'. AUTOGRAPH LETTER: Perry will 'have to be content with the length of M.S. I send in. It may possibly run to 3000 but not more.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir James Graham of the Secretary of State's Office.

Sir Hugh Percy, 3rd Duke of Northumberland
Publication details: 
6 June 1842; Northumberland House.

English aristocrat (1785-1847). The recipient, Sr James Graham (1792-1861) was Home Secretary under Sir Robert Peel. One page, 4to. In good condition, but with traces of brown-paper mount adhering to reverse and causing ruckling, and some creasing to one edge. He forwards a 'Dutiful and Loyal Address from The Inhabitants of the Town of Alnwick and its Vicinity on the late Providential escape of the Queen', and asks that it be presented to her at 'an early opportunity'. Signed 'Northumberland'. There were two assassination attempts on Queen Victoria in 1842.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Edward, Prince of Saxe-Weimar
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Army officer (1823-1902), nephew of Queen Adelaide, wife of William IV, and one of the young Queen Victoria's playfellows. Paper dimensions roughly 2 1/2 inches by 1 1/2. In good condition, although with two light creases. Reads 'Edd. Saxeweimar'. Small fragment of letter with mourning border on reverse. Docketed in heavy black ink on reverse 'Prince Edd of Saxe Weimar', with some showthrough under signature on other side.

Autograph Note Signed to Lady Stanley.

George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge
Publication details: 
23 March 1867; on letterhead 'Gloucester House, | Park Lane, W.'

English aristocrat and military commander (1819-1904; DNB), grandson of George III and cousin of Queen Victoria. 2 pages, 16mo. In good condition despite minor discoloration and one ink stain. He asks her to forgive him for being unable to come to her house the previous day 'as I had most fully intended to do'. Signed 'George'.

Printed form filled in in manuscript and with the Bishop's Autograph Signature, authorising the removal of the Rev John Gottlieb Lincke, Missionary Minister of Burdwan, to the Missionary Circuit of Calcutta; docketed with Signed Note by Fisher.

Daniel Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta, and Henry Fisher, Commissary
Publication details: 
The form, 9 May 1837; Fisher's note, 22 September 1838; place unstated in both.

Fifth Bishop of Calcutta (1778-1858). 2 pages, 8vo. In very good condition. Signed 'Daniel Calcutta'. Fisher's note reads 'I sanction the return of the Rev Mr Lincke back again to Burdwan his former station pending the confirmation of the Bishop on his return | Henry Fisher | Commissary | 22d. Sept. 1838'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Edward, Duke of Kent
Publication details: 
26 December 1808; no place.

Father of Queen Victoria (died 1820). On piece of paper roughly 3 1/2 inches square. In very good condition. Fragments of seven lines of letter on reverse. These, and the valediction ('<...> yours | most faithfu') are written in a secretary's hand, and the signature 'Edward' is deliberately written over the words '26 December 1808 | HRH The Duke | of Kent' which are lengthwise and downwards. Docketed 'Lr. to F. Marshal H. <...> | The Duke of Kent 29 D<...>'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Sir Henry Keppel, Admiral of the Fleet.
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

For Keppel (1809-1904) see the DNB. On a slip of paper, 1 inch by 2¾, probably cut from a letter. Grubby and creased, and docketed in ink 'Admiral Keppel'. Mounted on a long slip, together with the signature of his brother 'Edwd. S[outhwell]: Keppel' (b. c. 1801), Rector Of Quidenham, Norfolk, on a piece cut from another letter, 1¼ inches by 3. This second signature is in better condition and is preceded by "Dear Sir | Yours very truly'. Two items,

Autograph letter signed (part of) to unknown correspondent.

G.C. Lewis
Publication details: 
No date.

Statesman (1806-1863). Vestiges of its having been laid down in an album. Part of a letter as follows: " . . . chloroform, & with perfect success but she has since suffered much pain. Her recovery, I am happy to say, is . . ." and overleaf the following " . . . & therefore I conclude that it was quite groundless" Ever yrs truly/ GCLewis". Tantalising fragment but Queen Victoria was a well-known pioneer in the use of chloroform in child-birth, and is the likely subject for a letter by a member of her Government.

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