Typed Letter Signed ('Edwin H. Blashfield') by the American mural painter Edwin Howland Blashfield, inviting Mr and Mrs Thomas to visit him in his studio in Carnegie Hall, to see works 'which will probably not be exhibited again in New York'.

Edwin H. Blashfield [Edwin Howland Blashfield] (1848-1936), American mural painter [Carnegie Hall, New York]
Publication details: 
[New York.] 17 April 1918.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. A circular, with Blashford adding the names of the recipients in manuscript, together with the words 'and Thursday, April 25' and 'and a pastiche poster'. An invitation on 22 and 25 April 1918, to 'a very few friends (as my studio will only hold a few) to come to me on the eighth floor of Carnegie Hall, 57th Street and 7th Avenue, to see several decorative canvases, and a pastiche poster, some of which will probably not be exhibited again in New York'. Blashfield's papers are in the Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian.

Autograph Letter Signed ('MM.') from Maton Marble, editor of New York World, to 'My dear Jack', also 'J R H'. With newspaper cutting comparing Marble's handwriting with that of a cipher dispatch by 'Moses', in article on vote-rigging and forgery.

Manton Marble (1834-1917), American journalist, editor of the New York World
Publication details: 
Letter: on letterhead of 'The World' Office, 35 Park Row, New York. 'Saturday AM' [no date]. Newspaper cutting, without date or place.

Both items good, on aged paper. Letter: 1p., 12mo. He has 'spoken to three or four of the members' on his behalf, 'most gladly - and have written to Secretary MacDonough to vouch himself & present my voucher to the Com. on Admissions.' Newspaper cutting: Titled 'The Effort to buy a vote in Florida. | Tell-tale fac-similes of dispatches, cipher and plain. | A comparison between a significant telegram of Moses and one signed by Moses Manton.' Giving facsimiles of the two documents, with explanation: 'We present herewith a facsimile of the cipher dispatch in which Moses informs Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed from the New York journalist Manton Marble to Samuel Dana Horton, hoping for the pleasure of a 'Monetary Confference'.

Manton Marble (1834-1917), American journalist, editor of the New York World [Samuel Dana Horton (1844-1895), writer on bimetallism]
Publication details: 
'<Warmley's?> - Wash[ingto]n'. 29 November 1885.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He has found Horton's 'card, & address' on returning from dinner, and is sorry to miss the chance of seeing him, 'but I return to New York in the limited train in the morning.' He hopes Horton will be in New York before he returns to Ohio, 'and that you will give me the pleasure of a "Monetary Conference". Marble shared Horton's interests, also in 1885 he went to Europe as a delegate to the Bi-Metallic Congress.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S Southwick') from the printer and editor of the 'Albany Register' Solomon Southwick the younger to Erastus Corning, describing recent unsuccessful ventures, and planned educational publications.

Solomon Southwick (1773-1839), printer and editor of the 'Albany Register' [Erastus Corning (1794-1872), Mayor of Albany, New York, and railway pioneer]
Publication details: 
Albany [New York]; 16 February 1838.

3pp., folio. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper with slight wear to edges.

Autograph Letter Signed from the legal theorists Theodore Sedgwick to 'Jno C. <Hind?>' of 67 Chatham Street [New York].

Theodore Sedgwick (1811-1859), American lawyer and legal theorist
Publication details: 
44 Wall Street, New York; 16 September [1856].

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads 'Dear Sir | I am under obligations to you for yr. polite note of the 15th. & for yr. pamphlet - The subject is one of great importance & I shall read it with interest.' Perhaps the New York surveyor John C. Hind, who was active in the 1820s.

Autograph Letter Signed from Whitelaw Reid, editor of the New York Tribune, to J. R. Howard of New York. With photographic reproduction of portrait.

Whitelaw Reid (1837-1912), editor of the New York Tribune, Republican Vice-Presidential nominee in 1892 (with President Benjamin Harrison), and author of 'Ohio in the War' (1867)
Publication details: 
Letter: New York; 12 November 1869. Photograph: circa 1905.

1p., 12mo. On letterhead of the New York Tribune. Very good. Addressed to 'J. R. Howard | No. 39 Park Row'. Reid writes that he 'came down' after 'our first side had been stereotyped', and so was 'unable to insert in the Financial column the items of news you were good enough to send'. He hopes 'it will not be too late to use them on Monday'. The photographic portrait of Reid ('Copyright, 1902, by Rockwood') is taken from a magazine, and is captioned 'Hon. Whitelaw Reid, next Ambassador to the Court of St. James'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Meriam') from the meteorologist Ebenezer Meriam to the abolitionist and Unitarian minister Samuel J. May of Syracuse, New York, on the education of Onondaga Indian Children.

Ebenezer Meriam (1794-1864), American meteorologist, statistician, pamphleteer and philanthropist [Samuel Joseph May (1797-1871), Harvard-educated Unitarian minister and abolitionist]
Publication details: 
New York; 8 April 1854.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Meriam is enclosing a 'copy of bill appropriating $350 per annum for two years for the education &c of Onondaga Indian Children which was signed by the Governor on the 5th Inst'. The letter ends with Meriam reporting the receipt of two letters. Syracuse University Library holds a collection of 'Ebenezer Meriam Letters on Onondaga Indian Education', including eight from May.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Lord') from the theologian Eleazar Lord to the Rev. Dr James Richards of Newark, discussing the endowment of 'another Professorship' and other matters apparently relating to the New York Sunday School Union Society.

Eleazar Lord (1788-1871), DD, American financier, railway president, theologian and philanthropist [Rev. James Richards, DD, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Newark]
Publication details: 
[2 September 1823.]

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on the reverse of the second leaf to 'Revd Doct Richards | Newark'. Undated, but docketed by Richards 'E Lord DD | Sepr 2d | 1823 | author of the Biog. Dictionary'. Lord writes that he was glad to receive Richards' letter. 'I have as yet only the offer of a mann to be one of 4 to endow another Professorship. - He is however deliberating of a larger grant. The man on whom I hd placed some dependence, will I fear disappoint me.' He asks if 'any thing in this way' could be done on Richards' 'side of the river'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the New York publisher Henry Holt to 'Professor Platt' [Johnson Tuttle Platt of Yale Law School], enquiring as to the merits of a text book.

Henry Holt (1840-1926), New York bookseller, publisher, editor and author [Professor Johnson Tuttle Platt (1844-1890) of Yale Law School]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 25 Bond Street, New York; 2 February 1876.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with short unobtrusive closed tear along crease line. Holt writes that he is mailing the book which they discussed. 'The specimen appears to contain a trifle over a quarter of the scheme. Whether the bulk would correspond to the theoretic divisions, you can guess better than I.' Holt presumes that 'glancing' at the book will interest Platt, and asks for 'an idea of it's [sic] probable use fulness and the extent of the class, whether practitioners or students, apt to be interested in it'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the abolitionist Hinton Rowan Helper to John Cook Rives, editor of the Congressional Globe.

Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909), racist and abolitionist, United States Consul at Buenos Aires, 1861-1866, author of 'The Impending Crisis of the South' (1857) [John Cook Rives (1795-1864), editor]
Publication details: 
43 Pine Street, New York; 22 February 1860.

1p., landscape 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Helper asks Rives to send, with 'back numbers, from the commencement of the present Session [...] the Congressional Globe (and Appendix) for the thirty-sixth Congress'. He discusses payment and method of delivery.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. T. Headley') from Joel Tyler Headley, Secretary of State of New York, [to his father], expressing his desire to return to the Auburn Theological Seminary in New York following a bout of ill health.

Joel Tyler Headley (1813-1897), Secretary of State of New York, clergyman, author and newspaper editor [Auburn Theological Seminary, New York]
Publication details: 
Spencer; 8 August 1837.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged lined paper. Headley's father - a Presbyterian clergyman - is not named, but the letter is addressed to 'Rev and dear Sir', with the valediction reading 'Respectfully & affectionately', and the context makes it quite clear that he is the recipient.

Autograph Letter Signed from the poet and patron of the arts John Kenyon to 'Mr. Curtis' [George William Curtis of the New York Tribune], inviting him and his brother to dine with 'our genial friend Felton'. With portrait.

John Kenyon (1784-1856), poet and patron [George William Curtis (1824-1892), American traveller; James Burrill Curtis (1822-1898); Cornelius Conway Felton (1807-1862), President of Harvard College]
Publication details: 
39 Devonshire Place [London]; 19 May [1847?].

2pp., 12mo. Very good. Neatly presented, With the blank second leaf of the bifolium tipped in onto a large leaf of cream paper, with the engraved portrait of Kenyon (7 x 8 cm), extracted from a contemporary magazine, laid down above it, both items surrounded by a ruled border. Kenyon begins the letter: 'I have a male party to dine with me on Saturday next - consisting of persons whom you would I think like to meet - our genial friend Felton among them.

Autograph Letter Signed from the American cook Juliet Corson to 'Miss Booth' [Mary Louise Booth, editor of Harper's Bazaar], discussing the arrangements for the writing of a book ['Every-Day Cookery, Table Talk, and Hints for the Laundry', 1884].

Juliet Corson (1841-1897), American writer of cookery books, Superintendent of the New York Cooking School (founded by her in 1874) [Mary Louise Booth (1831-1889), first editor of Harper's Bazaar]
Publication details: 
Continental Hotel, New York; 6 September 1883.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on aged paper, neatly placed in a thin windowpane mount. After acknowledging receipt of $90, Corson announces that the previous week she 'had a letter from the House accepting my book.' She has received no answer to her letter asking for 'some information', and asks Booth to 'be my mediator again'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mary H. Catherwood') from the novelist Mary Hartwell Catherwood to her publisher Charles F. Chichester of the Century Company, requesting correction of statement 'according to "White Islander" contract'. With two portraits.

Mary Hartwell Catherwood (1847-1902), American author of historical romances, mostly set in set in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois [Charles F. Chichester, Treasurer of the Century Company, New York]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but answered by Chichester on 1 January [1883].

1p., 12mo. Very good, within thin paper windowpane mount. She writes 'Dear Mr. Chichester:- | I return statement. Please have it corrected according to "White Islander" contract, and send me the check early in February. And I shall be obliged.' Docketed by Chichester 'Ansd. 1. 30' and 'Corrected State. sent | Sent Ck $186.66'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. S. Henry') from Caleb Sprague Henry. editor of the New York Review, to William Whitwell Greenough, accepting an article, but complaining of Greenough's handwriting, and of 'a difficulty in getting Saxon type'.

Caleb Sprague Henry (1804-1884), Episcopal clergyman and author, editor of the New York Review, Professor of History and Philosophy in New York University [William Whitwell Greenough (1818-1899]
Publication details: 
New York; 26 April 1838.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. 57 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'William W. Greenough | Andover | Massachusetts', with circular postmark in red ink and remains of red wax seal. Regarding 'the article on Bosworth's Anglo-Sax. Dict.', Henry writes: 'From the few first pages that I have read & the glance that I have given at the rest, I am satisfied that I shall be glad to print your article.

Mimeographed typescript history of a club for New York antiquarian booksellers, titled 'The Old Book Table | A Social Organisation | An Informal Record 1931-1970 | Lists of Officers & Members and of Guests of The Old Book Table | &c., &c.'

The Old Book Table, club for New York antiquarian booksellers, founded 1931 [Ernest R. Gee; E. Byrne Hackett, Brick Row Bookshop; Frank R. Thoms (Thoms and Eron); Edgar H. Wells; Geoffrey J. L. Gomme]
Publication details: 
Undated [1971]. New York: The OBT [i.e. The Old Book Table].

[iv] + 39 + 7 pp, with a further 17 pp loosely inserted at back (making a total of 67 pp), 4to. Good, in maroon plastic folder. Preface followed by list of 'Past Officers, Roster of Members, etc.', 'Chronology of The Old Book Table [1931-1970]' and 'Alphabetical List of Guests 1933-1970'. The loose leaves mainly consist of 'Extracts from the Minutes: 1931-1954'. The preface begins: 'Five members of the antiquarian booktrade in New York City met for a friendly dinner on the night of 9 January 1931. They were: Ernest R. Gee, a leading specialist in sporting and color plate books; E.

Eleven Autograph Letters Signed from the diplomat Sir William Alexander Smart to Ernest Frederick Gye of the Foreign Office, from New York, Saloncia, Beirut, Damascus, and five from Paris, with references to James Joyce, Sylvia Beach and Proust.

Sir William Alexander Smart (1883-1962), British diplomat in the Levant and Egypt [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat; Sylvia Beach; James Joyce; Marcel Proust]
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1917 and 1926. One from New York (1917); one from Salonica (1919); five from Paris (one undated, the other four 1922); one from Beirut (1923); three from Damascus (1924, 1925 and 1926).

Totalling 68 pp, comprising 50 pp, 12mo; 18 pp, 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Two signed 'W. A. Smart' and the others 'WAS.' All addressed to 'My dear Ernest'. Written in a spirited, chatty, and (for a diplomat) surprisingly indiscreet style, of which the beginning of the second letter (Salonica; 19 August 1919), concerning the appointment of Victor Vincent Cusden (1893-1980), gives a good example: 'Were you not content with condemning me to physical and financial ruin in this death-trap? Why, to add to my afflictions, did you send me this pathetic shop-boy?

Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis of Proctor's Theatre, New York, regarding his acquaintance with the author 'Frank Forester' (Henry William Herbert).

Frederick Mather (1833-1900), author, editor of the Chicago 'Field' and Superintendent of the New York and United States Fish Commissions [Henry William Herbert ('Frank Forester'), 1807-1858)]
Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis
Publication details: 
19 November 1893; on printed card of the New York and United States Fish Commissions, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.
Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis

13 x 7.5 card. Fair, on aged paper, with minor creasing to one corner. Stamped and addressed on one side to 'Mr. J. Charles Davis | Proctor's Theatre | New York'. The unsigned card (with the words 'and United States' deleted from the heading) has partly printed text. Mather completes it in pencil, acknowledging the 'inquiry about Frank Forester' and stating that 'as a boy I knew him and shot with him but my recollections would be of no value'. He ends by saying that he will 'try to brush them up' on his 'return from the west'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the chemist Frederick Early Tozer ('Fred. E. Tozer') to his former employer Alfred Clay Abraham, of Clay and Abraham, Liverpool pharmacists, comparing New York and Ohio in 1889 with England.

Frederick Early Tozer (d.1940) [Alfred Clay Abraham (1853-1942), Liverpool pharmacist]
Publication details: 
15 December 1889. 'c/o H. Waterman, Esq. Ravenna - Ohio'.

140 lines of text, written out on both sides of a strip of ruled paper, with one side forming two outside 12mo pages (each 13 x 10 cm) by the folding the strip horizontally halfway down, and the reverse carrying one continuous column over a 13 x 20 cm single page. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. Tozer had shone in his training as a pharmacist, with the British Medical Journal reporting his winning in 1881 of a medal in practical pharmacy and dispensing, and a certificate in botany. By 1889 he was working in Castle Street, Liverpool, for A. C.

[Handbill] Draft of Resolutions for the Permanent Establishment of a Navy Club

[New York Yacht Club?]
Draft of Resolutions for the Permanent Establishment of a Navy Club
Publication details: 
No date [New York Yacht Club founded in 1844]
Draft of Resolutions for the Permanent Establishment of a Navy Club

Printed handbill, c.20 x 24.5cm, possibly trimmed, faint foxing, small closed tear, one small stain, mainly good. We, who have hereunto subscruibed our names, do severally agree to unite in forming an Association to be entitled the NAVY CLUB, and to appoint a Committee to frame a Constitution and Laws ... For remaining contents, a scan of this item can be found on my website, richardfordmanuscripts.co.uk

Typed Note Signed by Carl Van Vechten to 'Miss Lucha', thanking her for a copy of the Gertrude Stein number of the Academic Observer.

Carl Van Vechten (1880-1964), American author and literary executor of Gertrude Stein [Margaret Lucha; the Academic Observer]
Typed Note Signed by Carl Van Vechten
Publication details: 
15 April 1937; on Van Vechten's 101 Central Park West, New York, letterhead.
Typed Note Signed by Carl Van Vechten

8vo, 1 p. Typed and signed in light-blue, beneath green letterhead, and with 'CARL VAN VECHTEN' 'watermark' at centre of page. Text clear and complete. On lightly aged paper, worn and dogeared at extremities. He thanks her for the copy of 'the Academic Observer (Gertrude Stein number) which intererested me so much that I am writing to ask if I may have another copy for a friend of mine, Please.' Autograph note explains that the 'friend' is one 'who also collects Steiniana'. Docketed in pencil on reverse: 'Miss Mallory | Keep this until I call - someday I will. | [signed] M. Lucha'.

The Valuable Private Library of Lucius L. Hubbard of Houghton, Michigan. Consisting almost wholly of Rare Books and Pamphlets relating to American History. [partially priced and named]

Lucius L. Hubbard [Lucius Lee Hubbard (1849-1933)] [Merwin Sales Company, New York auctioneers; Americana; auction catalogues; United States history]
[Catalogue] The Valuable Private Library of Lucius L. Hubbard of Houghton
Publication details: 
[1914.] New York: The Merwin Sales Company, 16 East 40th Street. [S. L. PARSONS & CO., Inc., Printers, 45 Rose St., New York.]
[Catalogue] The Valuable Private Library of Lucius L. Hubbard of Houghton

8vo, 345 pp. Frontispiece and 26 plates. Small blue accession stamp ('134149') on reverse of title. Bound in green buckram with leather label. Fair, on aged paper and occasionally-discoloured paper. A tight copy, on worn and stained binding. 2451 lots with unusually full descriptions. Two page 'Prefatory' describing the 'widespread interest' that has been 'displayed in the announcement of the dispersal of Mr. Hubbard's extensive and well-chosen collection of books relating to America'. 'To suggest [...] that Mr.

Manuscript Letter, in a secretarial hand, signed by Evarts ('Wm M. Evarts'), to E. R. Robinson of the Union Club, New York City.

William M. Evarts [William Maxwell Evarts] (1818-1901), US Secretary of State, Attorney General and Senator from New York [Henry Arthur Bright (1830-1884) of Liverpool, English traveller in America]
William M. Evarts, US Secretary of State
Publication details: 
12 November 1879; on letterhead of the Department of State, Washington.
William M. Evarts, US Secretary of State

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. He is sending 'some autograph letters, which I hope may not be without interest to your friend Mr. Henry Bright'. Bright, Hawthorne's closest English friend, toured America in 1852.

Viking with a Loose Shelailleigh. Tales from Irish America. [playscript]

Peter Dee [Peter Rogers Dee] (1939-1999), New York playwright and poet
Publication details: 
[Unpublished typescript.] [Circa 1992.]

Photocopy of word processor typed print-out. 8vo, [ii] + 53 pp. Good. In plastic binder. Title carries Dee's address. Second page lists the twelve sections of the play. Loosely inserted is a photocopy of a long review, with photograph, from the East Hampton Star, 26 March 1992, of 'a dramatic reading' of the play at Canio's Books, Sag Harbor. The play was not published, and there are no copies of this item on WorldCat or COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. T. Headley') to George R. Graham, editor of Graham's Magazine.

Joel Tyler Headley (1813-1897), American clergyman and author, Secretary of State of New York [George R. Graham (1813-1894), Philadelphia publisher]
Publication details: 
New York April' [no date].

4to, 1 p. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf. Good, on aged paper. In a hurried hand, with numerous corrections. Relating to the publication of 'articles of poetry from a lady'.

Printer's trade catalogue, titled 'Cut Book. Showing a few of the many cuts carried in stock and for sale by The Enterprise Printing House, Corfu, N.Y.' Containing more than a hundred vignettes, with prices.

The Enterprise Printing House, Corfu, New York [American trade catalogue]
Publication details: 
Undated [late Victorian or Edwardian]. Corfu, New York State.

8vo (23 x 15 cm), 32 pp. Stapled. Outer pages in blue. In fair condition, with a little damp-staining at the head of the first leaf (with minimal effect on the text), and a tiny dab of the same staining continuing at the corner of each leaf (not affecting the text). Title-page on cover illustrated by C. H. Dennis, showing Uncle Sam sharpening a razor of 'GOOD CUTS'. Note on page 2 begins: 'THIS CUT BOOK contains a few of the many varieties and styles of cuts which we carry in stock and use on your printing free of charge. We have many more and are constantly adding new designs. [...]'.

Typed Letter Signed to the actress Mary Lawton.

Samuel L. ('Roxy') Rothapfel [Rothafel], American theatre impressario
Publication details: 
29 December 1917; on letterhead of the Rialto, Times Square, New York.

One page, quarto. On paper discoloured with age. Attached along one edge of blank verso to card mount. Reads 'To simply tell you that your work is good would be putting it mildly. Things that I have heard all about me as I sat and watched the performance for the first time, from a loge seat, if you heard them, make [sic] you very very happy. | Your appearance is majestic; your enunciation beautiful; your reading and interpretation a delight. I cannot tell you how proud I am of you.

Illustrated Catalogue of Acts and Laws of the Colony and State of New York [...] constituting the collection made by Hon. Russell Benedict, Justice of the Supreme Court of New York.

Hon. Russell Benedict, Justice of the Supreme Court of New York [The American Art Association]
Publication details: 
To be sold [...] on Monday, February 27th, 1922 [...] The sale to be conducted by Mr. Thomas E. Kirby and his assistants, of The American Art Association, Managers, New York City.

Octavo: 261 unpaginated pages. In original printed wraps. Internally sound and clean, in stained and creased wraps. Unobtrusive ownership mark of Myers & Co. of London on front wrap. Fifty full-page facsimiles of title-pages, etc. Foreword by Benedict, followed by Resume, beginning, 'The Collection of Laws belonging to Judge Russell Benedict, [...] is the Most Important Collection of its kind that has ever been brought together by a private party.

Album containing 170 photographs of an unnamed British army officer and his family, compiled while on service in Africa, India and elsewhere.

[Schoolmaster Cameron, 2/4th Battalion the East York Regiment] [the Raj; British Army; Victorian photography; Bermuda]
Publication details: 
From c.1900 to c.1920.

170 photographs, on forty-one pages of a fifty-page album with leaf dimensions of 26 x 35.5 cm. The album is half-bound, with black leather corners and spine, and green faux-leather boards, aged and with loose leaves and worn binding. The photographs are often slightly faded, but are for the most part in good condition. Each page is entirely filled, the photographs ranging in size from 22 x 26 cm to 3 x 2 cm.

A folio leaf containing seven 'Specimen Pages from Books made at the Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y, including the title-page and frontispiece of the limited edition of T. S. Eliot's 'John Dryden'.

The Walpole Printing Office, in New Rochelle, N.Y. [Peter Beilenson; Edmund B. Thompson; Peter Pauper Press; Herb Roth; American fine printing; typography; T. S. Eliot]
Publication details: 
1929-1932. The Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y.

Printed in black and sepia on both sides of a leaf of watermarked wove paper, 45 x 30 cm. On lightly-aged paper with one vertical and two horizontal fold lines. The seven sample pages feature a total of six illustrations, in a variety of styles, two by Herb Roth. The arrangement is as follows. Recto: Title ('Specimen Pages from Books made at the Walpole Printing Office in New Rochelle, N.Y. 1929-1932') with vignette of Walpole. Specimen One, titled 'Piratical Barbarity, &c.', with illustration of pirate ship by Roth. Specimen Two, title-page of T. S. Eliot's 'John Dryden. The Poet.

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