[Christopher Fry, dramatist and poet.] "Thor with Angels" Copy of the 'Acting Edition for the Festival of the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral 1948', with anonymous manuscript copy letter, in two hands, of a rebuttal of a critical review in The Times.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright and poet, noted for his verse dramas, author of 'The Lady's Not for Burning'
Publication details: 
Copy Letter dated 21 June 1948; no place. Play: [Friends of Canterbury Cathedral.] Canterbury: H. J. Goulden, Ltd. [1948.]

From the Christopher Fry papers. PLAY: [1] + 47pp, 12mo. Stapled into buff wraps printed in red, including the statement that it is the 'Friends of Canterbury Cathedral Edition'. In fair condition, lightly aged, in worn wraps, with a trace of rust to staples. This edition of the play (the first?) is uncommon: the only copies on OCLC WorldCat at the British Library and University of British Columbia. COPY LETTER: 4pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Written out in two hands, Recipient not named. With salutation 'Dear Sir,' and valediction 'I am | Yrs truly,'.

[John Burton Rondeau of Salford, Manchester book collector.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J B Rondeau') to a bookseller, explaining how he made purchases from the Bindon Blood and Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe collections.

J. B. Rondeau [John Burton Rondeau] (1825-1862) of Salford, book collector [James Crossley; Cheetham's Library, Manchester; Bindon Blood; Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe; Bernard Quaritch, bookseller]
Publication details: 
17 July 1858. No place. [Salford or Manchester?]

2pp, 16mo. Bifolium with mourning border. Heavily aged, worn and creased, with traces of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. There is no salutation. The letter begins: 'It is impossible to make the best selection, out of 11 vols which I gave Quaritch, £8. for, from the Bindon Blood Collection, and 3 thick vols, collected by the very well known Collector Chas. Kirkpatrick Sharpe of Edinbro'. I bought from Upham & Beet for £4. nett so many curious amongst the above vols.' He hopes some of these volumes will be useful to the recipient, 'now, and already before sent'.

[Lady Bulwer Lytton [Rosina Bulwer Lytton], Anglo-Irish novelist, wife of Lord Lytton.] Autograph Letter in third person to 'The Editor of “The Lady's Newspaper”' [Ebenezer Landells?], sending him a letter to read over, and referring to a 'Champion'.

Lady Bulwer Lytton [Rosina Bulwer Lytton, née Rosina Doyle Wheeler] (1802-1882), Anglo-Irish novelist, wife of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton [Lord Lytton]
Publication details: 
'Thurloe Cottage Old Brompton Feb 6th. [1842?]'.

4pp, 16mo. Bifolium. Forty-two lines of text. Letterhead of family crest in gold and red. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of white paper mount adhering to last page. Three fold lines. The editor's 'obliging Note' affords her 'sincere pleasure to have the opportunity of expressing her gratitude to him in person', and she asks him not to call some day the following week (she is 'going out of Town' the week after), but not in the morning, as she has 'much business, of a disagreeable and imperative nature to transact now'.

[Patsy Hendren, Middlesex and England cricketer.] Autograph Signature ('E. Patsy. Hendren.') on card in response to request for autograph.

Patsy Hendren [Elias Henry Hendren] (1889-1962), noted Middlesex and England cricketer, prolific batsman, friend of Jack Hobbs
Publication details: 
No date or place, but annotated with date '1920'.

On 5 x 9 cm card. In fair condition, lightly aged, with traces of glue from mount on reverse. The only writing on the card is the good firm signature 'E. Patsy. Hendren.', which is underlined twice with two short lines. At bottom right, in pencil, in a tiny hand: '1920'.

[Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 1953.] Typed and Autograph Drafts by playwright Christopher Fry, of prose and poetry for his screenplay of the documentary film 'A Queen Is Crowned'.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright [Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 1953; Laurence Olivier; Rank Organisation, London]
Publication details: 
[Production by the Rank Organisation, London. Released in 1953.]

Seven items from the Christopher Fry papers, relating to the film 'A Queen Is Crowned', which was a British box office hit in coronation year, and was nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe. At the time of writing Fry was at the height of his popularity: around this time he had four plays running in the West End at once.

[Chiswick Press, London.] Small printed pamphlet: 'A List of Typographical and Bibliographical Works by Chas. T. Jacobi | Managing Partner of the Chiswick Press'.

'Chas. T. Jacobi, Managing Partner of the Chiswick Press' [Charles Whittingham and Co., London publishers and printers]
Publication details: 
London: At the Chiswick Press | Tooks Court, Chancery Lane'. [Colophon: 'Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co. Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London.'] No date [1909].

[16]pp, 16mo (11.5 x 7.5 cm). Stitched unpaginated pamphlet, tastefully printed with decorative headpiece to title, and the Press's celebrated device to the colophon. A frail survival, aged, worn and spotted, with one corner of last leaf dogeared. At foot of title-page: 'Any volume will be sent on receipt of Postal Order in advance.' Following the title-page are two pages with a history of 'The Chiswick Press. | Founded 1789.' Then a full-page advertisement for 'A Practical Treatise on the Art of Typography', with a full page containing 'Some Press Opinions'.

[Sir Oliver Lodge, physicist, inventor and spiritualist.] Autograph Signature ('Oliver Lodge') for autograph collector.

Sir Oliver Lodge [Oliver Joseph Lodge] (1851-1940), physicist and inventor in the field of radio, and Christian Spiritualist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

The signature 'Oliver Lodge' is firmly written in the bottom of three rectangular panels printed in red, with no other writing on the page, on one side of a 12mo leaf removed from 'The Meredith Birthday Book', the other side featuring quotations from the novelist for 13 to 15 June. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Phrenology in Manchester: Johann Gaspar Spurzheim, celebrated phrenologist.] Autograph Letter in the third person, in English, to 'Mr Sowler' [proprietor of the Manchester Courier], announcing postponement of lecture at Mechanics Institution.

Johann Gaspar Spurzheim (1776-1832), German physician and celebrated phrenologist
Publication details: 
Without date or place [Manchester. Circa 1829 to 1830.]

1p, 12mo. Written lengthwise on a single leaf. In good condition, lightly aged, with strips of thick paper from mount adhering to the reverse, which carries Spurzheim's address to 'Mr Sowler | St Anns Square [Manchester]'. The recipient is Thomas Sowler the second, proprietor of the Manchester Courier, and father of Sir Thomas Sowler (1818-1891). The text reads: 'Dr.

[John Cowper Powys to his 'Jewish Book-Pedlar'.] Nine envelopes, all addressed in autograph by Powys to 'G. L. Lewin Esq' of 41 Great Russell Street, London, eight with Powys's signature and address on reverse.NO LETTERS PRESENT.

John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), novelist and poet [George Lionel Lewin (1890-1970), 'Jewish Book-Pedlar' of Great Russell Street, London]
Publication details: 
Between 1945 and 1959. All from Merioneth, North Wales (the first four from Corwen and the last five from Blaenau Ffestiniog).

Evocative artefacts of the interesting connection between Powys and the man who supplied him with the books for his translation of Rabelais. On 24 September 1940, in 'Letters to Sea-Eagle', Powys gives a lengthy account of 'Our Jew Book-Pedlar' and the bombing by the Germans of his Russell Street address.

[Lillah McCarthy [Lady Keeble], actress.] Typescript, with a few autograph emendations, of commencement of a radio talk [given in Argentina?], telling stories about George Moore and George Bernard Shaw from her autobiography 'Myself and My Friends'.

Lillah McCarthy [Lady Keeble] (1875-1960), actress associated with Bernard Shaw and her husband Harley Granville-Barker [Leslie Mead, Director, Argentine Association of British Culture, Buenos Aires]
Publication details: 
[After the publication of her autobiography in 1933. Argentina?]

Carbon typescript. 4pp, 4to. Paginated 1-4. In fair condition, aged and worn, with chipping to edges. The text concerns George Moore and Bernard Shaw, but the introduction suggests that this is the start of a longer piece: 'I will give Mr. Mead, who has done such fine work and who has been so energetic in developing the work of the Associacion de Cultura Inglesa, the full particulars of the E. V. S. A., [i.e. English Verse Speaking Association] and I hope that you will all become Members.' | Mr.

[ Franklin White, Australian artist. ] 24 items from his papers, including drafts and copies of his letters to the feminist Thelma Cazalet-Keir and the artist Harold Copping, and an ALS to him from Louis McCubbin, National Gallery of South Australia.

Franklin White (1892-1975), Australian artist, teacher at the Slade Art School, London; Harold Copping (1863-1932), artist;; Louis McCubbin (1890-1952), Director, National Gallery of South Australia ]
Publication details: 
Several of White's letters on letterheads of The Reedbeds, Shoreham, Nr. Sevenoaks, Kent. Between 1921 and 1968.

Two years after arriving in England from Australia in 1913, Franklin White entered the Slade School. His studies were interrupted by the First World War, during which he worked as a draughtsman at the Admiralty. In 1919 he re-entered the Slade, and was soon invited by Tonks to join the teaching staff. On his retirement in 1957, he devoted his full energies to the Samuel Palmer School of Art, which he had run from his home in Shoreham since 1924, when he first held summer classes in landscape painting for his Slade students.

[A. C. Swinton of Land Nationalisation Society, friend of Alfred Russel Wallace.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to the 'Misses Shore' [poet Louisa Catherine Shore and sister], on their brother in Australia, spiritualism, other topics inc. Wallace

A. C. Swinton (d. c.1905) [Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913), naturalist, co-conceiver with Darwin of Theory of Evolution; Louisa Catherine Shore (1824-1895), poet; her sister Arabella Susanna Shore]
Publication details: 
ONE: 31 December 1891; The Vine, Sevenoaks, Kent. TWO: 14 August 1893; Parkfield, Haslemere.

The context is explained in Wallace's 'Island Life' (1880), in which he discusses 'a fragment of a well-formed stone axe' that his 'friend A. C. Swinton, Esq.' found, 'while working in the then almost unknown gold-field of Maryborough, Victoria, in January, 1855'. Later in the book Wallace refers to the brother of the recipients of the letter, 'Mr. Mackworth Shore', i.e. Mackworth Charles Shore, as 'one of the discoverers of the gold-field, before any rush to it had taken place'. See the Oxford DNB entry on one of the two recipients of the letter, Louisa Catherine Shore.

[Lord Palmerston, Prime Minister at the height of Britain's imperial power.] Autograph Note in French in the third person to 'Monsr le Harivel', suggesting a time for his reception at the Foreign Office.

Lord Palmerston [Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston] (1784-1865), statesman, twice Liberal Party Prime Minister
Publication details: 
'F. O. [Foreign Office] July 20 [1835]'.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, margins cropped, laid down on leaf removed from album. Annotated in ink with year. Reads 'Lord Palmerston presente ses Complimens a Monsr de Harivel et se fera l'honneur de le recevoir au “Foreign Office” Vendredi prochain a trois heures'.

[Charles Mackay, Scottish poet, journalist and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Chas Mackay') to Rev. G. Bainton, granting permission to publish a letter.

Charles Mackay (1814-1889), Scottish poet, journalist, and author of 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds' [Rev. George Bainton (1847-1925)]
Publication details: 
12 October 1887; 47 Longridge Road, South Kensington [London].

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight nick at gutter of bifolium. Addressed 'To | Revd G Bainton.' Reads: 'Dear Sir | You are quite at liberty to publish my letter. - If it finds its way into the papers, I should be obliged if you would kindly forward me a copy. | Ever yours truly | Chas Mackay'.

['M. de Wagner' [Jean-Emile de Wagner?], London Chargé d'Affaires of Kingdom of Württemberg.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wagner'), in English, to Sir John Coxe Hippisley, announcing his transfer to Berlin, and reporting on court news of King William I

'M. de Wagner' [Jean-Emile de Wagner?], London Chargé d'Affaires of the Kingdom of Württemberg [Wurtemberg] [Sir John Coxe Hippisley (c.1747-1825), diplomat and politician; William I (1781-1864)]
Publication details: 
Berlin; 4 September 1820.

The letter announces the transfer to Berlin of 'Monsieur de Wagner', London Chargé d'Affaires of the the Kingdom of Württemberg, resident at 42 Alpha Place, Regent's Park. The recipient Sir John Coxe Hippisley, whom George III had described as a 'busy man' and 'grand intriguer', had retired from public life two years previously, but was clearly still involved in diplomatic affairs. 2pp, 4to. Bifolium. Forty-one lines of neatly-written text, addressed to 'Sir J C Hippisley Bart. | Lower Grosvenor Street.' On aged and worn paper, with short closed tears at edges of folds.

[A. H. Bullen [Arthur Henry Bullen], Elizabethan scholar, proprietor of the Shakespeare Head Press.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. H. Bullen'), making arrangements for a meeting with F. A. H. Eyles of the Observer.

A. H. Bullen [Arthur Henry Bullen] (1857-1920), Elizabethan scholar, editor and publisher, proprietor of the Shakespeare Head Press [F. A. H. Eyles of the Observer]
Publication details: 
26 November 1915; The Old George Inn, 77 Borough High Street, London, on letterhead of the Shakespeare Head Press, Stratford-upon-Avon.

1p, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. He thanks him for his letter of the previous day, and looks forward to seeing him on the Monday 'at the “Shakespeare Head Press” about 11.20 (and afterwards to the pleasure of your company at lunch)'. With the envelope, addressed to 'F. A. H. Eyles, Esq. | “The Observer” Office, | Newton Street, | High Holborn, W.C'.

'Decima Moore' [Lilian Decima, Lady Moore-Guggisberg], soprano singer and actress with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, suffragist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Decima Moore') to 'Mrs. Horton', regretting that she cannot provide an introduction.

'Decima Moore' [Lilian Decima, Lady Moore-Guggisberg] (1871-1964), soprano singer and actress with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, suffragist [Gilbert and Sullivan]
Publication details: 
Undated; on letterhead of the Prince of Wales Theatre, Coventry Street [London].

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Aged and grubby; folded several times. Reads: 'I am sorry to say I do not know Mr Alexander or would have been very pleased to give your friend an introduction to him. | Hoping you are well – with kind regards. | Yours sincerely | Decima Moore'.

[Sir George Otto Trevelyan, politician and historian.] Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'G O Trevelyan') to fellow Liberal Sir Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth [Lord Shuttleworth], discussing their friendship and parliamentary careers.

Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928), Liberal politician and historian, biographer of his uncle Lord Macaulay [Ughtred James Kay-Shuttleworth, Lord Shuttleworth (1844-1939), Liberal politician.]
Publication details: 
ONE: 7 April 1880; Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. TWO: 25 November 1883; letterhead of Chief Secretary's Lodge, Phoenix Park, Dublin. THREE: 3 February 1897; letterhead of Welcombe, Straford on Avon. FOUR: 29 June 1911; Wengen.

A total of 12pp, 12mo. On bifoliums. All addressed to 'Dear Shuttleworth'. In good condition, lightly aged. A curious feature of the four letters is that the handwriting of each differs from the others. ONE: 7 April 1880. Trevelyan condoles with Shuttleworth, who has lost his Hastings seat in the General Election. He states that he is 'so heartily disgusted' with Shuttleworth's constituents, adding 'The loss, most temporary I feel sure, to the House will be very sensible, and I shall sorely miss you as a friend.

[Sir John Betjeman, Poet Laureate.] Printed 'Service of Thanksgiving for the Life and Work of Sir John Betjeman CBE'.]

Sir John Betjeman (1906-1984), Poet Laureate and popular broadcaster and public figure
Publication details: 
Printed by Barnard & Westwood Ltd, London. Service at Westminster Abbey, 'St Peter's Day | Friday 29 June 1984 | 11.30 a.m.'

14 + [1]pp, 8vo. Stapled eight-leaf pamphlet. Publishers' slug on reverse of final leaf. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only copy located on OCLC WorldCat at Princeton. A pleasing memento of a grand affair, attended by a host of dignitaries, including Princess Margaret, the Prince of Wales (who read the first lesson) and Betjeman's publisher John Murray (who read the second lesson).

[Joseph Sams of Darlington, Quaker bookseller and traveller.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Sams.'), explaining his practice with regard to the return of items, and including a list of 'fine & curious coloured prints' and drawings.

Joseph Sams (1784-1860) of Darlington, Quaker bookseller, dealer in antiquities, traveller in Egypt and Palestine
Publication details: 
'Darlington 21/7mo (July) 1853'.

See Sams's entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. On a bifolium, the second leaf of which has had a rectangle, almost amounting to half, cut away from the bottom. The text of the letter is complete, but the priced list of the prints and drawings on the last page, lacks the lower half. A long letter, closely written. Signed 'J. Sams.' Aged, worn and lightly stained, but nevertheless in passable condition. The recipient, saluted as 'Esteemed Friend', is not named.

[Katharine Tynan, Irish poet and novelist.] Autograph Signature ('Katharine Tynan Hinkson') on valediction to letter to 'Robert Browne Esq.'

Katharine Tynan [latterly Katharine Tynan Hinkson] (1859-1931) – 2 April 1931), Irish poet and novelist
Publication details: 
No place or date.

On one side of 4.5 x 10.5 cm piece of paper, cut from end of letter for autograph hunter. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Believe me, dear Mr Browne | Yours very sincerely | Katharine Tynan Hinkson | Robert Browne Esq.'

[Percy Anderson, painter and D'Oyly Carte stage designer.] Autograph Letter Signed to Cecil H. Broadhurst, regarding the 'tremendously fantastic' dresses he has designed for Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree's production of 'Joan of Arc'.

Percy Anderson (1851-1928), painter and stage designer with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree [Cecil Herbert Broadhurst (1866-1934); Gilbert and Sullivan]
Publication details: 
6 October 1913; on letterhead of 55 York Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W.

2pp, 12mo; and 1p, 8vo. On a bifolium, with the 8vo page written lengthwise across the central pages. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Signed 'Percy Anderson.' According to a pencil note Broadhurst was Beerbohm Tree's 'press agent'. He has received Broadhurst's letter late the same night, and begins by informing him that he cannot go to Covent Garden the following day as he will be with a sitter.

[Percy Anderson, D'Oyly Carte stage designer.] Four Autograph Letters Signed to theatrical wigmaker William Berry Clarkson, praising the work he has done on his behalf, in connection with several productions.

Percy Anderson (1851-1928), stage designer and painter with D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree [William Berry Clarkson (1861-1934), theatrical wigmaker; Gilbert and Sullivan]
Publication details: 
12 March 1912, 31 December [1912], and the other two without year; all on letterheads of 55 York Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W.

Total of 7pp, 12mo. All in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Each folded once. All signed 'Percy Anderson'. ONE: 12 March 1912. Begins: 'Your properties are quite splendid.' He thanks Clarkson and his assistant for the trouble they have taken 'over the “M[?]”'. Ends: 'I thought everything as good as it cd be – I refer to yr work of course'. TWO: 31 December [1912]. He thanks him for his 'delightful' card, and for 'yr. good wishes & for the tickets you so kindly send me for The Miracle.

[Richard Howitt, Quaker poet.] Autograph Letter Signed to the 'Editors of the “Aurora Borealis” | Care of Joseph Watson', in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, including an unpublished poem, and complaining of the treatment of his contributions to the periodical.

Richard Howitt (1799-1869), Quaker poet, who spent four years in Australia with his brother the entomologist Godfrey Howitt (1800-1873), [Joseph Watson and George Atley Brumell of Newcastle-upon-Tyne]
Publication details: 
23 November 1832; Nottingham.

Despite the four years (1840-1844) Howitt spent in the colony with his brother the entomologist Godfrey Howitt (1800-1873), the present letter has nothing to do with Australia. The letter is addressed to the editors of 'The Aurora Borealis: A Literary Annual edited by Members of the Society of Friends'. This periodical was the work of a group of Quakers in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with George Atley Brumell (1800-1877) one of the founding editors. Another of those involved was Joseph Watson (1807-1874), named in the letter's address.

[Henry Perlee Parker of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. P. Parker') to 'Mr Johnson' [E. A. Johnson], regarding his departure for Newcastle, the artist J. C. Zeitter, Emmerson, the Newcastle Exhibition.

Henry Perlee Parker (1785-1873) of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, genre and portrait painter [E. A. Johnson of the Zoological Gardens, Regents Park, entomologist; John [Johann Christian] Zeitter (1798-1862)]
Publication details: 
'Sunday Evening | June 2nd –' [1833]. 27 Newcastle Street, Strand [London].

3pp, 4to. Bifolium, addressed, with postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, 'to | Mr Johnson | Zoological Gardens | Regents Park | or Wellington Cottage | Wellington Place | Camden Town'. In good condition, lightly aged, with paper repairs last leaf. Folded several times.

[John Baldwin Buckstone, comedic actor and playwright.] Five Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Jno B Buckstone') to M. H. Simpson, lessee of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham, regarding arrangements, benefits, and Mrs Fitzwilliam.

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), dramatist and actor-manager of Haymarket Theatre, London [Mercer Hampson Simpson (1801-1877), actor-manager, Theatre Royal, Birmingham; Mrs Fitzwilliam (1801-1854)]
Publication details: 
From the Adelphi and Haymarket in London, and the Theatre Royal in Liverpool. 20 August August 1839, [November 1839], 29 April [1840], 29 November 1842, and undated.

See the appreciative entry on Buckstone by Donald Roy in the Dictionary of National Biography. Interesting and informative letters, shedding vivid light on the day-to-day workings of early-Victorian theatre, written by a leading London actor-manager and dramatist and sent to a provincial actor-manager, regarding the arrangement of engagements, benefits, and plays. Of particular interest is the fourth letter, which refers to Mrs Fitzwilliam [Fanny [Frances Elizabeth] Fitzwilliam, née Copeland] (1801-1854), with whom Buckstone toured New Orleans and the South, c. 1840-1841. Five items.

[Joseph Sams of Darlington, bookseller and traveller.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'J. Sams'), to prospective customer Godfrey Meynell, describing the merits and deficiencies of 'a rare edition of Chaucer', and another book, in his catalogue.

Joseph Sams (1784-1860) of Darlington, bookseller, dealer in antiquities, traveller in Egypt and Palestine [Godfrey Meynell]
Publication details: 
Both from Darlington. 15 and 17 August 1847.

See Sams's entry in the Oxford DNB. Two letters providing an interesting glimpse of the practicalities of Victorian antiquarian bookselling. Both letters 3pp, 12mo, and bifoliums addressed on reverse of second leaf, with broken seals and postmarks, to 'Godfrey Meynell Esqre | at Mr Stamp's, | Surgeon, | Seaton Carew, | nr Hartlepool.' Both addressed to 'Respected Frd.' In fair condition, aged and worn. ONE: 15 August 1847. He begins by explaining that he was 'from home in the city of Durham' when Meynell's letter came.

[Edward Harley, 5th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Oxford') [to his steward], regarding the sending of his coach from England to Naples ('now open for the English'), and 'the Sadler [sic] in North Audley Street'.

Edward Harley, 5th Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (1773-1848), nobleman and connoisseur.
Publication details: 
'Cagliari [Sardinia] March 7th. 1814.'

The Earl's wife was a mistress of Lord Byron. Her infidelities let to her children being jokingly referred to as 'The Harleian Miscellany'. 1p, 4to. Heavily aged and worn, with spike hole at centre. Folded several times. 'Sir | As Naples is now open for the English I beg you will send the Carriage to Naples for me by the first Ship that Sails from England for that Country. We are going there immediately. & shall [the]refore want it. I hope therefore you will lose no time in sending it. I will thank you to call on Wh.

[David Davies ('Dai'r Cantwr'), the Rebecca Riots and Transportation to Australia: Victorian Welsh street ballad.] Printed poem, titled: 'Can Hiraethlon David Davies (Dai'r Cantwr,) Pan yn Garcharor yng Nghaerfyrddin, am y Terfysg yn amser Becca'.

David Davies (c.1812-1874), Welsh poet known as Dai'r Cantwr (David the Singer), transported to Van Diemen's Land after the Rebecca Riots [nineteenth-century Welsh street ballad]
Publication details: 
No place or date. [Welsh, late Victorian.]

The full title reads: 'Can Hiraethlon | David Davies (Dai'r Cantwr,) | Pan yn Garcharor yng Nghaerfyrddin, am y Terfysg yn amser Becca. | Cenir ar y dôn “Roslin Castle.'” The title may be translated as 'A nostalgic song, written when a prisoner in Carmarthen, for the riot in Becca's time. | Sung to the tune of 'Roslin Castle'. 4pp, 12mo (15.5 x 9 cm). Paginated [1]-4. Disbound. A frail survival: aged and worn, with damp-stain along one edge. Beneath the title is a small vignette of a sailing ship, and at the end of the final page is another of a crown. Poem in four sixteen-line stanzas.

[Charles Manners-Sutton [latterly 1st Viscount Canterbury], Speaker of the House of Commons.] Printed Circular, signed 'C. Manners Sutton', offering himself 'upon re-consideration' as a candidate to represent the University of Cambridge in Parliament

Charles Manners-Sutton (1780-1845), 1st Viscount Canterbury, Tory politician, Speaker of the House of Commons, 1817-1835, son of Archbishop of Canterbury [Trinity College; University of Cambridge]
Publication details: 
29 October 1822; Trinity College [Cambridge].

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with negligible traces from mount adhering to corners on blank reverse. A nice piece of Cambridge University ephemera. A crisply-printed circular, addressed to 'SIR', evidently sent to the electors for the University of Cambridge. Seventeen lines of text. He explains that when he first 'heard of the death of our late Representative, Mr.

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