[Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke, obstetric surgeon.] Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Cullum, describing in moving terms his wife's last illness and subsequent events.

Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke (1782-1857), accoucheur, obstetric surgeon and physician to Queen Adelaide [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), widow of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
24 July 1856; Caston Rectory, Attleborough [Norfolk].

See Clarke's entry in the Oxford DNB. The present letter, signed 'Charles Mansfield Clarke', was written (from Caston, where Clarke's son-in-law Walter Patridge was rector) a few weeks after the death on 3 July 1856 of Clarke's wife of fifty years, Mary Anna (née Squire), by whom he had two sons and five daughters. Lady Clarke's own husband had died a year and a half before, on 26 January 1855. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount on reverse of second leaf. Folded once.

[Lady Rosina Bulwer Lytton, Anglo-Irish writer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Rosina Lytton Bulwer') to 'Lady Cullum' of Hardwick House, one inviting her to stay with 'stupid me' and her 'Sposo', the other thanking her for her 'kind attention'

Lady Rosina Bulwer Lytton [née Rosina Doyle Wheeler] (1802-1882), Anglo-Irish writer, wife of novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton [Lord Lytton] (1803-1873) [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875) of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
The first letter from Berrymead Priory, Acton, on 28 February 1836; the second on 'Saturday Morning', but without date or place.

Lady Bulwer Lytton is now best-known for her mistreatment at the hands of her husband (see their entries in the Oxford DNB). Both letters are in good condition, lightly aged and worn, the first carrying traces of mount and with slight damage at one corner. ONE: 28 February 1836. 4pp, 16mo. She is delighted to hear of Lady Cullum's return to England.

[John Mitford, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Mitford') to a family member, regarding Sir Thomas Gery Cullum, his gardening activities at Hardwick House, and the preparation of his Gentleman's Magazine obituary.

John Mitford (1781-1859), cleric and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), wife of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855), 8th Baronet of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
22 February 1855. Benhall [Benhall Vicarage, near Saxmundham, Suffolk.].

See Mitford's entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of writing he had been retired for five years from the editorship of the Gentleman's Magazine, a post he had held for seventeen years. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Folded twice. Forty-four lines in a close hand.

[Jules Massenet, French composer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. Massenet') [to husband of Swedish soprano Sigrid Arnoldson-Fischhof?], written on a trip with his wife, regarding a portrait of 'votre “merveille” de femme', and 'notre grand ami Hengel'

Jules Massenet [Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet] (1842-1912), French composer [Sigrid Arnoldson-Fischhof (1861-1943), Swedish soprano]
Publication details: 
8 February [no year]. No place.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. On aged paper, with punch hole through both leaves at head, small closed cut along bottom edge of first leaf, and with paper and part of another letter (from an album) glued onto the reverse of the second leaf. Folded once. The signature 'M. Massenet' is explained in Massenet's obituary in the Musical Times, 1 September 1912, which speaks of 'the composer's known antipathy to the name Jules […] He preferred to be called “M. Massenet” simply'. The recipient of this enthusiastic letter is not named.

[Jenny Lind, the 'Swedish Nightingale', opera singer.] Autograph Letter in third person, as 'Mme. Goldschmidt', thanking Lady Cullum for flowers 'which certainly do “enliven” her drawing room at the Hotel'.

Jenny Lind [Johanna Maria Lind], 'the Swedish Nightingale] (1820-1887), opera singer, wife of Otto Goldschmidt [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), wife of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick]
Publication details: 
'Bury St. Edmunds. | Royal Hotel. | Thusday. April 6th. [no year]'.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf, one corner of which has been slightly damaged by the opening of the wafer. Folded twice. The letter begins: 'Mme. Goldschmidt presents her best Compliments to Lady Cullum and begs to express her sincere thanks for the most beautiful flowers she received this morning from Lady Cullum and which certainly do “enliven” her drawing room at the Hotel'.

[John Anderson, 1st Viscount Waverley, Churchill's 'Home Front Prime Minister' after whom Anderson Shelters are named.] Typed Letter Signed as Home Secretary to Sir James Marchant on 'the Government's plans for a war time regional organisation'.

John Anderson, 1st Viscount Waverley (1882-1958), civil servant and politician, 'Home Front Prime Minister' in Churchill's war cabinet [Sir James Marchant (1867-1956), eugenicist and social reformer]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Home Office, Whitehall, S.W.1. [London] 14 February 1939.

Anderson served as Home Secretary, Lord President of the Council and Chancellor of the Exchequer. Marchant headed the National Vigilance Association and the National Council of Public Morals. 2pp, 4to. On two leaves stapled together. In fair condition, lightly aged, with some staining from rusted staples. Folded three times. A good letter, giving an indication of civil defence preparations on the eve of the Second World War.

[Thomas Humphry Ward, author and journalist.] Autograph Card Signed ('Humphry Ward') to unnamed recipient, suggesting arrangements for an inspection of a portrait of 'H. [Sandwith?]'.

Humphry Ward [Thomas Humphry Ward] (1845-1926), author and journalist, husband of Mary Augusta Ward [née Arnold], who wrote under the name Mrs. Humphry Ward
Publication details: 
9 June 1910. Letterhead of 25 Grosvenor Square, S.W. [London]

On both sides of the card. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient is not named. Reads: 'Dear Sir | I should like to see the [Sandwith?] portrait, & will take an early opportunity of calling at the Club. Perhaps, in case you are not there, you will kindly instruct the poert to shew it me when I call. The signature looks like H. [Sandwiths?] writing – but he certainly wore moustache & whiskers from 1850 onwards.'

[John William Donaldson, philologist, classicist, and biblical scholar.] Autograph Memorandum, signed 'J. W. Donaldson', giving four 'reasons' why 'Hercules was the husband & not the purchased slave of Omphale'.

J. W. Donaldson [John William Donaldson] (1811-1861), philologist., classicist and biblical scholar [Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House and his wife Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875)]
Publication details: 
No place [King Edward's School, Bury St Edmunds]. 2 April 1844.

See Donaldson's entry in the Oxford DNB, which states that he was 'greatly beloved by his friends, who included N. C. Thirlwall and W. H. Thompson. The diarist Henry Crabb Robinson spoke enthusiastically of the charm of his conversation.' 3pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. No salutation or valediction, and the recipient is not named, but the item derives from the papers of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum and his wife Lady Anne Cullum, of Hardwick House.

[George Peabody, American financier and 'the father of modern philanthropy'.] Autograph Letter in the third person, explaining that an attack of gout prevents him from accepting the invitation of 'Mr Mackinnon'.

George Peabody (1795-1869), American financier and 'the father of modern philanthropy' [Mackinnon; Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), wife of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
'Palace Hotel | 1 July – [no year]'.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Tipped-in onto a piece of paper cut from an album owned by the Cullum baronets of Hardwick House, with whom - other papers reveal - Mackinnon was associated, possibly as land agent. The letter, in Peabody's shaky hand, reads: 'Mr Peabody presents his Compliments to Mr Mackinon [sic] and regrets that owing to an attack of gout he was unable to avail himself of Mr: Mackinnon's [sic] kind invitation for the evening of the 29th. Ulto. - - Mr Peabody returns to Scotland in a few days to be absent for the season.

[Giuseppe Garibaldi, hero of the Risorgimento.] Autograph Signature ('G. Garibaldi').

Giuseppe Garibaldi [Giuseppe Maria Garibaldi] (1807-1882), Italian general and nationalist, hero of the Risorgimento who played a central part in the unification of Italy
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On irregular slip of thin paper, roughly 2 x 6 cm. Laid down on piece of paper cut from album. In fair condition, lightly aged. Bold signature ('G. Garibaldi') with wavy underlining, possibly cut from the valediction of a letter.

[Harriet Martineau, 'the first female sociologist'.] Unpublished Signed Autograph humorous poem beginning 'What terrible confusion | Ladies make on points Malthusian', with note to Lady Cullum joking that it will be dedicated 'to the Lord Chancellor'

Harriet Martineau (1802-1876), writer and journalist, Whig social theorist and campaigner for women's rights, considered 'the first female sociologist' [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875) of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

An amusing unpublished jeux d'esprit by Martineau, revealing a lighthearted aspect of her character. 1p, 16mo. Bifolium, addressed by Martineau on reverse of second leaf 'To | Lady Cullum.' In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once.

[Ethel Mannin, novelist and travel writer.] Five Typed Cards Signed and one Autograph Card Signed to Frederick Staerck, discussing her thoughts on 'decadence', civilisation, cultivating her garden, and the loss of the creative urge.

Ethel Mannin [Ethel Edith Mannin] (1900-1984), novelist and travel writer, Bohemian and socialist
Publication details: 
Between 2 April 1973 and 30 December 1978. One from 'Miss E. Mannin, Overhill, Brook Lane, Shaldon, Teignmouth, Devon'. Two others 'From E. M.'

Six long cards, full of interesting content, including surprising thoughts on the 'decadence' of the world, her desire to 'cultivate [her] garden' both in a literal and Voltairean sense, and the fact that the creative urge has left her. All six are signed 'Ethel Mannin'. The penultimate card is in autograph, the others typewritten. Four addressed to Staerck at Maidenhead, two to him on the Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland. The collection is in good overall condition: the first has a smudged autograph note up one margin.

[Filippo Marchetti, composer, and Pasquale Villari, historian.] Marchetti's Autograph Signature ('F Marchetti') with a few bars in autograph from the prelude of 'Ruy Blas'. On same leaf as an Autograph quotation, signed 'Pasquale Villari'.

Filippo Marchetti (1831-1902), Italian composer of the opera 'Ruy Blas'; Pasquale Villari (1827-1917), Italian historian, politician and Dante scholar
Publication details: 
Marchetti's autograph on letterhead of the R. Accademia di S. Cecilia ('Liceo Musicale'). Rome, 14 September 1892. Villari's autograph on reverse of leaf, dated from Florence, 2 November 1892.

1p, 12mo. Leaf of lightly-browned and creased aged paper, with closed tears to one edge. The two men are clearly writing in response to requests for autographs. Marchetti has written out four bars – slightly affected at end by closed tear – from what he states is 'Ruy Blas Preludio'. Beneath this he signs, in a firm attractive hand, 'F Marchetti'. At the head he dates: 'Roma 14 9bre 92'.

[George Grossmith, the original 'Ko-Ko' in Gilbert and Sullivan's 'Mikado'.] Autograph Quotation from the operetta ('”Bother the Flowers that Bloom in the Spring”'), signed 'Geo: Grossmith'.

George Grossmith (1847-1912), comedian, writer, composer, actor, and singer associated with Gilbert and Sullivan, author with his brother Weedon Grossmith of 'Diary of a Nobody'
Publication details: 
Without date [after 1885] or place.

Firmly written out, evidently in response to a request for an autograph, on one side of a 10.5 x 11.5 cm piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and spotted, with two folds and group of tiny pinpricks at bottom left. Reads: '”Bother the Flowers that Bloom in the Spring! | Mikado | Your's [sic] faithfully | Geo: Grossmith'. Grossmith's bold signature anachronistically exhibits the 'long s', making his surname look like 'Gropmith'. Grossmith was the original 'Ko-Ko', in the 1885 Savoy Theatre production of 'The Mikado'. It was one of nine Gilbert and Sullivan characters which he created.

[Charles Waterton, naturalist.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to Lady Cullum, regarding: his approach to natural history, shipwreck, indisposition, temperance campaigner Father Mathew in Wakefield, lions and lion cubs, 'little roman owls'.

Charles Waterton (1782-1865), naturalist and explorer [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), wife of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855), 8th Baronet of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
12 July 1842; 17 July 1843; 17 April 1853. All three addressed from Walton Hall [Wakefield, Yorkshire].

Three excellent and characteristic long letters, neatly and closely written, in the first of which he describes 'the little tide of misfortune' which has befallen him, including shipwreck and indisposition; in the second he gives a vivid account of a visit to Wakefield by the temperance campaigner Father Mathew; and in the last he explains is reluctance to dissect the body of a bird she has sent him, exclaiming: 'I never do things by halves in Natural History'. Along the way there are references to 'my little roman owls' and 'my lions and my lion cubs'.

[Edmund Thomas Parris, Victorian history and panorama painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. T.. Parris'), informing 'J: [Duffane?] Esqre', that he is sending an account of his 'apparatus' for restoring Thornhill's paintings in St Paul's Cathedral.

Edmund Thomas Parris (1793-1873), history and panorama painter, History Painter to Queen Adelaide [St Paul's Cathedral; Thornhill; Samuel Carter Hall (S. C. Hall), editor of Art Journal]
Publication details: 
12 April 1853. 5 Aubrey Villas, Notting Hill [London].

See Parris's entry in the Oxford DNB. The subject of the letter is his work 'restoring' James Thornhill's paintings inside the dome of St Paul's Cathedral. Beginning in 1853 and ending three years later, Parris worked on scaffolding he had designed for the purpose thirty years before. His efforts were not well received: he was accused of completely repainting Thornhill's work, to its detriment. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and creased, with minor traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse. Folded twice.

[Meerza Jiafer Tabeeb, Persian physician and visitor to Regency England.] Autograph Letter in third person, and set of translations, both in English and addressed to Lady Cullum. With calling card carrying his autograph signature in Persian script.

Meerza Jiafer Tabeeb, Persian physician and visitor to Regency England [Cullum baronets of Hardwick Hall]
Publication details: 
Letter: 'Weddnesday [sic] Morg.' [2 June 1819]; from 8 Upper John Street, Golden Square. Translations without date or place.

Tabeeb was a fêted 'exotic' visitor to England at the end of the Regency period. In March 1819 the Asiatic Journal reported his presence in London, and on 6 June (four days after the present letter) he breakfasted with the Irish poet Thomas Moore, who reported in his diary that he was 'to take a Diploma of Doctor at Oxford this month'. In April 1820 a fine engraving of Tabeeb, after a painting by John James Hall, was published.

[Verney Lovett Cameron, African explorer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('V. Lovett Cameron'), with initialled postscript ('V. L. C.') to 'Mrs. Marshall', regarding difficulties in setting up a tennis club in Croydon.

Verney Lovett Cameron (1844-1894), African explorer, the first European to cross equatorial Africa from sea to sea [Croydon; lawn tennis]
Publication details: 
9 December 1887. Kwinhata, Espom Road, Croydon.

See Cameron's entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Having traversed the African continent from East to West in 1875 (the first European to do so), Cameron now turns his attention to the establishment of tennis club in Croydon. He has received a letter 'from Mr. Jaques about the tennis ground. The fencing is nearly finished and he seems in a hurry'. There is a problem however: lack of members.

[Sabine Baring-Gould, ghost story writer, antiquarian and folklorist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Baring Gould'), regarding the copyright of his 'Lives of the Saints'.

Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924), ghost story writer, antiquarian, folklorist and Anglican priest
Publication details: 
20 March 1897. Lew Trenchard, North Devon.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Neatly and closely written out. Good firm signature, not hyphenated (as opposed to his entry in the Oxford DNB). A short letter, begging with thanks to the unnamed recipient 'for a sight of your beautiful drawings.' He continues: 'I have nothing to do with the publication of “Lives of the SS” as I parted with copyright at the time they were just done.' The sixteen volumes of his 'Lives of the Saints' appeared between 1872 and 1877.

[Frederic Yates, English artist active in America.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Fredc Yates') to Mrs Oldham, describing in moving terms the funeral of Anne Oldham.

Frederic Yates [born Frederic Keeping] (1854-1919), English artist active in America before returning to England and settling in the Lake District [Anne Oldham]
Publication details: 
17 May 1895, on letterhead of 3a Portman Mansions, W. [London]

Yates studied in Paris before setting up a successful practice in San Francisco, also teaching there at the Art Student League. His portraits include the educator John Haden Badley and the only president of Hawaii, Sanford Ballard Dole. He returned to England in 1900, but was invited back to America to attend the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson and to paint his portrait. Wilson presented Yates with the flag that his hand rested on whilst he took his oath of office. The Oldham family moved in artistic circles, and Constance Oldham was John Ruskin's god-daughter and corresponded with him.

[Frederic Yates, English artist active in America.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Fred Yates') to Mrs Oldham, describing his examination of the wreck of HMS Foudroyant, for a painting she has commissioned. With sketches of the ship in ink and pencil.

Frederic Yates [born Frederic Keeping] (1854-1919), English artist who found fame in America before settling in the Lake District [Oldham family; HMS Foudroyant; Royal Navy; Plymouth; Devonport]
Publication details: 
Letter: 'Sunday noon' [no date]. On letterhead of the Royal Hotel, Devonport. Pencil sketches without date or place.

Yates studied in Paris before setting up a successful practice in San Francisco, also teaching there at the Art Student League. His portraits include the educator John Haden Badley and the only president of Hawaii, Sanford Ballard Dole. He returned to England in 1900, but was invited back to America to attend the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson and to paint his portrait. Wilson presented Yates with the flag that his hand rested on whilst he took his oath of office. The Oldham family moved in artistic circles, and Constance Oldham was John Ruskin's god-daughter and corresponded with him.

[Charles Stuart Calverley, poet, classical scholar and wit.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C S. Calverley') to Charles R. Steggatt, declining to order cigars with the comment: 'I never by any chance smoke a cigar.'

Charles Stuart Calverley [born Charles Stuart Blayds] (1831-1884), poet, classical scholar and wit
Publication details: 
18 December 1880. 12 Mostyn Terrace, Grand Parade, Eastbourne.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. In envelope with penny red stamp and postmark, addressed to Steggatt at 53 Norwich Street, Cambridge. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir | I regret that I cannot give you an order. I have no doubt of the excellence of the cigars, but I never by any chance smoke a cigar. | Believe me | Yours truly | C S. Calverley'. A nice Cambridge association, given that Calverley's most famous poem is 'Ode to Tobacco', and that it features in Cambridge on a brass plaque on the wall of the former Bacon's tobacconists.

Clara Novello [Clara Anastasia Novello; Countess Clara Anastasia Gigliucci], celebrated soprano.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Clara Novello'), giving details of her plans for a concert in Belfast.

Clara Novello [Clara Anastasia Novello; Countess Clara Anastasia Gigliucci] (1818-1908), celebrated soprano, daughter of music publisher Vincent Novello [Henry Bussell, Philharmonic Society, Dublin]
Publication details: 
'26 April 1854. Porchester Lodge, 8A Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park [London].

4pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. With embossed armorial letterhead. Good firm signature: 'Clara Novello.' An interesting letter, casting light on the practical arrangement of musical concerts in Victorian Britain and Ireland. The recipient is not named, and the letter begins: 'Dear Sir, | I have not heard from Mr. Bussell of your Concert, but on receipt of your favor of the 15th. consider myself engaged to Belfast for the 1st.

[Dominican and Franciscan Friars in England during the reign of Henry III.] Unpublished historical study in typescript, titled 'The Friars in England. An Essay'.

Elizabeth E. Smith, B.A. [Dominican and Franciscan Friars in England during the reign of Henry III.]
Publication details: 
Birmingham, 1908.

Title-page: 'The Friars in England. | An Essay | by | Elizabeth E. Smith, B.A. | Birmingham – 1908.' Duplicated typescript, printed on versos only. [1] + x + [1] + 209pp, 4to. With hand-drawn plans on two leaves at rear (the first, 'Site of the Blackfriars of Leicester'; the second, 'Carmelite Friary at Hulne' and 'Dominican Friary at Norwich'. In half binding of black leather spine and corners, with purple cloth boards, title in gilt on front cover, floral printed endpapers. Tightly copy, in good condition, on lightly aged paper, in lightly worn binding with slight discoloration to cloth.

[Benno Moiseiwitsch, virtuoso Ukrainian/Russian concert pianist.] Autograph Signature on inscription to an autograph hunter. With signatures on reverse of pianist Irene Kohler and composer Charles Hambourg.

Benno Moiseiwitsch (1890-1963), concert pianist born in Odessa (Ukraine) in the Russian Empire, and who settled in England [Irene Kohler; Charles Hambourg]
Publication details: 
The three signatures from 1946. No place.

On 7 x 10.5 piece of orange paper, removed from an autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Expansive signature, with surname underlined and dots to i's like dashes. Reads: 'Good luck to you! | Benno Moiseiwitsch | Decr. 1946'. Autographs on reverse, dated to 21 July 1946, of composer 'Charles Hambourg' and pianist 'Irene Kohler' (1909-1996).

[Charles E. Wadsworth ('Waddy'), Great Cranberry Isle painter and poet.] Copy of 'Weathers | Poetry and Watercolors', inscribed to Christopher Fry. With copy of 'Waddy's Anglo-Iberian Excursion' by Charlie Harmon.

Charles E. Wadsworth (1917-2002), American painter and poet of the Great Cranberry Isles artists community; Charlie Harmon, music editor, assistant to Leonard Bernstein [Christopher Fry, playwright]
Publication details: 
'Weathers', one of 105 copies by The Tidal Press, Cranberry Isles, Maine, 1998. 'Waddy's Anglo-Iberian Excursion' self-printed after April 2002.

Both items scarce, with no copies showing up on OCLC WorldCat. ONE: 'Weathers | Poetry and Watercolors by Charles E. Wadsworth'. [4] + 41 + [1]pp, 4to. With seven full-page reproductions of watercolours. Ring-bound in cream covers, with title printed on front cover in brown. Text printed on rectos only. In good condition, bumped at head of spine, with a little marking to covers. Inscribed on fly-leaf: 'For Christopher to enjoy | from | Waddy and Jeannie | Cranberry Isles | Maine, U.S.A.' Colophon gives short biography of Wadsworth, with an even shorter one of his brother Geoffrey C.

[Public Morality in 1907: 'Living Statuary' and the National Vigilance Association.] File of cards, press cuttings, circulars, copy letter to Daily Chronicle, from papers of William J. Taylor of London Female Preventive and Reformatory Institution.

'Living Statuary' [W. A. Coote, National Vigilance Association; E. Fox Butler, London Council for the Promotion of Public Morality; 'La Milo', i.e. Pansy Montague; Music Hall; London County Council]
Publication details: 
Between April and June 1907 [Daily Chronicle; National Vigilance Association; London Council for the Promotion of Public Morality; London Female Preventive and Reformatory Institution.]

A marvellous slice of unexplored Edwardian social history, raising questions of morality, censorship, art and pornography, from the papers of William J. Taylor, Secretary of the London Female Preventive and Reformatory Institution. The 'Living Statuary' controversy arose over 'the propriety of the living statuary exhibitions in music-halls' (Daily Chronicle, 30 April 1907), and in particular the performances of the Australian artiste Pansy Montague (b.

[Willie Smith, World Billiards Champion, 'the greatest all-round billiards player who ever lived'.] Autograph Signature ('Willie Smith') in response for autograph.

Willie Smith (1886-1982), World Billiards Champion in 1920 and 1923, said to be 'the greatest all-round billiards player who ever lived', also snooker player who lost World Championship final in 1933
Publication details: 
1 February 1924. No place.

On 8 x 11 cm piece of card. In fair condition, lightly aged, with traces of glue from mount on reverse. A good bold signature, clearly in response to a request for an autograph. Reads: 'Yours Truly | Willie Smith | 1 – 2 – 24'. Smith has made a short line under the date, but the signature is not underlined.

[Christopher Fry: 'The Dark is Light Enough', Corrected Proofs.] Revise Proofs of the first edition of 'The Dark is Light Enough' (Oxford University Press), with Autograph Emendations.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright [Oxford University Press]
Publication details: 
[London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1954.] Red ink stamp at foot of first page: '15 APR 1954 | REVISE'.

103pp, 8vo. Revises of the text of the play (and not the prelims) in unbound signatures. In fair condition, lightly aged. Red ink stamp at foot of pp.1 and 40: '15 APR 1954 | REVISE'. Numerous autograph emendations, nearly all minor and relating to accidentals, but with five verbal changes, of which the following two are the most significant. Printed on p.9: 'KASSEL. Well, Bella, does she seem to be in trouble? | BELLA. She says the only trouble is us who trouble ourselves.' amended in autograph to 'KASSEL. Well, Bella, where has she been/ | BELLA.

[Christopher Fry, 1930s pantomime (author's first book?) by the writer of 'The Lady's Not for Burning'.] Printed play text: 'The Sleeping Beauty | A Pantomime | by | Christopher Fry.'

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright and poet, noted for his verse dramas, author of 'The Lady's Not for Burning'
Publication details: 
Printers' slug on title-page: 'Courier Co., Ltd., Tun. Wells.' [Tunbridge Wells, 1934.]

Possibly the author's first book (see below), from the Christopher Fry papers (despite the ownership inscription). 54pp, 12mo. Stapled into green printed wraps (title and words '(ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)'). Tiny ownership signature in initials ('R. G.') in top right-hand corner of title-page. No details of publication or date, other than the printers' slug at bottom left of title-page.

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