[Samuel Foart Simmons, one of the 'mad doctors' of George III.] Autograph case notes for six women, made as physician to St Luke's Hospital, London.

Samuel Foart Simmons (1750-1813), physician, one of the 'mad doctors' of George III [St Luke's Hospital for Lunatics, Old Street, London]
Publication details: 
[St Luke's Hospital for Lunatics, Old Street, London.] Case notes for three of the patients only dated (date of admission?) July, September and December 1789. Others no year given. Notes (of examination?) dated to 8 and 15 January [1790].

St Luke's Hospital for Lunatics was founded in 1750 by City of London philanthropists to treat mental illness among the poor of London. In 1786 it moved from Moorfields to Old Street, where it remained until 1916. Simmons was appointed physician to the hospital in 1781. 6pp, 16mo. A piece of laid watermarked paper has been neatly torn into three 16 x 10 cm leaves: a bifolium, with the single leaf loosely inserted. In good condition, lightly aged. A poignant artefact. Simple, brief notes, giving age, name, date [of admission], address, some with follow-up notes. The six women are 'Eliz.

['Mark Twain' (Samuel Langhorne Clemens), great American writer.] Envelope addressed to 'S. L. Clement, Esqr. | "Mark Twain"', at 'Buckenham Hall', and forwarded to 88 Brook Street, with annotations and eight postmarks.

'Mark Twain', pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910), great American writer, creator of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, described by William Faulkner as 'the father of American literature'
Publication details: 
Sent from Belfast to Brandon in Norfolk, and then on to London. November 1887.

8.5 x 14 envelope. In fair condition, aged and creased. Torn open, with slight loss to flap. A nice Mark Twain artefact, and something of a puzzle, as he does not appear to have been in England at the time. There does not appear to be any connection between Twain and William Amhurst Tyssen-Amherst (1835-1909), 1st Baron Amherst of Hackney, whose London address was 88 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square.

[ T.F. Colby; Ordnance Survey; Ireland ] Autograph Letters Signed "Ths. Colby" to unnamed correspondent about Ordnance Survey of Ireland.

T.F. Colby [ Thomas Frederick Colby FRS FRSE 1784 –1852), major-general and director of the Ordnance Survey
Publication details: 
"Ordnance Map Office| Tower 19 Feby 1828".

Two pages, 12mo, fold marks, one edge stained and roughened (perhaps blank second leaf of bifolium removed, and item tipped into album), text clear as follows: "The points which are partally fixed in Ireland extend to the southward as far as Bray Head on the East Coast. And they can be given to the Admiralty Surveyor if required in the course the present year. The North East Coast is already surveyed, and may be copied by the Admiralty surveyors at any time.

[ Ferenc Pulszky; Kossuth ] Autograph Letter Signed "Fr Pulszky" to a "Mr. Vaux"

Ferenc Pulszky [Baron Pulszky; Ferenc Aurél Pulszky de Cselfalva et Lubócz (1814 –1897), Hungarian politician, writer and nobleman]
Publication details: 
13 St Albans Villas, Highgate Rise, Saturday (no date).

Two pages, 12mo, one edge frayed, mainly good condition. "I do not know anything about the R. Society of Literature & the public which assembles there, but I am happy to lecture on the 9th of July on either of the following subjects which I have just now [elision] on my hands. | 1. 'In subjects connected with & objects exhibited in the Br.M. [British Museum]' This would be [spicy?] & amusing. | 2. 'On Shemitic art'' Elaborate profound & dull. | 3. 'On American monuments of art'.

[Cardinals of the Roman Catholic church.] Signatures of twenty-five Roman Catholic cardinals under Popes Pius X and Benedict XV, on parts of twenty-six official documents, many addressed to Cardinal Willem Marinus van Rossum.

[Roman Catholic cardinals; Popes Pius X and Benedict XV; Cardinal Willem Marinus van Rossum]
Publication details: 
From various locations. Dated signatures between 1911 and 1921.

The signatures of twenty-five Roman Catholic cardinals (one having two examples) on 26 strips of paper, cut from official documents, many of them addressed to Cardinal Willem Marinus van Rossum (1854-1932), Prefect of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. The collection is in good condition, on lightly aged paper, several of the items having fold lines. Four of the signatures have not been identified. The others are those of: Bartolomeo Bacilieri (1842-1923), Bishop of Verona; António Mendes Belo ['A. Card.

[Samuel Goodenough, Bishop of Carlisle, botanist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml. Carlisle') to Rev. Gilbert Ford of Ormskirk, regarding the 'Grey Pill' of his father, the Chester physician John Ford.

Samuel Goodenough (1743-1827), Bishop of Carlisle, botanist [Rev. Gilbert Ford of Ormskirk; Dr John Ford of Chester]
Publication details: 
22 April 1808. Berners Street [London].

See Goodenough's entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of writing he had not been long in place: he had been consecrated in the Chapel Royal, Whitehall on 13 February 1808, having been nominated by the Prime Minister the Duke of Portland. The recipient is Rev. Gilbert Ford (1768-1835) of Ormskirk, son of the eminent Chester physician and botanist John Ford (1731-1807). (Ford was possibly related to Goodenough by marriage: the latter's wife was a daughter of Dr James Ford, sometime physician to Middlesex Hospital and to Queen Charlotte.) 2pp, 4to. On bifolium.

[Christopher Fry's copy of W. H. Auden's first published book, with Fry's ownership inscription dated to the year of publication.] Poems.

W. H. Auden; Christopher Fry
Publication details: 
London: Faber & Faber, 24 Russell Square. 1930.

In folding box, dark blue, gt. 79pp, 8vo. In plain white card wraps, in blue dustwrapper printed in black, with red border to cover. Ownership inscription in blue ink on front free endpaper: 'Christopher Fry | 1930'. Hardly the best of copies, but a good association between two of the three giants of the twentieth-century English verse play (Eliot being the other). Internally tight, on lightly-aged paper, in aged and worn wraps. The dustwrapper is in poor condition, stained, chipped, and separated into several loose parts along the folds, with spine and back cover tipped-in onto the wraps.

[Felicia Hemans, poet.] Autograph Poem, with corrections, titled 'The Cross of the South.'

Felicia Hemans [Felicia Dorothea Hemans] (1793-1835), Anglo-Irish Romantic poet, born in Liverpool [William Jerdan, editor of the Literary Gazette]
Publication details: 
No date of place. On paper with watermarked date 1820. [Poem published in the Literary Gazette, London, 23 June 1821.]

3pp, 4to. Bifolium. On wove paper with Whatman watermark dated 1820. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight loss of paper at one corner of second leaf, resulting in loss of one word of text. Folded twice. From the papers of William Jerdan, editor of the Literary Gazette, who published the poem with one other ('In the Ivy'), in the edition of 23 June 1821, giving the identity of the author given in a footnote: 'We have to thank the elegant pen of MRS. HEMANS, for these two exquisite poems. Ed.' Heman's manuscript is endorsed by Jerdan: 'Poetry origl | 231 | W J | Mrs. Hemans'.

[ John Mytton, rake ] Valediction of letter only, "Yours very truly | John Mytton | Newmarket | Tuesday".

John Mytton, eccentric and rake of the Regency period, sometime MP.
Publication details: 
No date (Newmarket).

Portion of letter, valediction only, 10.5 x 8cm, fold mark, some staining but text clear. Apparently a scarce autograph,


[Lord Stanhope [Philip Henry Stanhope, 5th Earl Stanhope], historian and politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Mahon') to Richard Monckton Milnes, regarding writing about Walpole and Queen Caroline, supposedly by the Earl of Chesterfield.

Lord Stanhope [Philip Henry Stanhope, 5th Earl Stanhope] (1805-1875) [styled Viscount Mahon between 1816 and 1855], historian and politician [Richard Monckton Milnes, later Lord Houghton]
Publication details: 
'Grosvenor Place [London] | Friday morning.' No date, but on paper with watermarked year 1852.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to reverse of blank second leaf of bifolium. The subject is an item acquired by Milnes for his celebrated collection of manuscripts, which Milnes considered the present letter worthy of joining. The letter begins: 'My dear Milnes | Of the paper you have sent me, the first paragraph about Queen Caroline & the last about Sir Robert Walpole have already appeared, & you will find them in my Edition.

[UK Parliament: the first Secret Session in House of Lords, 1916.] Twenty-seven items from papers of N. D. Bosworth Smith of Privy Council Office, including draft Order in Council, correspondence from Lords Crewe, Lansdowne, Morley, Haldane, Milner.

UK Parliament: the first Secret Sessions, 1916 [House of Lords; Secret Sittings; N. D. Bosworth Smith of Privy Council Office; Lords Crewe, Lansdowne, Morley, Haldane, Milner, Duke of Devonshire
Publication details: 
Privy Council Office and other locations in London and elsewhere in Great Britain. 20 to 25 April 1916.

An interesting collection of material relating to the preparations for the historic first Secret Session in the House of Lords, from the papers of Neville Digby Bosworth Smith (1886-1964) of the Privy Council Office. The material dates from the five days preceding 25 April 1916, when the House of Lords having voted in favour of the measure, it held a secret session to debate a motion regarding conscription following the passing of the Military Services Act 1916. (For a contemporary account of the parallel proceedings in the other house, see Sir C. P.

[Richard Kearton, pioneer wildlife photographer; plus ANS] Printed advertisement w. list of works and fourteen photographs, carrying Autograph Note Signed ('R. Kearton'), directing the admittance of 'bearer and friend' to 'my lecture | Muswell Hill'.

Richard Kearton (1862-1928), naturalist and pioneer wildlife photographer with his brother Cherry Kearton (1871-1940)
Publication details: 
Advertisement undated. Kearton's note dated 15 January 1906.

Printed in black ink on both sides of a 26 x 30 cm piece of thick shiny art paper. Worn and folded twice. One side carries a priced list of eleven 'Natural History Works by R. KEARTON, F.Z.S.

[Thomas Hollis, radical political philosopher, benefactor of Harvard.] Autograph Presentation Inscription ('Ex dono Tho. Hollis') on loose leaf from John Owen's 'Communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost'. With title and one other loose leaf

Thomas Hollis (1720-1774), English political philosopher, benefactor of Harvard and other American colleges
Publication details: 
Title-leaf of second edition, 1700. 'Printed for William Marshall, and Sold by him at the Bible in Newgate-Street'.

The three leaves are worn, aged and stained. Two of the leaves carry the four pages of 'The Epistle to the Reader', by the editor Daniel Burgess, and at the head of the first of these pages is the ownership inscription: 'Ex dono Tho. Hollis'. The third leaf is the title, and the title-page has two ownership signatures at the head, neither of them legible. Sotheby sold the united library of Hollis, Thomas Brand Hollis and John Disney in 1817.

[Thomas Moore, 'the national poet of Ireland'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Moore') regarding the return by his wife of a book he has made use of.

Thomas Moore ['Anacreon Moore'] (1779-1852), regarded in the nineteenth-century as the national poet of Ireland, friend and literary executor of Lord Byron
Publication details: 
13 September 18[...]. [Bath?]

On one side of a piece of paper cropped to 11 x 8 cm, resulting in loss of text at edges. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Septr 13th 18[...] | [...] dear Sir - | As Mrs. Moore is [...] | [...]ith a parcel for Beafort Build[...] | [...] the opportunity of returning a book whi[...] | [...] to a set, you may be inconvenienced [...] | [...], and I have got all I wanted out of it [...] | You will have the goodness to send the [...] | [...] basket to Mrs. Dyke. | Yours ever | T.

[Quo Tai-chi [Quo Taichi], Chinese Ambassador to London.] Autograph Signature ['Autograph | Quo Tai-chi'.

Quo Tai-chi [Quo Taichi] (1888-1952), Kuomintang Chinese Ambassador to London, 1932-1940
Publication details: 
No date or place [1930s?].

On 6 x 11 cm piece of paper, laid down on slightly larger piece of grey paper cut from an album. In good condition, lightly aged. The only writing, in a large firm hand, is 'Autograph | Quo Tai-chi'. At the head of the mount, in a contemporary hand: 'Quo-Tai-Chi (Dr) Chinese Ambassador in London'.

[Admiral Jellicoe, commander of the Grand Fleet at the Battle of Jutland.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J R Jellicoe') congratulating 'Cecil', i.e. future Admiral Sir Stanley Colville, on the birth of a son, discussing his 'joining' the ship as guest.

Admiral Jellicoe [Admiral of the Fleet John Rushworth Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe] (1859-1935), commander of Grand Fleet at Battle of Jutland [Admiral Sir Stanley Cecil James Colville (1861-1939)]
Publication details: 
30 September 1907. On letterhead of HMS Albemarle, Atlantic Fleet.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with a few light stains from mount. Folded once. Having seen the Times announcement of the birth of Cecil's son the previous Saturday, Jellicoe sends his 'Most hearty congratulations' on the birth of Cecil's son, and is 'so delighted that all is going so satisfactorily & that you can come to see us on the 14th.

['Lewis Carroll' [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], Sir Leicester Harmsworth's collection of his books and manuscripts.] Auction Catalogue: 'Catalogue of the Collection of the Writings of the Revd. C. L. Dodgson ("Lewis Carroll")'.

'Lewis Carroll' [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson], books and manuscripts; Sir R. Leicester Harmsworth; Sotheby & Co., London; Winifred Myers, manuscripts dealer
Publication details: 
['Harmsworth Trust Library | The Tenth Portion'.] London: Sotheby & Co. Day of Sale: 26 March 1947.

The full title reads: 'Harmsworth Trust Library | The Tenth Portion | Catalogue of the Collection of the Writings of the Revd. C. L. Dodgson ("Lewis Carroll") Forming part of the renowned Library of the late Sir R. Leicester Harmsworth, Bt., LL.D. (and now Sold by Order of the Trustees)'. 21pp, 8vo. With frontispiece, and plate with illustrations on both sides, as well as several facsimiles in text. (Front cover states: 'Illustrated Catalogue (2 Plates and 6 Line Reproductions)'. In yellow printed and stapled wraps, with last page of text printed on inside back cover.

[William Hurrell Mallock, novelist and economist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. H. Mallock.') to 'L[ad]y Virginia', praising her novel, which he 'did not willingly put [...] down for an instant'.

W. H. Mallock [William Hurrell Mallock] (1849-1923), novelist and conservative economist
Publication details: 
7 May 1887. On letterhead of Bornhill, Bramford Speke, Exeter.

2pp, 12mo. On grey paper with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. The indentity of the recipient is unclear. The letter begins: 'Dear Ly Virginia | The other day I bought your novel, & the first comfortable leisure moment I had, I began to read it.

[ Sir John Shelley, HRH Duke of York ] Valediction only of Autograph Letter Signed "J Shelley" to [HRH The Duke of York, Field-Marshall, C in C ] referring to recent victory of Waterloo.

Sir John Shelley [ 6th Baronet (1771–1852), landowner, Member of Parliament and amateur cricketer.]
Publication details: 
[Docketed ] 7 August 1812

Valediction of Letter only, 19 x 9cm, laid down on similar sized piece of paper, from collection of similar valedictions most of which mention the Duke of York as recipient. Text: "news from Ld Wellington, at which I sincerely rejoice | I have the honour to be Sir | with the greatest respect & attachment | Yr obdt Servt | J Shelley." Docketed by HRH (probably) or secretary (Date and Sender) and from a large collection of similar valedictions (similarly docketed), so often to the Duke of York ("Royal Highness" etc) that they may reveal the fate of his incoming correspondence, or part of it..

[Stanley J. Weyman, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Stanley J. Weyman') to 'Mr. Balfour', regarding an article he is writing for him, with relation to 'the Church' and 'Seaman'.

Stanley J. Weyman [Stanley John Weyman] (1855-1928), popular novelist of historical romance
Publication details: 
22 November 1923. On letterhead of Plâs Llanrhydd, Ruthin, N. Wales.

Weyman is largely forgotten now, but he was admired by Robert Louis Stevenson and Oscar Wilde, and Graham Greene singled him out for regular re-reading among the authors of 'the key books in my life'. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with pin holes to one corner. Folded twice. He is 'relieved' that Balfour thinks 'it will do. Yes, if you will kindly send it me I will look it over again & get it typed.' He has 'not seen the Church for some years', and will be grateful if Balfour will note any inaccuracy. He supposes that if the work is received within a fortnight 'it will do'.

[Thomas Frankland and Others; Stirling and Dumbarton Castles] Manuscript [Document[ Signed by Members of Parliament in command of the Ordnance, "Tho[mas] Frankland", Thomas Erle (also distinguished soldier), Thomas Wheate and Edward Ashe

Thomas Erle, Thomas Frankland and Others [Stirling and Dumbarton Castles]
Publication details: 
[Office of his Majesty's Ordnance], 25 Feb. 1717/18

A fragile survival. One page, 20 x 22cm, small closed tears, foxing, minimal loss of two or three letters, text fully legible as follows: "Whereas it is requisite and necessary that [an?] Advance of Money should be made for paying for the Repairs at Sterling [sic] & Dumbarton Castles in North Brittain. We have therefore pursuant to an Ord[e]r this day of the Board Imprested unto James Luly the sum of Twenty pounds And we desire the Honble Harry Mordaunt Esq.

[Richard Beresford, signed limitation, with second signature inscribing the book to 'Diana'.] Glist'ring Phaeton. [A verse translation of the French source of Shakespeare's Richard II, 'Histoire du Roy d'Angleterre Richard'.]

Richard Beresford [William Shakespeare, 'Richard II'; 'Histoire du Roy d'Angleterre Richard']
Publication details: 
'Published by the Morija Printing Works & sold by the Constantia Booksellers Johannesburg: 1945'.

[4] + 78 + [1]pp, 8vo. In printed wraps. Internally in fair condition, on lightly discoloured paper, in worn and stained wraps. Verse translation of the French source of Shakespeare's Richard II, 'Histoire du Roy Angleterre Richard'.

[Robert Waithman, Lord Mayor of London.] Autograph Signature ('R Waithman | Mayor') to Signed Autograph Deposition by John Schmidt, regarding his residence in London.

Robert Waithman (1764-1833), Whig politician and Lord Mayor of London in 1823 [Henry Holste, London merchant]
Publication details: 
'Sworn at the Mansion house [London] this Twenty fifth day of August. One thousand eight hundred and Twenty five'.

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, creased and aged. The only piece of Waithman's autograph is his signature at the foot: 'R Waithman'. The rest of the document, apparently in Holste's hand, reads: 'Henry Holste of 22 Bush Lane Merchant, maketh Oath and saith, that he has been resident in London above Fourteen years, and that from the first day of January 1812 to the first day of September 1823. he has not been out of England for a single day | Henry Holste. | Sworn at the Mansion house this Twenty fifth day of August. One thousand eight hundred and Twenty five | R Waithman | Mayor'.

[Robert Waithman, Lord Mayor of London; treatment of immigrants.] Autograph Signature ('R Waithman') to Signed Autograph Deposition by John Schmidt, regarding his residence in London.

Robert Waithman (1764-1833), Whig politician and Lord Mayor of London in 1823 [John Schmidt, London merchant]
Publication details: 
'Sworn at the Mansion House [London] this first day of Sepr 1824'.

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. The only piece of Waithman's autograph is his signature at the foot: 'R Waithman'. The rest of the document, apparently in Schmidt's hand, reads: 'John Schmidt Native of Hamburg residing at No 77 Westmoreland place City Road, Merchant maketh Oath & saith that he first arrived in London in the Year 1795. and has continued to reside here up to the present time with the exception of a few Months, but that he has not left England for a single day since the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight. - | J. Schmidt.

[Sir John Mills, Oscar-winning actor.] Typed Letter Signed ('John Mills') to Mrs Richard Eyre, daughter of Charles Royds, First Lieutenant to Scott of the Antarctic, regarding research on the film, in which Mills starred as Scott.

Sir John Mills [born Lewis Ernest Watts Mills] (1908-2005), Oscar-winning English film actor [Richard Eyre; Scott of the Antarctic]
Publication details: 
24 November 1947; Fernacres, Fulmer, Bucks.

2pp, 12mo. On grey paper with letterhead of his name. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight staining tape staining to two corners from mount. Addressed to 'Mrs Richard Eyre, | Bullsmead, | Maiden Newton, | Dorset.' The subject of the letter is the preparation for the 1948 British film 'Scott of the Antarctic', in which Mills starred in the title role. The recipient is the mother of the noted English director Sir Richard Eyre (b. 1943), whose father Charles Royds was Scott’s First Lieutenant.

[John Keble, Anglican cleric and poet.] Autograph Letter in the third person, recommending that 'Mr. T. Sneyd Kinnersley' apply to 'Mr. Parker, or Mr. Harrison the Architect' regarding an engraving.

John Keble (1792-1866), Anglican cleric and poet, a leader of the Oxford Movement, after whom was named Keble College, Oxford [Thomas Clement Sneyd Kinnersley; James Park Harrison; John Henry Parker]
Publication details: 
Hursley Vicarage [Hampshire]. 21 December 1849.

2pp, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice. 'Mr. Keble presents his compliments to Mr. T. Sneyd Kinnersley, & is much concerned to have received his note so late, that it was impossible for him to return an answer in time for the 20th. He has no spare copies of the Engraving, or he would gladly forwarded [sic] one. Neither does he know whom to apply to about it, unless it be Mr. Parker, or Mr. Harrison the Architect, [i.e. James Park Harrison (1817-1901)] whose address is | 11 Chancery Lane | London. | Mr.

[ Lavinia, Countess Spencer ] Valediction only of Autograph Letter Signed "Lavinia Spencer" to "Field Marshall - Duke of York" [Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany]

Lavinia Spencer [ Countess Spencer (née Bingham; 1762 – 1831), society hostess and illustrator.
Publication details: 
[ Spencer House, 15 March 1795; docketed by recipient or his secretary ]

Valediction of Letter only, 5 lines inc. signature and address, 19 x 7cm, laid down on similar sized paper, with remnants on verso suggesting that it was in an album at one time, with note identifying writer ("The Countess Spencer"). Text: "& you will very highly oblige & gratify me. | I have the honor to be your Royal Highness most obedient Sert | Lavinia Spencer". From a large collection of similar conclusions,so often to the Duke of York ("Royal Highness" etc) that they may reveal the fate of his incoming correspondence, or part of it..

[Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol College, Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed ('B. Jowett') to T. W. Jex-Blake, Headmaster of Rugby School, regarding 'the prosperity' of the school, the regaining of its 'prestige', and the accepting of 'certificates

Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893), Master of Balliol College, Oxford, influential tutor and administrator at the University [Thomas William Jex-Blake (1832-1915), Headmaster of Rugby School, Dean of Wells]
Publication details: 
27 September [no year]. Oxford.

The 1880 'Balliol Masque' indicates Jowett's standing, and the pronunciation of his name: 'First come I. My name is Jowett. | There's no knowledge but I know it. | I am Master of this College, |What I don't know isn't knowledge.' 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with fold lines. Begins: 'My dear Jex Blake | I am very glad to hear of the prosperity of Rugby, in which I shall always take a great interest.

[Charles Buller Heberden, Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford.] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'C B Heberden') to Sir Richard Harington, concerning the replacement of a college stained glass window, Harington taking the old one.

Charles Buller Heberden (1849-1921), classical scholar and Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford [Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet, of Ridlington and Whitbourne Court]
Publication details: 
2, 4 and 14 January 1897. All three on letterhead of Brasenose College, Oxford.

The three letters total 7pp, 12mo. All three in good condition, on lightly aged paper. From the papers of Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet, whose father Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), had been Principal from 1842 to his death. All three endorsed by Harington with date of receipt. The subject is the replacement of a stained glass window in the college, with Harington receiving the old window, which he put up at his Worcestershire country house, Whitbourne Court.

[Count d'Orsay, French painter and dandy.] Individual etched portraits of Prince Talleyrand and Comte Montrond, on the same leaf, each with caption stating 'Sketched by D'Orsay'.

Count d'Orsay [Alfred Guillaume Gabriel Grimod d'Orsay, comte d'Orsay] (1801-1852), French painter and dandy, linked with Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington (1789-1849); Talleyrand; Montrond
Publication details: 
[London? Circa 1831?]

Two etchings in black ink, printed side by side on a 23.5 x 18 cm piece of wove paper, with a thin printed line dividing them. Possibly proofs of two plates on conjoined leaves in a book. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with a tiny nick at foot and dog-eared corners. Each of the sketches is full-length, and has a caption at foot, in a facsimile of D'Orsay's hand.

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