[ Sir Edward Stanley of Bickerstaffe, later 11th Earl of Derby. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd Stanley') to Sir John Chetwood, regarding a commission for the levying of 3000 for the Earl of Cheshire (i.e. George Augustus, Prince of Wales).

Sir Edward Stanley (1689-1776) of Bickerstaffe, later 11th Earl of Derby [ Sir John Chetwood; George Augustus, Prince of Wales (as Earl of Chester), future King George I ]
Publication details: 
'Moesley' [ Mosley, Lancashire ]. 9 September 1717.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on second leaf 'To | Sr John Chetwood Barrtt'. On aged and worn paper. Neatly and attractively written out. Reads: 'Sr | I brought down from London the Prince's Patent for ye levyeing 3000 Markes in Cheshire due to his Royall Highness, as Earle of Chester on whic a Comis[si]on is issued out directed to you and Others for ye levyeing the Same which Comis[si]on I am oblig'd to acquaint you will be at Chester on Tuesday the first day of October next'.

[G. B. O'Neill, Irish painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Bernard O'Neill'), inviting G. W. Cooke to join in a 'friendly cup' with him and 'Mr. Callcott' [William Hutchins Callcott?], who is bringing sketches for him to inspect.

G. B. O'Neill [George Bernard O'Neill] (1828-1917), Irish painter [G. W. Cooke [George Wingrove Cooke] (1814-1865), lawyer and historian; Sir Augustus Wall Callcott (1779-1844)]
Publication details: 
'The Mall | Kensington. | Monday'. No date.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. In 1857 O'Neill married Emma Stuart Callcott, granddaughter of the artist Sir Augustus Wall Callcott, from whose house the present letter is addressed. He informs Cooke that he has 'asked Mr. Callcott [probably O'Neill's father-in-law William Hutchins Callcott (1807-1882)] to come & take a "friendly cup" with me on Thursday Evg. & we shall be glad of your company if you can favour us'. In a postscript O'Neill states that Callcott has promised to let him have 'the sketches I spoke to you of, in case you should come'.

[Philip Augustus Hanrott, book collector.] Autograph Note Signed ('P. A. Hanrott.') to an unnamed recipient, subscribing to 'the work mentioned in the Prospectus'.

Philip Augustus Hanrott (1776-1856), English book collector
Publication details: 
Great Ormond Street [London]. 29 August 1829.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Hanrott writes that he has received the recipient's letter on his 'return to Town', and that he will be pleased to subscribe 'to the work mentioned in the Prospectus you inclosed to me, & should wish to have a large Paper Copy'. He hopes that 'it may meet with that liberal encouragement, which it's [sic] importance & usefullness [sic] deserves'. He concludes in the hope that 'it is to be conducted under your auspices'.

[Ralph Straus.] Typed Letter Signed to the theatrical historian and bookseller Ifan Kyrle Fletcher, discussing, with biographical information, playbills associated with George Augustus Sala he requires. With Typed Note Signed and Typed Card Signed.

Ralph Straus (1882-1950), author and literary biographer [George Augustus Sala (1828-1895), journalist; Ifan Kyrle Fletcher (d.1964), theatrical historian and bookseller]
Publication details: 
The letter and note both on letterheads of Ralph Straus, The Tanyard, Shorne, Nr. Gravesend; 6 January 1939 and 8 January 1945. The card from the Tanyard; 7 January 1945.

All three items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. All signed 'Ralph Straus'. ONE: TLS. 6 January 1939. 1p., 8vo. After expressing his willingness to have 'the programme of Wat Tyler and the Bil of Madame Sala for 1827', he expresses his desire to acquire playbills 'of Sala's grandfather, in a King's Theatre ballet 1776 onwards - particularly if it gives his Christian name of Claudio. I know of one in Jan. 1788.

Autograph Letter Signed from the American artist Edwin Howland Blashfield to 'Mr. Thomas' [the playwright Augustus Thomas], regarding the National Institute of Arts and Letters [later the American Academy of Arts and Letters].

Edwin Howland Blashfield (1848-1936), American artist, President of the National Institute of Arts and Letters [Augustus Thomas (1857-1944), American playwright; American Academy of Arts and Letters]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead of 48 Central Park South, New York City. 14 November [1915?].

1p., 12mo. 25 lines, neatly and tightly written. In good condition, lightly-aged, and with pin hole to one corner. Blashfield declares himself 'much disappointed' that Thomas will not be presiding 'at the joint meeting on the 17th. Nov.', stating that he has been urging 'from the beginning' that Thomas should 'so preside'.

Three printed items relating to the Royal Westminster Volunteers, from the papers of Lieut-Col. Richard Twining, Junior: a 'General Order' (on a review by the Russian Emperor), a Circular by Twining, and an 'Extract from the Star'.

[Royal Westminster Regiment of Volunteers; Richard Twining the younger (1772-1857), tea and coffee merchant and banker, eldest son of the firm's founder Richard Twining the elder (1749-1824)]
Publication details: 
The 'General Order' (1814) and the 'Circular' (1819) both printed by 'R. Spragg, Printer, Bow-street, Covent-garden.' The 'Extract' printed by 'Seeley, Printers, Buckingham.' [1805.]

The three items all cropped, but in good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. ITEM ONE: Headed 'Extract from the Star of Thursday, 17th October, 1805. | Royal Westminster Volunteers.' 1p., 8vo. Printer's slug in bottom left-hand corner. Autograph note by Twining at foot: 'This was printed by the voluntary act of my honor'd friend Dr.

Autograph Letter in the third person from George Spencer, 4th Duke of Marlborough, apologising to the Prince Regent (George Augustus Frederick, later King George IV) for having to decline an invitation.

George Spencer (1739-1817), 4th Duke of Marlborough [George Augustus Frederick (1762-1830), Prince Regent between 1811 and 1820, thereafter King George IV]
Publication details: 
'Blenheim | April 19th'. [Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire; 1812.]

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and creased laid paper with watermark '1810'. The letter reads: 'The Duke of Marlborough is very sorry it will not be in his power to obey His Royal Highness the Prince Regent's commands on Thursday the 23d of April, which he should have been very happy to have done had it been possible for him. | Blenheim | April 19th.' The only 23 April falling on a Thursday during the Regency before the 4th Duke's death was in 1812.

Autograph Note Signed from Augustus Mayhew to Edward Draper, Honorary Solicitor of the Savage Club, regarding a contribution to a magazine [The Comic Almanac?].

Augustus Mayhew [Augustus Septimus Mayhew] (1826-1875), English journalist [Edward Draper of Vincent Square, London, Honorary Solicitor of the Savage Club]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Dr. Draper/ | Do something for No 2. | No 1 was put of for a week | Yours | Aug: Mayhew'. Mayhew edited the Comic Almanac between 1848 and 1850.

Engraved circular letter and 'Balance Sheets for 1858 and 1859' of the Playground and General Recreation Society (including reference to a speech by Charles Dickens), forwarded by secretary Edward West to committee-member Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan.

Edward West, Secretary, The Playground and General Recreation Society, London [Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan [née Frend] (1809-92), wife of mathematician Augustus De Morgan (1806-71); Charles Dickens]
Publication details: 
West's engraved letter: 97 Newgate Street, London; 31 January 1860. The balance sheets dated to end of the years 1858 and 1859.

3pp., 4to. In bifolium. Good, on aged and lightly-creased paper. 'Mrs. de Morgan' in manuscript at the foot of the first page, and 'No 5' at the head. The first page carries the circular letter from 'Edwd. West, Secy.', engraved in copperplate. In sending the balance sheets he notes that 'the income is scarcely equal to the expenditure which is necessary for obtaining for the Society public support'.

Reproduction of a drawing of Charles Dickens by Rudolf Lehmann, from 'R. Lehmann's Portrait Studies', presented in the style of a carte de visite.

Rudolf Lehmann [Wilhelm Augustus Rudolf Lehmann] (1819-1905), Genre and portrait painter [Charles Dickens; Frederick Bruckmann, bookseller, Southampton Street, Strand, London]
Publication details: 
Fred. Bruckmann, London, 17 Southampton Street, Strand. No date.

Printed on a piece of 14 x 9.5 cm india paper, laid down on a piece of 17 x 11.5 cm card, with rounded edges. Aged and faded, but nevertheless a nice item of Dickensiana. A sensitive study of Dickens's face, above a heavily-faded facsimile of his signature. Printed at the head of the card is 'R. LEHMANN'S PORTRAIT STUDIES.' And at the foot: 'CHARLES DICKENS | FRED.

Autograph Note in the third person from Alfred, Lord Tennyson, to the Lord Chamberlain the Earl of Kenmare, declining an invitation.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892), English Poet Laureate, 1850-1892 [Valentine Augustus Browne (1825-1905), 4th Earl of Kenmare, Lord Chamberlain]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Aldworth, Haslemere, Surrey. May 1885.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. On the first leaf of a bifolium, with the second blank leaf carrying traces of glue from mount. The note reads: 'May /85 | Lord Tennyson begs to thank the Lord Chamberlain for the honour of the invitation on June 6th. He regrets that he is unable to avail himself of it.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Edward A Freeman') from the historian and politician Edward Augustus Freeman to the Staffordshire antiquary Rupert Simms, correcting his list of Freeman's books for Simms's 'Bibliotheca Staffordiensis'.

Edward Augustus Freeman (1823-1892), English historian and Liberal politician [Rupert Simms (1853-1937), bookseller and Staffordshire antiquary
Publication details: 
Somerlease, Wells. 23 February 1884.

Freeman's letter is on the last of five folio pages, each on a separate leaf, sent to him by Simms, giving, for correction, the proposed entry on Freeman in the future 'Bibliotheca Staffordiensis'. In fair condition, on aged paper. On the first page Simms has given a brief biographical description of Freeman; the middle three pages comprise a numbered list of twenty-three of Freeman's books, with dates, and the last page carries a rather optimistic request by Simms for information regarding 'Contribution to Periodicals, Magazines, &c. Giving Number a year of Serial - Pages occuppied - &c'.

Autograph synopsis and notes by the dramatist and editor of 'Punch' Tom Taylor of part of Act III of his 1866 play 'A Sister's Penance', written with Augustus W. Dubourg.

Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and comic writer, author of 'The Ticket of Leave Man' (1863) and editor of 'Punch [Augustus W. Dubourg]
Publication details: 
On government letterhead; undated [c.1866].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The first page headed 'Act III', and the whole tightly-written and filled with deletions, interpolations and marginal notes, providing a valuable insight into the creative process of one of Victorian England's most successful dramatists. The last page breaks off: 'Handeside confesses his own desperate attachment. Markham <...>'. 'A Sister's Penance' was a great success, with 83 performances at the Adelphi between 26 November 1866 and 2 March 1867.

Nine Typed Letters Signed, one Typed Note Signed and one Autograph Card Signed (all eleven 'Nicolette') from the author and artist Nicolette Devas to the military historian Antony Brett-James.

Nicolette Devas [née Macnamara; other married name Shephard] (1911-1987), author and artist [Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), military historian and Sandhurst lecturer]
Nicolette Devas
Publication details: 
[1960-74?] All from West London. Card postmarked 11 October 1960, on cancelled letterhead of Anthony Devas, 12 Carlisle Square. Three items (none with year) on letterhead 18 Wetherby Gardens; seven (two from 1974) on letterhead 68 Limerston Street.
Nicolette Devas

Apart from the card (12mo, 1 p), totalling 4to, 10 pp; 12mo, 2 pp. All items in good condition, with text clear and complete, on lightly-aged paper. All post-1960. Two of the eleven (20 January and 13 June 1974) are fully dated by Devas; another four have day and month. The card from 1960 is the earliest item; the three from Wetherby Gardens date from between this point and Devas's second marriage to Rupert Shephard in 1965, and the seven from Limerston Street from after the marriage. A good-natured correspondence, written in a chatty style.

Autograph Note in the third person from Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, to Sir W. J. Newton, regarding a sitting.

Prince Augustus Frederick (1773-1843), Duke of Sussex, sixth son of King George III [Sir William John Newton (1785-1869), artist and photographer]
Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex
Publication details: 
27 March 1840; Kensington Palace.
Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex

12mo, 1 p. Six lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Suggests a couple of alternative days on which he 'will be at liberty to give Sir W. J. Newton a sitting'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs [Cecilia] Perkins.

Edmund Yates
Publication details: 
23 July [no year]; on letterhead of Moorhurst, Holmwood, Surrey.

12mo, 1 p. The purple ink of the letter has bled, otherwise in good condition. He does not 'think it likely that we shall soon see this neighbourhood again'. They have had 'frequent bad weather, constant illness, & general discomfort'. The Yateses 'hope to meet you at Hamburg, where we expect to arrive on Wednesday 5th. August. So be it!' Mrs Perkins was the wife of the wealthy brewer Augustus Frederick Perkins.

Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences: To the End of the Year M,DCC,LXXXIII [1783]. Volume I.

American Academy of Arts and Sciences [James Bowdoin, Edward Augustus Holyoke, Benjamin Lincoln, Joseph Willard, Mannaseh Cutler, Caleb Gannett, Eli Forbes, Edward Wigglesworth, Jeremy Belknap et al.]
Publication details: 
Boston: Printed by Adams and Nourse, in Court-Street. 1785.

4to: xxxii + 568 pp. Very good, on lightly spotted and discoloured paper. In heavily-worn original boards, consisting of quarter-binding with grey boards and cream spine, with slight staining at head of spine. Foxed endpapers. Lacking plates. Fifty-four papers, by James Bowdoin, Edward Augustus Holyoke, Benjamin Lincoln, Joseph Willard, Mannaseh Cutler, Caleb Gannett, Eli Forbes, Edward Wigglesworth, Jeremy Belknap and others.

Corrected MS. of note "Hackney (3rd. S. 11.335; 3rd S.ii.273)" Signed "George Augustus Sala".

George Augustus Sala [G.A. Sala], author and editor.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

One page, 8vo, chipped and grubby, text clear and complete. Seventeen lines. The printed version incorporates the minor corrections made to the MS.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W G Stanard | Cor Sectry') to Augustus Bamtridge of Lincoln, England.

William Glover Stanard [W. G. Stanard] (1858-1933), American editor and antiquary
Publication details: 
15 July 1920; on letterhead of the Virginia Historical Society.

Landscape 12mo, 2 pp. 17 pages of text. Blue oval stamp at head. Good, on lightly creased paper, with small closed tear at head. Difficult hand. 'Bambridge is not a familiar name in Virginia. Very many of the early settlers died from malaria & other fevers soon after arriving.' Discusses the difficulty of genealogical research ('we have a hundred Counties in Virginia').

Autograph Letter Signed ('A W Callcott.') to an unnamed male correpsondent.

Sir Augustus Wall Callcott (1770-1844), English painter
Publication details: 
11 January 1833; <?> Kensington Gravel Pits.

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly aged and ruckled paper. Laid down on a piece of grey paper removed from an autograph album. Accepting an invitation, and informing the recipient that 'Mrs Callcott has recovered from her last attack - but she is still slightly affected at times, and is very weak.'

Parchment Manuscript Indenture, consisting of the counterpart lease of No. 50 Holywell Street, Strand, Middlesex, from the Revd Charles Felton Smith, Edwin Augustus Smith and others to John Bedford Leno.

Publication details: 

Leno (1824-94) was a printer, publisher, poet and editor, and a significant figure in nineteenth-century radicalism. In 1845, while a printer, he led a group of radical workers who started a Young Men's Improvement Society and circulated a manuscript newspaper entitled the 'Attempt'. He then became branch secretary of the local Chartists. In 1849 the 'Attempt' became a printed journal, the 'Uxbridge Pioneer'. In 1861 he was editor of the 'Poetic Magazine' and in 1881 of the 'Anti-tithe Journal'.

Autograph Letter Signed to William <Miller?>.

Ralph Straus [George Augustus Sala]
Publication details: 
12 February 1932; on letterhead '8E. Hyde Park Mansions, | N.W.1.'

English writer (1882-1950). One page, quarto. Good, but lightly creased and dusty, and with minor spotting. Concerns the writer George Augustus Sala, about whom Straus would publish a book in 1942. He is grateful for the Sala letters, and encloses a cheque. 'I appreciate your good nature in letting me have them. [...] My own Sala collection is fairly, but not wholly, complete. I have no copy, for instance, of his pamphlet (1860 or 1862) on the Wimbledon Volunteer Rifle Meeting.

Typed Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Colonel Augustus Mervyn Owen Anwyl-Passingham [FIRST WORLD WAR PROPAGANDA]
Publication details: 

British army officer (1880-1955). One page, folio. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Unusual letterhead for a governmental department of the period. He has not received the letter, which must have been misaddressed. 'Nevertheless, I shall be glad if you will kindly forward me a copy of the Journal with the Advertisement in, and walso the exact quantity of Posters you require.'

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