
Document (secretarial) Signed "Gassendi", addressed to "Monsieur le Comte". En francais.

Comte J.J.B. Gassendi
Publication details: 
[Printed heading: Ministere de la Guerre] 6e. Division / Bureau de l'artillerie / Poudres & Saltpetres, Paris, Le 27 Juillet 1811.

General (1748-1828)(biography on net). One page, sm. folio, good condition.. He acknowledges a letter in which he was asked about the "plans & . . . construction du nouveau magazin des poudres [de debit?] a Paris. Le devise & le plan de ce magasin ont ete renvoyes dans le temps a Me . . . administrateurs generaux . . . Il est essential de ne pas arreter les Tarvaux de Construction de ce magasin, afin qu'ils doient terminer pendant la belle saison."

Autograph Letter Signed "a la Bible. on R. du cherche midi [89?]".

Guillaume Depping.
Publication details: 
Bibliotheque Imperiale "midi [89?]".

Miscellaneous author. Two pages, 8vo, good condition. He asks politely for two pieces of information. Firstly, they have a book with engravings about Liberia "fondee par les Americains". He wonders if Liberia has a charge d'affaires in Paris or London. Secondly, he'd like to publish an article on "votre Bibliotheque americaine" and hopes they'll provide documentation.

Two documents signed ("Walckenaer" and "Bn Walckenaer"), one manuscript with printed heading "Prefecture de la Seine" and other detail, the other a printed form with heading Institut de France / Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres".

Baron Walckenaer [Charles Athanase Walckenaer]
Publication details: 
{Paris} 1816 and 1846 respectively.

Geographer, entomologist, pioneer biographer, etc. ("In 1839 he was appointed conservator for the Department of Maps at the Royal Library in Paris and in 1840 secretary for life in the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres.") Total three pages, folio (2) and 4to (1), some damage, but texts clear and complete. (Ist ITEM, 1816) a "Conseil de Prefecture,Seance du Jeudi 17 Octobre 1816 / Present M. Narchand, Champion & LeConte, membres du Conseil, etc".

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent. En francais.

Octave Feuillet
Publication details: 
[Paris, October 1860].

Dramatist and novelist. One page, 8vo, good condition. In a difficult hand, he says that he has heard from [M. Rey?] that he hasn't concluded his engagement in Brussels and has no interest in the role mapped out except in a few days. He goes on to talk of the work involved in corrections which has prevented him from sending a "manuscript exact". Note: The place and date are written in another hand on the reverse.

Part of autograph letter signed.

Didier Thirion [prob.].
Publication details: 
No place or date

French revolutionary (1763-1816).

Two autograph letters signed to William Smith, anti-slavery M.P.

Louis-Matthieu Langles.
Publication details: 
Bibliotheque Royal, 8 April 1813 and Bibliotheque du Roi, 17 April 1814.

Of the Bibliotheque Imperiale (Bibliotheque du roi). In French. Total 6 pages, text from verso shows through on recto, but both letters clear and complete. ITEM ONE (1813) He is looking forward to seeing Smith in Paris. General Macaulay has givcen "l'agreable asssurance". Progress made in beautifying Paris. He mentions a female author (Indecipherable to me), "celebre en France" to whom he recommends him particularly, eulogising her. Regards to wife and daughters. ITEM TWO (1814) Thanks for a letter. Smith's "sejour a Paris", happy memories and a wish for a future visit.

Part of Document signed by "Lapie Directeur de Cabinet".

Pierre Lapie.
Publication details: 
Paris, 28 March 1816

Topographer and map-maker, author of "Atlas Universel de Geographie Ancienne et Moderne, precede d’un abrege de Geographie Physique et Historique" (author = Colonel au Corps Royal d’Etat-Major, Ancien Directeur du Cabinet Topographique du Roi, Chef de la Section Topographique du Ministere de la Guerre, Chevalier de Saint-Louis, Officier de la Legion-d’Honneur et Commandeur de L’Ordre Grec du Sauveur; et M. Lapie Fils, Captaine au Corps Royal d’Etat-Major, Ancien eleve de l’Ecole Polytechnique). Document, three pages, folio, some defects but clear and complete. In French.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Wm. Bellows, son of publisher of pocket French Dictionary].

Ed. Tallichet.
Publication details: 
[[Headed notepaper with printed account of the "Bibliotheque Universelle" in left margin] Lausanne, 21 juin 1902. En francais.

Directeur de "La Bibliotheque Universelle et Revue suisse". Two pages, 8vo, good condition. Most of the letter consists of information about and praise of a hotel in the Alps.

Autograph Note Signed to [Puggi?]. In French.

Cham (de Noi).
Publication details: 
1 April [no year].

Noé, Amédée-Charles-Henry de (1818-1879). French cartoonist.. - caricaturist. One page, 8vo, laid down, sl. damaged but text clear and complete. He says that Madame de Noe [avec accent] is fully recovered from illness and wonders if his correspondent can dine next sunday. "Un mot de reponse s.v.p." He concludes with formal best wishes. The conjoint blank leaf is laid down - on the recto of this blank is a draft acceptance signed [Paggi?].

Manuscript. Funeral oration unsigned.

B.J. Marsollier de Vivetieres.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

French dramatist. One page, 4to, some damage in corner with loss of serval letters and words, with corrections. Note on reverse in different hand make the ascription to Marsollier: "Oraison funebre de Monsieur Marsollier [prononcee?] le 13 Avril 1815 / autographe". Oration to a "femme jeune brillante de joye et de sante pour l'unir a l'epouse qu'elle aimait et qui la rebdue si heureuse que cing ans apres j'erouverai la douleur de lui survivre et de la conduire a la derniere demeure . . . [he wants to do justice to her character which he defines] . . .

Autograph Letter Signed to the Baron Bignon, membre de la Chambre de Deputes.

Jacques Laffitte.
Publication details: 
Paris, 18 May 1820.

Banker and Politician. In French. One page, 4to, fold marks, good. He says that Bignon has reached the limits which he suggested in a letter, and they have sold "en bourse" "[F?] 2025 de Rentes a 74 t produisent ......F29,9709= . . ." He adds the figures for commission and "Courtage". He adds that the Baron has been debited a certain sum, paid to the "porteur de votre [nom?]".

One Autograph Letter Signed and one Autograph Postcard Signed to J.F. Scanlon, writer (?)

Henri de Montherlant
Publication details: 
Tunis, 1926

Novelist, essayist and dramatist, both in French, signed "Montherlant. ALS, in original envelope, 2pp., 4to. In the letter, he is sorry to have missed him and includes him among the few people he does want to see again. "Je pense rester en Afrique jusque vers mai". A "Mr Bradley left for New York. "Il devait, pendant son sejour las-bas, s'occuper du lancement des Bullfighters et m'ecrire pour me servir au courant. . .". He thanks him for his article ("intelligent et sympathique") asking if he knows anything of the author.

Autograph Note Signed to [Captain Rolfe Arnold] Scott-James.

Georges Lafourcade
Publication details: 
15 May 1937; on letterhead of the Universite de Grenoble.

French authority on English literature, and in particular on the poet Algernon Charles Swinburne. The recipient (1878-1959) was editor of the 'London Mercury' at the time of writing. One page, quarto. In poor condition, with fraying and closed tears to edges. 'I herewith return revised proofs of my French Novelists. | May I remind you that I should be glad to have some galley proofs if it can be easily arranged?' Signed 'Georges Lafourcade'.

Autograph Note Signed "E. Augier" to "Monsieur Obermayer /hotel britannique /cour de commerce No.24".

Emile Augier
Publication details: 
No place or date.

French playwright. One page, 8vo, minor defects, text clear and complete, in French as follows: "M. Seuferd [?] me fait le plaisir de dejeuner avec moi; vous seriez fort aimable de venir prendre votre part de ce frugal [?meal of some sort] et cette conversation litteraire." Postscript: "La cene [souligne] se passe chez moi dans mon petit etablisement."

Manuscript (prob. autograph) document signed "Rozet" "A Messieurs Les Membres de la Commission dramatiques". En francais.

Rozet [Philibert?]
Publication details: 
Paris le 8 novembre 1847.

"Ancien auteur dramatique". One page, c.7 x 12", good condition. He requests charity from them again, being ill and unable to work, about to lose his "domicile", debts, etc. In the substantial margin [?] Taylor (poss. I-J-S- Taylor, patron of literature[?]) has supported Rozet's application (3 December 1847) in a note to the Commission.

Autograph letter signed "Perrot", to "Monsieur le Conseille d'Etat Prefet du Department de la Seine"

Aristide Michel Perrot
Publication details: 
Paris, le 23 Juillet 1827

Map-maker, geographe, geographer. (One page, folio,some creasing and soiling, mainly good, clear and complete. This is a formal document in his best hand, in which he requests the opportunity to exhibit at "l'exposition" his latest work, "une carte de la France industrielle indiquent la position de tous les lieux qui ont fournis quelques produits aux 5 expositions, la designation de ces produits . . . ." He says how far he is advanced. An important letter.

Autograph Note Signed "Y. Guyot" to [John Bellows?]. En francais.

Yves Guyot
Publication details: 
[Headed Notepaper] Le Siecle, etc., Paris 29. [9?] 1902.

Editor of "Le Siecle", economist and politician (see Wikiberal). One page, 4to, some foxing, one edge badly trimmed, text clear and complete. "Je vous remercie de las marque de sympathie que vous avez donnes a la [France?] en envoyant votre sousscription pour les vistimes de la Martinique. Je l'ai deposee au [?] qui a ouvert une sousscription que nous n'avons pas un [?] ouvrier, en ayany trop ouvert du temps de l'affaire Dreyfus. . . "

Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Hogan; with printed prospectus of one of de Chatelain's works.

Jean-Baptiste Francois Ernest de Chatelain, 'Le Chevalier de Chatelain'
Publication details: 
18 December 1862; on letterhead of Castelnau Lodge, Warwick Crescent, Westbourne Terrace Road, London.

Anglo-French journalist (1801-81) and friend of Mallarme. Letter: two pages, octavo. Good, though on creased, discoloured and spotted paper. The verso of the second leaf of the bifoliate is ruckled and with glue stains showing through from the verso, which is attached to a piece of ruled paper. Reads 'Mon cher voisin | I enclose an order for the Westminster Play for to night, which may perhaps interest you or your son. If either of you are able to go, you should be there early.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Cesar Jean Salomon Malan [ Solomon Caesar Malan ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Oriental linguist and biblical scholar (1812-94). Paper dimensions roughly sixteen centimeters by eight. Paper creased and foxed. Mounted on slightly-larger piece of brown paper. In French. Reads 'Que la paix de Dieu multipliee a toute votre famille, et que cette dispensation soit dirigee a la gloire du Nom qui est invoque sur nous!' Signed 'Cr. Malan.'

Autograph letter signed to Mns Bohte Bookseller, York Street, Covent Garden, London.

L.M. Guillaume (Laurent-Matthieu Guillaume).
Publication details: 
Paris, 19[?] June 1822.

French Bookseller prob. One page and, verso, address and bookseller's note, 4to, In French, small portion lost on opening seal, edges discoloured, all grubby, text moreorless clear. Une infinite de causes parmi lesquelles je trouve le besoin des livres anglais que vous devez me fournir en echange de ceux que vous avez choisi <?> empeche de vous expedier les derniers. Neanmoins ni mon silence ni [?] qui <?> ecoute depuis le 4 Septembre 1820 ne <???> envers vous, et j'ai toujours ces livres a votre des [?].

Autograph Note, either secretarial and third person AND/OR signed "Baron [de] Villefosse.

Baron Antoine Marie Heron de Villefosse
Publication details: 
Paris le 9 Avril 1824.

Engineer. "Born in Paris on June 21, 1774, former Adviser of State, free Member of the Academy of Science, [he] was, in 1832, general Inspecteur of 1st class and president of the general Council of the Mines" (from Internet). Also author. One page, 8vo, good condition. Text either third person or, more likely, secretarial as follows: M. H. de Villefosse a l'honneur de saluer Monsieur le Bibliothecaire de l'Institut, de lui envoyer l'ouvrage de M. [Solvyns?], et de le prier de remettre en echange du porteur de ce billet l'ouvrage de M.

JOYEUX NOËL | HAPPY CHRISTMAS | La philosophie de Pierre Saville, traduite en langue anglaise par Robert Henriques.

Robert Henriques [Pierre Saville]
Publication details: 
La Bagarède, La Garde Freinet, Var. 1949. ['Printed by A. S. Atkinson, Ltd., 154, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C.1.']

A Christmas keepsake. Eight pages, 12mo. Unbound. Grubby but in good condition. INSCRIBED at head of title 'Having got through the Valley - R. H.' The usual French cynicism: 'Nothing can be such a bore | As: a locked door; | Or a banquet, without the least appetite for food; | Or a woman whom you have already, and finally, understood.' and 'To your spouse you owe fidelity by contract. | But discretion in infidelity is a debt of honour.' From the archive of Mark Bonham Carter.

Tables astronomiques publiées par le Bureau des Longitudes de France. Tables de la lune, par M. Burckhardt.

Johann Karl Burckhardt [Bureau des Longitudes, Paris]
Publication details: 
Paris: Mme Ve Courcier, Imprimeur-Libraire pour les Mathématiques, Quai des Augustins, No. 57. Décembre 1812.

Burckhardt (1773-1825) was a German astronomer, who first computed the orbits of a number of comets. First and only edition. Quarto. Pages: viii + 88. A rare survival, but in very poor condition: grubby, creased, stained and frayed at edges. In remains of makeshift wraps. Text perfectly legible throughout. Some scholarly annotations in pencil and pen.

Societe Asiatique. Seance Generale Annuelle Du 28 Avril 1825.

Societe Asiatique.
Publication details: 
Paris, 1825.

[75]pp., inc. Table, 8vo, original green printed wraps, back cover soiled, stitches loose, and other minor defects.

Societe Asiatique. Seance Generale Annuelle Du 28 Avril 1826.

Societe Asiatique.
Publication details: 
Paris, 1826.

[75]pp., inc. Table, 8vo, original green printed wraps, covers soiled and dulled, stitches loose, and other minor defects.

Autograph Note Signed to M. de Struve.

Alexander Cockburn.
Publication details: 
Hamburg, 10 July 1816.

Diplomat (1776-1852)(Boase). One page, 4to, in French, with added notesin another hand about Cockburn ("Envoye Britanique [sic] a hambourg"), thanking his correspondent for a prompt reply, adding "J'ai l'honneur de vous remettre [cy jointe?] . . ."

Autograph Letter Signed to De V. Payen-Payne.

Georges Lafourcade.
Publication details: 
a Negrepelisse, Tarn-et-Garonne, 22 June 1933.

Poet and biographer (La Jeunesse de Swinburne, 1837-1867. [With a bibliography.]) Four pages, 8vo, good condition. A very detailed defence of his work on Swinburne. For example, "[I] want first to assure you that there is here some misunderstanding: in my opinion, you have no real justification for speaking of" the unfair treatment I have meted out to your Father". If I have had to quote contemporary documents in which unfavourable comments are made, it's always clear that I do not profess to share those views". He has in fact suppressed material in Swinburne's correspondence with W.M.

Autograph Note Signed to an unknown correspondent.

Publication details: 
No date.

French composer. 2pp., 8vo, , referring to a list he has added to the letter of 8 pieces he would like to publish if his correspondent can cooperate. He has the proofs of To the Hills “a votre disposition”, and describes in a postscript a “fantaisie” he has justfinished.

Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Louis Jules Trochu.
Publication details: 
No date.

French general (1815-1896). On visiting card, two sides, in French. He expresses regret at not being able to see or receive “Mr. Roumieu” inTouraine. He later describes himself as an old friend of England’s.

Autograph Letter Signed to “le Ministre de l’interieur” (J.C. Persil).

Louis Lemercier.
Publication details: 
11 Sept. 1830.

French politician (1755-1849). 2pp., 4to, sl. creased. In French with official stamp.He recommends to Persil’s attention a “M. Ducon”, lawyer and “sous-prefet”, describing his exemplary character and his achievements, and requesting an extension of his period in office.

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