[ Charles Mathews, actor and dramatist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Mathews') to Richard Wilson, declining an invitation because of 'so much responsibiltiy on my shoulders in the new farce'. With cartoon of Mathews, Yates, Reeves, and an elephant.

Charles Mathews [ Charles James Mathews ] (1803-1878), English actor and dramatist [ Richard Wilson (1759-1834) of Lincoln's Inn Fields, Member of Parliament ]
Publication details: 
'Theatre | Thursday Evg.' [ No place or date, but before 1834. ]

1p., 12mo. Bifolium, addressed on second leaf to 'Rd. Wilson Esqr | Lincolns Inn Fields'. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. The letter begins: 'My dear Sir | I have so much responsibility on my shoulders in the new farce that I really dare not venture into society on those days on which I perform in it.' If he had a holiday he would accept Wilson's 'polite invitation', 'but so situated I am sorry to say it is impossible'.

[ Daniel Terry, actor and dramatist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Danl. Terry') to William Campbell, playfully inviting him to come and drink with him and 'Geddes' in Mount Street.

Daniel Terry (c.1780-1829), English actor and dramatist, friend of Sir Walter Scott
Publication details: 
'Sunday Afternoon'. Without place or date.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on second leaf to 'Wm Campbell Esqr. | Brook Street'. In good condition, lightly-aged. The letter begins: 'Had I been aware, before dinner, of what our friend Geddes has just informed me after dinner, - that you are at present a Batchelor, you certainly should have had no excuse for not returning with him to a friendly knife & fork in Mount Street'. He asks him, if he is 'quite alone', to 'come immeditely & lecture him for his remissness - & drink to his better behaviour - we are quite en famille with only Geddes'.

[ The Garrick Club, London. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R H Atkinson') from the secretary of the Garrick Club to drama critic R. W. Lowe, regarding 'the privilege of engraving the pictures in the Club Collection'.

R. H. Atkinson, Secretary of the Garrick Club, London [ Robert William Lowe (1853-1902), drama critic ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Secretary's Office, Garrick Club [ London ]. 15 May 1888.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Lowe's request has been laid before the Club's committee, and there is no possibility of acceding to it: 'You say in your letter that you are aware that the privilege engraving the pictures in the Club Collection is "rarely" granted, but in this matter I fear you must have been misinformed as it is against the Rules to grant it at all'.

[ Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian. ] Two Typed Drafts of article: 'It Was Top of the Bill | The Story of Music Hall.' One draft with autograph emendations. With copy of covering letter to Greville Poke, editor of 'Everybody's' magazine.

W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre historian
Publication details: 
Drafts without place or date. Covering letter to Poke dated 20 January 1951 [ without place ].

ONE: The earlier of the two drafts, titled 'It Was Top of the Bill | The Story of Music Hall. | by | W. Macqueen-Pope.' 14pp., 4to. Paginated 1-12, with two further pages carrying material to be inserted. With a few autograph emendations, including an addition to the ending. Macqueen-Pope writes knowledgeably and with a passion for his theme, which is that 'Music Hall reflected public taste even more accurately than did the "legitimate" Theatre because it was created by the people themselves. The basis of the Drama of the Theatre - was religion.

[ Helen Faucit, English actress. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Helen Faucit Martin') to John Coleman, explaining why an engagement in Sheffield would be inconvenient to her.

Helen Faucit [ Helena Saville Faucit, latterly Lady Martin ] (1817-1898), English actress
Publication details: 
42 Albany Street, Edinburgh. 20 February [no year].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Her engagements will keep her in Scotland for three weeks, after which she intends to 'return direct to London'. Sheffield is too far out of her way, and would 'prove tiresome & expensive'. Should she visit Manchester 'at Easter or Whitsuntide' she would have no objection to performing in Sheffield for a couple of nights.

[ Helen Faucit, English actress. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Helen Faucit') requesting a private box for a performance of James White's 'John Savile of Haysted'.

Helen Faucit [ Helena Saville Faucit, latterly Lady Martin ] (1817-1898), English actress
Publication details: 
55 Brompton Square [ London ]. 15 November [ 1847 ].

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. She asks for a 'Private Box at your Theatre on Wednesday evening if your new play of "John Saville" [sic] is acted.' Rev. James White's 'John Savile of Haysted' was performed in London in November 1847.

[ Henry Kemble, actor. ] Long Autograph Letter Signed to 'Seymour', entirely written in verse, giving a humorous account of his activities in provincial theatre.

Henry Kemble (1848-1907), English actor
Publication details: 
Theatre Royal Nottingham, 21 September 1871.

8pp., 12mo. Text complete on aged and worn paper. A charming and high-spirited description of life in the provincial theatre in Victorian England, in better than average verse showing the influence of Byron's humorous poetry.

[ John Cust, 1st Earl Brownlow. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Brownlow') to C. B. Massingberd, regarding Royal Humane Society medallions to be presented to Richard Hoodlass and Joseph Dobson.

John Cust (1779-1853), 1st Earl Brownlow, peer and Tory politician [ The Royal Humane Society, London ]
Publication details: 
Belton House [ Grantham, Lincolnshire ], 8 February 1834.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium, with the lower part of the second leaf lacking, and only part of Brownlow's franking of the address present, together with his broken seal in red wax. Frank reads: '<...> Febry eighth 1834 | <...> Massingberd Esqre | Ormsby | Spilsby | <?> | Brownlow'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and ruckled paper, with folds strengthened with archival tape. He writes regarding the award of the Honorary Medallion of the Royal Humane Society to 'Rd.

[ Edward Fitzball, writer of melodramas. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Fitzball') to an unnamed recipient, regarding changes to the last scene of his play 'The Haunted Hulk'.

Edward Fitzball (1792-1873), English playwright specialising in melodrama [ Benjamin Nottingham Webster (1797-1882), actor-manager ]
Publication details: 
'Monday Evng.' [ London?, 1831. ]

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He has had a conversation with 'Tomkins', and as a consequence has 'made a few alterations in the last scene of the "Hulk"'. He asks him to read the last scene and 'manage, if possible, to get the Prompter's Copy set right before the reading of the Piece'. He feels his changes make the play 'more original, and more likely to render the Piece effective'. With postscript. 'The Haunted Hulk', a Nautical Drama in two Acts was performed at the Adelphi in 1831.

[ Helen Faucit, actress. ] Autograph Signature ('Helena Martin') on part of letter.

Helen Faucit [ Helena Saville Faucit, latterly Lady Martin ] (1817-1898), English actress
Publication details: 
31 Onslow Square [ London ]. No date.

On 6 x 11 cm piece of paper., torn from the foot of a leaf. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Mr Martin sends kind wishes with Yours | Very affectionately | Helena Martin. | 31 Onslow Square.' The reverse reads: '[...] attend to <?> William's little ones are all laid up with scarlet fever, so there is no [...]'.

[ Olga Brandon, Australian actress. ] Corrected Typed prompt copy of first act of unpublished translation of 'La Tosca. A Drama in Four Acts by Victorien Sardou.'

Olga Brandon (1863-1906), Australian actress; Victorien Sardou (1831-1908), French dramatist
Publication details: 
'Miss Olga Brandon, 4 Seaton Mansions, 213 Shaftesbury Avenue | W.C. [ London ]' [ Circa 1895. ]

[1] + 32pp., 4to. Bound with brass clasps in grey paper wraps. On aged paper, in worn binding. A 'Duplicate Carbon Copy', with the stamp of Miss Dickens's Type Writing Office, 3, Tavistock Street, Strand. The first of the play's four acts. Text typed on rectos only, with stage directions in pencil on facing versos, and with numerous emendations (presumably by Brandon) in pencil throughout, including the deleting of a number of passages. Facing the first page is a pencil diagram of the stage setting.

[ Hal Collier, Victorian popular dramatist. ] Typescripts, with autograph additions, of three of melodramas: '"In the Hands of the Mormons" Or "The Mormon Peril"; 'The Broken Rosary' and 'The Secret Panel'.

Hal Collier, Victorian popular playwright, author of melodramas
Publication details: 
One play with stamp of 209 Northumberland Road, Southampton, the other two without place. All three undated [ Edwardian ].

Collier was the author of a number of melodramas and farces in the period between the Boer War and the Great War, including one written in conjunction with F. H. Dudley, but little is to be discovered about him, with no mention of these three titles. All three items in fair condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn bindings. ONE: '"In the Hands of the Mormons" Or "The Mormon Peril" A Drama in FOUR acts written by Hal Collier'. [1] + 45pp., 4to. Stitched into grey paper wraps. With pencil emendations throughout, including extensive deletions.

[ Max Halbe, German 'Naturalist' dramatist. ] Typescript of an unpublished English translation of 'Youth. A Love Drama in Three Acts. By Max Halbe'.

Max Halbe (1865-1944), German dramatist, a main exponent of Naturalism
Publication details: 
Mrs. Marshall's Type Writing Office, 126, Strand. [ London. ] 8 May 1900. Translated from the '(6th Edition) | Berlin, 1898.'

86pp., 4to. With each of the three acts bound into separate grey wraps, with typed labels on covers. Internally in good condition, on aged paper, in worn and aged wraps. This unpublished anonymous translation predates the one by Sara Tracy Barrows, with an introduction by Ludwig Lewisohn, published in New York by Doubleday in 1916. There is no record of an English production.

[ Thomas Heron Jones, 7th Viscount Ranelagh. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ranelagh') to an unnamed recipient, complaining of the actions of 'Mr. Clarke

Thomas Heron Jones (1812-1885), 7th Viscount Ranelagh, leading figure in the volunteer movement [ later incorporated into the Territorial Army ] and "known for his links to glamorous women"
Publication details: 
7 New Burlington Street [ London ]. 16 April 1861.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He is 'very much disgusted and indignant against Mr. Clarke for his Impertinence' in calling on the recipient, and has 'expressed as much to him'. He discussed with Clarke the question of the number of gentlemen contacting him about the matter, and hoped to put Clarke in touch with the recipient. The letter concludes: 'It seems Mr. Clarke, when I was out of the Room, took up your Letter addressed to me, and copied your name and direction, a most unwarrantable and unjustifiable act.'

[ Lord William Pitt Lennox. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Willm P. Lennox') to an unnamed recipient, regarding the sale of a copyright to the London publishers Hurst & Blackett.

Lord William Pitt Lennox (1799-1881), British Army officer and author [ Hurst & Blackett, London publishers ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hall Place, Tunbridge. 16 July 1863.

1p., 12mo. In good condition. The subject of the letter is probably Lennox's Fifty Years' Biographical Reminiscences', published by Hurst and Blackett in 1863. Lennox is 'extremely flattered' at the contents of the recipient's letter, but has 'disposed of the copy right to Messrs Hurst and Blackett. 13. Gr. Marlborough St.', to whom he refers the recipient. 'Had I been in London I would have done myself the pleasure of expressing my thanks in person'.

[ Sir A. J. B. Beresford-Hope, Tory politician and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A J B Beresford Hope') to W. de Boinville, thanking him for uncovering information about the poet Christopher Smart.

Sir Alexander James Beresford Beresford Hope [ Alexander Hope; A. J. B. Hope; A. J. B. Beresford Hope ] (1820-1887), Tory politician and author
Publication details: 
Bedgebury Park, Cranbrook [ Kent ]. 4 February 1858.

3pp., 12mo. Writing in a difficult hand, he thanks him for his very curious & interesting letter respecting Chr. Smart, of whose birthplace I had been previously ignorant, tho' his name was not unknown to me in connection with Horace'.

[ Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'M de Boinville', complaining of 'want of leisure'.

Anthony Ashley Cooper (1801-1885), 7th Earl of Shaftesbury [ Lord Shaftesbury ] , British politician, philanthropist and social reformer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of St Giles's House, Cranbourne, Salisbury. 17 January 1856.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. He assures de Boinville that he 'much regrets his want of leisure to peruse the MS. that M de Boinville has been so good as to send him'. He concludes with the complaint that he is 'really so occupied that heh has not time for the discharge of the several duties that are imposed upon him'.

[ Charles Forbes René de Montalembert, Comte de Montalembert. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'le Cte de Montalembert'), in French, to an unnamed recipient

Charles Forbes René de Montalembert (1810-1870), Comte de Montalembert [ Abraham Hayward; John Wilson Croker ]
Publication details: 
Paris. 26 April and 25 May 1856.

Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: He thanks him for offering to translate his book ('The Political Future of England'), but considers his knowledge of English law too shaky to permit him to give any encouragement. He suggests that the recipient come to an arrangement with 'Mr. Abraham Hayward, Queen's Counsel, 1 King's Bench Walk, Temple', who is acting for de Montalembert in the matter.

[ Edward Law, 1st Earl of Ellenborough. ] Autograph Signature ('Ellenborough') on frank to the Duke of Wellington's private secretary Algernon Greville.

Edward Law (1790-1871), 1st Earl of Ellenborough, Tory politician and Governor-General of India, 1842-1844
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 7 x 12 cm. panel cut from front of envelope. In good condition, lightly-aged. All in Ellenborough's hand, it reads 'Algernon Greville Esq | Apsley House | Ellenborough'.. As required with a frank, Ellenborough's signature is between two horizontal lines, in the bottom left-hand corner.

[ John Singleton Copley, Lord Lyndhurst. ] Autograph Signature ('Lyndhurst') on frank to the Duke of Wellington.

John Singleton Copley (1772-1863), 1st Baron Lyndhurst [ Lord Lyndhurst ], Lord Chancellor of Great Britain
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 8 x 14.5 cm panel cut from front of envelope. In good condition, lightly-aged. All in Lyndhurst's hand, it reads 'His Grace | The Duke of Wellington KG | &c &c &c | Lyndhurst'. As is customary, the signature is between two horizontal lines, in the bottom left-hand corner.

[ Henry Thomas Ellacombe, campanologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H T Ellacombe') to Boisville, regarding work on his church at Clyst St George, Devon.

Henry Thomas Ellacombe (1790-1885), English campanologist, divine and antiquary
Publication details: 
Clyst St George, Topsham [ Devon ]. 17 February 1858.

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium. He thanks him for his 'intended help with Mr Hope & Mr Marriott'. He is sending him 'the Design I wish to carry out for our West Window', but without Hope's help it 'must be a distant job - the estimate is 100£ Hardman made the drawing from my description'. He continues by discussing work on the chancel and altar rails, and is sending 'a published view of the old Church'. He explains that he is setting up 'one of our South Windows' in memory of his sister-in-law Harriet, who died in 1851, addiing that 'S Parr also gave a Stone Pulpit & Eagle Lectern'.

[ John Macvicar Anderson, Scottish architect. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Macvicar Anderson') to John Kinahan, declining his request regarding 'Church building'.

John Macvicar Anderson (1835-1915), Scottish architect, President of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1891-1894
Publication details: 
6 Stratton Street, W. [ London ] 13 March 1891.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. He is declining his request as he has 'many, & much more pressing claims to meet in the way of Church building'.

[ Henry Brougham, Lord Brougham, Whig Lord Chancellor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Brougham') to the Marquess of Clanricarde

Henry Peter Brougham (1778-1868), 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux [ Lord Brougham; H.P. Brougham ], Whig Lord Chancellor of Great Britain [ Ulick John de Burgh (1802-1874), 1st Marquess of Clanricarde ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. 'Saturday Mg | Private'.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with 6cm vertical closed tear to first leaf, affecting a couple of words. The reverse of the second leaf carries a broken seal in black wax, and is addressed to Clanricarde. The letter begins: 'My dear Ld C: | We are in a great difficulty at the H. of Lords today for want of a third Peer.' He will esteem it a great favour if Clanricarde 'will come at ten and enable me to go on with the Causes - for otherwise there will be the whole expence thrown upon the packs'.

[ George Arnald and Sir Thomas Lawrence, painters. ] Autograph Letter Signed from 'G. Arnald' 'To the President and Council of the Royal Academy', requesting relief for the widow of artist Thomas Whitcombe. With Autograph Note by Lawrence in reply.

George Arnald (1763-1841), English landscape painter; Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830), President of the Royal Academy and portrait painter [ Thomas Whitcombe (1763-c.1824), English artist ]
Publication details: 
18 June 1829.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper. Arnald's appeal begins: Appealing to the 'known humanity' of Lawrence and the Council, Arnald writes on behalf of 'Mrs. Abigail Whitcombe, widow of Mr. Thos. Whitcombe late of Clarendon Square, marine painter, and for 40. Years an annual contributor to the Exhibition of the Royal Academy', who has previously received assistance, but is now 'almost totally deprived of sight, and otherwise afflicted', and is dependent on 'the assistance afforded by friends on whom she has no Claim'.

Printed Victorian Christmas card with the poem 'Christmas Greeting' by 'S. K. Cowan M.A.' on one side, and a coloured chromolithographic illustration by J. N. Drummond on the other.

'S. K. Cowan M.A.' [ Samuel Kennedy Cowan ]; J. N. Drummond
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [ England, 1880s? ]

On a thick piece of shiny card, with rounded edges, 12.5 x 18cm. Aged, and with two dog eared corners and a 3cm closed tear (not affecting illustration). On one side is the chromolithographic illustration, with 'J. N. Drummond' in the bottom right-hand corner, showing an English rural landscape - more autumnal than winter - with river in the foreground and trees and viillage with church in the background.

[ Maria Ann Lovell, English actress and playwright. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to Dillon Croker, regarding his assistance.

Maria Ann Lovell [ née Maria Ann Lacy ] (1803-1877), English actress and playwright, wife of the author George William Lovell (1804-1878)
Publication details: 
7 Mornington Crescent [ London ]. In envelope with postmark of 20 March [ no year ].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of glue from mount on reverse of letter and envelope. Envelope, with penny red, addressed by Lovell to 'Dillon Croker Esq. | 3 Gloucester Road | Old Brompton'. Reads: 'Mrs. Lovell begs to thank Mr. Croker for his polite note and for the trouble he has kindly taken - | Should there be any occasion Mrs Lovell will gladly avail herself of Mr. Croker [sic] offer of further assistance.'

[ James Wilson, nineteenth-century Birmingham bookseller and manuscript dealer. ] Printed letterhead ('Memorandum from James Wilson'), in red and brown gothic type.

James Wilson, nineteenth-century Birmingham bookseller and manuscript dealer
Publication details: 
James Wilson, 35 Bull Street, Birmingham. Dated in manuscript 30 January 1886.

On 7 x 13.5cm piece of watermarked laid paper, cut from the head of a 12mo leaf. Tastefully printed in red and brown, in gothic type with rubricated capital. Reads: 'MEMORANDUM | from | James Wilson, | Dealer in Ancient and Modern Books and Manuscripts; rare | and valuable County Histories, Old Poetry, Theology, costly | Works on the Fine Arts, Illuminated Missals, and other | Ancient MSS. on vellum, and Literary Curiosities and Rarities | in general. Catalogues issued Monthly, gratis andn post free. | 35, Bull Street, Birmingham,'. The date 'Jan 30th 86' in bottom right-hand corner of slip.

[ George William Lovell, playwright. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo W Lovell') to theatrical publisher T. H. Lacy, regarding the publication of 'The Wife's Secret' and 'The Trial of Love'. With autograph prelims of the former play by Lovell.

George William Lovell (1804-1878), playwright and novelist [ Thomas Hailes Lacy (1809-1873), actor, playwright, and theatrical publisher; Charles Kean [ Charles John Kean ]; Ellen Kean ]
Publication details: 
Letter: Vale Lodge, Hampstead Heath. 28 July [ no year, but after the death in 1868 of Charles Kean ].

Both items in good condition, on lightly aged paper. Letter: 2pp., 12mo. The letter begins: 'Mrs. Kean has given me back possession of the two Plays. The Wife's Secret & The Trial of Love. & the advice of Mr. Coyne was that I should add them to the Dram[ati]c. Authors Society's list.' Under the circumstances, he asks whether Lacy would be 'desirous of printing them & if so what would be your arrangement?' He suggests a meeting the following day. Autograph prelims: 3pp., 4to. Bifolium, with bottom half of second leaf torn away.

[ William Clark Russell, nautical author. ] Offprint of article about him by 'Capt. W. J. Ward (Cardiff)', titled 'A National Asset'. With photographic portrait of Russell, and reproduction of sonnet to him by Julia D. Young.

Capt. W. J. Ward (Cardiff), Author of "A Lady Skipper," "S.S. Grauck, or The Scheme That Failed," Etc. Etc. [ William Clark Russell (1844-1911), English nautical author; Julia D. Young ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from "The Maritime Review."' No place or date (but during the reign of King George V).

2pp., 4to. Printed on the same side of one piece of shiny art paper, folded to make a bifolium. Aged and stained, with wear and slight loss to extremities. Photograph of Russell beneath title, alongside 'Sonnet | To W. Clark Russell', reprinted 'From "English Sea Pictures." By Julia D. Young, Author of "Barham Beach, the President's Poem." - New York.' The author laments that '[i]n this country, it is not the fashion to ennoble those who really do something for their time and generation', such as Russell, whose 'stupendous output' consists of 'fifty-seven books everyone [sic] of them good'.

[ Walter Crane, Arts and Crafts artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to J. Stanley Little, with thirteen examples of Crane's work, including invitation cards, handbills, letterheads.

Walter Crane (1845-1915), English illustrator, designer and painter, associated with the Arts and Craft Society, Fabian Society and Art Workers' Guild [ James Stanley Little (1856-1940) ]
Publication details: 
13 Holland Street, Kensington, and other London addresses. 1886 to 1912.

The fourteen items are laid down on three pages, on two leaves of grey paper, removed from an album, on the reverse of one leaf are two coloured coaching scenes by Randolph Caldecott, one featuring a highwayman. The overall condition is fair, with creasing and signs of age. The Autograph Letter Signed is from Crane to 'My dear Stanley Little'. 1p., landscape 8vo. With letterhead of Beaumont Lodge, Shepherd's Bush, featuring an illustration by Crane of a shepherd and sheep. 20 September 1892.

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