[ Thomas Wright of Olney, biographer. ] Autograph Card Signed ('Thomas Wright') to Miss Alice A. Leith

Thomas Wright (1859-1936), schoolmaster at the Cowper School, Olney, Buckinghamshire, writer and biographer of William Cowper and William Blake [ Alice A. Leith, editor ]
Publication details: 
Post card with his letterhead: 'from Thomas Wright | Cowper School . Oney . Bucks'. 8 July 1933.

Neatly written out on one side of a stamped, postmarked postcard, the other side addressed by Wright to 'Miss Alice A. Leith | 10 C<?> Gardens | London | N.W 3'. He is 'very pressed with work', and refers her to his 'Life of Blake', which 'gives all I know respecting Blake's attitude to Bacon - or Coban (altering the letters) as he sometimes calls Bacon'.

[ Melton Prior, Special Artist of the Illustrated London News. ] Engraved illustrated invitation card to an 'Exhibition of Original Burmese War & Nile Expedition Sketches' at the St James's Gallery of 'Mr Mendozza'.

Melton Prior (1845-1910), Special Artist of the Illustrated London News [the St. James's Gallery, London, of I. P. Mendoza; Burma, Burmese; the Nile Expedition, Egypt ]
Publication details: 
St. James's Gallery, 4A King Street, St James's. 20 June 1891.

Printed on one side of a piece of 12.5 x 20 cm green card. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with central vertical crease line unobtrusively strengthened with archival tape. To the left of the page is an illustration of a British soldier officer a Burmese temple. The text is written out in a range of lettering characteristic of the period, and reads: 'Exhibition of Original Burmese War & Nile Expedition Sketches by Melton Prior Special Artist of the Illustrated London News. Under the Patronage of His Royal Highness The Duke of Connaught.

[ Emilio Marolda, ] Elegant engraved ticket of invitation, illustrated with six cherubs, inviting 'Mr. George Bodleys' [ Gothic Revival architect George Frederick Bodley ] to the 'Fête d'Ouverture' of his 'nouvel [sic] atelier' in London.

Emilio Marolda, Sicilian interior designer, artist and decorator [ George Frederick Bodley (1827-1907), Gothic revival architect ]
Publication details: 
74a Margaret Street, Cavendish Square [London]. Thursday 1 July [c.1881?].

Printed in black on one side of 13.5 x 18.5 cm card. Plate dimensions 11.5 x 16 cm. Aged and spotted. An attractive and elegant production with both illustration and text engraved. The illustration, with engraved signature of 'E Marolda' shows six putti playing with a string of foliage, with one in the bottom left-hand corner swathed in ribbon and standing beside an architectural feature. The text reads: 'Les Muses réunies prient ['Mr. George Bodleys' inserted in mansucript] de vouloir bien honorer de ['sa' inserted] presence le nouvel atelier de Sigr.

[ Charles Watkin Williams-Wynn, Georgian politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C W Williams Wynn'), regarding outstanding business since his departure from the office of President of the Board of Control.

Charles Watkin Williams-Wynn [ C. W. Williams Wynn ] (1775-1850), English politician, War Secretary under Earl Grey, 1830-1831
Publication details: 
6 Clarges Street [ London ]. 20 March 1828.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter, addressed to an unnamed recipient, begins: 'My dear Sir | Before I quitted Office I communicated to the Court of directors the Draft of an Insolvent Bill & some letters on the subject which I had received from the Judges in India, together with a request that they might be laid before you for your opinion & observations.' He should like the opportunity to talk over the subject with him, as he considers himself 'pledged to bring the measure forward [in the House of Commons]' with the approval of the present Board.

[ Angela Burdett-Coutts, Vitorian philanthropist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Duff Gordon', with studio photograph.

Angela Burdett-Coutts [ Angela Georgina Burdett-Coutts, 1st Baroness Burdett-Coutts, born Angela Georgina Burdett ] (1814-1906), Victorian philanthropist
Publication details: 
Letter from Holly Lodge [ Highgate, London ]. 20 May 1896. Photograph undated and unattributed.

Letter: 1p., 12mo. In good condition. Written in a difficult hand, regarding 'Tickets' for a 'really remarkable Show'. Photograph: 9 x 6 cm. Sepia. In good condition, laid down on paper removed from album. Depicts Burdett-Coutts, in Victorian finery with bustle and veil, seated at a table, with gloved right hand pressed to her cheek (not found on Google images)..

[ Adam White, Victorian zoologist praised by Charles Darwin. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Adam White: Assistant Zool Dept Brit. Mus') to his relation Martha [Dewar], regarding family history, and his friend the author and botanist Rev. James Hamilton.

Adam White (1817-1878), Scottish zoologist in the Zoological Department, British Museum, praised by Charles Darwin [ Rev. James Hamilton (1814-1867), Scottish minister, author and botanist ]
Publication details: 
3 Albion Grove West, Islington. 22 February 1849.

1p., 4to. 31 lines of text, written in a neat and close hand.

[ Francis Browning Bickerstaffe-Drew, English author. ] Typed Letter Signed ('John Ayscough') to an unnamed editor, offering republication of his novel 'Two Fair Ladies', on reverse of letter from J. S. Wood, editor of the Gentlewoman.

'John Ayscough', penmame of Francis Browning Bickerstaffe-Drew (1858-1928), English author, Roman Catholic priest and papal count; J. S. Wood [ John Snell Wood ] (1853-1920), editor of the Gentlewoman
Publication details: 
Wood's letter, on letterhead of the Gentlewoman, Arundel Street, Strand, WC. 3 January 1894. Bickerstaffe-Drew's letter from 6 Holyrood Place, Plymouth. 4 January 1894.

Each letter 1p., 4to, Bickerstaffe-Drew's on reverse of Wood's. In fair condition, on aged leaf of paper with strip torn from head. The two letters cast an interesting light on English publishing practice in the late nineteenth century. Wood's letter, signed 'J. S. Wood', is written by a secretary, and addressed to 'The Right Rev Mgr Bickerstaff Drew'.

[ William Campbell Maclean, Professor of Military Medicine, Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley. ] Autograph Signature ('W. C. Maclean') on valediction to letter.

William Campbell Maclean (1811-1898), Professor of Military Medicine, Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 6 x 11 cm piece of paper, cut from the end of a letter. Reads: 'I am | Dear Sir | Yours faithfully | W. C. Maclean'. In good condition, lightly aged, with frayed printed slip attached at base of paper.

[ Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee, Victorian artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank Dicksee') to Shirley Slocombe, thanking him for his congratulations on his appointment as President of the Royal Academy.

Sir Frank Dicksee [ Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee ] (1853-1928), Victorian painter and illustrator, President of the Royal Academy [ Charles Llewellyn Shirley Slocombe (1872-1935), portrait painter ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Greville House, 3 Greville Place, Maida Vale [London]. 3 January 1924.

1p., 12mo. In good condition. In stamped envelope addressed by Dicksee to 'Shirley Slocombe Esq. | 27 Warwick Gardens | Kensington | W.14'. He apologises for his late reply to Slocombe's 'kind congratulations', explaining that he is 'faced by over 500 letters all needing answers'. Dicksee was knighted the following year.

[ William Allen, Quaker scientist and philanthropist. ] Letter of recommendation, with autograph signature, written 'To my dear Friends on the Continent of Europe', regarding religious work by Joseph John Gurney of Norwich and his wife Eliza.

William Allen (1770-1843), Quaker scientist and philanthropist, first president of the Pharmaceutical Society [ Joseph John Gurney (1788-1847) of Norwich; Eliza Gurney; John Forster ]
Publication details: 
'Stoke Newington near London | the 11th. of the 4th month (April) 1843'.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with a 2.5 cm closed tear and slight loss at one edge causing damage to one word of text. The text is neatly written out in another hand over 14 lines. Allen's signature and other details in his hand are at the end: 'Wm. Allen | Stoke Newington near London | the 11th. of the 4th month (April) 1843'. Headed 'To my dear Friends on the Continent of Europe to whom these lines may come'.

[ Major-General Sir Benjamin Charles Stephenson, Surveyor-General of the Board of Works. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('B C Stephenson') to 'Lieutt: Lawrence R:N:' about an invention.

Major-General Sir Benjamin Charles Stephenson (c.1766-1839), G.C.H., Surveyor-General of the Office of Works
Publication details: 
Office of Works [London]. 19 March 1823.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with a short closed tear along a crease and slight loss to one corner. He regrets that 'it is not in my power to afford any Official Assistance, in promoting the use of your very Ingenious, & Valuable Invention; as the Business of this Department is exclusively confined to the Building, & <?>, belonging either to His Majesty, or the Public, such as Palaces, Public Offices &c.' He suggests a number of organisations to which Lawrence should apply., 'as the Departments most likely to encourage your useful Undertaking'.

[ Sir Oswald Walters Brierly, English marine artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('O S Brierly') to Walter J. Fawcett

Oswald Brierly [ Sir Oswald Walters Brierly ] (1817-1894), English marine artist [ Prince Victor of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1833-1891), Admiral in the Royal Navy, and sculptor ]
Publication details: 
38 Ampthill Square, NW [London]. 10 February 1873.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He acknowledges receipt of a cheque for 35 guineas, for 'the small drawing of Constantinople', adding that 'Prince Hohenlohe called and saw it here today, and liked it very much'. He ends with the news that he has engaged 'Heffer to call here for it, & pack & send it to its destination'.

[ George Cruikshank, artist and illustrator. ] Contemporary manuscript catalogue of 264 books with illustrations by Cruikshank, and newspaper cuttinng of long obituary ('Death of George Cruikshank') from the Daily News, and two other cuttings.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), English artist and illustrator [ Charles Dickens ]
Publication details: 
The catalogue without place or date. [London, 1860s?]

12pp., 4to. On the twelve leaves of a ruled notebook, stitched into buff wraps. Internally in good condition, in heavily-worn wraps, with 'G Cruikshank' in the same hand on the front cover. The entries are arranged in eight sections: 1811-1821 (61 items); 'No Date' (36 items); 1826-1830 (23 items); 1831-1840 (51 items); 1841-1850 (45 items); 1851-1861 (33 items); 1862-[1867] (7 items); and a final section of eight items from between 1811 and 1824. The penultimate section is headed '1862 to [blank]', indicating that the catalogue was a work in progress, and the latest items are dated 1867.

[ Lady Eastnor. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to her drawing master Edmund Thomas Parris, with reference to two of his other clients.

Caroline Harriet Somers-Cocks (1794-1873), Lady Eastnor [born Caroline Harriet Yorke], later Countess Somers [ Edmund Thomas Parris (1793-1873), architect and artist ]
Publication details: 
15 Berkeley Square [ London ]. 'Saturday' [no date, but on 1835 Whatman paper.]

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In very good condition, lightly-aged. She begins by explaining that as she is 'obliged to leave London', she will not be able to 'draw any more at his House this year'. She asks him to inform her how much she owes him 'for the Lessons he has been so obliging as to give - Lady Katherine Douglas & Miss Stuart will be at Mr. Parris's this Morning - | Ly Eastnor is desired by Lady Selkirk, & Lady Stuart de Rothesay, to enquire from Mr. Parris, what they are indebted to him for the Lessons to these two young Ladies'.

[ 'Knight's Juvenile Library': book with coloured frontispiece. ] The Life and Adventures of Thomas Titmouse, And Other Stories. By Peter Parley, Author of "The Wanderers by Sea and Land," etc.

'Peter Parley' [ Samuel Griswold Goodrich (1793-1860) ], children's author [ Knight and Son, 12 Clerkenwell Close, London juvenile publishers ]
Publication details: 
London: Published by Knight and Son, Clerkenwell Close. [c.1855]

64 + 16pp., 16mo. In blue cloth binding, with cover design stamped in gilt. All edges gilt. In fair condition, aged, worn and shaken, with rear endpaper torn away. Coloured frontispiece showing 'The Soldier and the Blind Fiddler'. At rear is a sixteen-page catalogue of 'Books for the Young, Published by Knight and Son, 12, Clerkenwell Close.' Now scarce: although there are 10 copies on WorldCat (where the book is ascribed to Goodrich, and dated), none of them, or on COPAC, are noted as being in Britain.

[ Yves Guyot, French politician and economist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed to an unnamed recipient, concerning the translation into English by C. H. d'Eyncourt Leppington of his 'Principles of Social Economy'.

Yves Guyot (1843-1928), French laissez-faire politician and economist [ Charles H. d'Eyncourt Leppington; W. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., London publishers ]
Publication details: 
One letter 20 July 1884; the other from London, 6 March [1888?].

Written in a crabbed, difficult hand. ONE: 20 July 1884. 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. Apparently writing to the publisher of the translation, he thanks him for the copies he has been sent, expressing 'l'honneur que vous m'avez fait en entreprennant cette edition'. TWO: London, 6 March [1888?]. 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and browned paper. A short letter, referring to Leppington.

[ Pierre-Louis Caron de Vernon, French art collector and inventor. ] Address, in French, signed 'Caron de Vernon', 'A Son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Duc D'Orléans', presenting him with two marble statues.

Pierre-Louis Caron de Vernon, French art collector and inventor [ King Louis Philippe I of France (1773-1850), who was Duc D'Orléans between 1793 and 1830
Publication details: 
Paris. 18 November 1828.

2pp., folio. On bifolium. In a contemporary hand in margin of first page: 'Mr. Leblond' and a reference number. The document begins: 'Pre. Louis Caron de Vernon a eu l'honneur de servir sous les ordres de V: Altesse Royale en 1793 dans le 73 Bataillon de Paris, et au camp de Ste. Margueritte celui d'offrir son pain a V: Altesse, qu'Elle volut bien daigner accepter, en recommandant de lui rappeller cette circonstance dans l'occasion.

[ The Hampstead Public Libraries. ] First number of the 'Quarterly Guide for Readers.' With perforated ticket.

The Hampstead Public Libraries (North London),
Publication details: 
Vol. I. No. 1. November 1895. Printed for the Library Commissioners and published at the Kilburn Branch Library, 46, Priory Road, London, N.W.

16pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In grey printed covers. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with rust to staples and two pinholes through the pamphlet. An interesting Hampstead artefact, and a melancholy reminder of the decline of print culture.

[ James Galt & Co. Ltd., Manchester booksellers. ] Typed Note to E. Vale of Nant Ffrancon, signed on behalf of the firm by B. E. Stevenson, regarding books ordered, on elaborate coloured letterhead.

James Galt & Co. Ltd., Manchester academic booksellers and stationers, established 1836 [ B. E. Stevenson; E. Vale of Nant Ffrancon, Wales ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of James Galt & Co. Ltd. Grove House Works, Plymouth Grove, Manchester 13. Undated [ 1930s? ].

1p., 4to. In good condition. The large and unusual letterhead is the point of interest: it is roughly 17 x 11.5 cm, and mostly taken up with an illustration, printed in red, yellow, green, blue, orange and black, depicting an idealised scene in a Victorian bookseller's shop, with a young lady with bonnet and parasol, two schoolboys in top hats with Eton collars and a bespectackled master in mortar board and robes, the last of whom is examining a book shown to him by an elderly bookseller.

[ B. F. Stevens of Vermont, London bookseller. ] Stevens' Historical Collections. Catalogue of the First Portion of the Extensive & Varied Collections of Rare Books and Manuscripts relating chiefly to the History and Literature of America [...]'.

Henry Stevens (1819-1886) of Vermont, American bibliographer based in London, brother of the London bookseller Benjamin Franklin Stevens (1833-1902) [ Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London auctioneers ]
Publication details: 
Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13 Wellington Street, Strand, W.C., London. On 11 July 1881 and four following days. [ J. Davy & Sons (The Dryden Press), 137 Long Acre, London. ]

vi + 229 + [1]pp., 8vo. Frontispiece facsimile letter from Benjamin Franklin. In original printed wraps. In blue cloth binding with title in gilt on front cover and spine. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding. Full title: 'Stevens' Historical Collections.

[ The Garrison Library, Gibraltar. ] Issue of 'The Prince Albert's Somerset Light Infantry. Weekly Budget and Light Bob Gazette', with illustrated front-page feature on the 'Centenary of the Garrison Library'. Also cricket report and scorecard.

The Garrison Library, Gibraltar, founded in 1801 [ The Prince Albert's Somerset Light Infantry. Weekly Budget and Light Bob Gazette. ]
Publication details: 
No. XXVIII. Gibraltar, 2 September 1893. [ 'Published at the Somerset Mimeograph Establishment, South Barracks, Gibraltar, every Saturday. C. P. NORTHAN, Manager.' ]

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Complete issue, paginated 115-118. In fair condition, worn and aged. An attractive production, printed in black, with the masthead featuring the regiment's badge in green ink. 14 x 19.5 cm lithographic illustration by 'RF' on the front page, showing the library building in its setting, with a simple charm. The accompanying article reports on the centenary celebrations. 'To Captain, afterwards Colonel Drinkwater the historian of the memorable siege of Gibraltar are we indebted for the origin of this excellent institution. Thanks to the generosity of H.R.H.

[ 'Sergeant Bates', American Civil War (Union) soldier who walked across the American South and then England with the Union flag. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Gilbert H Bates | (Sergeant Bates') to Edward Draper, apologising for missing a visit.

Sergeant Gilbert Henderson Bates [ Sergeant Bates; Sergeant Gilbert H. Bates ] (1836-1917), 1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery [ Edward Draper, London solicitor ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Langham Hotel, Portland Place, London, England. 'Dec 3d. 1872 | 5 PM'.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and creased, with traces of a grey paper mount on the reverse of the second leaf, which also has a closed tear unobtrusively repaired with archival tape.

[ Two Devon circulating libraries. ] Printed labels of 'Knighton's Circulating Library, Dawlish.' and of the 'Circulating Library, Dawlish' of 'Crowther, Bookseller'.

Knighton's Circulating Library, Dawlish [ John Knighton; Devon; Devonshire ]; Ann Gildburn Crowther, Circulating Library, of The Strand, Dawlish
Publication details: 
ONE: [ John Knighton, Permont [now 'Piermont'] Row, Dawlish, Devon. ] Circa 1830. TWO: Ann Gildburn Crowther, The Strand, Dawlish, Devon. Circa 1850.

ONE (Knighton): 3 x 6 cm. In fair condition, aged and worn, laid down on a small piece of cream paper. A workmanlike production, within a wavy border. Reads: 'KNIGHTON's | Circulating Library, | DAWLISH.' BBTI records Knighton as active between 1828 and 1830. TWO (Crowther): 7 x 9.5 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged. Within decorative border, and reading: 'CIRCULATING LIBRARY, | DAWLISH. | CROWTHER, | BOOK-SELLER, | AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF | FANCY STATIONERY, | Toys, Berlin Patterns, German Wools. | Brushes, Fancy Turnery, Cutlery, Perfumery, &c.

[ Red Cross Gardens, Southwark, London. ] Draft manuscript indenture assignment signed by the Earl of Ducie, Lancelot William Bennett, Charles Stewart Loch, Mary Lumsden, Helen Ironside, Janet Johnson, Thomas Slingsby Tanner, Cecil Antony Nussey.

[ Red Cross Garden recreation ground, Southwark, London ] Henry John Reynolds-Moreton (1827-1921), 3rd Earl of Ducie; Charles Stewart Loch (1849-1923), charity commissioner [ Octavia Hill (1838-1912)]
Publication details: 
[ Red Cross Garden, Southwark, London. ] Dated 15 August 1914.

On three sides of a vellum bifolium supplied by the London law stationers Witherby & Co. Dimensions of leaf 39 x 26 cm. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. The document is a draft, with several emendations in pencil, including a lengthy addition in the margin of first page, and a shorter one on the second page. Laid out in customary style, within red rules. Docketed on fourth side: 'Dated 15th August 1914 | The Earl of Ducie and Others | to | The Earl of Ducie and Others | Red Cross Garden | Assignment'. With stamp of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, signed by Hugh de Bock Porter.

[ B. F. Stevens of Vermont and his 'Index of all the documents of American concern in private or public Archives of Great Britain, Holland, France and Spain', 1763-1783 ] Printed pamphlet: 'American Manuscripts in European Archives.'

[ Benjamin Franklin Stevens (1833-1902) of Vermont, American bookseller in London ]
Publication details: 
Without place [ B. F. Stevens, 4 Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross, London ] or date [ 1887 ].

18 + [1]pp., 8vo. In red cloth half-binding, with brown marbled boards. Stamp of the Royal Historical Society on endpaper, and pencil shelfmarks. In fair condition, aged and worn. A curious production. The intent of the author (certainly Stevens) is to facilitate 'definite and permanent organisation', by his 'preparation of an Index of all the documents of American concern in private or public Archives of Great Britain, Holland, France and Spain that accumulated between the years 1763 and 1783'.

[ Messrs. Harrisons & Sons of Pall Mall, Booksellers and Stationers to His Majesty The King. ] Printed catalogue: 'A List of Messrs. Harrision & Sons' Publications.'

Messrs. Harrison & Sons, 'Booksellers and Stationers to His Majesty The King', 45 Pall Mall, London SW
Publication details: 
Messrs. Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall Mall, London. [ Circa 1903. ]

16pp., 4to. Stitched pamphlet. Aged and worn. The lay-out is staid and old-fashioned, reminsicent of the 1880s. Very much geared to the St James's Palace market, with such titles as 'Bicycle Gymkhana and Musical Rides' by Major Walter Wingfield, 'No Army, No Empire' by the Earl of Dunraven, and 'Roulette: The Winning Rules' by 'Sperienza'. Includes various of Sir Bernard Burke's publications, and Hertslet's Treaties, as well as 'Dress Worn by Gentlemen at His Majesty's Court. The latest date within the catalogue is 1903. No other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[ The Musical Standard, Fleet Street. ] File copies of eleven issues, containing around 175 items of original correspondence and other matter relating to advertising, and marked up by advertising manager Harry Lavender.

The Musical Standard, Fleet Street, 1862-1933 [Harry Lavender, advertising manager; nineteenth-century British journalism; newspapers in Victorian London ]
Publication details: 
The Musical Standard, 185 Fleet Street, London, E.C. The eleven issues dating from between 21 April 1888 and 21 March 1891. Incoming correspondence from various addresses in Britain.

For more information about the periodical, see the entry in Brake and Demoor's 'Dictionary of Nineteenth Century Journalism in Great Britain and Ireland' (2009), which stresses the its independence: 'the Musical Standard was rare among nineteenth-century music journals in that it was not produced by a music publisher or other music issuing body'. The present item consists of around 175 items laid down in file copies of eleven issues, four of them from 1888: 21 April, 26 May and 16 and 30 June; and seven from 1891: 3 January, and 7, 14, 21, 28 February, and 7 and 21 March.

[ Henry Sutherland Edwards, foreign correspondent of The Times. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Sutherland Edwards'), regarding negatives now lodged with his solicitor.

H. Sutherland Edwards [ Henry Sutherland Edwards ] (1828-1906), British journalist, foreign correspondent of The Times of London
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Reform Club, Pall Mall, S.W. [London] 15 October [no year].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. Written in a difficult hand. 'The negatives are with Mr P, Solicitor, 50 Leinster Square, who, while I was away, received them from the W Printing Company. I will ask him to leave them out for you. I will call to-morrow or the nexxt day and give you an order for this delivery.'

[ William Leighton Leitch, Scottish artist. ] Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'W L Leitch'), two to 'Miss Macerone' and two to 'Miss Emily', in two of which he despairs of his continuing ill health and its effects on his work.

William Leighton Leitch (1804-1883), Scottish painter and illustrator, drawing master to Queen Victoria, and Vice President of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours [Miss Macerone, pianist ]
Publication details: 
The two letters to 'Miss Macerone' from Sidney House, Boundary Rd, St John's Wood [London]; 15 March 1866 and 'Friday' [no date]. The two letters to 'Miss Emily': from 124 Alexandra Rd, St John's Wood. 28 February and 11 March 1878.

The first item with discoloration to the first leaf; the rest in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: To Miss Macerone. 15 March 1866. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He is sorry he missed her earlier, it being 'such a rare thing for me to be out at that time of the afternoon'. He has been 'nearly wild with rheumatism lately', and is 'taking some hot air baths'. He is 'obliged to be at 40 Gt. Marlborough St. at 5 O'Clock' and trusts that 'another bath or two will make me fit to work for I am most shockingly behind hand for the Gallery'.

[ Thomas Fisher Unwin, London publisher. ] Typed Letter Signed ('T. Fisher Unwin') to G. K. Menzies, regarding London plaques by the Royal Society of Arts. With a long press release for four books, including Thomas Wright's life of John Payne.

Thomas Fisher Unwin (1848-1935), London publisher, as T. Fisher Unwin Ltd., 1 Adelphi Terrace [ G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts; Thomas Wright of Olney; John Payne ]
Publication details: 
Letter: on letterhead of T. Fisher Unwin Ltd., 1 Adelphi Terrace, London, WC2. 6 February 1920. Press release: on firm's letterhead. 20 November 1919.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Letter: 1p., 4to. With RSA stamp and manuscript note. He would like 'a list of the plaques you have placed in London', and would like to hear from Menzies, if he has 'anything to say on the subject, or have any article in your Journal'. Press release. 2pp., 8vo. Headed 'Literary Notes', it deals with E. T. Raymond's 'All and Sundry', Thomas Wright's 'The John Payne Society', Arthur Hayden's 'Bye-Paths in Curio Collecting' and H. C. Dowdall's 'Local Development Law'. Of the second book Unwin writes: 'Mr.

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