[ Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, foreign correspondent of The Times. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Donald M Wallace') to 'Sir Robert' [ Sir Robert Herbert ] regarding a meeting of the Breakfast Club.

Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace (1841-1919), foreign correspondent of The Times of London [ Sir Robert Herbert (1831-1905), first Premier of Queensland ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of St. Ermins Mansions, Caxton Street, SW [ London ]. 11 June [ no year ].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, with light signs of age. He hopes to make his Breakfast Club 'debut' the following Saturday morning.

[ Charles Dance, playwright. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Kean' [ Charles John Kean ], requesting a box for his performance of Richard II [ at the Princess's Theatre, London ].

Charles Dance (1794-1863), English dramatist who collaborated with James Planché [ Charles John Kean (1811-1868), actor and theatre manager, son of Edmund Kean (1787-1833) ]
Publication details: 
64 Mornington Road, Regent's Park, N.W. [ London ] 4 May 1857.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper. He hopes he is not 'premature' in asking for 'a box for Richard 2d for tomorrow - Tuesday - night!' If he is not he will be 'thankful'; if he is he will 'wait patiently for a future occasion'. Kean's Richard II opened at the Princess's Theatre on 14 March 1857 and ran for 112 nights.

[ Garnet Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wolseley') to 'Herbert' [ Sir Robert Herbert ], explaining that an 'odious function at Glasgow' will keep him away from a meeting in London of the Breakfast Club.

Garnet Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley [ Field Marshal Garnet Joseph Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley] (1833-1913) [ Sir Robert Herbert (1831-1905), first Premier of Queensland ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Hospital, Dublin. 19 April 1894.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper. He apologises for being unable to be in London the following Saturday, as he has to 'take part in an odious function at Glasgow on that day'. He gives a date when he will be in London, in the hope that there will be 'a B. C. [ Breakfast Club ] breakfast on that day', hoping 'to renew my acquaintance then with the choice spirits who belong to that coterie'.

[ H. H. L. Malcolm, as Lieutenant-Colonel, 2nd Cameron Highlanders. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Huntly Malcolm') to G. J. S. Scovell, discussing his desire for an exchange from the first battalion, and his own polo accident.

Brigadier-General H. H. L. Malcolm [ Brigadier General Henry Huntly Leith Malcolm ] (1860-1938) [ Lieut-Col. George Julian Selwyn Scovell (1881-1948), 1st Cameron Highlanders ]
Publication details: 
From Fort-Manoel [ Malta ], on letterhead of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders ('Egypt'). 22 December 1903.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. He begins by telling him that there is 'no chance of an exchange to this Battalion, all were asked lately and said they did not wish to exchange to the 1st Battn.' He suggests that Scovell's 'best chance' is to 'fill a vacancy caused by a Promotion', in which case he may be 'brought in instead of their gazetting a youngster to us'.

[ Michel Chevalier, French economist and politician.] Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to James Yates, regarding a statistical congress in England. With Engraved portrait of 'The Late M. Michel Chevalier'.

Michel Chevalier (1806-1879), French free market economist, politician, and engineer, editor of the Paris 'Globe'
Publication details: 
73 Rue de l'Universite, Paris. 15 July 1860.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed to 'Dear Sir', but with the rest written in French. He explains that it is with reluctance that he is unable to leave paris and attend the 'Congrès de Statistique', and that it is always with pleasure that he visits England. He refers to a 'traite de Commerce' and the 'Conseil Superieur du Commerce, dont j'ai l'honneur d'etre membre'. The letter is accompanied by an engraved portrait of 'The Late M. Michel Chevalier', cut from a magazine. On 14 x 9 cm paper. In good condition, lightly-aged.

[ Rev. George Harris, Unitarian minister. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'George Harris') to James Yates of London and York, regarding the troubles of his previous congregation in Glasgow, under their new minister 'Mr. Taylor'.

Rev. George Harris (1794-1859), Unitarian minister, author and editor
Publication details: 
Both from 2 Hope Park, Edinburgh. 22 February and 5 March 1844.

Both on 4to biofoliums, and addressed, with postmarks, on the reverse of the second leaf. Both in fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. ONE (22 February 1844): Concerning the unfortunate state of 'the Glasgow congregation' since Harris's removal to Edinburgh. His successor 'Mr. T[aylor].' stated his 'present views' to 'Messrs C<?> & Smith', 'and they said at once he ought to resign the pulpit [...] The end cannot be far off. Mr. T. declared he would not quit the pulpit till he was dragged out of it'. The letter continues with references to 'Mr Taylor' and 'Mr Davidson'.

[ James Everett, Manchester bookseller and Wesleyan minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed to him from 'W. Brailsford', urging him to preach a 'preparatory Sermon' at a meeting of 'the Missionary committee' in Longholme.

W. Brailsford of Longholme [ James Everett (1784-1872), Wesleyan minister and Manchester bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Longholme [ Manchester ]. 24 September 1832.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse to 'Mr. Everett | Market Street | Manchester'. Brailsford has been 'desired by the Missionary committee connected with this place to write you & earnestly to request the favour of yr. Services at their approaching Anniversary which is fixed for Monday Oct. 22nd. by preaching a preparatory Sermon on the Sunday eveng. Oct 21.

[ James Clarke Hook, RA, English painter. ] Signed ('Jas: C. Hook') Autograph transcription of J. R. Lowell's lines on Abraham Lincoln.

James Clarke Hook (1819-1907), English painter, Member of the Royal Academy
Publication details: 
On letterhehad of Silverbeck, Churt, Farnham, Surrey. 23 October 1895.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Written in response to a request for an autograph, and signed at foot 'Yours Truly | Jas: C. Hook'. Above this, beneath the heading 'Lincoln', Hook has transcribed twelve lines from 'Ode Recited at the Harvard Commemoration, July 21 1865', beginning 'He knew to bide his time, | And can his fame abide,' and with 'J. R. Lowell.' at the end.

[ John Fonblanque, author and whig politician. ] Autograph Memorandum, signed 'John: Fonblanque', regarding 'distinguishing Barons by Tenure from Barons by Writ'.

John Fonblanque [ John Anthony de Grenier Fonblanque ] (1759-1837), English author, whig politician and barrister
Publication details: 
Temple [ London ]. 7 March 1830.

2pp., 12mo. 55 lines of closely-written text, with a few minor emendations. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with 'John Fonblanque' in another hand at foot of first page. The document begins: 'I have been considering whether the Distinction that we notices this morning in the Description of the Heir sometimes as Lord & sometimes not may not fornish another Criticism for distinguishing Barons by Tenure from Barons by Writ'. He proceeds to argue the point learnedly.

[ Jules Baroche, French Statesman. ] Autograph Note Signed ('P J Baroche') to 'Monsieur De la Salle | avoué' ('Mon cher maitre').

Jules Baroche [ Pierre Jules Baroche ] (1802-1870), French statesman, minister under Napoleon III
Publication details: 
24 January 1845.

1p., 16mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Monsieur De la Salle | avoué'. Regarding a payment for his part 'dans l'aff. janvier'.

[ George Adams, English sculptor. ] Autograph draft of invitation by 'Mr. George S. Adams, Sculptor' to a private view, with separate piece of paper carrying autograph transcription of poetical quotation.

George Adams [ George Gammon Adams ] (1821-1898), English sculptor
Publication details: 
Both items undated. Draft invitation giving address 126 Sloane Street [ London ].

Draft invitation on both sides of landscape 12mo (11 x 18 cm) piece of paper. In fair condition, lighly aged. A rough draft, apparently for the design of a printed card. The main effort, on one page, reads: 'Mr. Geo. G. Adams, Sculptor, | Solicits the honor of a call, from | [wavy line] | to inspect his | [two wavy lines] | Private view on the [wavy line] | 126, Sloane Street.' There is the start of another attempt on the reverse. The poetical quotation is on one side of a 5 x 18 cm strip of paper, laid down on a paper backing. In fair condition, aged and worn.

[ Admiral George Anson Byron (1789-1868), 7th Lord Byron. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Byron.'), directing admission to the gallery House of Lords.

Admiral George Anson Byron (1789-1868), 7th Baron Byron, cousin of the poet Lord Byron [ George Gordon Noel, 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale ]
Publication details: 
7 March 1846.

1p., landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with minor traces of glue from mount on reverse. With a large firm signature, the text reads: 'Admit the Bearer to the Gallery of the House of Lords | Byron. | Monday | March 7th 1846'.

[ Princess Adélaïde of Orléans. ] Her seal in black wax, on part of envelope addressed in her autograph to Leopold II, King of Belgium.

Princess Adélaïde of Orléans [ Louise Marie Adélaïde Eugénie d'Orléans ] (1777-1847), French aristocrat of the House of Bourbon [ Leopold II, King of Belgium ]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

6.5 x 10 cm piece cut from envelope, with the seal (roughly 1 x 1.5 cm) in black wax (2.5 cm in diameter) attached on a strip of paper. The seal a firm impression in good condition and the envelope fragment in fair condition, on aged paper, strip carrying typewriten caption laid down at foot. The Princess's autograph is unsigned, and simply reads: 'À mon cher petit Léopold.'

[ S. R. Crockett, Scottish novelist. ] Typed Letter Signed ('S. R. Crockett'), to a bookseller, thanking him for sending the book 'Idylls of Spain' and expressing an interest in the subject.

S. R. Crockett [ Samuel Rutherford Crockett ] (1859-1914), Scottish novelist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Savoy Hotel, Embankment Gardens, London. 30 January 1899.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper. He thanks him for sending 'Idylls of Spain' (by Rowland Thirlmere, 1897), which 'Mr. Milner' will settle with him for, and states that he is 'interested in the subject and would be glad of a note of any books you happen to come across on this subject'. In 1903 Crockett would publish 'The Adventurer in Spain'.

[ Philip Yorke, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hardwicke') to John McLeay,

Philip Yorke (1757-1834), 3rd Earl of Hardwicke, whig politician, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1801-1805
Publication details: 
'Wimpole near Arrington' [ Cambridgeshire ]. 17 January 1810.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with small stain at head of first page. Docketed on reverse of second leaf. The letter concerns Hardwicke's direction that Harry Court Amiel, son of 'Captain Amiel, Hounslow Barracks, Hounslow', be nominated 'for a Cavalry Cadetship in Bengal'. Amiel has been 'a Cornet in the 7th Regt of Dragoons, (or Hussars as they are called)' for a year, and 'bears a very good character from his Commanding Officer'.

[ Alessandro Gavazzi, chaplain in Garibaldi's army during the Risorgimento. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Alessandro Gavazzi') to 'John Ledgett Esq', in English, regarding a meeting.

Alessandro Gavazzi (1809-1899), Italian political and church reformer during the Risorgimento, a chaplain in Garibaldi's army
Publication details: 
88 Newman Street [ London ]. 4 February [ 1850s ].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper. Reads: 'Dear Sir | I returned yesterday only from a long journey. I hope to see you in he present week in the City.' In 1850 Gavazzi began a course of political and religious sermons in London; first at the Princess's Court Rooms, Great Castle Street, Oxford Street, and then from 1854 in an open chapel at King's Cross. In 1859 he returned to Italy to take up a post as chaplain for Giuseppe Garibaldi, serving in that role during the Expedition of the Thousand to Sicily in 1860.

[ Algernon Charles Swinburne, poet. ] Envelope, addressed in autograph to 'The Hon. J. Leicester Warren'.

Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909), English poet
Publication details: 
With two London postmarks dated 24 July 1875.

The envelope is 7 x 12 cm, with penny stamp printed on. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with back flap intact (i.e ungummed rather than cut open). The address - certainly in Swinburne's hand - simply reads: 'The Hon. J. Leicester Warren | 67 Onslow Square | S.W.'

[ Edward Hodges Baily, sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E H Baily'), giving his 'charges for Busts in Marble'.

Edward Hodges Baily (1788-1867), English sculptor
Publication details: 
11 York Place, Portman Square. 23 July 1855.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to an unnamed recipient. He gives his prices for 'a head in Marble', a 'Torso bust', and a 'pale draped bust'. Docketed on reverse with biographical details in a nineteenth-century hand.

[ Sir George Wigram Allen, Australian politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G: Wigram Allen') to the Auckland ironmonger Samuel Hague Smith, regarding 'the slabs of white marble'.

Sir George Wigram Allen (1824-1885), Australian politician, Speaker in the New South Wales Legislative Assembly, 1875-1883 [ Samuel Hague Smith (1830-1917), Auckland ironmonger ]
Publication details: 
On Sydney letterhead, 27 May 1881.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Cut down at margins, with loss to part of letterhead. Addressed to 'S Hague Smith Esqr | Pitt St North'. He writes that he has not yet received a sample for 'the slabs of white marble 12 inches square', and asks him to 'give an answer to Odling Bros', as he wishes to know 'what quantity I could get from the person whom you <?>, & about the quantity also'.

[ Rev. Thomas Blanshard, Book-Steward, Methodist Book-Room, London. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho Blanshard') to Rev. George Johnstone in Jamaica, giving details and itemised account of 'Sums of Money due to the Book Room from Jamaica'.

Rev. Thomas Blanshard, Book-Steward, Methodist Book Room, City Road, London [ Rev. George Johnstone (c.1765-1821), Methodist missionary in the West Indies ]
Publication details: 
[ Methodist Book Room, City Road ] London. 3 January 1820.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight loss to text from breaking open of seal, and some repair with archival tape, and a square of paper neatly cut away from second leaf. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Revd G Johnstone | Methodist Chapel | Kingstone | Jamaica'. Letter on one page and 'Mr G Johnstone Dr in account with T Blanshard'. Writing to his 'Dear Bro[th]er', he hopes that Johnstone will be able to settle the annexed account 'at your ensuing District Meeting'.

[ Edmund Beckett, 1st Baron Grimthorpe. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edm Beckett'), inviting 'Dr Griffith' to dinner.

Edmund Beckett, 1st Baron Grimthorpe [ previously Sir Edmund Beckett, 5th Baronet and Edmund Beckett Denison ] (1816-1905), lawyer, horologist and architect
Publication details: 
No place. 1 September 1879.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. On aged paper, with minor damp staining. If the recipient has 'come home' he invites him to dine. 'We have already such a preponderance of the female sex, from ladies staying here, that I am sorry we cannot ask any more.' If his son is 'still at Sandridge instead of you we shall be glad to have him as your locum tenertem here also'. He is directing the letter 'accordingly', 'but out of the multitude of your name in Crockford [the clerical directory] I dare not make a shot at his Christian name'.

[ George Ormerod, Cheshire antiquary. ] Autograph Letter, in the third person, to 'Mr Cornish' [ the Manchester bookseller James Edward Cornish ], giving his reasons for asking £100 for a copy of his History of Cheshire.

George Ormerod (1785-1873), Cheshire antiquary [ James Edward Cornish (1831-1903), Manchester bookseller ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Sedbury Park, Chepstow. 9 March 1867.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. Addressed to 'Mr Cornish | 33, Piccadilly | Manchester'. The letter begins: 'Mr. Ormerod has received Mr Cornish's enquiry whether Mr O. has "any Io [i.e. folio] Paper Hist: of Cheshire for sale.' He replies that he 'has now only two Io Paper copies of Hist: Cheshire One is extensively illustrated and bound in ten Volumes in Morocco - This, of course, cannot be parted with.' Ormerod would part with the other set 'for £100, (one Hundred pounds) Cash - not less'.

[ Sir George Thomas Smart, English composer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('George Smart') to 'Mr. Taylor' regarding a mistake in 'Cards' and the 'state of poor Walker'.

[ George Smart ] Sir George Thomas Smart (1776-1867), English composer and musician, organist at the Chapel Royal
Publication details: 
91 Great Portland Street [ London ]. 27 June 1826.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged. He asks him 'to forward these Cards immediately (I have sent one to Mr. Doane) as many have call'd asking if they are to be engaged'. He expresses his regret for 'the mistake in the Name card', but it is too late to alter it. The 'sole cause' of the error was his 'constantly thinking of the state of poor Walker'.

[ Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine, Manx author. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Hall Caine') to Manchester journalist and editor John Cuming Walters, regarding his book 'Recollections of Rossetti'.

Hall Caine [ Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine ] (1853-1931), Manx author [ John Cuming Walters (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Greeba Castle, Isle of Man. 24 August 1928.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by noting that they have not corresponded for a while, and that he has 'been abroad most of my time for several years'. He is sending him 'a set of advance sheets of a little book I am to publish with Cassells at the end of September' ('Recollections of Rossetti'), 'because I have a very grateful memory of all the kind, appreciative and very able articles which you have written about other books of mine'.

[ William Reed, Lancashire agriculturalist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Will Reed') to "William Cathrall' of the Manchester Times

William Reed of Chat Moss, near Warrington, Lancashire, agriculturalist [ William Cathrall, proprietor and editor of the Manchester Times; Salford ]
Publication details: 
'Bank Parade, Salford | June 26. 1834.'

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr. Cathrall | Times Office | Manchester'. In reply to a letter 'requesting from me "an account of the origin and progress of the Manchester Agricultural Society"', he states that 'any information I possess is quite at Mr. Everett's service'. He suggests two times when Everett can call on him, and he will 'endeavour to promote his views in any way in my power'.

[ Vice-Admiral Robert Hall, Third Lord and Controller of the Navy. ] Letter in a secretarial hand, signed 'Robert Hall', to William Griffith of Derby

Vice-Admiral Robert Hall (1817-1882), Royal Navy, Third Lord and Controller of the Navy [ The Admiralty, Whitehall ]
Publication details: 
Admiralty [ Whitehall, London ]. 27 March 1874.

1p., folio. In good condition, with light signs of age. Addressed to 'Wm. Griffith Esqre. | Becket Street Chapel | Derby.' Informing Griffith that he has 'laid before My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty the petition from the United Methodist Free Church, Derby, requesting the alteration of the 93rd. Clause of the Marine Mutiny Act'.

[ Alfred de Vigny, French romantic poet. ] Autograph Signature, with note to fellow-author Eugène Guinot.

Alfred de Vigny [ Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny ] (1797-1863), French romantic poet [ Eugène Guinot (1812-1861), French author ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of an 8 x 13 cm piece of paper. In good condition, with light signs of age, and central horizontal fold. Firm, bold signature, 8 cm long, with underlining flourish. Beneath the signature, in a small hand, is the message: 'M Guinot | M: Vigny vous adresse son nom pour vous remercier il ne connait pas votre adresse'. Addressed on reverse, 'à M. Eug. Guinot'.

[ Raphael Tuck & Sons Victorian christmas card. ] Coloured Christmas card with illustration by 'E M W' on one side, and poem by 'SAMUEL K. COWAN M.A.' on the other.

Raphael Tuck & Sons, Moorfields, London publishers known for their postcards; Samuel K. Cowan (d.1918), Irish lyricist
Publication details: 
Raphael Tuck & Sons [ London ]. 'RTS Artistic Series' and 'Series 430.' Undated [ late nineteenth century? ]

On a gilt-edged piece of card, 13 x 11.5 cm., with rounded edges. In good condition, lightly aged. The illustration by 'E M W' on one side is printed in silver, yellow, light blue, grey and brown, and shows a snowy country scene with two tiny figures beneath a shining sun on a stone bridge over a stream. Captioned 'The Joy of Christmas be in your heart.' Cowan's eight-line poem, on the other side, is printed in grey, in variety of gothic fonts. It begins: 'Only its best and brightest history | May Memory relate you!

[ Will Day, British cinema pioneer. ] Typed Letter Signed ('W. Day | F.R.P.S. FRSA') to firm of royal photographer Marcus Adams, regarding his desire to end a 'film somewhat of a national character' with 'a short length of little Princess Elizabeth'.

Will Day [ Wilfred Ernest Lytton Day ] (1873-1936), cinema historian, showman and dealer in film equipment [ Marcus Adams (1875-1959), royal photographer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Will Day, Ltd, Wireless Apparatus, 19 Lisle Street, Wardour Street, W.C., London. 22 May 1928.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Ornate letterhead printed in red and black, with engraving of a rising sun ('The Mark of Excellence'). Addressed to 'Messrs. Marcus Adams Ltd. | Child Photographers, | 43, Dover Street, | W.1.' The letter begins: 'I have in hand the production of a film somewhat of a national character, including all the episodes in the reigns of our Royal Family, from Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee onwards, and I thought it would be a very nice idea to finish the film with a short length of little Princess Elizabeth.

[ William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal prime minister. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Miss Lewis', expressing sympathy with the views she expresses in the preface to her translation.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), English Liberal prime minister
Publication details: 
Hawarden. 25 July 1892.

Lengthwise on one side of 12 x 7.5 cm postcard. In fair condition, aged and worn, with two light postmarks over text, and the reverse carrying traces of paper and glue from previous mounting. Addressed, on reverse, to 'Miss Lewis | 10 Lower Sloane Street | London | S. W.', and redirected in another hand to an address in Essex. The message reads: 'Mr Gladstone with his compliments begs to thank Miss Lewis fo rthe presentation of her Translation and enters with much sympathy into the views she has taken of the deeper questions involved both in the Preface and the work.'

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