[ Printed pamphlet. ] Love the Redeemer. With reference to Count Tolstoi's "Kreutzer Sonata," and his Views on Christianity, Love, the Family, and Civilisation. By Col. Robert G. Ingersoll. (From the "North American Review," September, 1890.)

Col. Robert G. Ingersoll [ Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910); G. W. Foote, Progressive Publishing Company, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Progressive Publishing Company, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. [ London: Printed and Published by G. W. Foote, 28 Stonecutter Street, E.C. ] 1890.

15 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In good condition, lightly aged. 'I disagree with nearly every sentence in this book, regard the story as brutal and absurd, the view of life presented as cruel, vile, and false'. The last page carries a list of 'Works by Colonel R. G. Ingersoll.' Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Durham.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] "Breaking the Fetters." A powerful Discourse delivered to immense Audiences in America, by Colonel Ingersoll. The Great American Orator and Wit.

Colonel Ingersoll [ Colonel R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ]
Publication details: 
'Fifteenth Edition.' London: Robert Forder, 28, Stonecutter Street, Farringdon Street, E.C.

18pp., 12mo. Disbound. In grey printed wraps, with engraved portrait of Ingersoll on front cover. In good condition, lightly aged. An attack on religion, also taking in slavery and the theory of evolution. No copy of this fifteenth edition on COPAC, and only four copies of any edition, and none at the British Library.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] New Life of Jacob.

C. Bradlaugh [ Charles Bradlaugh; Annie Besant ]
Publication details: 
[ London. ] Printed by Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh, 63, Fleet Street, E.C. 1885.

8pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. Drophead title only. In good condition, on aged paper. Originally published in 1861 under the pseudonym 'Iconoclast'.

[ Carl Haag, artist. ] Autograph Note Signed to Edward Baker, agreeing to accept a gift from 'Mr: Morris'.

Carl Haag (1820-1915), Bavarian artist settled in England, court painter to the duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Publication details: 
Ida Villa, 7 Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead, NW, on cancelled letterhead of 16 New Burlington Street [ London ]. 28 November 1867.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with traces of glue from mounting on blank reverse. Reads: 'Sir, | In reply to your polite note of the 22nd. inst:, I am quite prepared to receive the "Camel Coats" [?] with which my friend Mr: Morris has kindly bethought me, and I shall thank you for their delivery.'

[ Printed pamphlet. ] "That blessed Word - Liberty." By Alex. M. Thompson

Alex. M. Thompson [ Alexander Mattock Thompson (1861-1948) ]
Publication details: 
[ London. ] Published by the Clarion Newspaper Co., Ltd. [ 1894 or 1895. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged. Drophead title only (full publication details presumably on missing front wrap).

[ Printed pamphlet. ] The Natural History of the Christian Devil.

Annie Besant [ Charles Bradlaugh ]
Publication details: 
Printed by Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh, 63, Fleet St., London. - 1885.

8pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. Drophead title only. In good condition, on aged paper.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Col. Ingersoll at Home. Biographical Notes, Occasional Utterances, Characteristics.

[ Col. Ingersoll; Colonel R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ]
Publication details: 
Trade supplied by John Heywood, Ridgefield, John Dalton Street, Manchester; 11 Paternoster Buildings, London. [ 1880s. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound, without wraps. In good condition, lightly aged. On reverse of title: 'This is not a reprint, and Publisher reserves right.' Scarce: the only copy on COPAC or WorldCat at Oxford Univesity, whose entry dates it to the 1880s..

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Collectivism. A Speech delivered by Jules Guesde to the French Chamber of Deputies.

'Jules Guesde' [ pseudonym of Mathieu Bazile ]
Publication details: 
[ London. ] Published by the Clarion Newspaper Co., Ltd. [ Circa 1895. ]

15 + [1]pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper. Publisher's advertisement on last page. 'The following speech was delivered in the course of a debate in the Paris Chamber on the Roubaix Municipal Drug Stores, when a Reactionary Deputy, M. Bouge, very incautiously asked the Socialists "to explain whaht they really do want." Guesde at once marched to the rostrum, and, without preparation, delivered the following.'

[ Printed pamphlet. ] The Flight of the Shadows. A Discourse delivered by Colonel Ingersoll, the Great American Orator.

'Colonel Ingersoll, The Great American Orator' [ Colonel R. G. Ingersoll; Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899), 'The Great Agnostic' ] [ Robinson's Opera House, Cincinnati ]
Publication details: 
'Sixth Edition.' Sold by R. Forder, 28, Stonecutter Street, London; Truelove, London; Morrish. Bristol; The Bookstall, Freethought Institute, Southampton; S. Watts, Manchester; Alexander Orr, Edinburgh; Robert Ferguson, Glasgow. No date [1890s?].

18pp., 8vo. Disbound. With pink front wrap, carrying an engraved portrait of 'Colonel Ingersoll. The Great American Orator and Wit.'. In good condition, lightly aged. A report of a speech at Robinson's Opera House, Cincinnati. A prefatory note, titled 'Eloquence of Ingersoll', quotes from Samuel P. Putnam's 'Golden Throne'. Scarce: the only copies of any edition traced at Oxford (second edition) and the London School of Economics (edition not stated).

[ James Morier, author of 'Hajji Baba of Ispahan'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Morier') to 'Captn. Roberts', inviting him to dinner with 'Parkes'.

James Morier [ James Justinian Morier ] (1780-1849), author of 'The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan' [ Daniel Roberts (1789-1869), Royal Navy officer, member of Pisan Circle of Byron and Shelley ]
Publication details: 
No date and place, only 'Thursday', but annotated 'Castellamare | 1830'.

1p., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Anotated in pencil 'From Mr. Morier' and 'Castellamare | 1830'. Addressed to 'Dear Roberts'. Begins: 'If you are a good fellow do come and dine with us today at 3. I know it is short notice, but our table holds only a certain number.' Also asks him to join a party to visit Pompeii the following Friday, which also includes 'Parkes who dines here'.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Du Nouveau Système de Douanes Français, considéré dans son développement progressif; ou De la ruine totale du commerce de la France avec les États du Sud-ouest de l'Allemagne. Traduit de l'Allemand.

[ Karl Friedrich Nebenius (1784-1857), Baden minister and author of the 1818 constitution ] [ F. G. Levrault, Strasburg printer ]
Publication details: 
Paris, Chez les marchands de nouveautés. 1822. [ Strasbourg, De l'imprimerie de F. G. Levrault.]

viii + 69 + [3]pp., 8vo. In original grey wraps, uncut. A good copy, lightly aged and foxed. Accompanied by a slip carrying an entry for this item from a printed catalogue, including: 'Not in Goldsmiths; Kress C.930 recording the German edition only.' No copy on COPAC, WorldCat or Bibliotheque Nationale.

Reproduction of a drawing of G.F. Watts, artist, by Rudolf Lehmann, from 'R. Lehmann's Portrait Studies', presented in the style of a studio photograph.

Rudolf Lehmann [Wilhelm Augustus Rudolf Lehmann] (1819-1905), Genre and portrait painter [G.F. Watts; Frederick Bruckmann, bookseller, Southampton Street, Strand, London]
Publication details: 
Fred. Bruckmann, London, 17 Southampton Street, Strand. No date.

Printed on a piece of 14 x 9.5 cm india paper, laid down on a piece of 17 x 11.5 cm card, with rounded edges, good condition. Printed at the head of the card is 'R. LEHMANN'S PORTRAIT STUDIES.' And at the foot: 'G.F. WATTS | FRED. BRUCKMANN, LONDON, | 17 Southampton Street, Strand.' Beneath the image, in small type: 'Lehmann del.' and 'Registered.' Lehmann was born in Hamburg and moved to London in 1866. He wrote two books.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ellenborough') to 'W Astell Esq'.

Edward Law, 1st Earl of Ellenborough (1790-1871), Tory politician and Governor-General of India [William Astell (1774-1847), Director of the East India Company]
Publication details: 
8 June 1830. India Board.

12mo: 2 pp. Eleven lines of text. A bifolium, docketed on the otherwise-blank second leaf '8 June 1830 | Ld. Ellenborough'. Good: lightly spotted and with traces of grey paper mount adhering to edge on reverse of second leaf. He is enclosing a letter (not present) 'from Keene' (docketed [by Astell?] ('Kearney.)', and possibly the watercolourist W. H. Kearney). 'I must not enter into a Correspondence with him and he asks nothing definite.' Asks Astell to 'consider the matter' and to let him know his opinion on the coming Saturday.

[ Nine pamphlets. ] Eight 'Financial Reform Tracts' and 'Account of the Formation, Principles, and Objects of the Liverpool Financial Reform Association, as embodied in the Speeches delivered at a Public Meeting held in Liverpool, Jan. 17, 1849.'

Liverpool Financial Reform Association [ Robertson Gladstone (1805-1875), President; Edward Brodribb, Treasurer; Richard Cobden; Major-General Sir William Napier ]
Publication details: 
[ Liverpool Financial Reform Association. ] All nine items 'Printed at the Office of the "Standard of Freedom," 335, Strand, London.' 1848 and 1849.

The nine items are all 12mo, and bound together without wraps, with the whole disbound from a volume. In fair condition, with minor signs of age and wear. All titles are drophead. ONE: 'Account of the Formation, Principles, and Objects of the Liverpool Financial Reform Association, [...]'. 12pp. TWO: 'Financial Reform Tracts. No. 1.' 16pp. THREE: 'Financial Reform Tracts. No. 2. Pension List. (Second Edition).' 8pp. FOUR: 'Financial Reform Tracts. No. 3. Taxation. - Part I.' 15 + [1]pp. FIVE: 'Financial Reform Tracts. No. 4. The Army, Ordnance, Commissariat, Navy, Colonies.' 15 + [1]pp.

[ Pamphlet. ] First Annual Report of the Council of the Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association for the Year 1842, read at the Annual Meeting of the Members, held January 23, 1843: Treasurer's Account, and a List of Members.

Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association [ Thomas Thornely, M.P.; Free Trade; Smith, Rogerson, and Co., Liverpool printers ]
Publication details: 
Second edition. Liverpool: Printed by Smith, Rogerson, and Co., 44, Lord Street. 1843.

40pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. On aged and lightly damp-stained paper. The report begins (p.5): 'The Object of the Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association, as expressed in its constitution, is "The annihilation of all Monopolies in Trade and Commerce, and especially the total and immediate Repeal of the Bread and Provision Taxes.' Pp.36-37 carry, in small print, the 'List of Members for 1842'; the 'Council for 1843', with 'THOMAS THORNELY, Esq., M.P.' as president, is on p.3.

[ Printed pamphlets. ] Numbers 8, 9 and 10 of the 'Transactions of the Cambridge University Association of Brass Collectors.' With nine plates.

Cambridge University Association of Brass Collectors [ Rev. W. F. Creeny, President ]
Publication details: 
[ Cambridge University Association of Brass Collectors. ] Number 8 by 'Denne, Printer, Margate' and dated September 1890. Number 9 'Printed for the Society at "Keble's Gazette" Office, Margate' in March 1891.

The three numbers are bound together without covers, the whole being disbound. Number 8 is 31pp., 8vo, with four plates; Number 9 is 32pp., 8vo (slightly smaller than No.8), with two plates; No. 10 is 32pp., 8vo (same size as No.8), with three plates. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Ownership stamp of Charles Cotton at head of first page of first number ('Ex Libris Carol. Cotton'). Contributions to the three numbers by R. H. Russell, Thomas Wareing of Birmingham, Rev. J. Conway Walter, E. M. Beloe, A. Oliver, H. D. Cole, Rev. E. S. Dewick, R. A. S. Macalister, H. K.

[ Pamphlet. ] Memoir of William Roscoe, by Dr. Thomas Stewart Traill, F.R.S.E., &c. [ With coloured plate illustrating 'Roscoe's Birthplace'. ]

Dr Thomas Stewart Traill [ William Roscoe (1753-1831), Liverpool connoisseur, historian and abolitionist; George Smith, Watts and Co., Liverpool printers ]
Publication details: 
Liverpool: Geo. Smith, Watts and Co. [ 19 Titherbarn Street. ] 1853.

48pp., 12mo. Disbound with free endpapers.In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. Nicely printed, with all edges gilt. Dedication 'To the Friends and Admirers of William Roscoe, assembled to commemorate theh Centenary of his Birth, this Edition of the Memoir, by Dr.

[ George Bancroft, American historian. ] Autograph signature ('G Bancroft').

George Bancroft (1800-1891), American historian and Democratic Party statesman, 17th United States Secretary of the Navy
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 4.5 x 13 cm piece of paper, cut from a letter. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damage (not affecting signature) at outer edges caused by removal from album. Reads: 'Yrs truly | G Bancroft'.

[ Augustine Brohan, French actress of the Comédie-Française. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Augustine Brohan') to an unnamed recipient ('ma bien chère demoiselle')

Augustine Brohan [ Joséphine-Félicité-Augustine Brohan ] (1824-1893), actress of the the Comédie-Française, mistress of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte [ Napoleon III ], with fashionable Paris salon
Publication details: 
Ville d'Avray. 31 April [ no year ].

1p., 16mo. Eleven lines of text. On aged and worn paper, with central closed tears unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. A warm letter of thanks, with valediction 'Mille choses affectueuses à tous les vôtres'.

[ Anonymous pamphlet by Firmin Didot of Paris, inscribed by the author. ] Notice Historique sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de P. P. Prudhon, Peintre, Membre de la Légion-d'Honneur et de l'Institut.

[ Jacques-Philippe Voïart [ Voiart ] or his wife Élise Voïart (1786-1866) ] Firmin Didot, Paris printer [ Pierre-Paul Prud'hon [ Prudhon ] (1758-1823), French painter ]
Publication details: 
A Paris, chez Firmin Didot, Rue Jacob, No 24; Chez Boulland et Ce, Libraire, Rue du Battoir, No 12. 1824.

46pp., 8vo. Stitched and in original plain grey wraps. Aged and worn, in fraying wraps. The pamphlet is anonymous, but carries the following inscription in pencil on the half-title: 'hommage | a Mademoiselle Bergeret | Artiste, de la part de l'Auteur. | Voïart'. The only copies on COPAC at the V & A, and the British Library. This copy lacks the lithographed frontispiece portrait of Prud'hon, by Voïart, present in the copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, which is ascribed to the wife, whereas other authorities ascribe the work to the husband.

[ Edward Fitzball, English playwright. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Fitzball.') [ to Charles Kean ], requesting a box for a performance of King Lear [ at the Princess's Theatre ].

Edward Fitzball (1792-1873), English playwright [ Charles Kean (1811-1868), English actor, born in Ireland; Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre manager and historian ]
Publication details: 
9 Upper Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy Square [ London ]. 18 May 1858.

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, laid down on damaged leaf from album. At head, in another hand: 'for Saturday'. Reads: 'My dear Sir: | I shd. feel greatly obliged if you could without inconvenience to yr interest, give me a box, any night this week, to see King Lear.' At head is note in another hand (see below): 'for Saturday'. From the collection of Macqueen-Pope, who has written at the foot of the leaf on which the letter is mounted: 'To Chas Kean Princess's Theatre | Note at top, either by CK or Massingham the boxoffice m[ana]g[e]r.'

[ Lord Henry Bentinck. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Henry Bentinck').

Lord Henry Bentinck [ Lord Henry William Scott-Bentinck ] (1804-1870), Conservative statesman
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Good firm signature. Written in response to a request for an autograph, and reading 'if you wish | Your's sincerely | Henry Bentinck'.

[ Cosmo Gordon Lennox, Scottish playwright. ] Corrected Typescript of the start of his '8. B.C. - 1903 A.D. or The March of Time | A One-Act Play freely adapted from the French of Francis de Croisset by Cosmo Gordon Lennox'.

Cosmo Gordon-Lennox (1869-1921), actor (under name 'Cosmo Stuart'), playwright and translator, husband of Marie Tempest [ Francis de Croisset (1877-1937), Belgian playwright ]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [ London, circa 1903? ]

[2] + 29pp., 4to. On rectos only. Heavily-aged and worn, with some damp staining, stapled, with remains of grey front cover and last leaf loose. With numerous emendations to almost every page. Ends abruptly on p.29. A fast-paced comedy, with a seance connecting past and present. Two exchanges: 'Bobbie. I suppose you're going to wear tights again? | Maud. Well, I've a ripping good reason for doing so - two, in fact.' and (during the seance): 'Nerea. Dance for me, I pray you, Oh embodiment of lissom grace. | Bobbie.

[ William Maginn, Irish journalist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W M.') to the editor of a journal, regarding 'a poem by a friend of mine' (said to be 'Lockharts Greek Bubble').

William Maginn [ 'Dr. Maginn' ] (1794-1842), Irish Tory journalist, a noted contributor to Blackwood's Magazine and Bentley's Miscellany
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London? Circa 1826? ]

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Another hand - presumably that of the recipient - has written the word 'Printer' at the head of the page, and docketted the reverse 'Maginn | with Lockharts Greek Bubble' (the anonymous poem 'The Greek Bubble', published in 1826, is in fact said to be the work of J. Thompson). The letter reads: 'Dear Sir | Inclosed is a review of a poem by a friend of mine, who I believe is an acquaintance of yours. If you could make room for it tomorrow, you would much oblige me. Arrange the review yr. own way.

[ Offprint ('corrected Copy'). ] Address delivered by Sir Llewelyn Turner (High Sheriff of Carnarvonshire), to the Segontium Society, On the 18th of November, 1886.

Sir Llewelyn Turner, High Sheriff of Carnarvonshire [ The Segontium Society, Carnarvon, Wales ]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the "North Wales Observer and Express" of November 26, 1886. Carnarvon: Printed by D. W. Davies and Co., "Express" Office. 1887.

15 + [1]pp., 12mo. Unbound pamphlet. In fair condition, lightly aged, with strip of adhesive tape on spine. 'Corrected Copy' in manuscript at head of title-page, and minor manuscript emendation on p.13. Address made at the Society's inaugural meeting, and ranging in topic from Carnarvon's ancient history to 'The Terrible Competition of the Age'. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

[ Pamphlet. ] Public Control of the Liquor Traffic. The Aberdeen Scheme. Memorandum by the Aberdeen Association for Promoting the Public Control of the Liquor Traffic.

Professor J. Dove Wilson, LL.D., Chairman, and T. Owen Snow, Honorary Secretary, Aberdeen Association for Promoting the Public Control of the Liquor Traffic
Publication details: 
[ Aberdeen Association for Promoting the Public Control of the Liquor Traffic. ] 1895.

4pp., 12mo. Disbound bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. Subtitles: 'Heads of Scheme' and 'Expalantory Notes'. At end of last page are 'Some Opinions of Public Control' (by 'Mr. Gladstone', 'Mr. Chamberlain' and 'The Times'). Scarce: no copies on COPAC.

[ Pamphlet. ] Three Open Letters to the Bishop of Manchester on Socialism.

Robert Blatchford [ James Moorhouse (1826-1915), Anglican Bishop of Manchester, 1886-1903 ]
Publication details: 
Without publication details or place. [ Final section with note: 'Reprinted from the "Clarion," of November 4th, 1893.'

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. Drophead title. The three letters are titled 'The Pillars of the State', 'The Common Kennel' and 'Priest and Samaritan'. A final piece, titled 'The Bishop of Manchester as a Socialist' is subtitled 'Reprinted from the "Clarion," of November 4th, 1893.' Scarce.

[ Printed pamphlet, inscribed by the author. ] An Address, delivered at the Third Anniversay of the Bath District Branch of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, On June the 6th, 1839; by John Smith Soden, President of the Meeting.

John Smith Soden [ Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, Bath District Branch ]
Publication details: 
Bath: Printed by Mary Meyler and Son, Abbey Church-Yard. 1839.

15pp., 8vo. Unbound pamphlet. Aged and worn. In manuscript at head of title-page: 'Dr Ainsworth from the Author'. In a short preface Soden explains that several members of the Association have asked him for a copy of his address, and that, although he does nto think it worthy, he has 'therefore had a small impression printed for private circulation only, in order to save the trouble of transcribing, [...]'. Scarce: only three copies on COPAC (BL, Bristol and Aberdeen).

[ Pamphlet. ] Sensational Revelations! Life in English Prisons.

H. H. Duncan [ David Nicholl [ Sheffield Anarchist Group; the Walsall Anarchists ]
Publication details: 
'The Anarchist. Vol. 2 - No. 18. June, 1895.' Printed and Published by David Nicholl, 7, Broomhall Street, Sheffield.

16pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with reverse of last leaf browned. Separate title-page, with only the following on it: 'SENSATIONAL REVELATIONS! | Life in | ENGLISH | PRISONS. | ONE PENNY.' Drophead title on p.3 with details of 'The Anarchist'. Duncan's article runs from p.4 to p.8, and is titled: 'Life in English Prisons. | The First Night in the Cells.

[ Oxford Women's Colleges in the late Victorian period. ] Four numbers of 'The Fritillary', a magazine for the Oxford women's colleges, edited by future novelist D. K. Broster.

D. K. Broster [ Dorothy Kathleen Broster ] (1877-1950), editor of 'The Fritllary' magazine for Oxford Women's Colleges
Publication details: 
Oxford. No. 3: December 1894. No. 4: March 1895. No. 6: December 1895. No. 14: June 1898. The first three numbers 'Printed for the Proprietors by Alden & Company, Ltd., Bocardo Press', the last printed 'by James Parker & Co., Crown Yard'.

All four numbers in good condition, in original grey printed wraps. Totalling 79pp. (No. 3 paginated 23-46; No. 4 paginated 47-66; No. 6 paginated 85-108; No. 14 paginated 221-231). Broster is named as editor of the last number, the others giving no information.. For more on the magazine, see Kristin Ewins, 'A History of Fritillary: A Magazine of the Oxford Women's Colleges, 1894–1931', Notes & Queries, 2008.

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