[ St Thomas's Hospital, Lambeth, London. ] Printed document, headed 'The New St. Thomas's Hospital', addressed to its 'Grand Committee', being an 'explanatory statement of the design for the proposed New Hospital' by its architect Henry Currey.

St Thomas's Hospital, Lambeth, London; Henry Currey (1820-1900), architect
Publication details: 
4 Lancaster Place, Strand, W.C. [ London ] 13 June 1865.

4pp., folio. Bifolium. Text clear and complete on aged and spotted paper. Addressed 'To the Grand Committee, | St. Thomas's Hospital.' An interesting document, in small print, describing in great detail Currey's principles behind the design of the design of the hospital, from 'Water Closets, Lavatories, and Bath Rooms' to 'Administration Block'.

[ Le Sel; Mesquer, commune of Loire-Atlantique department of France. ] Anonymous MS. document on 'oeillets de marais' and salt preparation, comprising fifteen 'Questions faites par monsieur le Sous prefet au maire de mesquer', each with answer.

Mesquer, commune of the Loire-Atlantique department of France [ salt production; production de sel; 'oeillet de marais' ]
Publication details: 
[ Mesquer, Loire-Atlantique, France. ] Undated [ circa 1835 ].

1p., landscape folio (30.5 x 39.5 cm). On watermarked laid paper. Divided into two columns: 'Questions faites par monsieur le Sous prefet au maire de mesquer' and 'Solution en Response a Monsieur Le Sous prefet Par Le Maire de Mesquer'. The first answer provides a definition of 'oeillet de marais', and is followed by facts regarding salt producers, their salaries, and other related matter. The reply to a question about the price of salt gives prices for the years 1833, 1834 and 1835.

[Rolleston family, Rydal, Westmoreland. ] Typed transcription of 'Notes made by Anne Rolleston on a visit to her brother Robert Rolleston, Curate at Rydal', with seven 'Photographs, taken 80 years later. By Ellinor, daughter of Robert Rolleston'.

Anne Rolleston, sister of Robert Robertson, curate at Rydal, Westmoreland [ Ellinor, daughter of Robert Rolleston; William Wordsworth; Edward Quillinan; the Lake District ]
Publication details: 
Transcription undated [but circa 1930 ]. Entries dating from between 10 October and 4 November 1850

Typed transcript of 21pp., landscape 8vo, followed by six 9.5 x 12 cm. black and white photographs, captioned in pencil and detachable, with the seventh photograph on the front cover. In card landscape 8vo album with green cloth spine. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, except for the cover photograph which is heavily worn. In pencil at front: '1850 | Notes made by Anne Rolleston on a visit to her brother Robert Rolleston, Curate at Rydal.' The location of the original diary is unclear, and there is no record of its having been published. The first entry sets the tone: 'Thursday, Oct.

[ St Mary's Hospital, Paddington. ] Detailed manuscript 'weekly account of the receipt and consumption of provisions', giving a detailed daily breakdown of food and drink consumed over a five-year period, in substantial ledger printed for the purpose

St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London (City of Westminster), founded in 1845
Publication details: 
[ St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London (City of Westminster). In account book by London stationers Waterlow & Sons. ]From week ending 22 October 1898 to week ending 17 October 1903.

A substantial and heavy leather-bound volume, 49 x 37 x 7 cm, by the London stationers Waterlow & Sons, containing in excess of 250 double-page weekly entries, meticulously and neatly completed in manuscript, giving a daily itemised breakdown of the consumption of a wide range of provisions. A valuable social document, casting light on Victorian hospital administration and dietary habits. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in heavily-worn brown blind-stamped leather binding with damaged spine, with marbled endpapers and edges.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] The Early History of the Property of Married Women, as collected from Roman and Hindoo Law. A Lecture, Delivered at Birmingham, March 25, 1873.

Sir Henry Sumner Maine, K.C.S.I., D.C.L., Member of the Council of India and Corpus Professor of Jurisprudence in the University of Oxford [Married Women's Property Committee; A. Ireland, Manchester]
Publication details: 
[Married Women's Property Committee.] Manchester: A. Ireland and Co., Printers, Pall Mall. [1873.]

21pp., 8vo. On title-page: 'This Lecture, the substance of which forms part of an unpublished work, is reprinted for the Married Women's Property Committee, with the permission of the author.' In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Two addresses written in pencil on reverse of last leaf, and a name in ink.

[ Sir Austen Henry Layard, English archaeologist, excavator of Nimrud and Nineveh. ] Autograph Signature ('A. H. Layard').

Sir Austen Henry Layard [ Sir A. H. Layard ] (1817-1894), English archaeologist, excavator of Nimrud and Nineveh, and discoverer of the library of Ashurbanipal
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 5 x 9.5 cm. piece of paper, cut from the end of a letter. In fair condition, slightly smudged, with traces of glue from mount on reverse. Reads: 'Lateran. We shall be there to meet you. | Yours very truly | A. H. Layard'.

Printed list of 'Past Students of the Cambridge University Training College for Schoolmasters, with the Schools in which they are now serving.'

W. Durnford, Principal; S. S. F. Fletcher, Vice-Principal; The Cambridge University Training College for Schoolmasters
Publication details: 
[ The Cambridge University Training College for Schoolmasters. ] Warkworth House, Cambridge, March, 1912.

4pp., 4to. In fair condition, aged, and with wear and closed tears to extremities. With label, stamp and shelfmarks of the Board of Education Reference Library. Long list in small print, dating from between 1898 and 1911, and with entries listed under five columns: 'Name of Student', 'College', 'Year of leaving College', 'Degree' and 'Present School'. First entry reads: 'Bernays, A. E. | Trinity 1898 | 1st Class Div. 1, Classical Tripos, Part I. 1895. 2nd Class, Part II. 1897. | Educational Editor to Mr. Edward Arnold.' Last entry reads: 'Wood, F. J. | Jesus | 1911 | B.A.

[ Fencing in the French army during the July Monarchy; escrime francaise ] Manuscript 'Brévet de Maitre d'Armes' presented to Marius Chaix of 2e Regiment, 16e. Division Militaire at Arras, signed by eighteen 'Maîtres d'Armes'.

Marius Chaix, 2e Régiment, 16e Division Militaire (Arras) [ Fencing in the French army during the July Monarchy ]
Publication details: 
Arras. 6 December 1840.

Headed, with the first line in gold: 'Corps Royal du Genie. | 2e. Regiment. | Academie d'Escrime. | Brévet de Maitre d'Armes.' The commission reads: 'Nous soussigné Maîtres d'Armes, Composant la garrison d'Arras, après avoir reconnu les capacités du Sieur Chaix, (Marius) Maître Ouvrier à la Ce. Compagnie du 2e. Bataillon, du dit Regiment. On one side of a 28 x 36 cm piece of cream paper. In fair condition, aged, creased and worn, with central vertical fold.

[ Felix Stone Moscheles, English painter. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Felix Moscheles') to 'Mrs Lewis', acknowledging receipt of a cheque.

Felix Moscheles [ Felix Stone Moscheles ] (1833-1917), English painter of Jewish origin, peace activist and advocate of Esperanto
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Cadogan Gardens, Sloane Street, S.W. [ London ] Undated.

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, lightly-aged and worn, with small hole affecting one word of text. He acknowledges receipt of her cheque for three guineas.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Special Collections of Local Books in Provincial Libraries.

W. H. K. Wright, F. R. Hist. Soc. Public Librarian, Plymouth [ Charles Whittingham, Chiswick Press, London; the Library Association ]
Publication details: 
A paper read at the First Annual Meeting of the Library Association, Oxford, October 1878. Printed for the Author: Chiswick Press [ London ], 1879. [ Chiswick Press: C. Whittingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. ]

32pp., 16mo. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in aged and worn wraps. Nicely printed. The only copies on COPAC at the British Library and Oxford.

[ King William IV, as Lord High Admiral. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William') to Sir James Cockburn, Inspector General of the Royal Marines, regarding 'the proper mode of depositing the various Colours' used by the different divisions.

King William IV (1765-1837) of the United Kingdom, King of Hanover [ Sir James Cockburn (1771-1852), 9th Baronet, Inspector General of the Royal Marines ]
Publication details: 
Admiralty [ London ]. 16 August 1828.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Cockburn is not named as the recipient, but the item is from his papers. There has been some difficulty regarding 'the proper mode of depositing the various Colours that have been in use with the different Divisions of the Royal Marines', but William (who was at the time the Duke of Clarence) knows 'that these Colours belong to His Majesty and not as in Departments to the Colonels'. He gives instructions, 'so that they may be placed in the Chapel of the Royal Hospital' at Greenwich, and gives his reason for doing so.

[ King William IV, as Lord High Admiral. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William') to Sir James Cockburn, Inspector General of the Royal Marines, concerning officer's examinations, divisional reports, and the preparation of a portrait.

King William IV (1765-1837) of the United Kingdom, King of Hanover [ Sir James Cockburn (1771-1852), 9th Baronet, Inspector General of the Royal Marines ]
Publication details: 
Bushy House. 14 November 1829.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Cockburn is not named as the recipient, but the item comes from his papers. William (at the time the Duke of Clarence) writes: 'I rejoice exceedingly at the favourable account you are enabled to give me concerning the late examination for Adjutants amongs the Royal Marine Officers'. He is anxious to have Cockburn's 'various reports from the different Divisions'.

[ Offprint. ] Library Association of the United Kingdom, 1891. Report on Library Appliances.

James D. Brown [ James Duff Brown; Library Association of the United Kingdom ]
Publication details: 
Dated 'August 19th, 1891.' [ John Bale & Sons, Steam Printers, 87-89, Great Titchfield Street, London. ]

17pp., 8vo. Unbound. In fair condition, on aged paper with slight rusting to staple. Addressed 'To the Council of the Library Association of the United Kingdom'. The author explains that for the purposes of his report 'the definition of library appliances is mechanical contrivances designed to carry on or facilitate the work of a library, but excluding such as are connected with structural arrangements'. The only copy on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC at the British Library and University of Bristol.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] The Official Programme of The Tercentenary Festival of the Birth of Shakespeare, To be held at Stratford-upon-Avon, Commencing on Saturday, April 23, 1864. Also, An Account of what is known of the Poet's Life; [...].

[ By order of the Committee, The Tercentenary Festival of the Birth of Shakespeare, 1864 ]
Publication details: 
At London: Imprinted for Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, at the Belle Sauvage, in Ludgate-hill, near Paules Church-yard. 1864.

The full subtitle reads: 'Also, An Account of what is known of the Poet's Life: a Guide to the Town and Neighbourhood of Stratford-upon-Avon And sundrie other matters just now of publicke interest relating thereto.' 96pp., 8vo. In red printed wraps. Pp.79-96 carry advertisements, as do the wraps, and there is also a leaf of advertisements on red paper inserted at rear. Aged and spotted, in brittle and worn wraps with slight loss to extremities. Illustrations in text. At head of front cover: 'Published under the Authority of the Committee.' Several copies on COPAC, but now uncommon.

[ Sir Charles Barry, architect who worked on the Houses of Parliament and Trafalgar Square. ] Autograph Signature ('Charles Barry').

Sir Charles Barry (1795-1860), English architect who worked on the Houses of Parliament and Trafalgar Square
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 3 x 11 cm slip of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged. Cut from the end of a letter. Good firm signature. Reads: 'Yours faithfully | Charles Barry'.

[ Emma Vesey, Viscountess de Vesci, philanthropist. ] Autograph Signature ('Emma de Vesci').

Emma Vesey, Viscountess de Vesci [ Emma de Vesci ] (1819-1884), philanthropist, wife of Thomas Vesey, 3rd Viscount de Vesci, and daughter of daughter of George Herbert, 11th Earl of Pembroke
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 3 x 11 cm. slip of paper, cut from the end of a letter. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'Yrs very sincerely | Emma de Vesci'. Fragment of letter on reverse: '[...] random of all the monies you have sent to Messrs. Puget & Bainbridge. I [...]'. Lady de Vesci founded the Abbeyleix Baby Linen Society, a co-operative supplying affordable children clothes.

[ William James Callcott, marine artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. J. Callcott') to Dr Maitland Coffin, offering a painting at an 'awfully low' price so that he can pay his studio rent.

William James Callcott (c.1823-1900), English marine artist [ Maitland Coffin ]
Publication details: 
From 48 Stockwell Park Crescent, London S.W. On letterhead of the Savage Club, Lancaster House, Savoy, W.C. 22 December 1886.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Headed 'Private'. He writes that he called the previous day at Coffin's chambers, and that he will do so the following day, 'and will bring that bit for the wall'. He states 'in confidence' that he wishes to 'pay a surgeon on Saty next £6. 5. 0 rent for Studio - he is a good fellow but he wants his rent'. Callcott has in the studio 'a number of works, & I would let you have (if agreeable) a good picture recent work size 61in x 41 - Rocky Coast - never used yet in Exhibition or otherwise'.

[ The Civil Service Life-Boat Fund. ] Two Autograph Volumes by Honorary Secretary Charles Dibdin, including minutes, accounts, lists of offices and addresses, and corrected printed lists of Civil Service employees.

The Civil Service Life-Boat Fund, London, British charity founded in 1866, now named the Lifeboat Fund [ Charles Dibdin (1849-1910), Honorary Secretary ]
Publication details: 
[ The Civil Service Life-Boat Fund, London. ] 'Charles Dibdin | Honorary Secretary | 14 John Street, Adelphi, W.C.' 1892 and 1897.

The Civil Service Life-Boat Fund (now the Lifeboat Fund) was founded by a group of civil servants wishing to donate a single lifeboat to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. In 1866 they issued an appeal for £300 to government offices and raised the sum within a year. Since then the charity has supplied the RNLI with more than fifty lifeboats, which have saved nearly five thousand lives. The present two volumes, for 1892 and 1897, are uniform in heavily-worn halfbindings with black cloth spines and marbled boards.

[ Frederick William Pomeroy, sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. W. Pomeroy') to Douglas Sladen, declining an invitation to a 'delightful Gathering'.

F. W. Pomeroy [ Frederick William Pomeroy ] (1856-1924), English sculptor responsible for statue of 'Justice' on the Old Bailey [ Douglas Sladen (1856-1947), author and academic ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 14 Kensington Square, W.8 [ London ]. 7 June 1921.

2pp., 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and with slight smuding at head of first page. There is nothing he should have liked more than to accept Sladen's invitation to 'what will be a delightful Gathering, at your house at Richmond on the 9th.', but he has a previous engagement. 'Some other time, if you extend the hand of friendship in this charming way I shall be delighted to come and see you.'

[ Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lucius Curtis') to an unnamed 'Dear Sir & Brother' (freemason?), regarding 'the Election of Poor Brother Moss' Son'.

Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis (1786-1869), Royal Navy officer [ Freemasonry? ]
Publication details: 
Cosham [ near Portsmouth ]. 9 December 1862.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper. Newspaper cutting of obituary laid-down at foot. He asks to be sent 'some Printed cards, for the Election of Poor Brother Moss' Son'. These are wanted 'to send to a friend in Warwickshire, as also to one in Surrey - for them to Distribute.'

[ Sylvain Van de Weyer, Belgian diplomat and book collector. ] Autograph Signature ('S. Van De Weyer').

Sylvain Van de Weyer [Jean-Sylvain Van de Weyer ] (1802-1874), Belgian minister and ambassador to London, a noted book collector
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 1.5 x 4.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Cut from letter with mourning border.

[ Sir Albert Spicer, Liberal Party politician. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Albert Spicer') to A. D. Snow, responding to congratulations on his receiving his baronetcy.

Sir Albert Spicer (1847-1934), industrialist and Liberal Party politician, successively Member of Parliament for Monmouth Boroughs and Hackney Central
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 10 Lancaster Gate, W. [ London ] 9 July 1906.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks him for his congratulations on 'the honour His Majesty has conferred upon me', adding 'The kind and generous way in which the announcement has been received by our friends has been most gratifying to my Wife and myself.'

[ Mehmed Fuad Pacha, statesman in the Ottoman Empire. ] Autograph Signature ('Mehmed Pacha').

Mehmed Pacha [ Mehmed Fuad Pacha (Pasha) ] (1814-1869), statesman in the Ottoman Empire
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On irregular strip of paper, roughly 1.5 x 4 cm. in dimensions. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. The son of a noted poet, Pacha began his career as a translator, before serving as a diplomat. He was instrumental in reforming the Tanzimat, and was an ardent Anglophile.

[ Henry Montagu Butler, headmaster of Harrow School and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. ] Signed Letter ('H Montagu Butler'), written out by a secretary, to Professor Langley, referring him to one of his works.

Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School (1859-85), Dean of Gloucester (1885-86); Master of Trinity College (1886-1918); Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University (1889-90)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Trinity Lodge, Cambridge. 24 August 1904.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, with light signs of age. At head of first page: 'Dictated'. He refers him to 'the second Chapter of the book I published some years ago, which deals with the subject on which we conversed the other night at dinner'. The amanuensis has written that the chapter deals with 'some of the reflections on matters ethereal', and Butler has corrected this to 'some reflections on matters Aesthetical'. Butler has also added the words 'more clearly, though I fear' after the word 'puts' in the following: 'it puts at much greater length'.

[ Fabrizio Ruffo, Prince of Castelcicala, Neapolitan ambassador to London. ] Autograph Signature ('Castelcicala').

Fabrizio Ruffo, Prince of Castelcicala [ Fabrizio Ruffo di Bagnara, principe di Castelcicala ] (1763-1832), Neapolitan ambassador to London
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 2 x 12 cm. strip of paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Cut from the end of a letter.

[ Father Edmond Nolan, Catholic priest, Vice-President, St Edmund's College, Ware. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edmond Nolan') to 'Miss Haig' of Basildon, regarding autographs in his collection and his duties tutoring boys.

Father Edmond Nolan, Vice-President of St Edmund's College, Old Hall, Ware, and founder of (the Roman Catholic) St Edmund's House (now St Edmund's Hall), Cambridge
Publication details: 
On letterhead of St Edmund's College, Old Hall, Ware. 12 and 14 November 1894.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Since his return from Basildon three friends have promised him 'letters from the illustrious' for her collection. He has also 'looked for a collection I made myself once - but altho I have found all kinds of things which I thought I had lost for ever I cannot find it'. He lists seven 'minor autographs' he is sending her, including '(7) The late Earl of Denbigh to Bish of Patterson - This letter led to the capture of a famous impostor, who died immediately afterwards in Clerkenwell Gaol'.

[ Rev. Francis William Galpin, musicologist. ] Autograph Card Signed and Autograph Letter Signed (both 'F. W. Galpin') to the author Austin Dobson, regarding the Broad Oak in Hatfield Forest.

Francis William Galpin (1858-1945), Church of England cleric and musicologist and collector of musical instruments [ Henry Austin Dobson (1840-1921), English author ]
Publication details: 
The card dated 30 August 1904 [ no place ]. The letter addressed from Hatfield Vicarage, Harlow [ Essex ]; 7 May 1906.

Both items in good condition, with light signs of age. The card, with postmarks, is addressed to 'Austin Dobson Esq | 75 Eaton Rise | Ealing | W.' The letter is also to Dobson, but is only addressed 'Dear Sir'. In the card he reports that 'The old oak in the forest is now in ruins and quite dead. It has been surrounded with a railing and a young tree planted by its side.' He offers to send a photograph, and asks for 'anthing about my parish which you may publish'.

[ Baron August von Cetto, Bavarian diplomat. ] Autograph Signature ('Cetto').

Baron August von Cetto [ August Freiherr von Cetto ] Bavarian diplomat
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 1.5 x 5 cm strip of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged. Cut from letter.

[ Abbott Laurence, American ambassador to London. ] Autograph Signature ('Abbott Laurence').

Abbott Laurence (1792-1855), American politician and philanthropist, congressman and ambassador to London, 1849-1852
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 1 x 5 cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged. Cut from a letter.

[ Émilie Broisat, actress with the Comédie-Française. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Monsieur Laval', declining an invitation.

Émilie Broisat (1846-1929), French actress with the Comédie-Française
Publication details: 
'Dimanche soir' [ no place or date ].

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Gracefully declining an invitation.

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