[ Oxford University ephemera.] Examination certificate 'in Literis Humanioribus in tribus libris et in SS. Evangeliis' for Robert Hutchison of Exeter College, signed by moderators John Coningham, North Pinder, Henry Fanshawe Tozer and David B. Monro.

John Conington (1825-69), Corpus Christi Professor of Latin Literature at the University of Oxford; Henry Fanshawe Tozer (1829-1916); North Pinder; David Binning Monro (1836-1905) [ Robert Hutchison ]
Publication details: 
[ University of Oxford. ] 'Die 5to Mensis Decris. Anni 1866'. [ 5 December 1866. ]

On one side of a 10.5 x 16.5 cm slip of grey paper. In fair condition, creased and lightly-aged. Reads (with manuscript text in square brackets): '[Hutchison Robertus e Coll. Exon.] | Die [5to] Mensis [Decris.] Anni [1866] | prout Statuta requirunt Examinatus in Literis Humanioribus in tribus libris et in SS. Evangeliis satisfecit nobis Moderatoribus. | Ita testatur { [J Conington | N. Pinder | H F. Tozer | David B. Monro] } Moderatores in literarum Graecarum et Latinarum Schola.' Thorley's1874-5 Lit. Hum. mark-book appears to be the earliest extant.

[ Henry Fanshawe Tozer, Curator of the Taylor Institution, Oxford. ] Autograph Testimonial ('H. F. Tozer | Tutor of Exeter College') 'To the Council of Bath College' on behalf of the application of Rev. R. H. Hutchison for the post of head master.

H. F. Tozer [ Henry Fanshawe Tozer ] (1829-1916) of Exeter College, Oxford, and Curator of the Taylor Institution, author, teacher, and traveler [ Rev. Robert Hugh Hutchison ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 5 Park Villas, Oxford. 9 February 1878.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Eighteen lines closely and neatly written, headed 'To the Council of Bath College'. An approving testimonial: 'The Revd. Robert Hutchison, who is a candidate for the Head mastership of Bath College, was my pupil during his residence as an Undergraduate at Exeter College Oxford, and I have much pleasure in certifying to the high charater he bore for industry and good behaviour during that period. He was Scholar of the College, and his scholarship was good and sound, as he proved by getting a First Class in Moderations.

[ James Augustus Hessey, cleric and educationalist. ] Autograph Testimonial Signed ('J A Hessey, D. C. L. | Archdeacon of Middlesex, | (late) Head Master of Merchant Taylors' School.') to 'the Governors of Bath College', for Rev. Robert Hutchison.

J. A. Hessey [ James Augustus Hessey ] (1814-1892), Archdeacon of Middlesex and Headmaster of Merchant Taylors' School [ Rev. R. H. Hutchison of Exeter College, Oxford; Bath College ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 41 Leinster Gardens, Hyde Park, W. [ London ] 12 February 1878.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An approving testimonial, closely and neatly written over thirty lines, beginning: 'The Rev: Robert Hutchison, M.A. was educated by me at Merchant Taylors' School, and, after having reached the distinguished rank of Fifth Monitor, (or Fifth in the whole School,) was sent up by me to Oxford, and obtained by competition an open Scholarship at Exeter College.

[ Francis Paget, Bishop of Oxford. ] Autograph Note Signed ('F. Oxon.') to 'Mr. Hutchison' [ Rev. Robert Hutchison of Woodeaton or his son Robert Hamilton Hutchison ].

Francis Paget (1851-1911), 33rd Bishop of Oxford, and Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at the University of Oxford
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Cuddesdon, Oxford. 6 April 1904.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: '6 April 1904. | Dear Mr. Hutchison, | With all good wishes, I send, duly signed, the enclosed, received this morning. | Yours very sincerely, | F Oxon.'

[ Oxford University, Victorian ephemera.] Examination certificate 'in Literis Humanioribus et in Rudimentis Religionis', for Robert Hutchison of Exeter College, signed by examiners George Rawlinson, Frederick G. Walker, G. E. Thorley and G. W. Capes.

George Rawlinson (1812-1902), Camden Professor of Ancient History at the University of Oxford; Frederick G. Walker; G. E. Thorley; G. W. Capes [ Robert Hutchison of Exeter College ]
Publication details: 
[ University of Oxford. ] 'Die Xmo Mensis December. Anni MDCCCLXVIII.' [ 10 December 1868. ]

On one side of a 10.5 x 16.5 cm slip of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads (with manuscript text in square brackets): '[Hutchison Robertus e Coll. Exon.] | Die [Xmo] Mensis [Decembr.] Anni [MDCCCLXVIII.] | prout Statuta requirunt Examinatus in Literis Humanioribus et in Rudimentis Religionis satisfecit nobis Examinatoribus. | Ita testatur { [Georgius Rawlinson | Fred. G. Walker | G. E. Thorley | G W Capes] } Examinatores Publici in Literis Humanioribus.' Thorley's1874-5 Lit. Hum. mark-book appears to be the earliest extant.

[ Royal Navy and Post Office Packets. ] Two printed forms, proofs completed in manuscript, one with diagrams, the other 'Private Signals for His Majesty's Brigs, Cutters, Luggers, &c. employed in Cruizing on the Coasts of the United Kingdom [...]'.

[ Royal Navy and Post Office Packets, signals of 1812 ]
Publication details: 
[ Royal Navy. ] Dating from May 1812, with later notes referring to cancellation in March 1818.

Four items, in fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with slight creasing. ONE: Printed form, partially completed in manuscript. On one side of 31.5 x 19.5 cm piece of laid paper with Britannia watermark. Headed: 'PRIVATE SIGNALS for His Majesty's Brigs, Cutters, Luggers, &c. employed in Cruizing on the Coasts of the United Kingdom, Commanded by Lieutenants, viz.' Above the heading, in manuscript: 'Proof | See letter 1st. October 1812.

[ C. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at Oxford. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Chs. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology.'), confirming that Robert Hutchison of Exeter College has attended his lectures.

C. A. Ogilvie [ Charles Atmore Ogilvie ] (1793-1873), Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at the University of Oxford [ Robert Hutchison of Exeter College ]
Publication details: 
'Ch. Ch. [ Christ Church ] Oxford, March 23rd, 1868.'

On one side of a 7 x 20 cm slip of grey paper. In good condition, lightly-aged. Reads: 'I certify that Robert Hutchison, Scholar of Exeter College, attended my Course of Lectures of the Lent Term, 1868: | Chs. A. Ogilvie, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology. | Ch. Ch. | Oxford, | March 23rd, 1868.'

[ William Ince, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William Ince M.A. | Sub Rector & Tutor of Exeter College, and Chaplain to the Bishop of Oxford'), a reference for Rev. Robert Hutchison.

William Ince (1825-1910), Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University [ Rev. Robert Hutchison of Exeter College ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Exeter College, Oxford. 9 February 1878.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Begins: 'The Rev R .Hutchison, formerly Scholar of this College, took a First Class in Classical Moderations in Michaelmas Term 1866. He was a good and accurate Scholar both in translation & composition. Having had 'some experience in the tuition both of boys and undergraduates', Hutchinson is 'anxious to obtain definite educational work'. His ''religious views', Ince believes, are those of 'a sound and moderate churchman, and likely to exercise a wholesome & manly influence on his pupils'.

[ Thomas Arnold the Younger. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Arnold') to Rev. R. Hutchinson, regarding the views of St Augustine on 'Perseverance and Predestination' and 'the good works of the heathen'.

Thomas Arnold the Younger [ Tom Arnold ] (1823-1900), Professor at University College, Dublin, son of the headmaster of Rugby School and brother of the poet Matthew Arnold, literary scholar (Wikipedia
Publication details: 
Laleham, The Parks. 22 December 1872. [ Laleham on Thames, Middlesex (now Surrey). ]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Arnold, whose conversion to Roman Catholicism hindered his academic dvancement in England, was grandfather of the writer Aldous Huxley, and taught James Joyce at Dublin. At the time of writing he was running a private tutoring establishment at Oxford. He begins the letter by explaining that it has hardly been possible to reply to Hutchinson 'during term time [...] I had so much work on my hands'.

[ Lady Strangford. ] Manuscript letter to her, in French, signed by the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire [ Mahmud Nedim Pasha ], with Autograph copies in English and French of her reply.

Lady Strangford [ Emily Anne Smyth (née Beaufort), Viscountess Strangford ] (c.1826-1887), military nurse and founder of hospitals [ Mahmud Nedim Pasha (c.1818-1883), Grand Vizier ]
Publication details: 
The letter from the Grand Vizier on letterhead of the Grand-Vézirat of the Sublime Porte, 14 October 1875. Strangford's draft and copy both undated.

All in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The Grand Vizier's letter, addressed to 'The Lady Strangford' and written in a secretarial hand, is 1p., 8vo, on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium; the autograph copy of Strangford's reply is on both sides of the second leaf of the same bifolium. The English copy of her reply is 2pp., 8vo, on a separate leaf.

[ Rev. Henry George de Bunsen, Vicar of Lilleshall. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H G de Bunsen') to 'Mr Clarke | Hodnet', discussing the motives behind collecting autographs.

H. G. de Bunsen [ Henry George de Bunsen ] (c.1819-1885), Vicar of Lilleshall, 1847-1869, son of Christian Karl Josias Bunsen [ Baron Bunsen ] (1791-1860), Prussian ambassador in London, 1841-1854
Publication details: 
Donington Rectory, Albrighton, Wolverhampton. 15 September 1875.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Replying to a request for autographs, he is sending 'an Envelope addressed by my Father' and (writing in a postscript) another 'addressed to me by the Dean of Westminster', but he 'cannot give you one of the great Niebuhr'. He agrees with Clarke's 'feeling as to possessing something coming from, or belonging to some great or good man. It is a link - as is the signature of a loved friend or companion, with the unseen world.' He enquires after Clarke's health, and recalls 'calling at your School once - & another time at your house'.

[ Henry J. Wake of Cockermouth, Victorian bookseller. ] Lithographed 'Catalogue of Books, MSS., Coins, Antiquities, &c,'

Henry J. Wake of Cockermouth (Lake District), Victorian bookseller and auctioneer
Publication details: 
'On Sale by H. J. Wake, 18, Station Street, Cockermouth. Imo. 1877.' [ At foot: 'Henry J. Wake, Bookseller &c. Cockermouth. 10/1/77 [ i.e. 10 October 1877 ]'. ]

1p., folio. An unusual production, containing 78 numbered items in two columns, with illustrations, lithographed to look like a manuscript in tight, neat handwriting. In fair overall condition, on aged paper, with a triangular hole with 5 cm edges and minor damage sympathetically repaired with archival tape. The books range from 'No. 1. Eugene Aram's Trial, Life, Letters, Poems, &c. 12mo. Facsimile Letter. 1/2 cloth, scarce s4/ Richmond, 1832' to '78. The Stowe Catalogue Priced & Annotated by H. R, Forster. Sm. 4to cloth leather back.

[ Thomas Wilkinson Wallis, wood carver ('the Grinling Gibbons of the 19th century'). ] Eight autograph items: six journal fragments, including eight pages on the 1851 Great Exhibition; description of his 'Trophies of Spring'; letter to his daughter.

Thomas Wilkinson Wallis (1821-1903), wood carver ('the Grinling Gibbons of the 19th century'), sculptor and painter of Louth in Lincolnshire [ The Great Exhibition, 1851 ]
Publication details: 
The letter to his daughter dated from Louth [ Lincolnshire ], 18 October 1884. Description of carving from 1851. Fragments from journal dealing with events in 1837, 1851, 1862 and 1866.

Thomas Wilkinson Wallis was the greatest wood carver of Victorian England. Born in impoverished circumstances in Hull, by 1844 he had established his own business in Louth Lincolnshire, and for the 1851 he submitted seven carvings, 'of which ‘Trophy of Spring’ was awarded a medal. It was his most intricate carving, it took him 8 months to complete and was considered to surpass the work of Grinling Gibbons.

Large handbill of specimens, one side with seventeen copperplate and zincographic engravings, the other with twelve letterheads under the heading 'Series A. PIerced Designs Engraved in Copperplate Style, at 1/20th of the Cost.'

W. A. Day, printer, of 25 South John Street, Liverpool. [Victorian printing; zincography]
Publication details: 
Liverpool: W. A. Day, 25 South John Street. Undated [1880s?].

A scarce piece of Liverpool printing ephemera. Dimensions approximately 63 x 51 cm. Both sides printed in light blue. Text and illustrations complete. In need of expert cleaning and repair: grubby and stained, with chipping to extremities and some closed tears. At the head of the one side is the masthead of 'The Employment Exchange | Edited by Charles H. Megson' ('The only recognized medium for speedy Employment. Absolutely without rival.') with illustrations of figures at work.

[ Princess Helena, daughter of Queen Victoria. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Helena') to 'Mrs. Lowther'

Princess Helena [ Helena Augusta Victoria; Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein by marriage ] (1846-1923), daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Clouds, Salisbury. 8 April 1891.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. She agrees to give her 'name as Patroness' to Mrs Lowther's 'theatricals', but 'cannot promise to be present at them as I have so very many engagements in May'. She concludes by noting the weather: 'glorious sunshine & cloudless blue sky'.

[ H. H. Asquith, Prime Minister. ] Autograph Signature ('H. H. Asquith').

H. H. Asquith [ Herbert Henry Asquith ] (1852-1928), Liberal Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1908-1916
Publication details: 
Without place and date.

On 3 x 9 cm piece of card, cut from the end of a letter. Reads: 'Yours sincerely | H. H. Asquith'. In poor condition, heavily creased and marked.

[ Lord Russell of Killowen, Lord Chief Justice of England. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Russell of Kn.') to 'Mr. Williams', regarding the correct arrangement of dinner guests.

Charles Arthur Russell, Baron Russell of Killowen (1832-1900), Lord Chief Justice of England
Publication details: 
On embossed letterhead of the Royal Courts of Justice. 'Monday' [ no date ].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: 'Dear Mr. Williams, | Pray arrange Guests in the correct order whatever that is. I shall have frequent opportunities I hope of meeting the good Bishop.'

[ Ivan August Turszky, Austrian Governor of Dalmatia. ] Printed decree ('Notificazione | Dell' I. R. Governo della Dalmazia'), in Italian, ordering the destruction of the fortifications of Spalato (Split, Croatia) to make it an open city.

Ivan August Turszky (1778-1856), Austrian Governor of Dalmatia, 1841-1847 [ Spalato (Split, Croatia) ]
Publication details: 
'Zara [ now Zadar, Croatia ] 3 Settembre 1845.'

Printed on one side of a 30 x 20 cm. piece of deckled-edge laid watermarked paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Hapsburg double-eagle at head, with 'N. 18205 | 2042' at top left. Fifteen lines of text, followed by 'Zara 3 Settembre 1845. | CAVALIERE DI TURSZKY GOVERNATORE. | NOB. de FLUCK | I. R. Consigliere di Governo.' The governor orders that in future the city of Split will be regarded as an open city rather than a walled one. 'Delle esistenti fortificazioni saranno soltanto da conservarsi il Forte Grippe e le due batterie di S.

[ Cuban slave trade, 1856. ] Document in Spanish, signed by both parties: 'D. Domingo Rodriguez' selling 'un negro nombrado Andres' to 'la Sra. Da. Conception de Velasco de la Forre' for 'cuatrocientos pesos'.

[ Cuban slave trade, 1856 ]
Publication details: 
'Habana 28 de Octubre de 1856'. [ Havana, Cuba. 28 October 1856.]

1p., folio. On aged and worn paper. In top right-hand corner: 'N. 4.' Twelve lines of text, followed by signatures 'Domingo Rodrigz.', 'Conception de Velasco de la Forre' and 'Pose Ma. de la Forre'. Begins: 'D. Domingo Rodriguez vende a la Sra. Da. Conception de Velasco de la Forre, un negro nombrado Andres de oficio calesero y cocinero [ by trade a coachman and cook ], sano y sin tachas [ healthy and without blemishes ]'.

[ Campbeltown Special Constables, 1823. ] Manuscript Document, signed by 71 men, by which they are 'Constituted and Ordained Constables' by 'The Magistrates of the Burgh of Campbeltown', with the text of the oath taken by them for the purpose.

Campbeltown, Argyll, Scotland [ Special Constables ]
Publication details: 
'At Campbeltown the Twenty first day of April Eighteen Hundred & Twenty three years' [ Campbeltown, Argyll, Scotland. 21 April 1823. ]

2pp., folio. A 41.5 x 33 cm. piece of wove paper folded three times to make a 20.5 x 8cm. packet. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Headed: 'At Campbeltown the Twenty first day of April Eighteen Hundred & Twenty three years'. Reads: 'The Magistrates of the Burgh of Campbeltown having this day Nominated and Appointed, the persons hereto subscribing, Special Constables in the Burgh of Campbeltown, They are hereby Constituted and Ordained Constables within the said Burgh accordingly, And in terms of Law have taken, and hereby take, and subscribe the following Oath Vizt.

[ George Hudson, 'The Railway King'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo Hudson'), complaining to an unnamed party within a few months of his death of the non-arrival of a portmanteau at Kirkham Railway Station.

George Hudson (1800-1871), 'The Railway King', railway promoter and fraudster
Publication details: 
Kirkham Station [ Yorkshire ]. 9 October 1871.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper, tipped in onto part of a leaf from an album. The main body of the letter reads: 'I am sorry to say the portmanteau has not arrived - will you enquire about it - I hope you addressed it to the Kirkahm Station on the North Eastern railway.' In a postscript he gives the full address as 'Mr Hudson Kirkham Station on the North Eastern railway York', adding that he will pick it up 'in a few Days when we return'. The letter may result from a mix-up with Kirkham Station in Lancashire.

[ Sir George Otto Trevelyan, historian. ] Autograph Note Signed ('G O Trevelyan') to 'Herbert' [ Sir Robert Herbert ], describing his canvassing activities in the 1892 General Election, and his longing for 'society'.

Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928), historian and liberal politician [ Sir Robert Herbert (1831-1905), Premier of Queensland ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Central Station Hotel, Glasgow. 5 July 1892.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-ruckled paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Herbert, | My address will show you why I cannot have the pleasure of breakfasting with you. My poll is tomorrow [Trevelyan was MP for Glasgow Bridgeton], and the evening of the 7th. I am to speak in Inverness, and then have to come South to take part in our two South Northern Ireland contests'. He will be 'from 3 to 600 miles from London for some time to come', and will 'miss the sort of society of which the breakfast club is the quintessence'. From the papers of Sir Robert Herbert.

[ Florence Warden ('Mrs. G. E. James'), novelist. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Florence James'), an invitation to dinner.

Florence Warden [ 'Mrs. G. E. James', née Florence Alice Price ](1857-1929), novelist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 21 Addison Road North, Kensington, W. [ London. ] 26 March 1889.

On one side of a 9 x 11 cm piece of grey paper. In a minuscule hand, with the recipient's name has been scored through: 'Dear Mr. <?>, | Will you come to supper on Thursday? | Yours sincerely, | Florence James'.

[ Walter John Coulson, urologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter J Coulson'), a sick note for 'Mr. Turner'.

Walter John Coulson (1834-1889), FRCS, urologist
Publication details: 
On his embossed letterhead, 2 Frederick Place, Old Jewry. 27 June 1869.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The note reads: 'This is to certify that Mr. Turner has been under my care; and will be unable to return to business for the next ten days. | Walter J Coulson | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.' For more on Coulson, see his obituary in the British Medical Journal, 14 September 1889.

[ Thomas Noon Talfourd, judge and author. ] Autograph draft of part of his opening speech to the jury on behalf of the defendants in the Court of Exchequer libel case 'Richmond versus Marshall and Miles'.

Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1795-1854), English judge and author, friend of Charles Dickens [ Alexander Baillie Richmond ('Richmond the Spy'); Tait's Edinburgh Magazine; Simpkin and Marshall ]
Publication details: 
[ Court of Exchequer, London. December 1834. ]

The background to this document is ably explained in an article in the Spectator, 27 December 1834, 'The Spy System: Richmond versus Marshall and Miles', which begins: 'The Court of Exchequer was occupied the whole of Saturday and Monday last with the trial of an action of libel, brought by Alexander Baillie Richmond, the individual for many years known in Scotland by the title of "Richmond the Spy," against Messrs. Simpkin and Marshall, the London publishers of Tait's Edinburgh Magazine.

[ Sir Henry Irving. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Irving') to 'Lord Gray', regarding a theatre box.

Sir Henry Irving (1838-1905), eminent Victorian actor-manager
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 15A, Grafton Street, Bond Street, W. [ London ] 15 February [ no year ].

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. In a difficult hand. He hopes there is 'no misunderstanding about the box for tonight', which is reserved in the recipient's name at the theatre: '& you have only to ask for your box'. He ends: 'We shall meet tonight I hope after the play.'

[ Robert Scott Moncrieff of Fossaway, Perth, advocate, illustrator and caricaturist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R S M') to his mother, announcing in high-spirited terms the birth of his daughter Joanna.

Robert Scott Moncrieff (1793-1869) of Fossaway, Perth, advocate, illustrator and caricaturist, grandfather of General John Archibald Ballard (1829-1880)
Publication details: 
'Dalkeith | Saty Morning 27 July [ 1833 ].

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight damage to second leaf from breaking of wafer. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mrs. Scott Moncrieff | 7 Fores Stt. | Edinb.' Docketted on same page: '27 July 1833 | R S M | announcing Joanna's birth'. The letter begins: 'My dearest Mother | I beg that you wd.

[ Renn Dickson Hampden, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford and Bishop of Hereford. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'R. D. Hereford') to Dr Travers Twiss, the first concerning Dr Edward Thompson, Vicar of Kington, the second to a 'Mr. Reed'.

Renn Dickson Hampden (1793-1868), Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford and Bishop of Hereford, subject of the Hampden Controversy of 1836 [ Sir Travers Twiss (1809-1897), jurist ]
Publication details: 
The first from 'The Palace' [ Hereford ], 3 November 1856. The second from Eaton Place [ London ], 15 March 1865.

The first letter 4pp., 12mo, with cross writing on frist page, and the second 3pp., 12mo. Both bifoliums. The second letter with its envelope, with penny red and postmarks, addressed by Dickson to 'Travers Twiss Esq D. C. L. | No. 19 Park Lane | London'. Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. The first letter concerns Dr Edward Thompson, Vicar of Kington, who has been complained about by his curate 'Mr. Clelan', resulting in a report in a newspaper. Dickson writes: 'Kington, you may remember, rejoices in the notorious Dr.

[ John Caley, antiquary. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J: Caley.') to Joseph Planta of the British Museum, regarding a payment of money, and his temporary removal from town.

John Caley (1760-1834), Secretary to the Record Commission, antiquary and archivist [ Joseph Planta (1744-1827), Principal Librarian at the British Museum ]
Publication details: 
'Folkstone. | 5 Septr. 1802.'

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with slight damage to corners from removal from mount. 20 lines of text. Regarding 'a Dr[af]t. on Snow & Co for twenty five pounds', he would 'willingly have put down the little trouble I had to the account of our mutual friendship in which I stand considerably your debtor but as you will have it otherwise I beg you will accept my sincere thanks for the inclosure, assuring you I consider it far beyond what I ought to have had'.

[ Henry Larkin. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed, advising the engraver F. Chapman how to receive payment for a woodcut for Carlyle's 'Frederick the Great' from the publishers Chapman and Hall.

Henry Larkin (1820-1899), friend and biographer of Thomas Carlyle [ Frederick Chapman of Chapman and Hall, London publishers ]
Publication details: 
Both items from 6 Farriano Cottages, Leighton Road, NW. [ London. ] 23 January and 1 February 1865.

Both letters are 3pp., 12mo, and both bifoliums. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. An interesting couple of letters, with Larkin advising the engraver on how to extract payment from the publishers, while stressing in both letters that he does not wish his own name mentioned. The first letter begins: 'The Printer has had the Woodcut and printed it, so you can go ahead!

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