[ George William Lovell, playwright. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo W Lovell') to theatrical publisher T. H. Lacy, regarding the publication of 'The Wife's Secret' and 'The Trial of Love'. With autograph prelims of the former play by Lovell.

George William Lovell (1804-1878), playwright and novelist [ Thomas Hailes Lacy (1809-1873), actor, playwright, and theatrical publisher; Charles Kean [ Charles John Kean ]; Ellen Kean ]
Publication details: 
Letter: Vale Lodge, Hampstead Heath. 28 July [ no year, but after the death in 1868 of Charles Kean ].

Both items in good condition, on lightly aged paper. Letter: 2pp., 12mo. The letter begins: 'Mrs. Kean has given me back possession of the two Plays. The Wife's Secret & The Trial of Love. & the advice of Mr. Coyne was that I should add them to the Dram[ati]c. Authors Society's list.' Under the circumstances, he asks whether Lacy would be 'desirous of printing them & if so what would be your arrangement?' He suggests a meeting the following day. Autograph prelims: 3pp., 4to. Bifolium, with bottom half of second leaf torn away.

[ The Peninsular War. ] Manuscript Letter, in a secretarial hand, signed by J. L. Mallet of the Audit Office, to Charles Stuart, British envoy to Portugal, regarding £277,450 spent by him on supplies for Wellington's army.

John Lewis Mallet (1775-1861), Secretary of the Audit Office, Somerset Place, London [ Charles Stuart (1779-1845), 1st Baron Stuart de Rothesay; the Peninsular War ]
Publication details: 
Audit Office Somerset Place [ London ]. 29 January 1812.

2pp., folio. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. He is directed to 'make up and transmit to this Office an account Current of the receipt & application of the [...] Sum of £277,450, duly attested upon oath & accompanied by the necessary vouchers & authorities in support thereof'. The money is made up of 'various bills of Exchange drawn by you upon their Lordships on 4th. Novr: 1810 payable to M. T. Sempayo [Sampayo]'.

[ John Borthwick, 13th of Crookston, Scottish landowner and member of the Bannatyne Club ] Manuscript 'General Account book, spanning two decades, and meticulously noting payments to tradesmen including booksellers and bookbinders, and other expenses

John Borthwick (1788-1845), 13th of Crookston, and Borthwick Castle, Scotland, member of the Bannatyne Club
Publication details: 
[ Borthwick, Midlothian, Scotland. ] Between 1819 and 1840.

148pp., small 4to. In contemporary red leather half bindings with marbled boards and edges and gilt tooling. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in lightly aged and worn binding. Signed on reverse of front free endpaper: 'J. Borthwick | 1820', and on the page facing this: 'General Account | book. | N.B. The Vouchers are tied up with Labels marked for the respective years. Where particulars will. | See also my Journal.

[ Major-General Sir John Clayton Cowell, Master of the Queen's Household and Governor of Windsor Castle. ] Autograph Note Signed ('J. C. Cowell') to the Lord Bishop of St Helena [ Piers Calveley Claughton ], presenting a portrait of Prince Albert.

Major-General Sir John Clayton Cowell (1832-1894), PC, KCB, Master of the Queen's Household and Governor of Windsor Castle [ Piers Calveley Claughton, successively Bishop of St Helena and Colombo ]
Publication details: 
On embossed Windsor Castle letterhead. 29 November 1860.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on aged paper, in aged franked envelope ('J. Cowell') addressed to 'The Right Reverend The Lord Bishop of St. Helena.' Reads: 'My Lord - | I am desired by His Royal Highness, Prince Alfred, to forward you the accompanying portrait of himself. | Believe me | My Lord | Yours faithfully. | J. C. Cowell'.

[ Herbert John Gladstone, 1st Viscount Gladstone. ] Autograph Signature ('Gladstone') as Governor-General of the Union of South Africa.

Herbert John Gladstone (1854-1930), 1st Viscount Gladstone, British Home Secretary, 1905-1910, and Governor-General of the Union of South Africa, 1910 -1914
Publication details: 
South Africa. 27 April 1914.

On 9 x 13 cm piece of paper torn from bottom right-hand corner of document. In fair condition, lightly-aged. Typed document, with date added in manuscript. Reads: '<...>and and the Great Seal of the Union of South Africa at | [...] on this the [twenty-seventh] day of [April] 1914. | Gladstone | GOVERNOR-GENERAL.'

[ John Stuart, 1st Marquess of Bute. ] Manuscript indenture, signed by 'Cardiff' (with his seal), Dutens and Jacmar: 'Escoffment of a Cottage at Collierly in the County of Durham | The Right Honourable John Lord Cardiff to Mr. John Smith.'

John Stuart (1744-1814), 1st Marquess of Bute (as John, Lord Cardiff) [ Louis Dutens (1730-1812), French author; David George Jacmar (d.1896) of the Auditor's Office; Thomas Shafto of Witton Gilbert ]
Publication details: 
[ Regarding Collierley, County Durham. ] 1 July 1780.

3pp., folio. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Laid out in the customary fashion, with two tax stamps, one embossed and the other in black ink. Signed 'Cardiff' beside a good impression of his seal in red wax. Witnessed by 'L. Dutens' and 'D G Jacmar'. The indenture is 'Between The Right Honourable John Lord Cardiff of Cardiff Castle in the County of Glamorgan of the first Part John Smith of Wilton Gilbert in the County of Durham Gentleman of the second Part and Thomas Shafto of Dunston in the said County of Durham Esquire off the third Part'.

[ John Francis Maguire, Irish politician and author of 'The Irish in America'. ] Autograph Signature.

John Francis Maguire (1815-1872), Irish writer and politician, MP for Dungarvan, 1852-1865, and Cork City, 1865-1872
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 4 x 11.5 cm piece of paper cut from letter. In fair condition, lightly aged and a little creased. Reads: 'purposes. | Yours very truly | John Francis Maguire'. On reverse: '[...] printer can easily understand my marking. Buf if you have any difficulty [...]'

[ Thomas Faed, RA, Scottish artist. ] Autograph Signature and Christmas message.

Thomas Faed (1826-1900), RA, Scottish artist
Publication details: 
No place. 25 December 1881.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly-aged and spotted, with minor traces of glue from mount on reverse. Reads: 'With the Compliments of the Season to all | from | Thomas Faed | 25 Der. 1881'. For information on Faed, see his entry in the Oxford DNB.

The Defence of Guenevere and other Poems by William Morris. Illustrated by Jessie M. King.

William Morris and Jessie M. King [ Isabel Bonus ]
Publication details: 
London and New York: John Lane The Bodley Head. 1904.

8vo. 310pp. Red cloth, gilt extra, with ornate design to front board and spine. First edition with King's illustrations. A good copy of an extremely attractive book, in binding with light fading in parts, but gilt still bright, and with the merest wear at head of spine. Bookplate by Isabel Bonus for Annie C. Dolamore. Collated and complete. All of King's ninety-five illustrations are present, with twenty-four of them, including the frontispiece, on shiny art paper. A sumptuous item, produced at the high point of King's Art Nouveau period.

[ John Faed, Scottish painter. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Fanny', making a Christmas present of an engraving to 'fill a corner in your Boudoir'.

John Faed (1819-1902), RSA, Scottish painter, brother of Thomas Faed (1826-1900), RA
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 38 St. John's Wood, Park, N.W. [ London ] 25 December 1865

2pp., 16mo. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with trimmed margins and slight damage at head from removal from album. He asks her to accept a 'Copy of Titian's "Ascension of the Virgin". You seemed to like it and it may fill a corner in your Boudoir.' He apologises if the frame is 'not as it should be but some might prefer he quaint old pattern to a more modern one.' From the papers of Faed's nephew John Francis Faed, son of the Royal Academician Thomas Faed (1826-1900), and so probably addressed to a family member.

[ George Sanders, English film actor. ] Typically-caddish Autograph Inscription to a six-year-old girl, given during shooting of 'The Saint in London'. With autographs of the brothers John Paddy Carstairs (director) and Tony Keys.

George Sanders (1906-1972), English film actor; John Paddy Carstairs [ born John Keys ] (1910-1970), film director, and his brother Tony Keys, film producer associated with Hammer Films
Publication details: 
No place [ Twickenham Film Studios]. April 1939.

The three inscriptions are all on one side of an 18 x 16 cm leaf taken from an album. In good condition, lightly-aged. Given during the shooting of the RKO film 'The Saint in London' (1939), which Sanders starred in and Carstairs directed. Sanders writes, at the head of the page, 'To Anne | I want to see you in about 8 years time! | George Sanders | April 1939.' Beneath this is: 'Anne - let's make it seven! | John Paddy Carstairs: | '39.' And beneath Carstairs' inscription: 'Six years. X. | Tony Keys'. The recipient was the daughter off a cameraman at Twickenham Film Studios.

[ John G. MacWalter, novelist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('J. G. MacWalter') to Archbishop of Westminster Nicholas Wiseman, regarding a new newspaper, and a 'petty war waged against you' by 'Grant of the "Advertiser" and Seeley of the "Herald"'.

John G. MacWalter [ J. G. Mac Walter ] of Dorchester, novellist and writer on Ireland [ Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865), Archbishop of Westminster ]
Publication details: 
Dorchester [Dorset]. 10 and 18 August 1854.

The two items each 4pp., 4to, and bifoliums. Both on the same grey paper. ONE: 10 August 1854. Signed 'J G MacWalter' and addressed to 'My Lord Archbishop'. He hopes that the Archbishop's 'health is quite restored and that the petty war waged against you will have no ill effect upon it. I received a long abusive letter on the subject which I boldly refused to insert.

[ Sir Edward Stanley of Bickerstaffe, later 11th Earl of Derby. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd Stanley') to Sir John Chetwood, regarding a commission for the levying of 3000 for the Earl of Cheshire (i.e. George Augustus, Prince of Wales).

Sir Edward Stanley (1689-1776) of Bickerstaffe, later 11th Earl of Derby [ Sir John Chetwood; George Augustus, Prince of Wales (as Earl of Chester), future King George I ]
Publication details: 
'Moesley' [ Mosley, Lancashire ]. 9 September 1717.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on second leaf 'To | Sr John Chetwood Barrtt'. On aged and worn paper. Neatly and attractively written out. Reads: 'Sr | I brought down from London the Prince's Patent for ye levyeing 3000 Markes in Cheshire due to his Royall Highness, as Earle of Chester on whic a Comis[si]on is issued out directed to you and Others for ye levyeing the Same which Comis[si]on I am oblig'd to acquaint you will be at Chester on Tuesday the first day of October next'.

[ John, Lord Belasyse. ] Extensive manuscript 'Abstract of the Will and Codicil of the Right Honble John Lord Belasyse from the Probate thereof granted the 7th. May 1690', mentioning estates in Yorkshire, London, Middlesex, Nottingham and Durham.

John Belasyse (1614-1689), Lord Belasyse, Royalist nobleman in the English Civil War, imprisoned during the Popish Plot
Publication details: 
Will of 22 April 1689. Probate granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 7 May 1690. Abstract dating from the eighteenth century. (watermark includes "GR")

13pp., large (41.5 x 33 cm) 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, on good Britannia paper. In worn wraps, with printed slip describing the item from a bookseller's catalogue (Henry Grey, 1901, 45s), and docketed at back. Neatly and closely written out in a clerk's hand. At end: 'The Abstract of this Will and Codicil is taken from the Probate thereof Granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury to Anne Lady Belasyse Relict of the said John Lord Belasyse and One of the Executors the 7th. of May 1690'. Belasyse's second wife was the daughter of the Marquess of Winchester.

[ London linen trade in early-Victorian period. ] Autograph Letter in the third person from 'Miss A Dealtry' to Messrs Wilson of New Bond Street, linen drapers, placing an order and including a swatch of fabric.

John Wilson of New Bond Street, London linen draper [ Anne Dealtry (d.1865) and Frances Dealtry [ 'the Misses Dealtry' ] of Bolnore, Cuckfield ]
Publication details: 
Bedford Square [ London ]. 29 November [ 1838 ].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium, addressed, with postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Messrs. Wilson | Linen Drapers | New Bond Street', and also docketed '1838 | Dealtry Miss A'. In frail condition, with the two leaves separated and closed tears and wear. Sewn with white thread onto the second leaf of the letter is a swatch of cloth - dark blue with white and red stripes - in a loop of circa 20 x 1.5 cm. The text reads: 'Miss A Dealtry wishes Mr.

[ Frank Kidson, Leeds antiquary and musicologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Fuller Maitland on the subject of Henry Purcell.

Frank Kidson (1855-1926), antiquary and musicologist [ John Alexander Fuller Maitland (1856-1936), British music critic and music historian, an authority on Henry Purcell ]
Publication details: 
5 Hamilton Avenue, Chapeltown, Leeds [ Yorkshire ]. 'Wednesday' [no date].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In acceptable condition, aged and somewhat grubby. He thanks him for sending his article in the 'Musical Gazette', and comments that it is 'certainly curious about the Purcell Catch & the coincidence of the four notes, but it is difficult to say whether it was done purposely or by accident'.

[ John Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe. ] Autograph 'Draft Pedigree' of the Jellicoe family by Frederick Arthur Crisp, with long entry on Admiral Jellicoe.

John Rushworth Jellicoe (1859-1935), 1st Earl Jellicoe, Admiral of the Fleet, commander of the Grand Fleet at the Battle of Jutland, 1916 [ Frederick Arthur Crisp (1851-1922), FSA, genealogist ]
Publication details: 
In printed folder ('Visitation of England and Wales') for Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E. 1918 or later.

The pedigree is written out by Crisp on one side of a 37 x 95 cm piece of paper, folded twice into a 37 x 23.5 cm packet, printed on the front of which is: 'Visitation of England and Wales. | DRAFT PEDIGREE. | Please return to Frederick Arthur Crisp, F.S.A., "Grove Park Press," 270 Walworth Road, London, S.E.' The same address is embossed at the head. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In top right hand corner of cover is a manuscript label with 'JELLICOE.' underlined in red. The pedigree, descending from 'Capt.

[ Frederick Tayler, watercolour artist. ] Original 'design' for a painting of 'a Girl carrying a Basket of Puppies', in an Autograph Letter Signed ('Fredk. Tayler') [to Scottish artist Thomas Faed], with request for a 'Cottage Door' to work from.

Frederick Tayler [ John Frederick Tayler ], English watercolour artist, president of the Royal Watercolour Society [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), Scottish artist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 38 Avenue Road, Regents Park, NW [ London ]. 12 December [ year lacking ].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, but with a corner of the first leaf torn away, resulting in some loss of text, including the year. The reverse of the second leaf laid down on a leaf removed from an album. The image of the 'design', 8 x 6.5 cm, is on the second leaf, which also carries Tayler's signature. It is a crude but pleasing sketch of an intended painting, done with the sureness of a watercolour artist.

[ Catholic Film Institute, London. ] Hon. Secretary's Report, 1949, and Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 30th June, 1949.

Rev. John A. V. Burke, Hon. Sec., Catholic Film Institute, London
Publication details: 
[ Catholic Film Institute, London. ] 1949. [ Carey & Claridge, Printers, 253 Fulham Road, Chelsea, S.W.3. ]

Stapled printed pamphlet. 11 + [1]pp., 16mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper with rusted staples. A page of officers, headed by the Archbishop of Westminster as President, and Rt Rev. Abbot Upson as Vice-President, is followed by Burke's five-page report, and then three pages of balance sheets for the organisation, 'Focus', general funds, 'Penny-a-Day' Fund, and 'Fatima' Fund. No other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[ Printed periodical, with contribution by A. A. Milne. ] 'The Prisoner of War', official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St. John War Organisation, London,

A. A. Milne contributes to 'The Prisoner of War', official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St. John War Organisation, London
Publication details: 
Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St. John War Organisation, St James's Place, London. Vol. 2 No. 17. September, 1943.

16pp., 4to. Illustrated with photographs of PoWs and camps. Stapled pamphlet on cheap paper. In fair condition, aged and with rusted staples, with slight wear at corners of last few leaves. Milne's contribution, titled 'It depends on the Book', and with two illustrations, takes up p.10. Milne writes that 'To a prisoner of war, shut up for an indefinite time in an enemy country, any book must be a haven of escape from his thoughts; any book must be better than no book. [...] the Prisoners of War Department of the British Red Cross and St.

[ John Fisher Murray ('Maire'), Irish poet and humorist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno Fisher Murray'), offering the London publisher Richard Bentley a 'humorous paper' and 'a series of Essays on LONDON'.

John Fisher Murray [ 'Maire' ] (1811-1865), Irish poet and humorist [ Richard Bentley (1794-1871), London publisher and proprietor of 'Bentley's Miscellany' ]
Publication details: 
11 Bark Place, Bayswater. 10 November 1843.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Richard Bentley Esqre'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph concerns a 'humorous paper' he is forwarding for Bentley's consideration (i.e. possible publication in Bentley's Miscellany). In the second paragraph he informs him that he has ready 'a series of Essays on LONDON, similar to those which attracted so much attention in Blackwood'.

[ Bruce Stewart, actor and scriptwriter.] Typescript of 'Afternoon Theatre' BBC Radio 4 play about John Henry Newman and Edward Bouverie Pusey. With covering BBC postcard and compliments slip, and copy of Radio Times entry.

Bruce Stewart (1925-2005), New Zealand-born actor and scriptwriter, based in England [ British Broadcasting Corporation; BBC Radio 4; the Oxford Movement; John Henry Newman; Edward Bouverie Pusey ]
Publication details: 
[ BBC Bristol. ] Broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 5 May 1979.

The duplicated typescript of the play is 79pp., folio, on 79 leaves attached with a stud. Aged and worn, with slight staining to early leaves. Accompanied by a BBC compliments slip, with the typed name of the play's producer Shaun MacLoughlin. Also present is a BBC postcard, with short typed message dated 26 July 1979: 'We are sorry but there is nothing in print for the play "Shadowfall".' A carbon copy of the typed letter from Mrs. D. G.

[ Thomas Townson, Archdeacon of Richmond and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. T.') to the antiquary John Loveday, commenting knowledgeably on the 'Critical Observations on the Sixth Book of the Aeneid' (by Edward Gibbon).

Thomas Townson (1715-1792), Archdeacon of Richmond and author [ John Loveday (1711-1789), English antiquary ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., on half a folio leaf (16 x 19.5 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn. Fifteen lines of neatly-written text, signed 'T. T.' Begins: 'I reckon Mr J Loveday, to whom my best respects, has read the Critical Observations on the Sixth book of the Aeneid, which is pretty smart upon his friend the Bp of Gloucester. But the ingenious author, in the eagerness of his assault, seems to lay himself open to attack, by asserting, p.17, that Aeneas never appears as a legislator, except in one line Aen. III. 137.' Signed at end 'T. T.', with the initials underlined twice.

[ William Roscoe of Liverpool. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W: Roscoe') to Dr William Henry of the Manchester Infirmary, discussing the death and career of Dr John Ferriar, author of 'The Bibliomania'.

William Roscoe (1753-1831) of Liverpool, historian, connoisseur, abolitionist [ William Henry (1774-1836); John Ferriar (1761-1815), author of 'The Bibliomania' ; Manchester Infirmary ]
Publication details: 
Allerton [ Liverpool, Lancashire ]. 6 February 1815.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged and worn paper, with the seal neatly cut away resulting in damage to a couple of words of text. Roscoe has felt 'sincere sorrow' on receiving Henry's letter conveying the news of the death of Ferriar (a colleague of Henry's at the Manchester Infirmary). 'I had flattered myself that after all apprehensions from the alarming attack which he some time since experienced had been entirely removed, in which opinion I had been confirmed by his Letters on the subject of Mrs.

[ Prime Minister Lord John Russell and the Manchester Health of Towns Association. ] Autograph Letter Signed from Lord John Russell's private secretary Charles Grey ('C. <A.?> Grey') to P. H. Holland, regarding 'a Memoria from the Committee'.

Charles Grey, Private Secretary to Liberal Prime Minister Lord John Russell [ Downing Street; P. H. Holland of the Chorlton Dispensary; the Manchester Health of Towns Association ]
Publication details: 
Downing Street [ London ] 10 August 1846.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with head of the document trimmed and blank second leaf with traces of mount. He acknowledges 'the receipt of your letter enclosing a Memorial from the Committee of the Manchester Health of Towns association' and apologise for the delay in the acknowledgement, 'owing to the great pressure of business'.

[ Hon. Henry Erskine, Lord Advocate for Scotland. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Erskine'), to John Cockburn Ross, regarding Cathcart and 'the Richmond Scenery'.

Henry Erskine (1746-1814), Lord Advocate for Scotland [ John Cockburn Ross of Rowchester, Berwickshire ]
Publication details: 
Keswick. 17 June 1812.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Reverse of second leaf, with part of red wax seal and Keswick postmark, addressed to Ross at Tadcaster, and forwarded to the Crown Inn, 'Harragate', Yorkshire. He begins by explaining that a delay to his departure for Scotland is the reason for the late reply. 'To morrow or next day we shall set out. The moment I reach Edinburgh I shall see Cathcart & immediately write you most minutely every thing regarding the Richmond Scenery | All this Party send you their best Compts.

[ Lord Glenelg and the Distillery Laws. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Cha. Grant') to John Cockburn Ross regarding his memorial proposing 'the amelioration of the Distillery Laws', with reference to the Highland Distillery and Sir Charles Ross.

Charles Grant (1778-1866), 1st Baron Glenelg, Secretary of State for War and President of the Board of Trade [ John Cockburn Ross of Rowchester; Highland Distillery; Mackenzie; Sir Charles Ross' ]
Publication details: 
London. 1 April 1807.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He has communicated the recipient's letter, with the memorial regarding 'the amelioration of the Distillery Laws', to 'Sir Charles Ross & Brigadier Genl Mackenzie', and they have been well received. 'One of the Gentlemen submitted the Memorial to the perusal of the Lords Stafford & Seaforth who as I understand are zealous for the reform of those Laws'. Seaforth has signed.

[ David Steuart Erskine, 11th Earl of Buchan. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Buchan') to John Cockburn Ross, recommending the 'Mr Jay who conducts the Commercial Academy' for the education of his son.

David Steuart Erskine (1742-1829), 11th Earl of Buchan [ Lord Cardross ], Scottish aristocrat and antiquary [ john Cockburn Ross of Rowchester, Berwickshire ]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh. 18 June 1812.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, 'To John Cockburn Ross Esqr. | Thorpe <?> | by Willerby | Yorkshire', and redirected to 'Crown Inn | Harrogate'. Recommending, 'in the view of preparing yr. young Son for commercial life', 'Mr. Jay who conducts the Commercial Academy', who was 'long ago in the House of Livingston & Co. Merchts at Rotterdam. He married a Daughter of Mr. Livingston and when the troubles in Holland forced him to leave it settled at Leith where he was involved in connections that proved unssuccessful from the disturbed state of Europe'.

[ John Loder, English stage and Hollywood actor. ] Black and white studio photograph by Cyril Leeston of London, showing Loder in costume of the film 'Java Head' (1934), with signed inscription by Loder to 'Mrs. Wright'.

John Loder [ William John Muir Lowe ] (1898-1988), English stage and Hollywood actor [ Cyril Leeston, London photographer ]
Publication details: 
Stamp on reverse of Cyril Leeston, London. Undated (1934).

A black and white print, 24 x 19 cm. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Shows Loder in top hat and nineteenth-century frock coat, with cane. Inscribed: 'To Mrs. Wright | With sincere good wishes | from | John Loder.' In pencil on reverse: 'Capt. William | Java Head | J. K. 67 | For Mrs Wright | Stills'. Stamped on reverse: 'CYRIL LEESTON | LONDON | TELEPHONE 3884 PADDINGTON'. This image is not in the National Portrait Gallery collection, nor is any other by Leeston.

[Printed pamphlet.] Kent's Cavern. A Lecture by Wm. Pengelly, Esq., F.R.S. Delivered in the Hulme Town Hall, Manchester, December 18, 1872. Mr. R. D. Darbishire in the Chair. Reported by Henry Pitman.

William Pengelly, F.R.S. [ R. D. Darbishire; Henry Pitman; John Heywood, Manchester publisher ]
Publication details: 
Science Lectures for the People. No. 8 - Fourth Series - 1872. Manchester: John Heywood, 141 and 143, Deansgate. London: F. Pitman, Paternoster Row.

20pp., 12mo. Disbound and without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Scarce: only two copies on OCLC WorldCat.

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