[ Printed pamphlet with signed inscription by the author. ] "Gilds and their Functions." A Paper read before the Society of Arts, January 29th, 1873. Thos. Webster, Q.C., F.R.S., in the chair.

John Yeats, LL.D. [ The Society of Arts, London ]
Publication details: 
A Paper read before the Society of Arts, January 29th, 1873. Thos. Webster, Q.C., F.R.S., in the chair.

34pp., 12mo. Drophead title, with subtitle: 'A Paper read before the Society of Arts, January 29th, 1873. Thos. Webster, Q.C., F.R.S., in the chair. For details of the discussion, &c., see Journal of the Society, No. 1054, Vol. xxi.' Disbound and without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Inscription at head of first page reads: 'With kind regards to Mr Cooper, | from | John Yeats'. The only copy on COPAC at Oxford University, and now excessively scarce.

[ John Hayward, editor. ] A Catalogue of Printed Books and Manuscripts, By Jonathan Swift, D.D. Exhibited in the Old Schools in the University of Cambridge. To Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of his Death, October 19, 1745.

[ John Hayward; Harold Williams; Jonathan Swift; Walter Lewis; the University Press, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
Cambridge: Printed at the University Press. 1945. [ Cambridge: Printed by Walter Lewis, M.A. at the University Press. ]

45 + [1]pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. On aged and worn War Economy paper. Two-page preface by Hayward, preceded by the following note: 'The Exhibition has been arranged under the auspices of the Syndics of the University Library and the Catalogue made by MR JOHN HAYWARD who, in collaboration with MR HAROLD WILLIAMS, F.B.A., also made the selection of the Books and Manuscripts for the Exhibition.' Uncommon (apart from the Folcroft reprint): the only copy on OCLC WorldCat at the British Library.

[ Sir Henry Raeburn, Scottish portrait painter. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Autograph Note Signed (all 'Henry Raeburn') to John Cockburn Ross, discussing terms for painting him, and a debt owed to him by Sir Alexander Don for a portrait.

Sir Henry Raeburn (1756-1823), Scottish portrait painter [ John Cockburn Ross; Sir Alexander Don ]
Publication details: 
All from Edinburgh [ Scotland ]. 6 and 29 November 1797, and 7 June 1806.

The first two are addressed to Ross, 'of Rochester by Greenlaw', and the third to him 'of Shandwick by Parkhill | Rossshire'. Each letter with postmark in red ink. ONE: Letter of 6 November 1797. 3pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ John Thomas Bellows, Quaker printer and lexicographer.] Autograph Draft Letter Signed ('John Bellows') to 'Honoured Count Worontzoff Dashkoff', sending condolences and devout sentiments on the death of his child.

John Bellows [ John Thomas Bellows ] (1831-1902) of Upton Knoll, Gloucester, Quaker printer and lexicographer, author of first pocket French/English dictionary [ Count Worontzoff Dashkoff ]
Publication details: 
Upton Knoll, Gloucester. 4 April 1894.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. A long letter, closely and neatly written, with a number of emendations suggesting that it is a draft. After a short reference to the Count's kindness to him and his friend Joseph Neave, he devotes the rest of the letter to 'the heavy trial thou has had to pass through', discussing the nature of loss with 'knowledge from my own experience, that the loss of a child is a grief into whose full depths no stranger can enter, and that words, even well-meant, when uttered at an unfit moment, pain instead of helping'.

[ Sir John Simon, English pathologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Simon') to 'Mrs Freshfield', regarding the return of her 'Oedipus' and a 'Freshwater outing'.

Sir John Simon (1816-1904), English pathologist [ Freshfield family ]
Publication details: 
40 Kensington Square W. [ London ] 24 March 1894.

1p., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged and spotted. Since she is going away, he considers it 'safer' to return the 'Oedipus', which has given him great pleasure. He hopes she will enjoy her 'Freshwater outing', and that 'we may remain above the horizon to welcome your return to town'. The Freshfields were a noted family of solicitors, with strong connections with the Bank of England.

[ John Caley, English antiquary. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Dr Adam Clarke, admonishing him regarding engravings for a new edition of Rymer's 'Foedera'.

John Caley (1760-1834), English antiquary, Secretary to the First Record Commission [ Dr Adam Clarke (1760-1832) of Milbrook, Lancashire, Methodist minister and antiquary ]
Publication details: 
Grays Inn [ London ], 19 March 1811.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with negligible traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse of the leaf. Addressed to 'Dr Clarke | Harper St.' After explaining that the Commissioners of the Public Records want lists of the new plates for the first volume of 'Foeder', and another list of 'the old ones necessary to be re engraved', reminds him that he promised the latter list 'in September last'.

[ Francis Browning Bickerstaffe-Drew, English author. ] Typed Letter Signed ('John Ayscough') to an unnamed editor, offering republication of his novel 'Two Fair Ladies', on reverse of letter from J. S. Wood, editor of the Gentlewoman.

'John Ayscough', penmame of Francis Browning Bickerstaffe-Drew (1858-1928), English author, Roman Catholic priest and papal count; J. S. Wood [ John Snell Wood ] (1853-1920), editor of the Gentlewoman
Publication details: 
Wood's letter, on letterhead of the Gentlewoman, Arundel Street, Strand, WC. 3 January 1894. Bickerstaffe-Drew's letter from 6 Holyrood Place, Plymouth. 4 January 1894.

Each letter 1p., 4to, Bickerstaffe-Drew's on reverse of Wood's. In fair condition, on aged leaf of paper with strip torn from head. The two letters cast an interesting light on English publishing practice in the late nineteenth century. Wood's letter, signed 'J. S. Wood', is written by a secretary, and addressed to 'The Right Rev Mgr Bickerstaff Drew'.

[ John Rutherford Gordon, editor of the 'Sunday Express'. ] 'Rough draft' of typed article, with autograph emendations, on Lord Northcliffe, 'the incomparable journalist of the age', written from personal knowledge.

John Rutherford Gordon (1890-1974), editor of London 'Sunday Express' [ Lord Northcliffe [ Alfred Charles William Harmsworth (1865-1922), 1st Viscount Northcliffe ], press baron, owner of Daily Mail ]
Publication details: 
Dated 25 April 1952, and with autograph note stating that it was 'Partly used in Sunday Express [ London ] 27/4/52'.

21pp., fourteen of them in 4to, and the other seven pages cut down. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Stapled together, with the first leaf detached. The article is complete but untitled. It is unattributed, but comes from the J. R. Gordon papers. A well-written and incisive piece, written from an insider's point of view. Gordon lays out his stall at the very start: 'Few people of our generation have influenced the life of it so profoundly as Lord Northcliffe. He was the incomparable journalist of our age.

[ William Allen, Quaker scientist and philanthropist. ] Letter of recommendation, with autograph signature, written 'To my dear Friends on the Continent of Europe', regarding religious work by Joseph John Gurney of Norwich and his wife Eliza.

William Allen (1770-1843), Quaker scientist and philanthropist, first president of the Pharmaceutical Society [ Joseph John Gurney (1788-1847) of Norwich; Eliza Gurney; John Forster ]
Publication details: 
'Stoke Newington near London | the 11th. of the 4th month (April) 1843'.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with a 2.5 cm closed tear and slight loss at one edge causing damage to one word of text. The text is neatly written out in another hand over 14 lines. Allen's signature and other details in his hand are at the end: 'Wm. Allen | Stoke Newington near London | the 11th. of the 4th month (April) 1843'. Headed 'To my dear Friends on the Continent of Europe to whom these lines may come'.

[ The Left Book Club, London. ] Subscription leaflet, including 'particulars of the very important new "C" membership'.

The Left Book Club, London [ Victor Gollancz Ltd; Harold Laski; John Strachey ]
Publication details: 
London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 14 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C.2. [1938. ]

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper. Headed: 'N.B. PLEASE use this leaflet to get a new member. On page 3 are particulars of the very important new "C" membership. | LEFT BOOK CLUB'. In double-column and small print. Headings: 'What Membership means', 'No subscription whatever' ('The Books are selected by Laski, Strachey, and Gollancz.'), 'But Membership is a Key . . .', 'Probable coming "Books of the Month"' ['Justice in England' by 'A Barrister', 'The Battle for Peace' by F. Elwyn Jones, 'A.R.P.' by Professor J. B. S.

[ Cadell & Davies, London booksellers. ] Autograph Note Signed from 'S. Cadell' to 'Mr Lawless' [ the firm's assistant Robert Lawless ], instructing him to deliver copies of Pope's Homer to 'Mr Nichols' [ John Bowyer Nichols ].

S. Cadell [ John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863), printer and publisher; Robin Lawless (1724-1806), Irish-born assistant to the London booksellers Cadell & Davies [ Thomas Cadell & William Davies ] ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London, pre-1806. ]

On one side of a small rectangle of laid paper, with one corner snipped off. In fair condition, aged and worn, with spike hole not affecting text. Reads: 'Mr Lawless | Deliver Mr Nichols Ninety Popes omer 4 Vol. | S. Cadell'. Although clearly a member of the firm, the identity of the writer is unclear, the descriptions of Cadell & Davies material at the Huntingdon and Yale not yielding any information.

[ Double Crown Club keepsake. ] 'Bill of Fare' for dinner at the Cafe Royal (chaired by John Johnson with a paper by James Guthrie), featuring a facsimile score for 'Grace after Meat | A new round' by Daniel George and Hubert Foss.

The Double Crown Club; John de Monins Johnson (1882-1956), Oxford University Press printer; James Guthrie; Duncan Williams; Daniel George; Hubert Foss
Publication details: 
Pencil note stating that the item is for a dinner at the Café Royal, 7 March 1934.

16 x 20 cm booklet, consisting of a bifolium stitched with black green thread into covers of thicker paper. In fair condition, aged and worn, with remains of clear plastic front covering. On the front cover is a heavily-inked art photograph superimposing an image of a musical score over the edges of an fanned-out signature. On the inside of the back cover is a facsimile of a calligraphic inscription in Latin, in Renaissance style. The inner contents consists of two facsimiles.

[ Jane Austen's 'Northanger Abbey'. ] Typed Rehearsal Script of Maggie Wadey's 1987 BBC television adaptation. (directed by Giles Foster and produced by Louis Marks)

Maggie Wadey, scriptwriter and wife of actor John Castle; Louis Marks (1928-2010) BBC producer and scriptwriter; Giles Foster, television director; Jane Austen [ British Broadcasting Corporation]
Publication details: 
[ British Broadcasting Corporation, London. ] At head of covering page: '3rd Draft - Typed 3rd June 1986'.

[2] + 170pp., 8vo. On 172 leaves, held together by a steel stud. In good condition, lightly aged, with discoloring to first leaf and the last seven leaves dogeared. The names of the crew are given on the first covering page, and the cast of characters (but not the names of the actors playing them) on the second. An interesting artefact, indicative of the continuing reassessment and reinterpretation of the works of one of Britain's great writers.

[ Herbert Ainslie ('Harry') Roberts, Cambridge mathematician. ] Typed Letter Signed ('H. A. Roberts') to bookseller J. G. Wilson, reminiscing on his purchase forty years before of Ruskin item at the opening of London bookshop Messrs J. and E. Bumpus.

H. A. Roberts [ Herbert Ainslie Roberts ] (1864-1932), Secretary to the University of Cambridge Appointments Board [ John Gideon Wilson (1876-1963) of London bookshop Messrs J. & E. Bumpus ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the University of Cambridge Appointments Board, 11 March 1931.

1p., 4to. In fair condtion, lightly aged and creased. With a few autograph corrections by Roberts. Having been unsuccessful in placing an individual with Wilson, Roberts writes: 'Of course forty years ago the advent of a bookshop like yours was a tremendous event, and we all flocked to it as something new and wonderful, as indeed it was.

[ Walter Jerrold, English writer. ] Humorous manuscript address to him, signed by nine authors including Arthur St John Adcock, Alfred George Gardiner ('Alpha of the Plough'), William Archer, George Sampson and Keighley Snowden, on reverse of menu.

[ Walter Jerrold [Walter Copeland Jerrold] (1865-1929), English author and journalist] Alfred George Gardiner ('Alpha of the Plough'); William Archer; A..St John Adcock; George Sampson; C. E. Lawrence
Publication details: 
On letterhead menu of the Wayside Inn, 2 & 3 Bishops Court, Chancery Lane, WC [London]. Dated 4 June 1919.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The menu is written out in faint pencil on one side, beneath the letterhead. On the other side, and headed with the date 4 June 1919 is the following playful address: 'Dear Jerrold, | "Carry on"! | This has no reference to the food we have just eaten. | You Walter [pun on 'ought to'] be here because you're a Jerrold [pun on 'dear old'] fellow. | And so say all of us.' Beneath this are nine signatures, two of which are undeciphered.

[ John Edward Kempe, Rector of St James's, Piccadilly. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'John Edw Kempe'), the first regarding Archibald Campbell Tait, on his appointment as Bishop of London, both to 'Rev. S. Smith'.

John Edward Kempe (1810-1907), M.A., Prebendary of St. Paul's, Chaplain to Queen Victoria, and Rector of St James's, Piccadilly [ Archibald Campbell Tait (1811-1882), Archbishop of Canterbury ]
Publication details: 
Both from St James's Rectory, Piccadilly [London]. 22 September 1856 and 21 June 1858.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: 22 September 1856. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Docketted: 'Revd J. E. Kempe about Annie's XG. & Tait, new Bp of London | Sep 1856'. After discussing arrangements for meeting he turns to Tait, about to be consecrated Bishop of London. 'You ask about our new Bishop. I have reason to think it an excellent appointment.

[ 'Low' (David Low), cartoonist. ] Caricature titled 'The Odd Volumes | Ladies Night', depicting a fashionable young lady reading a book on top of a ladder in a library, on cover of menu for 'Ye 461st Meeting of Ye Sette of Odd Volumes'.

'Low' [ Sir David Alexander Cecil Low (1891-1963) ], British cartoonist of New Zealand extraction [ Ye Sette of Odd Volumes, London literary dining club; Sir Harry Trelawney Eve ]
Publication details: 
[ Ye Sette of Odd Volumes, London.] 'holden at ye Savoy Hotel, on Tuesday ye Twenty-third day of June, 1931'. [Printed at the Pelican Press, 2 Carmelite Street, London EC4.]

Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper, folded twice to make a card of 4pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged and spotted. Low's 10 x 8.5 cm illustration is on the cover, and is rather uncharacteristic in its lightness of touch. Nor is the layout of the cover in the usual 'Sette' style, rather harking forwards to the 1940s. Cover states: 'His Oddshippe Sir Harry Trelawney Eve (Chaplain) in ye Chair'.

[ Ethel G. Hayler, Children's Librarian, Croydon Public Libraries. ] Printed pamphlet: 'American Children's Libraries. A Report to the Croydon Public Libraries Committee on a Personal Visit to America August and September, 1927.'

Ethel G. Hayler, Children's Librarian, Croydon Public Libraries [ John Ollis Pelton, Chairman of the Libraries Committee ]
Publication details: 
Central Library, Town Hall, Croydon. 1928.

12pp., 8vo. Stapled. In green printed wraps. In good condition, on aged paper, with slight wear to one corner and a few light marks to cover.

[ Stephen Isaacson Tucker. ] Bound volume with 62 Autograph Letters Signed by Tucker (as 'Rouge Croix' and 'Somerset') and 9 Autograph Letters Signed by Charles Bridger, all to the genealogist John A. C. Vincent, on matters of genealogical interest.

Stephen Isaacson Tucker (1835-1887), herald, Rouge Croix Pursuivant 1872-1880, Somerset Herald 1880-1887 [ John A. C. Vincent, genealogist ]
Publication details: 
Tucker's letters mostly written from the Heralds College, E.C. [London], with a few from his private residence in the Albany.

Bound up on stubs in brown leather half-binding, grey cloth boards, with 'SOMERSET HERALD | S. TUCKER' on spine. Ownership inscription of Alex Thomson Grant, the Red House, Wemyss Castle, Fife, 1909. The contents in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, in heavily-worn binding. 81 items on stubs, mainly comprising 62 letters by Tucker, 16 as 'Rouge Croix', 1874-1880 (with additional receipt by him); and 46 as 'Somerset', 1880-1887. A few of Tucker's letters signed with his name (as 'Stephen Tucker | R. C.'), but most with his title only.

[ Alfred John Hewins, Barmouth artist. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'A. J. Hewins') to the Arts and Crafts patron Laurence William Hodson, discussing the Welsh landscape, the Second Boer War, and the renovation of a house.

Alfred John Hewins of Barmouth (Gwynned, Wales), artist and art teacher [ Laurence William Hodson of Compton Hall, patron of the Arts and Crafts movement and friend of William Morris]
Publication details: 
14 September and 27 December 1899, and 3 May 1906. The first two from Barmouth [Gwynned, North Wales], the last from 1 Victoria Place, Barmouth.

Totalling 10pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. ONE: 14 September 1899. 4pp., 12mo. He was pleased to receive Hodson's letter from Southwold, and reports on the 'Abraham sale', and 'talk of a tram line being made to Mochras' ('all fudge & nonsense').

[ The Antiquarian Etching Club, London. ] Printed prospectus, with 'Plan of the Club', 'Rules' and 'Contents of Volumes already issued. With descriptive letter-press.'

[ H. W. King, Hon. Sec., the Antiquarian Etching Club, London, founded 1849 [ John Russell Smith, bookseller, 36 Soho Square, London ]
Publication details: 
[ John Russell Smith, 36, Soho Square, London. ] Tucker, Printer, Perry's Place, Oxford Street. [Circa 1852.]

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium. Disbound. A frail survival, on aged paper, with chipping to gutter and extremities.

[ Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Co., London printsellers. ] Itemised manuscript invoice to 'John Edward Taylor Esq', signed by 'J. W. Wood', including commission on 42 lots purchased for him at the 'Percy Sale'.

Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Company, Printsellers by Appointment to her Majesty, London [ John Edward Taylor (1830-1905), owner of the Manchester Guardian and notable art collector ]
Publication details: 
Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Company, 14 Pall Mall East, 'S.W. next the College of Physicians', London. On the firm's engraved billhead. 'Midsr. [i.e. Midsummer] 1890'.

Taylor's collecting activities are described in his entry in the Oxford DNB. His collection was sold by his widow in 1912 for the massive sum of £358,500.3pp., folio. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Tastefully-printed billhead, as one might expect, in black and red, with royal crests, boasting that the firm are 'Printsellers by Appointment to her Majesty, | Their Royal Highnesses The Prince Consort, The Prince of Wales, and the Duchess of Kent'. Also the text: 'Established 1760. | Half price allowed for packing cases if returned immediately'.

[ John Shury, London engraver. ] Engraved moving circular wheel on backing, titled 'A Circular Table, to find all the Moveable Sundays in the Year.'

John Shury, engraver in Georgian London [ Thomas Tegg (1776-1845), London publisher and printseller ]
Publication details: 
'J. Shury Sc. | London, Published by Thomas Tegg, 73, Cheapside, July, 1, 1828.'

An attractive and unusual item, and extremely scarce: no copies recorded on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. Engraved print in shape 11 cm diameter circle, carrying text and numeration, attached to printed 8vo leaf and superimposed on matching circular print with months and further numeration, to make a calculation tool. At head of page, beneath title and above wheel: 'To find the SUNDAYS that depend on EASTER day.

[ General Sir Charles Grey, Private Secretary to Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Grey'), on behalf of Prince Albert, to unnamed individual, regarding gifts of a photograph of Folkestone Harbour, and a book on Malta.

General Sir Charles Grey (1804-1870), Private Secretary to Albert, Prince of Wales, and Queen Victoria
Publication details: 
Buckingham Palace [London]. 20 February 1858.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Thanking him for 'the Photograph of Folkestone harbour, & the volumes you have sent on the subjects of Malta, & the Order of St. John. [by Major-General Whitworth Porter (1827-1892) of the Royal Engineers]'. Prince Albert had intended to buy the book, but will take pleasure in accepting the copy the recipient of the letter has 'had so handsomely bound'.

[ Count Elim Pavlovich Demidov, Prince of San Donato, 'the richest man in the world'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Demidoff'), in English, to the Quaker philanthropist John Bellows of Gloucester, regarding a pamphlet.

Count Elim Pavlovich Demidov [Prince Demidoff] (1868-1943), 3rd Prince of San Donato, 'the richest man in the world' [ John Bellows (1831-1902) of Gloucester, Quaker philanthropist, writer, printer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Hotel Bristol, Paris. 21 July 1895.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged and worn. Addressed to 'My dearest Bellows'. He has received the pamphlet at the Hotel Bristol, and 'earnestly' believes that 'it will make the right impression upon the powerful of the world'. His party starts the following week for Russia, '& I will take in hands [sic] our plans of delivery as soon as I get on the spot'. He ends with a pious sentiment. Bellows paid two visits to Russia, and counted Tolstoy among his friends.

[ Sims Reeves, English operatic tenor. ] Autograph Signature ('J. Sims Reeves') with note to autograph hunter.

Sims Reeves [ John Sims Reeves ] (1821-1900), English operatic tenor
Publication details: 
'En route | Royal Hotel Cardiff'. 21 April 1876.

1p., 12mo. In very good condition, lightly-aged, with parts of red wax wafer at each corner. Reads 'En route | Royal Hotel Cardiff | Sir | Here is my autograph according to your wish. | Yours faithfully | J. Sims Reeves | April 21st. 1876.' Good, strong signature, with a final flourish continuing in a circle, and enclosign the whole of it.

[Jane Austen's family: library section of printed auction catalogue, annotated by London booksellers Maggs Brothers.] A Catalogue of the Contents of the Masion, Capel Manor, Horsmonden, Kent.

'By Order of the Trustees of John Francis Austen, Decd.' [ John-Francis Austen (1817-1893); Maggs Brothers, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
To be sold by Auction by Messrs. Knight, Frank & Rutley [...] in conjunction with Messrs. Richardson & Pierce, Ltd. on the premises [...] 17 August 1931 and three following days.

J. F. Austen was the son of John Austen VII. For his relation to the novelist see 'Jane Austen's Letters', ed. Le Faye (OUP, 2011). The present item is excessively scarce, with no copies traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. 4to, 18pp. on ten leaves, paginated [1-2], 17-24, 57-63, 79. In original brown printed wraps. Aged and worn, with rusted staples.

[ John Seymour Lucas, RA. ] Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Seymour Lucas') to 'Mr Slocombe' [ the artist Shirley Slocombe ], written in a light-heared and affectionate tone.

John Seymour Lucas (1849-1923), English artist and Royal Academician [ Shirley Slocombe (c.1873-1906) ]
Publication details: 
All on letterhead of New Place, Woodchurch Road, West Hampstead. 1902 (2), 1904 and 1908.

The four letters all in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. ONE: 22 July 1902. 2pp., 12mo. Rearranging a meeting, following his absence 'at my cottage in Norfolk'. TWO: 6 August 1902. 3pp., 12mo. Regarding a drawing titled 'The little Chest', which 'Mr Macquarie' would like Slocombe to being at once. With postscript signed 'S. L.' THREE: 4 June 1904. 2pp., 12mo. He was 'on the point of writing', to ask when he could 'buy those delectable pipes', when Slocombe's 'most acceptable present' arrived. He ends by asking to be reminded to send him a 'soiree ticket'. FOUR: 1p., 12mo.

[ John Braddick of Boughton Mount ] Long manuscript responses to a questionnaire in a prospectus titled 'Preparing for publication, | By S. Lewis, | A Topographical Dictionary of England, | From a Personal Survey through every Parish in the Kingdom'

John Braddick of Boughton Mount, Monchelsea, Kent, slave trader; Samuel Lewis (c.1782-1865), topographer and publisher
Publication details: 
Prospectus published from 12, Devereaux-court, Temple, London. [Late 1820s.]

The prospectus is 4pp., folio. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper and creased paper, with slight damage to margins at foot of both leaves. Beneath the heading on the first page is a list of around 75 princes, dukes and lords, headed by 'His Most Gracious Majesty the King', under whose 'immediate patronage' the work is to be commenced.

[ Printed pamphlet; Walter Crane ] On the Study and Practice of Art: An Address delivered by Walter Crane, to the Art Students of the Municipal School of Art, and the Municipal Technical School, Manchester, Saturday, March 4th, 1893.

Walter Crane [ Municipal School of Art, Manchester ]
Publication details: 
Manchester: "Manchester Guardian" Printing Works, Blackfriars Street, 1893.

19pp., 12mo. Stapled. In grey printed wraps. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper; in wraps with stamp and label of the Education Department Library. Marginal headings include: 'Motives for following an Artistic Career', 'Primal Important of Facility of Hand', 'Triumph of Commercialism', 'The Worship of the Ugly', 'Art: Pictorial, Creative, Pot-boiling' and 'Decorum in Decoration'. Uncommon: only four copies recorded on OCLC WorldCat.

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