[Printed pamphlet.] Notes on the Condition of Ireland; with a Proposed Remedy. Shewing how the Prosperity of the Country may be increased by the Judicious Introduction of Home Industries.

'J. C. B.' [John Caldwell Bloomfield]
Publication details: 
Printer and place not stated. [1882.]

15pp., 12mo. Stitched. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. With shelfmark and stamp of the Education Department Library. Signed beneath title on front cover: 'J. C. Bloomfield'. Dedication to 'B. Samuelson, Esq., M.P., F.R.S.' on p.3. Bloomfield was the co-founder of Belleek Pottery. Scarce.

[University College, London.] Six printed handbills: four syllabuses or calendars of events, each headed 'Special Arrangements', with another for 'Special Courses in Psychology', and an announcement of a set of 'Public Introductory Lectures'.

[University College, London (University of London)] [T. Gregory Foster; Walter W. Seton; William McDougall; Carveth Reid; Sir William Ramsay; Sir John Macdonell; F. Mackarness; L. M. Brandin]
Publication details: 
Unversity College, London (University of London). The four relating to 'Special Arrangements' dating from 'First Term. Session 1904-1905' to 'First Term. - Session 1905-1906.' The 'Special Courses' for 1904-1905. The 'Lectures' for 1905-1906.

The six items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With stamps, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. The four calendars of 'Special Arrangements' are all 1p., foolscap 8vo, and signed in type at the foot by T. Gregory Foster, Principal, and Walter W. Seton, Acting Secretary. They give details of lectures and other information including the 'Reception of new Students by the Principal and the respective Deans' and the 'Last Day for receiving Essays'. The other two documents only carry Foster's signature in type.

Engraved map, dated 5 April 1786, captioned 'A Map of the Channels and Lands from Appledore Dowls [Kent] and Black Wall to Rye Harbour [Sussex].' [Illustrating proposed embanking and a new cut to the River Rother.]

[Charles John Downes, cartographer?] [Anonymous 1786 map of 'the Channels and Lands from Appledore Dowls [Kent] and Black Wall to Rye Harbour [Sussex].]
Publication details: 
'5th. April, 1786.'

Nicely printed on thick watermarked laid paper, roughly 56 x 78 cm. Plate dimensions roughly 40.5 x 64 cm. Even creases from folding of map four times. Fair, with a little discoloration along folds and very slight wear and loss fold junctions. At foot of plate: 'The Scale is 96 Rods to One Inch.' Only two copies of this item located: the first, in the British Library Department of Maps describes it as showing 'existing and intended drainage systems. Engraving style and date suggests hand of Charles John Downes, engraver for maps accompanying Hasted's History of Kent'.

[Early Victorian railways.] Seven items on the topic, including six Autograph Letters Signed by William Green, John Gregson, Jonathan Binns, Oswald Gilkes, Augustus Maitland, William Shuttleworth, to John Diston Powles, Sir Joseph Fowler and others.

Victorian railways: William Green, John Gregson, Jonathan Binns, Oswald Gilkes, Augustus Maitland, William Shuttleworth [Robert Stephenson; John Diston Powles, Sir Joseph Fowler]
Publication details: 
The six letters from London, Liverpool, Ulverston, Durham, Darlington, Edinburgh; written between 1824 and 1859; the transcription undated, but after 1821.

Seven items, all in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Housed in an elegant and sturdy custom-built brown buckram folder, with thick boards, flaps and red leather label, with 'Letters on Railways' stamped in gilt on the spine. The first item is a transcription of a set of accounts by Edward Pease, and the other six items are letters, whose authors are: William Green, John Gregson, Jonathan Binns, Oswald Gilkes, Augustus Maitland, William Shuttleworth.

[Printed item.] The Revised School Law, Part II. Official Regulations and nearly two hundred Decisions of the Supreme Courts, relating to school matters [...].

J. George Hodgins, LL.D., Barrister-at-Law, Deputy Minister of Education for Ontario [nineteenth-century Canadian schools]
Publication details: 
Toronto: Copp, Clark & Co., 47 Front Street East. 1878.

Full title: 'The Revised School Law, Part II. Official Regulations and nearly two hundred Decisions of the Supreme Courts, relating to school matters affecting Township, County, City, Town and Incorporated Village Municipal Councils; School Section Boundaries; City, Town and Village Public School Boards; Arbitrations and Awards; Public School Inspectors; Boards of Examiners; Also, the Acts relating to Roman Catholic, Protestant and Coloured Separate Schools. With a copious analytical Index to Parts I. and II.' viii + 171pp. (paginated 111-281).

[Canada, Privy Council, printed pamphlet.] Supplementary Return to the House of Commons containing Factum of Case, Barrett vs. City of Winnipeg in connection with the Abolition of Separate Schools in the Province of Manitoba.

[Canada, Privy Council; John Kelly Barrettt; Archbishop of St Boniface; Rev. George Bryce; William Hespeler; Alexander Polson; John Sutherland; C. Taylor; J. Dubuc; J. Bain]
Publication details: 
Printed by Order of Parliament. Ottawa: Printed by Brown Chamberin, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. 1891.

55pp., 8vo. In blue printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn and torn wraps. With stamp, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Divided into nineteen sections, including affidavits of John Kelly Barrettt; Archbishop of St Boniface; Rev. George Bryce; William Hespeler; Alexander Polson; John Sutherland; and Judgments of Court in banc. by C. Taylor; J. Dubuc (Dissenting) and J. Bain.

[Printed item] The School Book Question: Letters in reply to the Brown-Campbell Crusade against the Educational Department for Upper Canada.

['The Brown-Campbell Crusade against the Educational Department for Upper Canada' (George Brown; James Campbell); Augustus Egerton Ryerson; John Lovell; Thomas Nelson; the Montreal Globe]
Publication details: 
Montreal: Printed by John Lovell, St. Nicholas Street. 1866.

Full title: '[Printed item.] The School Book Question: Letters in reply to the Brown-Campbell Crusade against the Educational Department for Upper Canada: with copious notes, further illustrating and confirming what is contained in letters, and refuting various other misstatements which have appeared in the "Globe" since their publication. | 1. First Letter of Rev. Dr. Ryerson. | 2. Letter of Mr. John Lovell. | 3. Second Letter of Rev. Dr. Ryerson. | 4. Third Letter of Rev. Dr. Ryerson. (Seven additional misstatements corrected.) | 5. Correspondence of Mr.

[John Churchill, London medical bookseller and publisher.] Itemised invoice, signed 'settled | J. Churchill', for books bought by Rutherford Alcock on behalf of W. Williamson; with Autograph Receipt Signed ('John Churchill').

John Churchill [John Spriggs Morss Churchill] (1801-1875), London medical bookseller and publisher [Sir John Rutherford Alcock (1809-1897), diplomat]
Publication details: 
Invoice: on his letterhead as 'Medical Bookseller and Publisher, Princes Street, Soho'. 24 April 1841. Receipt: London. 24 April 1841.

ONE: Invoice headed 'To Account delivered 1839.40'. 1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. Addressed to 'Rutherford Alcock Esqre. | (for W Williamson)' and listing four titles including 'Wilsons Anatomy' (12s 6d) and 'Alison's Physiology' (12s), totalling £10 15s 0d. Beneath the four entries the bookseller has writen 'Settled | J. Churchill | 24th. April 1841', and beneath this Williamson has added 'The above is quite correct | J Williamson | 9July 4th 1842'. TWO: Receipt on one side of 8 x 18.5 cm slip of paper, with embossed 6d stamp. Reads: 'London 24th April 1841.

[Charles E. Shepherd of J. Pearson & Co., Pall Mall booksellers.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Reed', regarding autograph letters by Sir Philip Sidney and 'his very famous sister', asbestos cases by the binders Riviere, and a 'Breeches' bible.

Charles E. Shepherd of J. Pearson & Co. [John Pearson], Rare Books and Autographs, 5 Pall Mall Place, London] [Reed; Riviere]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of J. Pearson & Co., Rare Books and Autographs, 5 Pall Mall Place, London. ('Telegraph & Cable Address, Parabola, London.') 20 May 1903.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In something of a hard sell he begins by stating that 'the "Sir Philip Sidney" letter, of which I showed you a facsimile the other day, [...] seems to me peculiarly suitable for your collection'. In support of the letter's 'exceptional rarity' he cites 'a letter of Thorpe's (the expert of autographs of his day) dated 1839 accompanying the autograph & giving its pedigree, in which he says "I never saw a letter of Sidney's for sale except the present"', adding that 'no other autograph of his has occurred since'.

['Gwen John' [Gladys Jones], dramatist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Gwen John') and three corrected copies of her published play 'The Prince'; Typed Letter Signed from Victor Gollancz to H. F. Rubinstein, copies of two letters by Rubinstein.

'Gwen John' [Gladys Jones], sister of the suffragette Winifred Jones [Harold Frederick Rubinstein (1891-1975), playwright; Victor Gollancz (1893-1967), publisher; Millicent Fawcett]
Publication details: 
Letters by 'Gwen John' both on letterheads of 2nd Floor South, 9 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, WC2; 11 January 1925 and 1 May 1927. Gollancz's letter on letterhead of Ernest Benn Limited; 24 July 1924. Play published by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1923.

Gladys Jones ('Gwen John') lived with her sister the suffragette Winifred Jones in Lincoln's Inn. Her play 'The Prince' - three corrected copies of which are in the present collection as Items Three to Five - was retitled 'Gloriana' [= Elizabeth I] when performed at the Adelphi Theatre in London in December 1925, with a youthful John Gielgud in the role of Sir John Harrington. Items One, Six and Seven below relate to the volume 'Plays of Innocence' by 'Gwen John', published in 1925 by Ernest Benn (by whom Victor Gollancz was then employed).

[Sir John William Kaye, military historian and civil servant.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. W. Kaye') to 'Mr. King'.

Sir John William Kaye (1814-1876), British soldier, military historian and civil servant
Publication details: 
On India Office letterhead. 3 July 1863.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He has heard that King is 'to preside at the dinner tomorrow' and so is writing to him 'what I wrote to Smith that I am very sorry I can not "support the Chair", as I had a previous inviitation - our friends gave me this time only a few day's notice'. In any case, he has 'such a miserable cold' and is 'so incapable' that he will be 'no loss to your party'. It is with difficulty that he has 'got through my numerous mail duties'.

[Sir John William Kaye, military historian and civil servant.] Autograph Note Signed ('J. W. Kaye') to an unnamed recipient, inviting him to 'have some talk'.

Sir John William Kaye (1814-1876), British soldier, military historian and civil servant
Publication details: 
On India Office letterhead. 22 March 1870.

1p., 12mo. In poor condition, aged and worn, with rust marks to margin and corners. 'My dear Sir | If you could conveniently look in upon me tomorrow (Wednesday) about 2 OC'K I should be glad to have some talk with you'.

[John Watkins, LLD, writer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Watkins'), offering to do his best regarding a review of 'Coleridge's Memoirs' [i.e. the 'Biographia Literaria'], but stating that he would 'as soon write the History of the Devil'.

John Watkins, LLD (fl.1786-1831), Devon-born writer [Samuel Taylor Coleridge; William Wordsworth]
Publication details: 
No place. 'Monday Evg' [1817?]

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on creased and aged paper, with one edge adhering to a mount from an album. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir | The Two Volumes of Coleridge's Memoirs were returned with the Life of Wordsworth. If they are send [sic] by to morrow any time - I will do my best - tho' to say the truth I would as soon write the History of the Devil. Inter nos. | Yrs truly | J Watkins | Monday Evg'. Docketted on reverse 'J. Watkins'. The letter may relate to a proposed review in the 'Monthly Review'. As his entry in the Oxford DNB states, surprisingly little is known about Watkins.

[Malcolm Elwin, biographer and critic.] Two Typed Letters Signed, the first to the bookseller J. G. Wilson, regarding a meeting before the publication of his 'Thackeray book', and the second to Wilson's firm, Messrs J. & E. Bumpus, London.

Malcolm Elwin (1903-1973), biographer and critic [J. G. Wilson [John Gideon Wilson] (1876-1963), bookseller, proprietor of Messrs J. & E. Bumpus, 350 Oxford Street, London]
Publication details: 
Both on his North Stoke, Oxford, letterhead. 11 and 13 September 1932.

Both 1p., 4to, and both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE (11 September): He is writing regarding Wilson's 'kind suggestion that I should call in and see you one day shortly before the publication of my THACKERAY book'. Having been told by 'Mr. Hartley' that Bumpus is on holiday, he will call on 14 September. TWO (13 September 1932): Presumably with his tongue in his cheek, he writes: 'Dear Sirs, | Thank you for your letter of yesterday, reference II,456JGW, and for saving me the risk of a fruitless visit. I will call to see Mr.

[John Cameron Macdonald, manager of The Times of London.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John C Macdonald') to Edward Draper, regarding an article in the Freeman's Journal.

John Cameron Macdonald [J. C. Macdonald] (1822-1889), manager of The Times, London
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Times, Printing House Square, EC [London]. 22 April 1887.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'E. Draper Esq'. He asks him to send 'the page of Freeman's [altered from 'Freemason's'] Journal mentioned in your Note to the Editor', and undertakes to return it safely, 'after inspection of the contents'.

[John Reade, 'the grand old man of Canadian letters'.] Autograph Letter Signed to Frederick M. Hopkins of New York, regarding his book of poems ['The Prophecy of Merlin and other Poems'].

John Reade (1837-1919), Irish-born Canadian journalist, essayist and poet, 'the grand old man of Canadian letters', literary editor of the Montreal Gazette
Publication details: 
270 Laval Avenue, Montreal [Canada]. 9 and 18 October 1897.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with a couple of short closed tears along creases. The body of the letter, written on 9 October 1897, reads: 'Dear Sir, | I have published only one small volume of verse which has long been out of print ['The Prophecy of Merlin and other Poems', published in 1870]. I will see if from some friend I can borrow a copy to send you. | I have written some occasional and other verse besides that of the little book, but for some years have done little expect writing for the press.' In a postscript of 18 October 1897, signed 'J.

[John St Loe Strachey, editor of the Spectator.] Autograph Note Signed ('J. St Loe Strachey') to the Irish nationalist poet and journalist Dora Mary Shorter.

John St Loe Strachery (1860-1927), editor of the Spectator [Dora Mary Shorter [née Sigerson] (1866-1918), poet and Irish nationalist, wife of the journalist Clement King Shorter (1857-1926)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Spectator, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, London, WC. 1 October 1902.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Strachey has written 'Mrs. Shorter' in the bottom left-hand corner, but the note is addressed to 'Dear Sir', and corrected by him to 'Madam'. It reads: 'I enclose with many thanks cheque [sic] for your contributions during the past month'.

[James Thompson, proprietor and editor of the 'Leicester Chronicle'.] Autograph Letter Signed to the printer and antiquary John Gough Nichols, regarding a Camden Society report, Sir Bernard Burke and a subscription edition by 'Mr Potter'.

James Thompson (1817-1877), county historian and editor and proprietor of the 'Leicester Chronicle' [John Gough Nichols (1806-1873), printer and antiquary and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine]
Publication details: 
Chronicle Office, Leicester. 20 May 1856.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He begins: 'You would see that we found room for an extract from the Camden Society report in last week's Chronicle'. He asks Nichol to 'find space for the enclosed letter in the Gentleman's Magazine'. He is 'acquainted with the pedigree in question', but does not think that 'Sir Bernard Burke's statements are in all cases to bee relied upon'. The letter continues: 'I do not know whether you are in Mr Potter's secrets.

[Printed pamphlet by the Marine Biological Association of the West of Scotland.] Handbook of the Marine Station, Keppel Pier, Millport. Compiled by the Honorary Secretary.

[John A. Todd, Honorary Secretary, Marine Biological Association of the West of Scotland, Glasgow; Keppel Pier, Millport]
Publication details: 
Glasgow: Printed for the Marine Biological Association of the West of Scotland. 1901. [Glasgow: Printed by N. Adshead & Son, Union Street.]

66pp., 8vo. In grey printed wraps. Internally very good, in worn and discoloured wraps. Bookplate of Henry Malo inside the front cover. On shiny art paper, and with eight pages of illustations, including five full-page photographs and five plans (two of the 'Station Buildings', two of the sailing yacht the 'Mermaid', and one of 'The Ark' carrying the laboratory). The last two pages (65-66) carry a list of 'Office-Bearers 1901' from which Todd's name has been extracted. Uncommon: no copy at the British Library, and only six copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London.] Printed programme of the 'Christmas Concert and Distribution of Prizes, On Thursday, December 19th, 1889.'

[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London, 1889; Rev. W. Hammersley, headmaster]
Publication details: 
[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London.] Printed by J. Martin & Son, Portman Printing Works, 18 Lisson Grove, NW. 1889.

18pp., 12mo. Unbound stapled pamphlet on grey paper. The cover carries the names of officers. The pamphlet also features lists of 'Prize Medallists' (boys, 1867-1889; girls, 1869-1889), 'Prize Children', and pupils commended for 'Attendance', together with the programme for the concert, including the words of numerous hymns and songs sung, with names of participants. No copy of this or of any other of the school's Christmas Programmes has been traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London.] 'Sunday School Award of Merit' medal, manuscript 'Prize Essay written for Mr. Blair's Prize', two printed Christmas Concert progammes, and printed label signed by Rev. W. Hammersley and Rev. E. B. Ottley

[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London, 1889 and 1890; Rev. W. Hammersley, headmaster; Rev. E. B. Ottley, Chairman of Committee]
Publication details: 
[Hampden Gurney Schools, Marylebone, London.] The Christmas Concert programmes both printed by J. Martin & Son, Portman Printing Works, 18 Lisson Grove, NW; 1889 and 1890. The prize essay dated December 1890. The other two items undated.

The five items, which would make for an attractive display on the theme of Victorian education, relate to the Hampden Gurney Schools, which were founded in 1863, in the newly-named Hampden Gurney Streeet, as a memorial to the recently-deceased Rev. John Hampden Gurney (1802-1862), Rector of St Mary’s, Bryanston Square. The school is now the Hampden Gurney Church of England Primary School, and is located in Nutford Place. ONE: Metal circular medal, 3.75 cm in diameter. In very good condition.

[Mrs Isabella Hankey, widow of West Indian merchant banker John Peter Hankey.] Signed manuscript 'Bond of Indemnity | Mrs. Hankey to Executors and Trustees of John Peter Hankey Esqr. deceased', referring to 'Sugar Plantations' and 'Negroes Slaves'.

Mrs Isabella Hankey, widow of John Peter Hankey (d.1807) of Grenada, West Indian merchant banker [Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co., London bankers; Sir William Alexander]
Publication details: 
[London, England.] 21 July 1814.

3pp., folio. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Signed 'Isabella Hankey' and witnessed by 'John fforster Carey Street'.

[Thomas Coutts & Co., London bankers.] Manuscript Letter from the firm (signed 'Thomas Coutts & Co.') to John Hankey of the London banking family, expressing 'much surprize' at his firm's treatment of a bill from Lord St John.

Thomas Coutts & Co., London bankers [John Hankey, member of the London banking family of Hankey & Co.; Lord St John]
Publication details: 
Strand [London]. 17 July 1790.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf 'To | John Hankey Esqr'. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper.

[Margaret Oliphant ('Mrs Oliphant'), Scottish author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. O. W. Oliphant') to 'Mrs. Laing', gently urging her to visit 'at a time of grief'.

Margaret Oliphant [Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant; 'Mrs Oliphant'] (1828-1897), Scottish novelist and biographer
Publication details: 
'7 Ulster Place [London] | Saturday' [no year].

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Written with the essence of Victorian tact. 'We shall be extremely glad if you can give us the evening of the 7th. instead of the 5th. and I trust you will permit us to consider you engaged to us for that night - 8 oClock - | I am grieved to think that my note should have reached you at a time of grief. Thank you for kindly consenting to come.'

[Jack Buchanan, Scottish actor and theatre manager.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jack Buchanan'), thanking an unnamed recipient for his 'expression of appreciation', and noting the 'wonderful reception' of his musical 'Sunny' in Manchester.

Jack Buchanan [Walter John Buchanan] (1891-1957), Scottish stage and screen actor and theatre manager
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Midland Hotel, Manchester. 27 September 1926.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He thanks him for his 'letter and expression of appreciation - judging by the wonderful reception of "Sunny" in Manchester I am hopeful of its success in London.' He is enclosing 'the two photos asked for' (not present).

[John Boynton Priestley.] Typed Letter Signed ('J. B. Priestley') to Eric Crozier of the Performing Right Society Ltd, declining to write a piece on Alan Herbert [Sir Alan Patrick Herbert].

J. B. Priestley [John Boynton Priestley] (1894-1984), author [Eric Crozier (1914-1994), writer, librettist and producer; Sir Alan Patrick Herbert (1890-1971), politician and theatre producer]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Kissing Tree House, Alveston, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire. 15 November 1965.

1p., 8vo. Priestley's agents have forwarded an invitation from Crozier 'to write a piece on Alan Herbert for a special issue you are planning'. Although Priestley has 'a high regard' for Herbert, he is 'particularly anxious just now not to accept commissions of this kind, and so must reluctantly refuse'.

[Alexander Davidson, Messenger at Arms.] Signed 'Copy for Mr. Falconer' of a summons on behalf of Archibald Colquhoun and George Buchan to six 'Procurators in the Sheriff and Baillie Courts of Glasgow, regarding the payment of stamp duties.

Alexander Davidson, Messenger at Arms [Archibald Colquhoun; George Buchan; John Douglas; William Duncan; John Ewing; James Elder; Thomas Falconer; John Fleming; Stamp Duties, Glasgow; Scotland]
Publication details: 
Glasgow, Scotland: Copy of 28 May 1810 from an original 'dated & signeted [sic] 18. May 1810.'

4pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. The document consists of a long printed text, with blank sections completed in manuscript. It is docketted 'M.5 | Copy for Mr. Falconer | to appear 19/26 June 1810.' In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Signed 'Alex Davidson' and dated 28 May 1810, before the witnesses 'John Anderson and John Robertson both Indwellers in Glasgow'. The document begins: 'GEORGE, &c.

[Leeds Circulating Library.] Printed Leeds Circulating Library label, stating time allowed and forfeit. [With ownership signature of John Smalpage, draper.]

[Leeds Circulating Library, Leeds, Yorkshire; John Smalpage, draper]
Publication details: 
[Leeds Circulating Library, Leeds, Yorkshire.] The label is dated in manuscript 16 September 1808.

The label is printed on one side of a crudely-cut 6 x 8 cm piece of laid paper. In fair condition, aged. The item reads (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'LEEDS | Circulating Library. | Entered [16 Sept] 180[8] | Allowed for reading the first Year, Weeks [2] Days [-] | - After the first year, Weeks [2] | Forfeiture per Day for keeping it beyond the Time, d. [2]'. At the head in manuscript is the number '1006', crossed out, and '671'.

[Catalogue by Messrs. Birrell & Garnett, Ltd. (J. E. Norton, Graham Pollard).] Early Newspapers.

Messrs. Birrell & Garnett, Ltd. (J. E. Norton, Graham Pollard)
Publication details: 
Catalogue 31. 1931. Offered for Sale by Messrs. Birell & Garnett, Ltd. (J. E. Norton, Graham Pollard). No. 30 Gerrard Street London W.1.

24pp., 8vo. Stapled and unbound. On aged and worn paper, with rusting staples. Two indexes in small print on title-page: 'Titles' and 'Places of printing other than London'. 101 items, ranging from the 1645 Mercurius Academicus to the Fleuron, 1923-1930, the last entry ending 'We take this opportunity of expressing our appreciation of the generous review of our TYPE SPECIMEN CATALOGUE [copies of which are still available at 3/6] which occurs on pp. 211-2 of vol. VII.' Those interested in the forger Thomas J.

[Joseph Paul Christopher Hatton, novelist and journalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph Hatton') to the autograph hunter J. T. Baron, discussing two of his works and enclosing a printed publicity flier for Hatton's publications.

Joseph Hatton [Joseph Paul Christopher Hatton] (1837-1907), novelist and journalist, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine and Sunday Times [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
Letter: on letterhead of the Garrick Club, London. 7 December 1881. Flier: London: Frederick Warne & Co. [1878.]

Letter: 1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by suggesting that Baron write to 'Mr Payn' (the novelist and editor James Payn) via the Reform Club, Pall Mall. (Baron's method involved asking one celebrity how to contact another.) He next discusses two of his works: '"The Memorial Windows" appeared in the Gentleman's & was published in Pippins & Cheese (Bradbury & Evans) - "The Valley" you will see in enclosed list'. He concludes by thanking Baron for his 'complimentary note'. With envelope addressed to 'J. T.

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