['Black Americana.'] Complete set of four late-Victorian British chromolithographic plates, with stereotyped racist depictions of 'Sambo's Courtship', 'Sambo's Wedding', 'Sambo's First-Born' and 'Sambo's Baby's Christening'.

['Black Americana'; nineteenth-century racism; Victorian racist illustration]
Publication details: 
English (each print 'Copyright Entered at Stationers Hall'). Circa 1888.

The four plates (each 29 x 23.5 cm) are loose and unframed, in fair condition, aged and worn, with no margins, chipping to the edges, and with the corners cut off at a diagonal. Each title written in pencil in a contemporary hand on the reverse of the print, each with a price of '6d'. The subjects are not depicted in unattractive style, and are certainly not grotesques, but they are shown as 'simple', untroubled individuals, with the usual happy, gleaming brown faces and shiny white teeth.

[Printed item] The Negro Common School. Report of a Social Study Made under the Direction of Atlanta University; together with the Proceedings of the Sixth Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, Held at Atlanta University, on May 28th, 1901.

W. E. Burghardt DuBois, Ph.D., Corresponding Secretary of the Conference, ed. [Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems; Atlanta University, Georgia]
Publication details: 
Atlanta University Publications No. 6. University Press. Atlanta, Georgia. 1901.

[4] + ii + 120pp., 8vo. In green printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn wraps. With stamps and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. A scholarly work, the 35 sections subdivided into 'Historical', 'Growth by States', 'Present Conditions' and 'Conclusions', and with tables throughout. Scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at the London Library and Cambridge.

[Printed item] The Negro Common School. Report of a Social Study Made under the Direction of Atlanta University; together with the Proceedings of the Sixth Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, Held at Atlanta University, on May 28th, 1901.

W. E. Burghardt DuBois, Ph.D., Corresponding Secretary of the Conference, ed. [Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems; Atlanta University, Georgia]
Publication details: 
Atlanta University Publications No. 6. University Press. Atlanta, Georgia. 1901.

[4] + ii + 120pp., 8vo. In green printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn wraps. With stamps and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. A scholarly work, the 35 sections subdivided into 'Historical', 'Growth by States', 'Present Conditions' and 'Conclusions', and with tables throughout. Scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at the London Library and Cambridge.

[Printed item.] Some Efforts of American Negroes for their own Social Betterment. Report of an investigation under the direction of Atlanta University; together with the proceedings of the Third Conference for the study of the Negro Problems.

W. E. Burghardt Du Bois, Ph.D., Corresponding Secretary of the Conference [Conference for the study of the Negro Problems; Atlanta University, Georgia; Milline L. Perry; Prof. J. M. Colson]
Publication details: 
Held at Atlanta University, May 25-26, 1898. Atlanta, Ga. [Georgia] Atlanta University Press. 1898.

[2] + 66pp., 8vo. Stapled. With loose front and back covers of green printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, with rusted staples and the two loose covers heavily chipped and worn. With labels, shelfmark and stamps of the Board of Education Reference Library. The first part is titled 'Results of the Investigation', and is in eight parts, including 'The Church', 'The Secret Society', 'Benficial and Insurance Societies' and 'Cooperative Business'. The second part includes 'Papers Submitted to the Conference' by H. H. Proctor, Dr H. R.

[Printed item.] The Negro Artisan. Report of a Social Study made under the direction of Atlanta University; together with the Proceedings of the Seventh Conference for the study of the Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University, on May 27th, 1902.

W. E. Burghardt Du Bois, Corresponding Secretary of the Conference [Seventh Atlanta Conference, Atlanta University, Georgia; Dr J. G. Merrill, Fisk University; Henry N. Lee, LeMoyne Institute]
Negro Artisan
Publication details: 
Atlanta University Publications, No. 7. Atlanta University Press, Atlanta, Ga. [Georgia] 1902.
Negro Artisan

viii + 192pp., 8vo. In brown printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn wraps. Stamps and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. A scholarly work, with contributions by Dr J. G. Merrill, President of Fisk University, Henry N. Lee, of LeMoyne Institute, E. H. Holmes, of the Prairie View Normal School, Alexander Hamilton, Jr, of the firm of Hamilton & Son, Building Contractors, and W. T. B. Williams. Indexed and with three-page 'Bibliography of the Negro Artisan and the Industrial Training of Negroes' Uncommon: six copies on COPAC.

[Large Handbill] Epitaph on the Black Prince

[J.G. Nichols; John Gough Nichols, antiquary and printer]]
Publication details: 
"From the Kentish Observer", no date, but the author died in 1873

Handbill, 21 x 34.5cm, fold marks, tiny closed tear, mainly good condition. Nichols had visited Canterbury for a meeting of the Archaeological Association and made an accurate copy of the Epitaph (correcting "errors in all the printed copies"), with further antiquarian chit-chat.

[George Robins, auctioneer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo Robins') to the editor of the Morning Chronicle James Black, pushing for an article to be inserted in the paper, to tie in with his sale of the contents of Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill.

George Robins [George Henry Robins] (1777-1847), celebrated London auctioneer [James Black (1783-1855), editor of the Morning Chronicle [Horace Walpole; Strawberry Hill]
Publication details: 
'Covent Garden [London] | Friday [1842]'.

2pp., 12mo, bifolium. Very good, on lightly aged paper. The letter reads: 'Strawberry Hill is to the classic world much more important than the turmoil of everlasting Politics. It will be a little refreshing as a contrast to your readers to hear of Horace Walpole - the Inclosed is from Gallignani's Journal[.] in Paris they give a better attention to the Arts as well as the nuisance of everlasting Politics'. Postscript reads: 'Would you like to have a card to see'.

Albumen print of photograph, slightly smaller than a carte de visite, showing two seated Africans: a younger man in and western evening dress, and an older woman in a bonnet.

[Albumen print of photograph of an African man and woman in western dress, dated 1853; Victorian photography; carte de visite; North Africa]
Publication details: 
Dated in manuscript on the reverse '1853'.

An albumen print, mounted on a piece of plain white card. Dimensions of print: 94 x 57 mm. Dimensions of card: 104 x 64 mm. Aged and faded. The card is entirely blank, apart from the date '1853' written at the head of the reverse. Clearly an early portrait of black people: if the date on the reverse is correct it pre-dates by a year the patenting of the carte to visite by Disdéri. The couple are seated side by side, gazing slightly to the right of the camera.

Duplicated typewritten report titled 'The Magdalen Street Project', describing an influential experiment in 'civic design', carried out by the Civic Trust in conjunction with Norwich City Council.

[Magdalen Street Project; Norwich City Council; Norfolk; The Civic Trust, London; Sir Misha Black (1910-1977), Russian-born British architect, founder of the Artists' International Association]
Publication details: 
The Civic Trust, 79 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1. [1959]

[1] + 7pp., foolscap 8vo. On eight leaves, stapled together in one corner. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight rust marking to title leaf. The title leaf reads: 'THE MAGDALEN STREET | PROJECT | Further information obtainable from: | THE CIVIC TRUST | 79 BUCKINGHAM PALACE ROAD | LONDON S.W.1. | TATe Gallery 0891'. The background to the experiment is explained in the first two paragraphs: 'This is the story of an experiment in civic design. It is also a story of civic co-operation in which self-help was seen to be synonymous with public spirit.

[Handbill; verse] Colored Cavalier

[H. de Marsan, publisher & bookseller; E.A. Sparks, illustrator]
Colored Cavalier
Publication details: 
H. de Marsan, Songs, Ballads, toy books. 60 Chatham St, NY. "Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by H. DE MARSAN [...] Clerk's Office [...] for the Southern Dustrict of New York".
Colored Cavalier

Handbill, one page, crudely coloured border with images of a black troubadour with banjo[?] , a native American, and a trapper [?], 26 x 17cm, three stanzas each eight lines plus chorus, edges chipped, laid down on a larger page. Commences, "Oh! listen a while., a story I will tell; | It will please you to death, I know berry well [...]" Decorative border signed "E A Sparks" ("Printed within colored pictorial border (De Marsan trapper border J, in Wolf, E. Amer. song sheets)." One copy of this imprint listed by WorldCat, two of another imprint (later).

[Printed Georgian pamphlet of song lyrics, not in ESTC.] The Gentleman's Concert. Being A Choice Collection of Favourite Songs. Containing, [twenty numbered song titles, including '15. I am a poor black, it is true.'

[Georgian song book; Cluer Dicey & Co., London publishers; 'George Seghious'; 'The Black's Lamentation'; slavery]
Publication details: 
Publication details and date not give. [London: Cluer Dicey & Co. 1770s?]

The full drophead title, beneath a headpiece of three lions in folliage, reads: The Gentleman's CONCERT. | BEING | A Choice Collection of Favourite SONGS. | Containing, | [following 10 lines in left-hand of two columns] 1. Where's my swain so blyth and clever | 2. To an arbour of woodbines. | 3. The flame of love sincere I felt. | 4. When all the Attic fire was fled. | 5. Cupid, god of pleasing anguish. | 6. As I walk'd forth, &c. | 7. O give me leave to love you dearly. | 8. When Fanny I saw as she trip'd, [sic] &c | 9. Bumpers 'Squire Jones. | 10. Sweet Annie.

[Printed handbill.] A County Court Judge on the Lawlessness of the Forces of the Crown in Ireland. County Court Judge Bodkin, K.C., at the conclusion of the Ennis (County Clare) Quarter Sessions on February 5, 1921, made a grave statement [...]

[M. McDonnell Bodkin, County Court Judge for County Clare; Sir Hamar Greenwood, Chief Secretary for Ireland; the Peace With Ireland Council; the Black and Tans]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Manchester Guardian of February 7, 1921.' Published by the Peace with Ireland Council, 30 Queen Anne's Chambers, London, S.W.1. Printed by the Caledonian Press Ltd. (T. U.), 74 Swinton Street, London, W.C.1.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Fair, on aged high-acidity paper. Drophead title, with the second part reading in its entirety: 'County Court Judge Bodkin, K.C., at the conclusion of the Ennis (County Clare) Quarter Sessions on February 5, 1921, made a grave statement as to the violence committed by the forces of the Crown in Ireland, in the following words: -'. The article reprints a report by Bodkin to the Rt Hon.

[Mimeographed] "What is Project CN" [Communications Network Inc.; Race in America, 1968]

[Isaac Igarashi, Pat Walsh, Robert Maurer, et al; Race in America 1968]
Communications Network Inc.; Race in America, 1968
Publication details: 
[New York, 1968]
Communications Network Inc.; Race in America, 1968

10 mimeographed pages, 4to (A4), small rust marks where staple used to be, (pages now detached), mainly good condition, discussing a newly founded organisation, with some church involvement, to stimulate Black participation in American society. Headings include: I. The Dark Backdrop; II. The Options; III. Project CN - Unique Approach (developing over thelast seventeen months!, including list of crisis points - Martin Luther's King's assassination, Tuskagee, support of workers groups, "Eastman Kodak encounter with FIGHT", etc); IV.

Letter [a printed memoir with no formal title concerning conditions in Scotland in the early eighteenth-century].

[John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns]
John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns
Publication details: 
Letter dated Munches, Feb. 8th, 1811.
John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns

Four pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, not bound, minor blemishes inc. foxing, pencil lines forming large cross on pages 2-3. Full heading: The following LETTER was written by JOHN MAXWELL of Munches and Terraughty, when, in his 92nd year, at the request of Mr HERRIES of Spettes, for he information of Mr CURWEN, a Cumberland gentleman, who was making a Agricultural Tour through Galloway in the year 1811. As a factor, landed proprietor, and public character generally, Mr MAXWELL, who died in the year 1814, enjoyed peculiar opportunities for observation.

[Pamphlet] The History of a Poor Black Widow; shewing How she grieved for the death of her Child, and the consequences of her doing so.

[Legh Richmond]
The History of a Poor Black Widow;
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Augustus Applegath and Edward Cowper, Duke-street, Stamford-street; Sold by F. Collins, 56, Paternoster-row; and Evans and Sons, 42, Long-lane, Smithfield [London], no date [c.1830??]
The History of a Poor Black Widow;


Autograph Letter Signed ('Eric A. Walker') to Bower.

Eric A. Walker [Eric Anderson Walker] (1886-1976), first holder of the King George V Chair in History at the University of Cape Town, South Africa [Sir Graham John Bower]
Publication details: 
30 June 1927; on University of Cape Town letterhead.

4to, 2 pp. Thirty-nine lines of text. Clear and complete. Neatly and closely written. Begins by discussing two books recommended by Bower: Otto Hammann's 'World Policy of Germany' and a work by Sir Francis Younghusband. Hammann's book 'confirms what Sir Sidney Lee writes about the Kaiser's telegram'; he is pleased that Younghusband's, which he has not yet read, contradicts the story that 'Lord Ripon was prepared for such drastic measures'. He has been 'correcting the proofs of the 600-page history of South Africa which I undertook to write for Longmans Green five or six years ago'.

Le Bon Anglais Text de Roger Boutet de Monvel. Images de Guy Arnoux.

Roger Boutet de Monvel; Guy Arnoux (1886-1951), French illustrator
Publication details: 
Chez Devambez 43 boulevard Malesherbes à Paris.

Landscape 12mo (leaf dimensions 12 x 16 cm): 27 pp. Stitched with no jacket as issued. Covers a little grubby, but a good copy of a scarce item. Title page and twelve delightful full-page pochoir illustrations by Arnoux, all hand-coloured: 'En temps de Paix', 'Premier contact', 'Le sous-lieutenant', 'Les Indiens', 'Black-Watch', 'Le capitaine et l'infirmiere', 'Les Irlandais', 'Le Major', 'La Mascotte', 'Ship ahoy!!', 'Le bon Ecossais' and 'God save the King'.

Printed Edinburgh Assize paper, a summons to be served to those accused of 'Mobbing and Rioting', 'Obstructing a Presbytery' and 'Assualt', in which Neave sets out the case against them. With 'List of Witnesses' and 'List of Assize. Edinburgh'.

Charles Neaves, A.D. [The Black Isle Riot, 1843; Royal Burgh of Cromarty, Scotland; Scottish law; Edinburgh assizes]
Publication details: 
[Edinburgh: 1843.]

Ten quarto pages (paginated 1 to 10) on three loose bifoliums. Stabbed as issued. Text clear and complete. On aged paper with chipping and short closed tears to edges.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W Knollys | Lt Genl') to J. Maitland, on the presentation of an address to the Prince of Wales by the Church of Scotland.

General Rt. Hon. Sir William Thomas Knollys (1797-1883), Treasurer and Comptroller of the Household of the Prince of Wales, 1862-1877 [General Assembly of the Church of Scotland; J. Maitland]
Publication details: 
25 March 1863; Buckingham Palace.

4to, 2 pp. Good, on lightly-aged laid paper, with small area torn away from top corner (not affecting text). Docketed at head in an Edwardian hand: 'From Lieutt Genl. Sir William Knollys to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland on the occasion of the Prince of Wales' marriage | Private Secretary to the Prince of Wales [Edward VII]'.

Autograph Letter Signed to his publisher and friend Alexander Macmillan.

William Black (1841-1898), Scottish journalist and novelist [Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896), publisher; Colin Hunter (1841-1904), Scottish painter]
Publication details: 
1 February [no year]; on letterhead of Paston House, Paston Place, Brighton.

12mo, 1 p. Six lines of text. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Inviting Macmillan to join him and 'some of the lads' in a dinner at the Reform Club, 'on the occasion of Colin Hunter's being made an Associate'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Lockyer.

William Black (1841-1898), Scottish journalist and novelist [Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer (1836-1920), Alexander Macmillan (1818-1896); astronomer; Altnaharra Hotel; angling; fishing]
Publication details: 
29 March [no year]; Altnaharra, Lairg, N.B. [Scotland]

16mo bifolium (leaf dimensions 11 x 9 cm): 2 pp. 17 lines of text. Very good on lightly aged paper. Wonders whether Lockyer would like to spend his Easter holidays at Altnaharra, for a fortnight from 14 April. (The Altnaharra Hotel was used by anglers visiting the nearby lochs.) 'It is an expensive journey; but the sport is good - at least it has been good this last fortnight, but now we are sadly in want of rain. The weather is like June, only more so.' Forty salmon have been killed 'in these two weeks, averaging 11 lbs each'. Black's publisher was Alexander Macmillan.

Seven original aerial propaganda leaflets dropped by Bomber Command (six over Germany; one over France), 1939-1945; with copies of a further two (in German). All nine items with accompanying contemporary typewritten translations by W. A. Green.

British propaganda leaflets dropped on Germany and France by Bomber Command, 1939-1945 [World War Two; Psywar; Political Warfare Executive]
Publication details: 
1939 to 1945.

Seven scarce examples of English Second World War propaganda, six aimed at Germany and the last at France. Ephemeral and scarce. The seven are clear and complete, on lightly-aged paper with occasional minor rust spotting. Each consists of two pages printed on a leaf 21 x 13.5 cm, except for Five, the dimensions of which are 21 x 13 cm. Five (red and black) is the only item not printed simply in black and white. All seven in German, except Seven, which is in French. All translations in typescript and on A4 leaves.

One Typed Letter Signed, one Autograph Letter Signed, one Autograph Postcard initialled, all to Harry Paynter (one also to Paynter's wife), and a typescript annotated in Young's hand.

Francis Brett Young, novelist.
Publication details: 
107 East 70th Street, 21 Nov. 1928, Esthwaite Lodge, Hawkshead, Nr. Ambleside, 31 March 1930, and (Postcard) Mamounia Hotel, Marrakesh, [1935?].

Both letters, two pages, 8vo, stained and marked, but texts clear and complete. The Postcard is grubby (view of Marrakesh on front).

A Plain Tale.

[Eimar Ultan O'Duffy (1893-1935), Irish satirical writer]
Publication details: 
Undated; place and printer not stated.

One page, in two 62-line columns. Octavo leaf with blank reverse. Good, on lightly aged paper with slight nicking and creasing to edges. Satirical account of 'simple soul' Michael James's dealings with his hypocritical neighbour Susan Elizabeth, who hands him a white feather when he refuses to enlist in the British Army during the Great War. On 'the Day' of the Easter Rising James fights and is wounded and 'thrown into the interment camp at Frongoch'. Susan Elizabeth then becomes 'a great Sinn Feiner.

Autograph Letter in the third person to Messrs A. & C. Black, 4 Soho Square, London [publishers of 'Who's Who'].

Freiherr Adolph von Deichmann (1831-1907) [Baron Deichmann], German banker and anglophile 'four-in-hand' coaching enthusiast
Publication details: 
8 October 1900; on letterhead of Schloss Bendeleben [Germany].

8vo: 2 pp. Good, on lightly-aged laid paper with slight chipping and glue stain at head (not affecting text). A formal letter written in English in the third person. He asks them to send 'another form [for him to write his entry in 'Who's Who'] to be filled up [...] The first one sent was mislaid on leaving London'. Deichman was the subject of a 'Spy' cartoon ('Vanity Fair', 14 May 1903: 'He wears curious hats'), in which he is shown driving a coach.

Typed Letter Signed ('Dorothy Black') to [Kathleen Cruise O'Brien] O'Duffy, the wife of the Irish writer Eimar O'Duffy.

Dorothy Black (Delius) (1899-1985), English romantic novelist, travel and short-story writer [Ladies' Home Journal; Eimar O'Duffy]
Publication details: 
26 June 1925; La Chaumiere, Shillong, Assam.

4to: 3 pp. Text clear and entire on creased, chipped airmail paper. A chatty, vivacious and entertaining letter, casting light on the state of mind of an English colonial wife. Thanks her for her 'kind remarks about my stories.

Printed Memorandum of Agreement with Anthony Blond Ltd, signed 'Ellen Wright', for the English publication rights of her husband's 'Lawd Today'; with a typed agreement between Blond and Hamilton & Co. for the English paperback rights.

Ellen Wright (nee Poplar) (1912-2004), second wife and widow of the American author Richard Wright (1908-60)
Publication details: 
Memorandum, London, 29 June 1964; paperback rights, London, 15 May 1964.

The Memorandum is a four-page folio (leaf size roughly fourteen inches by nine and a half) bifolium. In very good condition, lightly creased and folded. It details Mrs Wright's royalties (as 'proprietor'), advance and percentages. The paperback rights agreement consists of four typewritten pages, on four leaves, each roughly thirteen inches by eight, stapled together at the head beneath green tape. Very good, though lightly creased and with some fraying to tape. It is signed by the Hamilton & Co. chairman Joseph and witnessed by his secretary E. M. Holloway.

Autograph Prayer Signed, 'For Stephen Snell from Rumer Godden'.

Rumer Godden, English novelist (1907-98)
Publication details: 
Without date or place [but card dated 1992].

In very good condition, on a greetings card containing a reproduction of an illustration of a black cat by Barry Moser, from Godden's translation of Carmen Bernos de Gasztold's 'Prayers from the Ark'. The prayer, in Godden's hand (and probably one of her translations from the book) reads 'Lord, I am the Cat. It is not exactly that I hahve something to ask of you! No - I ask nothing of anyone - but, if you have by some chance, in some celestial barn. a little white mouse, or a saucer of milk. I know someone who would relish them.

A homemade bibliography mainly of books of Scottish interest

H.D. MacWilliam.
Publication details: 

MacWilliam was the author of several books concerning the Black Watch, and a book-collector. On the front cover the label "H.D. MACWILL[IAM]" is laid down. 230pp., 4to, notebook, soft-covered, front detached, poor condition. In time-honoured fashion, the collector has extracted printed descriptions of books (and some manuscripts and letters) from their catalogues and laid them down (occasional manuscript descriptions), at times (but by no means consistently) naming the bookseller who originally catalogued them.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

William Black
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Scottish novelist (1841-98). Paper dimensions roughly four inches by one and a half. Very good. From autograph album. Mounted on larger piece of cream paper. Reads 'Yours veryy faithfully | William Black.'

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