Autograph Letter Signed ('Clarendon') to Edmund Hodgson.

George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-1870) [Edmund Hodgson, bookseller and auctioneer, 192 Fleet Street; The Booksellers' Provident Institution, Abbots Langley]
Publication details: 
12 June 1867, on letterhead of The Grove, Watford.

12mo, 1 p, 11 lines. Good, with thin strip of discoloration along the outer edge. He is grateful to Hodgson 'for thinking of me'. Nothing would give Clarendon greater pleasure 'than to meet the Members of the Booksellers Provid[en]t Institution at Abbot's Langley', but unfortunately he has to go to London that Friday morning 'in order to keep some engagements that I have made on Saturday'.

Autograph Note Signed ('F. Cavendish') to unnamed female correspondent.

Lord Frederick Charles Cavendish (1836-82), murdered by the Irish National Invincibles in Phoenix Park, Dublin
Publication details: 
16 August 187<?>; on embossed letterhead 'Holker Hall, Carke-in-Cartmel, Carnforth.'

One page, 12mo. Good, with blank second leaf of bifolium mounted on larger piece of card, which is docketed with biographical information. Right-hand side of leaf very slightly cropped, resulting in loss of last digit of year. Bold, clear signature. Reads 'Madam. | According to your request I beg to sign myself | Your obedt Servt | F. Cavendish'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Leslie Rundle') to 'My dear General'.

Leslie Rundle [Sir Henry Macleod Leslie Rundle] (1856-1934), British army officer
Publication details: 
31 July 1904; on letterhead of Government House, York.

12mo, 3 pp. Good on lightly-aged paper. He has 'written to the necessary authorities' about his correspondent's son. 'Of course it will largely depend on which Slade [Lt-Gen. Frederick George Slade (b.1851), C.B.] says about him, as I do not know your son personally - though his record reads an exceptionally good one.' He is sorry to hear about his correspondent's brother's death: 'he was always very kind' to Rundle.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Rennell Rodd | priv: sec:') to unnamed male correspondent.

James Rennell Rodd (1858-1941), 1st Baron Rennell, English diplomat and classical scholar
Publication details: 
13 September 1888; on official letterhead from the British Embassy, Berlin.

12mo, 2 pp, 10 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper, with scrap of brown paper mount adhering in top right-hand corner on the reverse (not affecting text). Concerns a volume which 'has been duly forwarded to Count Seckendorff, Comptroller of the Household of Her Majesty the Emperess Frederick'. The Ambassador Sir Edward Malet has asked Rodd to express to the correspondent 'his personal thanks for the second copy you were good enough to forward to him'.

2 Autograph Letters Signed by Close (both 'C. F. Close') to Dawkins; and one Typed Letter Signed ('H. R. Douglas') from Douglas to Close.

Sir Charles Close [Sir Charles Frederick Arden-Close] (1865-1952), surveyor and geographer; Vice-Admiral Sir Henry Percy Douglas (1876-1939) [Sir Wiliam Boyd Dawkins (1837-1929), geologist]
Publication details: 
Close's letters: 17 and 24 April 1926, both on letterhead of Coytbury, St. Giles's Hill, Winchester; Douglas's letter: 23 April 1926, on letterhead of the Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, Whitehall, London, S.W.1.

All three letters good, on lightly aged paper. Close's first letter (12mo, 2 pp): He is pleased to hear 'that Professor O. T. Jones is convalescent and back at work'. Close will write to him to ask if he will take part in the 'Commission' on the 'Terrasses littorales'. Having none 'handy', he is writing to the Admiralty Hydrographer for a 'list of Admiralty Charts'. The Closes have 'settled to take a house in Jersey for the children's holidays', so there is 'little chance of our being at Oxford for the British Association meeting'.

Catalogue of an Interesting Collection of Autograph Letters, selected from the Portfolios of Several Distinguished Amateurs [...] Family of George the Third [...] Some curious Shaksperian Papers [...] Oxford, Cambridge, Eton, and Winchester Scholars.

Puttick and Simpson, London auctioneers [autographs; sale catalogues; Shakespeare; George Washington]
Publication details: 
Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, Auctioneers of Literary Property and Works of Art, At their House, No. 47, Leicester Square, W.C.; 23 March 1864.

Octavo: ii + 51 + [1] pp. Stitched and unbound. Grubby, and with loss to final leaf, affecting a couple of lots and an advertisement, from removal of label. 521 lots. Postmarked penny red postage stamp. Letters of Burns, Byron, Coleridge, Frederick the Great, Haydn, Rousseau, Voltaire. The high point of the sale undoubtedly three letters from George Washington to Sir Edward Newenham.

Autograph Note Signed ('Herbert Trench', twice) to unnamed female correspondent.

Frederic Herbert Trench (1865-1923), Irish poet
Publication details: 
Undated; on letterhead of the United University Club, Pall Mall East, S.W. [London].

Octavo, one page. Good, with stains from paperclip at head. Large bold signature on top half of leaf, and body of note, with signature on bottom half. 'I have pleasure in sending my signature. Yes I am the author of "Deirdre Wedded" & "New Poems" (including Apollo & the Seaman) which Methuen published.'

Legal manuscript, signed by the three parties, entitled 'Messrs. Alfred Riehl and W. F. Mohr to W. E. Page Esqre. Agreement for Sale of a Share of certain Royalties arising from Patent applied for and now known as the Boran Lamp'.

Alfred Riehl; William Frederick Mohr, Electric Lamp Merchants; William Edwin Page [the Boran Lamp; Edwardian inventions, patents]
Publication details: 

On three pages of a foolscap bifolium, supplied by J. Warner & Co., Law Stationer of New Oxford Street, ruled and with red borders. Good, on lightly stained paper. On 25 July 1912 Mohr and Friedrich Hansen 'made an application for a Patent for an improvement in the process of the manufacture of a filament for an electric incandescent lamp (at present known as the "Boran Lamp") accompanied by a complete specification at the Patent Office', but the application has not yet been accepted.

Autograph Signature ('H Legge') on fragment of document.

Hon. Henry Bilson-Legge (1708-1764), Treasurer of the Navy, 1749-1754
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Dimensions of paper roughly 4 x 6.5 cm. Good, although with slight wear at left and small part of loop at beginning of signature crossing over a printed vertical line. Docketed in pencil 'Lord Treasurer'.

Thirteen Typed Letters Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, with one Autograph Note Signed to Menzies, and a printed prospectus for Adams-Acton's 'Domestic Architecture and Old Furniture'.

Murray Adams-Acton (1886-1971), English historian of art and architecture
Publication details: 
5 October 1927 to 14 August 1933; most on letterhead of Acton Surgey Ltd., 'London, Paris & Crews Hill'.

Sizes range from quarto (nine items) to 12mo (two items). Very good. Subjects include a request for 'a photograph of the winning design for the petrol filling station', the award of a Hyde Travelling Scholarship ('Mr. Mitchell appears to have so greatly distinguished himself'), 'Mr. Bossom's suggestions for the wording and particulars for the Proscenium opening for Cinema', the drafting of a reply to Morley Horder's comments ('he errs when he declares the screen is not of the period as I think only a small section of it was added by Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F W Farrar') to [Herbert Armitage] James[, Headmaster of Rossall School].

Frederic William Farrar (1831-1903), Dean of Canterbury and Master of Marlborough College, 1871-6 [Herbert Armitage James; Rossall School; Rugby School]
Publication details: 
21 September 1875; on letterhead of The Lodge, Marlborough College.

Four pages, 12mo. Very good, on lightly aged paper, with minor traces of two mounts adhering to verso of second leaf of bifolium. Praises 'the excellent Sermon'. 'You will doubtless have a difficult work at Rossall, but every term will render it less difficult' [...] One can't ask for a greater blessing than difficult work when it is also - as yours is & will be - entirely hopeful & immensely useful.

A Catalogue of Letters, Manuscript Papers and Books of Frederick Rolfe (Baron Corvo).

Frederick William Serafino Austin Lewis Mary Rolfe [Baron Corvo] [George Frederick Sims]
Publication details: 
Harrow: George Frederick Sims. [Printed by Purbrook & Eyres Ltd. 20 St. James' Walk, London, E.C.1]

Eighteen pages, octavo, with four plates on art paper. In original grey printed wraps. Some light staining, creasing and wear. One of 600 copies. Lists seventy-seven items, with addenda of a further eleven. This milestone catalogue was published, according to Sims (A Life in Catalogues, 1994), in May 1949. At foot of title-page: 'N.B. This collection, with the exception of the Addenda of Books, has been sold.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Rhys Roberts') to Sir Frederick George Kenyon (1863-1952), Director of the British Museum.

William Rhys Roberts (1858-1929), Professor of Classics at Leeds University, and associate of J. R. R. Tolkien
Publication details: 
28 January 1918; on letterhead of the University, Leeds.

Three pages, octavo. Very good on lightly aged paper. Kenyon's paper was 'much enjoyed' when read on Saturday, and there was 'a good attendance'. '[T]he pleasantries were not missed': '1. the confusion of the inexhaustible emender; 2. the thrift of the canny Odysseus in his role of wooer; 3. Burne Jones's Law.' 'At the end some interesting questiosn were asked', for example, 'why second-rate Greek annalists shd. seemingly have been preferred to Herodotus & Thucydides'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Pearce to Keppel, docketed by the latter 'Tallemachs Charges &c'.

W. Pearce; Frederick Walpole Keppel (1797-1858) of Lexham Hall near Swaffham, Norfolk; Tallemach; Windsor Park and Castle
Publication details: 
29 December 1837; 10 Whitehall Place [London].

Three pages, octavo. On aged, dampstained paper with a few nicks, but with text entirely legible. Addressed on verso of second leaf of bifolium to 'F. W. Keppel Esqre | Lexham Hall near | Swaffham | Norfolk', with two postmarks ('Swaffham | Morning Post' in black and maltese cross containing date in red) and red wax seal. An unusually intimate agent's letter, of significance to Windsor local history. Keppel's letters 'are always most acceptable to us "Old folks"'. Despite some 'little Relapses', Mrs Pearce's health continues 'tolerably well'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (1800-70)
Publication details: 
Grosvenor Crescent; 11 July 1852.

Three pages, 12mo. Good. He did not receive the letter till his return from the continent the previous week. '"The Grove" is a comfortable mansion but there is nothing in any way remarkable about it - Clutterbuck's history of Hertfordshire contains all that is known respecting the persons who have possessed it. There is a fine collection of pictures, many of them by Vandyke & Sir P. Lely, wch. belonged to the Chancellor Clarendon & of them you will find an accurate description in the 3d. Vol. of the "Clarendon Gallery" published a few months ago by my sister Lady Theresa Lewis.

Autograph Letter Signed to T. E. Lea.

Frederick Rowton
Publication details: 
26 November 1884; City of London Institution.

Rowton edited a celebrated anthology of British female poets. One page, 12mo. Poor: grubby and with remains of stub from previous mounting adhering to edge of bifoliate. 'It will give me great pleasure to deliver my Lecture on Charles Dickens at the Southwark Institution during the next Season. - My terms will be eight Guineas for the Three. - | I may perhaps be allowed to say that I am now delivering these Lectures (the Second comes on tomorrow night) at this Institution, with very great success, to crowded audiences.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Thomas] Attree.

Robert Plumer Ward
Publication details: 
24 September 1834; Gilston Park, Harlow.

English novelist and politician (1765-1846). The recipient (c1778-1863) was an influential Brighton solicitor, owner of Queen's Park. One page, octavo. On discoloured and lightly creased paper, with fraying and several small closed tears, but with no loss to text. An affectionate letter inviting Attree to Harlow. 'Fred.

Autograph Letter to the Duchess of Beaufort.

Frederick William Hervey, 5th Earl and 1st Marquis of Bristol
Publication details: 
St. James's Square | June 23rd. 1853'

English aristocrat (1769-1859). Apparently cropped, but with no loss to text. Dimensions of paper roughly four inches square. Grubby and lightly stained. Docketed in pencil. A formal letter in the third person. Reads 'Lord Bristol presents his Compliments to the Duchess of Beaufort, & sends her Grace the enclosed Paper which came directed by mistake to him this Morning -'.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of petition.

Sir Francis Legatt Chantrey, William Frederick Witherington, John Jackson, James Lonsdale, Thomas Christopher Hofland, Robert Balmanno
Publication details: 
Without place or date (but before 1831).

Four noted British artists of the earlier part of the nineteenth-century: Witherington (1785-1865), Jackson (1778-1831), Lonsdale (1777-1839), and Hofland (1777-1843), together with the sculptor Chantrey (1781-1841), and the art critic and connoisseur Balmanno (1780-1861), who left England for America in the early 1830s. Paper dimensions roughly three inches by four. Creased, and on paper discoloured with age, with show-through from remains of seal under Chantrey's signature. Reads 'J Chantrey | W. F. Witherington | John Jackson | James Lonsdale. | T. C. Hofland | Robert Balmanno'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [G. K.] Menzies[, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Sir Frederick William Duke
Publication details: 
2 June 1923; on embossed letterhead 'INDIA OFFICE, | WHITEHALL, S.W.1.'

British colonial administrator (1868-1924), Member of Council of India, 1914-19, and Permanent Under Secretary of State for India from 1919. Two pages, 12mo. Folded once. Very good, though lightly creased and a little discoloured. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Referring to a previous letter he finds 'that the point that officials who have passed the advanced stage of your exam[inatio]n. in Book Keeping are exempted at the examination for Divisional Accountants in India is really not a new one,. You tell it yourself in your letter [...], so it was before the Govt. of India.

Typed Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies, [Secretary,] Royal Society of Arts.

Publication details: 
30 June 1933; on letterhead of 'ILFORD LIMITED | Manufacturers of Sensitised | Photographic Materials'.

Anglo-Danish research chemist (died 1944), a pioneer of infrared photography. One page, quarto. Very good, though a bit grubby and with a few small staple holes. 'Will you kindly thank the Council of the Royal Society of Arts for the honour conferred upon me in awarding to me a silver medal for my paper on Infra-Red Photography.' He will be present at the 'opening meeting of the next session'. Signed 'Olaf Bloch'.

[Draft of?] Autograph Letter Signed to Lieutenant-General John Whyte.

P. Johnston [Lt Gen. John Whyte, Frederick Maitland, the West Indies]
Publication details: 
22 May 1802; no place [London].

Two pages, 4to. Very good, though on rather discoloured paper, and with strip of previous mount adhering to right-hand edge of verso. Johnston desires the settlement of the 'account of Incidental Expenses incurr'd during the period of [Johnston's deceased brother, A. Johnston's] command' in St Domingo.

Autograph Letter in the third person to E[dward]. F[rederick]. Lecks, Secretary[, the Royal Asylum of St Ann's Society].

Lieutenant General Sir George Cathcart
Publication details: 
Hulton Park Dec[embe]r 12. | <?>'.

British military officer (1794-1854). One page, 12mo. In good condition, but with traces of brown-paper mount adhering to the blank reverse. Formal letter in the third person. 'Lt Genl Lord Cathcart is continually receiving so many applications of a similar nature, that he is although with regret obliged to decline to comply with any of them.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Mr. Hearson'.

Sir Frederick Robert Upcott
Publication details: 
13 March 1913; on letterhead '227, ST. JAMES' COURT, | BUCKINGHAM GATE, S.W.'

Chairman of the Board of Indian Railways (fl. 1916). One page, 12mo. In very good condition, with one rough edge caused by removal from mount. 'It is my intention to be present at the dinner of Devonians in London on 3 May'. Signed 'F. R. Upcott'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [John] Lanyon.

Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava
Publication details: 
4 November 1890; British Embassy, Rome.

Diplomat and administrator (1826-1902). Lanyon (1839-1900) was a surveyor, architect and engineer, partner in Lanyon, Lynn and Lanyon. Two pages, 8vo. Folded twice. In very good condition, with remains of mounts adhering to verso of blank second leaf of bifoliate. Marked 'Private'.

Autograph Note Signed to [John] Lanyon.

Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava
Publication details: 
5 September 1864; Clandeboye.

Diplomat and administrator (1826-1902). Lanyon (1839-1900) was a surveyor, architect and engineer, partner in Lanyon, Lynn and Lanyon. One page, 12mo. Folded twice. In very good condition, with remains of mounts adhering to blank verso. Reads 'My dear Mr. Lanyon | I send you a map with the ground we examined enclosed within a red line, together with a short Memdm. on the scheme I submitted to gl. consideration: | I hope this <?> may go down before you cross: | Yours sincerely | Dufferin'.

Autograph letter signed to the engraver and antiquary [Frederick William] Fairholt (1814-1866),

Joseph Durham
Publication details: 
7 May [docketed 1857], 21 Devonshire Street.

2 pp, 12mo. "Dear Fairholt / I could not get down to you last evening, tho' I tried very much - / I will correct any circulars you may be good enough to write for Hone and get it printed and sent out can you furnish a list of archaeological assns. members & institute & the address of the F.S.A.'s - I am without the present lists of either [...] Hone is dreadfully hard up and every day is of much value to him in this affair - / Faithfully yours / Josh Durham" A strip has been torn along one of the margins very close to the text, causing negligible loss to it.

Typed letter signed to "Mr Dandy", a longstanding English friend, in English.

Frederick of Prussia
Publication details: 
Patmore HalI, Little Hadham, Herts, 26 Feb. 1960.

Signed "Frederick of Prussia". One page, slighly creased but suitable for framing. He discusses Dandy's offer of "yet another Motor Cycle, this time a 1914 Triumph two Stroke". He says that his younger son would be "very happy if he could have such a rare Motor Cycle". He doesn't think his older son, Nicholas, is yet old emough to ride the bike already given by Dandy.

Pictorial Christmas Card, 8 x 6"

Frederick, Prince of Prussia and Brigid, his wife
Publication details: 
c. 1954

Conventional Christmas Card with winter's scene on front, signed inside "Brigid & Frederick" with greetings and their address (Patmore Hall, etc.) printed. In original envelope which says "Photographs Do Not Bend" suggesting that the card may have been accompanied by a photograph.

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