Offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature: 'On Two Events which occurred in the Life of King Canute the Dane.'

John Hogg, Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society of Literature [John Lee (ne Fiott) (1783-1866), of Hartwell House]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by W. Hughes, King's Head Court, Gough Square. 1855.

8vo: [ii] + 18 pp. In worn original buff wraps with white printed label on front. Clear and complete. On aged, damp-stained paper. Presentation copy, with note on title-page: 'To John Lee Esqre. L.L.D. | with the Author's kind regards.' Ownership inscription of 'J. Lee. Hartwell. 3 May 1856.' also on title. Scarce.The only copies on COPAC at the British Library and the Society of Antiquaries.

Autograph Signatures of Colburn, Shee, North and Colnaghi, removed from Artists' Benevolent Fund application.

Henry Colburn (1784-1855), bookseller and publisher; Sir Martin Arthur Shee (1769-1850), President of the Royal Academy; Peter North; Dominic Colnaghi (1790-1879), printseller
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of paper roughly 8 x 12.5 cm. Good, lightly aged. Reads ' Henry Colburn | 13 Gt Marlborough Street | Martin Arthur Shee | Peter North 22 Soho Square | Dominic Colnaghi'. Fragment of docketed manuscript record of the case on the reverse: '<...> 830 | <...>nes O'Connor | <...>ent Case | <...>y 12th. 1841'.

Autograph Card Signed ('Joseph Hatton') to Edward Draper of Vincent Square.

Joseph Hatton [Joseph Paul Christopher Hatton] (1841-1907), English novelist and journalist
Publication details: 
On the <Maille?>' [postmarked Nijmegen, 17 August 1895].

Fourteen lines on the back of two-tone Dutch postcard, the front being tined light blue. Addressed to 'Edw Draper Esq, 3 Vincent Square, Westminster, London, England'. Aged and grubby, with two creases and slight traces of previous mount on front. Hatton's hand is difficult, but the note, addressed to 'My dear Friend', defending his use in a story of the following version of the celebrated quotation: 'When Greeks joined Greeks". Concludes 'You are right about the tinder box of course.'

Autograph Note Signed to <R. Branden Esq.?>.

Joseph Hume (1777-1855), Scottish radical politican
Publication details: 
19 June 1850; Bry[anston] Sq[uar]e.

12mo: 1 p. Good, on aged and lightly-ruckled paper. Text clear and entire. Difficult hand. Asks the recipient to 'allow the Bearer to see the L<?> Papers laid on the Table yesterday'. Also asks that the papers 'be printed as soon as possible as I shall mention them in the house'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'G. L. M. Strauss') to Edward Draper.

Gustave Louis Maurice Strauss (c.1807-1887), Anglo-Canadian writer and journalist, nicknamed 'The Old Bohemian' [James Robinson Planché [Planche] (1796–1880), playwright and herald]
Publication details: 
1878, 1880 and 1885.

Letter One (12mo, 1 p; on creased, aged paper with closed tear at head): date (1878) illegible, on letterhead of the 'Office of "Tinsleys' Magazine," | 8, Catherine Street, Strand, W.C.' A most unusual way of declining an invitation. He thanks Draper for his kindness and is 'truly grieved' that he 'cannot come to-day - I gave my boots a holiday yesterday, which they want to pass with a worthy cobbler.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. H. Wyatt') to the connoisseur and print collector the Rev. Charles Henry Middleton (1828-1915); with manuscript 'resolution'.

Thomas Henry Wyatt (1807-1880), English architect
Publication details: 
19 May 1881; on embossed letterhead of the Art Students' Home, 4 & 5 Brunswick Square, London W.C.

12mo, 2 pp, letter of 8 lines, resolution of 9 lines. Good, on lightly spotted paper with small pin holes to top inner corner. He is appending 'a copy of a resolution agreed to at a Meeting of Committee held this afternoon at No 1 Station St., the Baroness Burdett-Coutts presiding'. The resolution, on the recto of the second leaf of the bifolium, thanks Middleton, 'for services rendered to the Art Student Home, & for the constant interest he has displayed in advancing its welfare'.

[Catalogue 550] A Selection of Books, Manuscripts, Engravings and Autograph Letters remarkable for their Interest & Rarity, being the five hundredth catalogue issued by Maggs Bros [...].

Maggs Brothers [booksellers' catalogues]
Publication details: 
London: Maggs Bros, 34 & 35 Conduit Street, W. 1928.

[viii] 237 pp., fol.m, original grey and red printed wraps, numerous plates and illustrations in text, some staining of cover around spine, a few pencil markings, top of spine damaged, mainly good condition. It includes Cortes, "Carta de Relacion" (1522), other important Americana, and the first edition of "Don Quixote".

[Catalogue 555] A Selection of Books, Manuscripts, Bindings and Autograph Letters remarkable for their Interest & Rarity, being the five hundred and fiftyfifth catalogue issued by Maggs Bros [...].

Maggs Brothers [booksellers' catalogues]
Publication details: 
London: Maggs Bros, 34 & 35 Conduit Street, W. 1931.

Folio: iv + 237 pp. In original grey and red printed wraps. Numerous plates and illustrations in text. Grubby and spotted, in heavily-worn wraps. One plate slit along fold and repaired with tape. Presentation copy, inscribed 'With Compliments from E U Maggs'. Covetable items, accurately described, from a complete set of Addison and Steele's 'Spectator' (£105) to the first edition of both volumes of Wordsworth's 'Lyrical Ballads' (£185). Contains 'twenty-four autograph letters signed [by Charles Dickens] on "The Village Coquettes" to John P. Hullah, the musical composer' (£650).

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Clunie') to an unnamed male autograph collector.

John Clunie (1784-1858), Principal of Leaf Square and Seedley Grove Academies, 1812 to 1837
Publication details: 
20 June 1836; Seedley Grove, near Manchester.

One page, on piece of lightly aged paper, roughly six and a half inches by seven. Strip neatly torn away at head (not affecting text, but perhaps bearing recipient's address). Good, with a little damage from breaking of wafer and slight evidence of previous mounting on revese. Thirteen lines. He is sending the selected autographs, and will 'be happy to receive, at your leisure, those of Currie, Daubeny, Mc.Culloch, Flowers, Woodville & Phillips & Jones - or such 5 of them as you can best spare'.

Autograph Signature with classical quotation.

Samuel Warren (1807-1877), English novelist
Publication details: 
23 January 1866; 16 Manchester Square, W. [London].

On one side of a piece of laid paper, dimensions 11.5 x 17.5 cm. Good, lightly creased with one small spot at head and a light thumbprint (Warren's?) in top right-hand corner. Clearly responding to a request for an autograph. Reads 'The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the Firmament sheweth His handy work. Ps. XX, I. | [signed] Samuel Warren | 16 Manchester Square | W. | 23d January 1866.'

Autograph Letter Signed to William Smith, bookseller and printseller, 24 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London.

Sir Cuthbert Sharp (1781-1849), historian of Hartlepool
Publication details: 
18 November 1826; Sunderland.

12mo bifolium: 2 pp. On laid paper, with strip from previous mount in right-hand margin of recto of first leaf. Good, with a little wear at gutter, and slight damage (not affecting text) to second leaf from breaking open of red wax seal, parts of which still adhere. Twenty-two lines of text, clear and entire. Smith's uncle 'Mr ' is 'very glad to hear that you are well & desires to be remembered'. Asks if Smith has 'ever found me a portrait of Sr yet'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Mitford') to his cousin Margaret.

J. Mitford [Walter Horsley (b.1855), illustrator]
Publication details: 
2 June 1885; on embossed Post Office letterhead.

Two pages, 12mo. Good. Horsley has 'promised to do the illustration as soon as he possibly can'. Mitford has 'told him the sort of thing which was needed, and he seemed to take it in quite clearly, and I also impressed upon him that the time is short for the completion of the book.' Hopes he will see her at 65 Prince's Square.

Poster for English publication of the score of Donizetti's opera 'La Favorite' ['The Favourite'].

Gaetano Donizetti [Charles Jefferys and Co., 21 Soho Square]
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa 1843.

Roughly twelve and half inches by nine and a quarter. Neatly mounted on piece of cream paper, with surrounding ink rules. Good, with some ruckling and wear to corners. Characteristically arresting arrangement of type. Reads: 'CAUTION. | THE ONLY CORRECT COPY | OF DONIZETTI'S OPERA | THE FAVOURITE | AS PERFORMED IN ENGLISH AT THE | THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE, | IS PUBLISHED BY | JEFFERYS AND CO.

The Actors' Remonstrance, or Complaint, For the silencing of their Profession, and Banishment from their severall Playhouses.

[Francis Marshall; Edward Nickson; The British Stage]
Publication details: 
Reprinted by F[rancis]. Marshall, Kenton Street, Brunswick Sq. 1822.

Seven pages, octavo. Disbound, and with the four leaves detached from one another and neatly laid down on a paper mount. Very good. From (according to the title-page) the edition in 'LONDON. Printed for EDW. NICKSON. Januar. 24. 1643.' Republished as a supplement to the 'British Stage'. Only two copies on COPAC, at Bristol and in the British Library.

Programme, with signatures, entitled 'The Centenary Meeting of the Reading Lodge of Union No. 414, held at the Masonic Hall, Greyfriars Road, Reading, on Thursday, Twenty-sixth day of October, Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-three.'

Reading Lodge of Union No. 414 [Freemasons; Freemasonry; Masonic]
Publication details: 
Printed at The Crown Press. Caxton Street, Reading, by Bradley & Son, Ltd. [1933.]

Octavo, 16 pages. In original cream wraps, tied with blue ribbon, and with the insignia of the Lodge printed on the front. Good, if a little aged. Creased where folded in half. With the signatures of seven of the Lodge's members in pencil on front wrap (Bob Bradley, P. H. Crozier, Herbert L. Hawkes and others). From the collection of the pamphlet's printer Robert W. Bradley, who is listed among the Lodge's Officers as 'Organist', and who signs 'Bob Bradley'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'T. W. Winstanley Esq | Secretary | Royal Manchester Institution | Manchester'.

John G. Hankes [T. W. Winstanley; Royal Manchester Institution]
Publication details: 
4 August 1840. '24 Carburton St. | Fitzroy Square. | London. | or | Great Clowes St. | Upper Broughton, | Manchester.'

Minor English artist who (according to docketed note) exhibited between 1838 and 1859. One page, 12mo. Very good, though somewhat grubby. Reads '226 I have the honour to send 1 picture for the ensuing exhibition at the Manchester Royal Institution, entitled "The new acquaintance" vide The Vicar of Wakefield | Price with frame 34 gs. | [Price] without [frame] 30 [gs.] | Signed 'Jno. G Hankes'. Second leaf of bifoliate addressed, and with top corner cut away and present beneath black wax seal, which bears the smudged impression of a crest.

Typed Letter Signed to 'Miss J. Scott Rogers, | Acting Secretary, | Royal Society of Arts'.

Julian Mockford [SOUTH AFRICA]
Publication details: 
11 September 1943; on letterhead of the 'OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, | Trafalgar Square, | LONDON, W.C.2.'

South African author and journalist (1898-1950), Public Relations Officer at the South African High Commission. One page, octavo. Very good if somewhat grubby. Docketed and stamped. 'Herewith the translation by a colleague, as asked for in your letter dated September 9. I hope "Here are South Africans" does not bore you too much!'

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