[ Bernard Miles, actor and director. ] Two Typed Notes Signed and one Autograph Note Signed to the bookseller Barry Duncan.

Bernard Miles [ Bernard James, Baron Miles ] (1907-1981), English actor, writer and director
Publication details: 
One typed note (28 September 1948) on letterhead of Duff House, Acacia Road, London, NW8, the other on letterhead of the Mermaid Theatre, Blackfriars, 16 November 1964. The autograph note without place or date.

The two typed notes in good condition, lightly aged; the autograph note in fair condition, on aged paper. Two items signed 'Bernard Miles' and one 'B. M.' The first typed note suggests an exchange of material, with the autograph postscript 'One or two of the appeals for charity are endorsed by H. I. [ Henry Irving? ] himself.' The second typed note declines a collection: 'I managed to pick up an almost complete set in Leeds soon after we talked - nearly 200'. The autograph note simply acknowledges the sending of a cheque for a 'little lot of photographs I took away'.

[ Mark H. Lubbock, composer. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Mark Lubbock') urging the actress Mary Ellis to take the lead role in his musical 'Hearts Beloved'. With copy of a typescript of his play.

Mark H. Lubbock (1898-1986), British composer [ Mary Ellis (1897-2003), American actress who settled in Britain ]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of the British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, London W1. 19 May 1943. Typescript without place or date.

ONE: TLS. 1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Mary, | I am writing a musical play called "Hearts Beloved". The central character is MARIA FITZHERBERT and it is the story of her love affair with GEORGE IV, (Prinny). I am very anxious for you to consider playing MARIA FITZHERBERT. The part would suit you very well and I think the present time is just the moment to produce a historical play on an English stage.' He has seen 'Tom Arnold's representative', who would be interested if she agreed. TWO: Typescript. 49pp., folio. No title page.

[ Laurence Irving, Hollywood set designer. ] Two Typed Letters Signed ('Laurence' and 'Laurence Irving') to 'Teddy' [ set designer 'Edward Carrick',i.e. Edward Craig ], regarding the film industry and his membership of the Society of Art Directors.

Laurence Irving (1897-1988), Hollywood set designer, artist and RAF Squadron Leader, grandson of the actor Sir Henry Irving [ 'Edward Carrick' [ Edward Craig (1905-1998) ],; Society of Art Directors ]
Publication details: 
Both on his letterhead, 11 Apple Tree Yard. 23 August and 24 November 1949.

Both items in good condition, lightly-aged. ONE: 2pp., 4to. Having returned from 'a rather long painting expedition to France' he finds that 'circumstances have arisen in regard to the administration of the Society' [ the Society of British Film Art Directors and Designers, of which Craig was a leading light], and in the light of these circumstances Irving feels compelled to resign. 'It is [...] unlikely that I shall design any more films.

[ Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, artist. ] Autograph Note Signed ('L Alma Tadema') to 'Mr. Sparks', declining an invitation.

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema [ Lourens Alma Tadema ] (1836-1912), Anglo-Dutch artist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 10 Park Street, Windsor. 15 July 1885.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The note reads: 'Dear Mr. Sparks | I am so sorry to be unable to comply with your request, being previously engaged for the 23d. inst | yours sincerely | L Alma Tadema'.

[ Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, as Commander at Aldershot. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Arthur') to 'Lloyd', strongly urging the suit of 'Lt: Col: Hay'.

Prince Arthur (1850-1942), Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, son of Queen Victoria, Governor General of Canada and Commander at Aldershot, 1893-1898
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Head-Quarter Office, Aldershot. 13 July 1897.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with traces of tissue mount running along one edge. Addressed to 'My dear Lloyd'. He is sending on Mrs Hay's letter, and asks his 'intentions with regard to Lt: Col: Hay - when he left Aldershot it was understood that the Command of the 2nd. Bde. Divn. Field Artillery would be kept open for him, but now Major Hall has been appointed Hay has lost his command here'. He praises Hay as 'so good an officer & has done such good work here that I am very anxious to help him' He suggests him for another appointment at Okehampton.

[ Moira Lister, film and theatre actress. ] Seven Signed Letters (six in Autograph) and one Autograph Card Signed, to theatrical bookseller Barry Duncan, in folder containing newspaper cuttings, a programme, and copies of his letters to her.

Moira Lister [ Moira Lister de Gachassin-Lafite, Vicomtesse d’Orthez ] (1923-2007), South African film and theatre actress
Publication details: 
Two of Lister's letters her 'Moira Lister' letteread and one on 'Vicomtesse d'Orthez' letterhead. Most from 31 Cadogan Square, London. Between 1955 and 1961. Cuttings from between 1947 and 1971.

The thirty-six items in the folder are in good condition, with light signs of age. ONE: Six Autograph Letters Signed, one Typed Letter Signed, and one Autograph Card Signed. All signed 'Moira Lister' except the last communication, the card, which is signed 'Moira d'Orthez'. With four stamped envelopes, addressed to Duncan at his bookshop in St Martin's Court. A courteous and businesslike correspondence, firmly parrying Duncan's efforts at greater familiarity. The first letter, typed, is dated 8 March 1955, and relates to the sale of books.

[ John Pye, landscape painter. ] Manuscript Letter to fellow-artist Walter Field, written by an amanuensis and signed 'John Pye', giving his opinion of a copy of Turner's 'England and Wales' being offered for sale at Christie's.

John Pye (1782-1874), English landscape painter [ Walter Field (1837-1901), artist ]
Publication details: 
17 Gloucester Crescent, NW [ London ]. 3 March 1871.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, laid down on part of a leaf from an album. He writes that he has 'carefully looked over the Copy of "Turner's England and Wales," that will be offered for Sale at Christies rooms on Tuesday next', and that while he finds it 'in all respects good of its kind, and applicable to the Library of a gentleman', it is 'not so well applicable to the Studio of an Artist, whose aim is to acquire from it, all the knowledge that a more refined class of impressions of places might impart to him'.

[ Sir Francis Chantrey, English sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Chantrey') giving instructions for the erection of a statue to an unnamed recipient.

Sir Francis Chantrey [ Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey ] (1781-1841), English sculptor
Publication details: 
Belgrave Place [ London ]. 23 April 1836.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, laid down on a leaf removed from an album. The letter begins by directing the recipient to 'place the head stone upon the figure if you intend to place it before the rest of the figure is erected'. If the recipient's 'previous arrangements did not contemplate putting the whole figure together' he asks him not to do as he has directed. Chantrey is 'desirous that the figure should be in the best possible condition to be looked at' before the next Wednesday morning.

[ Sir John Watson Gordon, artist. ] Part of Autograph Letter Signed ('John Watson Gordon') to unnamed recipient, regarding a visit to Edinburgh and his 'kind and generous sentiments'.

Sir John Watson Gordon (1788-1864), Scottish portrait painter and President of the Royal Scottish Academy
Publication details: 
123 George Street, Edinburgh. 21 February 1858.

Previously laid down in an autograph album. On both sides of a 12 x 10.5 cm. piece of paper, cropped down from 12mo. In fair condition, but with some loss of text due to cropping, and with traces of glue on first page (i.e. the page without the signature). On the first page he approves the postponement of the recipient's visit to Edinburgh, and on the second he expresses admiration for 'the kind and generous sentiments displayed on both sides and described with such perfect simplicity' in 'the presented papers'.

[ Sir Joseph Chamberlain, Liberal statesman. ] Autographh Letter Signed ('J. Chamberlain') to 'Sir Robert'

Joseph Chamberlain (1836-1914), English politician, first a Liberal, then a Liberal Unionist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham. 26 December 1903.

Although never Prime Minister, Chamberlain was described by Churchill as the man 'who made the weather' in the House of Commons, and was leader of the Liberal opposition for a few months in 1906. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and ruckled paper. He thanks the recipient for accepting his invitation, and considers that his 'assistance will greatly strengthen the commission'.

[ Herbert Henry Asquith, Liberal Prime Minister. ] Autograph Note Signed ('H. H. Asquith') to W. J. Fisher, agreeing to join a committee appealing for help for the family of Harold Frederic.

Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith [ H. H. Asquith ] (1852-1928), English Liberal Prime Minister
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 20 Cavendish Square, W. [ London ] 15 November 1898.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'My dear Sir, | I shall be very happy to be one of the committee who are to appeal for help for the family of the late Harold Frederic.' The letter relates to a Victorian scandal. In 1884 Frederic (1856-1898) had come to England with his wife and five children as the London correspondent of the New York TImes. He set up a second household with Kate Lyon, with whom he had a further three children. Lyons was a Christian Scientist, and when Frederic suffered a stroke in 1898, she tried to cure him by faith healing.

[ Carl Haag, artist. ] Autograph Note Signed to Edward Baker, agreeing to accept a gift from 'Mr: Morris'.

Carl Haag (1820-1915), Bavarian artist settled in England, court painter to the duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Publication details: 
Ida Villa, 7 Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead, NW, on cancelled letterhead of 16 New Burlington Street [ London ]. 28 November 1867.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with traces of glue from mounting on blank reverse. Reads: 'Sir, | In reply to your polite note of the 22nd. inst:, I am quite prepared to receive the "Camel Coats" [?] with which my friend Mr: Morris has kindly bethought me, and I shall thank you for their delivery.'

[ W.P. Frith ] Studio Photograph of William Powell Frith, inscribed by him, "To [Missie?] | from W P Frith Oct.9. 1880".

W.P. Frith [ William Powell Frith ] (1819 –1909). Artist
Publication details: 
Elliott & Fry, [1880?].

Studio Photograph, c.15 x 10.5, laid down on slightly larger card with photographers printed at base, faintly speckled, good condition. Image of head and upper body, not found on Google Images.

[ Percy Nash, pioneering British film director. ] Nash's own volume of newspaper cuttings, including reports of his work in Italy for Tiber Films.

Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), pioneering British film director and dramatist [ Tiber Films, Italy; Marie Corelli ]
Publication details: 
Mainly English. Between 1916 and 1926.

In a 28 x 22 cm album, with 'PREMIER PRESS SERVICE' label on cover, also carrying 'PERCY NASH, Esq' in manuscript. Cuttings and album in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Of the 55 cuttings, 28 are laid down in the album, with the other 27 loosely inserted, some of the latter backed with card, and others with labels of Durrant's and other cuttings agencies. Publications include: Star; South Wales Echo; Era; Stage; Glasgow Citizen; Nottinghamshire Guardian; Yarmouth Independent; Bioscope; Evening News; Sunday Express; Aberdeen Evening Gazette; Daily Telegraph; Kinematograph Weekly.

[ Percy Nash, film director and dramatist. ] Large collection of material relating to Nash's musical play 'Clancarty', including correspondence with librettist Stanley West and composer H. Wolseley Charles, accounts, receipts.

Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), pioneering British film director and dramatist [ H. Wolseley Charles (1889-1962), composer; Stanley West, librettist; Winter Garden Theatre, Drury Lane
Publication details: 
Mainly from London, and dating from between 1930 and 1934.

The collection consists of around 140 items, and is in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. It includes two drafts of the play, correspondence with librettist and composer, agents, the syndicate backing the play, a disgruntled contributor, solicitors, theatre managers, and also includes returns, receipts, accounts and projections.

[ Percy Nash, English film director. ] Unpublished pantomimes: typewritten drafts of 'Cinders | A Tabloid Version of a Famous Story' and 'Sweet Cinderella | The Flower of the Family'; 'Puss in Boots' and 'Sinbad the Sailor'.

Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), pioneering British film director and dramatist
Publication details: 
Nash's address given on 'Sweet Cinderella" as 2 Bristol Court West | Marine Parade | Brighton'.The other two items without place. None of the three dated.

The four items in fair condition, on lightly aged paper. Typed on rectos only, and with all three attached with brass studs. From the Percy Nash papers. ONE: 'Cinders | A Tabloid Version of a Famous Story' [ retitled in manuscript from 'Cinderella | A Fantasy in Two Parts'. 16pp., 4to. Characters include 'The Baron Orpington . . . A Henpecked Old Bird' and 'Prince Ministroni . . . The Broth of a Boy'. With a few minor manuscript changes. Referred to as 'our Pantomime' in the finale. TWO: 'Sweet Cinderella| The Flower of the Family | Potted by | Percy Nash'. 9pp., 8vo.

[ Percy Nash, English pioneering film director. ] Collection of miscellaneous material, from the Percy Nash papers, including typescripts of unpublished and unperformed plays, poetry collections, autobiographical account, correspondence.

Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), pioneering British film director and dramatist
Publication details: 
Most items undated, others from between 1923 and 1957. From London, Brighton and other locations.

The material, from the Percy Nash papers, is in fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. It is arranged in the following description in ten sections. ONE: Two drafts of an autobiographical account by Nash, ending in 1933. Both 2pp., 4to. The first is headed 'Percy Nash' and the second 'PERCY NASH. born December 5th 1868'. Of interest are the following statements: 'Owing to indisposition of Harry Loveday, was engaged by Sir Henry Irving to Stage Manage (associated with Laurence) the production of "Robespierre" at the Lyceum Theatre, and remain with him for several years.

[ Henri Lucas and Percy Nash, film score. ] Manuscript orchestral muscial parts of 'The Golden Ballot. Two-Step composed by Percy Nash. Orchestrated by Henri Lucas.'

Henri Lucas, composer; Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), pioneering British film director and dramatist
Publication details: 
New Theatre [ London ]. 4 April 1920.

38 items, in fair condition, lighty aged and worn. The main item is the complete score, containing all the parts, on 12pp., folio, and signed at foot of last page: 'New Theatre | April 4th. 1920 | Henri Lucas'. This is accompanied by 37 parts for separate instruments, each a 4to bifolium. According to the British Film Catalogue a film by the title 'The Golden Ballot' appeared in 1920.

[ A. G. Morris & G. F.Norton. ] Typescript of their play 'King's Freedom', with covering letter to film maker Percy Nash, regarding censorship following the Abdication of Edward VIII, and Compton Mackenzie.

A. G. Morris [ Arthur Morris ] and G. F. Norton [ Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), pioneering British film director; King Edward VIII; Abdication, 1936; Compton Mackenzie, novelist ]
Publication details: 
The play undated, and 'the property of A. G. MORRIS Eastquantoxhead, near Bridgwater, Somerset'. Morris's letter on letterhead of East Quantoxhead Rectory, 21 March 1939.

PLAY: 108pp., 4to. On rectos only. Attached with green ribbon in card folder. Information about characters given in manuscript. In fair condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn folder. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Signed 'Arthur Morris'. On aged and creased paper. Presumably referring to his collaborator, he begins the letter: 'Fred writes to say that you have a friend, who might be interested in our Play. It is kind of you to bother. I still believe in the poor old play, but we had a nasty shock when Edward abdicated!

[ Lord Henry Bentinck. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Henry Bentinck').

Lord Henry Bentinck [ Lord Henry William Scott-Bentinck ] (1804-1870), Conservative statesman
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Good firm signature. Written in response to a request for an autograph, and reading 'if you wish | Your's sincerely | Henry Bentinck'.

[ Colin Morris, playwright. ] Typescript of his play 'Reluctant Heroes'.

Colin Morris (1916-1996), English playwright and actor
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London? Circa 1951. ]

108pp., 4to. On rectos only. In brown card covers. In fair condition, lightly aged, with bottom of front cover (probably pr`eviously carrying agent's details) cut away. 'RELUCTANT HEROES' is typed onto the cover, with 'by | Colin Morris' added in manuscript (probably by Morris himself). The play, Morris's most famous farce, was acted in London in 1950 (published version by the English Theatre Guild in the following year), and turned into a film, with a script by the playwright in 1951.

[ Sidney Morgan, English film director ] Autograph Letter Signed to fellow film-director Percy Nash, regarding the British Association of Film Directors and the 'great fight to obtain The Quota'.

Sidney Morgan (1874-1946), English film director, who acted for Alfred Hitchcock [ [ Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), film director and dramatist; Cinematograph Films Act of 1927 ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Association of Film Directors, The Players Club, Denman Street, London. 30 May 1927.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Nash is named on the letterhead as the Association's president, and Morgan as Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. The letter begins: Dear Percy / | For various reasons we did not get a largely attended meeting on Friday, but the better feeling between members seems still to grow.' Nash's 'protracted illness' has clearly necessitated his stepping down as president, and '[a]fter considerable discussion it was decided to ask Pearson & Elvey [i.e. George Pearson (1875-1973) and Maurice Elvey (1887-1967)] to be President & Vice with myself to continue'.

[ Jack Denton, film director. ] Four Autograph Letters Signed to film maker Percy Nash, with copy of the script of his play 'The Fairyland Express' ('A Xmas Fairy Play By Jack Denton').

Jack Denton (fl. 1924), British actor and film director of the silent era [ Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), actor, dramatist and film director ]
Publication details: 
The first two of Denton's letters from 12 Montague Road, Richmond, Surrey, and the last two from the Opera House, Coventry. All four from 1933. The playscript from 25 Monmouth Road, Watford, and undated.

ONE: Typed playscript. 64pp., 8vo. Typed in purple ink, on rectos only. In pink card 'Ludgate File', with white typed label on front cover: 'THE FAIRYLAND EXPRESS'. In fair condition, aged and worn, with the leaves bound in with a rusted metal bar. Initial blank leaf with ownership inscription: 'Jack Denton | 12 Montague Road | Richmond | Surrey', as well as 'Mr Percy Nash | see phone'. The first page gives Denton's typed address as '25 Monmouth Road | Watford', and lists the cast, headed by 'Prudence . . . a little girl from Kensington', and 'Eric' and 'Marjorie', who are 'Her cousins . .

[ Brian Aherne, British Hollywood actor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Brian Aherne') to 'Mr. Cathrey', regarding an invitation to take part in a cricket match.

Brian Aherne [ William Brian de Lacy Aherne ] (1902-1986), British Hollywood actor
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 703 North Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, California. 27 May 1942.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He has 'not played cricket for twenty years, so you had better not count on me!' He will 'try to turn up as a spectator', and if Cathrey will send him a card, he will make 'a special effort to do so at Mesa, whichh I have visited several times'.

[ Bryan Forbes, film director. ] Autograph Card Signed to Ken Sephton, regarding a letter and its 'nostalgic reference'.

Bryan Forbes [ John Theobald Clarke ] (1926-2013), English film director
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

In blue ink on one side of a 10 x 16 cm piece of white card with Forbes's name printed at the head. In very good condition. He thanks him for the 'kind and interesting letter': 'I particularly liked your nostalgic reference to snak where I had many a meal "on the slate"!'

[ Lord Harmsworth, press baron. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Alfred Harmsworth') to 'Mr. Fisher', explaining that he cannot attend a meeting as he has to 'attend to my newspapers all day long'.

Lord Northcliffe [ Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe (1865-1922) ], press baron, owner of the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Daily Mail, Temple, E.C. [ London ] 29 November 1898.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Dear Mr. Fisher | I am so sorry I cannot attend the meeting. Unfortunately, I am absolutely obliged to attend to my newspapers all day long. | Yours faithfully | Alfred Harmsworth'. The Daily Mail was little more than two years old at the time of this note.

[ Board of the Inland Revenue, Excise Department, London.] Late-Victorian Manuscript Notebook, compiled by several parties, with sections of questions and definitions, and others treating allowances, 'Liverpool Allowances' and 'Quarantine Practice'.

A. C. Collyer [ Board of the Inland Revenue, Excise Department, London ]
Publication details: 
[ Board of the Inland Revenue, Excise Department, London. Circa 1891. ]

169pp., 12mo. Covering the whole of a ruled notebook in black waxed cloth binding. In fair condition, aged and worn, in like binding with some damage to spine. Ownership signature of 'A. C. Collyer' on front free endpaper, with the word 'Notes' written under it, and beneath that a seal (hand holding a sword) in red wax. The notebook has been compiled by at least three different parties (with a couple of notes in shorthand), and is certainly the work of instructors rather than students, possibly Scottish.

British Army Boer War map of 'Melmonth [ i.e. Melmoth ]': 'Sheet No. 37' in 'Transvaal (Major Jackson's Series)'.

Major H. M. Jackson, Royal Engineers [ Field Intelligence Department, Pretoria; Boer War map: Melmoth, Transvaal ]
Publication details: 
[ British Army ] Field Intelligence Department, Pretoria, 1901. 'Photo-lithographed - Pretoria - June 1901 | Mapping Section - Field Intelligence Dept - Army Head Qrs.'

Photolithographically printed in black on one side of a 51 x 63 cm. piece of cloth, folding into a 16.5 x 11 cm. packet, in green printed cloth covers backed with card. In good condition, lightly-aged, with minor signs of age and wear. Cover reads: 'Transvaal. | (Major Jackson's Series). | Sheet No. 37. | Melmonth. | Field Intelligence Department. | Pretoria, 1901.' Signed in pencil on front cover 'G S Scovell | Cam Hrs.' In top left-hand corner of map: 'No. 37'. In bottom left-hand corner: 'Compiled in Surveyor General's Office - Pretoria underdirection [sic] of MAJOR H. M. JACKSON R.E. Mch.

[ Cameron Highlanders in the Boer War. ] Ten photographs of the regiment in the Transvaal, a portrait photograph of Scovell in dress uniform, and a photograph of the British dead at 'SPIONS [sic] KOP NATAL'.

Lieut-Col. G. J. S. Scovell [ George Julian Selwyn Scovell ] (1881-1948), Cameron Highlanders, deputy Director-General of Recruiting, 1918 [ Boer War; Transvaal; South Africa ]
Publication details: 
Natal (Dannhauser) and Transvaal [ South Africa ]. Circa 1901 and 1902.

Of the twelve items (all black and white), the ten small photographs are uniform at 7 x 9 cm; the portrait of Scovell is 21 x 13 cm., and the image of the Spion Kop battlefield 14.5 x 11 cm. Accompanied by a note by Scovell on a slip of paper: 'Relics of the S. African Campaign | 1901-1902 | belonging to G. J. S. S'. The ten small pictures and are in good condition, loose and in an envelope.

[ W.P. Frith ] Studio Photograph of William Powell Frith, inscribed by him, "To [Missie?] | from W P Frith Oct.9. 1880".

W.P. Frith [ William Powell Frith ] (1819 –1909). Artist
Publication details: 
Elliott & Fry, [1880?].

Studio Photograph, c.15 x 10.5, laid down on slightly larger card with photographers printed at base, faintly speckled, good condition. Image of head and upper body, not found on Google Images.

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