[Edward Seymour, physician and medical writer.] Holograph manuscript of the poem 'Wallace'.

Edward Seymour [Edward James Seymour] (1796-1866), physician and medical writer, Metropolitan Commissioner in Lunacy [Chancellor's Medal, University of Cambridge; Jesus College]
Publication details: 
Jesus College, University of Cambridge. March 1815.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Signed at end: 'Edward Seymour | Jesus Coll. | March. 1815.' In fair condition, lightly aged. Holograph manuscript of the poem 'Wallace', in 78 lines, Iambic pentameters. Preceded by the following note: 'Lines written for the Chancellor's medal for English Poetry, in the University of Cambridge. In consequence of illness they were never completed.' Apparently unpublished.

[Kathleen Teresa Blake Butler, Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge.] Autograph Card Signed ('K. T. B.') to Eric Dingwall, regarding the reception of Richardson's 'Pamela' in late eighteenth-century Italy.

Kathleen Teresa Blake Butler (1883-1950), Italian scholar and Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge, 1942-1949 [Eric Dingwall ('Dirty Ding') (1890-1986), bibliographer and anthropologist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead: 'From The Mistress, Girton College, Cambridge.' 17 September 1948.

In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'Eric Dingwall Esq | 19 Grange Court | Grange Rd | Cambridge'. Written in a neat close hand. She gives details of a 1744 Italian translation of Richardson's Pamela she has found of a Parisian catalogue of 1774: 'Translator's name not given'. She adds: 'Pamela was v. popular in Italy in the second half of the 18th. century. It inspired two of Goldoni's comedies Pamela Fanciulla and Pamela Maritata'. In a postscript she explains that she brought the present postcard 'into the U[niversity]. L[ibrary].

[Anna Swanwick, author and reformer in the field of women's education.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Anna Swanwick.') to 'Dr. Chepmell' [Edward Charles Chepmell], inviting him to dinner.

Anna Swanwick (1813-1899), Victorian author and reformer in the field of women's education [Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885); Somervile Hall, Oxford; Girton College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 23 Cumberland Terrace, Regents Park, N.W. [London] 19 May [no year].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. She is responding to his 'kind wish, on the occasion of our last pleasant interview, that our intercourse might be Socially, if not professionally, renewed', by inviting him to dinner, in the hope that she may be 'so fortunate as to find you disengaged, & kindly disposed to favour me with your company'. Swanwick is associated with the foundation of both Somerville Hall, Oxford, and Girton College, Cambridge.

[Leonard Rosoman, artist: not 'a neurotic nut after all'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Leonard') to 'My dear Hugh', regarding his recent 'weird' health.

Leonard Rosoman (1913-2012), artist who taught David Hockney at the Royal College of Art
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 7 Pembroke Studios, Pembroke Gardens, London, W.8. 3 October 1967.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Closely written in red ink. He begins by thanking him for being 'awfully sweet & kind' in writing, before going on to deal with the state of his health, it having been 'a difficult time, especially as I became so ill – but at the moment things aren't too bad'. The results of 'all the horrible tests' in hospital have 'come out first class', and the 'weird symtoms [sic] have now been proved to have been caused by yet another of those unknown viruses which first of all attacked my guts & then my brain'.

[ Harvey Goodwin, mathematician and Bishop of Carlisle. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Goodwin') to 'Mr. Jefferies'., sending 'the mathematical investigation of the problem of the blind-gaoler'.

Harvey Goodwin (1818-1891), Cambridge academic, mathematician and Anglican Bishop of Carlisle
Publication details: 
Rydal [Cumbria]. 16 September 1868.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Writing in the year before his elevation to the bishopric, Goodwin writes: 'I do not know whether you dabble at all in Algebra; if you do, you may like to have the mathematical investigation of the problem of the blind-gaoler, which I inclose - It exhibits distinctly the limits of the problem & shews how others of the same kind might be constructed'.

[ Sir Arthur William Rucker, physicist, Principal of the University of London. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Arthur W. Rücker') to 'Mrs Green', wife of the geologist A. H. Green,, explaining the difficulty in forwarding her letter to 'Dr Thorpe'.

Sir Arthur William Rucker [ Sir Arthur William Rücker ] (1848-1915), British physicist, Professor of Physics at the Royal College of Science and Principal of the University of London
Publication details: 
South Kensington [ London ]. 11 July [ no year ].

From the papers of the family of the second wife of the geologist Alexander Henry Green (1832-1896), previously Miss Wilhelmina Maria Armstrong of Clifton. 1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. As 'Dr Thorpe' has not send him his address 'as he promised to', Rucker does not know 'exactly where he is'. He will send her letter to Thorpe's house, 'whence it will be forwarded'.

[ J. W. Hales, Professor of English literature at King's College London. ] Two Autograph Cards Signed (both 'John W. Hales') to 'Plarr' [ Victor Gustave Plarr ], on his leaving King's College for other employment, and an application to Lincoln's Inn.

J. W. Hales [ John Wesley Hales ] (1836-1914), Professor of English Literature at King's College London [ Victor Gustave Plarr (1863-1929), poet and editor of 'Men and Women of the Time' ]
Publication details: 
One: 1 Oppidans Road, N.W. [ London ] 6 August [ no year ]. Two: 'O R'. 11 October [ no year ].

Both cards around 9 x 12 cm. The first written on one side and the second on both sides. In fair condition, lightly aged. ONE: Begins: 'My dear Plarr, | We were delighted – for your sake – to see the announcement in the Times of your election to the <?> district, which we hope is well worth your acceptance'. He sure that 'we shall all be very sorry to lose you at King's. However I trust we shall sometimes see you.' Postscript: 'We are off to the Borders & the Roman Wall next week.

[ Richard Bentley the younger. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Ambrose Heal, 're Writing Masters' and Buckinghamshire local history. With presentation copy of 'Some Stray Notes upon Slough and Upton collected from Various Sources'.

Richard Bentley the younger (1854-1936), London publisher and antiquary [ Sir Ambrose Heal (1872-1959) furniture designer and proprietor of a celebrated London store, Heal's of Tottenham Court Road ]
Publication details: 
Both letters on letterheads of Upton, Slough, Bucks. 4 May 1927 and 4 June 1928. Book limited to 200 copies: 'Privately Printed | 1892'.

All three items are in good condition, lightly aged. Both letters are signed 'Richard Bentley'. ONE (ALS, 4 May 1927): 2pp., landscape 12mo. Annotated by Heal at head of first page: 're Writing Masters'. Begins: 'My dear Sir | I thought you MUST have the mezzo of Tomkins! The private schools being adjacent to that of St. Pauls is hardly accidental? It would seem to imply a connection of duties (though not of schools.) and in former times people lived close to their work. No railways – no omnibuses even then. Stage Coaches, pre-Palmer, also slow'.

[ Evacuation of Queen Mary College, University of London, to King's Cambridge. ] Autograph Journal of Jean Kilgour Hart, undergraduate of Queen Mary College, in two volumes, kept over a year during its evacuation to King's College, Cambridge.

Jean Kilgour Hart (1921-2001), civil servant [ Queen Mary College, University of London; King's College, Cambridge; Girton College ]
Publication details: 
Cambridge [ Queen Mary College, University of London ]. First volume: 1 January 1942 to 9 May 1943. Second volume: 10 May 1942 to 29 April 1943.

The two volumes of diaries of Jean Kilgour Hart cast light on the interesting wartime crossover between the Universities of London and Cambridge. On the evacuation of Queen Mary College to Cambridge at the beginning of the Second World War, both the College administration and male staff and students were accommodated at King’s College. Women staff and students were initially provided with accommodation at Girton College, but from 1940 they were housed in two private houses in Hills Road.

[ Charles John Vaughan, Headmaster of Harrow School and Dean of Llandaff. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. J. Vaughan'), regarding a payment received by him from 'Rustal's Charity'.

Charles John Vaughan (1816-1897), Headmaster of Harrow School, Master of the Temple, Dean of Llandaff, President of University College, Cardiff
Publication details: 
Leicester. 15 July 1842.

1p., 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. He found the recipient's 'kind letter' on his return home, and thanks him for it and for his 'good offices in procuring me the payment from Rustal's Charity'. He asks him to communicate his best thanks to the Trustees, 'at the next opportunity which may occur'.

[ Anderson's College, Medical Society, Glasgow. ] Degree Certificate of Oliver Sunderland, signed by Professor Matthew Charteris and Professor Samson Gemmell of the University of Glasgow, and five others.

Anderson's College, Medical Society, Glasgow [ Matthew Charteris (1840-1897), Regius Professor of Materia Medica at Glasgow University; Samson Gemmell (1848-1913), Professor of Clinical Medicine ]
Publication details: 
Anderson's College, Medical Society, Glasgow. Dated 24 March 1883. Printed by Maclure & Macdonald, Glasgow.

Anderson College was founded in 1796 following the will of John Anderson, Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Glasgow. Initially known as Anderson’s Institution, in 1828 it changed its name to Anderson’s University and finally to Anderson’s College in 1877. Its medical school was founded in 1800 when Dr John Burns commenced lectures on anatomy and surgery. In 1887 the medical school of Anderson’s College became a separate and distinct institution known as Anderson’s College Medical School. It merged with Glasgow University in 1947.

[ Laura Ormiston Chant, social reformer, author and suffragist. ] Autograph Note Signed ('L. Ormiston Chant'), on her husband's calling card, to her son's schoolmaster 'Mr Eve [ i.e. Henry Weston Eve ]', explaining his late attendance.

Laura Ormiston Chant [ Laura Ormiston Dibbin Chant ] (1848-1922), social reformer, author and suffragist [ Henry Weston Eve (1838-1910), Headmaster of University College School, London ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. Her husband's calling card with the address 49 Gower Street [ London ].

Written over the front of a 6 x 9.5 cm calling card of 'Mrs. Ormiston Chant, | 49, Gower Street, W.C.' In good condition, lightly aged. Eve has written his initials in red ink over the note. Reads: 'Dear Mr Eve | Please excuse Clement for being late this morning. We are starting for Grindewald, and are anxious for him to see us off at Charing Cross. He will be at school by 11 a.m. | Yours sincerely. | L. Ormiston Chant.' For information on Eve, see P. G. Naiditfh, 'A.E. Housman at University College, London: The Election of 1892' (1988).

[ Sir John Bland-Sutton, surgeon, President of the Royal Society of Medicine and of the Royal College of Surgeons. ] Two Autograph Letter Signed (both 'J Bland-Sutton'), one to 'Miss Smith', the other to 'Mr Milburn', regarding an interesting tumour.

Sir John Bland-Sutton [born John Sutton] (1855–1936), surgeon, President of the Royal Society of Medicine and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of 47 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. [ London ]. Letter to 'Miss Smith', 26 February 1905; letter to 'Mr Milburn', 10 March 1905..

Both in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: To 'Miss Smith'. 2pp., 12mo. He 'would like the tumour very much, and a photo if you have it of the baby with the tumour in situ'. If the tumour proves of interest he would request 'Dr Milburn's permission to send it to the Royal College of Surgeons'. TWO: To 'Mr Milburn'. 2pp., 12mo. He is returning his specimens. 'I am at a loss to say much about this specimen as it requires a careful and very detailed examination to decide its nature.' After Milburn has shown the specimen to his 'society' he asks him to send it 'to Mr Shallock of the R.

[ Sir Byrom Bramwell, President of the Royal College of Physicians. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Byrom Bramwell') to 'Mr. Milburn', regarding an exchange of portrait photographs.

Sir Byrom Bramwell (1847-1931), physician and neurologist, President of the Royal College of Physicians
Publication details: 
The first on letterhead of 4 Drumsheugh Gardens West, Edinburgh; 14 June 1874. The second from Edinburgh; 21 August 1879.

Both in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: 14 June 1874. He is enclosing his 'photo' and hopes to get Milburn's in exchange, 'with your Autograph on the back'. He sends his regards to Milburn's father and mother. TWO. 21 August 1879. 2pp., 12mo. He received the photograph with pleasure and thanks him for it. He is glad to hear that Milburn's father is better and sends his regards to both parents.

[ The Royal College of Surgeons of England. ] 'Letters Testimonial' certifying the qualification of Oliver Sunderland, signed by president Sir William Scovell Savory, vice-presidents John Whitaker Hulke and Christopher Heath and eight other surgeons.

The Royal College of Surgeons of England; Sir William Scovell Savory, President; John Whitaker Hulke and Christopher Heath, Vice-Presidents
Publication details: 
The Court of Examiners of The Royal College of Surgeons of England [ London ]. 2 August 1888.

Impressively printed in black on one side of a 58 x 43 cm sheet. In fair condition, aged and worn, with slight loss to the edge on one side, and light creasing. Impressively laid out in copperplate, beneath the College's coat of arms. The signatures are arranged in two columns, with the first two bracketted as 'Vice Presidents': '[left-hand column] J. W.

[ The London College of Educational Dance Training (later the London College of Dance). ] Printed prospectus from 1946, with one letter from the principal Grace Cone, and four from vice-principal Anita Heyworth, to Phrosso Pfister.

[ The London College of Dance [ The London College of Educational Dance Training ]; Grace Cone; Anita Heyworth; Phrosso Pfister (1922-2013) ]
Publication details: 
The London College of Educational Dance Training, The Lodge [ Rawdon Hall ], Holyport, near Maidenhead, Berkshire. 1944, 1945 and 1946.

The London College of Educational Dance Training opened at Rawdon Hall in 1944, merged with Middlesex University in 1994, and shut in 2003. Grace Cone, the first principal, retired in 1966, and was replaced by her vice-principal Anita Heyworth. Heyworth retired in 1973 and was replaced by Phrosso Pfister. Pfister had become a student at the college in 1945, following war service with the SOE in Egypt and Italy, and had become a staff member in 1949. The present collection of five items is from Pfister's papers.

[ Samuel Coley (1825-1880), Professor at Headingley Theological College, 'the Illustrative Preacher'. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Bro [i.e. 'Brother Minister'], regarding a 'Missionary Meeting for New Radford'.

Samuel Coley (1825-1880), 'the Illustrative Preacher', Methodist Professor at Headingley Theological College, Leeds
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [ Headingley Theological College, Leeds ]

1p., 12mo. In good condition. Reads: 'My dear Bro [meaning in this case 'Brother Minister'] | Our own Missionary Meeting for New Radford will be on that same evening. I should not wonder if Mr Taylor will not rather want to borrow you than lend me. You will see that I cannot accede to your wish or it would please me to do it.'

[ John Harmon Charles Bonté, Professor of Legal Ethics at the Hastings College of the Law. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J H C Bonté') to Alexander Ramsay, praising his periodical 'The Scientific Roll', and offering to contribute to it.

J. H. C. Bonté [ John Harmon Charles Bonté ] (1831-1896), Professor of Legal Ethics at the Hastings College of the Law, Secretary of the Board of Regents of the University of California
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the University of California, Berkeley. 12 November 1882.

1p., 4to. Aged and worn, with tear along fold line repaired on reverse with archival tape. He lists the numbers of the Scientific Roll he has just received through the Smithsonian Institution, and has spent the last hour looking them over. 'The idea of the work is superb. - Just what is needed. The execution is fine, and I shall enjoy and profit by your work.' Ramsay has done him 'a great favor which will be reciprocated as soon as possible'. He is 'making original researches' which he believes 'will be of value', and will write to Ramsay again.

[ Henry Melvill (1798-1871), Principal of the East India Company College. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Melvill'], thanking 'Major McGregor' [ Robert Guthrie Macgregor ] for two copies of his 'Translations from the Greek Anthology'.

Henry Melvill (1798-1871), Principal of the East India Company College, 1844-1858, and Canon of St Paul's Cathedral
Publication details: 
East India College. 29 July 1857.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, with closed tear at head of first leaf. He thanks him for 'transmitting two copies of your “Epitaphs [sic] from the Greek Anthology” - one for myself, the other for our College Library'.

[ Presentation copy from 'R. B.', i.e. the publisher Richard Bentley, to his assistant-editor H. E. G. Evans. ] Lord Althorp. By Ernest Myers.

Ernest Myers [ Richard Bentley, London publisher; his assistant-editor H. E. G. Evans ]
Publication details: 
London: Richard Bentley and Son. Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen. 1890. [ Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, London and Beccles. ]

v + [2] + 240pp., 8vo. In original dark-blue cloth binding, gilt. Grey on brown printed endpapers with Bentley's 'Fide et Fiducia' motif. In good condition, in like binding, with bookplate neatly removed from front pastedown. Binder's ticket of Burns & Co. at rear. At the head of the reverse of the front free endpaper Bentley has written: 'H. E. G. Evans from R. B. | 19 Octr.

[ H. Montagu Butler, ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Montagu Butler') [ to Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor ], regarding the gift to Harrow of his 'Translations from the Greek Anthology'.

Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918), Headmaster of Harrow School, and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge [ Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor (1805-1869) ]
Publication details: 
Harrow. 28 October 1864.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. He thanks him for his 'very kind present to our School Library': 'The "Greek Anthology" will, I need not say, be a most acceptable addition to our treasures.' Guthrie's 'name will duly appear in our annual list of those friends who during the last twelve months have provevd themselves Benfactors to the Library'.

[ William Cunningham, Archdeacon of Ely, Scottish economist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Wm. Cunningham') to an unnamed party, explaining why he must decline his invitation to co-operate, despite the 'flattering invitation' of the Delegates

William Cunningham (1849-1919), Archdeacon of Ely, Scottish economist [ Harvard University ]
Publication details: 
Both from Trinity College, Cambridge. 9 and 12 October 1899.

The two letters were written on Cunningham's return from America, where he had been lecturing in economic history at Harvard. Both are in good condition, lightly aged. Both are addressed from Trinity College, Cambridge. ONE: 9 October 1899. 2pp., small 4to. He has 'just returned to England after a long absence'. He appreciates 'the honour you have done me in asking me to cooperate in such a work', but regrets 'that it is impossible for me to undertake anything of the kind at present'. TWO: 12 October 1899. 4pp., small 4to.

[ James William Lowther, 1st Viscount Ullswater. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('James W Lowther'), on his retirement as Speaker of the House of Commons, stating that he is not going to publish his reminiscences, considering it 'very improper'..

James William Lowther, 1st Viscount Ullswater (1855-1949), Speaker of the House of Commons, 1905-1921
Publication details: 
On House of Commons letterhead. 9 May 1921.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and folded twice. He states that he has 'no intention at present of writing or publishing any reminsicences', having always 'held a very strong view against the modern system of gentlemen who have been employed in official & confidential positions rushing into print the moment they have left their situations.' For Lowther's career see his entry in the Oxford DNB. In 1921 he retired as speaker, on being created Viscount Ullswater and appointed GCB.

[ Harold Baily Dixon, FRS, Professor of Chemistry at Owen's College, Manchester. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H B Dixon') regarding his requirements for a lecture at 'the Exchange Hall'.

H. B. Dixon [ Harold Baily Dixon ] (1852-1930), FRS, British chemist and amateur footballer, Professor of Chemistry at Owen's College, Manchester, 1886-1922
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Birch Hall, Rusholme, Manchester. 5 October 1888.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with light staining to the signature. He thanks the unnamed recipient for his 'programme of Lectures' and states that he will not 'want a Lanthern, [sic][ but I shall want a good Supply of gas to the table'. (Dixon was an authority on the explosion of gases.) He asks the size of 'the Exchange Hall', as he wants 'to adjust exp[erimen]ts. to the size of hall'. Dixon played football for Oxford University in the FA Cup Final in 1873.

[ Oxford Tutors' Association and Oxford University Commission. ] Two printed pamphlets: 'Recommendations respecting the Extension of the University of Oxford' and 'Recommendations respecting the Constitution of the University of Oxford'.

[ S.W. Wayte] Samuel William Wayte (1819-1898), President of Trinity College, Oxford [ Oxford Tutors' Association; Oxford University Commission, 1850-1852 ]
Publication details: 
[ Oxford Tutors' Association. ] First item without date or publishing details, but dating from 1852 or 1853. Second item: Oxford: John Henry Parker; and 377, Strand, London. 1853.

Both items in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Both side stitched, and without wraps. ONE: 'Recommendations respecting the Extension of the University of Oxford'. 32pp., 8vo. On reverse of title: 'The following Paper was drawn up at the request of the Tutors' Association by a Committee appointed on Nov. 19, 1852. It was read and considered at meetings of the Association held in Merton and Jesus College Common Rooms on Dec. 10 and 13: and its adoption will be proposed at the first meeting of the Association next Term.' TWO: 'Reports of the Oxford Tutors' Association. No. II.

[ Tom Clarke, editor of the News Chronicle, as Director of Practical Journalism, University of London King's College. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tom Clarke') to Morley Stuart of the Cambridge Daily News, regarding a student's 'vacation work'.

Tom Clarke [ Thomas Clarke ], editor of the News Chronicle, and Director of Practical Journalism, University of London King's College [ Morley Stuart, editor, Cambridge Daily News ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, University of London King's College, Stand W.C.2. 27 April 1937.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on leaf removed from album. Clarke writes that a King's student, also named Clarke, whom Stuart took 'for vacation work', has returned 'full of enthusiasm & gratitude for all you & your people have taught him'. He only hopes that the student 'made as good an impression on you as you have done on him'. He concludes: 'Why don't you come and give the students a talk one day?' According to an official account: 'The University of London ran courses in journalism from around 1923.

[ Royal Commission on Cathedrals, 1853 ] Signed Copy of long Autograph Letter from Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, responding to circular letter signed by Richard Jones, Secretary. With printed 'copy of the Commission'.

Rev. Richard Harington D.D. (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford; Rev. Richard Jones, Secretary of the Royal Commission on Cathedrals in Whitehall
Publication details: 
All three items from 1853. Harington's letter from Brasenose College, Oxford. Jones's circular letter from Cathedral Commission, 1 Parliament Street, Whitehall, London.

Three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Harington's 28-page letter is a significant assessment, by a senior member of the university, of the situation in the period immediately preceding the Oxford University Act of 1854. ONE: Signed Autograph Copy of Letter from 'Richd Harington' to 'The Rev. R. Jones'. Brasenose College, Oxford. 28pp., foolscap 8vo. On seven bifoliums of grey paper. Deletions and emendations throughout.

[ John Disney, archaeologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. P. Duncan of New Coll:',

John Disney (1779-1857), archaeologist [ Philip Bury Duncan (1772-1863) of New College, Oxford, Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum ]
Publication details: 
The Hyde. 27 March 1828.

2pp., 4to. He begins by reminding Duncan that he recently wrote to him, 'in reply to your letter on the subject of your book respecting Portugal'. That letter was directed to Oxford, but as Disney has not heard from Duncan since, he wonders whether it might have miscarried. He is now writing to remind Duncan of his 'kind expressions in my behalf as a candidate on the list at the Athenaeum'.

[ Eric Harold Neville, mathematician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. H. Neville') to 'Sir Dundas' [i.e. Sir Richard Dundas Harington ]

E. H. Neville [ Eric Harold Neville ] (1889-1961), English mathematician, of Trinity College Cambridge and the University of Reading, who convinced Srinivasa Ramanujan to come to England
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Copse, Sonning on Thames. 26 October 1944.

See W. J. Langford's glowing obituary of Neville (described as 'the greatest of them all' from a pedagogical point of view) in the Mathematical Gazette, May 1964. 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He begins by reassuring Harington that his books are 'safely here', but continues: 'I fear that every book I possess on numerical equations is on duty for the time being in the computing department of one of the RAF establishments.' He does not know of 'any book which gives an account of the processes actually used nowadays.

[ Rev. Thomas Arthur Preston of Marlborough College, botanist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. A. Preston') to J. Ramsay, regarding 'the connection between Vegetation & Climate', a subject 'in its infancy'.

T. A. Preston [ Rev. Thomas Arthur Preston ] (1833-1905) of Marlborough College, botanist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The College [amended by Preston to 'Green'], Marlborough. 28 May 1881.

12pp., 12mo. On three bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged. A long speculation - of great interest in the light of subsequent developments - on 'the connection between Vegetation & Climate', beginning with a discussion of 'the case of the Hawthorn'. 'The whole subject', he notes, 'at present is in its infancy and there are so many varied questions for wh. we seek answers that at present I do not think we can state any certain conclusions. | Botanically, the constitution of each species is an interesting source of investigation.

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