[ Privately printed memorial keepsake. ] Frederic William Goudy | Art Director to the Lanston Monotype Machine Company, 1920-1939, Typographic Counsel, 1939-1947. [ With advertisement for Bay Path Cover paper, in 'The authentic Goudy face'. ]

[ Frederic William Goudy; Lanston Monotype Machine Company, Philadelphia; Bruce Rogers ]
Publication details: 
Privately printed. Philadelphia, 1947.

16pp., 4to. Stapled into light brown wraps, with 'GOUDY' nicely printed in dark brown decorative letters on front cover. In fair condition lightly aged and creased. Inscribed in a small calligraphic hand at foot of front cover to 'DE fr. WGT [W G Thomson?] xi.48'. A well-printed item, with two pages carrying photographs of Goudy, a six-page 'Appreciation', two pages of 'Goudy Monotype Faces', and the final page carrying an 'appreciation' of Goudy by Bruce Rogers, ending 'He worked to the last, and he died at the zenith of his powers.

[ Pamphlet. ] First Annual Report of the Council of the Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association for the Year 1842, read at the Annual Meeting of the Members, held January 23, 1843: Treasurer's Account, and a List of Members.

Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association [ Thomas Thornely, M.P.; Free Trade; Smith, Rogerson, and Co., Liverpool printers ]
Publication details: 
Second edition. Liverpool: Printed by Smith, Rogerson, and Co., 44, Lord Street. 1843.

40pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. On aged and lightly damp-stained paper. The report begins (p.5): 'The Object of the Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association, as expressed in its constitution, is "The annihilation of all Monopolies in Trade and Commerce, and especially the total and immediate Repeal of the Bread and Provision Taxes.' Pp.36-37 carry, in small print, the 'List of Members for 1842'; the 'Council for 1843', with 'THOMAS THORNELY, Esq., M.P.' as president, is on p.3.

[ Pamphlet. ] Memoir of William Roscoe, by Dr. Thomas Stewart Traill, F.R.S.E., &c. [ With coloured plate illustrating 'Roscoe's Birthplace'. ]

Dr Thomas Stewart Traill [ William Roscoe (1753-1831), Liverpool connoisseur, historian and abolitionist; George Smith, Watts and Co., Liverpool printers ]
Publication details: 
Liverpool: Geo. Smith, Watts and Co. [ 19 Titherbarn Street. ] 1853.

48pp., 12mo. Disbound with free endpapers.In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. Nicely printed, with all edges gilt. Dedication 'To the Friends and Admirers of William Roscoe, assembled to commemorate theh Centenary of his Birth, this Edition of the Memoir, by Dr.

[ Anonymous pamphlet by Firmin Didot of Paris, inscribed by the author. ] Notice Historique sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de P. P. Prudhon, Peintre, Membre de la Légion-d'Honneur et de l'Institut.

[ Jacques-Philippe Voïart [ Voiart ] or his wife Élise Voïart (1786-1866) ] Firmin Didot, Paris printer [ Pierre-Paul Prud'hon [ Prudhon ] (1758-1823), French painter ]
Publication details: 
A Paris, chez Firmin Didot, Rue Jacob, No 24; Chez Boulland et Ce, Libraire, Rue du Battoir, No 12. 1824.

46pp., 8vo. Stitched and in original plain grey wraps. Aged and worn, in fraying wraps. The pamphlet is anonymous, but carries the following inscription in pencil on the half-title: 'hommage | a Mademoiselle Bergeret | Artiste, de la part de l'Auteur. | Voïart'. The only copies on COPAC at the V & A, and the British Library. This copy lacks the lithographed frontispiece portrait of Prud'hon, by Voïart, present in the copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, which is ascribed to the wife, whereas other authorities ascribe the work to the husband.

[ Printed handbill poem addressed to John Bright of the Anti-Corn Law League, MP for Birmingham. ] Celebration Ode: on the Occasion of the Bright Celebration, by Alfred Capel Shaw.

Alfred Capel Shaw [ (1847-1918), Chief Librarian of Birmingham ] [ John Bright (1811-1889), Quaker and Radical, prominent member of the Anti-Corn Law League, Corn Law, MP for Birmingham ]
Publication details: 
Hudson & Son, Printers, Edmund Street, Birmingham. [ 1883. ]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on pink paper. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with minor evidence of removal from stub. A poem of 13 irregular stanzas. Begins: 'When some great warrior returns | Triumphant to his native land, | The heart of all the nation burns | To welcome him.

[ J. T. Maleville, nineteenth-century printer in Washington, DC. ] Menu printed on pink silk.

J. T. Maleville, printer of Washington DC [ American printing ]
Publication details: 
'J. T. MALEVILLE, PRINT, 407 10TH ST.' [ Washington, DC] Undated [1880s?].

Printed in black ink on one side of a 23.5 x 17.5 cm piece of pink silk. An interesting piece of American nineteenth-century printing, with only the printer's details giving a clue to the occasion of the dinner. Within a decorative border, and with Maleville's slug in bottom left-hand corner. A sumptuous 'service à la russe', with potages, hors d'oeuvre, poisson, relevé, entrées roti, entremets and dessert.

[ The Brentford Mechanics' Institution. ] Printed library ticket.

[ Brentford Mechanics' Institution, established 1835 ] [ Brentford, town in Middlesex, now in the London Borough of Hounslow; Victorian circulating libraries ]
Publication details: 
Brentford Mechanics' Institution. October 1854.

Ticket printed on one side of an 8 x 7 cm piece of paper. In fair condition, with closed tear at head and slight damage to bottom right-hand corner. Printed within a decorative border and reading (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'No [93 - 4] | This Book is the Property of the Brentford Mechanics' Institution. | It must not be kept longer than [14] days. If kept longer than the time specified the Fine of One Penny will be charged for the first fortnight, and an additional Penny for every succeeding week.

[ By Frederick Lankester, printer of Bury St. Edmunds. ] Watts' Divine Songs, attempted in Easy Language for the use of Children.

Isaac Watts [ Frederick Lankester of Bury St. Edmunds, publisher; Henry Mozley and Sons, Printers, Derby. ]
Publication details: 
Published by F. Lankester, Abbey Gate Street, Bury St. Edmunds. No date. [ 'Henry Mozley and Sons Printers, Derby.' ]

31pp., 64mo., i.e. 10 x 6.5 cm. Stitched, in green printed wraps. Heavily aged and worn. Penny pamphlet with three illustrations. Contemporary inscription on p.30: 'Thomas Richard Woollard his Book | Given him by Ann Wright 1840'. The signature of Sarah Wollard is also present. BBTI has Frederick Lankester active in Bury St. Edmunds between 1821 and 1864, but this may reflect a confusion between Frederick and Francis Lankester. COPAC holds items by published by Frederick Lankester between 1824 and 1837. No other copy of this particular edition traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Logic of Co-operation.

George Jacob Holyoake [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, Manchester ]
Publication details: 
London: Trübner & Co., 60, Paternoster Row. Manchester: Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street. 1873. [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street, Corporation-street, Manchester. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound and without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Now uncommon.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Policy of Commercial Co-operation as respects including the Consumer.

George Jacob Holyoake [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, Manchester; Co-operative Movement in Victorian England ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted, with additions, from the Co-operative News.' London: Trubner & Co., 57 & 59, Ludgate Hill. Manchester: Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street. [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street, Manchester. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Now uncommon.

[ John Thomas Bellows, Quaker printer and lexicographer.] Autograph Draft Letter Signed ('John Bellows') to 'Honoured Count Worontzoff Dashkoff', sending condolences and devout sentiments on the death of his child.

John Bellows [ John Thomas Bellows ] (1831-1902) of Upton Knoll, Gloucester, Quaker printer and lexicographer, author of first pocket French/English dictionary [ Count Worontzoff Dashkoff ]
Publication details: 
Upton Knoll, Gloucester. 4 April 1894.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. A long letter, closely and neatly written, with a number of emendations suggesting that it is a draft. After a short reference to the Count's kindness to him and his friend Joseph Neave, he devotes the rest of the letter to 'the heavy trial thou has had to pass through', discussing the nature of loss with 'knowledge from my own experience, that the loss of a child is a grief into whose full depths no stranger can enter, and that words, even well-meant, when uttered at an unfit moment, pain instead of helping'.

[ Printed pamphlet inscribed by the author. ] Government Printing in Massachusetts-Bay, 1700-1750. By Rollo G. Silver.

Rollo G. Silver (1909-1989), American book collector and historian of American printing [ The American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts ]
Publication details: 
The American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts. 1958. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society for April 1958.

[1] + 28pp, 8vo. Paginated 135-162. Stapled pamphlet, in printed green wraps. In good conditon, lightly aged and worn. Inscribed at head of title-page: 'For Dr. S. H. Steinberg with all good wishes from Rollo G. Silver'. Contains an eleven and a half page appendix of 'Abstracts from Some Printers' Bills in the Masschusetts Archives'. The only copy on COPAC at Trinity College, Dublin.

[ Double Crown Club keepsake. ] 'Bill of Fare' for dinner at the Cafe Royal (chaired by John Johnson with a paper by James Guthrie), featuring a facsimile score for 'Grace after Meat | A new round' by Daniel George and Hubert Foss.

The Double Crown Club; John de Monins Johnson (1882-1956), Oxford University Press printer; James Guthrie; Duncan Williams; Daniel George; Hubert Foss
Publication details: 
Pencil note stating that the item is for a dinner at the Café Royal, 7 March 1934.

16 x 20 cm booklet, consisting of a bifolium stitched with black green thread into covers of thicker paper. In fair condition, aged and worn, with remains of clear plastic front covering. On the front cover is a heavily-inked art photograph superimposing an image of a musical score over the edges of an fanned-out signature. On the inside of the back cover is a facsimile of a calligraphic inscription in Latin, in Renaissance style. The inner contents consists of two facsimiles.

[ The Double Crown Club. ] Illustrated menu for the 35th dinner of the Double Crown Club (chaired by Thomas Balston and with a paper delivered by Stanley Morison), at the Cafe Royal, London.

The Double Crown Club, dining club and society of printers, London; Thomas Balston; Stanley Morison (1889-1967), typographer; The Times of London
Publication details: 
Printed in the offices of The Times, Printing House Square, London, EC4. 8 December 1932.

Printed in black on a 45 x 28 cm piece of white card, folded twice to make a 22.5 x 14 cm bifolium. When opened out the card has the printing details and 'THE 35TH DINNER' on the otherwise blank reverse. Aged and worn. The outer covers of the card, opening out to 45 x 14 cm, carry a reversed photograph of a Miller & Richard chase, with form featuring the words 'DOUBLE CROWN CLUB'.

[] 'A Catalogue of valuable Ancient and Modern Books, comprising Specimens of Early Typography, Manuscripts on Vellum, with Miniatures, Early Printed Books with woodcuts [...]'.

Antoine Bachelin-Deflorenne, bookseller of Paris and London
Publication details: 
Bachelin-Deflorenne, Bookseller, 25, Garrick Street, (Covent Garden), London. Catalogue No. 4. September 1869.

66 + 2pp., 12mo. Stitched pamphlet. With printed front cover. In poor condition, aged and worn, with damage to top-edge. 774 lots with prices. Notes in English and French. Among the more expensive items is 228, a collection of material relating to the Chevalier d'Eon, for £12. In poor condition, but a scarce item.

[ The Musical Standard, Fleet Street. ] File copies of eleven issues, containing around 175 items of original correspondence and other matter relating to advertising, and marked up by advertising manager Harry Lavender.

The Musical Standard, Fleet Street, 1862-1933 [Harry Lavender, advertising manager; nineteenth-century British journalism; newspapers in Victorian London ]
Publication details: 
The Musical Standard, 185 Fleet Street, London, E.C. The eleven issues dating from between 21 April 1888 and 21 March 1891. Incoming correspondence from various addresses in Britain.

For more information about the periodical, see the entry in Brake and Demoor's 'Dictionary of Nineteenth Century Journalism in Great Britain and Ireland' (2009), which stresses the its independence: 'the Musical Standard was rare among nineteenth-century music journals in that it was not produced by a music publisher or other music issuing body'. The present item consists of around 175 items laid down in file copies of eleven issues, four of them from 1888: 21 April, 26 May and 16 and 30 June; and seven from 1891: 3 January, and 7, 14, 21, 28 February, and 7 and 21 March.

[ Penguin Books Ltd. ] 35 items of Penguin Books ephemera, including 11 issues of 'Penguin Book News', stock lists, order forms.

Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex [ twentieth-century British publishing ephemera ]
Publication details: 
Penguin Books, . Dating from between 1954 and 1964.

The collection is in fair overall condition, on aged and worn paper. Not all from the same source (includes stamps of W. H. Smith & Son, Bromley; the Pioneer Bookshop, Woolwich; and Ascroft and Daw of the Charing Cross Road). ONE: 'November Penguins | published 29 October 1954'. Illustrated fold-out pamphlet. TWO: 3 issues of 'Penguin Books | Order Form', December 1954, August 1958, and October 1958. Fold-out leaflets. The December 1954 issue (creased, as is one other) features a full-page illustrated Christmas message. THREE: 'The New Penguins | ready 27 October 1955'.

Single leaf extracted from 'Die Chronica van der hilliger Stat van Coellen' (The Cologne Chronicle, 1499) as a keepsake for a 'Colophon' dinner, with folder and explanatory text, together with a leaf from

Johann Koelhoff the Younger, printer of 'Die Chronica van der hilliger Stat van Coellen', 1499 [ 'The Colophon: A Book Collector's Quarterly'; Dr A. S. W. Rosenbach; incunabula ]
Publication details: 
[ Cologne: Johann Koelhoff the Younger, 1499. ] [ New York: The Colophon (Pynson Printers). Undated (1929?) ]

Four items loosely inserted in a 33 x 25.5 cm black paper folder which is in good condition, with light signs of wear. With 26.5 x 20.5 illustrated label on cover, printed in black and brown, for 'The Colophon | A book collector's quarterly'. Presented to the guests at a 'Colophon' dinner (perhaps the inaugural one in 1929?). The contents as follows. ONE: Leaf from the Cologne Chronicle, 1499. The dimensions of the leaf from this incunabulum are roughly 30.5 x 20.5 cm. In fair condition, on aged paper with light damp staining. With three woodcuts, each roughly 5 x 4 cm.

[Proof engraving of 'The Welcome Coffee House' (Moreton Pinkney, Northamptonshire?) ] Manuscript Letter, signed 'Pro S. W. Partridge & Co | F. N', to W. H. Dunlop, enclosing a proof engraving from the 'Coffee Public News'.

[ S. W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, London publishers ] [Samuel William Partridge (1810-1903); W. H. Dunlop (proprietor?), The Welcome Coffee House (Moreton Pinkney, Northamptonshire?) ]
Publication details: 
S. & W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, London. 25 October 1880.

Both the engraving and the letter are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ENGRAVING: Dimensions of image: 5.5 x 9 cm. Dimensions of paper: 12 x 18 cm. In black ink. The coffee house, with signage, is shown behind an old stone wall, in front of a country house. It is built like a barn with a taller structure beside it (possibly a reading room). LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium.

[London School of Printing and the Royal Society of Arts] Fourteen (14) Typed Letters and Notes Signed "J R Riddell,"to G.K. Menzies, Secretary, RSA, about meetings and exhibitions.

J.R. Riddell John Robertson Riddell], Principal, London School of Printing and Kindred Trades (formerly St Bride Printing School).
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] London County Council | London School of Printing [...] 14 May 1925 to 16 Feb. 1928

Fourteen letters, all one page, most 4to, all in good condition. All stamped RSASubjects: A meeting that clashes with the Joint Industrial Council Convention of the printing trades; judges should be selected from "those whose business is to produce books" not "amateur highbrows"; he accepts role of adjudicator in the competition for Book Production; he promises a relevant proof; asks for proof-reading; announces the 300 copies of the particulars of competitions 'Book Production'"; re. proof of a card; re, reet proof of invitation card; re.

[ Sir Humphrey Sumner Milford, publisher to the University of Oxford. ] Duplicated typed circular, with facsimile signature of 'Humphrey S. Milford', describing the economic situation which has resulted in an increase in prices.

Humphrey Milford [ Sir Humphrey Sumner Milford ] (1877-1952), publisher to the University of Oxford [ Oxford University Press ]
Publication details: 
On his Oxford University Press letterhead ('Manager: HUMPHREY MILFORD | Head Office: Amen Corner, London, E.C. 4'. 16 August 1919.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and spotted paper. A convincing copy of a genuine typed letter, with Milford's signature and the letterhead in black ink, and the typewritten text in purple. 25 lines of text in three paragraphs. An interesting glimpse into the state of the British publishing industry in the period immediately following the First World War.

[Printed pamphlet.] Killing no Murder, Briefly Discours'd, In Three Questions, fit for Publick View, To Deter and Prevent Tyrants from Usurping Supreme Power. [...]. Now Reprinted, and Address'd to the French King.

'Writ by Col. Titus, under the Name of William Allen, and Dedicated to Oliver Cromwel.' [ Louis XIV of France, 'the Sun King' ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed, and Sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1708.

Full title: 'Killing no Murder, Briefly Discours'd, In Three Questions, fit for Publick View, To Deter and Prevent Tyrants from Usurping Supreme Power. Writ by Col. Titus, under the Name of William Allen, and Dedicated to Oliver Cromwel. Now Reprinted, and Address'd to the French King.' 28pp., small 4to. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with slight damage to last few leaves, affecting text. The original version was published in 1657, and advocated the assassination of Oliver Cromwell. Six copies on COPAC. Now scarce.

[ Samuel Lewis, topographer. ] Printed prospectus, questionnaire and list of 'Subscribers in London': 'Preparing for publication, | By S. Lewis, | A Topographical Dictionary of England, | From a Personal Survey through every Parish in the Kingdom'.

Samuel Lewis (c.1782-1865), topographer and publisher
Publication details: 
12, Devereaux-court, Temple, London. [Late 1820s.]

4pp., folio. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper and creased paper, with slight damage to margins at foot of both leaves. Beneath the heading on the first page is a list of around 75 princes, dukes and lords, headed by 'His Most Gracious Majesty the King', under whose 'immediate patronage' the work is to be commenced. Beneath this, in small type is the prospectus, stressing the 'immense Labour and Expense' attending the work (Lewis later claimed had taken six years to compile it, at an outlay of £48,000), which is to be 'published in Four Volumes Quarto - Price 30s.

[ John Braddick of Boughton Mount ] Long manuscript responses to a questionnaire in a prospectus titled 'Preparing for publication, | By S. Lewis, | A Topographical Dictionary of England, | From a Personal Survey through every Parish in the Kingdom'

John Braddick of Boughton Mount, Monchelsea, Kent, slave trader; Samuel Lewis (c.1782-1865), topographer and publisher
Publication details: 
Prospectus published from 12, Devereaux-court, Temple, London. [Late 1820s.]

The prospectus is 4pp., folio. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper and creased paper, with slight damage to margins at foot of both leaves. Beneath the heading on the first page is a list of around 75 princes, dukes and lords, headed by 'His Most Gracious Majesty the King', under whose 'immediate patronage' the work is to be commenced.

[Charles Thomas Courtney Lewis.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. T Courtney Lewis') to an unnamed recipient, regarding his two books on the publishers Le Blond & Co.

Charles Thomas Courtney Lewis [ C. T. Courtney Lewis ] (b.1856), English writer on art [Le Blond & Co., London fine art publishers]
Publication details: 
32 Great Queen Street, Kingsway, London, WC2. 4 October 1928.

1p., narrow 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He explains that he has 'not written since my Vol in 1920 any Book on Le Blond except the one just published of which I enclose the Prospectus & do not contemplate any other'. He points out the differences between the two volumes and ends with an offer of help.

[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council. ] Typed report of a talk given at Norwich Central Public Library, titled 'The Making of a Book'.

[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council (F. S. Denys Page, President); George Arthur Stephens, city librarian, Norwich ]
Publication details: 
[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council. ] Undated [1920s].

2pp., 4to. Carbon. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Begins: 'The third of a series of lectures arranged by the Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council was held at the Norwich Central Public Library on March 19, when the City Librarian (Mr. Geo A. Stephen, the author of "Commercial Bookbinding" and other works) gave a lecture on "The Making of a Modern Book". The lecture was illustrated by about a hundred lantern slides and exhibits. [...] Mr. F.S.

[William W. Clary, Los Angeles book collector.] Typed Letter Signed ('William W Clary') to the wife of London theatrical bookseller Ifan Kyrle Fletcher, regarding 'autographed letters', the publication of a Max Beerbohm item, and the Zamorano Club.

William W. Clary (1888-1971), Los Angeles lawyer, book collector and founding member of the Zamorano Club [Ifan Kyrle Fletcher (d.1964), London theatrical historian and bookseller; Max Beerbohm]
Publication details: 
433 South Sprint Street, Los Angeles 5, California. 8 May 1961.

1p., 8vo. Air mail letter addressed to Fletcher at 22 Buckingham Gate, London SW1. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He thanks him for his letter 'regarding autographed [sic] letters', explaining that 'we have gone in very little for letters and manuscripts, although we have made a few exceptions where they were in bound volumes or had some very important Oxford interest'. (Clary's Oxford collection is now at the Claremont Colleges Library. Williams's letters do not 'quite fit our program' (the plural presumably referring to Claremont).

[Henry Southern, journalist.] Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed individual, explaining that he is not being generous and making a sacrifice [by accepting the appointment of editor of the London Magazine].

Henry Southern (1799-1853), English journalist, editor of the London Magazine and founder of the Retrospective Review
Publication details: 
7 January 1825.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with minor remains of stub adhering to one edge. The letter would appear to concern Southern's appointment in January 1825 as editor of the new series of the London Magazine. It reads reads: 'My dear Sir | It is needless to say that I shall have great gratification in dining at your table on Tuesday. I fear that my letter has been delusive. I have no claim to the kind word you use. Generosity is smost certainly out of the question. I make no sacrifice - and in point of fact I expect to gain. I shall be deceived if I do not.

[Charles Dolman, Roman Catholic London publisher.] First part of Autograph Letter [from the publisher Charles Dolman] to Nicholas Wiseman in Rome, discussing his

Charles Dolman (1807-1863), Roman Catholic London publisher ('nephew and successor to the late Joseph Booker') [Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865), Roman Catholic Cardinal]
Publication details: 
London. 12 May 1839.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. 135 lines of text. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. At the time of writing Dolman had just published 'Four Lectures on the Offices and Ceremonies of Holy Week, as performed in the Papal Chapels. Delivered in Rome, in the Lent of 1837, by Nicholas Wiseman'. Later in 1839 he would publish Wiseman's anonymous 'A reply to the Rev. Dr. Turton's "Roman Catholic Doctrine of the Eucharist considered"'. Written in a close neat hand.

[Printed item in boards.] The Lyre of Ebor; The Fall of Belshazzar; Genius and Intemperance; and other Poems. By John Nicholson, Author of Airedale in Ancient Times, The Poacher, &c.

John Nicholson (1790-1843) [Thomas Brayshaw (d.1931) of Settle; Percival F. Hinton (1896-1977)]
Publication details: 
London: Sold by Seeley and Son, 169, Fleet-street; and G. & E. Nicholson, Bradford. 1827.

viii + 218 + [1]pp. In quarter-bound boards with blue-grey covers and buff spine. Ex Libris of Thomas Brayshaw and Percival F. Hinton on front pastedown, and ownership signature of 'Heber' (not the book collector Richard Heber) at head of title. 'Preface' on pp.iii-v, dated 'Bingley, July 28th, 1827.', followed by two-page table of contents, listing 25 poems. 'Notes' on pp.201-218, followed by a page of advertisements by G. & E. Nicholson.

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