Binder containing forty mimeographed typed documents from the Control Commission School (Air), Regent's Park, London, a top secret wartime organisation to prepare Allied officers for the occupation of Germany. With an autograph paper by a student.

Air Vice-Marshall D. M. T. MacDonald (1909-1988), Officer Commanding, Control Commission School (Air), Regent's Park [F/o A. H. Reeve]
Publication details: 
[Control Commission School (Air), Viceroy Court, Prince Albert Road, Regent's Park, London.] February and March 1945.

A significant collection of documents relating to the secret effort, at the end of the Second World War, to prepare officers of the British and allied armed forces for the coming occupation of Germany. Excessively scarce: the only other holdings appear to be in the British National Archives, and the Maurice M. Goodner papers (OAC), the latter relating to a later Parisian branch of the school.

[ 'The Need of a National Party', 1890-1920. ] Material from the papers of J. Cuming Walters, editor of Manchester City News, regarding the formation of a national party, including drafts of autograph letctures by him, pamphlet, cuttings, proofs.

[ National Party, United Kingdom, 1890-1921 [ John Cuming Walters (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News, 1906-1932, journalist and author; Winston Churchill ]
Publication details: 
Manchester and London. Between 1890 and 1920.

A useful background guide is Geoffrey Russell Searle's 'Country before Party: Coalition and the Idea of "National Government' in Modern Britain, 1885-1987' (London, 1995). As the manuscripts in this collection indicate, Cuming Walters cherished the idea of a national party from the 1890s, and he was able to re-use material from that period on the formation of the National Party in 1920 (not to be confused with the party of the same name, a pamphlet relating to which is present, dating from 1917).

[ R. Palme Dutt. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Raji') to 'Jimmy' [ James Shields ], thanking him for the 'masterly' fashion in which he has 'handled the press job' during Dutt's campaign in the 1945 general election.

R. Palme Dutt [ Rajani Palme Dutt ] (1896-1974), chief theoretician of the Communist Party of Great Britain [ Jimmy Shields (1900-1949), Scottish communist, twice editor of the Daily Worker ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead as 'Communist Candidate for Sparkbrook'. 6 July 1945.

1p., 4to. On aged and worn paper. The letterhead features a photographic portrait of Dutt. Written the day after the General Election, in which Dutt came third in the Sparkbrook constituency, with fewer than two thousand votes. As Shields is leaving in the morning, he feels compelled to write to him 'to express what we all feel about the wonderful way you have handled the press job. It has been masterly, and every other constituency might well be jealous of us.' He ends with 'Millions of thanks, cheers and congratulations'. From the Jimmy Shields papers.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain. ] Duplicated Typescript headed 'Discussion Statement prepared by Middle East Committee', and titled 'Imperialism and Economic Background of Egypt'.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain, International Department (Middle East Committee)] [ Egypt; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
[ Communist Party of Great Britain, London. ] International Committee, 16, King Street, London, W.C.2. 26th March 1946.

5pp., 8vo. On five foolscap leaves, with duplicate copy of p.4 present. In good condition, lightly aged.

[ Communist Party of Great Britain. ] Duplicated Typescript headed 'Information Document prepared by Africa Committee' on 'The West African Cocoa Industry' (Gold Coast, Nigeria, Ivory Coast and French Cameroons).

[ Communist Party of Great Britain, International Department ] [ West African Cocoa Industry; Gold Coast; Nigeria; Ivory Coast; French Cameroons; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
[ Communist Party of Great Britain, London. ] International Department, 16, King Street, London, W.C.2. May, 1946.

5pp., 8vo. On five foolscap leaves. In good condition, lightly aged. The report is single-spaced, and factual rather than polemical, describing the 'network of buying stations' (run by 'non-European intermediaries (African or Syrian)') maintained by the 'European firms that buy and export practically the whole crop', and the recommendations of the 1938 Nowell Report.

[ Tass Agency, London. ] Number ('Evening Bulletin') of 'Soviet Monitor', with two articles: 'The Situation in India | Lecture by Academiciann Zhukov' and 'The Former "Siberia of Siberia" | Object-Lesson of Yakutia's Development'.

[ Tass Agency; Soviet Union; Evgenyii Mikhailovitch Zhukov of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
Issued by Tass Agency, Chronicle House, 72-78 Fleet Street, E.C.4., London. No. 8669, 28 June 1947.

5pp., folio. Duplicate typescript on three leaves. In fair condition, on aged paper. The first article, produced on the eve of Indian independence, begins: 'Moscow radio broadcast an account of a lecture given by Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Zhukove on "The Situation in India" at the Polytechnical Museum in Moscow.' It proceeds with a summary of Zhukov's lecture, the view he expounds including the following: 'Britain's new policy derives from the economic changes which took place in India during the years of the Second World War.

[ Soviet Poland, printed periodicals. ] Three numbers of 'Polish Facts & Figures | Issued by the Press Office of the Polish Embassy in London'.

[ Soviet Poland; the Polish Embassy in London; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
[ The Press Office of the Polish Embassy in London. ] Three numbers: No. 5, 16 July 1946; No. 14, 19 September 1946; No. 51, 28 June 1947. [ Printed by St. Clements Press Ltd., Portugal Street, London, W.C.2.' ]

The three items are each 4pp., 4to, in bifoliums, and uniform in design. Each carrying a number of articles in small print. Each on aged paper and with wear to margin along outer edge, but with text clear and undamaged. No. 5 includes articles titled: 'Referendum Results', 'Poland's National Day', 'Polish-British Relations', 'Poland's Independence and Freedom Secured | M. Bierut speaks to Democratic Party Congress', 'A Polish Economic System'. No. 14 has in it articles on 'Mr. Byrnes v.

[ H. H. Asquith, Prime Minister. ] Autograph Signature ('H. H. Asquith').

H. H. Asquith [ Herbert Henry Asquith ] (1852-1928), Liberal Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1908-1916
Publication details: 
Without place and date.

On 3 x 9 cm piece of card, cut from the end of a letter. Reads: 'Yours sincerely | H. H. Asquith'. In poor condition, heavily creased and marked.

[ Sir John Simon, Lord Chancellor. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed, two Typed Letters Signed (variously 'John Simon' and 'J. A. Simon'), and one Autograph Note Signed ('J. A. Simon') to Sir Robert Ernest Dummett, on legal and political matters.

Sir John Simon [ Sir J. A. Simon; John Allsebrook, 1st Viscount Simon ] (1873-1954), Lord Chancellor, Liberal politician and lawyer [ Sir Robert Ernest Dummett (1872-1941) ]
Publication details: 
Two on letterheads of the Solicitor General, two from 57 Kensington Court, London, one from 4 Brick Court, Temple, one from All Souls College, Oxford. Between 1900 and 1912.

The collection in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: ANS ('J. A. Simon'). 17 January 1908. 1p., 12mo. From 4 Brick Court, Temple. Giving notice that he is that day 'applying to the Lord Chancellor for silk'. Accompanied by an undated Autograph Memorandum by Frederick Allan Wilshire (1868-1944), Recorder of Bridgwater, stating that it is 'of particular interest. When a Barrister applies for silk he has to write a similar letter to this to all members of the circuit who are his senior. | Simon recommended me to the King for the Recordership of Bridgwater. | F. A. W.' TWO: ALS ('J. A.

[ Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain, Conservative politician. ] Autograph Signature ('Austen Chamberlain') on duplicated 'Agenda' of a meeting of the Coalition Liberal Organisation meeting.

Sir Joseph Austen Chamberlain (1863-1937), Conservative politician, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
Publication details: 
With stamp of the Conservative Liberal Organisation, Headquarters Western Group, 28 Baldwin Street, Bristol. Undated, but dated to December 1920 in manuscript.

1p., folio. On aged and creased paper. With Coalition Liberal Organisation stamp at bottom right, and manuscript date 'Decr 1920' at head. The agenda is in four numbered parts, including an 'Address by the Right Honourable J. Austen Chamberlain, M.P. (Chancellor of the Exchequer)', and the proposing by T. W. H. Inskip, M.P., of F. A. Wilshire, 'Prospective Coalition Candidate Thornbury Division', with Sir George Davies in support.

[ Sir George Otto Trevelyan, historian. ] Autograph Note Signed ('G O Trevelyan') to 'Herbert' [ Sir Robert Herbert ], describing his canvassing activities in the 1892 General Election, and his longing for 'society'.

Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928), historian and liberal politician [ Sir Robert Herbert (1831-1905), Premier of Queensland ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Central Station Hotel, Glasgow. 5 July 1892.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-ruckled paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Herbert, | My address will show you why I cannot have the pleasure of breakfasting with you. My poll is tomorrow [Trevelyan was MP for Glasgow Bridgeton], and the evening of the 7th. I am to speak in Inverness, and then have to come South to take part in our two South Northern Ireland contests'. He will be 'from 3 to 600 miles from London for some time to come', and will 'miss the sort of society of which the breakfast club is the quintessence'. From the papers of Sir Robert Herbert.

[ Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, Whig statesman. ] Document with Autograph Signature ('Shaftesbury') to Sir Robert Long, regarding the payment of an annuity to David Walter, Groom of the Bedchamber.

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury (1621-1683), Whig statesman [ Sir Robert Long (1600-1673) ]
Publication details: 
Whitehall. 22 November 1672.

1p., small 4to. Irregular shaped leaf of paper, aged and worn, laid down on a piece of paper 21 cm. square. Fourteen lines of text in a secretarial hand, regarding the payment of an annuity of £500 to 'David Walter - Esqr. one of the Groomes of his Mats. Bedchambr.' Signed at bottom right by Shaftesbury, and addressed at bottom left by the secretary 'To oure loving freind Sr. Robt. Long Bart. Audr. of the Receipt of ye. Excheqr.'

[ Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart, Liberal politican and husband of Princess Christine Bonaparte. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Dudley Coutts Stuart'), undertaking to visit the pianist Charles Salaman.

Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart (1803-1854), Liberal politician, husband of Lucien Bonaparte's daughter Princess Christine Bonaparte, supporter of Polish independence [ Charles Salaman (1814-1901), pianist]
Publication details: 
34 St James's Place [ London ]. 17 July 1848.

1p., 12mo. On aged and lightly-worn paper. It will give him great pleasure to wait upon Salaman and his sister, and he will certainly do so 'unless absolutely prevented' by the House of Commons, which he hopes will not be the case. The word 'Lord' has been added in a contemporary hand before Stuart's signature.

[ Frederick Andrew Inderwick, lawyer and antiquary. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. A. Inderwick') to

F. A. Inderwick [ Frederick Andrew Inderwick ] (1836-1904), divorce lawyer, antiquary and Liberal Party politician
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Winchelsea, Rye, Sussex. 20 September 1894.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. He is enclosing a contract, and asks to be sent a copy of 'some work on the antiquities of the Exchequer by Mr Hall'.

[ Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Shaftesbury') to 'Miss Faithful' [ the publisher and suffragist Emily Faithfull ], explaining his reasons for being unable to attend a lecture.

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (1801-1885), Liberal politician and social reformer [ Emily Faithfull (1835-1895), London publisher and campaigner for women's rights ]
Publication details: 
No place. 28 April 1871.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, and slightly creased at foot. He apologises for being unable to attend a meeting, 'which I had given up, hearing that Sir C. Trevelyan had, already, promised to undertake the duty'. As president, he must attend 'an important Lecture' at the Victoria Institute, 'the Committee having fixed the day, supposing me to be free'.

[ Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey, Governor of Victoria. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Brassey') to the Secretary of the Royal Naval College Mess Committee, asking to change the date of a meeting, as he is hunting with his brother's hounds.

Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey (1836-1918), Governor of Victoria, Liberal politician, yachtsman and freemason
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Heythrop, Chipping Norton. 19 February 1876.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'I have just come down here, and find my brother's hounds are hunting on Tuesday. I venture therefore to ask, if I may be allowed to change my plans, and to dine with you on Thursday next, instead of Tuesday.' He concludes by explaining why he hopes the change may not be inconvenient.

[ Sir Albert Spicer, Liberal Party politician. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Albert Spicer') to A. D. Snow, responding to congratulations on his receiving his baronetcy.

Sir Albert Spicer (1847-1934), industrialist and Liberal Party politician, successively Member of Parliament for Monmouth Boroughs and Hackney Central
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 10 Lancaster Gate, W. [ London ] 9 July 1906.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He thanks him for his congratulations on 'the honour His Majesty has conferred upon me', adding 'The kind and generous way in which the announcement has been received by our friends has been most gratifying to my Wife and myself.'

[ Abbott Laurence, American ambassador to London. ] Autograph Signature ('Abbott Laurence').

Abbott Laurence (1792-1855), American politician and philanthropist, congressman and ambassador to London, 1849-1852
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 1 x 5 cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged. Cut from a letter.

[ Samuel Plimsoll of the 'Plimsoll Line'. ] Autograph Signature franking letter.

Samuel Plimsoll (1824-1898), English politician and social reformer, Member of Parliament for Derby, and originator of the celebrated 'Plimsoll Line'
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On 4 x 13.5 cm. strip of paper, cut from the front panel of an envelope. In fair condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'John Head Esq | Ransome Sims & Head | Ipswich', with the underlined signature 'Samuel Plimsoll' at bottom left.

[ William Ewart Gladstone, British Prime Minister. ] Autograph Signature ('W E Gladstone') from franked letter.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), British Liberal Party politician, four-time Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [ 1859? ]

On 2.5 x 11.5 cm. piece of paper, cut from front panel of envelope. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Lower part of address present, reading 'Gt Grimsby | Grantham'. Circular frank in red ink over this, reading 'FREE | 8 JY 8 | 18<5?>9'. Good firm signature underlined at bottom left: 'W E Gladstone'.

[ George Tomline, Liberal MP, known as 'Colonel Tomline'. ] Autograph Letter Signed to R. C. Ransome, Ipswich manufacturer of agricultural machinery.

George Tomline [ 'Colonel Tomline' ] (1813-1889), Liberal MP and amateur astronomer
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 1 Carlton House Terrace, S.W. [ London ] 13 June 1874.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and ruckled paper. He invites him to pay him a four-day visit at Brock Park, 'to meet many of your Liberal friends'. Note: Tomline had his observatory at Orwell Park, hence a neighbour of Ransome's (Orwell House).

[ Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Shaftesbury') to '<?> W. Williams', regarding accounts and a missed engagement.

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (1801-1885), Liberal politician, philanthropist and social reformer
Publication details: 
No place. <3?> January 1854.

1p., 16mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and ruckled paper. His return to London having been delayed, he regrets that he 'lost the tea-party'. He would be 'glad to know what is due on the account'.

[ Vera Dart, social worker and Labour Party politician. ] Duplicated Typescript of unpublished autobiography titled 'My Six Lives in a Changing World'.

Vera Dart (1892-1984), social worker and Labour Party politician, born in Liverpool [ Women's Voluntary Service for Civil Defence; London County Council ]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [ London, c. 1977. ]

[3] + ii + 152pp., 4to. Perfect bound, with each page on a separate leaf. In fair condition, aged and a little dogeared. Title-page reinforced at fore-edge. Missing the last page or so of the 'Conclusion'.

[ Lord Charles Clinton, Conservative politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Clinton') to the Provost of Eton, regarding the hanging of his portrait on 'the pannels [sic] of the College Hall'.

Lord Charles Clinton [ Lord Charles Pelham Pelham-Clinton ] (1813-1894), son of Henry Pelham-Clinton, 4th Duke of Newcastle
Publication details: 
Farnham Castle. 18 December 1857.

2pp., 12mo. He 'unfeignedly' feels his 'unworthiness to be placed among those sons of Eton whose portraits are intended to grace the pannels [sic] of the College Hall'. He will comply with the Provost's wish, 'as soon as opportunity permits, & after I have learnt from you the most suitable mode of carrying your design into execution'.

[Alfred Emmott. Liberal. ] Five Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Alfred Emmott'), one discussing the 'moral effect of military training'; with ALS from his brother George, on his time at the Quaker school, Kendal; all to C. J. Holdsworth of Wilmslow.

Alfred Emmott, 1st Baron Emmott (1858-1926), Liberal Member of Parliament for Oldham and cotton magnate [ Charles James Holdsworth; Stramongate School, Kendal; Quakers; Society of Friends ]
Publication details: 
AE's five letters on letterheads of 30 Ennismore Gardens, S.W. [ London ] (3); and Spring Bank, Oldham (2); four of them from between 1905 and 1907, the other undated. GHE's letter on letterhead of 35 Grosvenor Road, Claughton, Birkenhead; 1903.

The six items, totalling 9pp., are in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, George H. Emmott's letter having slight wear at head. The recipient was Charles J. Holdsworth of Sunnyside, Wilmslow, Cheshire.

[ Lord Odo Russell. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('ODO Russell') to Rev. Frederic Cox, regarding arrangements to meet to 'talk over matters in connexion with my marriage on the 5th. of May'.

Lord Odo Russell [ Odo William Leopold Russell, 1st Baron Ampthill ] (1829-1884), British diplomat, first British Ambassador to the German Empire [ Rev. Frederick Cox (1821-1906), Dean of Hobart ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 2 Audley Square, May Fair, W. [ London ] 'Wednesday' [ 1868 ].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Aged and worn, with glue stains and slight damage to second leaf from mounting. At the time of writing Cox was curate at Wantage. Russell begins the letter by stating that he will be visiting his mother and will not 'return to Watford before Friday night. - On Saturday morning I hope I may have the good fortune of finding you at home to talk over matters in connexion with my marriage on the 5th. of May.' (to Lady Emily Villiers, daughter of George Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon). He thanks him for taking his room at the Clarendon Hotel, before concluding.

Series of ten printed handbills by Mrs. Humphry Ward, on behalf of the Unionist Party in the General Election of 1910, under the title 'The Coming Election | Letters to My Neighbours | by | Mrs. Humphry Ward'.

Mrs. Humphry Ward [ Mary A. Ward (1851-1920), novelist ] [ Jerome K. Jerome ]
Publication details: 
Addressed from 'Stocks, Aldbury, Tring.', and dating from between 10 and 17 January 1910. Published by Smith, Elder, & Co, London, and printed by Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd, London.

A total of 41pp., 4to. Complete run of ten issues (a second edition, expanded to 63pp., appeared in the same year). In black cloth binding, with manuscript note on front pastedown: 'George H M Ricketts - | Lent to Mr Blackman with a hope that he will read it & circulate it amongst his friends.' Eight of the ten numbers are of 4pp.; one (no.4) is of 6pp; and another (no.10) of 3pp. Uniform in design and all printed in blue ink.

[ Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Liberal politician. ] Commencement of Autograph Letter to Lady Monteagle, expressing his distress and that of his wife [ over a death in her family ].

[ Sir George Cornewall Lewis (1806-1863), Liberal politician and Chancellor of the Exchequer. ] [ Marianne, Lady Monteagle, wife of Thomas Spring Rice (1790-1866), 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon ]
Publication details: 
Grove Mill, Watford, Hertfordshire. No date.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. Ends abruptly at the end of the fourth page, and without signature. For the period an unusually frank expression of distress, apparently over the death of his wife's elder daughter He thanks her for calling on him with books - 'when you so kindly came to that House though I had intended so very much to see you I felt all my courage fail - & that I s[houl]d. only distress you & do myself harm if I saw you'.

[ Printed First World War pamphlet. ] British War Aims | Statement by the Prime Minister, The Right Honourable David Lloyd George, on January 5, 1918.

'The Right Honourable David Lloyd George'
Publication details: 
Published by Authority of the British Government. Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office by Harrison, Jehring & Co., Ltd., 11-15, Emerald Street, London, W.C.1. [ 1918 ].

12pp., 8vo. Stapled. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. 'This Statement was delivered to a meeting of the Representatives of Labour called to consider the question of further efforts for the prosecution of the war.

[ Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lansdowne') to the economist Nassau Senior (acting as his agent), directing him to arrange accommodation for him at Ilfracombe.

Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice (1780-1863), 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne [ Lord Henry Petty ], British Liberal statesman [ Nassau Senior [ Nassau William Senior ] (1790-1864), economist ]
Publication details: 
Bowood [ Bowood House, Wiltshhire ]. 5 September 1837.

2pp., 12mo. On leaf with mourning border. With 7.5 x 12.5 cm frank cut from front of envelope, reading 'Calne September fifth 1837 | Nassau Senior Esq | Ilfracombe | Devon | Lansdowne'. In good condition, lightly aged. While Senior is known to have been a protégé of the Marquess of Lansdowne, this letter suggests that he acted as his agent. The Marquess asks him to 'secure me a lodging at the hotel at Ilfracombe or if full at any house in the town on Friday, when I expect to be there pretty early'.

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