[ 'Baron', society photographer. ] Three family photographs of 'Baron' [ Sterling Henry Nahum ], one with a signed inscripion by him, and a contact sheet of nine shots of his face.

'Baron' [ Sterling [ Stirling ] Henry Nahum ] (1906-1956) ], London dance, film and celebrity photographer
Publication details: 
The inscription on the back of the photograph is dated May 1940. The other items undated.

Three black and white prints, ranging in size from 12 x 17 cm to 10 x 7.5 cm. The contact sheet is 12.5 x 13 cm. The four items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. One of the three pictures shows a smiling Baron outdoors with a young blonde boy (his son?), who is holding a camera tripd; another shows him standing with his arm on the shoulder of another man (his brother?), both on skis in the snow; and the third shows him in a heavy wool coat, on the steps of a European building, with a man in Slavic costume. The last is inscribed on the reverse: 'May 1940 |

[ Francis Humberston Mackenzie, 1st Baron Seaforth. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Seaforth') to James Cockburn Ross of Edinburgh, the regarding the planned sale of the Seaforth Estates at Lewis, Kintail and Lochalsh.

Francis Humberston Mackenzie (17544-1815), 1st Baron Seaforth [ Lord Seaforth ], Chief of the Clan Mackenzie who raised the 78th Regiment of Foot [ John Cockburn Ross of Rowchester, Edinburgh ]
Publication details: 
The first from Hereford Street [ London], 13 July 1799. The second from Aberdeen, 5 February 1800. The third from Portsmouth, 11 February 1801.

All three items bifoliums in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. ONE: 13 July 1799. 2pp., 4to. Regarding his endeavours to sell 'the whole Estates of Lewis & Kintail & Lochalsh [...] either in Cumulo or Lots with a resolution to sell to the amount of the debt that is upon them'. He states that it has always been his 'wish & endeavour to satisfy any Creditor on the Seaforth Estate & the interest is paid with a punctuality not exceeded'. He complains of 'the singular hardship of the times'.

[ John Rutherford Gordon, editor of the 'Sunday Express'. ] 'Rough draft' of typed article, with autograph emendations, on Lord Northcliffe, 'the incomparable journalist of the age', written from personal knowledge.

John Rutherford Gordon (1890-1974), editor of London 'Sunday Express' [ Lord Northcliffe [ Alfred Charles William Harmsworth (1865-1922), 1st Viscount Northcliffe ], press baron, owner of Daily Mail ]
Publication details: 
Dated 25 April 1952, and with autograph note stating that it was 'Partly used in Sunday Express [ London ] 27/4/52'.

21pp., fourteen of them in 4to, and the other seven pages cut down. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Stapled together, with the first leaf detached. The article is complete but untitled. It is unattributed, but comes from the J. R. Gordon papers. A well-written and incisive piece, written from an insider's point of view. Gordon lays out his stall at the very start: 'Few people of our generation have influenced the life of it so profoundly as Lord Northcliffe. He was the incomparable journalist of our age.

[ Sir Walter Scott. ] Manuscript (Autograph?) Copy of Letter from Lord Montagu of Boughton, 'as Chairman ad interim of the Sub-Committee of the Abbotsford Fund', to 'Monsr. le Baron Ompteda', regarding a 'very handsome Subscription from Hanover'.

Henry Montagu-Scott (1776-1845), 2nd Baron Montagu of Boughton [ Baron Ompteda; Freiherr von Ompteda; Sir Walter Scott; Abbotsford Fund ]
Publication details: 
Hamilton Place [London]. 10 July 1833.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Almost certainly in Montagu's own hand. Headed 'Copy' and ending '(signed) Montagu | Chairman Sub. Com. | Abbotsford Subn.' Addressed to 'His Excellency Monsr. le Baron Ompteda'. Acknowledging receipt of a letter from Ompteda wnich informed him of 'the very handsome Subscription from Hanover of £170. 10/ to which their Royal Highnesses the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge and Langravine of Hesse Homburg have contributed so liberally'.

[Inscribed by the translator.] The Gladiator of Ravenna. A Tragedy. By Friedrich Halm (Baron von Münch Bellinghausen). Translated by Sir Theodore Martin, K.C.B.

Friedrich Halm (Baron von Münch Bellinghausen), translated by Sir Theodore Martin, K.C.B.
Publication details: 
Printed for private circulation. 1885. [Printed by William Blackwood and Sons.]

viii + [1] + 77pp., 8vo. In purple cloth binding, gilt. Internally good, on aged paper, in worn binding, with dulled gilt title on spine. Inscribed on flyleaf 'To | G. A. R. FitzGerald Esq | With the kind regards of | Theodore Martin | 3d April 1886.' Above this the ownership signature of 'R G E Sandbach', whose bookplate is on the front pastedown.

[Edmond de Sélys Longchamps, Belgian scientist and politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edm. de Selys Longchamps'), in French, to 'Monsieur Stevens', regarding a collection of specimens he has offered him.

Baron Michel Edmond de Sélys Longchamps (1813-1900), Belgian liberal politician and scientist, a great authority on dragonflies
Publication details: 
Liege. 26 March 1866.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He writes that he has received the collection of specimens safely, and that there are several that are new to him. He would like to make a selection, but pressure of work makes that impossible, so he is taking the lot at £8 18s 0d. He concludes by expressing pleasure at the news that 'Monsieur Dale' still enjoys good health.

[Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford, first Baron Redesdale.] Autograph humourous 'verses on the Battle of the Sunflower on "The Batsford Nondescript"', in the form of a dialogue between botanists A. H. Wolley-Dod and Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer.

Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford, first Baron Redesdale (1837-1916), diplomatist and author, grandfather of the celebrated Mitford sisters [Anthony Hurt Wolley-Dod; Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Batsford Park, Moreton-in-Marsh. Dated in another hand 28 September 1896.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip from stub adhering to edge of second leaf. The page is headed 'Private & Confidential', and the poem is preceded by the following note: 'I must send you the verses on the Battle of the Sunflower on "The Batsford Nondescript". A twenty-four line poem, in six four-line stanzas, on the theme of a disagreement over the naming of a specimen, between the botanist Anthony Hurt Wolley-Dod (1861-1948) and the director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer (1843-1928).

[Henry Brook Parnell, 1st Baron Congleton.] Autograph Note in the third person, as 'Sir Henry Parnell', to 'Mr Mandel'.

Henry Brooke Parnell (1776-1842), 1st Baron Congleton [Sir Henry Parnell], Irish writer and Whig politician
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 22 February 1828.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: 'Sir Henry Parnell presents his Compliments to Mr Mandel, & begs to acknowledge the receipt of his letter. But he has not leisure at present to examine the contents of it. | Feb: 22: 1828'.

[Claus Moser, Baron Moser, statistician.] Autograph Signature on his Central Statistical Office compliments slip.

Claus Moser [Claus Adolf Moser, Baron Moser; Lord Moser] (b.1922), German-born British statistician and Director of the Central Statistical Office, London]
Publication details: 
Central Statistical Office, Great George Street, London. Undated.

On 8.5 x 11 cm grey compliments slip printed in blue of 'Professor Sir Claus Moser, K.C.B., C.B.E., F.B.A. | Director'. In very good condition. The autograph, in red ink, reads: 'Best Regards | CM'.

[Lyon Playfair, Scottish scientist and Liberal politician.] Autograph Signature on cover of envelope franking a letter to the London publishers George Routledge & Sons.

Lyon Playfair (1818-1898), 1st Baron Playfair, Scottish scientist and Liberal politician [George Routledge & Sons, London publishers]
Publication details: 
With London frank dated 9 February 1886.

On the 8 x 13cm cover of the envelope. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with loss at head and to top right-hand corner from removal from an album, traces of which adhere to the reverse. Playfair's signature ('Lyon Playfair') in the bottom left-hand corner is unnaffected, and the address, also in his hand, reads: 'Messrs George Routledge & Son | Broadway | Ludgate Hill | E.C.' The orange circular franking postmark is incomplete, and reads: 'LON | OFF | PAID | B | 9 FE 86'.

[Edward Strutt, Lord Belper.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Belper'), in response to a request from the Rev. Henry Thomas Scott 'for a subscription to the restoration of your church'.

Edward Strutt (1801-1880), 1st Baron Belper [Lord Belper], Liberal politician [Rev. Henry Thomas Scott, Curate of Stapleford, Nottinghamshire]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Kingston, Derby. 11 January 1877.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. In response to Scott's application, he explains that, 'being much connected with two Counties (Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire), I am anxious to give my assistance to the leading charities & other public objects in both, & also to contribute to local objects in places with which I am specially connected by residence, property, or otherwise'. Unfortunately he finds it impossible 'to comply with the numerous applications which I receive for contributions to Churches, Schools, &c., in places with which I have no such connection'.

[Gaspar, Baron Gourgaud.] Typescript of 'Napoleon The Prisoner of St. Helena. By General Baron Gourgaud' (published with deletions as 'The St. Helena Journal of General Baron Gourgaud'). With autograph notes by Edwards and ALS from a later Baron.

Gaspard, Baron Gourgaud [Gaspar Gourgaud] (1783-1852), French soldier who accompanied Napoleon Bonaparte to St Helena; Sydney Gillard; Norman Edwards; Napoléon Gourgaud (1881-1944), connoisseur
Publication details: 
The typescript is undated, but precedes the publication of the book by John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd in 1932.

732pp, 4to, with the translation proper (paginated to 654), preceded Edwards's introduction (35pp, including five pages of 'references') and a section on 'The Gorgaud Problem' (42pp), the later featuring as an appendix (pp.337-356) in the printed version. Each page is typed on a separate leaf, and the whole is bound in a substantial red half-calf binding, with strengthened inner hinges. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with some wear to the binding.

[Joseph Paul Christopher Hatton, novelist and journalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph Hatton') to the autograph hunter J. T. Baron, discussing two of his works and enclosing a printed publicity flier for Hatton's publications.

Joseph Hatton [Joseph Paul Christopher Hatton] (1837-1907), novelist and journalist, editor of the Gentleman's Magazine and Sunday Times [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
Letter: on letterhead of the Garrick Club, London. 7 December 1881. Flier: London: Frederick Warne & Co. [1878.]

Letter: 1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by suggesting that Baron write to 'Mr Payn' (the novelist and editor James Payn) via the Reform Club, Pall Mall. (Baron's method involved asking one celebrity how to contact another.) He next discusses two of his works: '"The Memorial Windows" appeared in the Gentleman's & was published in Pippins & Cheese (Bradbury & Evans) - "The Valley" you will see in enclosed list'. He concludes by thanking Baron for his 'complimentary note'. With envelope addressed to 'J. T.

[John Blaquiere.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Blaqre.'), reporting [to Sir R. Ainslie] that he is to be principal secretary to the new Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Lord Harcourt.

John Blaquiere, 1st Baron de Blaquiere (1732-1812) [Sir Robert Ainslie (1730-1812), diplomat and numismatist; Simon Harcourt (1714-1777), 1st Earl Harcourt, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1772-1777]
Publication details: 
'Tuesday evening | 2 June [1772]'.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on creased and aged paper. Docketted on reverse: 'Ld de Blaquiere to Sir R A | 1772.' The letter begins: 'It may give you some pleasure to hear, & it may be of some use to you, to know; that Ld. Harcourt is appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. I have not however the merit of giving you the intelligence, it is, by my Lord's desire, and His Lordship tells me [last four words deleted] that I shall certainly attend him to that Country as the principal secretary.' He concludes by inviting Ainslie, on Harcourt's behalf, to dinner the following day.

[Printed book with membership bookplate of the Iron Acton Reading Society.] The Career of Don Carlos, since the Death of Ferdinand the Seventh: being A Chapter in the History of Charles the Fifth. By his aide-de-camp The Baron de Los Valles.

The Baron de Los Valles [Louis Xavier August de Saint Sylvain, Baron de Los Valles], aide-de-camp to Don Carlos of Spain [Richard Bentley, London publisher; The Iron Acton Reading Society]
Publication details: 
London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. Publisher in Ordinary to His Majesty. 1835.

xviii + 384 pp., 8vo, orig.[?]green cloth covered boards, slightly "bubbled", endpapers stained, corners bumped, hinge strain, fair condition. With frontispiece of Don Carlos and plate (facing p.229) of Zumalacarréguy. In contemporary green cloth library binding with title in gilt on spine. Bookplate laid down on front pastedown, listing 'Members of the Iron Acton Reading Society. | Books to be kept fourteen days.' Twenty-eight members are listed, from 'Rev. Dr.

[Francis Almeric Spencer, 1st Baron Churchill.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Churchill') to unnamed male recipient, regarding Mrs Hyde's 'severe affliction', the loss of her husband, Churchill's 'highly respected & esteemed' friend' [Rev. John Hyde?].

Francis Almeric Spencer (1779-1845), 1st Baron Churchill of Whichwood [Wychwood], Whig aristocrat and politician, son of 4th Duke of Marlborough [John Hyde (1774-1838), curate of Witney, Oxfordshire]
Publication details: 
Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire. 23 December 1838.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on brittle lightly-aged paper, with closed tears along crease lines unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Having received the recipient's letter he wishes 'to express my regret that Mrs. Hyde should have considered it necessary to send me any apology on an occasion like the present'. He condoles 'in the melancholy event', of which he 'heard with great regret, and it has deprived me of a Friend whom I highly respected & esteemed'.

[Harry Pirie-Gordon; Lawrence of Arabia] Autograph Letter Signed "HPG" AND Autog. Postcard Signed "Harry Pirie-Gordon" to Court [Stanley Court]. WITH: photographic copy of letter to Pirie-Gordon from a "stanley Court" [?], newspaper pages & cuttings

Harry Pirie-Gordon [Pirie-Gordon, C. H. C. (Charles Harry Clinton) 1883-1969], foreign correspondent (The Times), soldier, secret agent, author, sometime friend of Baron Corvo (Frederick Rolfe)
Publication details: 
Letter (headed notepaper) and Postcard (Depicting Lawrence of Arabia) undated [1968? the year before his death]

All items in good condition. ONE. ALS, 2pp. 8vo. He is responding to receipt of articles about Lawrence of Arabia (present - see below) with memories of encounters with Lawrence.

[Francis Spencer Churchill, 2nd Baron Churchill [Lord Churchill].] Autograph Note Signed ('Churchill'), giving permission to an unnamed recipient to fish at Cornbury Park.

Francis Spencer Churchill (1802-1886), 2nd Baron Churchill [Lord Churchill], of Wychwood and Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire
Publication details: 
Cornbury Park [Oxfordshire]. 15 October 1870.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The note reads: 'My dear Sir | You and your Brother are quite welcome to come and fish here, on any day that you like; and I only hope that you may find any sport. | Believe me| Very faithfully Your's [sic] | Churchill'.

[William Maynard, 2nd Baron Maynard.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Maynard') to Sir Richard Bulstrode, expressing puzzlement that his grandson should have visited Brussels without calling upon him, and asking him to show the boy favour.

William Maynard, 2nd Baron Maynard (c.1623-1689) [Sir Richard Bulstrode (1617-1711), British ambassador at Brussels]
Publication details: 
'Windzor' [i.e. the Royal Court at Windsor]. 25 June 1686.

2pp., 12mo. 49 lines of text. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf (which also carries his seal): 'For Sr Richard Bulstrode | Envoy from his Matie of greate Brittaine Att ye Court | Att Bruxells | these'.

[Chandos Leigh, 1st Baron Leigh.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Leigh') to 'Mr. Brodie', regarding a 'rather singular letter' he has received from one of his parishoners, offering his services as a shoemaker at a prison.

Chandos Leigh (1791-1850), 1st Baron Leigh, of Stoneleigh Abbey, Warwickshire, minor poet, cousin of Jane Austen and friend of Byron and Leigh Hunt
Publication details: 
57 Portman Square, London. 14 July 1849.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The recipient presumably held a living near Leigh's Warwickshire mansion Stoneleigh Abbey (said to be the model for Sotherton Court in his cousin Jane Austen's 'Mansfield Park'). Leigh apologises troubling Brodie 'with the enclosed rather singular letter which I have received from one of your Parishioners'.

[William A'Court or à Court, 1st Baron Heytesbury.] Autograph Letter Signed from Naples to Charles R. Broughton of the Foreign Office

William à Court [A'Court] (1779-1860), 1st Baron Heytesbury, Envoy Extraordinary to Barbary States, Naples, Spain; Ambassador to Russia, Portugal; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [Charles R. Broughton]
Publication details: 
Naples. 22 June 1815.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Charles R. Broughton Esqre | Foreign Office | London', and docketed by recipient on the same page 'Naples 22 June 1815 | Wm. Court | 12 July | A'. à Court has written 'Duplicate' in the top left-hand corner of the first page (he would have sent several copies of the letter in case one miscarried, but the fact that this is the one that was received by Broughton is evidenced by the docketing). In fair condition, on aged paper, with usual broken wafer.

Typed Letter Signed ('Beaverbrook') from the press baron Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, proprietor of the Daily Express, to the London bookseller Charles J. Sawyer, regarding 'the United States Tariff Act'.

William Maxwell "Max" Aitken (1879-1964), 1st Baron Beaverbrook [Lord Beaverbrook], Anglo-Canadian press baron, proprietor of the Daily Express [Charles J. Sawyer, London bookseller]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lord Beaverbrook's Office, 29 Bury Street, St James', SW1 [London]. 14 July 1930.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with strip from mount adhering at head of blank reverse. He thanks Sawyer for his letter: 'I am obliged to you for sending me the front page of the United States Tariff Act'. 'The Americans are out for their own prosperity all the time. I only wish our own Government would show the same propensity.' He addresses the letter to 'Chas. J. Sawyer, Esq., 12 & 13, Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W.1.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Arthur Helps') from the Dean of the Privy Council Sir Arthur Helps to Sir Theodore Martin, praising an article by him on Baron Stockmar.

Sir Arthur Helps (1813-1875), English author and Dean of the Privy Council [Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish lawyer and author; Christian Friedrich (1787-1863), Baron Stockmar]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Privy Council Office. 19 September 1872.

6pp., 12mo. In very good condition, adhering to leaves removed from an album. Helps begins: 'My dear Martin, | This is one of the things you excel in - the giving, in a comparatively short memoir, the real aim and end of a life: so that after reading your "In memoriam", one does not care to hear any more details.' Helps 'really cannot find any fault' in Martin's piece. 'H[er]. M[ajesty] [i.e. Queen Victoria] must, I think, be exceedingly pleased with the book - I mean your work.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (the first '(Hon) Donough O'Brien') from the genealogist Hon. Donough O'Brien, fourth son of Lord Inchiquin, to the ghost hunter Elliott O'Connell, the first regarding a genealogical table, the second arranging to meet.

The Hon. Donough O’Brien (1879-1968), genealogist, fourth son of Edward Donough O'Brien, 14th Baron Inchiquin [Elliott O'Connell (1872-1965), ghost hunter]
Publication details: 
Letter One: on letterhead of 2 Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, W1 [London]. 25 February 1940. Letter Two: The Vicarage, Abingdon, Berkshire. 12 April 1948.

Letter One: 1p., 12mo. Signed '(Hon) Donough O'Brien'. Good, on aged paper, with a couple of short closed tears at head. Addressed to 'Elliott O'Connell Esqre of The Red House, Guilsborough, Northants.' He is sending him a copy of his 'Genealogical Table of the Princes of Ireland', 'in a cardboard-roll to see': 'The descents are from the Common Ancestor, Milesius, King of Spain and Ireland'. The price is two pounds, and he believes that 'it is the first time that the 23 lines have been set out on one Chart and in their appropriate places of Geniture, and over so distant a period of time'.

Signature ('Fitzroy Somerset') of Lord Fitzroy Somerset, later Lord Raglan, on frank to Colonel Brotherton.

FitzRoy James Henry Somerset [known as Lord FitzRoy Somerset], 1st Baron Raglan [Lord Raglan] (1788-1855), British army officer [The Charge of the Light Brigade; Battle of Balaklava; Crimean War]
Publication details: 
Merthyr Tydvil [Wales]. 11 June 1831.

On piece of 6.5 x 11.5 cm paper, cut from front of frank. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. With the red government postmark ('FREE | 11 JU 11 | 1831'). Reads 'London June seventh 1831 | Colonel Brotherton | Merthyr Tydvil | [signed] Fitzroy Somerset'.

Manuscript indenture on parchment, with signatures and seals: 'Conveyance of Lands of Stapleton in the County of Leicester. Mr. Joseph Knight and Mr. John Edwards to The Baroness Noel Byron [Anne Isabella, Lady Noel Byron], and others'.

Anne Isabella Noel Byron (1792-1860), 11th Baroness Wentworth and Baroness Byron [Lady Byron], wife of poet George Gordon Noel, 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale [Lord Byron]; John Edwards; Joseph Knight
Publication details: 
1 August 1853. [Indenture by Fry & Son, London, Law Stationers.]

On two skins, with the usual seals and tax stamps, and further text and signatures on the reverse of the first skin, including a witnessed receipt for £450 from Knight; also a memorandum, 2 August 1853, 'Exparte The right Honorable Anne Isabella Baroness Noel Byron Widow', 'Before me | Wm. Cowdell. | A Master Extraordinary in Chancery'. The first skin carries a plan of the property (8 acres 3 rods 33 perches), to the west of the East Shilton road to Stapleton, and of Wigstones Farm, Stapleton and Kirkby Lordship, and with the road from Barwell to Kirby going through it, coloured in green.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Blanchard Jerrold') from the playwright and journalist William Blanchard Jerrold to the autograph hunter John T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing the availability of his works.

William Blanchard Jerrold (1826-1884), journalist and playwright, son of the playwright Douglas Jerrold (1803-1857) [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Reform Club, Pall Mall, SW. 14 March 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly aged paper. In worn stamped and postmarked envelope, addressed by Jerrold to 'J. T Baron Esq | 18 Griffin Street | Wilton | Blackburn'. The letter begins: 'Messrs Bradbury Agnew & Co are the publishers of my "Life of Douglas Jerrold": but, the "Disgrace to the Family" is, I hope, out of print. It was written when I was a boy.' His plays 'Beau Brummel [sic]' and 'Cupid in Waiting' are both available from Lacy's Acting Drama. He concludes by apologising for being unable to give Baron 'Sir Charles Gibbon's address', being unacquainted with him.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish poet Sir Theodore Martin to John T. Baron of Blackburn, agreeing to a request for his own and his wife's autograph, and explaining the circumstance of one of his Bon Gualtier Ballads.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet, biographer and translator, author of the 'Bon Gualtier Ballads', husband of the actress Helena Faucit [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
31 Onslow Square [London], on his crested letterhead. 15 December 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In worn envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Martin to 'John T. Baron Esq | 48 Griffin Street | Witton | Blackburn'. He begins by explaining that he has 'had every minute so fully occupied of late', that he has not been able to comply with Baron's request. 'Lady Martin has done what she is now most reluctant to do - written the name she once bore with a few lines from Cymbeline. I have copied the verse you wish from the little Bon Gaultier Poem'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Robt Buchanan') from the poet and novelist Robert Buchanan to the autograph hunter John T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing the publication of his work.

Robert Buchanan [Robert Williams Buchanan] (1841-1901), poet and novelist, born in Stoke-on-Trent
Publication details: 
16 Langham Street, W., London. Undated; postmarked 13 March 1882.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In worn envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Buchanan to 'J. T. Baron Esq | 18 Griffin Street | Witton | Blackburn | Lancashire'. Both letter and envelope have thick mourning borders, Buchanan's wife having died the previous November. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir, | The works you mention, with the exception of "Idyls of Invention," are just now out of print. The plays have never been pubd. | Thanking you for your kind expressions I am | Yrs truly | Robt Buchanan'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Lord John Manners [later the 7th Duke of Rutland] to the autograph hunter John T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing the publication by Rivingtons of London of two early books of his poetry.

Lord John Manners [John James Robert Manners, 7th Duke of Rutland] (1818-1906), Conservative politician [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
St. Mary's Tower, Birnam. 18 August 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In worn envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Manners to 'John Baron Esq | 48 Griffin Street | Witton | Blackburn.' Regarding his books 'England's Trust and Other Poems' (1841) and 'English Ballads and Other Poems (1850), Manners begins the letter by apologising for not being able to give 'very definite information respecting my two little volumes of poetry.

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