Autograph Signature of the writer and suffragette Beatrice Harraden, on her letterhead.

Beatrice Harraden (1864-1936), British writer and suffragette
Writer and suffragette Beatrice Harraden
Publication details: 
Undated. On letterhead of 5, Cannon Place, Hampstead Heath, N.W.
Writer and suffragette Beatrice Harraden

12mo, 1 p. Fair, on aged paper, with central horizontal crease, and traces of mount adhering to reverse. In response to a request for an autograph Harraden has signed, neatly in the centre of the page, 'Your truly | [signed] Beatrice Harraden'. The signature is underlined.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'E L'Estrange' to Charles Manby, proposing to present a copy of the [her?] three-decker novel 'Westminster Abbey' [by Emma Robinson].

E. L'Estrange aka ?Emma Robinson (1814-1890), English novelist [Charles Manby]
E. L'Estrange aka ?Emma Robinson
Publication details: 
9 May 1854; no place.
E. L'Estrange aka ?Emma Robinson

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. 51 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. Chatty and spirited letter. 'I propose myself the honour and pleasure (seldom indeed, save in common parlance!) of paying you a visit, - to present you with a copy of "Westminster Abbey"', which has 'emerged from the press in the orthodox three volumes'. Does not want to give him 'an excuse for not flashing your eye through it'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Camilla Toulmin [Mrs Newton Crosland] to an unnamed male recipient, containing a passage from her poem 'Lines on Mr. Johnstone's Picture of the Covenanters' Marriage'.

Camilla Toulmin [Camilla Dufour Toulmin] (1812-1895), later wife of Newton Crosland (1819-1899), English author and poet
Autograph Letter Signed from Camilla Toulmin
Publication details: 
23 September 1846; London.
Autograph Letter Signed from Camilla Toulmin

4to, 1 p. In reply to a request for an autograph, she feels 'flattered'. She has copied out seven lines from her poem 'Lines on Mr. Johnstone's Picture of the Covenanters' Marriage' (which was published in 'The New Monthly Belle Assemblée' of 1844).

Autograph Letter Signed from the bluestocking sculptor and author Anne Seymour Damer to an unnamed male correspondent, concerning a 'favourite old Clock;'.

Anne Seymour Damer (1749-1828), sculptor and author, member of the 'Bluestocking Circle' [horology; clocks]
 ALS from the bluestocking sculptor and author Anne Seymour Damer
Publication details: 
1 April 1824; Upper Brook Street.
 ALS from the bluestocking sculptor and author Anne Seymour Damer

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. 28 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with a trace of the mount adhering to the reverse of the second leaf, which is docketed by the recipient. The letter concerns her 'favourite old Clock', about which she expresses anxiety: 'the Man you now send to wind up the Clock is, I dare say, very clever in his Business, but as he almost constantly leaves it with somethig not right in Motion, striking &c I must therefore think that he is not accustomed to direct all the movements of such a Clock'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the author and educationist Sarah Trimmer to 'Mr. Newby'

Sarah Trimmer (1741-1810), author and educationist
author and educationist Sarah Trimmer to 'Mr. Newby'
Publication details: 
9 March 1803; Brentford.
author and educationist Sarah Trimmer to 'Mr. Newby'

4to, 1 p. 14 lines. Text clear, apart from damage to two words caused by the breaking open of the wafer. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of previous mount adhering to the reverse. Her recipient has corrected 'a personal defect' in one of Trimmer's books, calling for a 'trifling' alteration. She will make the alteration when a new edition is called for. 'I am happy to find any of my Books are now in the excellent institution in which you perform so important an office'.

Printed facsimile of circular letter to clergymen from 'A J B Beresford-Hope', as Chairman of the Marriage Law Defence Union', writing in opposition to the Married Women's Property Rights Act of 1882.

Sir Alexander James Beresford Beresford Hope (1820-1887), conservative politician [the Marriage Law Defence Union; the Married Women’s Property Rights Act of 1882]
Beresford-Hope, facsimile letter,  Marriage Law Defence Union
Publication details: 
18 September 1883. 20 Cockspur Street, London SW.
Beresford-Hope, facsimile letter,  Marriage Law Defence Union

12mo, 1 p. In good condition. Laid down on a page removed from an album. Addressed to 'Rev. and Dear Sir', and calling the recipient's attention to an 'enclosed appeal' (not present), and asking that he 'would kindly put it up in your Church'. 'It speaks for iself and I can only add that the efficiency of the opposition to the disastrous change of law must greatly depend on the means at the disposal of those who are contending for an old domestic purity.'

Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.'), author and actress, to Eva Lawrence.

Naomi Jacob [Naomi Eleanor Clare Jacob] (1884-1964), author, actress and broadcaster
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.')
Publication details: 
8 July 1949 and 2 January 1950; both from Casa Micki, Gardone Riviera, Lago di Garda, Italy.
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.')

Both letters 8vo, 1 p; the first on pink paper. Both texts clear and complete. Both fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Letter One: She was surprised to learn that Lawrence had 'Miss Babbington with you because I did not even know that she was on the stage. I thought she was with a publishing house.' After the 'long and wonderful run' she is sorry that Lawrence's leading lady is leaving. 'Although I never intend to go back to the stage again, I shall always have the same keen interest in matters theatrical [...] the variety profession is my first love'.

Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist, to "Mr Wright".

Eliza Lynn Linton, novelist
Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist
Publication details: 
6 Fitzroy Street, [London] W., no date.
Autograph Note Signed "E. Lynn Linton", novelist

One page, 12mo, edge trimmed with minor loss of text. She is working too hard to find time for "social duties or politenesses" She will be at a certain place the following day. She has a cold "who has not?") abnd asks whether he will be in his "place" the following day.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W L George') from the novelist Walter Lionel George to the writer Ralph Straus, regarding payment and literary work.

W. L. George [Walter Lionel George] (1882-1926), English novelist brought up in Paris [Ralph Straus (1882-1950), English novelist and biographer]
Autograph Letter Signed ('W L George') ,  novelist
Publication details: 
23 January 1919; on letterhead of the Savile Club, Piccadilly.
Autograph Letter Signed ('W L George') ,  novelist

12mo, 1 p. Twelve lines of text. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. 'No cheque from the Bystander, [...] my new novel will be out in two months or so. I intend to shock you with that.' Perhaps referring to George's 'Blind Alley', or 'Eddies of the Day', both published in 1919.

Manuscript book of 'Receipts collected by Mrs. Macdonald and to which are added Useful remarks [for the Mistress of a House].'

Mrs F. M. Macdonald [Victorian recipes; cookery; cholera]
Manuscript book of 'Receipts collected by Mrs. Macdonald
Publication details: 
[Circa 1849.]
Manuscript book of 'Receipts collected by Mrs. Macdonald

4to, 36 pp and a manuscript title-page. All texts clear and complete. Disbound (from a commonplace book?) and apparently complete. Fair, on aged, brittle gilt-edged paper, with a few closed tears (in particular to the last couple of leaves). The book is presumably in Mrs Macdonald's hand, and the only indication to her identity is the final note (see below), signed 'F. M. M.', which shows her to have been an educated member of the middle classes. Divided into three parts. The first part is 'Useful Remarks for the Mistress of a House' (25 pp, paginated from 1 to 23).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jane Lane.') to 'Mr. Howarth'.

'Jane Lane' [pen name of Elaine Kidner Dakers] (1905-1978), English historical novelist
Jane Lane, historical novelist, letter
Publication details: 
29 January 1956; on her Hampstead letterhead.
Jane Lane, historical novelist, letter

4to, 1 p. Ten lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with some creasing at head. The delay in replying is due to 'a rather severe attack of influenza'. She has no photograph to send ('I have been meaning to have some new ones taken, but never seem to get time'), but is 'so glad that my books give you pleasure, & I hope that I shall be able to continue to entertain you with them'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L M. Hawkins') to Richard Twining (tea merchant and East India Company) at Isleworth.

Laetitia Matilda Hawkins [Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins] (1759-1835), English novelist from Twickenham; daughter of Sir John Hawkins, biographer of Dr Johnson [Richard Twining (1749-1824), tea merchant]
Publication details: 
11 December 1811; 'Riverside Twickenham | Friday morn'.

4to, 3 pp. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper. Thirty-nine lines of text. Good impression of red wax seal depicting Alexander Pope. In breaking open letter a 7 cm closed tear made to second leaf, and a small part of leaf torn away, and now under seal, with loss to three words of valediction. Slight glue staining from mount at head of verso of second leaf, which carries address and Twining's docketing.

Autograph Note Signed "RBL" to [Frederick or his son, William?] Shoberl

Rosina Bulwer-Lytton, novelist
Publication details: 
No place or date.

One page, 12mo, chipped, discoloured andf oxed but text clear and complete, if eccentrically presented: "My Dear Sir | Not at all the same idea - Roses and Thorns are very Namby Pamby and I meant keep the Tares and the wheat. [Space with "To Lady Lytton" written in large and different hand - recycling?] and will answer for its being a better because a higher - and more sensible title | In Great Haste | Yours very Truly | RBL". She has written the address on the reverse ("Mr | Shoberl Esq | 20 Great Marlboro'".

Women's Corona Society in association with the Ministry of Overseas Development. Report of Conference on "Women's Education: A Challenge". Held at Marlborough House.

Women's Corona Society [Margaret F. Adams; C. R. V. Bell; Freda Howitt Gwilliam; D. H. Ennals; Corona Worldwide; feminism; feminist; women's education]
Publication details: 
[Privately printed, London.] 18th to 20th May, 1965.

4to, [viii] + 26 pp. In blue printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in slightly dogeared wraps. Introduction by Gwilliam; opening address by Ennals; summaries of speeches and notes on speakers. Two copies on COPAC (not major libraries).

Autograph Card Signed ('Julia AE Roundell') to 'Miss Wilson'.

Mrs. Charles Roundell' [Julia Anne Elizabeth Tollemache Roundell] (1846-1931), English novelist
Publication details: 
7 October 1896; on letterhead of Dorfold Hall, Nantwich.

On both sides of card, 9 x 11.5 cm. 16 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged card. Gives dates when they will be in Curzon Street. 'I do hope that we shall find you better. My little red book [possibly a pamphlet printed for private circulation, containing recollections of Gladstone] seems to satisfy everybody, which is an immense pleasure to me'. The book and photograph have delighted 'Agnes Jones' sister', and she has 'letters from Mr Gladstone & Mr Rathbone, & a leader - not a mere review - in the Manchester Guardian'.

Autograph Note Signed ('C M Yonge') to unnamed woman.

Charlotte Yonge [Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901)], English novelist
Publication details: 
19 December [no year]; Elderfield.

On one side of a piece of paper, 9.5 x 7.5 cm. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Minor traces of stub in thin strip along one edge. Reads 'Elderfield | Decr 19 | Dear Madam | The Story you mean is in the Christmas number of the Monthly Packet for 1877 | Yours truly | [signed] C M Yonge'. Docketed on reverse in a contemporary hand 'Miss Charlotte M. Yonge Authoress of The Daisy Chain etc. etc. etc'.

Seven letters to Lord Dalhousie, as Lord in Waiting [whip] in the House of Lords, from peers, regarding the second reading of a bill entitled 'Marriage with the Sister of a Deceased Wife'.

[John William Ramsay (1847-1887), 13th Earl of Dalhousie, Lord in Waiting in Gladstone's Liberal Government, 1880-1885] [Farrer; Kilmorey; Kinnaird; Kinnoull; Montrose; Strafford; Wharncliffe]
Publication details: 
May, June and July 1885. From various locations (see below).

According to the diarist Sir Edward Walter Hamilton, the second reading of the Divorced Wife's Sister Bill caused 'great excitement'. Due to clerical opposition, the Bill did not reach the statute book until 1907, and even then in a limited form. These seven items provide an interesting glimpse into the inner workings of the Victorian legislative process. All are clear and complete, and docketed by Dalhousie in red. All in fair condition, with various degrees of aging.

Handbill headed 'An Appeal to Working Men and Women', pressing for 'the English law to protect your girls from being led into vice'.

Ellice Hopkins (1836-1904) and Emily Janes (d.1928), Honorary Secretaries, Ladies’ Associations for the Care of Girls
Publication details: 
January, 1885. 41, Great Russell-street, British Museum, W.C.

On both sides of a piece of paper, 19 x 11.5 cm. Seventy-seven lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Contrasts the law on the continent with that in England, where 'an unruly girl at any age can go on the streets, and the person who harbours her is not guilty of a greater crime than if she were a women [sic] of thirty or forty [...] Will you not help us heart and soul in getting our English girls, - your daughters, remember, - as carefully protected as Belgian and French girls?

Autograph Letter Signed to [Dorothy] Owston-Booth.

Ishbel Macdonald (1903-1982), hostess at Downing Street of her father the British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald
Publication details: 
30 September 1936; on letterhead of Upper Frognal Lodge, Hampstead, NW3.

4to, 1 p. On cream paper with letterhead printed in green. Fair, on lightly spotted and creased paper. She cannot make an appointment for an interview 'for various reasons [...] The chief reason being that I do not give interviews'. Owston-Booth was a contributor to the Windsor Magazine.

Elizabeth: or, The Exiles of Siberia. Translated from the French of Madame Cottin.

Madame Cottin [Whittingham Press, Chiswick]
Publication details: 
Chiswick: From the Press of C. Whittingham, College House. Sold by R. Jennings, Poultry; T. Tegg, Cheapside; A. K. Newman and Co. Leadenhall Street; London: J. Sutherland, Edinburgh; and Richard Griffin and Co. Glasgow. 1822.

12mo: 123 + [iv] pp. Engraved title (dated 'Octr. 1823') featuring engraving Heath from design by Corbould. Four pages of publisher's advertisements at rear. In contemporary green leather binding with decorative gilt spine and pattern to edges of boards, marbled endpapers and marbling to edges. Contemporary ownership inscription of 'Miss L. Smith'. A tight, sound copy, on lightly-aged paper, with light staining to engraved title, and wear to binding. COPAC only lists copies of this edition at Durham, St Andrews, Oxford and the British Library.

Visiting card, bearing autograph note to 'Mr Palgrave [Francis Turner Palgrave, 1824-1897?], [and] The Misses Palgrave'.

Anna Swanwick (1813-1899), English author, feminist, and translator of Goethe, born in Liverpool
Publication details: 
Undated. Printed address '23, Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park. [London]'

Dimensions of card 6 x 9 cm. Good. Printed on the card are the name 'Miss Anna Swanwick,' and the address. Written around the name in MS is 'Mr Palgrave, The Misses Palgrave from [Miss Anna Swanwick] With kindest regards and all the good wishes of the season.'

Autograph Card Signed to unnamed male correspondent [the headmaster of Harrow School?].

Anna Swanwick (1813-1899), English author, translator and social reformer [Reginald Bosworth Smith (1839-1908), Housemaster of Harrow School]
Publication details: 
20 March [no year, but after 1892]; on letterhead of 23 Cumberland Terrace, Regents Park, N.W.

On both sides of the gilt-edged card, which is roughly 9 x 11.5 cm. Aged, but in fair condition. 'Mr Bosworth Smith' has informed her that her book 'Poets the Interpreters of Their Age' (1892) 'will be acceptable to the pupils of Harrow School', and she has 'great pleasure in presenting a copy to your library, & hoping that a kind welcome will be accorded to my little offering'. A postscript explains that the volume 'will be forwarded by an early post'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Helen Mathers. | (Helen Reeves)') to unnamed male correspondent.

Helen Mathers' [pen name of Ellen Buckingham Mathews (1853-1920); Helen Reeves; Mrs. Reeves], English popular novelist
Publication details: 
1 December 1879; on letterhead of 6 Grosvenor Street, [London] W.

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Spike hole through both leaves, not affecting text. Fair, on aged paper. She states that 'The story would be ready to commence the 2nd. week in March.' She then gives a list of her five 'other works besides Comin' thro the Rye'. The first two in the list are said to have passed through '3 editions', and of the second in the list 'a further is in preparation'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Rose Kingsley') to unnamed male correspondent.

Rose Kingsley [Rose Georgina Kingsley], author and daughter of Rev. Charles Kingsley (1819-1875) ['Lucas Malet', pen name of her sister the novelist Mary St Leger Kingsley (1852-1931)]
Publication details: 
16 November [no year]; on letterhead of 40 Sloane Street, [London] S.W.

16mo, 2 pp. On first leaf of bifolium. Mourning border. She has just received his letter, 'forwarded through Mr Fisher Unwin'. 'I am not "Lucas Malet" - but I am forwarding the letter to her. She is my sister - | Mrs. William Harrison | Clovelly Rectory | Bideford | North Devon'.

Four copies (on white, blue, pink and yellow paper) of a printed handbill titled 'Copy of a Letter from S. F. a Member of the Society of Friends, to a Young Woman, a Short Time before her Marriage.'

S. F.' [Society of Friends; Quakers; Victorian women; nineteenth-century marriage]
Publication details: 
Undated [1840s?], and without publication details [English].

Each copy is identically printed, on a piece of paper roughly 22.5 x 19.5 cm. Title and 56 lines of text (ending 'S. F.'), within a decorative border. Three of the four have a lightly-embossed stationery crown mark in a top corner. All four with text clear and complete, and in good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Begins 'HAVING heard thou art shortly to enter a garden enclosed, and knowing thou art at present a stranger to this garden, permit an old friend to give thee an account of it.

Printed handbill on green paper titled 'Copy of a Letter from S. F. a Member of the Society of Friends, to a Young Woman, a Short Time before her Marriage.'

S. F.' [Society of Friends; Quakers; Victorian women; nineteenth-century marriage]
Publication details: 
Undated [1840s?], and without publication details [English].

On a piece of green paper roughly 22.5 x 19.5 cm. Title and 56 lines of text (ending 'S. F.'), within a decorative border. Lightly-embossed stationery crown mark in top left-hand corner. Text clear and complete. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper with creasing to bottom righ-hand margin. Begins 'HAVING heard thou art shortly to enter a garden enclosed, and knowing thou art at present a stranger to this garden, permit an old friend to give thee an account of it. I have travelled every path and part thereof, and know the productions of every kind, it can possibly yield.

Autograph Note Signed ('Eleanor M Sidgwick') to 'Miss Chittenden, Cambridge Training Corps, Wollaston Road, Cambridge'.

Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick [née Balfour] (1845-1936), Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
16 August 1907; on letterhead of Newnham College, Cambridge.

16mo, 1 p. In a bifolium. Seven lines. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In stamped, addressed envelope. Asks if Chittenden will 'come to luncheon' on one of the two following days, as Sidgwick 'hardly saw' her on the previous day.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Wedderburn; and Autograph Note to Mr and Mrs G. Wedderburn.

Catherine Sinclair (1800-1864), Scottish novelist
Publication details: 
Letter, 13 February [no year or place]; Note, 23 March [no year], 133 George Street [Edinburgh].

LETTER: One page, 12mo. Good, on aged, creased paper, with trace of stub on blank verso. Crest at head. 'It will give my brother & me much pleasure to accept your kind invitation for Tuesday evening the 16th. - I dine that day with Lady Sempill which will make me later than I should wish, but I hope to reach your house soon after 10'. NOTE: One page, 12mo, good, with fraying at head and traces of mount adhering to blank verso. A formal note written in the third person. 'Miss Catherine Sinclair will be happy to have the honor of accepting Mrs. Wedderburns & Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('David S. Meldrum') to unnamed female correspondent.

David Storrar Meldrum (1864-1940), novelist and partner in the publishing house of Blackwood's
Publication details: 
4 September 1897; on company letterhead '37, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.'

8vo: 3 pp. On grubby, lightly creased paper. The recipient has made Meldrum a 'pretty present' of her edition of Burns (COPAC provides no clue as to her identity). He finds the volumes 'very dainty', and will read her notes 'with interest'. He has already read her 'Introductions' with 'great pleasure'. He comments on her assessment of a couple of poems and finds her 'standpoint' on 'the man & the poet' 'capital'. 'But you must allow me one criticism: you read into the poems a political significance which I'm sure wasn't there.

Album containing 170 photographs of an unnamed British army officer and his family, compiled while on service in Africa, India and elsewhere.

[Schoolmaster Cameron, 2/4th Battalion the East York Regiment] [the Raj; British Army; Victorian photography; Bermuda]
Publication details: 
From c.1900 to c.1920.

170 photographs, on forty-one pages of a fifty-page album with leaf dimensions of 26 x 35.5 cm. The album is half-bound, with black leather corners and spine, and green faux-leather boards, aged and with loose leaves and worn binding. The photographs are often slightly faded, but are for the most part in good condition. Each page is entirely filled, the photographs ranging in size from 22 x 26 cm to 3 x 2 cm.

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