Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. Salt') from the antiquary and book collector William Salt to the editor of the Gentleman's Magazine John Bowyer Nichols, making editorial comments and enclosing a list of 'Buckler's Engravings'.

William Salt (1808-1863), antiquary whose book collection is now the William Salt Library in Stafford [John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863), printer and editor of the Gentleman's Magazine]
Publication details: 
Sandgate, Kent; 11 August 1843.

Letter: 2pp., 4to. 28 lines of text. List: 1p., on a 12mo strip. Both letter and list in very good condition, neatly placed in windowpane mounts on the two leaves of a bifolium. Salt is 'just finishing the List of Manuscript Erdeswick's' and will bring it to Nichols when he returns to London. He wonders whether Nichols has 'nearly come to the end of the Book in your reprint? I do not think you will make your first sheet answer satisfactorily - without printing the whole or part of it over again - but of course you will be the best judge of that'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('William Huggins') from the astronomer Sir William Huggins, President of the Royal Society, to 'Mr. Viney' [of printers Hazell, Watson & Viney?], regarding the printing [of Huggins' 'Atlas of representative Stella Spectra'].

Sir William Huggins (1824=1910), astronomer, President, Royal Astronomical Society (1876-1878), British Association for the Advancement of Science (1891), and Royal Society (1900-1905) [J. E. Viney?]
Publication details: 
Upper Tulse Hill, S.W. [London]; [circa 1899?].

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The paper appears to have an 1890s watermark, and the correspondence may relate to the publication of Huggins's 'Atlas of representative Stellar Spectra', printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney for William Wesley & Son in 1899. Apparently impressed by the speed of Viney's response to his last letter, Huggins begins 'Your lightning is treble-greased.' He is returning the corrected proof, and sent 'a new copy with your name written on, by this morning's post as yr.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E B Pusey') from Pusey to the Rev. William Hale Hale of Charterhouse, discussing the controversy over the new Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford, Renn Dickson Hampden.

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Regius Professor of Hebrew at Christ Church, Oxford, and a leader of the Oxford Movement [Rev. William Hale Hale (1795-1870); Renn Dickson Hampden (1793-1868)]
Publication details: 
Postmarked 29 April 1836.

1p., 4to. 18 lines of text. Fair, on aged paper, with a few closed tears. Addressed on the reverse, with three postmarks and Pusey's seal in black wax broken in two, to 'Rev. Wm. H. Hale | Charter-house'. Writing in a tight, difficult hand, Pusey begins with a reference to an 'intended present' from Hale (from the context clearly a copy of Hale's edition of Jeremy Taylor's 'Doctrine and Practice of Repentence'). Pusey praises 'the earnest, energetic truth-speaking language of Bp. Taylor', which he considers 'a voice as from another world'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Lynn Linton') from the author Eliza Lynn Linton to an unnamed editor or publisher, calling for 'a brilliant critical notice of Massinger's works', and suggesting that W. E. Henley write it.

Eliza Lynn Linton [Elizabeth Lynn Linton] (1822-1898), author [W. E. Henley [William Ernest Henley] (1849-1903)]
Publication details: 
Rodney House, Littleston [Littlestone] on Sea, Kent, on letterhead of Queen Anne's Mansions, St. James's Park; 27 March [no year].

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She hopes that she may, 'without being needlessly intrusive', suggest that 'someone, well up on the Elizabethan dramatists, should write a brilliant critical notice of Massinger's works'. She thinks that it would be 'a means of advertisement of great value' if the recipient could 'find the writer & the vehicle'. She suggests 'W. G. Henley of the New Review', who 'has all the literature of that time, & before, at his fingers ends.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G R Gleig') from George Robert Gleig, Chaplain of Chelsea Hospital, to the editor of the Literary Gazette William Jerdan'. With portrait.

George Robert Gleig (1796-1888), Scottish soldier and author, Chaplain to the Chelsea Hospital, Chaplain-General of the Forces, Inspector-General of Military Schools [William Jerdan (1782-1869)]
Publication details: 
Place not stated; 'Tuesday evng' [postmarked 21 February 1827]

3pp., 12mo. A bifolium, with the reverse of the second leaf addressed by Gleig to Jerdan at Grove House, Brompton, and carrying a red postmark and Gleig's seal in black wax. Gleig cannot accept Jerdan's offer of 'admissions for the opera' himself, 'but some most particular friends' of his have 'just come to town', and if he were to 'transfer' his 'kindness' to them, Gleig would be obliged. He gives alternative dates, and an address for the tickets to be sent to.

Autograph Letter Signed from the poet and patron of the arts John Kenyon to 'Mr. Curtis' [George William Curtis of the New York Tribune], inviting him and his brother to dine with 'our genial friend Felton'. With portrait.

John Kenyon (1784-1856), poet and patron [George William Curtis (1824-1892), American traveller; James Burrill Curtis (1822-1898); Cornelius Conway Felton (1807-1862), President of Harvard College]
Publication details: 
39 Devonshire Place [London]; 19 May [1847?].

2pp., 12mo. Very good. Neatly presented, With the blank second leaf of the bifolium tipped in onto a large leaf of cream paper, with the engraved portrait of Kenyon (7 x 8 cm), extracted from a contemporary magazine, laid down above it, both items surrounded by a ruled border. Kenyon begins the letter: 'I have a male party to dine with me on Saturday next - consisting of persons whom you would I think like to meet - our genial friend Felton among them.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Nathl.. Greene') from the American newspaper editor Nathaniel Greene to W. Chamberlain junior, with reference to the Swedish Consul Claudius Edward Habicht. With engraved portrait.

Nathaniel Greene (1797-1877), journalist and editor associated with Concord Gazette, New Hampshire Gazette, Haverhill Gazette, Essex Patriot, and Statesman [W. Chamberlain; Claudius Edward Habicht]
Publication details: 
Boston; 17 November 1840.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Greene writes that he is returning Chamberlain's 'Copenhagen letter, together with a translation from the pen of C. E. Hablicht Esq. Swedish Consul at this port', to whom he 'applied for the purpose'. He has 'every disposition to be useful on all similar occasions'. The engraving of Greene, beneath which is a facsimile of his signature, and the words 'Postmaster Boston Mass.', is in good condition, lightly and neatly attached onto a paper mount. Greene was himself also a translator, from German, Italian and French.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Aleyn Lyell Reade') from A. L. Reade, author of 'Johnsonian Gleanings' to fellow-Johnsonian Charles McCamic, with reference to Professor Albert W. Smith, Dean of Sibley College, Cornell University.

A. L. Reade [Aleyn Lyell Reade] (1876-1953) of Blundellsands, genealogist and author of 'Johnsonian Gleanings' (11 vols, 1909-1952) [Charles McCamic; Albert William Smith; Samuel Johnson]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Treleaven House, Blundellsands, near Liverpool; 30 September 1924.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Reade is pleased that McCamic has returned safely from his travels, and that they 'extended as far as Venice'. He is sending the 'Barber book' by book post, and gives the price. 'A few weeks ago I had Prof. Smith from Cornell University [Albert William Smith (1856-1942), Dean of Sibley College] to see me: he is a good Johnsonian.' He has had a letter in the TLS, and asks McCamic to send his own 'Johnsonian papers'. He sends his regards, 'in which the rest of the circle join'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed from Consul Amos Perry to William Whitwell Greenough, one describing the critical response to his book 'Carthage and Tunis, Past and Present', the other about the Rhode Island Historical Society and Boston Public Library.

Amos Perry (1812-1899) of Providence, US Consul at Tunis to the Barbary States, 1862-1867, and author [William Whitwell Greenough (1818-1899), Boston merchant, co-founder of American Oriental Society]
Publication details: 
First Letter: Providence, Rhode Island; 5 February 1869. Second Letter: on letterhead of the Officce of the Secretary, Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; 18 August 1880.

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. Letter One: 2pp., 12mo. 31 lines of text. Perry begins by asking when the 'class meeting' is 'to come off'. He then informs Greenough that 'Poor Vose has paid his last debt', and that he has received a reply to his letter of condolence from Mrs Vose. He complains that he has 'not heard a word from Little, Brown & Co. in respect to my book. Those papers - the Advertiser & the Transcript are slow in bringing out their notices. My book evidently does not take well in Boston.' He reminds Greenough that he still owes $5 for his copy. 'I am not in haste.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. S. Henry') from Caleb Sprague Henry. editor of the New York Review, to William Whitwell Greenough, accepting an article, but complaining of Greenough's handwriting, and of 'a difficulty in getting Saxon type'.

Caleb Sprague Henry (1804-1884), Episcopal clergyman and author, editor of the New York Review, Professor of History and Philosophy in New York University [William Whitwell Greenough (1818-1899]
Publication details: 
New York; 26 April 1838.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. 57 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'William W. Greenough | Andover | Massachusetts', with circular postmark in red ink and remains of red wax seal. Regarding 'the article on Bosworth's Anglo-Sax. Dict.', Henry writes: 'From the few first pages that I have read & the glance that I have given at the rest, I am satisfied that I shall be glad to print your article.

Autograph Letter Signed from Catharine Cecil, daughter of the evangelical clergyman Rev. Richard Cecil, offering the copyright of a book ['Memoirs of Mrs Hawkes, late of Islington' (1838)] to an American publisher [Joseph Whetham of Philadelphia?].

Catharine Cecil, writer, daughter of Rev. Richard Cecil (1748-1810), member with William Wilberforce of the Clapham Sect and founding member of the Eclectic Society [Joseph Whetham of Philadelphia]
Publication details: 
5 Little James Street, Bedford Row, Holborn; March 1837.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of previous mounting on reverse of second leaf. She writes 'as a stranger' to the recipient: 'the person who now addresses you is a Daughter of the late Revd. Richd. Cecil, whose works you are probably well acquainted with'. She is about to publish a book which she is 'induced to think would have a very good sale in America' and has been recommended to apply to the recipient 'as a Person likely to be willing to enter into negociation with me on the subject'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Chs G. Greene') from the American newspaper editor Charles Gordon Greene to W. F. Allston, regarding the involvement of 'Capt. Sturgis' [William F. Sturgis?] with a newspaper article.

Charles Gordon Greene (1804-1886), newspaper editor, associated with Boston Statesman, Taunton Free Press, Boston Spectator, National Palladium, United States Telegraph [Captain William F. Sturgis]
Publication details: 
Boston; 17 November 1841.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In reply to Allston's letter Greene assures him that 'Capt. Sturgis did not write the paragraph' Allston alludes to, 'nor did he contemplate the publication of his decision in a newspaper at the time he made it known to the gentleman who furnished me with the information'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C: M: Young') from the actor Charles Mayne Young to his rival William Charles Macready, recommending an actor named Simpson for a position at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, and wishing Macready success as manager there.

Charles Mayne Young (1777-1856), actor [William Charles Macready (1793-1873); Theatre Royal, Drury Lane]
Publication details: 
Ashbourne Hall, Ashbourne, Derbyshire; 16 November 1841.

3pp., 12mo. 37 lines. Fair, on worn and discoloured paper. An interesting letter, casting light on the relationship between two great actors who, according to the Oxford DNB, 'disliked but respected each other'. Macready is not named, but Young ends by sending his 'Kind Comts to Mrs Macready'. Macready had taken over at Drury Lane on 4 October 1841, but the season would not begin until 27 December. The letter begins 'My dear Sir!

Autograph Letter Signed from the poet and engraver Charles Swain to a lady (name obliterated), complaining of the problems that prevent him from paying a visit, and referring to William Jerdan.

Charles Swain (1801-1874), poet and engraver [William Jerdan (1782-1869), editor of the Literary Gazette]
Publication details: 
Prestwich Park, Prestwich, near Manchester; [c.1853].

4pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear friend', and with the name of the recipient obliterated from the valediction: 'Will you give my sincere and grateful remembrances to your noble hearted husband? and believe me | dear <...> | Every affectionately, | [signed] Charles Swain'. He can put off 'the evil day' no longer, and must now 'give in to circumstances' and reluctantly inform her that he cannot come and visit.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. Melmoth') from the writer William Melmoth the Younger to the attorney Joseph Sharpe

William Melmoth the Younger (c.1710-1799), translator of Pliny and Cicero, and author of 'Fitzosborne's Letters' (1748, 1749)
Publication details: 
Bath; 15 January 1767.

1 p, 4to. Nine lines, in a neat and close hand. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, and still tipped-in onto a leaf from an autograph album. Addressed, with two postmarks, on reverse of second leaf of bifolium, to 'Mr. Jos. Sharpe, | at his chambers in | Lincolns Inn | London'. He wrote to Sharpe five weeks previously, sending a lease for his perusal, 'and likewise to authorise you to deliver up my sister's plate upon Mr. Argile paying you ye. <?> I agreed to take.' If the latter matter is still unsettled, he instructs Sharpe to apply to Argile's attorney 'to settle it forthwith'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('B Price') from Bonamy Price, Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford University, to 'My dear General' at Yale, following an 'American journey'.

Bonamy Price (1807-1888), Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford University, and Fellow of Worcester College [William Graham Sumner (1840-1910), Professor of Sociology, Yale University]
Publication details: 
2 March 1875; on letterhead of 2 Norham Gardens, Oxford.

4 pp, 12mo. Bifolium. 63 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Difficult hand. He thanks him for 'the Statistical Tables', admitting with 'some shame' that he needs 'an interpreter for part of the tables on page 68'. Describes the problem in detail, and discusses 'the sly remark that "the change is being made quite as abruptly as would be safe".

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm: Melmoth') to 'my very dear Sophia [Walters]', exhibiting a warmth unusual in one writing 'at the advanced Age of eighty five'.

William Melmoth the Younger (c.1710-1799), translator of Pliny and Cicero, and author of 'Fitzosborne's Letters' (1748, 1749) [Sophia Walters]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated. Docketed in a contemporary hand: '1798 Written at the advanced Age of eighty five [sic, for 88]'.

1 p, landscape 12mo (18.5 x 11.5 cm). Eleven long lines in a small neat hand. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Tipped in onto a piece of paper, 21 x 13 cm. The reference to Melmoth's 'advanced Age' is at the foot of the page. Docketed on reverse in a contemporary hand: 'From Mr. Melmoth to Mrs. Walters'. Begins: 'Believe me, my very dear Sophia, I am so truely [sic] your obedient servant in every affectionate & friendly sense of those terms, that there is no office in which you can employ me I shd.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Boaden') from the playwright and biographer James Boaden to William Hayley, regarding an edition of Randolph's works 'honour'd by the handwriting of Pope'.

James Boaden (1762-1839), biographer and playwright [William Hayley (1745-1820), poet and biographer, friend of William Cowper and patron of William Blake; Alexander Pope; Thomas Randolph]
Publication details: 
Warren Street, London; 30 April 1804.

1 p, 4to. Bifolium. Sixteen lines, neatly written. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'W. Hayley Esqre.' He begins by thanking him for 'the kind memorial' (a volume of music?); the gift expresses Hayley's 'sense of common civility' and acquaints Boaden 'with a composer of great merit'. 'I tried the effect of his divine art yesterday, Sunday, and could not but wish to hear it from the organ at Chichester'. The rest of the letter concerns 'the subject of Randolph, and the copy of his works honour'd by the hand-writing of Pope'.

Signed Letter in secretarial hand from Sir William Brown, founder of the Liverpool Gallery of Inventions and Science, to chairman John Abraham, with printed 'Fifth Annual Report of the Committee, and Proceedings of the Aggregate Meeting [...] 1865.'

John Abraham (1813-1881) of Clay & Abraham, pharmaceutical chemists, Chairman of the Liverpool Gallery of Inventions and Science [Sir William Brown (1784-1864) of Richmond Hill; Cuthbert Collingwood]
Publication details: 
Letter: Richmond Hill, Liverpool; 20 January 1863. Pamphlet: Liverpool: Printed by A. & D. Russell, Moorfields. 1865.

ONE. Letter, signed 'Wm Brown'. 3 pp, 12mo. Bifolium. 25 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He is 'greatly disappointed' that, '[h]aving gone to the expense of building the Hall of Inventions & Science', 'the five Learned Societies' that 'induced' him 'to make that addition to the Library, have taken no effectual means to make it available for the purpose intended'. Brown 'promised £100 towards the fittings', and is sending a cheque for that amount.

A signed 'True Copy', in manuscript, of a letter of recommendation from Captain D. W. K. Barr, 'Pol[itical]: Ag[en]t Baghelkhund [Bagelkhand] & Superintendent of Rewah [Rewa]' to 'The First Assistant to the Agent Governor General for C. J. Indore'.

Lieut-Col Sir David William Keith Barr (1846-1916), Indian Army [Surgeon Charles Lowdell; Bagelkhand; Baghelkhand]
Publication details: 
Letter, on Government of India letterhead, dated from the 'Baghelkhund [Bagelkhand; Baghelkhand] Agency, Sutua; 31 July 1883.

3 pp, folio. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Supporting the application of 'Surgeon [Charles] Lowdell, Officiating Agency Surgeon Baghelkhund, [sic] applying for the Acting Appointment of Medical Officer in Charge Bhopal Battalion in the event of a vacancy occurring in October next'. Lowdell is holding his current post while Surgeon Goldsmith is on furlough, and on his return will be without an appointment. 'His duties in connection with the special charge of the young Maharaja have been difficult and have required the exercise of tact and patience.

Eleven Autograph Letters Signed from the diplomat Sir William Alexander Smart to Ernest Frederick Gye of the Foreign Office, from New York, Saloncia, Beirut, Damascus, and five from Paris, with references to James Joyce, Sylvia Beach and Proust.

Sir William Alexander Smart (1883-1962), British diplomat in the Levant and Egypt [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat; Sylvia Beach; James Joyce; Marcel Proust]
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1917 and 1926. One from New York (1917); one from Salonica (1919); five from Paris (one undated, the other four 1922); one from Beirut (1923); three from Damascus (1924, 1925 and 1926).

Totalling 68 pp, comprising 50 pp, 12mo; 18 pp, 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Two signed 'W. A. Smart' and the others 'WAS.' All addressed to 'My dear Ernest'. Written in a spirited, chatty, and (for a diplomat) surprisingly indiscreet style, of which the beginning of the second letter (Salonica; 19 August 1919), concerning the appointment of Victor Vincent Cusden (1893-1980), gives a good example: 'Were you not content with condemning me to physical and financial ruin in this death-trap? Why, to add to my afflictions, did you send me this pathetic shop-boy?

Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray of Sydney to his wife Mary Abraham's brother, with copy of long letter by him describing the 1859 South Seas shipwreck of his children on the Ellenita, Captain 'Bully' Hayes, and transcript from third letter.

Henry Murray of Sydney [Captain William Henry 'Bully' Hayes (1827 or 1829-1877), American blackbirder and bigamist, 'the last of the Buccaneers'; Ellenita shipwreck, 1859; Mary Abraham (1808-18]
Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray of Sydney
Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray of Sydney
Publication details: 
Murray's letter to his wife's brother: 20 April 1864; Sydney, New South Wales. Copy of letter by Murray: 21 December 1865; 20 Norton Street, Surry Hills, Sydney, New South Wales. Transcript: undated, on letterhead of Liverpool Polytechnic Society.
Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray of Sydney
Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray of Sydney

From the papers of Alfred Clay Abraham (1853-1942), Liverpool pharmacist, and his daughter Emma Clarke Abraham (1850-1934) of Swarthmoor Hall, Ulverston. All items in fair condition, on aged paper, with texts clear and complete. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from Henry Murray to his late wife Mary's brother. 8 pp, 12mo. On two bifoliums. Begins: 'Although a Stranger to you I perhaps need not apologise for the obtrusion of this communication upon you, when I inform you that I am the husband - or rather was the husband of your poor Sister Mary. for alas!

Autograph Letter Signed ('W H Russell') from the journalist W. H. Russell to 'dear Spencer', mainly concerning the Urabi Revolt against Ismail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt.

W. H. Russell [William Howard Russell] (1820-1907), Irish journalist, war correspondent for The Times [Isma'il Pasha [Ismail the Magnificent] (1830-1895), Khedive of Egypt; Urabi Revolt]
Autograph Letter Signed ('W H Russell') from the journalist W. H. Russell
Publication details: 
4 June 1882; on letterhead of the Empire Club, 4 Grafton Street, Piccadilly, London.
Autograph Letter Signed ('W H Russell') from the journalist W. H. Russell

2 pp, 12mo. 18 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Begins 'Its Alberta <(Songfeld)?> who is at 2 Lowndes Street not the undersigned - Are these cards en rêgle? [sic]' A pencil note by the recipient at the head of the first page reads 'Sent 2 June to Sumner Pl: card returned - answer does not live there.' Refers to 'Sumner Place' and 'the Coming Ball'. He wishes 'the Powers - which they aren't by the by - had let our fat friend Ismail alone just tightening the bit a little'.

Itemised manuscript accounts of an early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant, for customers including William Cavendish of Dovebridge, Thomas Stanhope, William Sacheverell, Reginald Cynder.

[Accounts of an 18th-century Derbyshire winemerchant; William Cavendish of Dovebridge; Brook Boothby; Thomas Stanhope; William Sacheverell; the wine trade; vintners]
Early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant
Publication details: 
Derbyshire; between 12 July 1702 and 13 January 1711.
Early eighteenth-century Derbyshire wine merchant

15 pp, narrow folio (14.5 x 38 cm), in the remains of a volume which has been reused and cut up (see below). Although aged and dogeared, the eight pages carrying the accounts are in reasonable condition, with all texts clear and complete, although the last leaf of the eight has the lower third cut away. In remains of original vellum binding, with '17 Maij j683' on front board. The pages are variously paginated in a contemporary hand between 245 and 274.

Two manuscript account books, both in German, of the income and expenditure in Hanover of Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen ('Königin Adelheid von Großbritannien'), widow of the English King William IV. With reference by her housekeeper inserted.

Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen (1792-1849), Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of Hanover, consort of King William IV
Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen (
Publication details: 
The two account books are dated April 1844 to 1845; April 1847 to 1848.
Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen (

The two volumes folio, 20 pp, and folio, 18 pp. Both in the same neat hand and in uniform original bindings of green boards, with green cloth spines and white decoratively-cut paper labels on front covers, each carrying a description of the contents addressed to 'Königin Adelheid von Großbritannien'. The first account book (1844-1845) has part of the second leaf (pp.2-3) torn away; and the second (1847-1848) is lacking the fourth leaf (pp.9-10).

Contemporary manuscript copy of letter to the writer Henry William Herbert ('Frank Forester') from 'Titrao Cupido' on 'the Primated Grouse'. With pencil signature 'Jno. B. Hearsh', and note describing this as 'a pseudonym of John H. Beardsley'

'Titrao Cupido' [John B. Hearsh; John H. Beardsley; Henry William Herbert ('Frank Forester'), sportsman and author]
Contemporary manuscript copy of letter to the writer Henry William Herbert
Publication details: 
Undated, but contemporaneous with the letter, which is dated 'Cleveland, March 17th. 1857'.
Contemporary manuscript copy of letter to the writer Henry William Herbert

4to, 2 pp. On bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Text clear and complete. The letter, of 39 lines, requests Herbert's opinion of 'the feasibility of a plan for the domestication of the Primated Grouse of the western prairies in this section of the country'. He writes because 'some few passages in your own writings have led me to know that one who has the heart of, and a desire to be a true sportsman, would not, if requesting a favor at your hand be overlooked'. Signed 'Titrao Cupido | Box 841 O.O. | Cleveland Ohio'. This has been lightly crossed-out in pencil, with the signature 'Jno.

Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis of Proctor's Theatre, New York, regarding his acquaintance with the author 'Frank Forester' (Henry William Herbert).

Frederick Mather (1833-1900), author, editor of the Chicago 'Field' and Superintendent of the New York and United States Fish Commissions [Henry William Herbert ('Frank Forester'), 1807-1858)]
Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis
Publication details: 
19 November 1893; on printed card of the New York and United States Fish Commissions, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.
Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis

13 x 7.5 card. Fair, on aged paper, with minor creasing to one corner. Stamped and addressed on one side to 'Mr. J. Charles Davis | Proctor's Theatre | New York'. The unsigned card (with the words 'and United States' deleted from the heading) has partly printed text. Mather completes it in pencil, acknowledging the 'inquiry about Frank Forester' and stating that 'as a boy I knew him and shot with him but my recollections would be of no value'. He ends by saying that he will 'try to brush them up' on his 'return from the west'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Bellew') from Lady Caroline Bellew of Stockleigh House, with note describing the assault on her in Paris by Lord William Paget and Cassidy.

Miss Caroline Bellew [Caroline Countess Bellew] (d.1863), of Stockleigh House, North Gate, Regent's Park [Lord William Paget; Cassidy]
Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Bellew') from Lady Caroline Bellew
Publication details: 
25 September 1849; Stockleigh House, Regent's Park, London.
Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Bellew') from Lady Caroline Bellew

12mo, 1p. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She is happy that her correspondent is enjoying himself, and looks forward to seeing him the following day, 'to take a friendly dinner'. An initialed pencil note in a contemporary hand at the head of the page reads 'The celebrated Lady who prosecuted Lord Wm Paget - Cassidy - others for getting into her Bed room at night in Paris to endeavour to carry her off & marry her for her large fortune to Cassidy | [signed] ' The incident - a great scandal of the age - was alluded to in 1844 in the Annual Register and other papers.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Foster Fraser') from the English travel writer Sir John Foster Fraser to H. W. Massingham of the Daily Chronicle, describing his career and qualifications while applying for journalistic work.

Sir John Foster Fraser (1868-1936), English travel writer [Henry William Massingham (1860-1924), editor of 'The Nation', 1907-1923]
Sir John Foster Fraser
Publication details: 
3 January 1896; The Author's Club, 3 Whitehall Court, SW, London.
Sir John Foster Fraser

12mo, 4 pp. 61 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. An impressive letter applying for work. He does not expect Massingham (addressed as 'W. H. Massingham') to remember their meeting 'in the Lobby' when he was 'chief reporter on The Sun', while at the same time holding 'a Parliamentary engagement on the staff of the C. N.' Gives details of his subsequent employment, including joining the editorial staff of the 'Manchester Guardian' ('principally to look after their weekly paper which was in a sad way.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Fairbairn') from the Scottish civil engineer Sir William Fairbairn to 'Mr. <Wittine?>', expressing gratitude at his good fortune after 'a long and laborious life'.

Sir William Fairbairn (1789-1874) of Ardwick, Scottish civil engineer and shipbuilder
Sir William Fairbairn
Publication details: 
1869 [rest of date lacking]; Manchester.
Sir William Fairbairn

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. 37 lines. Text of letter clear and complete, but with damage to head of letter, causing loss to date, with traces of the album leaf to which the letter was attached on reverses. Otherwise good, on lightly-aged paper. He thanks him for his 'friendly congratulation', and has now entered his '81st. year under the most favourable conditions'. He is 'truly thankful that my affectionate Partner and Myself have through a long life been so mercifully dealt with'.

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