Science, Medicine and Technology

Two typed Letters Signed, successively to G[eorge]. K[enneth]. Menzies and W. Perry, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Alfred Charles Bossom, 1st Baronet [British Art in Industry Exhibition, 1935; Royal Society of Arts; Royal Academy]
Publication details: 
22 June and 1 October 1935; both on House of Commons embossed letterheads, and from 5, Carlton Gardens, S.W.1.

English politician (1881-1965) and architect, much of whose work was done in the United States. Both letters two pages, quarto. Both letters docketed (the first heavily so), bearing the Society's stamp, and with pin and staple holes in top left-hand corner. Second letter good, first lightly creased and grubby. Revealing documents relating to the Royal Society's 'British Art in Industry' exhibition, held at the Royal Academy in 1935. The Society's website describes this as a 'resounding success', but as these letters show, the matter was not so clear cut.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to G[eorge]. K[enneth]. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir John Benton
Publication details: 
Both letters 14 January 1918; Westeroft, Liverdale Road, Eastbourne.

Scottish hydraulic engineer (1950-1927), of the India Public Works Department; Chief Engineer and Secretary to Government, Punjab Irrigation Branch. Both letters 12mo. Both very good, docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. LETTER ONE (two pages): Benton and a friend will make use of the two cards of invitation to A. Newland's paper on 'Water Power in Great Britain'.

Typed Letter Signed to G[eorge]. K[enneth]. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Publication details: 
5 November 1913; on letterhead of the Isthmian Canal Commission (Canal Zone).

New York journalist (1847-1928) and biographer of Theodore Roosevelt; Secretary, Isthmian Canal Commission. One page, quarto. Very good, but lightly creased a little grubby. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. He has received the letter 'asking me if I can furnish you with material on the social side of the work at Panama. It would give me much pleasure to supply this, were it in such form as to make it possible to do so. There has been a great deal written about it, but nothing in concrete form, so far as my knowledge goes.

Typed Note Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Robert Browne Dunwoody
Publication details: 
7 December 1914; on letterhead of Association of Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom.

English engineer (1879-1966), Secretary of the Associated British Chambers of Commerce, 1912-46. Very good, though creased and on slightly discoloured paper. Bearing the Society's stamp. Reads 'I beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your Journal of the 4th December, for which I am greatly obliged. | I enclose herewith the report of a recent meeting of this Association in exchange.' Signed 'R. B. Dunwoody'.

Twelve Typed Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Percy Dunsheath
Publication details: 
Between 28 October 1925 and 30 June 1926; all on letterhead 'W. T. HENLEY'S TELEGRAPH WORKS COMPANY, LIMITED. | RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. | Gravesend, | Kent.'

English electrical engineer and research scientist and writer (1886-1979), Member of the Senate, University of London. All items one page, quarto. All but one very good; one item discoloured and creased at head, and with several closed tears. All signed 'P Dunsheath' and most docketed or bearing the Society's stamp. The letters concern a lecture at the Society Dunsheath agreed to give following a conversation with Sir George Sutton entitled 'Science in the Cable Industry'. Dunsheath suggests that L. B.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and Two Typed Letters Signed to Perry (1), Luckhurst (2) and Menzies (1), Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Sidney John Duly
Publication details: 
[18 August], 19 and 25 October 1937 and 31 January 1938; the first on letterhead of Canadian Pacific Hotels, the other three on City of London College letterheads.

English traveller, writer and Governor of City of London College (1891-1991). First and last letters, two pages quarto; middle two letters, one page quarto. All in good condition and either docketed or bearing the Society's stamp. In first letter, further to a conversation, Duly asks if he can give a lecture on 'Ships sweat & condensation'. 'I have been away with a Leverhulme Fellowship on Carriage of Goods by Sea & am now on the Pacific Coast again where I find v. great interest in my previous papers & requests for a further account of more recent work.

Typed Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Herbert Sammons [D. Napier & Son]
Publication details: 
22 August 1947; on letterhead of D. Napier & Son Limited, Acton.

Scottish engineer (died 1967), noted for his innovative design of a gas turbine engine. One page, 12mo. Very good. Pinholes to one corner and bearing a date stamp. He is honoured to be nominated as a fellow of the Society, and encloses the proposal and a cheque (neither present), thanking the Council 'for the kind invitation extended to me'. Signed 'H. Sammons'.

Catalogue of the well-known collection of Ballooning and Aeronautical Prints and Drawings, the Property of Col. R.L. Preston

Sotheby and Co
Publication details: 

Printed wraps, illus.., fold mark mainly affecting covers, mainly v.g. NO estimate or price lists

Autograph Letter Signed to [K. W. Luckhurst], Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with unsigned carbon of reply.

Thomas Girtin
Publication details: 
The letter, 17 July 1951, on letterhead 'PELHAM MOUNT | PELHAMS WALK | ESHER'; the carbon, 13 July 1951.

British metallurgist (1874-1960) and Master of the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers. Apologises for assuming that Dr Thomas Monro was a member of the Society. 'I never doubted it because not only did he live in Adelphi Terrace, next door to his friend David Garrick, but he was friendly with so many of the Members of that day, and a great patron of the Arts. For the rest he was a medical man - chief physician to 'Bedlam' and one of poor old George III's mental doctors -'.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, School for the Art of Theatre, 7, John Street, Adelphi, London.

Sir Alfred Fernandez Yarrow
Publication details: 
12 January 1916; on letterhead 'HOMESTEAD, | HINDHEAD, | SURREY.'

English engineer and naval architect (1842-1932). One page, 4to. Good, but lightly creased and slightly discoloured at foot. Bears the stamp of the Royal Society of Arts, of which Wood was the Secretary. Thanks Wood for his 'kind telegram of congratulation' (presumably on his knighthood).

Seven Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir James Fortescue Flannery, 1st Baronet
Publication details: 
1924-5; typed letters on letterhead of Flannery, Baggallay & Johnson, Ltd., consulting engineers; autograph letter on letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Harrowgate.

Ulster unionist politician and civil engineer (1851-1943). The collection is in very good condition. The seven typed letters are quarto and the autograph letter 12mo. All signed 'J. Fortescue Flannery', mostly docketed and carrying the Society's stamp. Mainly concerns the delivery and publication of a 'Paper on Diesel Engines'. 2 February 1925: 'I note with great interest that you expect a large and influential attendance on the 11th inst.' 5 February 1925: 'it occurs to me that the name of the Rt. Hon. Lord Montagu of Beaulieu K.C.I.E.

Five Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Charles Herbert Armstrong
Publication details: 
1927-30; Elmhyrst, Guildford.

British railway magnate and industrialist in India (1862-1949). The collection is very good. The five autograph letters are 12mo, and printed on letterheads. All items signed 'C H Armstrong'. Several items docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Mainly concerned with Society committee matters, but two letters of interest. The first (autograph, 15 February 1928, 2 pages, 12mo): 'You will no doubt have seen the remarks of the Lord Chief Justice in the Mitchell Hedges case - Times of 14 inst page 5 column 2 - on "learned societies . . . .

The cruise of the gyro-car.

Herbert Strang [pseudonym of George Herbert Ely and C. J. L'Estrange]
Publication details: 
London: Henry Frowde, Hodder & Stoughton. [No date, but circa 1914.]

Octavo. 243 pages. Frontispiece illustration. In original red cloth embossed binding. Poor copy: rear endpapers split, binding grubby, pages foxed. Presentation inscription on verso of flyleaf dated October 1914.

Tables astronomiques publiées par le Bureau des Longitudes de France. Tables de la lune, par M. Burckhardt.

Johann Karl Burckhardt [Bureau des Longitudes, Paris]
Publication details: 
Paris: Mme Ve Courcier, Imprimeur-Libraire pour les Mathématiques, Quai des Augustins, No. 57. Décembre 1812.

Burckhardt (1773-1825) was a German astronomer, who first computed the orbits of a number of comets. First and only edition. Quarto. Pages: viii + 88. A rare survival, but in very poor condition: grubby, creased, stained and frayed at edges. In remains of makeshift wraps. Text perfectly legible throughout. Some scholarly annotations in pencil and pen.

Eleven Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed, variously to W. Perry and G. F. Menzies, Royal Society of Arts; and three-page typed 'brief statement of Dr. [Charles] Carpenter's qualifications', headed 'CONFIDENTIAL'.

Edward Frankland Armstrong
Publication details: 
1927 to 1934; on letterheads including 'BUSH HOUSE, | ALDWYCH', 'BALDWIN HOUSE, | 67, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET', and that of the British Dyestuffs Corporation Ltd.

British chemist (1878-1945), Vice-President of the Royal Society, 1942-3. All items in very good condition. All letters, one page, quarto. Subjects include an R.S.A. lecture by Armstrong on 'Hydrogen and its uses', the proof of another lecture, Armstrong's chairmanship of various R.S.A. meetings, his appointment as R.S.A. Vice-President, and the possibility of a 'paper on the hydrogenation of bituminous coal ('even though a good many people may be a little tired of the subject'): 'I suppose the man you ought to ask in the first place is K.

Four Typed Notes Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts and the editor of the R.S.A. Journal.

Sir Francis Philip Armstrong, 3rd Bt [ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB]
Publication details: 
21 October, 21 November and 9 December 1927; 1 May 1929; all on Royal Automobile Club letterhead.

General manager of the Royal Automobile Club (1871-1944). All four items one page, quarto. All four in good condition and signed 'F. P. Armstrong'. All four docketed and two bearing R.S.A. stamp. Note one asks for '100 stamped envelopes' for sending to 'Members of the Committee and others who would be interested in the papers that are to be read before the Royal Society'. Note two thanks the editor of the R.S.A. Journal for the 'copies of Mr. O'Gorman's paper'.

Typed Note and Typed Letter Signed, one to the Editor and the other to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Charles Crowther
Publication details: 
20 February and 14 March 1940; both on crested letterhead of the Harper Adams Agricultural College, Newport, Hampshire.

Agricultural chemist (1876-1964). Both one page, quarto, and very good, though lightly creased. The letter carries a few light carbon-paper stains. The note informs the editor of the R.S.A. journal that Crowther is returning the 'corrected copy of my remarks in the discussion on my paper. | I presume that you will be sending me a supply of reprints when the Journal comes out'. The letter thanks the secretary for the copies of the journal.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir H[enry]. T[rueman]. Wood[, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Rev. Hugh John Dukinfield Astley
Publication details: 
10 June 1913; on crested letterhead 'THE VICARAGE, | EAST RUDHAM.'

British archaeologist, anthropologist and numismatist (1856-1930). Two pages, 12mo. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. He is forwarding a cheque for his subscription of two guineas. 'My wife & I hope to be present at the Conversazione on the 17th., but I am hardly ever able to get to a meeting. | Do you think an architectural or archaeological Paper wd. be out of place on some evening?' Signed 'H. J. Dukinfield Astley'.

Typed Letter Signed to W. Perry, Royal Society of Arts.

Cecil Henry Desch
Publication details: 
2 February 1937; on letterhead (including map of environs) of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex.

Eminent British metallurgist (1874-1958). One page, quarto. Very good. 'I should have been pleased to take the chair at Professor Bragg's Lecture, but I have already undertaken to preside at a similar lecture by Professor Bragg [...] and to have the same Chairman on both occasions, the lectures dealing with the same subjects, would suggest that Metallurgy is very poorly represented in London. Would it be possible to get Sir Harold Carpenter to take the chair? I am sure that you will have a good Meeting, as Professor Bragg's lectures are always exceedingly interesting.' Signed 'C. H.

Autograph Letter Signed [to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Engineer-Captain William Richard Apps
Publication details: 
18 April 1914; 'The Hawthorns, | Bishop's Waltham, | Hants.'

British military and naval architect (1862-1947). One page, quarto. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. He has not answered sooner as he 'has been away from home'. 'I thank you for the matter supplied & I regret that at present I am unable to put myself forward for election but trust that should circumstances permit me to do so at some future time I may then receive the kindly consideration of the Council.' Signed 'W. R. Apps'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed to [K. W. Luckhurst,] Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Gilbert Thomas Morgan
Publication details: 
Typed letter: 11 Oct 1938, on letterhead of the Institute of Brewing; autograph letters: 11 Nov 1938 and 19 March 1939, both on letterhead '12, CATHCART ROAD, | REDCLIFFE GARDENS, | LONDON, S. W. 10.'

British research chemist (1872-1940), Mason Professor of Chemistry, University of Birmingham, and author of numerous works. All three items very good; all three docketed and two bearing the Society's stamp. All three signed 'G. T. Morgan'. ITEM ONE (typed letter, one page, quarto, slightly creased, with one pin hole): His 'change of address and the recent crisis have both hindered my reply to your letter'. Would be honoured to be one of the Society's Cantor Lecturers, and suggests as title 'Achievements of British Chemical Industry in the last Twenty-five Years'.

Typed Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir James Weir French
Publication details: 
27 July 1919; on letterhead 'ARDOCH HOUSE, | BEARSDEN, | DUMBARTONSHIRE.'

British engineer (died 1953). One page, quarto. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Signed 'James Weir French'. 'I should be very pleased to have the opportunity of supporting the Society and I would be glad if you would make the necessary arrangements as you have so kindly offered to do'.

Two Typed Letters Signed to J. Samson, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with unsigned carbon copies of three letters from Samson to Morgan.

Walter Thomas James Morgan
Publication details: 
Morgan's letters: 31 July 1964 and 20 November 1967, both on Lister Institute letterheads; Samson's carbon copies: 22 July and 5 August 1964 and 31 October 1967, none with place.

British biochemist (1900-2003), Director of the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, London, 1972-5. All five items one page, quarto, and all five very good and stapled together by year. Correspondence for 1964 begins with Samson inviting Morgan to deliver a lecture in the Society's forthcoming session 'on the science and practice of immunology', and giving details of the requirements. Morgan declines, 'as my special studies and experiences have been almost entirely concerned with the more chemical aspects of the subject'.

Typed Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with unsigned carbon copy of the secretary's reply.

Captain Basil Rupert Willett [MARCONI; RADAR]
Publication details: 
Letter: 9 July 1947, on letterhead of 'MARCONI'S WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COMPANY LIMITED'; carbon copy: 10 July 1947, no place.

Willett (died 1966) and C. E. Horton were the two Royal Navy representatives to whom, in the autumn of 1940, it was demonstrated that the 10cm ground-based, experimental radar equipment could track ships. LETTER (one page, octavo, creased and grubby, with staple holes to one corner, stamped and docketed): Acknowledges a letter of 4 July, and is 'honoured to accept the invitation of the Council of the Royal Society of Arts to seek election as a Fellow of the Society'. Encloses a 'Form of Proposal' and a cheque (neither present) and suggests the setting up of a banker's order.

Chromosomes in preinvasive, microinvasive and invasive cervical carcinoma

Ingrid Granberg
Publication details: 
Lund, Sweden: 1971.

Offprint from Hereditas [68: 165-218 (1971)], the journal of the Scandinavian Association of Geneticists. Pages 165-218, 8vo, with several figures in text. Contains two pages of 'Literature cited'. In stained and spotted printed light-brown wraps, otherwise in good condition. Inscribed at head of front wrap 'Thanks for your reprints and best regards | Ingrid Granberg'.

Psychoanalyse ihre bedeutung und ihr einfluss auf jugenderziehung, kinderaufklärung, berufs- und liebeswahl.

Dr. Rudolf Urbantschitsch
Publication details: 
1924. Wien und Leipzig: Verlag Von Moritz Perles.

Psychoanalyst (1879-1965). 46 pages, 8vo. 2 pages of publisher's advertisements at rear. In original brown printed wraps. Paper browning and with some wear to first and last leaves, and some loss, wear and closed tears to wraps.

Typed Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies, [Secretary,] Royal Society of Arts.

Publication details: 
30 June 1933; on letterhead of 'ILFORD LIMITED | Manufacturers of Sensitised | Photographic Materials'.

Anglo-Danish research chemist (died 1944), a pioneer of infrared photography. One page, quarto. Very good, though a bit grubby and with a few small staple holes. 'Will you kindly thank the Council of the Royal Society of Arts for the honour conferred upon me in awarding to me a silver medal for my paper on Infra-Red Photography.' He will be present at the 'opening meeting of the next session'. Signed 'Olaf Bloch'.

The Importance of Accessory Factors in the Food.

Harriette Chick and others.
Publication details: 
HMSO, [1919].

Pamphlet, 7pp., cr. 8vo. Sub-title: Some facts concerning nutrition for the guidance of those engaged in administration of food relief to Famine-stricken districts. This pamphlet spreads word of the "new" knowledge about vitamins to a world in recovery from World War 1. One of the authors, Harriette Chick, helped spread the word to Vienna and Eastern Europe between 1919 and 1922. See #1988 for a collection of Harriette Chick publications.

Note in a secretarial hand Signed to Sir H[enry]. T[rueman]. Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with compliments slip.

Sir Benjamin Baker
Publication details: 
The letter, 11 June 1901; the compliments slip 17 June 1901; both on letterhead '2, Queen Square Place, | Queen Anne's Mansions, Westminster, S.W.'

English civil engineer (1840-1907), who built the Forth Rail Bridge and worked on the Metropolitan and District Railways of the London Underground. Both items one page, octavo, on grey paper. Both in good condition, stamped and docketed. The note, signed 'B. Baker', reads 'I am sorry to say the Glasgow University Jubilee will prevent me and I have no doubt others from beingn at Marlborough House on the 14th.' The slip reads 'With Sir Benjamin Baker's Compliments.'

Two Autograph Letters Signed to [Sir Henry Trueman Wood,] the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir John Wolfe Wolfe-Barry
Publication details: 
Letter one: 28 June 1917; letter two: 29 October 1917; both on letterhead 'DELAHAY HOUSE, | 15, CHELSEA EMBANKMENT, | S.W.3.'

British railway engineer (1836-1918). Both items very good, and both stamped and docketed, and signed 'J. Wolfe-Barry'. LETTER ONE: one page, octavo. 'I have much pleasure in accepting the Office of Vice President of the Society and shall be glad, as an ex-officio member of the Council to be summoned to its meetings'. LETTER TWO: one page, octavo (landscape). 'I want to propose William Archer Tait D.Sc Civil Engineer for admission to the Royal Sy of Arts. His address is 9 Victoria Street S.W. Please take the necessary steps'.

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