Autograph Letter Signed ('H G Liddell') from Henry George Liddell, grandfather of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, to 'Dear Dundas', concerning the Abbotsford Subscription. With print of the 'Ape' cartoon of Liddell from 'Vanity Fair'.

Rev. Henry George Liddell (1787-1872), father of the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, and grandfather of Alice Pleasance Liddell, on whom Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland was based [Sir Walter Scott]
Publication details: 
Letter: Ravensworth Castle; 2 February 1833. Print: Without date or place.

Letter: 4 pp, 12mo. Bifolium. 36 lines. Text clear and complete. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. He addresses him 'as Provisional Secretary to the Abbotsford Subscription Committee', to inform him that he has instructed his bankers in Newcastle to transmit forty pounds from his account to bankers in the Strand, 'to be added to the Abbotsford Fund - being the Amount collected in small sums between 1.£ & 1.s. by Mrs. Liddell in the town of Alnwick & vicinity'. She will forward a book of subscribers' names to the Committee.

Typed Letter Signed ('Hugh') from Hugh Cudlipp, as Managing Editor of the Sunday Express, to 'My dear Popie', the theatre critic W. Macqueen-Pope.

Hugh Cudlipp [Hubert Kinsman Cudlipp] (1913-1998), editor of the Daily Mirror, 1952-1973 [Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre manager and historian]
Typed Letter Signed ('Hugh') from Hugh Cudlipp
Publication details: 
2 January 1952; on Fleet Street letterhead of the Sunday Express.
Typed Letter Signed ('Hugh') from Hugh Cudlipp

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He had meant to write to him 'at the end of the series' (of articles by Macqueen-Pope?): 'We took a great deal of trouble in putting the series over well, and I am glad you liked the results.' The 'nonsense at the beginning' was caused by 'a series of misunderstandings'. Ends: 'No doubt we will knock into each other shortly.'

Typescript transcription of a 'Poem written by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone MP Christmas 1869 for contribution to The Coppice Courant which had however expired in January 1867.'

[William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal prime minister; Sir Robert Joseph Phillimore (1810-1885), judge and Liberal MP]
Publication details: 
Undated transcription. The poem dated 'Christmas 1867.'

Typescript (folio, 2 pp), with a couple of manuscript corrections. Fair, on aged paper, with light marks from a paperclip at head. Thirty-six line poem, in heroic couplets, with 'W E G. Christmas 1869' at end, beginning 'Happy the gamester, on whose earliest throw, | Grim Fortune frowns, and cuts his treasure low; | But hapless he, whom luck shall onward lure, | She only means to make his ruin sure.' Made for Sir Robert Joseph Phillimore, of the Courant, Henley on Thames, judge, Liberal MP and lifelong friend of Gladstone's.

Manuscript transcription by Lord Phillimore, of a 'Poem written by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone MP Christmas 1869 for contribution to "The Coppice Courant" which had however expired in January 1867.' With typescript.

[William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal prime minister; Walter George Frank Phillimore (1845-1929), Baron Phillimore, Judge, ecclesiastical lawyer and international jurist]
William Ewart Gladstone
Publication details: 
Transcription undated, on Phillimore's letterhead of The Coppice, Henley on Thames. Typescript undated.
William Ewart Gladstone

Phillimore's transcript: 12mo, 3 pp. On bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with mark from rusted paperclip at head. Thirty-six line poem, in heroic couplets, with 'W E G. Christmas 1869' at end. Typescript (folio, 2 pp), with a couple of manuscript corrections. Fair, on aged paper.

[Printed Card] Members of the Friday Club Instituted in June 1803 (members including Scott, Francis Jeffrey, Henry Cockburn)

[Sir Walter Scott; Edinburgh Select Club]
Members of the Friday Club
Publication details: 
[Edinburgh, c.1827]
Members of the Friday Club

Cardc.10 x 14cm, prob. whiet or cream originally but discoloured now, printed text clear and complte, on the recto a list of members from 1803 Sir James Hall to [1827] William Murray, giving as shown the year of admission (mainly 1803). On the verso, the dates for the Friday Club dinners Jan.1828 to Jan.1829 are given. The List of Mmebers is annotated in pencil, adding titles, occasionally professions (Adm., WS, Poet). At the top of the recto, A Copy of this Appears in Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott.

Five coloured posters by Australian artist Ellis Silas, each in the style of a frieze or panorama, depicting eleven 'British' explorers, from the Cabot brothers to Captain Oates, before scenic backgrounds.

Ellis Silas (1883-1972), Anglo-Australian artist, official war artist with ANZAC forces in the First World War [British poster art]
Ellis Silas (1883-1972), Anglo-Australian artist
Publication details: 
[1930s? Place and publisher not stated.]
Ellis Silas (1883-1972), Anglo-Australian artist

The five posters, presumably produced for the classroom, are scarce, with no reference to them on the internet or elsewhere. They are attractively painted in a bold and vivid panoramic frieze style. Each carries a single illustration showing two (counting the Cabot brothers as one) explorers in front of groups of men, with a merged background behind them.

[printed pamphlet] The Edinburgh Annual Register from 1808 to 1823

[Sir Walter Scott; Archibald Constable; Hurst, Robinson; The Edinburgh Annual Register]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh, [1823]

12mo, 14pp, disbound, first leaf detached, good condition. Text clear and complete. In which the publishers outline their (historical) policy and ambitions for the various aspects of the periodical, and provide an Index by volume and subject. Sir Walter Scott took an almost proprietorial interest in this periodical. Scarce: COPAC lists NLS copy only (16pp).

[Manuscript] "Appeal to the Public for the descendents of De Foe" [Daniel Defoe]. With three MS. poems by Landor.

Walter Savage Landor, Author (1775-1864)
Walter Savage Landor, Author
Publication details: 
Walter Savage Landor, Author

One page, 4to, tipped onto larger card, good condition. Forty-five lines excluding signature at base ("Walter Savage Landor"), text, worked over by Landor, as follows: The Public is informed that our gracious queen [sic], among her many acts of judicious beneficence, has granted a pension of 100£ a year to the lineal descendents, in the fourth degree, of Daniel De Foe. These are two aged women reduced to poverty and decrepitude.

Manuscript Journals containing accounts of an Englishman's (or Scotsman's) two fishing trips to Canada, the first in 1874 and the second in 1876, primarily to Quebec and New Brunswick.

Walter A. MacGregor [Canada; Quebec; New Brunswick; freshwater; salmon fishing]
 MS Diary Englishman's (or Scotsman's)  two fishing trips to Canada
Publication details: 
1874 and 1876-7.
 MS Diary Englishman's (or Scotsman's)  two fishing trips to Canada

Both volumes 4to, and uniform in dark-green leather bindings. A total of 195 manuscript pages. The journals reveal the author to be a man of leisure and means, fully able to induldge his taste for freshwater fishing, at camps with 'canoemen', cook, and canoes. The English sections indicate that he was a clubman, that he worked in the City (with possible business interests in Liverpool), and lived in West London with (sister?) 'Lola' and his mother. 'Alick', presumably a brother, is occasionally mentioned. (It may be that he was the Walter A.

One Autograph Letter Signed and another Signed Letter in a secretarial hand (both 'John Sinclair') from Sinclair to Lord Alloway, one discussing his 'son's singular adventure with The Emperor Napoleon, immediately previous to the Battle of Jena'.

Sir John Sinclair (1754-1835) [David Cathcart (1763-1829), Lord Alloway; Napoleon Bonaparte; Sir Walter Scott]
One Autograph Letter Signed, Sir John Sinclair, agriculturist
Publication details: 
Both from 133 George Street, Edinburgh: the Autograph Letter docketed 'January 1826'; and the secretarial letter dated 4 February 1826
One Autograph Letter Signed, Sir John Sinclair, agriculturist

Autograph Letter: 4to, 1 p. 10 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Inviting him and his family to dine with him and Lord and Lady Glasgow. Secretarial Letter: 12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Sending the 'narrative of my son's singular adventure', which he has 'been induced to draw up [...] for the purpose of supplying The Author of "Waverley," with "new materials," for his intended History of that extraordinary character'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Philip H. Calderon') to the Committee of Education, Queen's College, Harley Street.

Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898), RA, English painter of Franco-Spanish parentage [Walter F. Stocks]
Autograph Letter Signed ('Philip H. Calderon', artist)
Publication details: 
15 June 1898; on letterhead of Weston Lodge, 16 Grove End Road, London NW.
Autograph Letter Signed ('Philip H. Calderon', artist)

12mo, 1 p. Ten lines. Clear and complete. On bifolium with mourning border. Fair, on aged and discoloured paper. Endorsing the application of Walter F. Stocks for 'the vacant professorship of landscape painting in Queen's College'. Stocks 'has been an exhibitor at the Royal Academy for many years' and Calderon 'has admired his paintings on our walls'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'W Boyd Carpenter'), the first to Walter F. Stocks and the second to an unnamed male correspondent on the occasion of Stocks's death.

Sir William Boyd Carpenter (1841-1918), Bishop of Ripon and court chaplain to Queen Victoria [Walter F. Stocks]
Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'W Boyd Carpenter')
Publication details: 
The first letter undated; on letterhead of The Cloisters, Windsor Castle. The second 21 January 1916; on letterhead of 6 Little Cloisters, Westminster SW.
Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'W Boyd Carpenter')

Both items with text clear and complete, on aged and discoloured paper. First letter (12mo, 1 p, 14 lines): He informs Stocks that he will be 'delighted to do what you ask [...] it will be a sincere pleasure to me - There is only one If - which I hope will be but a formal one'. He will be on duty at Windsor Castle till 15 December, but has 'no doubt the Dean will take my place'. Second Letter (12mo, 1 p, 11 lines): He is 'grieved to hear of this sad loss [...] Walter Stocks was a good and true fellow I always had a warm place in my heart for him'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Faed') to W. F. Stocks.

Thomas Faed (1826-1900), R.A., Scottish artist [Walter F. Stocks]
Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Faed', artist)
Publication details: 
31 January 1870; Sussex Villa, Campden Hill, London.
Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Faed', artist)

12mo, 2 pp. Twenty lines. Text clear and complete. In bifolium. On aged and discoloured paper, with small closed tears along central fold lines of both leaves. A reference, 'bearing testimony to your perfect efficiency as a teacher of landscape painting possessing, as you do, the first and greatest requisite, namely a power to sketch beautifully from nature, your success should not be short of great. [last word underlined]' Apologises for not answering sooner, caused by 'the loss of your card'. From a small archive of Walter F. Stocks's correspondence.

Autograph Letter Signed "M.A. Hughes" to Richard Twining,jun., Banker and Tea Merchant (see DNB

Mrs M.A. Hughes, author, grandmother of Thomas Hughes, central to the literary society of her day.
Publication details: 
No place, 24 Sept. [1807].

Three pages, 4to, but cross-written, making six pages of writing, sometimes hard to read, small piece of letter with a few words detached but present. Mrs Hughes is her usual informative, authoritative, lively and intelligent self, initially discussing the British disaster at Buenos Ayres. being unable to think of "a worse planned or more ill-fated expedition" in which the dead were "sacrificed". She attacks the commander, the Duke of York, in no uncertain terms: she hopes it's not a crime to wish him out of a world to which he he'd done so little good.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter'), in German, to 'Mein lieber Bert!'

Walter Koschatzky (1921-2003), German art critic
Publication details: 
28 March 1939; on his letterhead as 'Direktor der Cöpenicker Boden Akt. Ges. Wolfsgarten u. der Erkner Berliner Vorort-Terrainges. mbH.'

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. 59 lines of text. Clear and complete. On lightly-aged paper, with 4.5 cm closed tears to the outer edge of central horizontal fold to both leaves. A large part of the letter would appear to concern washing machines, including a reference to a new one on the American market, called the 'Waterflex'. A few lines in English at end: 'Many thanks for your Birthday-carte. Sorry year it arrived 1 month to [sic] late.' Sends love to 'Dorothy', and reference in text to 'Kajitan': 'Das wird Dir bestimmt Freude machen. Das ist alles viel besser als die Politik.

Autograph Signature ('Walter Runciman').

Walter Runciman (1870-1949), 1st Viscount Runciman of Doxford, English Liberal politician
Publication details: 
6 March 1911. On Board of Education card.

On a piece of card roughly 9 x 11.5 cm. With embossed government crest of the Board of Education in the top left-hand corner. In fair condition, lightly-aged and with small triangular areas of discoloration to two opposing corners caused by previous mounting. Good bold signature, presumably sent in response to a request for an autograph. Reads '[signed] Walter Runciman. | 6 March | 1911.'

The Abbotsford Subscription.

R. A. Dundas, Secretary, Royal Society of Literature [Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832), Scottish novelist and poet]
Publication details: 
St. Martin's Place, Dec. 7, 1832.'

Disbound. Octavo: four pages. Good: slightly aged and with some creasing to extremities. Thirty-one lines of text, followed by a double-column list of subscribers, and amounts subscribed.

Four items: the three numbers of the 'Album of the Bannatyne Club', with the first number bound with 'A Catalogue of Works printed for The Bannatyne Club. No. I.'

David Laing, Secretary, The Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, Scotland [Sir Walter Scott; Scottish; antiquarian]
Publication details: 
[Edinburgh: 1825 ('Catalogue' and first number of 'Album'), 1831 and 1854]

All four items tastefully and crisply printed. ITEMS ONE AND TWO ('Catalogue' and first number of 'Album'): Both 8vo, bound together in original dark-green wraps. 'Catalogue': 12 pp; 'Album': 22 + [i] pp. All edges gilt. Wraps creased and worn, with slight chipping at head of spine. Some creasing to prelims and last few leaves. Note to 'Catalogue' (by 'D. L. | S.') explains that the 'following List contains the titles of such Books as have been printed for the Bannatyne Club since its Institution in February 1823'.

Autograph Letter Signed, with two postmarks, to John Mounsey of Sunderland.

Malcolm Laing [Laing family of Orkney]
Publication details: 
Kirkwall; date indecipherable, but docketed in pencil '1814'.

Scottish historian (1762-1818), friend of Charles James Fox and Sir Walter Scott. 1 page, 8vo. Bifoliate, in very good condition, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr. John Mounsey | Furrier | Sunderland'. Difficult handwriting. 'Dear Sir. | <?> the beginning of March I sent to Lowth, by Mr Sir Joseph Banks, to be forwarded to you at Sunderland, Two matts or packages of Rabbit skins, containing 2127 Skins.

Typed Letter Signed "Archie Black" to J.G. Wilson, John & Edward Bumpus Ltd.

Archie [presumably Archibald] Black, publisher (of A. & C. Black).
Publication details: 
4,5, & 6 Soho Square, London, 18 Nov. 1932 (A & C Black headed notepaper).

One page, minor defects, text clear and complete. He would like to see some drawings which have beeen mentioned, and will call in. "Our contributions to the Scott Exhibition were returned this morning in excellent conditio, and I would like to congratulate you and Miss Hughes on a most excellent show. | By the way, Miss Hughes has never let me have back the Scott's butler's MS., which I lent her some time ago. I wish you would mention this to her." He concludes by asking Wilson to address letters to "Archie Black" or "A.A.G. Black" to avoid confusion with his father.

Colour lithograph engraving, with illustration of two lovers, headed 'THE DECORATED ALBUM'

Marcus Ward & Co. [Baxter print]
Publication details: 
[circa 1870?] Undated. 'LONDON | MARCUS WARD & CO. | & ROYAL ULSTER WORKS. BELFAST. ['ENTD. STA. HALL.' (i.e. 'Entered at Stationers' Hall']

Landscape, on one side of a piece of thick paper 24 x 30.5 cm. The print itself is 22 x 27.5 cm. The print is clear and entire on lightly-aged paper, with wear to extremities and some repair to reverse, to which a tissue guard has been attached. Enclosed within a decorative border of birds and flowers printed in burgundy, brown and gold, is a delicate illustration (9 x 15 cm), somewhat akin to a Baxter print, showing a sylvan scene with two young lovers in seventeenth-century attire.

Manuscript order, signed by Bickerton ('R Bickerton') and Hulbert ('Jno. Se. Hulbert'), directing Bathurst, as Captain of HMS Fame, to proceed to Chatham, to be paid off.

Sir Richard Bickerton [Sir Richard Hussey Bickerton (1759-1832), English Admiral; Walter Bathurst (1764?-1827), naval officer; John George Hulbert; J. S. Hulbert; Royal Navy; naval and maritime]
Publication details: 
Given onboard [sic] the Prince at Spithead, 11th. Septr: 1814'.

One page, on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium (leaf dimensions 32 x 20 cm). 14 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and somewhat grubby laid paper with Britannia and 'GATER | 1811' watermarks). Chipping and wear at head and extremities. Printed at head: 'By Sir RICHARD BICKERTON, Bart. Admiral of the White, Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels at Spithead, and in Portsmouth Harbour, and on the Guernsey Station.' Written in a secretarial hand and signed by Bickerton and, 'By Command of the Admiral', by Hulbert.

Farmer Brown's Blunders; and the London Director's Report of Wheal Blue Bottle.

J. T. Tregellas [John Tabois Tregellas (1792-1863)] [Cornwall; Cornish dialect poetry; the West Country]
Publication details: 
[1860] Truro: Printed by James R. Netherton, 7, Lemon Street. ['Third Edition. - Price Sixpence.']

12mo: 26 pp paginated 101-126. Stitched. In original worn, creased and grubby green printed wraps. Internally clean, except for the first two leaves, both of which are grubby, with loss to the first leaf affecting two lines of text. 'Farmer Brown's Blunders' is a dialect poem, with explanatory footnotes; the other item is a spoof letter by 'Hannibal Hollow'. There are no records of first or second editions of this item, or of any other edition in which the two pieces are printed together. Scarce: the only copy on COPAC, dated to 1860, at the British Library.

The Months, Reprinted from "Little Folks"

Walter Crane, designer, and Beatrice Crane, writer of verse
Publication details: 
No place of publication or date

Not paginated but twelve pages (Months!), 4to, with detached original front wrap, chipped and marked, missing back wrap, contents good, in unrelated folder. INSCRIBED top right of front wrap by Beatrice Crane, Walter's wife, and collaborator on this work (the verse): "Marguerite Marigold / from / Beatrice Crane/". Not listed in Masse.

Typed Letter Signed ('Walter Besant') to Mrs [Alice] Westlake.

Sir Walter Besant (1836-1901), novelist and historian of London [Alice Westlake (nee Hare); Adam and Charles Black, publishers; The Survey of London; Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea; Frognal]
Publication details: 
13 February 1897; on Adam and Charles Black 'Survey of London' letterhead.

12mo, 2 pp. Seventeen lines of text. On lightly aged and creased paper. Attractive arts and crafts letterhead. Sending his 'mosts profound sympathy in the danger which threatens Chelsea'. He will sign 'the paper [...] with the greatest of pleasure', although he anticipates 'very little good as a possible result'. Suggests a time at which the paper can be sent to him.

Handbill, advertising 'Messrs. Raphael Tuck & Sons' next Amateurs' "Literary" and "Painting" Prize Competition, (A Special Section being reserved for Children of varying ages), in May 1895.', judged by 'Walter Besant and Marcus Stone, R.A.'

Raphael Tuck & Sons, Fine Art Publishers, London [Walter Besant; Marcus Stone]
Publication details: 
London: Messrs. Raphael Tuck & Sons, Fine Art Publishers, 72/73 Coleman Street, City. [1895]

On one side of a piece of paper roughly 24 x 14.5 cm. With card backing. Good, though lightly aged. Headed by the Royal warrant, the top-half of the handbill features, in a variety of types and point sizes, the announcement of Tuck and Sons' intention to award 'Upwards of 4,000 prizes, of the value of 3,000 guineas, and a number of judges' diplomas', with Besant and Stone as judges. The lower part has two columns featuring fifteen testimonials, by newspapers ranging from 'Windsor and Eton Gazette' to the 'Sheffield Telegraph'.

Autograph Card Signed ('W. S. Crockett') to Lieut. J. W. Light of the 25th Reserve Battalion, Bramshott Camp, Hampshire.

W. S. Crockett [William Shillinglaw Crockett] (1866-1945), Scottish author
Publication details: 
30 October 1917; The Manse, Tweedsmuir, Scotland.

On printed postcard, with a postmarked postage stamp. Addressed by Crockett. Aged and creased, with paperclip markings. Asks to see a copy of 'The Maple Leaf', 'so that I may have an idea as to the sort of thing you want for the Xmas. no.'

ACS ('Walter Emanuel') to Hammerton.

Walter Emanuel [Sir John Alexander Hammerton (1871-1949), author and editor; The London Magazine; The Manchester Guardian; Punch magazine]
Publication details: 
28 November 1905; on letterhead of 89 Ladbroke Grove, W.

Dimensions of card roughly 8.5 x 11 cm. Good, with slight creasing. Twenty lines of text. Congratulating Hammerton on his appointment as editor of the 'London Magazine'.

Autograph Signatures.

Walter Landauer (1910-1983), Austrian pianist; Maryan Rawicz (1898-1970), Polish pianist; a notable twentieth-century piano duo
Publication details: 
Time and place not stated.

On a leaf from an autograph album, 11 x 17 cm. Good, on lightly aged paper. First line by Landauer. Reads 'With best wishes | [signed] Walter Landauer | [signed] Maryan Rawicz'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Laurence W. Meynell') to 'Miss Card'.

Laurence Meynell [Laurence Walter Meynell] (1899-1989), English children's writer
Publication details: 
19 April 1937; on letterhead of Lime Tree Cottage, Great Kingshill, Buckinghamshire.

12mo, 2 pp. Creased, and with an unobtrusive 1 cm closed tear. He thanks her for her 'charming letter of appreciation'. He is delighted that she 'so enjoyed' 'The Door' ['The Door in the Wall' (1937)]: 'a similar story (or rather one dealing with Phillip Markham & Baikie) will be appearing in the autumn probably in early October'. 'It always cheers an author up to know that he has pleased his readers - & if they do him the good turn of recommending his book to their friends he is vastly obliged!'

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