[ Richard Redgrave, RA. ] Autograph Note in the third person, and Autograph Letter Signed ('Rich Redgrave'), to Clara Angela Macirone, in the latter complaining of the 'labours' caused by his work on the 1862 International Exhibition in London.

Richard Redgrave (1804-1888), RA, artist and art director of the South Kensington Museum [ Clara Angela Macirone (1821-1895), pianist and composer; 1862 International Exhibition, London ]
Publication details: 
Note: Mickleham; 5 June 1847. Letter: Kensington; 6 May 1862.

Both items in fair condition, on aged paper. NOTE: 1p, 12mo. He thanks her for an invitation to one of her concerts, 'rendered, as it is, more agreeable by the compliment she so agreeably pays to the sister art which he pursues'. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He would have replied sooner to her concert invitation, 'but the arrangement of pictures for the Gt Exhibition occupied my time up to the last moment of opening and has done for many weeks'. He has been 'so wearied with my late work that I am proposing to get away from town for a little rest the very concert day.

[ Edward William Cooke, artist and geologist. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Miss Macirone' [for 'Macerone'], accepting an invitation to one of her concerts.

Edward William Cooke (1811-1880), artist and geologist, member of the Royal Academy and fellow of the Royal Society [ Miss Macerone, pianist and composer ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Athenaeum, London. 29 April 1862.

1p., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He thanks her 'for the opportunity she has afforded him of attending her concert, which he trusts to do accompanied by his mother'. He also 'acknowledges Miss Macirone's graceful compliments to the Art which he professes'. Little is known of Miss Macerone, but on 26 October 1846 the Boston 'Musical Gazette' reported: 'A young lady, Miss Macerone, who excels as a pianist and composer ! recently gave her first concert in London. She performed Mendelssohn's trio in D, ( in which Messrs.

[ John Seymour Lucas, RA. ] Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Seymour Lucas') to 'Mr Slocombe' [ the artist Shirley Slocombe ], written in a light-heared and affectionate tone.

John Seymour Lucas (1849-1923), English artist and Royal Academician [ Shirley Slocombe (c.1873-1906) ]
Publication details: 
All on letterhead of New Place, Woodchurch Road, West Hampstead. 1902 (2), 1904 and 1908.

The four letters all in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. ONE: 22 July 1902. 2pp., 12mo. Rearranging a meeting, following his absence 'at my cottage in Norfolk'. TWO: 6 August 1902. 3pp., 12mo. Regarding a drawing titled 'The little Chest', which 'Mr Macquarie' would like Slocombe to being at once. With postscript signed 'S. L.' THREE: 4 June 1904. 2pp., 12mo. He was 'on the point of writing', to ask when he could 'buy those delectable pipes', when Slocombe's 'most acceptable present' arrived. He ends by asking to be reminded to send him a 'soiree ticket'. FOUR: 1p., 12mo.

[George Marin De la Voye.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Marin De la Voye') to 'Mrs. General Baumgardt', regarding his employment preparing her son 'for his Woolwich examination'.

George Marin De la Voye (1796-1877), French author, tutor at the East India Military College and Addiscombe Military Academy [Major General John Gregory Baumgardt (c.1770-1855)]
Publication details: 
'Chateau de La Paix | Boulogne Sur Mer'. 28 May 1856.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper, with repair to closed tears. He begins by thanking her for her acknowledgment of 'the humble services I had rendered you in preparing your son'. He praises the boy for '[h]is docility, endearing Manners and Gentlemanly Conduct', adding that '[h]e has very little now left to complete the course of instruction necessary for his Woolwich examination'. He will 'complete that course, on his return from Germany by three months' final training'. Other topics in the letter are her 'excursion', health, and an 'approaching trip'.

[Walter William Ouless, portrait painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. W. Ouless') to 'Mr. White' [John Forbes White?], regarding the contribution of paintings to an exhibition in Aberdeen.

Walter William Ouless (1848-1933), RA, British portrait painter from Jersey [John Forbes White of Aberdeen?; Herbert Stacy Marks (1829-1898); Sir Alexander Matheson (1805-1886)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 12 Bryanston Square. 27 October 1887.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. Ouless regrets that he has 'nothing available' for 'the Aberdeen Exhibition this year', 'unless it be Marks' portrait [Henry Stacy Marks, artist] which is my property & now at Manchester, but as it was painted 12 years ago I do not think you will consider it suitable'. He suggest asking the Highland Railway Company whether they might lend the 'half length by me of Sir A. Matheson'. The letter ends: 'I wish I had something more recent which I could propose. I hope another year you will ask me again.'

[Printed scientific journal.] Compte Rendu de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. Précédé de l'État de son Personnel. Année 1853.

M. P. H. Fuss [Paul Heinrich von Fuss (1798-1855)], Secrétaire Perpétuel, l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg [The Imperial Academy of Sciences of St Petersburg; Imperial Russia]
Publication details: 
St.-Pétersbourg. Imprimerie de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences. 1854.

[2] + 99pp., 8vo. The leaves in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, but with signatures detached, and creasing to the last couple of leaves. In worn and chipped printed wraps, with front cover detached. With the blind stamp of the 1846 Prussian-British Convention on Copyright (which all books imported from Prussia had to bear). Scarce: no copies on COPAC, and six runs on OCLC WorldCat all at American institutions.

[Facsimiles of the first two Royal Academy catalogues, 'Reprinted at the expense of Sir Thomas Lawrence', circa 1825.] 'The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, MDCCLXIX. The first.' and 'The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, MDCCLXX. The second.'

The Royal Academy, London [Ralph Nicholson Wornum (1812-1877), Keeper and Secretary of the National Gallery of London; Sir Thomas Lawrence]
Publication details: 
[Both items circa 1825?] First (1769) catalogue: 'Printed by William Bunce, Printer to the Royal Academy.' Second (1770) catalogue: 'Printed by W. Griffin, Printer to the Royal Academy.'

Both catalogues disbound from a volume of pamphlets, and bound together with library stitching. Aged and worn, with wear and chipping to extremities. The first (1769) catalogue with library shelfmark in manuscript on reverse of title-leaf. Flyleaf with ownership inscription of 'R. N. Wornum | 1855' and note 'Reprinted at the expense of Sir Thomas Lawrence'. First (1769) catalogue: 15pp., 4to. On laid paper with crown and monogram 'G R' watermark. Second (1770) catalogue: 22pp., 4to. On wove paper with '1825' watermark.

[Sir William Beechey, English portrait painter.] Autograph Note Signed ('Mr. Beechey'), in French.

Sir William Beechey (1753-1839), English portrait painter
Publication details: 
'16th. May [no year]'.

On 7 x 11 cm slip of paper. In fair condition, aged and creased. The note, all in Beechey's hand, and probably addressed to a bookseller, reads: 'Monsieur - | De Regno Laconico, de Piraeeo. 1687. 2to. | Mr. Beechey | 16th. May'.

[Presentation copy of offprint.] De l'Action du Magnétisme sur les Gaz traversées par des Décharges Électriques par MM. A. de la Rive et E. Sarasin

Auguste Arthur de la Rive (1801-1873), Professor of Physics at the Geneva Academy, Swiss physicist and pioneer in the field of electricity [Édouard Sarasin (1843-1917), Swiss physicist]
Publication details: 
'Communiqué à la Société de Physique et d'Histoire naturelle de Genève dans sa séance du 6 avril 1871.' ['Tiré des Archives des Sciences de la Bibliothèque Universelle. Mai 1871. Avec autorisation de la Direction.']

22pp., 8vo. Stitched and in brown printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, in chipped and damaged wraps with shelfmark. Unopened. In manuscript at head of front wrap: 'de la part des auteurs'. Scarce: no copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and only three copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Presentation copy of offprint.] Nouvelles Recherches sur les Propriétés des Courants Électriques Discontinus, et dirigés alternativement en sens contraires, par M. A. de la Rive, Professeur de Physique a l'Academie de Geneve.

Auguste Arthur de la Rive (1801-1873), Professor of Physics at the Geneva Academy, and pioneer in the field of electricity
Publication details: 
'(Extrait des Archives de l'Electricité, Supplément à la Bibliothèque Universelle de Genève.)' [1841.]

80pp., 8vo. Stitched and unbound. All but the first few leaves unopened. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with traces of the original blue wraps adhering at spine. In manuscript at head of title-page: 'hommage de l'auteur'. At the time of his death de la Rive's work was deemed by one obituarist ' indispensable for the scientific student of electricity', and the phrase was repeated in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Scarce: no copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and of the seven copies on OCLC WorldCat, five in Swiss libraries.

[Offprint.] Des Mouvements Vibratoires que déterminent dans les Corps, et essentiellement dans le fer, la transmission des courants électriques et leur action extérieure. Par Mr. le Professeur de la Rive.

Auguste Arthur de la Rive (1801-1873), Professor of Physics at the Geneva Academy, and pioneer in the field of electricity
Publication details: 
'(Extrait des Archives de l'Electricité, Supplément à la Bibliothèque Universelle de Genève.)'

35pp., 8vo. Stitched and unbound. All but the first few leaves unopened. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with traces of the original blue wraps adhering at spine. At the time of his death de la Rive's work was deemed by one obituarist ' indispensable for the scientific student of electricity', and the phrase was repeated in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Scarce: no copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale, and of the nine copies on OCLC WorldCat, eight in Swiss libraries.

[Sir Edwin Landseer, PRA.] Autograph Signature, made at the request of J. H. Whitaker of Manchester.

Sir Edwin Landseer (1802-1873), RA, English artist
Publication details: 
London. 11 November 1860.

On 12 x 11 cm piece of watermarked laid paper. Lightly aged, with slight evidence of previous mount at head (not affecting text). Sent in response to a request for an autograph. Reads: 'London. Nov 11th. 60 | Obediently Yours | E Landseer. | (To J. H. Whitaker. | Manchester)'.

[Charles Dickens.] Proof before the letters on India paper of steel engraving by Robert Graves of portrait of Dickens by Daniel Maclise. From the collection of Lumb Stocks, RA.

[Robert Graves (1798-1873), ARA, engraver; Daniel Maclise (1806-1870), RA, artist; Charles Dickens; Lumb Stocks (1812-1892), RA, steel engraver]
Publication details: 
[London. 1839.]

Dimensions of engraving 12 x 10cm. Paper size 24 x 16cm. Mount size 50 x 34cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with no foxing. Card mount with light spotting and wear to extremities. No engraved text whatsoever. Stocks has written in light pencil at the foot of the paper: 'Chas. Dickens | Painted by D. Maclise R.A Engd. by Robt. Graves ARA'. Surprisingly scarce.

[Richard Redgrave, RA, English artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Richd Redgrave') to the artist Walter Fryer Stocks, discussing his intention to teach landscape drawing in Leamington, and praising his painting 'The Last Gleam'.

Richard Redgrave (1804-1888), RA, English artist, Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures,1857-1880 and art education reformer [Walter Fryer Stocks (1842-1915), English artist]
Publication details: 
18 Hyde Park Gate, South Kensington. Undated.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper. Addressed to 'Walter F. Stocks Esq'. He begins by pointing out that his daughter is not to blame for the late reply: 'it is my own fault my correspondence being somewhat in arrears'.

[Henry Herbert La Thangue, English painter.] Autograph Note Signed ('H H La Thangue') to the editor of the St James Budget

Henry Herbert La Thangue (1859-1929), English painter, one of the founders of the New English Arts Club, associated with the Newlyn School
Publication details: 
Graffham, Petworth. 23 January 1898.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and folded paper. The reverse of the document is docketted, with the stamp of the St James's Budget. He writes that he is enclosing a photograph, which he asks to be returned to him 'after it has served its purpose'.

[Offprint.] Things and Sensations. [From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. II.]

G. F. Stout [George Frederick Stout (1860-1944), philosopher and psychologist] [The British Academy]
Publication details: 
London: Published for the British Academy By Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner, E.C. [London. 1905.]

13pp., 8vo. In grey printed wraps. In fair condition, with slight wear at spine from disbinding. Copies on COPAC at the British Library and five other locations.

[Thomas Medland, engraver.] Signed Autograph Receipt of payment for two engravings executed for the London booksellers Cadell & Davies.

Thomas Medland (c.1765-1833), engraver, and drawing-master at Haileybury College [Cadell and Davies, London booksellers; Thomas Cadell the younger (1773-1836) and William Davies]
Publication details: 
24 July 1802.

On 9.5 x 19cm piece of paper. With twopenny embossed official stamp 'For Receipts'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount on blank reverse. Reads: '24 July 1802 | Recd. of Messrs. Cadell & Davies the sum of Twenty pounds Nine Shillgs. & 6. as pr. bill delivered for engraving two Plates St. Geo: de Mina & a Naval Medal. | Thos: Medland | £20 . 9 . 6'. Itemised at foot in another hand: 'View of St. Geo: de Mina - 18 . 18 . 0 | A naval Medal 1 . 11 . 6 | [total] 20 . 9 . 6'.

[Samuel Cousins, engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml. Cousins'), accepting an invitation from Edward William Cooke to dine with him and 'meet the President and Council of the Royal Academy'.

Samuel Cousins (1801-1887), engraver associated with the Royal Academy [Edward William Cooke (1811-1880), RA, marine gardener and engraver]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 24 Camden Square, London NW. 20 February 1865.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He writes 'My dear Sir | I have the pleasure to accept your kind Invitation to Dine with you on the 4th March [amended from '28 Inst'] to meet the President and Council of the Royal Academy.' For more information about both men, see their entries in the Oxford DNB.

[Martin Hardie, art historian and curator.] Two Typed Letters Signed to the artist and critic Eric Hesketh Hubbard, discussing the loan and delivery of drawings.

Martin Hardie (1875-1952), art historian and Victoria and curator at the Albert Museum [Eric Hesketh Hubbard (1892-1957), artist and critic]
Publication details: 
First letter: on letterhead of Rodbourne, Tonbridge, Kent. 3 October 1943. Second letter: from Rodbourne. 10 October 1943.

The two items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 1p., 4to. Regarding the loan by him to Hubbard of drawings, and delivery options for them. TWO: 1p., 12mo. 'You vanished very suddenly after our Meeting and I did not have the chance of discussing arrangements with you. Will you please let me know what time it passes through Tonbridge on the following Monday.' He hopes to bring two more pictures 'straight to Albany from Charing Cross, arriving about mid-day? If you are not to be there I will take them to the Royal Academy and deliver them in the afternoon.'

[Martin Hardie, art historian and curator.] Two Typed Letters Signed to the artist and critic Eric Hesketh Hubbard, discussing the loan and delivery of drawings.

Martin Hardie (1875-1952), art historian and Victoria and curator at the Albert Museum [Eric Hesketh Hubbard (1892-1957), artist and critic]
Publication details: 
First letter: on letterhead of Rodbourne, Tonbridge, Kent. 3 October 1943. Second letter: from Rodbourne. 10 October 1943.

The two items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 1p., 4to. Regarding the loan by him to Hubbard of drawings, and delivery options for them. TWO: 1p., 12mo. 'You vanished very suddenly after our Meeting and I did not have the chance of discussing arrangements with you. Will you please let me know what time it passes through Tonbridge on the following Monday.' He hopes to bring two more pictures 'straight to Albany from Charing Cross, arriving about mid-day? If you are not to be there I will take them to the Royal Academy and deliver them in the afternoon.'

[Lady Elizabeth Eastlake, daughter of Dr Edward Rigby and wife of Sir Charles Lock Eastlake.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Eliz: Rigby'), sending personal news to her aunt, with reference to the family of the bookseller John Murray.

Lady Elizabeth Eastlake [née Rigby] [Elizabeth, Lady Eastlake] (1809-1893), daughter of Dr Edward Rigby (1747-1821) and wife of Sir Charles Lock Eastlake (1793-1865) [John Murray, London bookseller]
Publication details: 
'Blackheath. | Wednesday night [undated, but 1840s]'.

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on aged paper. She begins by explaining the reasons for her silence, and apologising if she has 'seemed neglectful': 'the truth is that I quitted Chester Squr on Monday, for Miss Squire's of Blackheath [...] I return to London to morrow mg, to spend a few days with Mr. Murray's [publisher] family in Albemarle St. & then think of takg the railroad to Derby [opened in 1844] to fulfil a long promised visit.' The letter continues with references to 'Mrs Reese Sr.' of Chester Square, 'dear Kath:' and 'dear Matty'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the American artist Edwin Howland Blashfield to 'Mr. Thomas' [the playwright Augustus Thomas], regarding the National Institute of Arts and Letters [later the American Academy of Arts and Letters].

Edwin Howland Blashfield (1848-1936), American artist, President of the National Institute of Arts and Letters [Augustus Thomas (1857-1944), American playwright; American Academy of Arts and Letters]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead of 48 Central Park South, New York City. 14 November [1915?].

1p., 12mo. 25 lines, neatly and tightly written. In good condition, lightly-aged, and with pin hole to one corner. Blashfield declares himself 'much disappointed' that Thomas will not be presiding 'at the joint meeting on the 17th. Nov.', stating that he has been urging 'from the beginning' that Thomas should 'so preside'.

Autograph Manuscript by Sir Albert Edward Richardson, Professor of Architecture, University College, London, titled 'Brief History of Painting and Analysis of Masterpieces', with 156 postcards laid down as illustrations.

Sir Albert Edward Richardson (1880-1964), Professor of Architecture at University College London; President of the Royal Academy; editor of Architects’ Journal; founder of the Georgian Group
Publication details: 
Avenue House, Ampthill, Bedfordshire; St. Catherine's College, Cambridge; University College, London. 1939 to 1940.

79pp., 8vo. In stout, thumb-indexed diary for 1930. In fair condition, on aged paper, in heavily worn binding, lacking spine and bowed by the excess material it contains. Ownership inscription by Richardson on flyleaf: 'A E Richardson ARA | Avenue House, | Ampthill Beds. | St. Catherine's College Cambridge, | 1939-1940 | University College, London.' Richardson published a number of works on architectural matters, but nothing on the history of art.

[Printed booklet with introduction by Winston Churchill; a bookplate by Gooden loosely inserted.] The Trumpeter of Saint George. An Engraving by Stephen Gooden A.R.A. with verses by G. Rostrevor Hamilton.

Stephen Gooden; G. Rostrevor Hamilton [Winston Churchill]
Publication details: 
London: George G. Harrap & Company Limited in association with the Royal Society of Saint George. 1941. [Printed by Harrison & Sons, Ltd, Printers to His Majesty The King, 44-47 St. Martin's Lane, London, WC2.]

16pp., 8vo. Stapled, unpaginated pamphlet with five blank versos. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Typed label laid down at head of reverse of first leaf: 'Issued by the Royal Society of St. George in W.W.W. London had been severely burned by incendiaries, the Guildhall and eight Wren churches destroyed. | Original contribution by Winston Churchill.' Circular reproduction of black and white engraving, somewhat in the style of a seventeenth-century emblem book, showing the trumpeter riding a carved lion on a globe overlooking a landscape.

Signed mezzotint engraving by Frank Short [Francis Job Short] of the Royal Academy, headed 'Twelve Subjects from the Liber Studiorum of J. M. W. Turner, R.A. Etched & Mezzotinted by Frank Short.'

Frank Short [Francis Job Short (1857-1945)], RA, engraver [J. M. W. Turner]
Publication details: 
'Published by Robt. Dunthorne, at the Sign of The Rembrandt Head, in Vigo Street, London. W.' [1890s?]

Landscape on 16 x 12 cm paper. Dimensions of plate 12.5 x 18.5 cm. In very good condition, lightly-framed. Signed in pencil 'Frank Short' at bottom right outside the plate. The mezzotint itself (a cloudy view of a bay, with shipping in the background) is 5.5 x 10.5 cm., within a 7 x 12 cm printed frame. Outside the frame, in the bottom left-hand corner, is an engraving of a pheasant on reeds by a river. The title is at the head, with the list of the twelve engravings down the right-hand side of the mezzotint, and the publisher's details beneath it in the bottom right-hand corner.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Davis Richter') from the English painter H. Davis Richter to Dorothy Swan

H. Davis Richter [Herbert Davis Richter] (1874-1955), English artist [Dorothy Swan]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of 5 Redcliffe Square, South Kensington, SW10. 28 January 1946.

Item One: Autograph Letter Signed from Richter to Swan. 1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly spotted paper. From the letter it would appear that in 1946 Richter was acting as one of the selectors for the 59th Exhibition of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters, at the Royal Academy of Arts, Piccadilly, London. He writes that he is enclosing 'the mighty deed [a book, as the letter explains], also the invitation for the exhibition at the Royal Academy valid from Feb. 13 to March 17.

Copy of Typed Letter from Major Antony Brett-James to Lieutenant-General Sir Brian Gwynne Horrocks, recalling his wartime experiences with the 5th Indian Division Signals, while discussing 'what makes a good division'.

Major Antony Brett-James (1920-84), 5th Indian Division Royal Signals, lecturer at Sandhurst [Lieutenant-General Sir Brian Gwynne Horrocks (1895-1985), commander of XXX Corps in the Second World War]
Publication details: 
82 Barnet Way, Mill Hill, NW7 [London]. 28 January 1953.

3pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed by Brett-James in pencil at the head of the first page to 'Lt Gen Sir Brian Horrocks' and with one manuscript correction. The letter begins: 'I do want to say how interesting and worthwhile I found the broadcast discussion last Sunday evening about the factors which make a good division. All that was said was true and most stimulating, but there are a few points which I should like to add.

Typed Letter Signed ('Alistair') from the historian of France Alistair Horne to the Sandhurst lecturer Antony Brett-James, regarding the trouble he has put him to over 'the Macmillan speech'.

Sir Alistair Horne [Sir Alistair Allan Horne] (b.1925), British historian of modern France [Major Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), lecturer at Sandhurst]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 24 Lansdowne Road, London W11. 21 September 1979.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightl-aged paper. A short letter, in which he thanks Brett-James for writing to him 'about the Macmillan speech': 'I really feel badly at having put you obviously to so much trouble'. He suggests that Brett-James sends him 'the tape' and lets him 'have it transcribed here, by my secretary'.

Typed Letter Signed ('S. W. Roskill') from the naval historian Captain Stephen Wentworth Roskill to the Sandhurst lecturer Major Antony Brett-James, proposing two subjects for a lecture to the Napier Society.

Captain Stephen Wentworth Roskill [Captain S. W. Roskill, Royal Navy] (1903-1982), British naval officer and historian [Major Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), lecturer at Sandhurst]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Blounce, South Warnsborough, Basingstoke, Hertfordshire. 12 January 1966.

1p., 4to. He is honoured to be asked to talk to the Napier Society (a military history society at Sandhurst), but is 'right in the middle of the Cambridge term', as a Fellow of Churchill College, and so must 'propose a subject which I have already talked about.' He suggests two topics: 'Trade Defence in World War II' and 'Some Reasons for Official History', in the last of which he tries 'to answer criticisms of that form of history and describe the sources I had used and the way I had worked when writing The War at Sea 1939-45'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Ballantrae') from Lord Ballantrae [Brigadier Bernard Edward Fergusson, Baron Ballantrae] to Antony Brett-James of Sandhurst, on topics including his editing of 'The Oxford Book of Military Anecdotes' and his wife's death.

Brigadier Bernard Edward Fergusson (1911-1980), Baron Ballantrae [Lord Ballantrae], military historian and Governor-General of New Zealand [Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), lecturer at Sandhurst]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Auchairne, Ballantrae, Ayrshire. 29 March 1980.

1p., 4to. 30 typed lines, with the last two lines in autograph. In good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Brett-James is addressed as 'Head of Department, War Studies & International Affairs, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst'.

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