Two Autograph Postcards Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, [Secretary,] The Society of Arts.

Sir Wyke Bayliss
Publication details: 
19 and 21 January 1893, '7 North Road | Clapham Park'.

Artist and art historian (1835-1906), President of the Royal Society of British Artists. Both items very good, if somewhat grubby, and both stamped and docketed, and signed 'Wyke Bayliss'. Both postcards with postmark over printed stamp. POSTCARD ONE: 'I was dining last night with Dr Richardson and he said he should be glad if you could let him have some more cards of invitation for my lecture on the 25th. May I ask you (if you think proper) to send them a dozen, in addition to htose you have already sent.' POSTCARD TWO: 'I send by this post the MS of my paper, for the printer.

Four Autograph Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Charles Stuart Bayley
Publication details: 
14 December 1917, on India Office embossed letterhead; 21 June 1927 and 15 July 1927, both on embossed letterhead '39, TREGUNTER ROAD. | S.W.10.'; 14 April 1928, on letterhead of 'THE FRESCO CLUB, | OLD FLUSHING INN, | RYE, SUSSEX.'

Indian civil servant (1854-1935) whose posts included those of Under-Secretary to the Governments of Bengal and India. All four items signed 'Chas. S. Bayley'. All four items one page, 12mo. The last three, all on grey paper, very good; the first somewhat grubby and creased, and with two paperclip rust stains in one corner. LETTER ONE (addressed to 'Mr. Digby'): He is returning Menzie's letter (not present) and feels sure that 'the Indian Section Committee will be pleased to learn that the Council have agreed to appoint a joint committee to consider the question of the Birdwood medal.

Three Autograph Letters Signed to [G. K. Menzies,] the Secretary, The Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke
Publication details: 
12 February 1918; 14 June [mistakenly given as July] 1918; 18 June 1918; all on letterhead '5 WESTERN TERRACE, | BRIGHTON.'

Dilke, the 2nd Baronet (1843-1911), was a disgraced politician and author. All items 12mo and very good. All three docketed, bearing the Society's stamp, and signed 'C. Wentworth Dilke'. The first item is addressed to Menzies personally and the other two to 'The Secty.' ITEM ONE: one page. He has received the letter of 9 February and is 'pleased to send you a subscription though not much in town'. ITEM TWO: two pages. Would like to know 'whether ladies are admitted as guests and how often'.

On the earliest specimens of mezzotinto engraving. In a letter to Sir Henry Ellis, K.H., F.R.S., &c.

Hugh W[elch]. Diamond, F.S.A.
Publication details: 
London: 1838 ['J. B. Nichols and son, 25, Parliament-street.'].

PRESENTATION COPY of offprint 'FROM THE | ARCHAEOLOGIA, | VOL. XXVII. p. 405-409.' Four leaves, 8 pages, 4to. In good condition, although grubby and worn and with creasing to inner edge. Presentation inscription to top right-hand corner of title. Disbound: paginated in manuscript and with slight offsetting to verso of last leaf. No copy of this offprint in the British Library. The author Dr Hugh Welch Diamond (1809-86) was editor of the photographic journal, and a pioneer of psychiatric photography.

SPECIAL LIST FOR Brewers, Wine Merchants, Aerated Water Trade, &c.' of firm making 'Carts, Wagons, Vans, Drays, &c. of all descriptions, also Dog-Carts, Phaetons, and other Carriages'.

The Bristol Wagon & Carriage Works Co. Ltd. [TRANSPORT]
Publication details: 
February 1895; 'HEMMONS, TYP., BRISTOL'.

4 pages of advertisements. 2 leaves folio (roughly 12 inches by 18 inches). In extremely poor condition: grubby, creased and stained, with several closed tears and damage involving loss, particularly to the first leaf, the heading of which has been cut away, so that the name of the firm can only be deduced from the illustrations. There are 27 steel-engravings of various vehicles, of which 5 on the first leaf have been seriously damaged. Details, including prices, are given for each vehicle.

Autograph Note Signed to Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie the younger.

John Romilly, 1st Baron Romilly
Publication details: 
6 February 1862; 6 Hyde Park Terrace, W.

English lawyer (1802-74) and Master of the Rolls, 1851-73. The recipient (1817-80) was a noted chemist. Two pages, 16mo. Very good, but sumwhat dusty and grubby. Reads 'My dear Sir Benjamin | I am much oblig'd to you for your kind. [sic] I am not aware of the circumstance, or rather the rule you mention or I should not have committed thte 'indiscretion' of asking you to sign my sons recommendation'. Signed 'John Romilly'.

Part of Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Lord Chancellor of England (1751-1838). Dimensions roughly four and a half inches square. Paper spotted and discoloured. Traces of previous blue-paper mount adhering to blank reverse. Unobtrusive archival-tape repair to closed tear. Reads 'May God support him in the Time of his great Calamity! | I shall be infinitely obliged by your allowing me to hope that thro' you I may occasionally hear of his Health | I remain, Dear Sir, | Yr obliged Servant | Eldon'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George Kirkley [Royal Academy of Art]
Publication details: 

Dimensions. Paper stained, discoloured and ruckled. Trimmed and mounted on a piece of brown paper. Reads 'Shall feel extreemly [sic] obliged if you will have the goodness to allow the Landscape on Copper sent to be placed on the Walls for the ensuing Exhibition at the Royal Academy has [sic] it will confer an obligation on | Sir/ | Your Most Obedient | Servant | G Kirkley | Landscape on Copper | George Kirkley | No. 3 Gilhams Fields | Worship Street'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Morris
Publication details: 
St Beuno's College, S: Asaph. | October 27, 1875.'

English Jesuit (1826-93). Two pages, 12mo. Very good. He found what his correspondent had to say about Nicholas Roscarrock (an Elizabethan Roman Catholic versifier) very interesting, and is 'glad to hear that you have materials for a memoir of him.' He provides detailed answers to the two questions his correspondent has asked, but 'cannot add to the information you have so industriously collected'. Looks forward to his correspondent's memoir and thanks him for promising to send it.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Ford'.

Emily Anne Smythe, Viscountess Strangford
Publication details: 
25 November [no year, but presumably before 1869, the date of her husband's death]; on letterhead '58, Great Cumberland Place, | W'.

English writer (died 1887), traveller in the Middle East, and philanthropist. Four pages, 16mo. Good, but with traces of grey-paper mount adhering to verso of second leaf of bifoliate, to which adheres a cutting relating to the circumstances of Lady Strangford's marriage. She has been in bed for ten days, and although 'still in a state of great weakness - and non-writingness', writes to apologise for Lord Strangford's mistake: 'as he was expecting to be accosted by a lady much of your size he answered accordingly with an enquiry for her husband.

Autograph Letter in the third person to the City [of London] Remembrancer.

Sir Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquis of Lansdowne
Publication details: 
Berkley [sic] Sq[uar]e. | May 12th.' [no year, but post 1809].

Aristocrat and politician (1780-1863). Two pages, 4to. Grubby, stained and creased. Several folds. Remains of mount adhering to one edge, and with small piece of glued paper at foot of verso. Formal letter in the third person. 'The Marquis of Lansdowne presents his compliments to the City Remembrancer, & will be happy to present the petition of the Corporation of the City this day as requested. The House of Lords in consequence of the event of yesterday is to meet this day at two oclock, & may possibly adjourn soon afterwards.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Anne,] Lady Brodie.

Sir Robert Harry Inglis
Publication details: 
7 Bedford Square | Jan. 30. 1854'.

British Tory politician (1786-1855). The recipient was the wife of the noted surgeon Sir Benjamin Brodie the elder (1783-1862). He thanks her for 'the valuable present which you have conveyed to me through Lady Inglis. The subject is one of the deepest interest; and your honoured father ['Serjeant Sellon, a lawyer of repute', according to the DNB] will have treated it with corresponding devotion as well as learning'. He sends his regards to her husband, and signs 'Robert H. Inglis'.

Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr. Amory'.

Nicholas Vansittart, 1st Baron Bexley
Publication details: 
Downing Street | January 22d. 1821.'

English Chancellor of the Exchequer (1766-1851). One page, 4to. Formal letter in the third person. Very good, with remains of brown-paper stub adhering to the verso of the blank second leaf of the bifoliate. 'Mr. Vansittart presents his Compliments to Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Middleton Walker'.

Constance Williams
Publication details: 
No date (but docketed 'probably 1886'); '1, Campden House | W.'

Two pages, 12mo. Very good. She is sorry that her correspondent should have 'taken the trouble to call twice & have found me out, but I am working at the school just now, & am very not returning as a rule until the evening | So I trust you will excuse my calling with kind regards to yourself & Mr. Middleton Walker'. Signed 'Constance Williams' and docketed in pencil, 'a very clever sculptor in wood'. Not traced.

Typed Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Fletcher'.

Ethel Snowden, Viscountess Snowden (née Annakin)
Publication details: 
15 October 1934; on letterhead 'EDEN LODGE, | TILFORD | NR. FARNHAM.'

Wife of Philip, Viscount Snowden (1864-1937), British Labour politician. Two pages, 4to. Folded twice. Good, but with minor staining to reverse. Neither she nor her husband has forgotten her correspondent and her husband: 'We often speak of you both.' But they are 'in a difficulty' about accepting the invitation: 'We have no servants at present and my hands are horny with honest toil. We expect a couple in about eight days time. If and when they materialise the first thing we shall want to do is to come and see you.

Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mrs. Eldridge'.

Lady Cathcart
Publication details: 
10 December [no year, but late nineteenth century]; on letterhead 'THORNTON-LE-STREET NEAR THIRSK'.

Three pages, 12mo. Creased, foxed, and with traces of archival tape adhering to blank reverse of second leaf of bifoliate. Formal letter in the third person, requesting the return of 'Mr. Charles Cathcarts clothes, when they have been disinfected, directed to Prince of Wales Terrace Scarborough'. He is 'pretty well, and she thinks the change & sea air at Scarborough will most likely restore him to his usual health'. He 'would be glad to get his clothes as soon as they are considered quite free of infection'.

[Draft of?] Autograph Letter Signed to Lieutenant-General John Whyte.

P. Johnston [Lt Gen. John Whyte, Frederick Maitland, the West Indies]
Publication details: 
22 May 1802; no place [London].

Two pages, 4to. Very good, though on rather discoloured paper, and with strip of previous mount adhering to right-hand edge of verso. Johnston desires the settlement of the 'account of Incidental Expenses incurr'd during the period of [Johnston's deceased brother, A. Johnston's] command' in St Domingo.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

James Craigie Robertson
Publication details: 
Bekesbourne, Feb. 24. 1852 -'.

Canon of Canterbury (1813-82) and author of a 'History of the Christian Church'. Four pages, 12mo. Good, but on discoloured paper, and with small glue stain (affecting one word of text) and strip of archival tape adhering to verso of second leaf. Docketed 'Cant' in red ink at head of recto of first leaf. An interesting letter, discussing day-to-day diocesan affairs. He doubts whether 'any one - at least, any private clergyman - in this diocese has watched the elections of proctors so closely as to be able to answer [his correspondent's] questions fully.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Edward] T[racy]. Turnerelli.

Daniel Gilbert, President of the Providence-Row Night Refuge in Finsbury, London
Publication details: 
22 Finsbury Circus | Feb 4/64.'

The recipient, E. T. Turnerelli (1813-96), was an artist and leading member of the Conservative party. One page, 12mo. Grubby and creased. Mounted on a piece of grey paper, at the foot of which a newspaper cutting expaining the circumstances of the letter. Reads 'Dear Mr Turnerelli | I am most grateful for the cheque of £10. - from a "Traveller", - & forwarded by the Editor of the "Telegraph" for the Providence Row Night Refuge. Your efforts on behalf of the "Homeless" deserve every praise. - Hoping you are better. I am Yours Most Truly | Daniel Gilbert'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea
Publication details: 
Wilton. Oct 21. 1842'.

English conservative politician (1810-61), friend and supporter of Florence Nightingale. Good, but with one small closed tear and with the verso of the second leaf of the bifoliate attached to paper mount. He is 'going to town' for three days from Wednesday, and then returns for a fortnight or three weeks. 'If you think of coming this way soon I sh[oul]d be very glad if you could make your visit during [last word over authorial smudge] my stay here. | The tower is up all but the cornice & is not a bit too high.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'H Hoare Esq'.

William Scott
Publication details: 
Hoxton | Monday Even[in]g.'

English high-churchman and writer (1813-72), co-editor of the 'Christian Remembrancer' and one of the founders of the 'Saturday Review'. Three pages, 12mo. Grubby, and with two small closed tears at head of first leaf of bifoliate, and one small closed tear at head of second leaf; remains of grey-paper mount on verso of second leaf. There was a meeting of 'several clergy of this archdeaconry' at his house that morning: 'There were I think ten or twelve present. We agreed to nominate Messrs. Bageley & Toogood on Wednesday'.

Autograph Letter in the third person to E[dward]. F[rederick]. Lecks, Secretary[, the Royal Asylum of St Ann's Society].

Lieutenant General Sir George Cathcart
Publication details: 
Hulton Park Dec[embe]r 12. | <?>'.

British military officer (1794-1854). One page, 12mo. In good condition, but with traces of brown-paper mount adhering to the blank reverse. Formal letter in the third person. 'Lt Genl Lord Cathcart is continually receiving so many applications of a similar nature, that he is although with regret obliged to decline to comply with any of them.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent (Edward Frederick Lecks, Secretary, the Royal Asylum of St Ann's Society).

Sir Lancelot Shadwell
Publication details: 
27 March 1837; no place.

Last Vice-Chancellor of England (1779-1850). Two pages, 12mo. Good, but lightly spotted, and with the lower third ruckled by attachment of verso to piece of brown paper. He says he will have great pleasure in 'being a Steward at the Anniversary Festival of the Saint Ann's Society Schools'. He would have answered the note before, 'but it came at a time when I was much occupied & I put it by with the accompanying Papers till the Vacation arrived'. Signed 'Lancelot Shadwell'.

Autograph Letter in the third person to [John Atkins,] 'the Lord Mayor [of London] elect'.

Dudley Ryder, 1st Earl of Harrowby and Viscount Sandon, and second Baron Harrowby
Publication details: 
London. 7. Nov[embe]r. 1818'.

English politician (1762-1847). One page, 4to. Stained, and with several closed tears and one small hole at foot; traces of previous mount adhering to blank reverse. Formal letter in the third person. 'Lord Harrowby presents his Compliments to the Lord Mayor Elect and the Sheriffs and is sorry that his absence from London will prevent his having the honour of attending the dinner at Guildhall on Monday the 9th of November.'

Autograph Letters Signed.

Elizabeth Palgrave [Sir Francis Palgrave, Dawson Turner]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but after 1823, and with the draft reply dated 'Nov. 30'

Three pages, 12mo. Good, but with a couple of closed tears on crease and with the remains of a brown-paper mount adhering to the blank verso of the second leaf of the bifoliate. The letter (2 pages) reads 'The coming coach drove my husband [Sir Francis Palgrave, 1788-1861, civil servant and antiquary] into London before he had well finished his note [see below].

Autograph Signature countersigning cheque.

Narciso Campero [BOLIVIA]
Publication details: 
10 June 1872; drawn on the Paddington Branch of the London & County Bank, Berkeley Place, Edgware Road.

General (1815-96) and President of Bolivia between 1880 and 1884. Dimensions seven inches by three inches. Creased and with several closed tears, and with ink employed in printing cheque faded to purple and lilac. One edge perforated and with perforated numbers '17 x 6' (not affecting signature). Order to pay 'General Narciso Campera' five pounds and sixteen shillings. Drawer's signature illegible. Signed 'Narciso Campero' on reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed to Miss Manook.

Sir James Drogmole Linton, R.A.
Publication details: 
27 December 1910; on letterhead '26, New Cavendish Street, | Portland Place, W.'

British artist (1840-1916). One page, 12mo. Folded twice. Very good, on somewhat discoloured paper with crease to one corner. Reads 'I return you the cards signed. I regret I cannot do a sketch as it has rained requests of a similar nature this Xmas & I am now obliged to refuse with many thanks for all your good wishes'. Signed 'James Linton'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Graham'.

Elizabeth Jane Oswald
Publication details: 
4 February 1903; on letterhead 'Southank | Edinburgh'.

Author (died 1905) of the Icelandic travel guide 'By fell and fjord'. Two pages, 12mo. In good condition although grubby and with traces of mount adhering to verso and stub adhering along one edge. 'I am glad to say that I find the tickets in the row we are in - for the Reid Concerts on Friday, are not all gone - & excellent places - I enclose 2 - at 8/ each - 16/-. I expect it will be a lovely concert - I shall be glad to meet you thereX - | Yours truly | E J Oswald | X So dont send the money - as we shall be quite near each other'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Frederic William Farrar, Dean of Westminster
Publication details: 
25 January [1886]; on letterhead '17, DEAN'S YARD, | WESTMINSTER, S.W.'

Dean of Canterbury (1831-1903). 'Dear Sir, | I am sorry that my course as Bampton Lecturer at Oxford prevents me from accepting your kind invitation. | Otherwise I wd. gladly give you a Lecture. I should be pleased to visit Sheffield & see Mr Ruskin's Museum. | I am, Dear Sir | Very faithfully yours | F W Farrar'. Farrar was Bampton Lecturer in 1886.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Phillimore'.

Sir George Otto Trevelyan
Publication details: 
27 May 1895; on letterhead of the Secretary for Scotland, Dover House, Whitehall.

Second baronet (1838-1928), English Liberal statesman and historian. Two pages, 8vo. Very good, with three small mounts adhering to verso of blank second leaf of bifoliate. Reads 'I am much obliged for your letter, and the kind invitation of the Palmerston Club to their annual dinner on Saturday 15th June at the Clarendon Hotel, but I regret very much that I am already engaged for that day'. Signed 'G O Trevelyan'.

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