Autograph Signature on slip of paper.

Philip Bliss
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Antiquary (1787-1857) and Keeper of the Archives at Oxford, 1826-57. On slip of grey paper roughly two and three-quarter inches by three-quarters of an inch, neatly mounted on larger slip of thicker paper. Reads, in Bliss's distinctive and disciplined hand, 'a true Copy | Philip Bliss.' Presumably found inside a volume from Bliss's extensive library.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Aunt Emily'.

John Byrne Leicester Warren, 3rd Baron de Tabley
Publication details: 
67 Onslow Square; 27 June 1874.

English aristocrat (1835-95), poet, numismatist, archaeologist, writer on natural history, etc. Two pages, 12mo. Good, but with blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate adhering to docketed remains of leaf from autograph album. Had he not been 'so busy that I hardly knew where to turn' he would have answered the letter 'on the subject of the seal' sooner.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Revd Thomas Helmore.

Francis Edward Paget
Publication details: 
Elford Rectory | Septermber 8.' [1841?].

Divine and author (1806-82). The recipient (1811-90) was a musical writer and composer, and the priest-ordinary of the Chapel Royal, St James's. Three pages. Poor: creased, dogeared, frayed, and with traces of previous mount adhering to blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He received the note and inclosure the day before. 'We have copied the beautiful Kyrie Eleeson, and I now return it with many thanks for the trouble you have so goodnaturedly taken in my behalf.' He wishes he could have been at Leeds for what 'must have been a truly gratifying sight.

Autograph Letter to Paul Colnaghi.

George James Welbore Agar-Ellis, 1st Baron Dover
Publication details: 
Heythorpe | March 14th 1820'.

English author and politician (1797-1833), whose efforts resulted in the formation of the National Gallery. Colnaghi (1751-1833) was the leading printseller of the period. One page, quarto. Good, on slightly discoloured paper with traces of previous mount adhering to reverse. A formal letter in the third person. 'Mr Agar Ellis would be much obliged to Mr Colnaghi if he would procure for him the German prints in outline for "Ondine", published at Nuremberg - Also the Prints in the same style for the German play of "Faust".

Autograph Letter Signed to J[oseph] Swain.

Thomas Robert Macquoid
Publication details: 
25 July 1873; Stanley Place, Chelsea.

English artist and illustrator (1820-1912). Swain (1820-1909) was a noted wood-engraver, and the letter concerns his possible employment by Macquoid. Two pages, 12mo. Good, but on discoloured paper, heavily sunned along one edge and browning in one corner, with small closed tear at top of fold. Swain's price 'for Blocks will do - £8. 8. 0 for full page & £6. 6. 0 for front page -'. He has seen Williams 'who was very polite & promised me some work'. Williams is 'going to be married soon - wh: he said wd. "come in the way" of drawings at present'. Signed Thos. R. Macquoid'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male publishers.

Harry Furniss [Punch, or the London Charivari]
Publication details: 
Thursday' [docketed 7 May 1885]; on Garrick Club letterhead.

Anglo-Irish journalist and caricaturist (1854-1925), best known for his work for Punch. Three pages, 12mo. Very good, but with slight wear and discoloration to recto of first leaf of bifoliate. Asks to 'know the fate of Miss Lyster's M.S.' 'You will recollect I called & saw you about it some months ago. She is anxious you should understand you can have the M.S. without the drawings as you did not seem <?> for the latter | An answer will much oblige | Yours very truly | [signed] Harry Furniss'.

Autograph Letter to the printseller [Dominic Paul] Colnaghi.

Lady Charlotte Susan Maria Bury
Publication details: 
Tuesday 29th April. [no year] | No 3. Park Square | Regent Park'.

English novelist (1775-1861). One page, 12mo. A frail item in poor condition: on discoloured, frayed paper, with several closed tears and some loss to edges. A formal letter in the third person. 'Lady Charlotte Bury presents Her Comp[limen]ts. to Mr: Colnaghi and would be obliged to Him if He could make it convenient to call upon Her any time this Day, as she wishes to speak to Him respecting Some Drawings which she intends to publish'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Sir Francis Graham?] Moon.

William Chevalier
Publication details: 
Thursday Morn' [no date, but on paper watermarked 1825]; '3. Edwards Place | Hackney Road.'

English engraver (1804-66). One page, octavo. Good, on slightly discoloured paper with spike hole at centre. Addressed to 'Mr. Moon' on verso of second leaf of bifoliate, which has a hole from the breaking of a wafer which still adheres. Reads 'I've taken the liberty of leaving for your inspection a few specimens of my stile of engraving - your brother Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Frederic Harrison
Publication details: 
14 October 1879; on letterhead '38, Westbourne Terrace, W.'

English positivist philosopher (1831-1923). Two pages, 12mo. In poor condition: on discoloured paper with remains of stub still adhering along one edge, and with slight damage to blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He is obliged for the 'invitation to contribute to the pages of the International Review; & I only wish that it was in my power to accept it.' He has 'a limited amount of time for literary work' and cannot at present make 'any further engagement', but may do so in the future. Signed 'Frederic Harrison'.

Signed Autograph Song Lyrics.

Joseph Williams Comyns Carr
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English art critic and dramatist (1849-1916). One page, octavo. Very good. On grey Truslove, Hanson & Comba paper. Entitled 'Sailor's Chorus', the piece consists of two stanzas of eight lines each. It begins 'Above the mast one single star, | Still loiters in the dawn!' and ends 'Ere the swallows keel shall touch the shore | Yeo Ho! Hearts Ho! Yeo Ho! Haul away!' Signed 'J. Comyns Carr' in bottom left-hand corner.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co, publishers].

James Grant
Publication details: 
20 December 1850; on letterhead of the 'Morning Advertiser Office, 127, Fleet Street, London.'

Journalist (1802-79). Three pages, 12mo. Good, but on slightly discoloured grey paper, with some staining from previous mounting to one edge. 'Dear Sirs, | You will see some of your publications noticed in the Morning Advertiser of to-day. As we mean to make literary notices a feature in our paper, any publications you may send us will meet with every attention. Mrs Hall's "Pilgrimages" [published by Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co] has not reached me, otherwise, being a Christmas book it would have met with an immediate notice.' Asks to be sent 'all the advertisements you can.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir William Charles Ross.

Thomas Carrick
Publication details: 
August 9 and 30; both from 43 Upper Seymour St, Portman Square, London.

Miniature painter and chemist (1802-75) with Carlisle and Newcastle connections. The recipient (1794-1860) was a miniature-painter and member of the Royal Academy. Both letters in poor condition, on discoloured, worn and stained paper, but with no loss to text. In LETTER ONE (two pages, 12mo) he states his willingness to meet Ross 'to talk over the matter to whicy your letter of yesterday refers', undertaking to 'enage with Mr. Thorburn to meet us'.

Autograph Letter to the Duchess of Beaufort.

Frederick William Hervey, 5th Earl and 1st Marquis of Bristol
Publication details: 
St. James's Square | June 23rd. 1853'

English aristocrat (1769-1859). Apparently cropped, but with no loss to text. Dimensions of paper roughly four inches square. Grubby and lightly stained. Docketed in pencil. A formal letter in the third person. Reads 'Lord Bristol presents his Compliments to the Duchess of Beaufort, & sends her Grace the enclosed Paper which came directed by mistake to him this Morning -'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Henry De Vere Stacpoole
Publication details: 
24 April 1930; on letterhead of the Royal Marine Hotel, Ventnor.

Irish novelist (1863-1951). One page, 12mo. Good, but with some rust stains from staple. Reads 'Dear Sir | I enclose autograph with much pleasure | Believe me | yours truly | H De Vere Stacpoole.'

Official circular in secretarial hand, with autograph signature, to Captain Brock, Assistant Quarter Master General, Brighton.

Sir Robert Brownrigg
Publication details: 
Horse Guards 31st. May 1808.'

British soldier and statesman (1759-1833); Governor of Ceylon, 1811-20; conqueror of the Kingdom of Kandy, 1815. Two pages, large octavo. In his capacity as Quarter Master General, Brownrigg informs Brock that 'the Establishment of Entrenching Tool Carts, and Tools attached to the several Regiments in Great Britain, shall cease on the 24th of June next, and that the Horses, Harness, and Carts used for carrying the Tools shall be forthwith Sold by Publick Auction.' Gives instructions for delivering over the 'Horses, Carts, and Harness'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent, an autograph-hunter.

Walter Lewis Emanuel [PUNCH]
Publication details: 
17 April 1910; on letterhead '17, Holland Park Avenue, W.'

English humorist (1869-1915), a long-time contributor to 'Punch' magazine. One page, 12mo. Good on somewhat discoloured paper. Reads 'Dear Miss Manook. | No, of course I was not annoyed. I am sorry I have not a copy of any book of mine by me, and I have not time today to write one for you.' Signed 'Walter Emanuel'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Major General Sir John Murray.

Charles Arbuthnot
Publication details: 
Docketed '25th Septr 1811'.

Arbuthnot (1767-1850) was a diplomat and statesman; Murray (c.1768-1827) was a soldier. Three pages, quarto. Good, but creased and grubby on discoloured paper. Rust stain from paperclip and traces of previous mount on blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He has received Murray's letter.

Letter <in secretarial hand?>, signed in autograph, to 'Mr <Dubarry?>.

Sir Walter Besant
Publication details: 
27 April 1889; on letterhead '12, GAYTON CRESCENT, | HAMPSTEAD'.

English novelist (1836-1901). Two pages, octavo. Some discoloration in margin from previous mounting. His silence is due to the fact that he has been 'out of town for Easter'. He is grateful to his correspondent for thinking of him 'in connection with the Garrick. But I am afraid I must not consider it. You see by the address that I live out of the way of clubs - This is for the sake of certain small children <?> to be considered'. He is already a member of three clubs: the Athenaeum, the Old University and the Savile ('wh: I do frequent').

Typed Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Albert Bruce-Joy
Publication details: 
26 November 1894; on embossed letterhead 'The Studio Beaumont Road, | West Kensington. S.W.'

Anglo-Irish sculptor (1842-1924). One page, quarto. Good, on slightly discoloured paper. The embossment has been gone over in light blue pencil to bring it up. A couple of manuscript marks by Bruce-Joy for emphasis. Begins Offers to show his correspondent the 'colossal Statue of Mr. Oliver Heywood, which I have lately completed in the marble' (leaving for Manchester 'in a few days'), as well as 'the finished marble Statue of Mr. Whitley, M.P., for St.

Autograph Letter Signed to Henry Robertson, Secretary, Covent Garden Theatre, together with draft of Robertson's reply.

Publication details: 
T[heatre]. R[oyal]. D[rury] Lane | August 4th 1835'. With red wax Theatre Royal seal.

Theatrical manager (1796?-1860) and poet, manager of Drury Lane and Covent Garden theatres, 1833-48. One page, quarto. Good, but somewhat grubby on lightly-creased, discoloured paper. Reads 'My dear Sir | I do not remember at this moment any point, beyond those we discussed yesterday, that requires adjustment, except the return of £63-4-8 overpaid on the rent account up to July 5th. and the four weeks salaries to your watchmen & firemen from that day up to last Saturday, amounting to £27 - | The balance of the "Warwick Box" is still unpaid.' Signed 'A Bunn'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [?] Bradfield.

Alfred Ainger
Publication details: 
11 June 1879; 2 Upper Terrace, Hampstead.

English writer, humorist and divine (1837-1904). Four pages, 12mo. Very good, though a tad grubby, and with traces of previous mounting on verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He is late in replying because he has been bringing his invalid niece back from Derbyshire to Hampstead. Touches on her illness and on the the disposal of furniture. '[...] but I am now "what is more, a householder" (Dogberry), & monarch of all I survey [...] I should have liked to visit you at Roseleigh. Well, well, it must stand over, like many another pleasant scheme. But do come again to London soon.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent [bookseller]

Frederick Charles Husenbeth
Publication details: 
Cossey Septr. 26 1854'.

Roman Catholic divine and author (1796-1872). One page, 12mo. Frail item in poor condition. On discoloured paper with loss to one edge (affecting five words of text) caused by damp staining. Small spike hole in centre. Clearly written to a bookseller. Reads 'Dear Sir | Be so good as to send e from your List No. XXXIII - No. 418 Natural Hist of England irect that and all parcels as below, but letters merely Cossey near Norwich.' Signed 'F. C. Husenbeth'. Postscript reads 'Address on parcels | Very Rev. Dr. Husenbeth | Care of Mr. Spatchett | St. John's | Madder Market | Norwich'.

Draft or copy of apparently unpublished letter, in secretarial hand, to his son the Prince of Wales (later George IV).

George III, King of England
Publication details: 
Hampton Court 10th Sept: 1797'.

Two pages. Paper dimensions approximately seven and a half inches by twelve. An important and highly dramatic document, relating to the Prince's treatment of his wife Caroline of Brunswick in the period following the birth of their only child Princess Charlotte Augusta, with reference to the tensions caused by the Prince's Whig connections. 'GR' at both head and end of document. Begins 'The Propositions which you have Lately made in your Letters of your Particular Regard to me, are so Contradictory to all your actions, that I cannot suffer my Self to be Imposed on by ym.

Autograph Letter Signed to Thomas Archer. [Humphry Davy].

William Thomas Brande
Publication details: 
6 January 1843; Royal Mint.

English chemist (1788-1866) who succeeded Sir Humphrey Davy as Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution (1813). Two pages, octavo. Very good, though lightly creased and with remains of previous mount adhering to one edge. Begins 'I have no doubt that much fraud is committed by the substitution of spiritious liquors of different strengths, for what is called woodspirit and wood naphtha'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Mary Carpenter
Publication details: 
Red Lodge House | Bristol Sept. 6. 62'.

English educationalist and philanthropist (1807-77). One page, 12mo. Good, but on discoloured paper and with remnants of three labels from previous mounting adhering. Reads 'Dear Sir | The parcel went off to-day by Luggage train. It can be opened if more convenient to pack. | Please to let me know which sketch you prefer. The Red Sea, the Distant Pyramids or Garibaldi's Island.'

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

Cesar Jean Salomon Malan [ Solomon Caesar Malan ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Oriental linguist and biblical scholar (1812-94). Paper dimensions roughly sixteen centimeters by eight. Paper creased and foxed. Mounted on slightly-larger piece of brown paper. In French. Reads 'Que la paix de Dieu multipliee a toute votre famille, et que cette dispensation soit dirigee a la gloire du Nom qui est invoque sur nous!' Signed 'Cr. Malan.'

Amativeness: or, evils and remedies of excessive and perverted sexuality; including warning and advice to the married and single.

O. S. Fowler
Publication details: 
John Heywood, Deansgate and Ridgefield, Manchester; and 11, Paternoster Buildings, 1884.

Thirty-two pages. Octavo. In original light-blue illustrated printed wraps. A scarce item, in frail condition, with the wraps worn, spotted and frayed, particularly at the spine. Closed tears to reverse of wraps, which is stamped 'MAY BE HAD OF J.S. CROPLEY, WINDSOR'. Rust staining from staples. Internally sound, tight and generally clean, with bottom outside corner dogeared. Ownership inscription of Tom Rowland Kent.

Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Eastlake.

Samuel Jones Loyd, 1st Baron Overstone
Publication details: 
21 October 1880; on letterhead of Lockinge House, Wantage, Berks.

English banker and economist (1796-1883). The recipient (1809-93) was a writer, and wife of the President of the Royal Academy, Sir Charles Eastlake. Three pages, 12mo. Very good on lightly creased and slightly discoloured paper. Shaky hand. He thanks her for her life of Mrs Grote. 'I shall read it with pleasure as coming from your pen - but at the same time with that <?> interest which must always accompany the <?> recollection of the sayings and doings of a Friend who is no longer amongst us. | My daughter & Col: L. L.

Autograph Letter Signed to Alfred Edward Chalon.

Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey
Publication details: 
Belgrave place | Thursday Ev[eni]ng.' [no year].

English painter and sculptor (1781-1841). The recipient (1780-1860) was an English artist of Swiss descent. One page, quarto. Good, but with traces of previous brown-paper mount adhering to rear and minor damage to several corners. Reads 'My Dear Sir | When I asked you for an impression I had not seen the composition & had no idea that I was asking so much - believe me I feel very grateful for your kindness in putting me in possession of so very interesting a work - I do not mean to be understood as speaking of Lithography only.

Draft of Autograph Letter Signed to the Earl of Derby.

Sir James Robert George Graham
Publication details: 
Whitehall 27th Jan 1842'; marked 'Private'.

British statesman (1792-1861), Home Secretary under Sir Robert Peel. Three pages, octavo. Good, though on lightly-creased, discoloured paper. An interesting sidelight into the relations between two important nineteenth-century politicians.

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