[Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye], celebrated Canadian operatic soprano.] Autograph Inscription to 'J. Bennett Esq', on calling card of 'Mlle. Emma Albani'.

Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye; Madame Albani; born Marie-Louise-Emma-Cécile Lajeunesse] (1847-1930), celebrated Canadian operatic soprano
Madame Albani
Publication details: 
1876. No place.
Madame Albani

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 9 x 6 cm calling card, with 'Mlle. Emma Albani' printed in copperplate in the centre. Above this, at the head of the card, she has written 'J. Bennett Esq.' And around the printed signature she has written the unsigned inscription: 'With [Mlle. Emma Albani]'s compliments & heartfelt thanks -'. Date by her at bottom left: '1876'. See IMage.

[Evelyn Laye, English actress and singer, star of stage and screen.] Autograph Signature added at foot of pencil sketch of her by Kenneth Sephton.

Evelyn Laye [née Elsie Evelyn Lay] (1900-1996), English actress and singer, star of stage and screen, associated with Noel Coward [Kenneth Sephton]
Publication details: 
No date or place. [1950s]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. After a stint as one of George Edwardes’ Gaiety Girls, she made her name in a number of revues, her performance in the lead role of the 1929 Broadway production of ‘Bitter Sweet’ prompting Coward to praise her grace and charm and assurance, which he said provoked one of the most prolonged outbursts of cheering I have ever heard in the theatre. She was less successful in Hollywood, starring in the Romberg/Hammerstein musical ‘One Heavenly Night’ (1931), a failure for Samuel Goldwyn.

[‘Can anyone beat my record’: Nat Travers, ‘The Pearly King Cockney Singing Comedian’.] Autograph Letter Signed to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, boasting of sixty years in the theatre and asking for help getting radio and television work.

Nat Travers, music hall artiste (b. c. 1875), ‘The Pearly King Cockney Singing Comedian’ [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
14 November 1957. ‘Guest Turn, Royal Oak, Dagenham’. On letterhead of ‘The Grand Old Timer Nat Travers / “The Pearly King Cockney Singing Comedian” / Radio & Television Star’, 265 Bancroft Road, Mile End, E1 [London].

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) 1p, foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Begins: ‘Dear Mac, Im going great and I dont use THE MIKE. I enclose Bill of Last Week / I first Worked 60 Years ago. Mac I want to get. to Broadcast. THIS. IS. Your. LIFE / I Started when I was 9 Year Old. Im now 82. Can anyone beat my Record.’ He gives details of booking at the ‘Metropoliton [sic] Music Hall Edgware Rd. I was first there. 1901. NOVEMBER 4 Weeks / Of cours [sic] I was There many Times. Mac you ought to try and get me on Television. or. Radio.

[Ernest Lauri, Australian actor and singer, ‘The Singing Anzac’.] Autograph Letter Signed [to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope], requesting tickets, as an Australian theatre correspondent, to the London production of South Pacific.

Ernest Lauri (1891-1977), Australian actor and singer, ‘The Singing Anzac’ [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, English theatre historian]
Publication details: 
2 April 1952; from an hotel in Paris, on letterhead of ‘Ernest Lauri / (The Singing Anzac)’.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) 1p, 4to. Aged and creased, on discoloured high-acidity paper. Folded twice for postage, and with closed tear at head of vertical fold. Slight damage and rust staining from removal of staple. The letterhead incorporates two photographic portraits of Lauri, with press comment from ‘Everyone’s Magazine’ and career resume beginning: ‘Ernest Lauri / (The Singing Anzac) / STARRED IN AUSTRALIAN PICTURES / Versatile Vocalist and Monologist’. Macqueen-Pope is not named, but is presumably the recipient.

[Ralph Reader, Broadway and West End theatrical impressario.] Typed Letter Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, thanking him for writing about ‘the new Award’ [perhaps the Novello?] and giving his news.

Ralph Reader (1903-1982), Broadway and West End theatrical impressario associated with Scouting movement Gang Show and FA Cup Final community singing [Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960)]
Publication details: 
26 June 1957; on his letterhead, 14b Fitzjohn’s Avenue, NW3 [London].

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition. Signed ‘Ralph’ and addressed to ‘Dear Popie’. It was ‘extremely good’, ‘and typical too’, of MP to write to him ‘about the new Award’. He is ‘at Newcastle now with the Val Parnell Summer Show and we ring up on Monday’. MP will know ‘what we shall be going through at the moment!’ He ends by thanking him ‘VERY [sic] much for writing’.

[Sir George Power, operatic D’Oyly Carte tenor in Gilbert and Sullivan productions.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Lane’, inviting her to join a ‘small orchestra’ which his friend Rev. Eric O. Norman is forming.

Sir George Power (1846-1928), tenor in early D'Oyly Carte productions of Gilbert and Sullivan operas, including Ralph Rackstraw in H.M.S. Pinafore, and Frederic in The Pirates of Penzance
Publication details: 
16 April [1920]; on letterhead of 31 Addison Road, Kensington, W.14 [London].

2pp, 12mo. Seventeen lines of text, with a few lines and the signature written lengthwise on the second page. On bifolium. Accompanied by the letter’s stamped and postmarked envelope, addressed by Power to ‘Mrs Lane / 67 Addison Road / W14’. (Note that she lives in the same street.) Both letter and envelope in good condition, lightly aged. Letter folded once. Signed ‘Geo. Power’. He explains that a friend of his, Rev. Eric O. Norman’, ‘who is a fine musician & pianist is trying to get together a small orchestra for a concert on the 24th. May’ and he wonders whether she would ‘care to join’.

[Paul Robeson, celebrated black stage and screen actor prominent in the Harlem Renaissance and Civil Rights Movement.] Autograph Signature ('Paul Robeson') written on photograph.

Paul Robeson [ Paul Leroy Robeson ] (1898-1976), black American baritone singer and actor prominent in the Harlem Renaissance and Civil Rights Movement
Publication details: 
No place or date.

On 11 x 17.5 piece of shiny art paper, cut from a programme. The signature ?Paul Robeson? is written across Robeson?s front, beneath his smiling face in a black and white photograph. Beneath the photograph is the caption: ? ?A voice like his is worth waiting ten years to hear, and an art like his comes once in a generation.? / THE TORONTO EVENING TELEGRAM?. On the reverse are part of the lyrics from two songs, the second being ?Short?nin? bread?.

[Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye], celebrated Canadian operatic soprano.] Autograph Signature (‘Emma Albani Gye | 1883.’), written for display on front of envelope.

Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye; Madame Albani; born Marie-Louise-Emma-Cécile Lajeunesse] (1847-1930), celebrated Canadian operatic soprano
Publication details: 
1883; no place.

Clearly given in response to an autograph collector, and written for display on front panel of envelope. Dimensions: 10.5 x 8.5 cm. In good condition, lightly aged. Horizontal crease along bottom not affecting signature, which reads ‘Emma Albani Gye | 1883.’ In 1883, after several years of enormous success in Europe, Albani returned to Canada to give a series of recitals. Thousands turned out to greet her arrival in Montreal.

[Luigi Agnesi [Louis Ferdinand Leopold Agniez], Belgian operatic bass-baritone.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Agnesi'), in French, regarding charitable work, and declaring, 'Les malheureux sont mes Amis'.

Luigi Agnesi [Louis Ferdinand Leopold Agniez] (1833-1875), Belgian operatic bass-baritone, conductor and composer who performed in London at the Royal Opera House and Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
Publication details: 
London. September 1874.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, folded twice. An elegantly-expressed sentiment: 'Mademoiselle, | Les malheureux sont mes Amis, et l'oeuvre à la quelle vous vous interressez à [sic] toutes mes sympathies; malheureusement je suis si peu de choses que je ne puis vous témoigner que mon bon vouloir a l'oeuvre à la quelle vous vous interressez [sic]si vivement.'

[ The 'Alpine Singers', Switzerland, 1840. ] Autograph 'Signatures of the Alpine Singers': Henri Augustin, 'Ferdinand Augustin aus Tirol', Wilhelm Schmidt.

The 'Alpine Singers', Switzerland, 1840: Henri Hellwig, 'Ferdinand Augustin aus Tirol'q, Wilhelm Schmidt
Publication details: 
Torquay [ Devon, England ], 17 January 1840.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The whole page is filled in an attractive way, with the three signatures in different styles of handwriting: 'Henry Hellwig.' (in Gothic style, surrounded by flourishes), 'Ferdinand Augustin aus Tirol.' (in a modern cursive hand), 'Wilhelm Schmidt, <?>' (in a German style, the last four words not deciphered). At the foot of the page: 'Signatures of the Alpine Singers | Torquay Jany 17th 1840.'

[ Roy Henderson, Scottish baritone and singing instructor of Kathleen Ferrier. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Roy Henderson') to 'Mrs Ruskin', regarding 'the right kind of training required', 'Bel Canto singing' and the teaching of 'Mr. Arnold'.

Roy Henderson [ Roy Galbraith Henderson ] (1899-2000), leading Scottish baritone of the early twentieth-century, later a singing instructor who counted Kathleen Ferrier among his pupils
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'Roy Henderson, | Baritone', 305 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent. 11 November 1925.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight traces of mount adhering at head of reverse of leaf. 40 lines of text. The letter concerns a singing instructor named 'Mr. Arnold' who has offered to teach Mrs Ruskin or a member of her family 'at half fees'. Having been asked his advice Henderson begins: 'It is extremely difficult to give an opinion about the right kind of training required. The Bel Canto singing from the point of voice production is undoubtedly the very best. It means smooth even singing.

[ Charlotte Helen Sainton, contralto. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Charlotte H Sainton') to an unnamed recipient, stating her terms and agreeing to 'introduce Miss Gabriel's songs'.

Charlotte Helen Sainton [ Charlotte Helen Sainton-Dolby; nee Dolby ] (1821-1885), contralto, singing teacher and composer
Publication details: 
Belvedere Mansion, Brighton. 5 November [ no year, on paper watermarked 1862 ].

1p., 12mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper. She thanks him for his note and states that her 'terms will be ten guineas, and I shall be very happy to introduce Miss Gabriel's songs &c &c'.

[ A. J. Hall and Dr. James Stewart. ] Autograph Note Signed [ to Dr James Stewart ] by the Irish singer A. J. Hall, with biographical 'Memo. by Dr. James Stewart ("Sheamus Rua")'.

A. J. Hall, Irish singer [ Dr James Stewart ('Sheamus Rua') of the Irish Medical Schools' and Graduates' Association ]
Publication details: 
Note on letterhead of the Junior Athenaeum Club, 116 Piccadilly [ London ]. 18 November [ circa 1898 ]. Stewart's memorandum undated.

The note and memo are on a 12mo bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. The letter is signed 'A. J. Hall' and addressed to 'My dear Doctor'. He explains that he would gladly visit him, 'if at liberty', but that he is 'at Wolverhampton that night with Madame Albani'. The biographical note, presumably in Stewart's autograph, is on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium, beneath the following, in red ink: 'Memo. by Dr. James Stewart ("Sheamus Rua") Hon. Secy.

[ Maurice Chevalier, French entertainer. ] Autograph Signature.

Maurice Chevalier [ Maurice Auguste Chevalier ] (1888-1972), French actor, singer and entertainer
Publication details: 
Place and date not given.

On 5 x 12.5 cm slip of good-quality laid paper. In good condition, lightly aged. In blue ink, and simply consisting of the christian name above the underlined surname: 'Maurice Chevalier'.

[ John Frederic Gill, Second Deemster of the Isle of Man. ] Two Autograph Letter Signed (both 'J. Fred. Gill') to 'Miss Jull', regarding the arrangements for her to sing at a concert at the Grand Theatre, Douglas.

John Frederic Gill (d.1899), Second Deemster of the Isle of Man, 1884-1899 [ The Grand Theatre, Douglas ]
Publication details: 
The first on letterhead of Anfield Hay, Douglas, Isle of Man; the second from Douglas. 3 and 31 December 1896.

Both letters 2pp., 12mo. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with tape from previous mounting adhering along one edge (and in one case overlapping a few words, including the signature). The two letters concern a concert 'at the Grand Theatre on 7 January', 'entirely of Manx music', in which the recipient has agreed to sing. Having put her down for two songs, he sends her 'our Book, out of which all the items of the concert will be taken', with suggestions of two songs and three encores. The second letter gives details of the rehearsal in Fort Street.

[ Childhood in Victorian Jersey. ] Album containing a set of humorous captioned illustrations by a middle-class Jersey girl, depicting musical events, a trip to Le Gouffre, etc; poems (one on the Jersey Archery Club); and book lists.

[ Jersey, Channel Islands; the Jersey Archery Club ]
Publication details: 
[ Jersey, Channel Islands. ] Entries dated from 1866.

75pp., 12mo. Internally in good condition, on lightly aged paper with 1860 watermark, and some leaves torn out. In worn red leather half-binding, marbled boards, with damage and loss to spine and front free endpaper torn away. The illustrations cover 19pp in the middle of the volume. Those on 15pp are in black ink, with the rest in pencil, one of them coloured. The butt of many of the jokes is music teacher 'Mr [Jack] Hardie'.

[ Sims Reeves, English operatic tenor. ] Autograph Signature ('J. Sims Reeves') with note to autograph hunter.

Sims Reeves [ John Sims Reeves ] (1821-1900), English operatic tenor
Publication details: 
'En route | Royal Hotel Cardiff'. 21 April 1876.

1p., 12mo. In very good condition, lightly-aged, with parts of red wax wafer at each corner. Reads 'En route | Royal Hotel Cardiff | Sir | Here is my autograph according to your wish. | Yours faithfully | J. Sims Reeves | April 21st. 1876.' Good, strong signature, with a final flourish continuing in a circle, and enclosign the whole of it.

[Catherine Penna, soprano.] Autograph Letter Signed to '- Wilkinson Esq', accepting an engagement at the Brighton Aquarian, on the reverse of two pages of printed 'eulogistic criticisms' of 'Miss Catherine Penna'.

Catherine Penna (d.1894), English soprano [Sir Julius Benedict; the Norwich Festival; Madame Albani]
Publication details: 
38 Marylands Road, St Peter's Park, London, W. 1 October [1881].

Letter and printed text both on a 12mo bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Letter: 2pp., 12mo. Docketed with stamp of the Brighton Aquarium. She writes that she is 'happy to accept an Engagement for a Saturday Concert at the Brighton Aquarium as Principal Soprano' and will do her best 'to meet your terms'. Printed text: 2pp., 12mo.

Autograph Letter Signed from John Coates to Miss Hood, explaining why he could not sing the song 'Nancy's Hair' at Preston.

John Coates (1865-1941), leading English tenor
Publication details: 
On letterhead of [11] Beaufort House, Chelsea, SW3 [London]. 26 January 1925.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He writes that he is sorry that he could not sing the song 'Nancy's Hair' at Preston. He had not brought it: '(I only got your letter on arrival at the concert hall.) Funnily enough I picked it up before leaving home to put in my case as a possible encore & then put it back.' He is 'delighted to know that your mother liked my singing of it, I most certainly enjoy singing it & I hope to be able to help it along'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('D. S. Cairns') from the theologian David Smith Cairns to 'Mr. Vansittart' [the diplomat Robert Gilbert Vansittart, later Baron Vansittart of Denham], praising his poem 'The Singing Caravan' in the most fullsome terms.

David Smith Cairns (1862-1946), theologian [Robert Gilbert Vansittart (1881-1957), Baron Vansittart of Denham, diplomat and poet]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 130 Desswood Place, Aberdeen. 12 May 1929.

7pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. On two bifoliums. He begins: 'Dear Mr. Vansittart | I have just finished a second reading of "The Singing Caravan". I got a copy for myself after a hunt, for it is o[ut]. [of] p[rint]. as you know'. He will 'return to it again & again.

Typed Letter Signed ('Hector Charlesworth') from the Canadian writer Hector Willoughby Charlesworth to the English diplomat Ernest Francis Gye, concerning Mme Albani, the latter's mother,

Hector Charlesworth [Hector Willoughby Charlesworth] (1872-1945), Canadian writer [Dame Emma Albani (1847-1930), Canadian soprano; Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat]
Publication details: 
On his Toronto letterhead; 1 June 1945.

1 p, 4to. 20 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and creased paper. In response to a letter from Gye states that he did not hear Albani sing 'until her last two Canadian tours when she was approaching 50', when he 'thought her best in her singing of Mozart, which revealed her rare vocal finesse'. Charlesworth was told by the 'late Edwin R. Parkhurst, a Toronto music critic, 30 years my senior who had heard her frequently in his younger days in London', that 'these appearances gave no adequate idea of how glorious her voice had been in the seventies'.

Autograph Signature of the English actress Anna Neagle.

Dame Anna Neagle (1904-1986), English singer and stage and screen actress
Publication details: 

On rectangle of paper, laid down on leaf removed from autograph album. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'Good wishes | Anna Neagle.' With two newspaper cuttings carrying photographic portraits, one loose and one laid down to the left of the signature.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Edith Coates (1908-1983), English mezzo-soprano opera singer.
Publication details: 
Undated; 31 Makepeace Avenue, Highgate, London.

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Punch-hole in top left-hand corner. Replying to an autograph hunter, she states that she has 'signed the programme' and has 'much pleasure in returning it with every good wish'. Good, firm signature.

Autograph Signature ('Frank Barrington Foote').

Francis Barrington Foote [Frank Barrington Foote] (born c.1850; fl. 1911), English singer
Publication details: 

On piece of laid paper (roughly 13 x 11 cm). Aged and chipped. Reads 'Yours truly | Frank Barrington Foote'. Chipping to the outer edge, very close to the last couple of letters of the signature. Foote, who frequently sang with Adelina Patti at Covent Garden, ended his days destitute in New York City.

Autograph signature.

Noël Eadie [Noel Eadie] (1901-1950), Scottish soprano
Publication details: 
Dated 21 January 1924.

On a leaf of pink paper, roughly 13.5 x 11 cm, removed from an autograph album. Lightly creased and with a thin glue stain along inner margin (not affecting text). The inscription, in a top outer corner, reads 'Noël Eadie | 21. 1. 24'. It is somewhat smudged, either having bled or been badly blotted.

Autograph Signature.

Christine Nilson (1843-1921), Swedish singer, the subject of Corot's famous painting 'The Bohemian with a Mandolin'
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On a piece of laid watermarked paper roughly 11.5 cm square. Good firm underlined signature, about 8 cm long. On aged paper, with pin holes above and below, and a vertical fold about 1 cm above.

Autograph Note Signed ('Anneliese'), to 'liebe Liesel', on reverse of photographic portrait postcard.

Anneliese Rothenberger (born 1924), German operatic lyric soprano
Publication details: 

Dimensions roughly 14 x 9 cm. Very good. The photograph, captioned 'Anneliese Rothenberger', is a head and shoulders shot of a smiling Rothenberger. The note on the reverse, in green ink, reads 'dir, liebe Liesel, alles ! | diese | [signed] Anneliese | 1956'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Charlotte Helen Sainton-Dolby
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English contralto singer (1821-85). Signature on piece of paper of irregular shape (practically oval): roughly nine centimeters by four centimeters at the widest points. In poor condition: on paper discoloured by age and glue from previous mounting, and with hole and closed tear slightly affecting signature. Reads 'Your's very truly | Charlotte H Dolby', so presumably predating the singer's marriage in 1860.

autograph letter signed to Thomas Bass,

Meredith Meredro
Publication details: 

Actress and singer. 3 pp, 12mo. She apologises for not answering sooner. She "will be in Manchester again this coming winter" and will send a photograph which she hopes he will like. "I dont dislike Manchester - for the week I was there - it didn't rain at all. Well I must close as I must get ready to sing."

Autograph Letters Signed (x 2) to Mrs [Henry?] Brewster.

Anna Bishop.
Publication details: 
Pavilion Hotel, no date, and Madras, [18] March 1868.

Ann[a] Bishop, singer (1814-1884)(DNB). (No date) Three pages, 8vo, fair but legible, edge rough where extracted from an album.. She is sorry not to have been able to see her. She is travelling to Australia on that day and willbe in England in four months. She apologises for the writing, giving the reason. (1868) Four pages, 8vo, good condition but edge rough where extrcated from an album. She would be pleased to meet Mrs Brewster in England and gives her brother's address ("Mr Riviere". She would be happy to give her singing lessons. Two items,

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