Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Paul Vinogradoff') and two Typed Letters Signed ('P. Vinogradoff') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Paul Gavrilovitch Vinogradoff [Pavel Gavriilovich Vinogradov] (1854-1925), Anglo-Russian historian and jurist
Publication details: 
Typed Letters, 24 September and 2 October 1915, both from Court Place, Iffley, Oxford; Autograph Letters, 13 February and 12 March 1924, both on letterhead of 36 Beaumont Street, Oxford.

All items very good. The typed letters are both 4to, 1 p, and the autograph letters both 12mo, 1 p. Three items bear the Society's stamp. Letter One (typed, 24 September 1915, 10 lines): He will have 'great pleasure in addressing the Society of Arts', but there is 'one point which must be settled carefully beforehand'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E: Lynn Linton') to 'Miss Shapland'.

Elizabeth [Eliza] Lynn Linton (1822-1898), Victorian writer
Publication details: 
Thursday' [no date]; on letterhead of Brougham House, Malvern.

12mo: 3 pp. 26 lines of text. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper. Chatty, apologetic letter. She thanks her for her invitation for the following day but she is already engaged. Unclear reference to 'Sir Boyle Roche's bird'. She would like to see her again, but 'I dare not make any engagements now, The weather is now my jailer'. She has to go to Malvern one day the following week. Suggests other possibilities. She may have to 'take my chance of finding you at home'. She was 'sorry to miss you when you were away & I called'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ad. Tanquerey'), in French, to an unnamed cleric.

Adolphe Tanquerey (1854-1932), French theologian, Member of the Society of St Sulpice, and Professor of Dogmatic Theology at St Mary's Seminary, Baltimore
Publication details: 
25 July 1911; Blainville, Nauche.

12mo: 2 pp. Very good on lightly aged paper. 29 lines of text. He will not fail to make use of his correspondent's comments in a new edition. Discusses the section he is working on at present and proposes to send his correspondent an off print. He has ordered other off prints to be sent, in return for his correspondent's useful remarks. For a couple of months he will be at Blainville, 'sur le bord de la mer, ou je puis mieux travailler qu'a Paris, tout en prenant un peu de repos'. Docketed at foot of reverse, 'Theologian, Sulpicien'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Rennell Rodd') to Harold Crawford (b.1888), son of Harold Marion-Crawford (d.1909).

James Rennell Rodd, 1st Baron Rennell (1858-1941), British diplomat and classical scholar
Publication details: 
20 February [1902], on embossed letterhead of the British Embassy, Rome.

12mo: 2 pp. Eleven lines of text. Very good. Having just received it from London, Rodd is sending Crawford the book he could not get in Rome which he wanted to send him as a birthday present. 'It is written by a great friend of mine who knows better than any one the history of the first voyages to America and the discovery of the Great Southern Sea. I think you will like it.' In an envelope, on aged paper, with postmarks and Italian postage stamp. Addressed to 'Harold Crawford, Villa Crawford, St Agnello di Sorrento'.

Autograph Signature.

Maurice Chevalier (1888-1972), French actor and entertainer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On piece of pink paper roughly 8.5 x 11 cm. Laid down on slightly larger leaf from an autograph album. Good with a little paper and glue staining to the mount. Good bold signature, diagonally across the page.

Autograph Signature.

Noel Coward (Sir Noel Pierce Coward, 1899-1973), English actor, playwright and song writer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On leaf of light blue paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, removed from an autograph album. Very good.

Autograph Note Signed ('J. J Stewart Perowne') to 'Mr Lewis'.

John James Stewart Perowne (1823-1904), Bishop of Worcester
Publication details: 
9 March 1882; on government letterhead embossed with royal crest.

12mo: 2 pp. On first leaf of bifolium. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper, with dogeared corners. Nine lines of text. The 'man for your purpose' is 'Mr G. Gray, the Diocesan Registry Peterboro''. 'He is intelligent & will do the work well I doubt not on receiving your instructions.' Loosely inserted is a leaf carrying biographical information in a contemporary hand.

Autograph Card Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'Margot Asquith'), both in French, to unnamed male correspondent ['Cher trest Cher Coq'].

Margot Asquith [nee Margot Emma Alice Tennant], Countess of Oxford and Asquith (1864-1945)
Publication details: 
Card 1 July and Note 3 July [both no year, but before 1919]; both with printed address '20 Cavendish Square, W. [London]'.

Dimensions of card roughly 8 x 12 cm. Very good though lightly aged. Asking her correspondent to dinner in the following week. Note, addressed to 'Cher tres Cher Coq', on one side of 8vo grey paper. Very good, though lightly creased. She will be 'enchante de vous voir chez moi' on Wednesday [6 July] at 1 o'clock. Both items written before the Asquiths 1919 move from Cavendish Square to 44 Bedford Square. Two items,

Autograph Signature.

Henry Hall (1898-1989), English bandleader best known for his recording of the song 'Teddy Bears' Picnic'
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On piece of light green paper, 8 x 11 cm. Laid down on leaf of slightly larger paper, taken from an autograph album. A little grubby and ruckled. Written in green ink.

Autograph Signatures ('Gertrude Lawrence.', 'Ivy St. Helier' and 'Joyce Carey').

Gertrude Lawrence (1898-1952), Ivy St Helier (1886-1971); Joyce Carey (1898-1993); English actresses associated with Noel Coward
Publication details: 
Dates and places not stated.

On a leaf of cream paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, part of a bifolium taken from an autograph album. Very good. All three signatures are bold and clear. The signatures of Lawrence and St Helier are on one side of the leaf, and that of Carey is on the other. Lawrence's signature is in ink, and the other two in pencil. Three signatures,

Autograph Signature ('J B. Hobbs.').

Jack Hobbs [Sir John Berry Hobbs, 1882-1963], English cricketer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On piece of paper roughly 2.5 x 5 cm. Laid down on leaf of cream paper, 8.5 x 12 cm, from an autograph album. In slightly faded blue ink, and with a crease to the bottom left-hand corner, affecting the lower loop of the 'J'.

Autograph Signatures ('Laurence Olivier' and 'Gladys Cooper').

Laurence Olivier (1907-1989), English stage and film actor; Gladys Cooper (1888-1971), English actress
Publication details: 
Dates and places not stated.

On piece of cream paper, roughly 8.5 x 12 cm, removed from an autograph album. Good, on paper with a few light marks. Bold, firm signatures in pencil, one on each side of the leaf. Two signatures,

Autograph Signature ('John Hullah.').

John Hullah [John Pyke Hullah (1812-1884), Worcester-born English composer and teacher of music, who wrote an opera to words by Charles Dickens]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [Parkins & Gotto, London.]

On a piece of paper roughly 3.5 x 9 cm, with embossed details of stationers. Good, with tiny crease to one corner. A clear signature, in pencil.

Autograph Note Signed [to Chapman].

John Bigelow (1817-1911), American lawyer, newspaper editor (New York Evening Post) and statesman
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

8vo: 1 p. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper. Good firm hand. Five lines of text and large, bold signature. Reads 'Enclosed please find the note of the General | With compliments to Madam and to Miss Chapman I remain | Very truly yours | [signed] John Bigelow'.

Autograph Notice for insertion in a journal or newspaper.

Harry Quilter (1851-1907), English art critic
Publication details: 

12mo: 1 p. Good, on lightly creased paper, and with traces of previous mount adhering to reverse, and small central spike hole. In a variant hand, but certainly by Quilter. Twelve lines of text, for insertion in a journal or newspaper. Announces the unsuccessful 1886 candidacy by 'Mr. Harry Quilter M.A. Trin. Coll. Camb.' for the Cambridge Slade Professorship, 'recently vacant by the resignation of Professor Colvin'. Quilter 'will be known to our readers as the recent art-critic of the "Times," and the gentleman who has for many years past written upon art subjects in the "Spectator".

Autograph Letter Signed (Sr. D. W. Smith') to Messrs Thorp & Dickson, Alnwick.

Sir David William Smith (1764-1837), property manager for the Duke of Northumberland [Farne Islands, Northumberland]
Publication details: 
21 July 1834; Alnwick.

4to bifolium: 2 pp. Good, with slight loss to second leaf from breaking of red wax seal, traces of which still adhere. Twenty lines of text. Docketed in pencil and ink on second leaf. Asks them to furnish him with 'all the particulars relative to the Farne Islands [...] who the Lessee? - their estimated quantiy or extent? - Rent? length of lease? - [...] whether Birds, feathers, down, Eggs, Rabbits - Kelp, or Seaware, fish &c? all which I should hope you would be able to obtain from some of your Bamburgh friends? - or from Blackett, at N. Sunderland? - how they are protected?

Warrant Signed ('Ro: Cary') in his capacity as Chamberlain to the Prince of Wales [the future King Charles I].

Robert Carey [Cary], 1st Earl of Monmouth (1560-1639) [Sir Adam Newton (d.1630)]
Publication details: 

On one side of a piece of laid paper, with pot watermark, 26 x 20 cm. On sound, crisp paper, heavily foxed, and with slight wear to extremities, and remains of previous mounting at corners of reverse. Two small oval stains beneath text, and small clipping from autograph dealer's catalogue laid down in bottom left-hand corner. Firm signature. Fifteen lines of text beneath two-line date in Latin.

Signed legal agreement, docketed 'Mr. Richard Muskette agreem[en]t that <?> take the wholl benefitt of the Tenem[en]t - thermewoods -'.

Richard Muskett of 'Walpoole' [Walpole] in the County of Suffolk [Harleston Hall; Edward Winniffe of Brettenham]
Richard Muskett
Publication details: 
Richard Muskett

4to: 1 p. Good, though lightly stained and ruckled, and with seal removed from bottom right-hand corner. 18 lines of text. The document describes part of a previous agreement by 'Edward Wenyefe of Brottenham' to buy the Manor of Harleston Hall from 'Richard Muskett of Walpoole in the County of Suffc', and states a new agreement by Muskett that 'the sd Edward Wenyefe shall from the day & day hereof take the wholl proffitt of the sd Tenement [...]'. Signed 'Richard Muskett' and witnessed by 'Richard Walker', 'Tho: Sparrow' and Ed: '. J. J.

Signed Letter ('Php Stephens'), in a secretarial hand, to the Duke of Clarence.

Sir Philip Stephens (1723-1809), Admiralty official [William IV (1765-1837), King of England (as Duke of Clarence); Royal Navy; Valiant; Andromeda]
Publication details: 
Admiralty Office 22d. June 1790.'

Foolscap bifolium: 1 p. Worn, and on discoloured paper, but with text clear and entire. Thirteen lines of text.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. P. Stanley') to unnamed male correspondent.

Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1815-1881), Dean of Westminster
Publication details: 
16 April 1877; Deanery, Westminster.

12mo: 2 pp. Thick mourning border. Good. The recipient has provided a partial interlinear transcription of what the New DNB describes as 'Stanley's execrable handwriting'. Stanley is 'much obliged for having [his] attention called to anything in the Abbey Services which requires rectification', and will 'make inquiry into the cause of [his correspondent's] complaint'. The 'inattention [...] will be remedied, so far as the nature of the case admits'.

Autograph Signature with classical quotation.

Samuel Warren (1807-1877), English novelist
Publication details: 
23 January 1866; 16 Manchester Square, W. [London].

On one side of a piece of laid paper, dimensions 11.5 x 17.5 cm. Good, lightly creased with one small spot at head and a light thumbprint (Warren's?) in top right-hand corner. Clearly responding to a request for an autograph. Reads 'The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the Firmament sheweth His handy work. Ps. XX, I. | [signed] Samuel Warren | 16 Manchester Square | W. | 23d January 1866.'

Autograph Signature ('Jules Benedict').

Sir Julius Benedict (1804-1885), Anglo-German conductor and composer
Publication details: 
January 1866; on letterhead of 2, Manchester Square, W. [London].

12mo: 1 p. Very good. Reads 'January 1866 | [signed] Jules Benedict'.

Detailed Signed Autograph Manuscript Account, entitled 'Valuation of Smithies Bridge Estate belonging to Major A. H. Baldwin'.

William S. Airey, Land Agent, Whalley [Smithies Bridge Estate belonging to Major A. H. Baldwin, Ribble Valley, Lancashire; Whalley; Grindleton; Clitheroe]
Publication details: 
15 April 1904; Whalley [Lancashire]. [Waterlow & Sons, Limited, Wholesale & Export Stationers, Great Winchester Street, London Wall, and Parliament Street, London.]

8vo: 12 pp. Very good, in original blue cloth account book of twelve leaves, with title on label on front board. Label of Waterlow & Sons inside front cover. The entries spread across six sets of two facing pages, all ruled with red printed lines and in boxes and with the following seven categories printed at the head: 'No. on Plan'; 'DESCRIPTION.'; 'State of Cul[ivatio]n.'; 'Value per Acre'; 'Statute | A. R. P. [i.e. acreage]'; 'Value. | £ s.

Autograph Note Signed ('S. R. Lushington') to unnamed Post Office official, and with official directions on reverse.

Stephen Rumbold Lushington (1776-1868), English politician and administrator in British India
Publication details: 
21 August 1836; Norton Court, Feversham [Faversham], Kent.

On one side of an irregular piece of paper, dimensions 13.5 x 18 cm. Ruckled, and with traces of glue from mounting on reverse. Signature clear and complete, but with minor damage to signature caused by removal from mount. Reads 'I request that you will be pleased to order that all Letters for me may be sent here.' Docketed on reverse (with slight cropping along right-hand edge), '21 Augt. 1836. Feversham Rt Hon S. Lushington M.P.', beneath which, 'Mr Johnson | to be attended t specially | 22 Augt.', and 'ansd 22nd Augt | DWP316 | Attended to | [signed] <?> Laurence | 23 Augt 1836.'

Autograph Letter Signed to William Smith, bookseller and printseller, 24 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London.

Sir Cuthbert Sharp (1781-1849), historian of Hartlepool
Publication details: 
18 November 1826; Sunderland.

12mo bifolium: 2 pp. On laid paper, with strip from previous mount in right-hand margin of recto of first leaf. Good, with a little wear at gutter, and slight damage (not affecting text) to second leaf from breaking open of red wax seal, parts of which still adhere. Twenty-two lines of text, clear and entire. Smith's uncle 'Mr ' is 'very glad to hear that you are well & desires to be remembered'. Asks if Smith has 'ever found me a portrait of Sr yet'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Roland L. Vaughan Williams') to autograph hunter A. Hall.

Sir Roland Lomax Bowdler Vaughan Williams (1838-1916), English judge
Publication details: 
3 August 1892; on letterhead of St. George's Hall, Liverpool.

8vo: 1 p. Very good. Letterhead with crest. Reads 'Dear Sir | I understand from my son that you do me the honour to wish to have my autograph It gives me great pleasure to comply with yr request. | your's faithfully. | [signed] Roland L. Vaughan Williams | A Hall Esqre'.

Signature ('William P. Lennox') on frank to the Hon. Cecil Lawless.

Lord William Pitt Lennox (1799-1881), English Member of Parliament and novelist
Publication details: 
9 December 1833; London. With red ink postmark.

The front of a wove-paper envelope, 8 x 12.5 cm. Good. Reads 'London December | Ninth 1833 | Honble. Cecil Lawless | The Wick | Brighton | [signed in bottom left-hand corner] William P. Lennox'. The postmark, in red ink in the top right-hand corner, is circular, topped with a crown, and reads '9 DE 9 | 1833'.

Autograph Note in the third person, on the back of a note from J. H. Hall, Ruxley House, Bromley, Kent, asking for an autograph.

Sir Henry Bartle Edward Frere [Bartle Frere], first baronet (1815-1884), colonial governor
Publication details: 
Hall's note, 4 December 1883, on Ruxley House letterhead; Frere's reply, 17 December 1883, Wimbledon.

12mo bifolium, with the second leaf blank. Very good. Hall's request, on the recto of the first leaf, reads 'Mr. J. H. Hall presents his Compliments to Sir Bartle Frere G.C. Bart & would feel extremely obliged by the favour of his autograph to add to a collection.' Frere's reply, on the verso, reads 'Wimbledon Decr 17th. 1883. | Sir Bartle Frere presents his compliments to Mr. J. H. Hall; He has received Mr. Hall's letter of Decr. 4: desiring to have his Autograph -'.

Autograph Signature ('Napier of Magdala').

Robert Cornelis Napier (1810-1890), 1st Baron Napier of Magdala, British army officer, Commander-in-Chief in India, 1870-1876.
Publication details: 
March 1884; place not stated.

On piece of laid paper, dimensions 6 x 11 cm. Good. Clearly complying with a request for an autograph. Reads 'With much pleasure | [signed] Napier of Magdala | March 1884'.

Autograph Letter Signed 'To | the Revd: Doctor Shipley | Canon of Xt: Church | Oxford | by way of London'.

Catherine Douglas (née Hyde), Duchess of Queensberry and Dover (1701-1777), aristocratic beauty and literary patron [Jonathan Shipley (1713-1788), Bishop of St Asaph]
Publication details: 
Ambresbury [Amesbury]; 22 January [13 February] 1755.

4to: 3 pp. Bifolium. On neatly-repaired aged paper, with archival paper covering the two inner pages. Fifty-four lines of text, all clear and entire. Remains of black wax seal, with crest, on verso of second leaf, which carries the address and is docketed 'Maragna Mohammed'. A long letter in two parts, the second part beginning on the verso of the first leaf, which is headed 'now Febry: 13'.

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