Autograph Letter Signed ('Fevret e St. Mémin | Consr. du Musée de Dijon'), in French, to an unnamed correspondent.

Charles Balthazar Julien Févret de Saint-Mémin (1770-1852). French engraver painter and Conservateur du Musée de Dijon [Fevret de St. Mésmin; Févret de St. Mesmin; Fevret de St Mesmin; St. Mémin]
Publication details: 
Dijon le 1r. octobre 1842.'

4to: 2 pp. 26 lines. He is totally flattered by the obliging comments of the recipient in sending the first three issues of 'l'Artiste'. Discusses the merits of this 'intéressant ouvrage'. Describes the limited 'coopération' he will be able to provide. 'J'espere ainsi que vous voudrez bien vous contenter de l'envoi que j'ai l'honneur de vous faire de la notice, dernièrement publiée, du musée que je dirige, dont la 1re et la 4e.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A W Callcott.') to an unnamed male correpsondent.

Sir Augustus Wall Callcott (1770-1844), English painter
Publication details: 
11 January 1833; <?> Kensington Gravel Pits.

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly aged and ruckled paper. Laid down on a piece of grey paper removed from an autograph album. Accepting an invitation, and informing the recipient that 'Mrs Callcott has recovered from her last attack - but she is still slightly affected at times, and is very weak.'

Autograph Note Signed ('F Chantrey') to unnamed male correspondent.

Sir Francis Chantrey [Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey] (1781-1841), English sculptor [the Royal Academy]
Publication details: 
Tuesday morng' [no date].

Seven lines on one side of a piece of aged wove paper, roughly 12.5 x 10 cm. A hurried, smudged communication. Reads 'My Dear Sir | I have the ill luck to be obliged to attend a Council of the Royal Academy. We commence business punctually [last word underlined] at 8 oClock - Confound the R.A.!!! | Truly yrs | [signed] F Chantrey | Tuesday Morng'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank O. Salisbury') to 'Our most dear friends' [Mr and Mrs Holiday, perhaps Henry George Alexander Holiday?].

Frank Salisbury [Frank Owen Salisbury; Frank O. Salisbury; Francis Owen Salisbury] (1874-1962), English artist [Henry George Alexander Holiday (1839-1927), painter and stained-glass artist?; cenotaph]
Publication details: 
1 December 1920; on letterhead of 62 Avenue Road, Regent's Park, London N.W.

4to, 2 pp. Text clear and entire on lightly aged and creased paper. Explaining how disappointed he and his wife Maude were 'not to be able to get up to see the Windsor week end'. Salisbury was 'kept at home by people who wanted to see the Victoria Frescoes before they go to India'. He has been 'working on them night & day' as he received 'a cable message requesting four to be up in their positions for the Duke of Connaught's visit in January to the Memorial.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank O. Salisbury') to Mrs Shirley Slocombe.

Frank O. Salisbury (1874-1962), English portrait painter [Francis Owen Salisbury; Shirley Slocombe (c.1873-1906)]
Publication details: 
17 May 1936; on letterhead of Sarum Close, West Heath Road, Hampstead, London, N.W.3.

8vo, 1 p, 14 lines. On lightly aged paper, with 9 cm closed tear (affecting a few words, but not the signature) neatly repaired on reverse with archival tape. A letter of condolence on the death of Mrs Slocombe's husband, 'after his long illness'. Salisbury is 'sure he must have had a very courageous spirit to the end - I remember it so well at the Academy Schools'. He suggests a firm that might be willing to buy 'the canvases etc you mention'. The letter links two artists who studied together at the Royal Academy Schools, and also establishes the date of Slocombe's death as 1906.

Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Mr Twining'.

Richard Westmacott (1799-1872), English sculptor
Publication details: 
31 January 1862; 1 Kensington Gate.

12mo, 2 pp, 18 lines. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. 'Mr. Westmacott presents his Compts and has to acknowledge Mr Twinings polite letter'. Its delivery has been delayed 'owing to its incorrect address', 'Mr W. having left Wilton <& Co.?>. (and quitted the practice of his profession) for some years'. As for 'Engravings and Photographs' of Westmacott's works, 'very few were made'. Most of these were 'ill done', although he does name one with which he was satisfied. Consequently Westmacott cannot 'assist Mr. Twining in his object'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Seymour Lucas') to 'Mr Wright' [W.H.K. Wright, editor of the Journal of the Ex-Libris Society?].

John Seymour Lucas (1849-1923), R.A., English artist and costume designer
Publication details: 
17 April 1906; on letterhead of Priory Place, Blythburgh, Suffolk.

Two pages, 12mo. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. 'In the rush of finishing [his] Academy work' he finds Wright's letter 'among numerous others unanswered'. He will be returning to London in a fortnight 'and shall have great pleasure in sending you the bookplate together with an early one. Also my autograph &c.'

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Chapman.

William Agnew (1825-1910), English art dealer, director of the magazine 'Punch' from 1872
Publication details: 
8 October 1865; on monogrammed letterhead.

Three pages, 12mo. Very good on lightly aged paper with slightest trace of previous mount adhering to blank verso of second leaf of bifolium. He has 'looked out' and is sending 'a few interesting Autographs', and would have sent them before, had he not been 'a great invalid all summer'. 'I will get Miss Chapman a good collection of the autographs of literary men. I am now very closely connected with Punch & other publications and shall have frequent opportunities.' Agnew's family, as partners in Bradbury & Agnew, were for many years the publishers of 'Punch'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. C. Hall') to autograph hunter J. H. Hall.

Samuel Carter Hall (1800-1889), Anglo-Irish author and journalist, editor of The Amulet and Art Union Monthly (afterwards Art Journal), said to be the model for Dickens's Pecksniff
Publication details: 
18 November 1883; on letterhead of Sussex Villas, 3, Sussex Place, Victoria Road, W., Kensington [London].

8vo: 1 p. Very good. He has 'pleasure in complying' with his correspondent's request. 'You may have seen a book I have recently published - "Retrospect of a Long Life" - and have learned that I am in the 84th year of my age - born on the 9th May 1800. | I am thankful to God for good health and for many other blessings.'

Autograph Signature ('Abram: Hume') on fragment of frank.

Sir Abraham Hume (1749-1838), connoisseur
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Paper dimensions roughly 2 x 5 cm. Good, although on discoloured paper, and mounted on piece of slightly larger discoloured paper docketed in pencil 'Sir Abm Hume'. Reads 'Free 274 | [signed] Abram: Hume'.

[Henry Wyatt] Three sketches, two in pencil and one in charcoal.

Henry Wyatt (1794-1840), English artist, pupil of Sir Thomas Lawrence
Publication details: 
One of the pencil sketches on reverse of envelope addressed to Wyatt, and postmarked 1833.

ITEM ONE: pencil sketch (roughly three inches square) of pensive woman in full dress seated on chair beside table with vase. Good. On reverse of part of envelope addressed to 'H. Wyatt Esqre. | Newman Street | Oxford Street' and postmarked in red ink oval '2 . A NOON . 2 | MY 4 | 1833'. Another postmark in black ink, and wafer still adhering. ITEM TWO: pencil sketch (roughly one inch by one and a half) of trees around long wall with spire in distance. On visiting card of 'Mr. Henry Wyatt' (the sketch over the word 'Wyatt').

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. L. Eastlake') to Miss [?] Rogers.

Sir Charles Lock Eastlake (1793-1865), English painter and President of the Royal Academy
Publication details: 
15 May [year not stated]; 13 Upper Fitzroy Street [London].

Two pages, 12mo. On gray paper. Good, though lightly ruckled and aged. He thanks her for the 'information about the silk', and accepts her invitation. He haad intended to call on her the day before, but was prevented by the weather.

Five Typed Notes Signed (all 'Fabian G Trollope') to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Fabian George Trollope (1872-1960) of Trollope & Sons, 'Artists in Decoration since A.D. 1778. Branch of Trollope & Colls Ltd.' [London Architecture]
Publication details: 
20 March 1923, 4 November and 14 December 1927, and two of 18 June 1931; letter 1 on letterhead of Trollope & Colls, Ltd., letters 2 to 5 on letterhead of Trollope & Sons'.

All items one page, quarto, and all very good. Two docketed and one bearing the Society's stamp. Letter 1: He will be pleased to attend a committee meeting. Letter 2: He has 'a long-standing engagement' and will be unable to attend 'the Architectural Decoration Committee'. Along with Godfrey Giles he has 'had a long discussion' with Mr. Grigsby 'with reference to the conditions of the Lewis Berger Scholarship'. Letter 3: He knows 'Professor Richardson very well, and this is just the information which I am requiring. I will send my man on to see the secretary as you suggest'.

Engraving by Lewis, after Cooke, of 'CALAIS PIER'.

Edward William Cooke (1811-80), marine painter; Charles George Lewis (1808-80), engraver
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On India paper roughly three and a half inches by six and a half wide, mounted on a thick piece of wove paper ten inches by fourteen and a half. Cooke's name is engraved on the illustration, and printed on the mount are the title, Lewis's name and a double ruled border. Good clear impression. The mount is a tad grubby, with foxing to the extremities. Atmospheric representation of a populated pier snaking to the left, with a number of sailing ships and a row boat taking advantage of the low tide nearby. No reference found.

Autograph Card Signed ('Lamb') to Ian Treg. Jenkyn, Slade School of Fine Art, University College London.

Lynton Harold Lamb (1907-1977), British painter, book illustrator and designer
Publication details: 
[Venice; 1970].

Postcard with painting of Rialto Bridge by Canaletto. Postmarked 1970. Ruckled with damp but entirely legible. An amusing communication, beginning 'Thought I would let you know that we were not involved in the great tornado that sunk a voporetto [sic] on Lirica 4, and that the Hotel alla Fava is still very comfortable.' Refers to the Lambs' 'self-contained eyrie' and 'the weak fast coffee which tastes of mud; but clearly and obviously isn't'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Lees'.

Alice Law (born 1886), English poet
Publication details: 
No date (circa 1925?); on letterhead of the Lyceum Club, 128 Piccadilly, London.

Two pages, 12mo. Very good on aged paper, with small closed tear at head not affecting text. Appears to concern an exhibition of women painters. Wants to 'personally thank' her for 'the privilege of having seen the International & in particular, your charming pictures. 'Early Morning' has quite carried away my heart! But the others are very fine. it must be so difficult, & so interesting to paint grey darkness. [...] Nothing of Miss Lister's there having in my opinion come up to her 'Builth Bridge' which we have. [...] Next to it I like 'A lonely Tree'.

Archive of correspondence with the Royal Society of Arts, consisting of twenty-one letters from Gray, one copy, and carbons of fifteen replies.

Milner Connorton Gray, industrial artist and graphic designer (1899-1997) [The Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1947-1962; London.

The collection is in very good condition, with a few staple and pin holes. Gray's letters are signed 'Milner Gray' and occasionally 'Milner'. All but the first two, which are on Society of Industrial Artists letterheads, are on Design Research Unit letterheads. An early letter (5 April 1949), to Kenneth Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, apologises for and explains a 'difficulty' which has arisen 'over the fees we estimated for completing the necessary working drawings and supervising construction of the permanent display screens for the Society's headquarters'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Francis'.

Walter Charles Horsley
Publication details: 
5 July 1904; 6 Bedford Gardens, West.

English artist (1855-1934) of the oriental school, a member of a family whose papers are in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Two pages, 12mo. Very good, though grubby and on paper discoloured with age. He thanks her for her note and is sorry that she 'should have had any trouble about the bundles' Has heard 'on all hands that the Bargain went off extremely well', and hopes 'it was as financially successful'. 'The Egyptian called on me to-day and seemed much pleased with himself.' Hopes he 'behaved and acquitted himself well.' Signed 'Walter C Horsley'.

Typed message (to departing employee?), on printed letterhead, with thirty-eight signatures (of work-colleagues?).

Medici Society [Cobden-Sanderson]
Medici Society
Publication details: 
Without date; on the company's Grafton Street letterhead.
Medici Society

Company founded in 1908 by Philip Lee Warner and Eustace Gurney, 'to bring artists' work to the appreciation of a wider public'. One page, quarto. Folded twice. Good, but slightly foxed and lightly creased. The typed message reads ' "The best of Prophets of the future is the Past" | With the best of wishes for future success.' The signatures are arranged in four columns. The inclusion of 'Cobden-Sanderson' is unexplained.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of document.

Henry William Pickersgill; Thomas Uwins
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Pickersgill (1782-1875) and Uwins (1782-1857) were both English artists who exhibited at the Royal Academy. Very good, on a piece of grey paper roughly two inches by four. From a collection of Autograph Signatures cut from petitions to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund. Blank reverse.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of document.

William Behnes; George Robins
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Behnes (died 1864) was a sculptor, and Robins (1778-1847) a flamboyant auctioneer. Very good, on piece of paper roughly two inches by three and a half. From a collection of Autograph Signatures cut from petitions to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund. Blank reverse.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Mr. Wilson' [the bookseller John Gideon Wilson of Bumpus?].

Edmond Xavier Kapp
Publication details: 
1 April 1930; on letterhead '2 Steele's Studios | Haverstock Hill N W. 3'.

English artist (1890-1978). His wife, Yvonne Kapp, published four novels under the pseudonym Yvonne Cloud. One page, octavo. Very good, though a little creased and with dogeared corners. Reads 'Dear Mr. Wilson, | It is good of you to have taken so much trouble - I am greatly obliged to you. The lists have gone off to Berlin to-day. | All my thanks - & good wishes for a restful holiday'. Signed 'Edmond X. Kapp'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir William Charles Ross.

Thomas Carrick
Publication details: 
August 9 and 30; both from 43 Upper Seymour St, Portman Square, London.

Miniature painter and chemist (1802-75) with Carlisle and Newcastle connections. The recipient (1794-1860) was a miniature-painter and member of the Royal Academy. Both letters in poor condition, on discoloured, worn and stained paper, but with no loss to text. In LETTER ONE (two pages, 12mo) he states his willingness to meet Ross 'to talk over the matter to whicy your letter of yesterday refers', undertaking to 'enage with Mr. Thorburn to meet us'.

Typed Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Albert Bruce-Joy
Publication details: 
26 November 1894; on embossed letterhead 'The Studio Beaumont Road, | West Kensington. S.W.'

Anglo-Irish sculptor (1842-1924). One page, quarto. Good, on slightly discoloured paper. The embossment has been gone over in light blue pencil to bring it up. A couple of manuscript marks by Bruce-Joy for emphasis. Begins Offers to show his correspondent the 'colossal Statue of Mr. Oliver Heywood, which I have lately completed in the marble' (leaving for Manchester 'in a few days'), as well as 'the finished marble Statue of Mr. Whitley, M.P., for St.

Autograph Letter Signed to Alfred Edward Chalon.

Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey
Publication details: 
Belgrave place | Thursday Ev[eni]ng.' [no year].

English painter and sculptor (1781-1841). The recipient (1780-1860) was an English artist of Swiss descent. One page, quarto. Good, but with traces of previous brown-paper mount adhering to rear and minor damage to several corners. Reads 'My Dear Sir | When I asked you for an impression I had not seen the composition & had no idea that I was asking so much - believe me I feel very grateful for your kindness in putting me in possession of so very interesting a work - I do not mean to be understood as speaking of Lithography only.

Autograph Letter Signed to William Haines.

John N. Rhodes
Publication details: 
18 October 1838; '2 Maddox St. Bond S London'.

English artist (1809-42). One page, quarto, with the second leaf of the bifoliate bearing the address ('To | William Haines Esqr.. | Sol[icito]r. | Cannon Street | Birmingham'), with the remains of a red wax seal, and two postmarks. Discoloured, and with damp stains causing discoloration and damage to the paper, but not affecting the legibility of the text. Small spike hole through both leaves, not affecting text. Having been 'from home yestereday on a painting expidition' he could not acknowledge Haines' letter sooner.

Autograph Letter Signed to [the artist Shirley] Slocombe.

John Seymour Lucas
Publication details: 
14 June 1903; on letterhead 'New Place, Woodchurch Road, West Hampstead.'

English artist (1849-1923). Four pages, 12mo. Folded once. With mourning border. Good, if somewhat grubby and on discoloured paper. Difficult hand. He is very grateful for the 'kind thought in sending the pipes, they are beauties, and should last one a life time'. He also thanks Slocombe for his subscription 'to the Restoration of Blythburgh Chancel Porch'. He hopes he has enjoyed his 'work in Scotland'. 'I shall be only to [sic] proud to let you take Photographs of anything I have in my house - | Do you know that the Son of Charles Robinson F.S.A.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of petition.

Sir Francis Legatt Chantrey, William Frederick Witherington, John Jackson, James Lonsdale, Thomas Christopher Hofland, Robert Balmanno
Publication details: 
Without place or date (but before 1831).

Four noted British artists of the earlier part of the nineteenth-century: Witherington (1785-1865), Jackson (1778-1831), Lonsdale (1777-1839), and Hofland (1777-1843), together with the sculptor Chantrey (1781-1841), and the art critic and connoisseur Balmanno (1780-1861), who left England for America in the early 1830s. Paper dimensions roughly three inches by four. Creased, and on paper discoloured with age, with show-through from remains of seal under Chantrey's signature. Reads 'J Chantrey | W. F. Witherington | John Jackson | James Lonsdale. | T. C. Hofland | Robert Balmanno'.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of document.

George Clint, Dominic Paul Colnaghi, Philip Audinet.
Publication details: 
Without date or place [but 1837 or before].

The artist Clint (1770-1854), the printseller Colnaghi (1790-1879) and the engraver Audinet (1766-1837). Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by three inches. Good clear signatures, but on paper somewhat grubby and creased. Reads 'D: Colnaghi | Geo Clint ARA | Philip Audinet'. From a collection of material relating to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of petition to W[illiam]. J[ohn]. Roper, Secretary to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund.

Alfred Edward Chalon, John James Chalon, Andrew Geddes, Andrew Robertson
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but pre

All four are notable British artists of the first half of the nineteenth-century: A. E. Chalon (1780-1860), J. J. Chalon (1778-1854), Geddes (1783-1844), Robertson (1777-1845). Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by five and a half. Grubby and discoloured with age, and with some wear and creasing to edges. Signatures read ' R: Jackson [perhaps John Richardson Jackson, mezzotint engraver, 1819-77] | Alfd. Edwd Chalon | Jno. Jas. Chalon | Andw. Geddes | A. Robertson'.

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