Autograph Manuscript musical score, 'From "The Waters of Babylon" (Psalm 137) | (May 1935.)', with autograph signature ('E. Phyllis Roberts'). With autograph poem, 'To the Gentle Owner of this Album', signed by 'Moir Carnegie'.

E. Phyllis Roberts, organist, winner of the Henry W. Richards Prize for the organ at the Royal Academy of Music; Dr Moir Carnegie of the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
Dated 'June 15th, 1935.'

On one side of a piece of pink paper, roughly 18 x 23.5 cm, removed from an autograph album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Eight bars of music and libretto, with staves for 'Soprani', 'Alti', 'Tenori' and 'Bassi'. Covering most of the page, and followed by 'From "The Waters of Babylon" (Psalm 137) | (May 1935.) | E. Phyllis Roberts. | June 15th, 1935.' Twenty-nine line poem 'To the Gentle Owner of this Album' on the reverse, signed 'Moir Carnegie | 21-6-10'. (in whose name a "prestigious" prize was given).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Philippe de Larenaudière'), in French, to unnamed male editor of a journal.

Philippe de Larenaudière [Philippe François de La Renaudière], nineteenth-century French mining engineer, geographer and traveller in the Americas
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

4to, 1 p. Fourteen lines of text, on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. Text clear and complete, on lightly aged and creased paper. Slight staining at foot of text (affecting part of signature), and on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium, which is docketed 'la renaudié | A. S.' He is sending an article on 'la Bibliotheque des voyages'. Asks that the article on the work entitled 'Des Beaux arts en Angleterre', 'que Buisson vous adressa il ya prés de Deux mois', be inserted. 'Je vous prie en grace de laisser ma Signature en entier.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Burns') to an unnamed male correspondent [the M.P. J. W. Logan?].

John Elliot Burns [John Burns] (1858-1943), Independent Labour Party Member of Parliament for Battersea
Publication details: 
28 August 1893; on parliamentary letterhead.

8vo: 1 p. 14 lines of text. On aged and spotted paper, laid down on a piece of card, and with the head of the letter (not affecting the text but causing the loss of the top half of the letterhead) worn away. Originally a 2-page 12mo bifolium, but with the text from the second page laid down below the first.

Cruikshank's Autograph Signature ('Geoe Cruikshank') on a slip of paper cut from the minutes of meetings of a 'Society'.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), English engraver, illustrator and caricaturist
Publication details: 

On both sides of a piece of wove paper, dimensions roughly 8.5 x 20 cm. Cruikshank's signature is approximately 9 cm long, with the final letter of his Christian name in superscript. Paper aged and creased, with central vertical fold, and wear to one edge (not affecting text). Recto reads '<...> in the interim - | That 2 door Mats be ordered for the use of the Society | Adjourned till Thursday 7th June - | [signed] Geoe Cruikshank | Monday June 4. | General Meeting of the Society | Mr Parsonage in the Chair.

Autograph Signature.

Christine Nilson (1843-1921), Swedish singer, the subject of Corot's famous painting 'The Bohemian with a Mandolin'
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On a piece of laid watermarked paper roughly 11.5 cm square. Good firm underlined signature, about 8 cm long. On aged paper, with pin holes above and below, and a vertical fold about 1 cm above.

Autograph Note Signed to <R. Branden Esq.?>.

Joseph Hume (1777-1855), Scottish radical politican
Publication details: 
19 June 1850; Bry[anston] Sq[uar]e.

12mo: 1 p. Good, on aged and lightly-ruckled paper. Text clear and entire. Difficult hand. Asks the recipient to 'allow the Bearer to see the L<?> Papers laid on the Table yesterday'. Also asks that the papers 'be printed as soon as possible as I shall mention them in the house'.

Autograph Note Signed ('J. Doran') to 'Thomas Faed Esq. R.A'.

John Doran (1807-1878), writer and editor of 'Notes and Queries' [Thomas Faed (1826-1900), R.A., Scottish artist]
Publication details: 
30 October 1877; on letterhead of 33 Lansdowne Road, Kensington Park West.

16mo (11.5 x 9 cm): 1 p. On aged paper with a diagonal crease towards top right-hand corner. In a shaky hand. Reads 'With much pleasure I accept your hospitable invitation for Nov. 20, at 1/4 to 8; - and am | Very truly Your's | [signed] J. Doran'.

Letter, in a secretarial hand, in French, with what is said to be the illegible signature of Lacretelle [to Lenormand?].

Charles Lacretelle le jeune [Jean Charles Dominique de Lacretelle] (1766-1855), historian [Léonce Lenormand, editor of the 'Journal de Saône-et-Loire']
Publication details: 
1 September 1853; place not stated.

12mo, 2 pp, 32 lines. Good. Docketed in a nineteenth-century hand in pencil in top left-hand corner 'Lacretelle (Charles) à Lenormand, réd. du J. de Saone & Loire à Mâcon' and in another hand 'Acad. Fr'. Asks to be verbally informed of the news of 'Mr. Ochier, à supposer qu'il vous eut enfin révélé le motif de son long silence au milieu des prodiges qui s'opérent aujourd'hui pour les moyens de communication entre les deux hémisphères, je n'aurais jamais pensé que celle de Mâcon et de Cluny, présentassent de telles difficultés'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Forshall') to Bishop Coleridge.

Josiah Forshall (1795-1863), Keeper of Manuscripts and Secretary of the British Museum [William Hart Coleridge (1789-1849), bishop of Barbados and the Leeward Islands]
Publication details: 
B[ritish]. M[useum]. Oct: 2. 1848.'

12mo: 2 pp. 11 lines of text. The Bishop's note has reached him 'just as I am about to set out for Cambridge to spend the week there'. When he returns he will 'search for any papers we may have relative to Dr. Walker'. He will let him 'know the result of my enquiries'.

Autographs and Manuscripts. Catalogue of a Selection of Important Historical, Literary and other Autographs, being the second portion of a Collection for Sale.

M. M. Holloway, London autograph dealer [autographs; sale catalogues]
Publication details: 
London: M. M. Holloway, 25 Bedford Street, Strand, W.C. 1862.

Octavo: 52 pp. Stitched and unbound. Good, if a tad grubby. In alphabetical order from Queen Adelaide to the Duchess of York, but lotted 236 to 553. Tastefully printed, and including letters of Charles I, Coleridge, Dr Johnson, Samuel Richardson, Rossini, Sir Walter Scott, Laurence Sterne and Horace Walpole.

Autograph Note Signed from Woolf to Rev. E. J. F. Davies.

Evelyn Woolf, secretary to Marguerite d'Alvarez (c.1883-1953), English contralto singer
Publication details: 
30 October 1928; 27 West 67th Street, New York.

One page, octavo. Good on aged and lightly creased paper. 'As you see by the enclosed it was returned to Mme D'Alvarez. | She is so sorry, but hopes it will now reach you. | Yours Truly | [signed] Evelyn Woolf | Secretary'.

Autographs [Reprinted from The Concise Encyclopaedia of Antiques Volume IV by kind permission of The Connoisseur].

P. J. Croft [Winifred A. Myers (Autographs) Ltd]
Publication details: 
London: Winifred A. Myers (Autographs) Ltd, 80 New Bond Street, W1. [c.1954].

Quarto: 10 pp (paginated 236-41). Stapled. In original printed green card wraps. Good, though lightly creased. Five plates, examples of the hands of Queen Elizabeth I, Sir John Harington, Admiral Lord Nelson, together with an original and a faked Burns letter. While the offprint is undated, the Encyclopaedia itself was published in 1954.

Spaziergange im Reiche des Autographen. Ein Anregung zum Autographensammeln. Mit einer Titelzeichnung von Hans Thoma und 58 anderen Abbildungen.

Professor Dr. Eugen Wolbe (1873-1938), Studientrat [autograph collecting; autographs]
Publication details: 
Berlin: Richard Carl Schmidt & Co. 1925.

Quarto: 196 + xii pp. 58 facsimiles in text, but lacking frontispiece. No dustwrapper. In original cloth binding, decorated on the front board in yellow, grey and black. Good, with spotting to edges and boards. Concentrating exclusively on German autographs. Wolbe was removed from his teaching post by the Nazis in 1933.

The Collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents formed by Alfred Morrison (Second Series, 1882-1893). The Blessington Papers.

[Alfred Morrison (1821-1897), English collector of autograph material; Marguerite, Countess of Blessington; Alfred Guillaume Gabriel, Count D'Orsay; Gore House]
Publication details: 
Printed for Private Circulation. 1895. [London: Printed by Strangeways & Sons, Tower Street, Cambridge Circus, W.C.]

Quarto: ii + 234 pp. In original grey boards and cloth spine, with chipped white label. Unopened. Good, with slightly discoloured endpapers. Extensive transcriptions from the Countess of Blessington's correspondence, the writers ranging from Mrs Abell ('Napoleon's pet English child at St. Helena') to Nathaniel Parker Willis.

Autographs and Manuscripts. Catalogue of a Selection of Important Historical, Literary and other Autographs, being the Third Portion of a Collection for Sale.

Holloway & Son (M. M. Holloway) [autographs; sale catalogues; Thomas Jefferson]
Publication details: 
London: Holloway & Son, 25 Bedford Street, Strand, W.C. 1864. [G. Norman, Printer, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden.]

Octavo: 53 pp. Stitched and unbound. Complete in itself, in alphabetical order, but lotted 554 to 846. Good, though grubby, and with the outer leaves somewhat creased. Includes letters and documents by Burns, Charles I and II, Maria Edgeworth, Frederick the Great, Garrick, Lady Hamilton, Handel, Dr Johnson, Southey, Wordsworth. The high spot is a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Earl of Buchan, described over one page.

Le Gout des Manuscripts. Discours inaugural prononce a Bale le 28 juin 1956 [...] devant la Societe suisse d'amateurs d'autographes.

Theodore Besterman
Publication details: 
Geneva: Societas Bibliographica, 8 rue Verdaine [1956.]

12mo: 45 pp. In original light-green printed wraps. Very good on lightly aged paper, with some sunning to wraps. Inscribed by the author "For Mary | with love & all good wishes for Christmas and the New Year, especially the show' | Th." Besterman attempts to demonstrate that the taste for autographs, 'tres loin d'etre malsaine, est au contraire pure et bienfaisante'.

Catalogue of the Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson Hogg (1792-1862), Consisting principally of Letters from Percy and Mary Shelley. Sold by Order of his Great-Nephew Major R. J. Jefferson Hogg, M.C. of Norton-on-Tees, Co. Durham.

Thomas Jefferson Hogg [Sotheby & Co.; Percy Bysshe Shelley; autograph letters; auction catalogue]
Publication details: 
London: Messrs. Sotheby & Co., 34 and 35 New Bond Street, W.1.; 30 June 1948. [Printed by Kitchen & Barratt, Ltd., Park Royal Road, N.W.10.]

Octavo: 21 pp. Leaf of prices and buyers' names loosely inserted. Stapled. In original yellow printed wraps. Somewhat creased and chipped, on aged, spotted paper. Two-page foreword. Maggs were the main buyers, but the three highest sellers among the 105 lots, all Shelley letters, went to other dealers: lot 13, 'quoting 36 lines of original verse', for £155 to Pickering; lot 55, 'describing the origins and method of his elopement with Mary Godwin', £175 to Quaritch; lot 65, 'dealing with many topics', £360 to W. H. Robinson.

Autograph Letter Signed to Dawson Turner from his daughter Elizabeth ('E. Palgrave').

Elizabeth Palgrave (nee Turner, 1799-1852), wife of Sir Francis Palgrave (1788-1861) [Dawson Turner]
Publication details: 
[Docketed by Turner 'Hampstead 21st June 1848.']

One page, octavo. Good, on aged paper with some loss to extremities repaired with archival tape. Fifteen lines of text clear and complete. On learning of Dawson Turner's celebrated collection of autographs from her son, Elizabeth Palgrave's 'kind old neighbour' Lady Bentham asked her 'some questions which led to the enclosed note & the letters I send' (none present).

Fragment of Typed Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

C. Maguire [autograph dealer?]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of paper roughly seven inches by eight wide. On aged paper with closed tears and fraying to extremities. Top part of document torn away, leaving ten complete lines of text. Lays out the conditions under which an archive of letters is offered for sale.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Clunie') to an unnamed male autograph collector.

John Clunie (1784-1858), Principal of Leaf Square and Seedley Grove Academies, 1812 to 1837
Publication details: 
20 June 1836; Seedley Grove, near Manchester.

One page, on piece of lightly aged paper, roughly six and a half inches by seven. Strip neatly torn away at head (not affecting text, but perhaps bearing recipient's address). Good, with a little damage from breaking of wafer and slight evidence of previous mounting on revese. Thirteen lines. He is sending the selected autographs, and will 'be happy to receive, at your leisure, those of Currie, Daubeny, Mc.Culloch, Flowers, Woodville & Phillips & Jones - or such 5 of them as you can best spare'.

A List of the Wardens Assistants and Livery of The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, London.

The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, London.
Publication details: 
London; 1859 [carried on in manuscript to 1862].

12mo. In original worn red morocco binding, gilt, with loose front free endpaper. Good, with EXTENSIVE MANUSCRIPT CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. Eight blank leaves bound in front and back, on which are laid down forty-nine illustrations of arms of London livery companies, each approximately one and a half inches square, and apparently dating from the mid-eighteenth century.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of document.

William Behnes; George Robins
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Behnes (died 1864) was a sculptor, and Robins (1778-1847) a flamboyant auctioneer. Very good, on piece of paper roughly two inches by three and a half. From a collection of Autograph Signatures cut from petitions to the Artists' General Benevolent Fund. Blank reverse.

Autograph Letters Signed.

Elizabeth Palgrave [Sir Francis Palgrave, Dawson Turner]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but after 1823, and with the draft reply dated 'Nov. 30'

Three pages, 12mo. Good, but with a couple of closed tears on crease and with the remains of a brown-paper mount adhering to the blank verso of the second leaf of the bifoliate. The letter (2 pages) reads 'The coming coach drove my husband [Sir Francis Palgrave, 1788-1861, civil servant and antiquary] into London before he had well finished his note [see below].

Manuscript document headed 'The Expences of the Court Held at R. Stanley<s> | On Monday Octr. 20th 1777'.

Ralph Stanley
Publication details: 
November 1777; no place.

1 page, dimensions roughly 8 inches by 6 1/2 inches. Creased and with one closed tear, but in good condition overall. A bill containing 9 items (various quantities of beef, mutton, fouls, ham, geese, puddings, cheese & butter, bread sauce & dressing, liquor), separately charged, and with a total cost of £6 0s 8d. Beneath this '30th. Novr. 1777 | Recd. ye contents ff me [signed] Ralph Stanley'. Typewritten at the head of the page: 'STANLEY, Ralph, 1777.', and with 'CLAYTON MSS.' typewritten on the reverse, which also bears 'No. 200' in a contemporary hand.

Manuscript bill presented to him by Edward Green, and bearing Green's signature.

Sir Kenrick Clayton
Publication details: 
Dated 7 April 1746; no place.

Clayton (c.1713-1769) was MP for Bletchingley. 1 page, dimensions roughly 6 inches by 7 inches. In poor condition: creased, discoloured and with several closed tears. 12 items - mainly bushells of malt and hops - amounting to £31 12s 3d. Beneath this the receipt in another hand, signed in the same hand as the bill 'Edward Green'. Docketed on reverse: 'Edwd. Greens Bill for Malt'. Typewritten on reverse 'GREEN, Edward, 1747.' and 'CLAYTON MSS.'

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