Travel and Topography

Autograph Signature ('P. B. Du Chaillu').

Paul Du Chaillu [Paul Belloni Du Chaillu] (1835-1903), French-American traveller and anthropologist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

In pencil, on strip of paper roughly 2.5 x 13 cm. Laid down on piece of card. On lightly-aged and creased paper, with small tear close to the right of the signature.

Autograph Manuscript laying out requisites for voyage (to Iceland?). Manuscript, in another hand, for Alpine voyage. Long itemised receipt in German by A. Petersen.

Rev. Charles William Shepherd of Trotterscliffe, of Trinity College, Cambridge ornithologist and traveller; A. Petersen [Iceland; Switzerland; Alpine]
Publication details: 

Item One: 12mo, 4 pp. On aged and foxed paper with slight wear causing loss to a couple of words of text. On two folded 4to leaves, with two pages written by Shepherd in German on the reverse. The list is undated, and the intended location is not named, but the voyage is a major one. Divided into sections including 'Saddles &c', 'Guns & Rods', 'Books' (beginning with 'Shakespeare - Ingoldby - Golden Treasure'), 'Food &c. Fortnum & Mason' (including two gallons of brandy and two quarts of whiskey).

Autograph Letter Signed to "Mr Armstrong" [conceivably the industrialist]. With Autograph Note, initialled, also to Armstrong.

Carl Peters [Karl Peters](1856-1918), German traveller in Africa
Publication details: 
Burlington, Eastbourne, 13 Sept. 1898 and no date [1890s].

[1898 letter], 2pp., 4to, closed tear on fold but mainly good, text complete and clear. "Here the answer to that vicious article in the Desdener Zeitung" [perhaps he had enclosed a letter or article - no longer present]. He asks for a careful copy and that Armstrong sign it and send it to the newspaper. "They must publish it on the strength of p.11 of our press law" subject to legal penalty. It will make a betetr impression if you sign it as I have spoken in it of my own risks(subscription of £2000 etc.etc)".

Itemised financial accounts, in Shepherd's hand and initialled by him ('C. Wm. S.'), for the expedition described by him in his book 'The North-West Peninsula of Iceland'.

Rev. Charles William Shepherd, of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Alpine Club [G. G. Fowler; H. M. Upcher; Iceland]
Publication details: 
Dated from 14 June to 7 July [1862].

4to, 5 pp, on five loose and uniform leaves. Very good, on lightly aged paper. The first leaf is headed 'C. W. S. Acc' and is initialled at the foot 'Rt C. Wm. S.' The second is headed 'Sheet (2)', with the rest numbered 3 to 5. It is clear from sheets 2 to 5 that one leaf - what should have been 'Sheet (1)' - is lacking.

Indicaciones Sumarias para el Immigrante á Bolivia

Luis S. Crespo, Sub-Director de Estadistica y Estudios Geográficos del Ministerio [Ministerio de Colonización y Agricultura, Sección de Immigración, Bolivia]
Publication details: 
[Ministerio de Colonización y Agricultura, Sección de Immigracion] La Paz: Taller Tipo - Litográfico - J. M. Gamarra. 1907.

8vo, viii + 160 pp. Fold-out map at rear, and five maps (one of them fold-out) as five of the seven plates, with the other two plates photographic portraits of Doctor Ismael Montes and of Manuel V. Ballivián. In original printed wraps, with title on front. In poor condition, on brittle, aged high-acidity paper, with chipping and loss to margins, and the wraps discoloured and with loss at rear. Ownership inscription of Pedro Suarez of London.

Autograph Letter Signed "Wm Geo. Skyring" to John Ince of the Royal Navy, of Crooms Hill, Greenwich

William George Skyring, Naval Officer and surveyor, Captain of HM Surveying VesselS Aetna
Publication details: 
H.M. Surveying Vessel Aetna, 9 Oct. 1833.

One page, folio, some tears on fold marks, other minor defects, text clear and complete. "I beg you to let me know by return of Post [phrase underlined] whther you desire to join the Aetna - I heard from Captn. Beaufort this morning that you do - but you have acted with so much indecision that I scarcely know whether to apply or not until more fully assured - For your Mothers sake alone I am perfctly willing to wait an answer - and if you are prepared to join - send me - / Your name at length / Date of original Entry in the Service / Name of last Ship / Rating on her.

Ammunition Factory Institute. Dum Dum. Grocery Department. Price List. Established January 1907.

Ammunition Factory Institute, Dum Dum, Calcutta
Publication details: 
Catholic Orphan Press. [Calcutta: Dum Dum Ammunition Factory Institute, 1907.]

4to, 12 pp. Stapled pamphlet. In original green printed wraps. Text clear and complete. On aged, creased and spotted paper, with rusted staples. Giving the prices ('Rs. As. P') of items ranging from 'Asparagus French tin' to 'Zymale tooth paste'. The last page lists prices for cigars, cigarettes and tobacco. Ownership signature of 'Mr. Lewis' at head of front wrap.

Harvey's improved Weymouth Guide: containing A Description of Weymouth, Portland, Lulworth Castle, and every Place in the Neighbourhood, worthy the Observation of Strangers. Likewise [...] A New Map of Weymouth, [...] beautifully Engraved by Baker.

Harvey's Weymouth Guide [Portland; Lulworth Castle; Melcomb Regis; travel guide; Baker; M. Virtue, printer, Dorchester; Dorset]
Publication details: 
[circa 1800] Printed by M. Virtue, Dorchester.

The subtitle reads in full: 'A List of the Members of Parliament for the Boroughs of Weymouth and Melcomb Regis, from the earliest Period. A List of Lodging Houses; and A New Map of Weymouth, Including the late Additions and Improvements; beautifully engraved by Baker.' 8vo, [iv] + 91 pp. Errata on last page. The frontispiece 'Plan of Weymouth' folds out to roughly 38 x 26 cm, with the dimensions of the print roughly 26 x 22 cm. Engraved beneath the print: 'J. Ham Delin. Engraved by B. Baker for Harveys New Weymouth Guide'. Unbound and stitched, in original plain wraps.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E Herbert') to Wyatt, on the subject of 'the lighting of the Wilton Chapel'.

Edward Herbert (d.1870?) [Thomas Henry Wyatt (1807-1880); Wilton House]
Publication details: 
Cairo. Feby. 18. 1864.'

12mo, 2 pp. With mourning border. 42 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper, with slight chipping to extremities. Herbert has not yet received Wyatt's 'promised letter', but wants 'to say one word [...] about the lighting of the Wilton Chapel. The Gap must be brought to the centre of the Ceiling before the works are completed, as Mr. Olivier wishes to give Eveng. Lectures to the Servants on different occasions & I thought a Corona in the centre would light the whole [...] I can quite trust to yr. Taste to choose one.

Part of a mimeographed typewritten report into the activities of the VDA, including translations of Haushofer's 'Problems and Solutions of the VDA', Bockhacker's 'Resettlement Christmas', and other texts.

Der Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland [VDA; Karl Haushofer; Heinz Bockhacker; Nazi propaganda; Germany; Second World War]
Publication details: 
[Compiled by the American intelligence services between 1942 and the end of the Second World War.

The spelling (e.g. 'honor') is American, the latest date mentioned is in 1942, and there is no indication that the document has ever been published. 58 pages, on one side each of fifty-eight A4 leaves (each roughly 26 x 20 cm), paginated 26 to 83. Punch holes for a binder at the head of each leaf.

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'J Rose Innes') from Sir James Rose Innes, and one letter from his wife ('Jessie Rose Innes'), all to Lady Bower.

Sir James Rose-Innes (1855-1942) and his wife, born Jessie Dods Pringle (d.1943) [Lady Maud Bower (born Maude Laidley Mitchell), wife of Sir Graham Bower (1848-1933)]
Publication details: 
Sir James's letters: 1935, 1936 and 1939. His wife's letter: 1937. All four on letterheads of Kolara Farm, Gibson Road, Kenilworth [South Africa].

All items good, on aged paper, with Lady Rose-Innes' letter in its envelope. Bower and Rose-Innes had worked together when the former was Imperial secretary to the High Commissioners for Southern Africa at the time of the Jameson Raid. Rose-Innes three letters are dated 17 October 1935 (12mo, 4 pp), 9 July 1936 (12mo, 4 pp) and 13 April 1939 (12mo, 4 pp). All are closely and neatly written. In the first letter Rose-Innes describes a journey 'through the S.

Engraving ('J. Harris Sculpt'), reproducing a mediaeval illustration, titled 'The Expedetion [sic] of Africa, undertaken by the Duke of Bourbon, as General in Chief, with several other English & French Knights, at the entreaty of the Genoese.'

J. Harris, engraver [The Expedition of Africa, 1390; Louis II (1337-1410), Duke de Bourbon]
Publication details: 
Undated. [London, circa 1810?]

On paper 25 x 20 cm. Plate size 14 x 18.5 cm. Uncoloured. Title beneath print and engraver's details beneath bottom right-hand corner. Image and text clear and intact. On aged, creased and foxed paper with wear and slight loss to extremities. The illustration shows a number of galleons at sea with wind-filled sails. Each is filled with knights whose flags and shields, each bearing different designs and coats of arms, are ranged along the sides. The National Maritime Museum possesses a coloured copy of this uncommon print, which also featured in the Hennin Collection.

ALS to "Dr Rost", orientalist

Dr James Burgess
Publication details: 

Archaeological surveyor of India. 2pp., 8vo. He discusses the personnel of the Survey, the senior position to be filled, and what he would do if he were in charge. (He was Director General from 1886 to 1889.)

Autograph Letter Signed (twice, both 'Negri Cristoforo' ), with short poem, to an unnamed woman.

Cristoforo Negri (1809-1896), Italian politician and first President (1867-1872) of the Italian Geographical Society [Jeremiah James Colman (1830-1898), Norwich mustard manufacturer]
Publication details: 
27 August 1868; on letterhead of Carrow House, Norwich.

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper with a little light staining. The recto carries the seventeen-line letter to a 'Gentilissima Dama', in response to a request for an autograph. On the reverse of the second leaf is a four-line poem, signed and dated by Negri, beginning 'Come un Nume che si adora'. In the letter Negri writes that he does not have 'la presunzione di credere che il mio autografo meriti di essere conservato'.

Manuscript volume titled 'Notes on the familary of VICARS of South Yorkshire. Collected by Alfred Scott Gatty.' With illustrations, family trees, insertions.

Alfred Scott-Gatty (1847-1918), Garter Principal King of Arms at the College of Arms [genealogy of the Vicars and Vickers families of South Yorkshire]
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield Vicarage, Sheffield. 1876.'

4to volume (leaf dimensions 23 x 18.5 cm). Written out in Gatty's neat close hand over 96 full pages of a brown cloth notebook with decorative enadpapers. With 30 extra 4to pages of notes, and three loose family 8vo leaves of family trees. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding with split hinges. With title page and names underlined in red throughout.

Manuscript letter from 'Mummie' to 'Babsie', consisting of a long description in English of Burma from a visiting mother to her daughter.

[Mandalay; Burma; Myanmar]
Publication details: 
March 17 [no year] [around 1927]. Mandalay, Burma.

12mo, 15 pp. On watermarked laid paper. Very good, with slight wear to crease on first leaf damaging two words (both still legible). Otherwise text clear and complete. The item can be dated from a reference to 'a Dempsey-Tunney fight'. Although neatly written, the handwriting is so stylised that deciphering the text presents difficulties. Begins 'What a whirl since I wrote you on the boat before we landed in Rangoon [...] HOT. Yes! Right now it is 90 degrees in our room which has windows on three sides & there are two big fans going.

Manuscript Leave or Licence of Absence ('Leave to come to Great Britain'), signed by King George II ('George R.'), and by Henry Fox ('H Fox').

Charles William Tonyn of University College, Oxford, 'Chaplain to the British Factory at Algier' [King's Chaplain at Algiers]; King George II; Henry Fox (1705-1774), 1st Baron Holland of Foxley
Publication details: 
12 April 1756; 'Given at Our Court at St: James's'.

2 pp, on the first leaf of a bifolium of gilt-edged watermarked laid paper. Leaf dimensions 30 x 19 cm. Text clear and entire. On lightly aged, worn and creased paper. The king's signature is in the top left-hand corner of the first page, above the royal seal, which is embossed on a folded square of paper over red wax. The seal covers the downstroke from the 'g' of 'George' and the final stroke of the 'R' in the royal signature. The document carries three blind-stamped 2s 6d tax stamps in the left-hand margin of the first page.

Two Autograph Cards Signed (both 'H M Durand') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Mortimer Durand [Sir Henry Mortimer Durand] (1850-1924), British diplomat and civil servant,, Foreign Secretary of India, 1884-1894
Publication details: 
Received 19 July 1916 and 7 June 1917.

Both cards plain with printed stamp and 9 x 11 cm. Both bearing the Society's oval purple stamp. Card One: He is 'leaving town on business for two or three days' and so cannot attend the meeting of the Indian Section Committee. Card Two: He will 'with pleasure support Abney if in town', but may not be there on the day.

Seven titles including 'Third Annual Report of the Puerto Rico Planning, Urbanizing and Zoning Board' (in Spanish); Ludlow's 'La Zonificacion en Puerto Rico'; and 'memorias suplementarias' for the municipalities of Cataño, Vieques and San Juan.

William H. Ludlow; Junta de Planificación, Urbanización y Zonificación de Puerto Rico; Puerto Rico Planning, Urbanizing and Zoning Board [regional planning; Latin America]
Publication details: 
Titles published in 1945, 1946, 1947 and 1948 by the 'Junta de Planificación, Urbanización y Zonificación de Puerto Rico' (Government of Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico Planning, Urbanizing and Zoning Board).

The seven items are all 8vo, and bound together in a contemporary dark green calf half-binding with 'JUNTA DE PLANIFICACION DE PUERTO RICO' in gilt on spine. Very good and tight, on aged paper with a little light foxing. Binding with wear to hinges and outer edges. Containing four fold-out maps and one fold-out table. ONE: Titled in English 'Government of Puerto Rico. Third Annual Report of the Puerto Rico Planning, Urbanizing and Zoning Board Submitted to the Governor of Puerto Rico. Fiscal Year 1944-45'. Pp: vi + 58 + 3 fold-out 'appendixes' (two maps and a table). Text in Spanish.

Four items: 'Report of the Hawke's Bay Maori Mission', 'Report of the Rotorua and Taupo Maori Mission [...]', 'Report of the Bay of Plenty-Urewera Mission' and 'Report of the Hawke's Bay Maori Mission. For the Year Ended June 30th, 1907.'

Arthur F. Williams, F. A. Bennett, William Goodyear and Herbert W. Williams, missionaries [William Leonard Williams, Bishop of Waiapu; New Zealand; Maori]
Publication details: 
1906 and 1907. All four items printed at the Daily Telegraph Office, Tennyson Street, Napier [New Zealand].

The four items are uniform, with leaf dimensions 21.5 x 14 cm. Three bifoliums and a 16-page pamphlet, totalling 27 pp of text. All unbound, and attached to one another by string in top inner corner. Text of all four items clear and complete. A little grubby, on aged and creased paper, with wear to extremities. Small blank scrap lacking from margin of first leaf of second item. Item One: 'Report of the Hawke's Bay Maori Mission. (Supplied to the Right Rev. the Bishop of Waiapu.)' by 'Arthur F. Williams, Missionary in Charge, Te Aute, Hawke's Bay'. 4 pp.

Under Southern Skies. A series of articles conveying the impressions of the writer during the course of a visit to Australia and New Zealand as a member of the Imperial Press Conference, 1925.

J. W. Dafoe [John Wesley Dafoe], Editor-in-Chief, Manitoba Free Press [Australia; New Zealand]
Publication details: 
Winnipeg, Canada: The Free Press. ['Reprinted in order as they appeared from day to day on the editorial page of the Manitoba Free Press, November, 1925'.]

8vo: [iv] + 43 pp. Stapled pamphlet. Inscribed at head of title 'With regards | J W Dafoe'. Text clear and complete. On grubby, aged paper, with wear to outer leaves. An introduction explains that of the seventeen articles, 'the first seven [...] are merely comments on certain aspects of the New Zealand scene as they appeared to a passer-by', while 'the ten articles devoted to Australia deal with the same subject from various angles. They constitute an attempt at a study of Australia's political developments in the social and economic field.' No copy in the British Library or on COPAC.

Darkest Africa And An Easy Way Out.

W. L. Warden [Harold Sidney Harmsworth (1868-1940, 1st Viscount Rothermere]
Publication details: 
[1940.] 'For Private Circulation Only.' ['Printed by Warden & Co. Ltd., 71, Church Road, Hendon, N.W.4.'] [Introductory note by Warden dated '38, Portland Place, London, W.1. March, 1940.']

8vo: 12 pp (unpaginated). Wraps and stapled. Fair: on aged and lightly-creased paper. A few marks in pencil and red pencil (on two occasions 'my "Owner" ' in the text noted as 'Lord R.'). Stamped with limitation number 57. Printed in small type in double column. In his introductory note Warden explains that the text is 'made up of extracts from a diary, which I more or less kept, and letters sent home during a recent voyage of 20,000 miles.

Sketches of New South Wales', parts I to IV, extracted from four issues of 'The Saturday Magazine', each part illustrated, with three of the five illustrations depicting aboriginal Australians.

W. R. G.' [William Romaine Govett] [The Saturday Magazine; New South Wales, Australia; aborigines]
Publication details: 
Numbers: 247 (7 May 1836); 250 (28 May 1836); 252 (4 June 1836); 255 (25 June 1836). All four: 'LONDON: Published by JOHN W. PARKER, WEST STRAND; and sold by all Booksellers.'

On loose 8vo leaves, disbound from a volume. All articles clear and complete. The first three parts good, on aged paper; fourth part fair, on grubby paper with wear to extremities. The first four of a total of twenty articles. Part One (no.247, pp.177-179) is entitled 'Scenery of the Blue Mountains. - Govatt's Leap.' Signed in print 'W. R.

The Dominions National Days Historical Celebration Movement. The Australia Day Historical Addresss. To be read on board P. & O. Australia Line Steamers at Sea on 26th January. [Inscribed to H. T. B. Drew.]

D. Hope Johnston [Douglas Hope Johnston (1874-1957)], '(Founder and ex-President of the Australasian Pioneers' Club, Sydney, N.S.W.)'
Publication details: 
Date and publisher not stated. Inscription by Johnston dated 'London | Nov 1933.'

4to, 8 pp. Stapled. In original brown printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Bumped at head of spine. Inscription on inside of front wrap reads 'To - Captain H. T. B. Drew In appreciation of his unfailing interest & support - from the first of this Movement, & in the London Memorial to the Founder of Australia, Admiral Arthur Phillip RN | From, - his grateful friend [signed] D. Hope Johnston. of The Royal Empire Society London & The Pioneers Club. Sydney N.S.W.' Phillip was Johnston's great-grandfather. Drew was a New Zealand author.

Historical Account of the most celebrated Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries, from the Time of Columbus to the Present Period. [Vol. XV, including de Pagès' arctic and antarctic voyages, and Thunberg's 'Travels in Japan and other Countries'.]

William Mavor [Pierre Marie François de Pagès (1748-1793); Carl Peter Thunberg (1743-1828), Swedish naturalist and explorer; Texas; Japan; antarctic; arctic exploration]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for E. Newbery, St. Paul's Church-yard. 1797.

12mo: 284 pp. Frontispiece ('Humanity of an Indian to his Ass') and two plates: 'A Cape Planter attacked by a Lion' (facing p.174) and 'Seizure of the Dutch Governor of Formosa by the Japanese' (facing p.240). In original pink wraps, half-bound with cream spine. Good, on aged and lightly-foxed paper. Wraps stained and worn, with loss to spine. Slight foxing to plates. Contains five chapters: 'Travels round the World, performed by Sea and Land, in the Years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771, by M. de Pagès, Captain in the French Navy, &c.'; Voyage of M.

Northern Territory Land Orders. Ballot for Order of Choice, held at Adelaide, on the 10th & 11th May, 1870. Reprinted and forwarded by the Agent-General for the information of Land Order Holders in England.

Australian Northern Territory Land Orders, 1870 ballot
Publication details: 
[London: Agent General's Office? 1870.]

3 pp, in a bifolium. Leaf dimensions 33.5 x 21 cm. Clear and complete. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Each page divided into four columns of small type, each column headed 'LONDON REGISTER' and containing numbers under three heads: the first being 'No. of Land Order', and the other two, jointly under 'Order of Choice', being 'Town Lots' and 'Country Sections'. Beneath heading: 'NOTE.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ofori /') to 'Mr. Parsons'.

Nana Sir Ofori Atta (1881-1943), Member of Executive Council of Gold Coast (Ghana)
Publication details: 

Written in green ink on one side of a piece of watermarked paper roughly 20 x 12.5 cm. Nineteen lines of text. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with a couple of pin holes. Heavily stylised signature with long gap between the 'O' and 'f' of 'Ofori'. He thanks him for the letter, and is 'very pleased to welcome you to Ryebi [capital of Akem]'. He was 'awfully delighted to hear that Mr. Myerstein has completely recovered from his recent serious illness' and is pleased to learn that they are 'starting work on the reef very shortly'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Londonderry') one to Lord Ashbourne and the other to Lady Ashbourne.

Charles Stewart Vane-Tempest-Stewart (1852-1915), 6th Marquess of Londonderry, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1886-1889 [Edward Gibson, 1st Baron Ashbourne; his wife Frances Marie Adelaide Gibson]
Publication details: 
15 May (to Lady Ashbourne)and 11 August (to Lord Ashbourne) [years not stated, but between 1886 and 1889]; on letterheads of the Vice Regal Lodge, Dublin.

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. Letter One (15 May, to Lady Ashbourne): 16mo, 2 pp. Nine lines. Accepting an invitation to a garden-party. 'I have two Cricket Matches [...] I have promised to go for an hour to the Unionists Cricket Match, but could come on to you after that, if that day suited you.' Letter Two (11 August, to Lord Ashbourne): 12mo, 2 pp. Fourteen lines. He thanks him for the 'Letters & enclosed Draft'. 'I had to send my Letter off before it arrived, as the takes place to-day, but fortunately it was drawn on almost identical lines as yours, so it is all right.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. Gourlie Jr.') to 'Mr. Ward'.

William Gourlie (1815-1856), Glasgow calico printer and botanist [Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward (1791-1868); William Keddie (1809-1877), Editor of the 'Scottish Guardian'; Scotland; Scottish textiles]
Publication details: 
18 June 1849; on letterhead of South Frederick Street, Glasgow.

4to, 1 p. Sixteen lines of text. Clear and complete. Neatly written in copperplate. On lightly-aged and creased paper, with one 4 cm vertical closed tear (through one word) along fold. He will be 'in town [i.e. London] for a few days next week and will be accompanied by Mr. Keddie, Editor of the "Scottish Guardian", an ardent lover of Botany & Botanists'. Asks if Ward can 'chalk out an excursion' for them, '& perhaps accompany us, to some place like Cobham [regularly visited by Ward], where we would see English Scenery, and gather good English plants'.

Autograph letters signed (x 6) to Ralph Lewis, author of "Scene in Sussex: a fresh look at the county" and others

Esther Meynell
Publication details: 

Author. She discusses work in progress (the County Book Sussex), past work (on Lincoln), Lewis's writings and activities, the effects of the War, and life in Ditchling, especially her "new-old cottage". In the final letter there is a postscript: "Yes, Edward Johnston is a loss - he wrote the best book there is on Lettering & was a real master-craftsman in his own line". [Johnston had followed his pupil , Eric Gill, to Ditchling.] Six items,

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