[[ Professor A. Marshall Elliott of Johns Hopkins University; George Francis Scott-Elliot, botanist; and David Douglas, Edinburgh publisher] Correspondence relating to Scott-Elliot's 'The Border Elliots'.

Aaron Marshall Elliott (1844-1910) of Johns Hopkins University, language scholar, helped found Modern Language Association; David Douglas (1823-1916), Edinburgh publisher; George Francis Scott Elliot
Publication details: 
Douglas's letter: On letterhead of 9 Castle Street, Edinburgh; 2 October 1900. Villa Reale, Bad Ems; 6 September 1900. Marshall Elliott's letter headed British Museum Library, 11 July, 1900.

Four items, aged and somewhat creased. Scott-Elliot's book was privately printed by Douglas in 1897. Aaron Marshall Elliott was founder of the Modern Language Association and founding professor of Romance Languages at Johns Hopkins University. ONE: ALS from Aaron Marshall Hall to David Douglas, 2pp., 8vo, asking him if he could supply a copy of G.F.S. Elliott's "The Border Elliotts", giving publishing history and mentioning his work on American Elliotts which he hopes to publish.

[ Oxford Tutors' Association and Oxford University Commission. ] Two printed pamphlets: 'Recommendations respecting the Extension of the University of Oxford' and 'Recommendations respecting the Constitution of the University of Oxford'.

[ S.W. Wayte] Samuel William Wayte (1819-1898), President of Trinity College, Oxford [ Oxford Tutors' Association; Oxford University Commission, 1850-1852 ]
Publication details: 
[ Oxford Tutors' Association. ] First item without date or publishing details, but dating from 1852 or 1853. Second item: Oxford: John Henry Parker; and 377, Strand, London. 1853.

Both items in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Both side stitched, and without wraps. ONE: 'Recommendations respecting the Extension of the University of Oxford'. 32pp., 8vo. On reverse of title: 'The following Paper was drawn up at the request of the Tutors' Association by a Committee appointed on Nov. 19, 1852. It was read and considered at meetings of the Association held in Merton and Jesus College Common Rooms on Dec. 10 and 13: and its adoption will be proposed at the first meeting of the Association next Term.' TWO: 'Reports of the Oxford Tutors' Association. No. II.

[ International Arbitration Association, Bristol. ] Album containing material relating to the Association, assembled by honorary secretary E. T. Wedmore: announcements, notices, and cuttings from provincial newspapers.

West of England and South Wales International Arbitration Association, Bristol [ Edmund Tolson Wedmore (1847-1920), Quaker pacifist; Walter Sturge; Allen Greenwell; Rev. Henry Richard; Peace Society ]
Publication details: 
West of England and South Wales International Arbitration Association. 'Offices: 21 College Green, Bristol.'

Around 70 items laid down on 36pp. of an 8vo. exercise book with ruled grey-paper pages, in quarter-binding with marbled boards with green cloth spine. With around eight more items loosely inserted. In good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ Lord Dudley Stuart, politician. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to the editor of The Globe newspaper, requesting the insertion of an article.

Lord Dudley Stuart [ Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart ] (1803-1854), politician, husband of Princess Christine Bonaparte, President of the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland, Sussex Chambers, Duke Street, St. James's. 2 June 1843.

1p., 12mo. In good conditionl, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of stub along one edge. Reads: 'Lord Dudley Stuart presents his Compliments to the Editor of the Globe, and would feel greatly obliged by the insertion of the accompaning article in his Columns tomorrow (Saturday)'. The Association was founded in 1832 by the Scottish poet Thomas Campbell and the German lawyer Adolphus Bach.

[ Francis Collinson, musicologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Francis M. Collinson'), a letter of condolence to the widow of composer Herman Finck, conveying the 'tributes' to his memory made at a meeting of the Musical Conductors' Association.

Francis M. Collinson [ Francis James Montgomery Collinson ] (1898-1984), musical director and musicologist [ Herman Finck [born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), Anglo-Dutch composer and conductor]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Musical Conductors' Association [ London ]. 5 May 1939.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Collinson is named as Honorary Secretary of the Association on the letterhead. He begins by explaining that he has waited until after the previous day's meeting of the Association to write to her, so that he can convey 'the tributes to your late husband's memory which I felt sure would be shown at this gathering of his friends and colleagues'. 'Mr Frederick Austin as chairman referred to the great loss which we all felt in the passing of Herman Finck, and spoke of his great qualities both as a friend and as a musician.

[ Ivor Pritchard, Welsh architect, engraver and book-collector. ] Collection of 54 visual items from his student years, mostly detailed and finished architectural illustrations, many signed, with tracings, photographs, book illustrations.

Ivor Pritchard [ Ivor Mervyn Pritchard ] (1886-1948), Welsh architect, engraver and book-collector,, whose atlases are now in the National Library of Wales
Publication details: 
[ Menai Lodge, Chiswick, London. ] Between 1907 and 1910.

Pritchard was Architect to the Commission on Ancient Monuments in Wales. His collection of 71 volumes of atlases and early geographies was purchased by the National Library of Wales in 1940. After study at Bangor University, he was articled in 1903 to Joseph Owen of Menai Bridge. Moving to London, he studied at the Architectural Association and Royal Academy schools and trained as assistant to a succession of architects: Walter Frederick Cave (1863-1939), Louis Amber (1862-1946) and Messrs Henry Victor Ashley (1872-1948) and Francis Winton Newman (1878-1953), before qualifying in 1911.

[ Offprint, inscribed by the author; Charles Darwin ] Address by C. William Siemens, D.C.L. (Oxon), LL.D. (Glasc. and Dubl.), Ph.D., F.R.S., F.C.S., Member Inst. C.E., President [ of the British Association].

C. William Siemens [ Sir Charles William Siemens; Carl Wilhelm Siemens ] (1823-1883), German-born British engineer and businessman
Publication details: 
[ London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-street Square and Parliament Street. ] [ 1882 ]

33pp., 8vo. Unbound stitched pamphlet. On aged and chipped paper. Apparently lacking covers, on which publication details would have been written. Inscribed at head of first page: 'Mr Stone | from the Author.' Siemens begins by mourning the passing of Charles Darwin "whose bold conceptions, patient labour, and genial mind made him almost a type of unsurpassed excellence". Five copies on OCLC WorldCat. No copy at the British Library.

[Crime Writers' Association] An archive of membership list, accounts, correspondence and related material.

[The Crime Writers Association]
Publication details: 
1953-1975 (mainly pre-1960).

The Crime Writers' Association (CWA). Founded 5 November 1953An Archive accumulated during his periods in office by T.C.H. Jacobs, aka Jacques Pendower, author, sometime Hon. Treas., Vice-Chairman, and Chairman of the CWAIt was unanimously agreed that those present should found forthwith an association of crime writers, the specific purpose of which should be to raise the prestige and fortunes of mystery, detective story and crime writing and writers generally.Aim of the CWA recorded in the Minutes of the inaugural meeting.1. (Periodical) The Crime Writer, nos.

[ Macleod Yearsley and the Thinker's Library. ] Copy of Yearsley's book 'The Folklore of Fairy-Tale' with extensive autograph emendations (two notes initialled 'M. Y.') and two proof specimens for intended republication in the Thinker's Library.

Macleod Yearsley [ Percival Macleod Yearsley ] (1867-1951), surgeon, author, folklorist and eugenicist [ The Thinker's Library, published by Watts & Co. for the Rationalist Press Association, London ]
Publication details: 
Book: London: Watts & Co., Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, E.C.4. 1924. Specimen proofs by Richard Clay & Sons, Bungay, Suffolk: June and July 1936.

The item provides an interesting insight into the editing process of the Thinker's Library, 140 volumes of which Watts & Co. published for the Rationalist Association between 1929 and 1951. The book is xiii + 240pp., 8vo, in red cloth binding, gilt. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight wear to one corner. A couple of leaves have been neatly torn out, evidently in the process of revision. Stamp of the Rationalist Press Association Ltd on reverse of title.

[ Empire Industries Association, London. ] Printed pamphlet titled 'Mandated Territories | The Constitutional Position'.

Empire Industries Association, London [ German Mandated Territories; League of Nations Class C Mandates ]
Publication details: 
Empire Industries Association, 9 Victoria Street, London SW1. November 1938. Printed by Burrup, Mathieson & Co., Ltd., 31, Throgmorton Street, London, E.C.2.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. In fair condition, aged and with rust spotting. The document begins: 'In view of the numerous discussions with regard to the status of the Mandated Territories, and the possibility of a request from Germany for the restoration of some or all of the former German Colonies, and in view of the many misconceptions as to the constitutional status of a Mandated Territory, the Empire Industries Association has prepared these brief notes in the hope that they will be helpful to those who may be taking part in any discussions on the problem.

[ Eric Gill and the Spoil Bank Association Limited. ] Printed First and Second Mortgage Debentures, signed by Eric Gill, H. J. Cribb, Hilary Pepler, Charles L. Waters, Edgar Holloway, with printed transfer slips, all signed by Valentine KilBride.

Eric Gill; The Spoil Bank Association Limited; Ditchling; H. J. Cribb [ Herbert Joseph Cribb ]; Hilary Pepler; Charles L. Waters; Valentine KilBride [ John Valentine Denis KilBride ]; Edgar Holloway
Publication details: 
Both items: The Spoil Bank Association Limited, 'Registered Office S. Dominic's Press, Ditchling Common, Hassocks, Sussex.' Both dated 23 February 1922, the first printed and second in manuscript.

The Spoil Bank Association was the limited company which acted on behalf of the Guild of St. Joseph and St. Dominic, the group of Roman Catholic craftworkers centred on Gill and based on Ditchling Common in Sussex. Each of the present two items in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Both bifoliums on good deckled-edge paper, and both 3pp., folio, with the customary covering information on the reverse of the second leaf. Attractive typographic productions, printed in black and red on deckled-edge watermarked laid paper. Both with tax stamps and the Association's seal.

[ Charles Kemble, actor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Kemble.') to C. R. Smith, correcting a mistake regarding the British Archaeological Association.

Charles Kemble (1775-1854), English actor [ C. R. Smith [ Charles Roach Smith ] (1807-1890), antiquary and archaeologist; British Archaeological Association ]
Publication details: 
Athenaeum Club [ London ]. 27 August 1847.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight rust spotting around date at head. He explains that it is 'under a mistake' that he has been 'proposed as an Associate of the Central Committee of the British Archaeological Association', and he declines the 'honor intended' with 'sincere thanks'.

[ Samuel March Phillipps, legal writer and civil servant. ] Three Letters in a secretarial hand, all signed by him ('S M Phillipps'), to Seymour Teulon, regarding his attempts to present an 'Address of the Borough of Southwark' at a levee.

Samuel March Phillipps (1780-1862), legal writer and civil servant, Permanent Under-Secretary for Home Affairs [ Lord John Russell; Seymour Teulon, chairman, Southwark Reform Association ]
Publication details: 
All three from Whitehall. 18 and 22 July 1837, and 10 February 1838.

The three items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The first two, both on black-bordered paper, are each 1p., 4to; the third is 1p., folio. In the three letters Teulon's address is given as Dean Street, Southwark. The first two appear to be in Phillipps's hand, but the matter is uncertain. Phillipps writes on behalf of the Home Secretary Lord John Russell, to whom he acted as private secretary.

[ William Lawrence Balls, botanist. ] Ten Typed Letters Signed (all 'W Lawrence Balls') to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts

William Lawrence Balls (1882-1960), FRS, botanist who specialised in cotton technology [ the Fine Cotton Spinners' and Doublers' Association, Limited, Manchester; Royal Society of Arts, London ]
Publication details: 
All on letterheads of the Fine Cotton Spinners' & Doublers' Association, Limited, St. James's Square, Manchester. Two from 1917 and eight from 1918.

The ten letters total 4pp., landscape 8vo, and 6pp., 4to. The collection in good condition, lightly aged and worn. With stamps and annotations of the Royal Society of Arts. The correspondence relates to a lecture given by him by invitation, and its subsequent publication in the Society's journal. He originally suggests that it be titled 'The Application of Science to economic purposes, with illustrations from the Cotton Trade', thinking that it would 'attract people outside cotton circles', but is persuaded to alter this to 'Examples of Applied Science in the Cotton Industry'.

[ Peter Wardle, British portrait painter. ] Around 90 items from his papers, including incoming material relating to his work for the National Portraiture Association; correspondence with Ruskin School of Drawing, Oxford; receipts; payslips; tax.

Peter Wardle (b.1929), British portrait painter [ William Deeves (1893-1977), Director, The National Portraiture Association; ]
Publication details: 
Mainly from London. Dating from between 1972 and 1974.

Peter Wardle studied at Leicester School of Art and the Ruskin School of Art, Oxford. He began his career as a professional portrait painter and sculptor in the 1970s, and has work in a number of institutions including the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Ten of his works in the National Portrait Gallery collection include portraits of Athol Fugard, H. J. Eysenck and Edmund Blunden. He was also responsible for the portrait of Sir Geoffrey Keynes used as the frontispiece to his 1973 festschift. The present collection, containing around ninety items, is in aged and worn condition.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Special Collections of Local Books in Provincial Libraries.

W. H. K. Wright, F. R. Hist. Soc. Public Librarian, Plymouth [ Charles Whittingham, Chiswick Press, London; the Library Association ]
Publication details: 
A paper read at the First Annual Meeting of the Library Association, Oxford, October 1878. Printed for the Author: Chiswick Press [ London ], 1879. [ Chiswick Press: C. Whittingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. ]

32pp., 16mo. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in aged and worn wraps. Nicely printed. The only copies on COPAC at the British Library and Oxford.

[ Offprint. ] Library Association of the United Kingdom, 1891. Report on Library Appliances.

James D. Brown [ James Duff Brown; Library Association of the United Kingdom ]
Publication details: 
Dated 'August 19th, 1891.' [ John Bale & Sons, Steam Printers, 87-89, Great Titchfield Street, London. ]

17pp., 8vo. Unbound. In fair condition, on aged paper with slight rusting to staple. Addressed 'To the Council of the Library Association of the United Kingdom'. The author explains that for the purposes of his report 'the definition of library appliances is mechanical contrivances designed to carry on or facilitate the work of a library, but excluding such as are connected with structural arrangements'. The only copy on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC at the British Library and University of Bristol.

[ Printed pamphlet on 'the sin of self-abuse'. ] In Confidence: To Boys. By H. Bisseker, M.A., Formerly a Public School House-Master. Revised by The Council of the Medical Officers of Schools Association.

H. Bisseker, M.A., Formerly a Public School House-Master [ The Alliance of Honour, London; The Medical Officers of Schools Association; masturbation; onanism; self-abuse ]
Publication details: 
'Copies of this Edition are to be obtained from The Alliance of Honour, 112, City Road, London, E.C.' London: Adlard and Son, Batholomew Close. 1904.

[2] + 31 + [3]pp., 16mo. Stapled in plain green wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with rusting staples, and light staining (of an indeterminate nature) to front cover. The first two pages give details regarding the Alliance of Honour, including a list of the organisation's officers (including thirteen bishops) and a statement of 'The Object' ('to impress upon men the necessity of leading pure lives', and so on).

[ Cyril Leslie Collenette, entomologist. ] Typed Letter Signed ('C. L. Collenette') as joint secretary of the Scientific Expeditionary Research Association, to Prof. C. G. Seligman, discussing Council business, with pencil notes by Seligman.

C. L. Collenette [ Cyril Leslie Collenette ] (1888-1959), entomologist, secretary of the Scientific Expeditionary Research Association, London [ Charles Gabriel Seligman (1873-1940), anthropologist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Scientific Expeditionary Research Association, 50 Pall Mall, London. 1 June 1923.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to extremities. A twenty-three line letter discussing Council business, with the last paragraph reading: 'I have to thank you on behalf of the Council for the notes which you so kindly sent in for use at the last meeting. Mr. Hornell will do a certain amount of ethnological work, but in view of your opinion and that of others on the Council as to the difficulties involved, it is not proposed to appoint anyone else for this branch.' On the reverse of the letter are pencil notes by Seligman, made while reviewing a book.

[ Nine pamphlets. ] Eight 'Financial Reform Tracts' and 'Account of the Formation, Principles, and Objects of the Liverpool Financial Reform Association, as embodied in the Speeches delivered at a Public Meeting held in Liverpool, Jan. 17, 1849.'

Liverpool Financial Reform Association [ Robertson Gladstone (1805-1875), President; Edward Brodribb, Treasurer; Richard Cobden; Major-General Sir William Napier ]
Publication details: 
[ Liverpool Financial Reform Association. ] All nine items 'Printed at the Office of the "Standard of Freedom," 335, Strand, London.' 1848 and 1849.

The nine items are all 12mo, and bound together without wraps, with the whole disbound from a volume. In fair condition, with minor signs of age and wear. All titles are drophead. ONE: 'Account of the Formation, Principles, and Objects of the Liverpool Financial Reform Association, [...]'. 12pp. TWO: 'Financial Reform Tracts. No. 1.' 16pp. THREE: 'Financial Reform Tracts. No. 2. Pension List. (Second Edition).' 8pp. FOUR: 'Financial Reform Tracts. No. 3. Taxation. - Part I.' 15 + [1]pp. FIVE: 'Financial Reform Tracts. No. 4. The Army, Ordnance, Commissariat, Navy, Colonies.' 15 + [1]pp.

[ Pamphlet. ] First Annual Report of the Council of the Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association for the Year 1842, read at the Annual Meeting of the Members, held January 23, 1843: Treasurer's Account, and a List of Members.

Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association [ Thomas Thornely, M.P.; Free Trade; Smith, Rogerson, and Co., Liverpool printers ]
Publication details: 
Second edition. Liverpool: Printed by Smith, Rogerson, and Co., 44, Lord Street. 1843.

40pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. On aged and lightly damp-stained paper. The report begins (p.5): 'The Object of the Liverpool Anti-Monopoly Association, as expressed in its constitution, is "The annihilation of all Monopolies in Trade and Commerce, and especially the total and immediate Repeal of the Bread and Provision Taxes.' Pp.36-37 carry, in small print, the 'List of Members for 1842'; the 'Council for 1843', with 'THOMAS THORNELY, Esq., M.P.' as president, is on p.3.

[ Printed pamphlets. ] Numbers 8, 9 and 10 of the 'Transactions of the Cambridge University Association of Brass Collectors.' With nine plates.

Cambridge University Association of Brass Collectors [ Rev. W. F. Creeny, President ]
Publication details: 
[ Cambridge University Association of Brass Collectors. ] Number 8 by 'Denne, Printer, Margate' and dated September 1890. Number 9 'Printed for the Society at "Keble's Gazette" Office, Margate' in March 1891.

The three numbers are bound together without covers, the whole being disbound. Number 8 is 31pp., 8vo, with four plates; Number 9 is 32pp., 8vo (slightly smaller than No.8), with two plates; No. 10 is 32pp., 8vo (same size as No.8), with three plates. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Ownership stamp of Charles Cotton at head of first page of first number ('Ex Libris Carol. Cotton'). Contributions to the three numbers by R. H. Russell, Thomas Wareing of Birmingham, Rev. J. Conway Walter, E. M. Beloe, A. Oliver, H. D. Cole, Rev. E. S. Dewick, R. A. S. Macalister, H. K.

[ Pamphlet. ] Public Control of the Liquor Traffic. The Aberdeen Scheme. Memorandum by the Aberdeen Association for Promoting the Public Control of the Liquor Traffic.

Professor J. Dove Wilson, LL.D., Chairman, and T. Owen Snow, Honorary Secretary, Aberdeen Association for Promoting the Public Control of the Liquor Traffic
Publication details: 
[ Aberdeen Association for Promoting the Public Control of the Liquor Traffic. ] 1895.

4pp., 12mo. Disbound bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper. Subtitles: 'Heads of Scheme' and 'Expalantory Notes'. At end of last page are 'Some Opinions of Public Control' (by 'Mr. Gladstone', 'Mr. Chamberlain' and 'The Times'). Scarce: no copies on COPAC.

[ Sidney Morgan, English film director ] Autograph Letter Signed to fellow film-director Percy Nash, regarding the British Association of Film Directors and the 'great fight to obtain The Quota'.

Sidney Morgan (1874-1946), English film director, who acted for Alfred Hitchcock [ [ Percy Nash [ Percy Cromwell Nash ] (1869-1958), film director and dramatist; Cinematograph Films Act of 1927 ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Association of Film Directors, The Players Club, Denman Street, London. 30 May 1927.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Nash is named on the letterhead as the Association's president, and Morgan as Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. The letter begins: Dear Percy / | For various reasons we did not get a largely attended meeting on Friday, but the better feeling between members seems still to grow.' Nash's 'protracted illness' has clearly necessitated his stepping down as president, and '[a]fter considerable discussion it was decided to ask Pearson & Elvey [i.e. George Pearson (1875-1973) and Maurice Elvey (1887-1967)] to be President & Vice with myself to continue'.

[ Printed pamphlet, inscribed by the author. ] An Address, delivered at the Third Anniversay of the Bath District Branch of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, On June the 6th, 1839; by John Smith Soden, President of the Meeting.

John Smith Soden [ Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, Bath District Branch ]
Publication details: 
Bath: Printed by Mary Meyler and Son, Abbey Church-Yard. 1839.

15pp., 8vo. Unbound pamphlet. Aged and worn. In manuscript at head of title-page: 'Dr Ainsworth from the Author'. In a short preface Soden explains that several members of the Association have asked him for a copy of his address, and that, although he does nto think it worthy, he has 'therefore had a small impression printed for private circulation only, in order to save the trouble of transcribing, [...]'. Scarce: only three copies on COPAC (BL, Bristol and Aberdeen).

[ Association Football: Scotland v Wales, Aberdeen 1934. ] The Autographs of 13 members of the Scottish team, with trainer Donald Colman, and 13 members of the Welsh team.

[ Association Football: Scotland v Wales, 1934 ]
Publication details: 
'Nov. 1934 at Aberdeen.' [ Scotland ]

The game was played on 21 November 1934 at Pittodrie, Scotland winning 3-2. 2pp., 12mo. on two leaves removed from an autograph album. Each team's autographs on a separate page. Both leaves in good condition, lightly-aged. ONE: On page headed 'Scotland Team', carries 14 autographs: 'C Napier [Charlie Napier (1910-1973), Celtic] | Alex Massie [ (1906-1977), Hearts] | | Pr.

[ The Imperial Institute, London. ] Galley proofs of address by W. Martin Wood, with manuscript heading: 'On occasion of the reading of a paper on "the Imperial Institute & its advantages to India" by General Sir Orfeur Cavenagh K.C.S.I. [...]'.

The Imperial Institute (established 1887), later Commonwealth Institute; East India Association; 1886 Colonial and Indian Exhibition; Sir Richard Temple; W. Martin Wood; Sir Orfeur Cavenagh
Publication details: 
'[...] before the East India Association. Sir Richard Temple in the chair'. [ The Imperial Institute, London. Circa 1887. ]

Printed in a single column on one side of a piece of 64 x 15 cm piece of paper. Aged and worn, with a couple of holes at head causing loss to eight lines of text. Full heading in manuscript: 'On occasion of the reading of a paper on "the Imperial Institute & its advantages to India" by General Sir Orfeur Cavenagh K.C.S.I. before the East India Association. Sir Richard Temple in the chair'.

[ Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Dodd') from the manager of the branch in Aston, Birmingham, to 'Mr J Gulliver', requesting payment for a subscription in order to 'save the expences of sending a man

Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse [ Henry Dodd, Manager of the branch in Aston, Birmingham; National Fine Art Association, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the branch in Aston, Birmingham, of Murdoch's Family Bible and Standard Works Warehouse. 17 December 1880.

1p., 4to. On pink paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, worn and creased. With Dodd's personal oval stamp in purple ink. Reads: 'Mr J Gulliver | Sir | Will you kindly forward to me at the above the subscription on Bible you had of us in September | In so doing you will save the expences of sending a man'

[ Prime Minister Lord John Russell and the Manchester Health of Towns Association. ] Autograph Letter Signed from Lord John Russell's private secretary Charles Grey ('C. <A.?> Grey') to P. H. Holland, regarding 'a Memoria from the Committee'.

Charles Grey, Private Secretary to Liberal Prime Minister Lord John Russell [ Downing Street; P. H. Holland of the Chorlton Dispensary; the Manchester Health of Towns Association ]
Publication details: 
Downing Street [ London ] 10 August 1846.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with head of the document trimmed and blank second leaf with traces of mount. He acknowledges 'the receipt of your letter enclosing a Memorial from the Committee of the Manchester Health of Towns association' and apologise for the delay in the acknowledgement, 'owing to the great pressure of business'.

[ The National Health Service Bill, 1946. ] Printed circular to members of the British Medical Association, from its Secretary Charles Hill, explaining the purpose of an 'Emergency Guarantee Fund' set up in case of 'any conflict which might arise'.

Charles Hill [ Baron Hill of Luton (1904-1989) ], Secretary, British Medical Association, London [ The National Health Service Bill ]
Publication details: 
'D.25 | 1945-46'. British Medical Association House, Tavistock Square, London, W.C.1. March, 1946.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and creased. An interesting piece of ephemera, relating to one of the most significant events in the history of modern Britain. The recto of the first leaf carries Hill's circular letter, with facsimile signature, beginning 'The National Health Service Bill is upon us. | In order that the profession my be financially armed for any conflict which might arise, the Council of the B.M.A.

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