Collection of correspondence, membership cards and other ephemera tracking Carey's career as Newspaper Reader.

[Sunday Graphic/Times] L.G. Carey, Newspaper Reader
Publication details: 

All items freshly mounted in a photo album, very good condition. The core of the collection is a full series of membership cards for the Association of Correctors of the Press (1949-1965), London Typographical Society (1966), National Graphical Association (1967-1988). With their variant typographical and colour, these make an attractive display.

Printed 'List of Members' of 'The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, with which is incorporated The Self-Propelled Traffic Association', October 1901.

[The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, list of members, 1901; Royal Automobile Club]
Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, list of members, 1901
Publication details: 
October 1901. The Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, 4 Whitehall Court, London, S.W. [Printers: F. KING & Co., Ltd., 62, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.']
Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, list of members, 1901

4to, 15 pp. In small type. Text clear and complete. On brittle green high-acidity paper, with chipping and loss to extremities and three of the leaves detached. Begins by listing 'General Council of the Automobile Club | (appointed to confer with the Club Committee on questions affecting Automobilism generally).' Headed by 'His Grace the Duke of Sutherland'; followed, on second page by Club Committee and officers, and then (pp. 3-10) the list of members in three columns, giving name, optional address, and date of election; ends (pp.11-15) with lists of 'Members of Affiliated Clubs'.

Ten catalogues (five of the first firm and five of the second) of autograph letters, manuscripts, historical documents.

Myers & Co. (Booksellers) Ltd.; Winifred A. Myers (Autographs) Ltd.
Publication details: 
Myers & Co. (Booksellers) Ltd., 102, New Bond Street, London, W.1: 1941, 1955 (2), 1956 (2). Winifred A. Myers (Autographs) Ltd., 80, New Bond Street, London, W.1: 1958, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1965.

The ten items are all in the same 12mo format, each stapled and in coloured printed wraps. Page range between 56 and 106. Internally good, with occasional chipping to the high-acidity paper wraps. Rusting staples. A total of c.4500 items, catalogued in detail by a pioneer in the field and a President of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association. Containing a mass of information about a wide range of individuals ans subjects, from 'Musicians' to 'Prime Ministers', George Gissing to George III, Lord Byron to Florence Nightingale, and Robert Browning to Napoleon Bonaparte.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Fisher') to the Rev. E. Taggart, Addison Rd, Kennington, regarding the distribution of Unitarian material in France and Spain.

John Fisher (d. 1850), author and member of the Committee of the Unitarian Association
Publication details: 
8 July 1843; 4 Highbury Park.

4to, 1 p. In bifolium. Fifteen lines of text. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with thin strip of archival paper from mount adhering to the second leaf. Addressed and docketed, with postmarks, on the reverse of the second leaf. Begins by discussing a translation, then discusses a 'grant of Books': 'probably a series or two of the Repository may relieve the shelves of the society to some advantage'.

"Papers read on Various Occasions", Periodical Publications, bound into one volume.

[Author's Collection] Abel Heywood, Jun, of Abel Heywood & Son, Manchester, publishers and printers
Publication details: 
Manchester, 1868-[1900?]

Hf.lea, worn, raised bands, red lea., gt spine, title as above, some foxing and damage in parts, mainly good. Contents (listed on front endpaper in Abel Heywood's hand): "Four Days in Iceland"*, "A mountain walk in Norway"*, Scandanavian Stories about Huldre"*, " Notes on Japan and the Japanese"*, "Sveningdael"*, "Trout-fishing in Norway", "Fish out of Water", "A Night at the Lochinvar", "One Way to the Tweed", "A Fishing Adventure in Japan" [not listed in Contents], "The Vision of Fishes", "Fishes Ee-Seet", "Norway Re-visited".

Handbill headed 'An Appeal to Working Men and Women', pressing for 'the English law to protect your girls from being led into vice'.

Ellice Hopkins (1836-1904) and Emily Janes (d.1928), Honorary Secretaries, Ladies’ Associations for the Care of Girls
Publication details: 
January, 1885. 41, Great Russell-street, British Museum, W.C.

On both sides of a piece of paper, 19 x 11.5 cm. Seventy-seven lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Contrasts the law on the continent with that in England, where 'an unruly girl at any age can go on the streets, and the person who harbours her is not guilty of a greater crime than if she were a women [sic] of thirty or forty [...] Will you not help us heart and soul in getting our English girls, - your daughters, remember, - as carefully protected as Belgian and French girls?

Whaling at Encounter Bay. Prepared by Keith Travers Borrow [for the Hisorical Memorial Committee of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (S.A. Branch) and with their permission published by the Pioneers' Association of S.A.].

Keith Travers Borrow [Encounter Bay; the Historical Memorials Committee of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia; the Pioneers' Association of South Australia]
Publication details: 
[1946.] Published by the Pioneers' Association of S.A. Steamship Buildings, Currie Street, Adelaide. [O.J.D. Printery, 174 Angus Street.]

12mo, 16 pp. Stapled pamphlet. Not paginated. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Includes a three-quarter page 'Chart of the Anchorages in Encounter Bay by Wm. Light, Surveyor General'. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at Oxford (where dated to 1846).

Financial Reform Tracts. Nos. 11 and 12. Speech of Sir Wm. Molesworth, Bart., M.P., in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, 25th July, 1848, On Colonial Expenditure and Government.

Sir William Molesworth [The Financial Reform Association, Liverpool]
Publication details: 
[Financial Reform Association, Harrington Chambers, North John-street, Liverpool, March, 1849.] Printed at the Office of the "Standard of Freedom," 335, Strand, London.

8vo: 32 pp. Pamphlet. Bound in modern marbled boards with paper label. Fair, on aged paper with top outer corner of last few leaves slightly dogeared and with reverse of last leaf a little grubby. An important speech, another edition of which exists, published by Ridgway in 1848. A reply by John Towne Danson was also published by Ridgway in 1848, going through two editions.

Home Colonization. Address of the Home Colonization Co-operative and Social Home Association (Limited).

[The Home Colonization Co-operative and Social Home Association.]
Publication details: 
No date. [1870s?] Langley & Son, Printers, 23 George St., Euston Rd.

12mo: 8 pp. An unopened pamphlet made by folding a leaf twice. Text clear and complete. Good: on aged and slightly-grubby paper. Scarce: the only copies on COPAC at the London School of Economics and University College London, in whose entries it is dated to the 1870s.

Illustrated Catalogue of Acts and Laws of the Colony and State of New York [...] constituting the collection made by Hon. Russell Benedict, Justice of the Supreme Court of New York.

Hon. Russell Benedict, Justice of the Supreme Court of New York [The American Art Association]
Publication details: 
To be sold [...] on Monday, February 27th, 1922 [...] The sale to be conducted by Mr. Thomas E. Kirby and his assistants, of The American Art Association, Managers, New York City.

Octavo: 261 unpaginated pages. In original printed wraps. Internally sound and clean, in stained and creased wraps. Unobtrusive ownership mark of Myers & Co. of London on front wrap. Fifty full-page facsimiles of title-pages, etc. Foreword by Benedict, followed by Resume, beginning, 'The Collection of Laws belonging to Judge Russell Benedict, [...] is the Most Important Collection of its kind that has ever been brought together by a private party.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Martin Armstrong') to Thorpe.

Martin Armstrong [Martin Donisthorpe Armstrong] (1882-1974), English novelist and poet [Thomas Thorp, Guildford bookseller]
Publication details: 
15 January 1933; Sutton, Pulborough, Sussex, on cancelled letterhead of 37 Great Ormond Street, London.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Giving the details of three titles from Thorp's 'large catalogue' which he hopes are still available (one is ticked in pencil and the other two marked as sold). 'Also can you let me have a cheap copy of John Masefield's "Sea Life in The Time of Nelson" and J. R. Hutchinson's "The Press Gang Afloat & Ashore." Publishers and prices of both items are noted in pencil, with 'Cheque Noted' in margin.

The Sickness Accident and Life Association Limited. Prospectus.

The Sickness Accident and Life Association Limited [Friends Provident; life insurance; actuarial science]
Publication details: 
Foreword' dated 'Edinburgh, December, 1897.' [Printed by Morrison and Gibb Limited, Edinburgh.]

12mo (leaf dimensions 13 x 9 cm): 62 pp. Folded 'Proposal' tipped in on perforated stub. Sewn into cream wraps, printed in red. Text clear and complete. Internally tight on lightly-aged paper. In worn and grubby wraps with a few ink notes on front. Index on p.ii (reverse of front wrap) gives sections (each with subsections) devoted to Sickness Department, Accident Department, Employers' Liability and Accidents to Workmen, Indemnity and Third Party Insurance, Fidelity Guarantees, and Life Department. Also lists Directors, Office-Bearers, Head Office and Branches.

Five printed items relating to the Co-operative Holidays Association, including the first three issues in a series of 'Co-Operative Holidays Association General Notes'.

Co-operative Holidays Association, Manchester [the co-operative movement]
Publication details: 
General Notes': October and December 1918, and February 1919. ['Published at the Offices of The Co-operative Holidays Association, College House, Brusnwick Street, Manchester. Printed by The Edgeley Press Ltd., Stockport.' Other items 1918 and 1920.

Items One to Three: three 'Co-operative Holidays Association General Notes' pamphlets, all 4pp, on unbound 8vo bifoliums. Text clear and complete, on aged and worn paper, with a 3 cm closed tear to both leaves of the second number. Each issue ends with a long list of 'Rambling Clubs and Secretaries'. Headings of notes include 'One Shilling Literature Subscription', 'Sir William Mather', 'Canadian Guests', 'Personalia'. Also a report of the annual general meeting.

Keepsake poem entitled 'Lines written for the dinner of the Book Publishers' Representatives' Association. October 4th, 1929.'

E. V. Lucas [The Book Publishers' Representatives' Association; Methuen & Co.]
Publication details: 

12mo: 8 pp. Dimensions of leaf roughly 13.5 x 11 cm. Lightly-spotted and creased, in creased and worn original purple wraps with title printed on front, and stitched with matching purple thread. An uncommon piece of Lucas and book trade ephemera, nicely printed. Beneath the title: 'President. W. J. Crawley. Principal Guests of the Evening. Sir Godfrey Collins, M.P. Edgar Wallace. E. V. Lucas. H. E.

Lines Drawn and ornamentally inscribed on a White Silk Riband with which [...] the Editor was decorated [...] by the Baron and Baroness Von Sass, at their seat of Tadaiken, in the Duchy of Courland, on 21st November, 1790, [...].

[William Tooke the younger (1777-1863)] [Russia; Russian; Bloomsbury Inns of Court Association; rifle clubs; George Bramwell; private printing; St Petersburg]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

12mo: 8 pp. Leaf dimensions 18 x 11.5 cm. Unbound. Stitched as issued. Good, on lightly-aged paper with foxing to first page. Complete: paginated [1] to 8, and with 'Finis.' at the end.

Rules of the Mathematical Association.

The Mathematical Association [founded in England in 1871 as founded in 1871 as the Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching]
Publication details: 
January 1939. Printer and place of publication [England] not stated.

8vo, 12 pp. Stapled and in original blue printed wraps. Good, with minor staining to wraps at top of spine. Eight 'Rules' and three 'Regulations', with a separate entry on 'Regulations for the Use of the Library'. Not listed on COPAC.

Science at Cambridge, by Dr. Monckman. (Of Downing College.)

[Dr James Monckman of Downing College, Cambridge; Bradford]
Publication details: 
Cambridge - Deighton, Bell & Co., Trinity Street. Bradford - Honorary Secretaries of the Scientific Association, - Mr. J. Skelton, Crossley Hall; Mr. Wm. Pickles.' [J. Green, Printer, &c., 311, Manchester Rd., Bradford.] [1888]

8vo: 16 pp. Unbound and stitched. On brittle, discoloured paper chipping at extremities and with the first and last leaves detached from one another. All but the first four pages consisting of a 'list of Original Papers, published by resident members of the University during the years 1886 and 1887', compiled to indicate the 'extent to which the country is indebted to the endowments of the University'. Including works by J.J. Thomson, Francis Darwin, George Darwin. Scarce: no copy in the British Library and the only copy on COPAC at Cambridge University Library.

Small archive of fourteen Typed Letters Signed and six Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Lawrence Chubb'), all addressed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Lawrence Wensley Chubb (1873-1948), pioneer Anglo-Australian environmental campaigner, first Secretary of the National Trust
Publication details: 
Between 4 June 1913 and 19 January 1917; three on letterhead of the Coal Smoke Abatement Society, the others on letterhead of the Commons & Footpaths Preservation Society.

The collection is in good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. The fourteen typed letters are all 4to, 1 p; the autograph letters are all 12mo, three of them of two pages and three of one page. Largely concerned with a lecture given by Chubb to the R.S.A. in 1916 on 'the Preservation of Footpaths & Rights of Way', for which Chubb requests '1,000 or 1,250 cards of admission'. The subject, Chubb comments (21 July 1915), 'seems in itself sufficiently important and interesting to warrant special treatment, and in lecturing I mostly keep footpaths & commons quite separate.

Six Typed Letters Signed to D. K. Craig of Arthurs Press Ltd.

Hubert Foster [The P.E.N.; Poets, Essayists and Novelists]
Publication details: 
15 October 1945 to 10 December 1946; all six on letterhead of 'THE P.E.N. | A World Association of Writers | LONDON CENTRE'.

Association founded in England in 1921 to promote the interests of writers worldwide. First item, two pages, 12mo; next four, one page, 12mo; last item, one page, octavo. All good, though lightly creased and on discoloured paper. All have two punch holes. Item one with staple marks in top left-hand corner. The collection consists of instructions to the printer of the association's journal 'P.E.N. News'.

[VICTORIAN CLUBS AND SOCIETIES] List of the members of the club of "Nobody's Friends".

[VICTORIAN CLUBS AND SOCIETIES] The club of 'Nobody's Friends'
Publication details: 
[s. l. et a.] 'As existing on 1st January, 1878.'

See 'The club of 'Nobody's Friends' 1800-2000: a memoir on its two-hundredth anniversary' by Geoffrey Rowell (2000). Four-page bifolium. Good, on grubby, discoloured paper, with some creasing and wear at foot. Gives details of the election between 1820 and 1877 of fifty-nine Actual Members, and of eighteen Honorary Members. Includes the Rev. Charles Burney, the artist George Richmond and the publisher John Murray.

Financial Reform Tracts. No. 1.

Liverpool Financial Reform Association [Free Trade; Richard Cobden; economic history]
Publication details: 
[Financial Reform Association, Hargreave's Buildings, Liverpool, September, 1848.] Sold by Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., London; and by the Printers, Smith, Rogerson, and Co., 44, Lord-street, Liverpool.

12mo. 20 pages. Stitched and unbound. Creased, aged and somewhat dusty. Historic first publication of 'the most persistent and single-minded free trade lobby England has known' (W. N. Calkins, Economic History Review, 1960).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter L. Clay') to unnamed male correspondent.

Walter Lowe Clay, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Victorian social scientist
Publication details: 
1 November 1866; on letterhead of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, 1 Adam Street, Adelphi, W.C. [London].

Two pages, small octavo. Good, on lightly aged paper and ruckled paper, with some staining to the verso of the blank second leaf of the bifolium. His correspondent's 'paper on the high death rate in Liverpool' was not returned to Clay after being read at Manchester, 'nor can the Secretary of the Department (Captain ) obtain any intelligence of it from the reporters'. One of the reporters has sent the Captain an abstract prepared by the author. Clay asks whether he has the manuscript in his possession, and if so, whether he will send it to him.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Richard Edward Dennett [CONGO FREE STATE]
Publication details: 
20 May 1916; on letterhead '3 PARLIAMENT HILL MANSIONS, | HIGHGATE ROAD, N.W.'

Editor (1857-1921) of the manuscript newspaper 'Congo Mirror', who 'drew attention to irregularities in Congo Free State, 1886; [...] and accused Congo officials of murders and atrocities; with help he carried on the agitation until the Congo Reform Association was formed; in a series of letters to the African Mail entitled the Lower Congo he pointed out the injustice of the French rule and the concessionnaire system in Congo Francais' (Who's Who). Three pages, 12mo. On grey paper. Very good. Docketed in pen and green pencil.

Autograph Card Signed to the Royal Society of Arts.

Francis Bond
Publication details: 
1 May 1901; on embossed letterhead 'FERRIBY, | WOODSIDE GREEN, | SOUTH NORWOOD. S.E.'

English author (died 1918), and authority on church architecture. Three pages, on two 16mo cards (both embossed). Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. 'May I offer a lecture of architectural character for next session? I have lectured to the R.I.B.A. on "Cathedral Chronology" and on "Continental Romanesque" and to the Architectural Association the London Institution &c If you will refer to the Secretary of the last or of the other institutions, you would obtain information as to the reception of my lectures.

Typed Note Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Robert Browne Dunwoody
Publication details: 
7 December 1914; on letterhead of Association of Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom.

English engineer (1879-1966), Secretary of the Associated British Chambers of Commerce, 1912-46. Very good, though creased and on slightly discoloured paper. Bearing the Society's stamp. Reads 'I beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your Journal of the 4th December, for which I am greatly obliged. | I enclose herewith the report of a recent meeting of this Association in exchange.' Signed 'R. B. Dunwoody'.

Eleven Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood (10) and G. K. Menzies (1), Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Rev. Peter Hampson Ditchfield
Publication details: 
1915-18; ten on embossed letterheads, 'BARKHAM RECTORY, WOKINGHAM.' and one on letterhead of the British Archaeological Association.

English antiquary (1854-1930), writer on topography, history and architecture. All items 12mo, and good, though on slightly discoloured paper. All docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Regarding the Society's business, and in particular a lecture given at Wood's invitation. 1 March 1916: 'Sir Sidney Lee, whom I know, slightly[,] would be an admirable chairman - quite the best. Failing him I think Sir Henry Howarth, who is a friend of mine, would be excellent. If he cannot come - Lady Howarth has been very ill lately - Mr.

Four Typed Notes Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts and the editor of the R.S.A. Journal.

Sir Francis Philip Armstrong, 3rd Bt [ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB]
Publication details: 
21 October, 21 November and 9 December 1927; 1 May 1929; all on Royal Automobile Club letterhead.

General manager of the Royal Automobile Club (1871-1944). All four items one page, quarto. All four in good condition and signed 'F. P. Armstrong'. All four docketed and two bearing R.S.A. stamp. Note one asks for '100 stamped envelopes' for sending to 'Members of the Committee and others who would be interested in the papers that are to be read before the Royal Society'. Note two thanks the editor of the R.S.A. Journal for the 'copies of Mr. O'Gorman's paper'.

Two Typed Letters Signed to [Sir] H[enry]. T[rueman]. Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Publication details: 
4 November 1915 and 13 January 1917; both on letterhead of the National Council of Young Men's Christian Associations, Incorporated.

Evangelical churchman and preacher (1869-1936), National Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association. First letter one page, quarto; second letter one page, octavo. Both very good though dusty. Both signed 'A. K. Yapp'. One letter docketed, and both bearing R.S.A. stamp. LETTER ONE: '[I]t is most probable that we can render the assistance indicated in your letter, and I should be very glad to meet you at some time mutually convenient.

Two Typed Letters Signed to G. E. Mercer, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, concerning his award of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travel Fellowship; with seven associated items (draft replies, memo, programme, etc).

Edward David Mills
Publication details: 

Architect (1915-98), designer of the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. All items very good. ITEM ONE (one page, folio): typed copy of Mills' 'programme' ('The object of the proposed research is to study at first hand the effect of these new techniques on building types in the United States [...]'.). ITEM TWO (one page, quarto, typed): letter by Mills dated 3 March 1969. Congratulates the Society on 'the new appearance of the R.S.A. Journal which is an enormous improvement on the past'. Explains that he has been awarded the Fellowship and encloses copy of programme.

Printed bank instructions, with autograph additions and signature.

Publication details: 

Dimensions: 5 inches by 7 inches. Somewhat grubby and with ink stain at foot. Headed 'THE MASTERS OF FOX HOUNDS ASSOCIATION, | TATTERSALLS, ALBERT GATE, LONDON.' Standing order to Dalkeith's bank, Coutts & Co of 59 Strand, to make an annual payment on 1 May to the Herries Farquhar branch of Lloyds one pound, as his subscription to the association. Signed 'Dalkeith'. Docketed by the bank and pinned to a 'Tattersalls' letterhead, roughly 5 inches by 7 inches, carrying a note which reads 'With the Secretary of the M. F. H. A's compliments.

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