Typed Letter Signed ('G. N. S. Hunt') to Mrs Steward of Beckenham, Kent.

G. N. S. Hunt [Geoffrey Hunt] [Oxford University Press; Geoffrey Cumberlege; Amen Corner; Christ Church, Newgate Street]
Publication details: 
2 December 1955; on Oxford University Press letterhead (Amen House, London).

4to: 1 page. Twenty-one lines of text. Good, on creased and lightly-aged paper. An impressively-considered letter, declining Mrs Steward's manuscript 'I had rather be a Doorkeeper'. 'As you point out, Christ Church, Newgate Street, is a near neighbour of Amen House, and its ruins are a pathetic sight.

Printed handbill of Cambridge University 'List of Honours at the Bachelor of Arts' Commencement, January 25, 1868.'

Cambridge University [Victorian degrees; nineteenth-century education]
Publication details: 
[Cambridge: 1868.]

Printed on one side of a 4to leaf (dimensions roughly 24.5 x 21.5 cm). A frail survival among university ephemera: aged and lightly foxed and creased, with a couple of central vertical 5 cm closed tears. Beneath the heading are the names of the two Moderators (Frost and Hayward of St John's) and two Examiners (Cockshott of Trinity and Steel of Gonville and Caius).George Darwin included Second Wrangler. Arranged in numerical order across three columns: 'Wranglers', 'Senior Optimes' and 'Junior Optimes'. Names and colleges of 102 individuals given.

Holograph Poem signed "J.S.B." with quotations from Browning and "Goethe's Werther" in Blackie's hand, with signature "John S. Blackie 1st October 1883".

John Stuart Blackie, Greek Professor (Edinburgh).
Publication details: 

Piece of paper, c.17.5 x 11cm, fold mark down middle, good condition. The initialled poem, four lines, is headed "Love" ("Poor is the man who in self-hardened shell . . . . And grows to great estate by loving great and small." The next heading is "Life" folowed by the line "Why stay us on the earth, unless to grow. | Browning", followed by the heading "Evil", with the line, "I gulp down the devil, without looking at him. | Goethe's Werther".

"Two Thunder-Clouds, closing in conflict": the meeting of Madvig and Cobet at the tercentenary of Leyden University and its historical background. Authorised translation by H. J. Rose.

B. A. Van Proosdij [H. J. Rose, translator; Johan Nicolai Madvig (1804-1886); Carel Gabriel Cobet (1813-1889); Leiden University]
Publication details: 
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1954.

8vo, 47 pp. In original grey printed wraps. With frontispiece portrait of Madvig and one plate. Good, in dusty wraps. Presentation copy, with card 'With the compliments of Dr B. A. Van Proosdij, Scientific Advisor to Messrs. Brill' loosely inserted. Divided into four parts: 'The Intellectual Background', 'Preparations and the Eve of the Day', 'The Dies Natalis' and 'Epilogue', with six appendices of passages from original sources, and a postscript of 'Four Letters from Madvig to Geel, Bake, and Cobet'.

Fragment of Autograph Statement or Letter Signed (last page).

Alessandro Chiapelli, Italian philosopher
Publication details: 
No place or date on this page.

One page, 8vo, text as follows (square brackets when I can't read the Italian): "mova, come le antiche che la [?] a maestro d' sapienza politica e d'arte luminosa, è e [infende?] d'essere [affermazinne?] d'cultura e d'intellectualita. Il chiedere a gran voce l'istituzione d'una universitata italiana d'una universita italiana a Trieste, è [?] [affermaginnne?] d'italianita & d'civita: e nessu no [?] contrastar quella, senza rinnegar questa."

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'J M Villasante.') to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Professor J. M. Villasante [Julian Martinez-Villasante y Navarro] (1876-1945), Senior Lecturer, Department of Spanish Studies, University of London (1913-1936)
Publication details: 
19 January 1920, on letterhead of the Senior Common Room, King's College, London W.C.; 5 February 1921, 28 Home Park Road, Wimbledon Park, London S.W.19.

Both docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Letter One (12mo, 2 pp, good): Discussing the syllabus of the Royal Society's Spanish examinations. Ends: 'I think that there is need of arriving at some uniform standard of difficulty and of arrangement of the papers set.' Letter Two (4to, 4 pp, good, with top left-hand corner of first leaf torn away, though not affecting text): A long defence of an examination paper set by him against the criticisms of 'Mr Frank J. Allen', who has sat it. 'Mr. Allen, to me it seems as if he does not know his own language, he writes Castilian with two lls.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Louis Havet, professeur au Collège de France, 16 place Vendôme') to 'Monsieur le Directeur du Journal de Bruxelles, Belgique'.

Louis Havet (1849-1925), French philologist whose classical library was acquired by the University of California
Publication details: 
14 May 1889; Paris.

12mo, 1 p, 14 lines. Good, on light-brown paper, with the address, stamps, and postmarks on the reverse. In French. He sends his thanks to the 'Journal de Bruxelles' for reproducing his 'article sur la réforme de l'orthographe'. He is sending a petition (not present) which 'en ce moment ce couvre de signatures à Paris', and will be personally grateful if his correspondent can see to it that it is reproduced 'avec les indications qui l'accompagnent'. Loose in blue paper folder with catalogue entry for the previous sale of the letter laid down on front.

Autograph Signature on letterhead.

Gilbert Murray (1866-1957), British (Australian-born) classical scholar and advocate of the League of Nations
Publication details: 
6 August 1930; on letterhead 'YATSCOMBE, BOAR'S HILL, OXFORD.'

Paper dimensions: five inches by eight inches wide. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Good clear signature reads 'Yours sincerely | Gilbert Murray. | August 6. 1930.'

Some Reminiscences and Reflections on Collecting Autographs.

Charles King Wadham [autograph collecting; Yale University Press]
Publication details: 
Dalton, Massachusetts: Maisonette. ['Privately printed, The Printing-Office of the Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, March 1931'.]

Octavo: 32 pp. Stitched. In original printed wraps. Internally clean and tight, but wraps dogeared and grubby, with closed tear and pen mark. Tissue-guarded frontispiece of Wadham, with small dogear to top corner (not affecting image). Facsimile of Whittier's autograph. Read before the 'Saturday Evening Club of Dalton'. 'My collection today is so comprehensive [sic] that I have no hesitation in soliciting the most distinguished personages; in fact, I feel that I am conferring an honor rather than offering an insult in asking them.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Paul Vinogradoff') and two Typed Letters Signed ('P. Vinogradoff') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Paul Gavrilovitch Vinogradoff [Pavel Gavriilovich Vinogradov] (1854-1925), Anglo-Russian historian and jurist
Publication details: 
Typed Letters, 24 September and 2 October 1915, both from Court Place, Iffley, Oxford; Autograph Letters, 13 February and 12 March 1924, both on letterhead of 36 Beaumont Street, Oxford.

All items very good. The typed letters are both 4to, 1 p, and the autograph letters both 12mo, 1 p. Three items bear the Society's stamp. Letter One (typed, 24 September 1915, 10 lines): He will have 'great pleasure in addressing the Society of Arts', but there is 'one point which must be settled carefully beforehand'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Sartoris, 27 Chapel Street, London.

Mary Somerville (1780-1872), Scottish scientist after whom Somerville College, Oxford is named
Publication details: 
15 July [postmarked 1844, with Penny Red stamp]; 14 Lower Belgrave St, Eaton Square [London].

16mo: 3 pp. A small bifolium (each leaf 10.5 x 9 cms) on aged paper. Discoloured strip at foot of first leaf, containing four lines of text and the signature, cut away and reattached with archival tissue, with damage to two words (not in signature). Second leaf with minor damage through breaking of seal. Good Penny Red stamp, postmarked in black, and second red postmark. The earliest she can accept the dinner invitation is the following Wednesday.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. L. Kingsley') to 'Mr. <Dekler?>'.

William Lathrop Kingsley (1824-1896), proprietor and editor of the 'New Englander and Yale Review'
Publication details: 
21 July 18<91?>; New Haven.

8vo: 4 pp. Good. Difficult handwriting. He wants him to keep the cheque, which he considers 'only a compromise between our different expectations'. 'I know that you deserve the larger sum that you spoke of - but it is a tight squeeze to make the & expenses for the year of the New Englander come out even, and I do the best I can.' With seven-line postscript.

Catalogue No. 26: 'Early Newspapers | From 1625 to 1850'.

Birrell & Garnett, Ltd., 30 Gerrard Street, London W.1 [booksellers' catalogues; bookselling]
Publication details: 
Harding & Curtis, Ltd., Somerset Street, Bath. [1929.]

Octavo: 32 pp. Stapled and unbound. Rather worn, particularly at first and last leaves. A few pencil marks and notes, and slight ink staining at head of first leaf. Twenty illustrations. 168 items; three-part index on final page. Influential catalogue, the collection sold in its entirety to Duke University. One of Birrell & Garnett's managers was Graham Pollard, co-author of the book which unmasked T. J. Wise as a forger.

Scenes from an unfinished drama, entitled Phrontisterion, or, Oxford in the 19th century.

[Henry Longueville Mansel, Dean of St Pauls; University of Oxford; J. Vincent, publisher]
Publication details: 
Oxford: Printed and published by J. Vincent, and G. Bell, Fleet Street, London. Fourth edition, 1852.

English philosopher (1820-71). 24 pages, 12mo. Very good, neatly bound in brown cloth binding. Bound in are the original grey printed wraps, affected with foxing, and with very slight damage from glue to front wrap. The rear wrap carries an advertisement of 'BOOKS LATELY PUBLISHED | BY J. VINCENT OXFORD.', including 'NINEVEH: the Best Newdigate for Years; therefore not recited in the Theatre, Oxford, July 3, 1851. 12mo. 1s.' A brilliant satire on academic reformers and German philosphers. Copac only lists copies of the third, fourth and fifth editions.

Autograph Letter Signed ['J. Arthur Thomson'] to an unnamed firm of publishers.

Sir John Arthur Thomson (1861-1933), Professor of Natural History at the University of Aberdeen, 1899-1930
Publication details: 
10 August 1914; his letterhead from the Natural History Department, Marischal College, The University, Aberdeen.

One page, octavo. On aged paper, with slight chipping to corners, but text clear and entire. He is afraid that he 'did not answer your second letter in regard to a book on Sex.' 'After careful consideration', Thomas and 'Prof. Geddes' [Sir Patrick Geddes, 1854-1932] have come to the conclusion that 'if we wrote another book on that subject it should be published either by "Walter Scott" (who has 'The Evolution of Sex') or by Williams and Norgate (who have 'Sex')' [both books, 1889 and 1914 respectively, also by Geddes and Thomson].

Autograph Note Signed ('Tho. Graham') to 'Mr. Schultze | Poland Street', printer.

Thomas Graham (1805-1869), Scottish chemist and Master of the Mint
Publication details: 
4 Gordon Square [London]; 9 June 1851.

One page, octavo. Carefully laid down on neatly-docketed larger piece of paper, but with the glue employed badly aged and causing staining. Closed tear across letter caused by removal from spike. Signature clear and unmarked. Reads 'Dear Sir, | I believe it will be better to set up the enclosed proofs, in sheets in the usual manner. The remainder of the Report will be sent immediately.'

Two Autographs Letter Signed ('George Goold' and 'George') to Paul Quinton, Classical Department, Blackwell's of Oxford; with inscribed offprint of Goold's lecture 'Richard Bentley, a Tercentenary Commemoration'.

[YALE UNIVERSITY] George Patrick Goold (1922-2002), William Lampson Professor of Latin Language and Literature, Yale University [Richard Bentley; Blackwell's of Oxford; Loeb Classical Library]
Publication details: 
LETTERS: 30 September 1977 and 3 July 1979, both on letterhead of Yale University Department of Classics; OFFPRINT (from 'Harvard Studies in Classical Philology'): Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1963.

Both letters two pages, quarto. LETTER ONE (annotated in ink with some ink marks in the blank space beneath Goold's signature): Written at the point at which Goold was relinquishing the University College Latin Chair to return to Yale. 'I told you I should be visiting Yale this autumn; and now I have to tell you that I shall be going on to Stanford after Christmas till March. Still, if I shan't have the pleasure of coming in occassionally to the bookshop, it probably means that I shall be ordering more books from you!' Orders a couple of copies of Austin's 'Aeneid'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Rhys Roberts') to Sir Frederick George Kenyon (1863-1952), Director of the British Museum.

William Rhys Roberts (1858-1929), Professor of Classics at Leeds University, and associate of J. R. R. Tolkien
Publication details: 
28 January 1918; on letterhead of the University, Leeds.

Three pages, octavo. Very good on lightly aged paper. Kenyon's paper was 'much enjoyed' when read on Saturday, and there was 'a good attendance'. '[T]he pleasantries were not missed': '1. the confusion of the inexhaustible emender; 2. the thrift of the canny Odysseus in his role of wooer; 3. Burne Jones's Law.' 'At the end some interesting questiosn were asked', for example, 'why second-rate Greek annalists shd. seemingly have been preferred to Herodotus & Thucydides'.

Autograph Card Signed ('Lamb') to Ian Treg. Jenkyn, Slade School of Fine Art, University College London.

Lynton Harold Lamb (1907-1977), British painter, book illustrator and designer
Publication details: 
[Venice; 1970].

Postcard with painting of Rialto Bridge by Canaletto. Postmarked 1970. Ruckled with damp but entirely legible. An amusing communication, beginning 'Thought I would let you know that we were not involved in the great tornado that sunk a voporetto [sic] on Lirica 4, and that the Hotel alla Fava is still very comfortable.' Refers to the Lambs' 'self-contained eyrie' and 'the weak fast coffee which tastes of mud; but clearly and obviously isn't'.

The Source of "The Ancient Mariner."

Ivor James, Registrar of The University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire [Samuel Taylor Coleridge]
Publication details: 
Cardiff: Daniel Owen and Company, Limited. 1890.

12mo: [iv] + 88 pages. Unbound. In original olive printed wraps. PRESENTATION COPY to 'Dr. Elliott | With kind regards', with around a dozen manuscript emendations. On aged paper, with loss to front wrap and spine. Each page, including the front wrap, within ruled red border. COPAC lists only five holdings.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Frank Clowes (1848-1923), Principal, University College Nottingham, and Professor of Chemistry and Metallurgy
Publication details: 
6 January 1915; on letterhead 'THE GRANGE, | COLLEGE ROAD, | DULWICH.'

One page, 12mo. Good. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Concerns 'Sir Alexander Redler's being brought up by Crookes for election to the Athenaeum by the Committee under Rule II [...] you [...] intimated that you knew Redler & that I need not descant on his virtues: he is a most clubbable man & I trust you may be able to support him'.

Manuscript document signed "William ffindall" with crude seal, "Printer in the University of Oxford.

William Findall.
Publication details: 
[Oxford], 19 May 1685.

Manuscript document, c. 9 x 8", chip from one corner not affecting text, discreet repair to long tear through signature, some soiling and fold marks, text clear as follows: "Bee it knowne unto all men by these presente that William Fyndall Printer in the University of Oxford, in consideration of the summe of five and thirty shillings of lawfull moneys of England to him in hand paid by Wright Croke of the Inner Temple London Esqre.

Autograph Letter Signed and Typed Letter Signed to Wilson Clayton.

Arthur Lionel Smith (1850-1924), historian and Master of Balliol College, Oxford
Publication details: 
Letter One (manuscript), 12 August 1919; Bamburgh, Northumberland [on Balliol letterhead]; Letter Two (typed), 10 January 1920, on Balliol Letterhead.

LETTER ONE (manuscript): Two pages, 12mo. Good on aged paper with a little light foxing. Is 'glad of the opportunity' to tell Clayton 'how highly appreciated on the Committee was the assistance you gave it, your assiduity & attention, your fairness, & your practical wisdom. Besides your kindliness & unvarying good temper were an invaluable element. For myself personally I feel I have made a new friend; wh. in old age is not so easy, & therefore is all the more agreeable.' Signed 'Arthur L Smith'. LETTER TWO (typed): three pages, octavo. Good, though slightly dogeared.

Twelve Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, [Secretary,] Royal Society of Arts.

Sir William James Ashley
Publication details: 
5 August 1913 to 9 September 1916; mainly on '3, YATELEY ROAD, | EDGBASTON' and University of Birmingham letterheads.

British economic historian (1860-1927), a disciple of Arnold Toynbee, and proponent of the historical method pioneered in Germany by such scholars as Roscher, Hildebrand and Knies. The manuscript items are all 12mo, the typed item quarto. All twelve docketed and bearing the Society's stamp, and signed 'W. T. Ashley'. The collection is in very good condition, though grubby in parts and with one or two creased corners. An interesting and characteristic correspondence. ITEM ONE (3 pages, 12mo, 5 August 1913): Declines proposal to act as examiner.

Ten Typed Letters to Mark Bonham-Carter (one signed 'Charles', one signed 'C. W.', seven initialed in type, one signed Charles in type).

Publication details: 
Four without year, the others between 1948 and 1950; only two addressed, one from Oak Park and the other from 5336 University Ave, Chicago.

American educator and philosopher (1921-2002), one of the key figures during the reorganization of the University of Chicago’s undergraduate college in the 1960s and 70s. All ten items quarto: five items one page in length and five two pages in length. Text legible throughout, but all items creased and some on paper discoloured with age. With occasional fraying to edges and a few closed tears. Several with pencil notes by Bonham-Carter on reverse.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Joseph Romilly
Publication details: 
30 July 1852; Cambridge.

Cambridge divine (1791-1864) who arranged and catalogued all the University's papers. Two pages, 16mo, very good. 'Pray accept my best thanks for all your kindness with regard to that poor flighty creature Mrs Stone. I am very sorry to hear that Mrs Stoughton Money Kyrle [wife of James Stoughton Money Kyrle, 1813-52] has had the misfortune to become a widow. Will you be so good as to give my best remembrances to that amiable & most agreeable lady?'

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Andrew Preston Peabody
Publication details: 
Cambridge, Oct. 23, 1862'.

American Unitarian clergyman (1811-93) and editor and proprietor of the North American Review; Professor of Christian Morals at Harvard, 1860-81. One page, octavo. Good but on discoloured paper with slight spotting. 'It is my invariable rule not to send proof to any writer for the North American. You are however at entire liberty, to see the proof of your article by your own arrangement with the printers, who will be very ready to oblige you.' Signed 'A. P. Peabody'.

Autograph Letter Signed [to the editor of the North American Review].

William Edward Hartpole Lecky
Publication details: 
16 February 1891; on letterhead '38, Onslow Gardens, S.W.'

Two pages, 12mo. Very good. Thanks his correspondent for 'your kind letter & for the hospitality you have given me in the North American Review. I hope you will be able to bring out my article in the March Number as the political Kaleidoscope changes so quickly that some part may appear belated if it is long delayed.' Asks for a change to be made if it is not possible to bring the piece out in the March issue. Signed 'W E H Lecky'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed to Mark [Bonham-Carter].

George Malcolm Young
G.M. Young
Publication details: 
14 July 1945, 1 December 1946, 8 May 1947; all on letterhead 'THE OLD OXYARD, | OARE, | MARLBOROUGH, | WILTS.'
G.M. Young

English historian (1882-1959). All three items, two pages, quarto. All good, though grubby and lightly creased. Three intimate and revealing letters. ITEM ONE apparently sent to Bonham-Carter in America. 'You will soon be back, I think. Are you now occupied in assembling and correlating your observations? [...] I should guess it was quite impossible to think when a Presidential election is going on. | I have been spending a fortnight in Oxford and I asked some of the early-middle-aged dons what the undergraduates were thinking.

Two Typed Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Isaiah Bowman [John Hopkins University; American Geographical Society of New York; Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
13 July 1916 and 26 May 1917; on American Geographical Society letterheads.

Canadian-born American geographer (1878-1950), President of John Hopkins University, a member of the American delegation at the Dumbarton Oaks Conference, at which the United Nations was founded. Both letters docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Both good though lightly creased and on slightly discoloured paper; letter one with a spike-hole (not affecting text) and letter two with rust stains from a paperclip.

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