Printed Ephemera

Signed photograph of Mrs Patrick Campbell (Beatrice Stella Cornwallis-West), laid down on a leaf from an autograph album which has the signature of the Czech violinist and composer Jan Kubelik on the reverse.

Mrs Patrick Campbell (1865-1940; born Beatrice Stella Tanner and later Beatrice Stella Cornwallis-West), English actress; Jan Kubelik (1880-1940), Czech violinist and composer
Signed photograph of Mrs Patrick Campbell
Publication details: 
Undated. Photograph printed by Haycock, Cadle & Graham Ltd., Camberwell, London, S.E.5'.
Signed photograph of Mrs Patrick Campbell

Fair, on lightly-aged paper. The publicity photograph of Mrs Patrick Campbell, : Roughly 10.5 x 13 cm. Printed in green. Depicts her leaning forwards, with neck and forearms exposed. Across the foot she has written: 'Beatrice Stella Cornwallis West. | (Mrs. Patrick Campbell)'. Laid down on a leaf from an autograph album, on the reverse of which is Kubelik's signature: 'jan Kubelik | 25.XI.1921'.

Fifteen Royal Air Force aerial photographs of 'BON CHAUNG RU 685739 Sector with MYITTHA River' [Myanmar], taken during the Burma Campaign of the Second World War.

[RAF Third Tactical Air Force; Burma Campaign, Second World War; Myanmar; aerial reconnaissance]
Fifteen Royal Air Force aerial photographs of 'BON CHAUNG RU 685739 Sector with
Publication details: 
Taken between April 1943 and September 1944.
Fifteen Royal Air Force aerial photographs of 'BON CHAUNG RU 685739 Sector with

The fifteen black and white photographic prints are each roughly 14 cm square. All on 'Crown Copyright' paper. Each is photographed with a dated code at the foot in white ink. All images legible. In fair condition, lightly-creased and worn. Eight of the photographs have brief captions on reverse. The shadow of the reconnaissance plane can be seen in one image.

Letter, in a secretarial hand, signed by P. A. Latham, secretary of the Nevada Land and Cattle Company, Limited, to Sir James Kitson, regarding his '1000 shares', enclosing a printed circular by Latham on the Company's behalf.

P. A. Latham, Secretary, The Nevada Land and Cattle Company, Limited [Sir James Kitson of Gledhow Hall, Leeds]
The Nevada Land and Cattle Company
Publication details: 
Letter: 13 December 1888; on letterhead of the Nevada Land and Cattle Company Limited, 15 St Helen's Place, Bishopsgate Street, London. Circular: 29 November 1888; from the same address.
The Nevada Land and Cattle Company

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. LETTER: 4to, 2 pp. He is enclosing the 'circular letter recently sent out to all the shareholders of this Company, whose shares are not fully paid', but as Kitson has 'paid in full in advance of calls on the 1000 shares' in his name 'by way of Loan to the Company', he informs him of the sum to be transferred to his account. On 3 April 1889 Kitson's 'loan a/c will be closed and your shares will be fully paid'. CIRCULAR: 4to, 1 p.

[Small card, part-printed part manuscript] An Account shewing what has been Redeemed of the National Debt, the Land Tax, and Imperial Loan to the Ist Novr 1807

[Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville; National Debt]
An Account shewing what has been Redeemed of the National Debt,
Publication details: 
[Nov. 1807]
An Account shewing what has been Redeemed of the National Debt,

Card, c.11 x 7cm, [RECTO] date "Ist Novr 1807" in manuscript as are the figures in acolumn after categorisation as follows: "Redeemed by Annual Million &c [£] 66.968.173 | Do.[corrected in ms. to] on acct of Loans 61.622.815 | Do. by Land Tax 22.942.813 | Do. by £1. pr. Ct. pr. Ann . on Imp. Loan 814.723 | Total £ 152.340.529 | The sum to be expended in the ensuing Quarter is £2.529.224.155. [VERSO] [Manuscript] The Rt Honble Lord Melville". It appears that Melville and, presumably, others, received monthly notice of the size of the National Debt and other figures.

Map by A. B. Becher showing 'The Course of the Quorra, (the Joliba or Niger of Park) from the Journals of Messrs. Richard and John Lander. With their Route from Badagry to the Northward, in 1830.'

Alexander Bridport Becher, 1796-1876 [Hugh Clapperton (1788-1827); Richard Lemon Lander (1804-1834); John Lander (1807-1839); Niger [Quorra] River, Nigeria; Africa]
Map by A. B. Becher showing 'The Course of the Quorra
Publication details: 
'A. B. Becher, del. J. & C. Walker, Sculpt.' [Produced to accompany the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, vol. 1, 1831.]
Map by A. B. Becher showing 'The Course of the Quorra

Approximately 27.5 x 31 cm. Printed in black and white, with relief shown by hill shading. A detailed map, showing the routes of the 1830 expeditions in Nigeria of the Landers' and of Captain Clapperton. Lightly aged, with closed tears unobtrusively repaired with archival paper. Small vignettes of 'Eboe House' and 'Hut called in Borgoo, Catambo.'

Lithograph of drawing of Thomas Hardy by Sir William Rothenstein, from his series 'English Portraits' (1898), printed by Thomas Way.

Sir William Rothenstein (1872-1945) [Thomas Way (1837-1915), lithographic printer; Thomas Hardy]
Lithograph of drawing of Thomas Hardy by Sir William Rothenstein
Publication details: 
[Print published in 1898; drawing dated 1897.] ['T. WAY, IMPT. LONDON'.]
Lithograph of drawing of Thomas Hardy by Sir William Rothenstein

Printed in black and white on piece of paper approximately 24.5 x 27.5 cm. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Tipped in into modern white card mount with window frame. From his series of 'English Portraits' (1898). A facsimile of Rothenstein's initials and his dating are in the bottom left-hand corner of the engraving ('W. x R 97'), with Way's slug in the bottom right-hand corner. Fine representation of Hardy, staring warily at the viewer with hands in pockets.

[Printed on playbill sheet.] (Copy of a Letter in "THE TIMES" of Tuesday, February 14th, 1854.) Mr Charles Mathews and the Lyceum Theatre. To the Editor of the Times. [On his difficulties with creditors and the temporary closure of the theatre.]

Charles James Mathews (1803-1878), British actor-manager [The Lyceum Theatre, London; Covent Garden]
Charles James Mathews (1803-1878), British actor-manager
Publication details: 
Dated 'Lyceum, Feb. 12. [1854] C. J. MATHEWS'.
Charles James Mathews (1803-1878), British actor-manager

Printed for display, on one side of a piece of paper 24.5 x 49.5 cm. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper, with one closed tear and bottom right-hand corner lacking, causing slight loss to the last letter of Mathews' name at foot of document. Heading in bold type in a variety of point sizes. Giving a 'brief statement of my fourteen years' struggle and of my latest difficulty'.

[Printed items.] Prospectus and application form for 1897 flotation of London United Laundries, Limited, with poster carrying fifteen photographs of 'Businesses to be acquired by the Company' and publicity flier headed 'A Great Laundry Amalgamation'.

The London United Laundries, Limited [Directors: The Hon. Reginald Brougham, A. C. Lyster, Murray Marshall, F. A. Baldwin, Ernest Honey]
The London United Laundries, Limited
Publication details: 
Prospectus 'Dated May 27th, 1897, London'; Roberts & Leete, Ltd., Printers, London. Other three items contemporaneous.
The London United Laundries, Limited

All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Prospectus. Folio, 7 pp. To raise share capital of £230,000. Lists the '13 modern Steam Laundries', four 'Receiving Depots', 'Dyeing and Cleaning Works' and 'recently-established Laundry Supply Stores' the company was being 'formed to acquire as going concerns, and still further develop'. Includes section on 'Advantages of the Amalgamation', auditors' and valuers' reports and memorandum of association. TWO: Application form. Folio, 1 p. Perforated, with 'Bankers' Receipt'. THREE: Publicity flier. Folio, 2 pp.

[Corrected galley proofs of four articles (from Notes and Queries) by Henry Fitzgerald Reynolds headed 'Irish Family History', the first titled 'Delamar (or Delamere) of Co Westmeath', and the second 'XVIII Century Wills and Other Documents'.

Henry Fitzgerald Reynolds [Irish family history; genealogy; the Delamar (Delamere) family of County Westmeath, Ireland]
Publication details: 
No article with date or name of publisher, but c.1943 (see below).

All items with text clear and complete; and both good, on aged paper, with slight rust-damage from paperclip at head of the Delamar article. DELAMAR ARTICLE: Headed 'IRISH FAMILY HISTORY. | DELAMAR (OR DELAMERE) OF CO WESTMEATH. | (See 12 S, iii, 500; xii. 293.)' Complete on seven numbered strips, each 13 x 56 cm. With manuscript emendations in black and red in margins. WILLS ARTICLE: Headed 'IRISH FAMILY HISTORY. | XVIII CENTURY WILLS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. | (See cli. 131).' On strip of paper 16.5 x 68 cm. With a couple of corrections in pencil in margin.

[Printed pamphlet by 'The Directors of the well known Strand Electric and Engineering Company Limited'] A Completely New Glossary of Technical Theatrical Terms [...] With an Appendix of the Colours used for Lighting the Plays [...]

[Theatrical Terms]
A Completely New Glossary of Technical Theatrical Terms
Publication details: 
'Commencing Novr. 1st. 1947, and thereafter so long as supplies shall last!'] 'Smudgeham & Fowlem, Steam Printers, The Cut, Waterloo.' [i.e. The Strand Electric & Engineering Co., Ltd., 24 Floral St, Covent Garden, London.]
A Completely New Glossary of Technical Theatrical Terms

Irregular (12 x 23.5 cm), 32 pp. In fair condition, aged and lightly worn. In original wraps, with cover design, in a variety of types and point sizes, imitating an early nineteenth-century handbill, stating that 'all Profits for the Benefit of the Deserving Actors' Orphanage. | Free list entirely suspended | Fees payable in advance are 2s. per copy'.

Scrapbook containing two hundred engravings and photographs of mainly Victorian and Edwardian traction engines, road rollers and locomotives, with one blueprint.

[Victorian and Edwardian traction engines]
Victorian and Edwardian traction engines
Publication details: 
The scrapbook undated (collection assembled in 1920s?).
Victorian and Edwardian traction engines

The scrapbook is landscape 8vo (28 x 18.5 cm), and contains 28 leaves of brown paper tied together with ribbon, on which, together with the inside of the back cover, the images (dating from between 1860 and 1928) are laid down. The scrapbook lacks the front cover, and its leaves are worn, but the images are in good overall condition, with occasional wear and creasing. Ranging in size from 14.5 x 11 cm ('Fowler 8/c Traction About 1875. Jointed Horn Plates.') to 7.5 x 5.5 cm ('S/c Traction (About 1875-80)'.

[Mimeographed] "What is Project CN" [Communications Network Inc.; Race in America, 1968]

[Isaac Igarashi, Pat Walsh, Robert Maurer, et al; Race in America 1968]
Communications Network Inc.; Race in America, 1968
Publication details: 
[New York, 1968]
Communications Network Inc.; Race in America, 1968

10 mimeographed pages, 4to (A4), small rust marks where staple used to be, (pages now detached), mainly good condition, discussing a newly founded organisation, with some church involvement, to stimulate Black participation in American society. Headings include: I. The Dark Backdrop; II. The Options; III. Project CN - Unique Approach (developing over thelast seventeen months!, including list of crisis points - Martin Luther's King's assassination, Tuskagee, support of workers groups, "Eastman Kodak encounter with FIGHT", etc); IV.

[Broadsheet, folded] "The Mess-Room Companion" from the "British Army and Navy Review" For January, 1866 ... [detailed information about the Army and Navy in 1866].

[British Army and Royal Navy: distribution 1866]
"The Mess-Room Companion" from the "British Army and Navy Review"
Publication details: 
The United Service Company (Limited), Army and Navy Agents and Bankers, 9, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall London, [1866].
"The Mess-Room Companion" from the "British Army and Navy Review"

Two pages, broadsheet, 64 x 50cm, one side giving the "Distribution of the British Arny" (in red and black), the other the "Distribution of the British Navy in Commission" (in blue and black), folded, small closed tears on folds, and other very minor defects. An attractive piece obviously designed for a wall or notice-board, military or naval.

[Printed transcript of the Chartist Petition of 1839.] Supplement to the Votes and Proceedings. Veneris, 14o die Junii, 1839. Petition (national) of the thereundersigned, for universal suffrage, &c.

[Chartist Petition of 1839; Universal Suffrage]
Chartist Petition of 1839
Publication details: 
[From the Journals of the House of Commons, 1839?]
Chartist Petition of 1839

Folio, 2 pp, paginated 241 and 242. Text clear and complete. On worn and aged paper, with closed tears, and repair to the margins. Circular red stamp of the Mansion House (the official resident of the Lord Mayor of London) at head of first page. The item had been folded into a package, docketed in pencil 'A', and in pen 'H.M | No. 1', and has manuscript marking to the margins.

Woven silk portrait of Adolphe Thiers by J.-B. Champrony of Saint-Étienne, on printed backing, as a souvenir of the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878.

J.-B. Champromy, Fabricant à Saint-Étienne, Portraits et Cravates en Soie [Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878; Adolphe Thiers]
Woven silk portrait of Adolphe Thiers by J.-B. Champrony of Saint-Étienne
Publication details: 
[Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878.]
Woven silk portrait of Adolphe Thiers by J.-B. Champrony of Saint-Étienne

[Stevengraph] Piece of silk, 7 x 11 cm, woven in red, white, blue, black and gold. Portrait of a bespectacled Thiers in an oval, draped with two French flags, with decorations including a quill and a book, and topped by castellated coronet and banner reading 'A. THIERS'. Woven beneath the portrait is 'LIBERATEUR DU TERRITOIRE | 1ER PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE'. Laid down on original printed bookmark, reading 'EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE | 1878 | GALERIE DU TRAVAIL | METIERS POUR RUBANS | PORTRAITS ET CRAVATES EN SOIE | J.-B. CHAMPRONY | FABRICANT A SAINT-ÉTIENNE'.

Letter [a printed memoir with no formal title concerning conditions in Scotland in the early eighteenth-century].

[John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns]
John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns
Publication details: 
Letter dated Munches, Feb. 8th, 1811.
John Maxwell of Munches and Terraughty, friend of Robert Burns

Four pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, not bound, minor blemishes inc. foxing, pencil lines forming large cross on pages 2-3. Full heading: The following LETTER was written by JOHN MAXWELL of Munches and Terraughty, when, in his 92nd year, at the request of Mr HERRIES of Spettes, for he information of Mr CURWEN, a Cumberland gentleman, who was making a Agricultural Tour through Galloway in the year 1811. As a factor, landed proprietor, and public character generally, Mr MAXWELL, who died in the year 1814, enjoyed peculiar opportunities for observation.

Corrected galley proof of nonsense poem by 'M. S.' [the Faber & Faber production manager Montague Shaw?] entitled 'Cowkeeper's Tune'.

[Montague Shaw, production manager, Faber & Faber Ltd]
Montague Shaw, production manager, Faber & Faber Ltd
Publication details: 
[Undated. London: Faber & Faber, 1950s?]
Montague Shaw, production manager, Faber & Faber Ltd

The text area is about 13.5 x 30 cm, on the top half of a slip of paper around twice as long. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The lower half of the slip is blank apart from the pagination 196. Headed 'EPILOGUE | COWKEEPER'S TUNE', and beginning 'Unless your window is fitted with very strong iron bars and, just to make sure, your window locks, | Do not attempt to keep a Dexter cow in your window box.' Signed in type at end 'M.

Collection of material relating to Captain Rex Davis's Conservative candidacy for the 'National Government' coalition in the Wednesbury By-Election, 1932. Including manuscript and typescript letters, telegrams, fliers, report and photographs.

[Captain Rex Graham Davis (d.1953), MC, Conservative candidate for the 'National Government' coalition in the Wednesbury By-Election, 1932]
Collection of material relating to Captain Rex Davis's Conservative candidacy
Publication details: 
1932. [Wednesbury and London.]
Collection of material relating to Captain Rex Davis's Conservative candidacy

108 items, in a variety of formats, and including 17 Autograph Letters Signed; 14 Typed Letters Signed; 47 telegrams (on 51 leaves), a 'Statement of Election Expenses', a mimeographed 'Agent's Report. Year 1932' (4to, first 3 pp only); 3 election fliers; an 'Admission Ticket' to Davis's 'Adoption Meeting'; a printed notice by Davis 'To All Primrose Leaguers'; and seventeen black and white photographs. All but a few items laid down in a folio cloth scrapbook by W. Straker Ltd, London. All texts clear and complete, with the collection in fair condition on aged paper.

[Printed handbill.] Books Printed for and Sold by Cornelius Crownfield at the University-press in Cambridge.

Cornelius Crownfield (fl.1710-1740), Inspector of the Press, Cambridge University [Richard Bentley, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge; Cambridge University Press]
Books Printed for and Sold by Cornelius Crownfield at the University-press in Ca
Publication details: 
Cambridge. [Circa 1716.]
Books Printed for and Sold by Cornelius Crownfield at the University-press in Ca

12mo, 2 pp. On disbound leaf. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Drop-head title. First page with, and second page without, catchword. Ten learned works are listed, beginning with the ill-fated 'Suidae Lexicon, Graece & Latine' ('3 Vol. Folio, 1710'). The earliest dates from 1706 and the latest from 1716. According to the Victoria County History, it was under Richard Bentley that 'Crownfield ('a Dutchman . . .

Offprint of article in the 'Penrith Observer' by A. W. Rumney, concerning his ancestor Thomas Rumney, Mellfell, Watermillock, titled 'Old Time Local Life. A Cumberland Farmer's Out-goings A Hundred Years Ago.'

A. W. Rumney [Thomas Rumney, Mellfell, Watermillock; Cumberland farming in the Georgian period; Miss Emma Clark Abraham (1850-1934) of Liverpool and Swarthmoor Hall, Ulverston; T. F. Hofland]
Cumberland farming in the Georgian period
Publication details: 
From the Penrith Observer, 14, 21 and 28 November and 5 December 1911.
Cumberland farming in the Georgian period

Five columns of text, each 51 cm long, on one side of piece of paper, 42 x 57 cm. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. An autograph note on the reverse by Miss E. C. Abraham of Swarthmoor Hall, Ulverston, states that the item was sent to her its author A. W. Rumney, whose presentation inscription ('With best wishes for Xmas | AWR') is at the head of the article. The first column discusses the accounts which cover the remaining four columns, dating from 'the year of Waterloo' 1815. The entry 'Sept. 2, Pd. for Mrs. Hofland's packages per wagon ... ... ...

Printed Victorian handbill for 'Walford's Royal Military & Naval Warograph and Vocophone Company', including 'Walford's animated pictures by means of the most perfect Cinematograph', with Autograph Letter Signed from E. W. Walford to Wivenhoe School.

[E. W. Walford, 'originator of the Walford Family's Entertainments'; Walford's Royal Military & Naval Warograph and Vocophone Company; Walford's Animated Pictures; Victorian cinema; Thomas Edison]
E. W. Walford, 'originator of the Walford Family's Entertainments'
Publication details: 
Handbill advertising show on 10 February [1902]. Letter dated 10 April [no year]; on Walford's letterhead, The Bungalow, Bletchingley, Surrey.
E. W. Walford, 'originator of the Walford Family's Entertainments'

Surprisingly little is known about this British cinematographic pioneer, and these items are rare survivals, there being no reference to Walford on COPAC. Handbill: 8vo (27 x 21 cm). Printed on both sides. Clear and complete. Aged and creased, with damage at edges. In portrait 8vo on one side, with picture of British Army lancer and border of Union Flags. Headed 'Great Additions with Augmented Change of Artistes since last visit. | The Schoolroom, Watton. | Monday, February 10th.' 'Walford's Royal Military and Naval Warograph & Vocophone Co.

Advertisement for royal caterer '"The Original" Mr. W. G. Sylvester [...] (Established 1878) The acknowledged old-established leading London royal fête, gala, and entertainment caterer (up-to-date)'. With two quotations by Sylvester, one signed.

[Mr. W. G. Sylvester, 271 Clapham Road, London, S.W., royal caterer; Sylvester's Royal Bioscope; Royal Crown Cricketers]
"The Original" Mr. W. G. Sylvester
Publication details: 
Quotations dated 23 and 26 May 1911; both on elaborate letterhead. Advertisement from around the same period.
"The Original" Mr. W. G. Sylvester

ADVERTISEMENT: 4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Printed in blue and red, in a variety of fonts and point sizes. Photograph of Sylvester on front page, which has a red border featuring illustrations of entertainments. Royal warrant at head: 'Under the distinguished patronage of his most gracious majesty the late King Edward the Seventh and Queen Alexandra, Sandringham, 1901 and 1902.' The centre pages begin 'W. G. S.

Photograph of Dame Peggy Ashcroft at her country home Vine Cottage, from the collection of Jill Balcon (taken by her?), with an inscription by Balcon.

[Dame Peggy Ashcroft [Edith Margaret Emily Ashcroft] (1907-1991); Jill Balcon [Jill Angela Henriette Balcon] (1925-2009), actress]
Dame Peggy Ashcroft
Publication details: 
Undated (1980s?).
Dame Peggy Ashcroft

Colour photograph in grey card wallet frame. Dimensions of photograph 13 x 18 cm. Dimensions of frame 18 x 23 cm. In good condition. A head and shoulders shot of a smiling old Ashcroft in overcoat outdoors in the countryside. Captioned by Balcon on frame at foot of photograph 'Peggy Ashcroft at Vine Cottage (called by her "The Tiny Palace")'. Part of Balcon's own collection.

Signed bromide print of photograph by Mark Gerson of the actress Jill Balcon with bust of Cecil Day-Lewis.

Mark Gerson (b.1921), photographer [Jill Balcon [Jill Angela Henriette Balcon] (1925-2009), actress]
Jill Balcon with bust of Cecil Day-Lewis
Publication details: 
'London. Mark Gerson. AIBP/ARPS'. Circa 1961.
Jill Balcon with bust of Cecil Day-Lewis

Black and white matt bromide print photograph in card frame with covering flap. Dimensions of photograph 20 x 25 cm. Dimensions of frame 25.5 x 32 cm. A head and shoulders shot of Balcon, staring across the photograph from the right, left hand at right shoulder, with the bust of Day-Lewis facing her from the left. Inscription in pencil on frame beneath photograph: 'London. Mark Gerson. AIBP/ARPS'. Photograph and inscription in excellent condition; frame aged and worn.

Photographic studio portrait of the English novelist Stella Gibbons by the photographer Yvonne Gregory.

Yvonne Gregory (1889-1970), photographer, wife of Bertram Park (1883-1972) [Stella Gibbons (1902-1989)]
Yvonne Gregory (1889-1970), photographer: Stella Gibbons
Publication details: 
Without date [1940s?] or place. Printed label of Yvonne Gregory on reverse, giving the photograph's 'Reference File No.' as 'YG/A546/A.'
Yvonne Gregory (1889-1970), photographer: Stella Gibbons

Image roughly 7 x 9.5 cm, on piece of paper 8 x 10.5 cm, mounted on recto of second leaf of a cream card bifolium, with a window frame through first leaf. Printed label on reverse of second leaf reads: 'This photograph is copyright and mahy not be copied or reproduced in any way whatsoever. Legal proceedings may be taken against any infringement. | YVONNE GREGORY.' In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Head and shoulders three-quarters profile, from Gibbons' right, showing the novelist in a tailored jacket with padded shoulders.

[Pamphlet, bifolium] Letters on the Signs of the Times. To the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London [addressed in Southcott's hand].

[Joanna Southcott and Jane Townley, her patron]
Publication details: 
Printed by S. Rousseau, Wood Street, Spa Fields, London, [1804].

Four pages, 4to, marks from folding as letter, some pinholes, edges sl. ragged, text clear and complete. Copies were abviously sent to church (ands other) personnel, this one being addressed possibly in Southcott's sprawling hand[papers in the BL only indicate that people did her writing for her - I've yet to find a sample beyong a signature] to the Church Warden | Bedfont, East | Middlesex || for the Curate. It is docketed with the date 7 July 1804 received, Townley writes to the Bishop, Joanna Southcott at greater length to Jane Townley. According to BBTI, the printer, S.

[Pamphlet] An Intimation of the Deputies of the States General, in a late discourse with Mr. Sidney, Extra-ordinary Envoy from His Majesty of Great Britain.

Publication details: 
[London, 1680]

4pp., [pp.1-4], disbound, twoo leaves almost detached from eachother, edges chipped and stained, some other marking, text clear and complete.

[Printed prospectus.] The General Apothecaries' Company, (Limited.) Capital, £10,000., with Power to Increase to £100,000., in shares of £10. each.

[The General Apothecaries' Company, (Limited.)]
The General Apothecaries' Company
Publication details: 
Office, Laboratories, and Central Wholesale and Retail Depot, 49, Berners Street, Oxford Street, London. 1856.
The General Apothecaries' Company

Folio, 3 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper. Giving a list of the Company's officers, including the six directors. Incorporated in 1856, and wound up by liquidators in 1861. Setting out the Company's aims and purposes, beginning 'This Company has been established to meet the urgent public demand for pure Drugs and Chemicals, and for Medicines prepared by the aid of the present advanced state of science.' Containing a long quotation from The Times regarding 'the evils arising from the prevalence of adulteration of Drugs and Chemicals employed in Medicine'.

[Printed handbill.] Programme of the Soirée at the Royal Institution, Colquitt-street, top of Bold-street, [...] On Thursday, the 22nd of April, 1852. Joseph Brooks Yates, Esq., F.S.A., M.R.G.S., F.P.S., President.

David P. Thomson, M.D., &c., Hon. Secretary to the Executive Committee [Liverpool Royal Institution]
Programme of the Soirée at the Royal Institution
Publication details: 
Dated 'Liverpool, April, 1852.'
Programme of the Soirée at the Royal Institution

4to, 1 p. Dimensions 20.5 x 25 cm. 42 lines of text, in a variety of point sizes. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper. A varied bill, more entertainment than instruction, beginning 'The Museum will be thrown open at six o'clock', with references to 'the electric light', 'the large Bird-room [...] Mr. State, the Patentee', 'Mr Hobbs [...] his celebrated lock', 'a Welsh Harper', 'Mr. J. Hallett Sheppard [...] on the Grand Piano-forte', 'Mr. Henry Haydn Rogers, Pupil of Chopin', 'Miss Glyn [...] will read Macbeth.', 'Mr. Waldie, F.C.S.', 'Mr.

Printed 'Proof of a Report - never issued' regarding 'the right of the Liverpool Library to the occupation of a certain part of the Lyceum', with a long manuscript memorandum and an Autograph Letter Signed from attorney John Robinson to John Abraham.

John Abraham (1813-1881) of Clay & Abraham, pharmaceutical chemists [The Lyceum, Bold Street, Liverpool; Liverpool Library]
 Liverpool Library
Publication details: 
Robinson's letter: 20 February 1867; Coburg Terrace, West Derby Road, Liverpool. Other items undated [c. 1850?].
 Liverpool Library

The subscription Liverpool Library within the Lyceum, founded in 1757, is believed to have been the first circulating or lending library in Europe, and the first two of these items provide a valuable insight into its status at the time when the advent of the public library system was undermining its position.

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