[Printed exhibition catalogue.] William Butler Yeats 1865-1939 | Catalogue of an Exhibition 13th-22nd May 1965 | Opened by T. R. Henn, C.B.E., D.Litt. Fellow of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge.

[W. B. Yeats [William Butler Yeats]; T. R. Henn [Thomas Rice Henn]; the Library, University of Newcastle upon Tyne; St Catharine's College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Newcastle upon Tyne. The Library. [1965.]

[18]pp., 4to. Duplicated typed pamphlet, printed on the rectos of eighteen leaves, stapled into green card covers. Full-page introduction followed by catalogue with 59 entries, with commentary. Scarce: no copy traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] Intermediate Education Board for Ireland. 1909. Exhibition and Prize Lists. Boys & Girls.

[Intermediate Education Board for Ireland]
Publication details: 
Dublin: Printed for the Intermediate Education Board for Ireland By Browne and Nolan, Ltd., Nassau Street. [1909.]

73pp., 8vo. In blue card wraps, with notice on pink slip tipped-in at front. In fair condition, on aged paper, with rusting staples. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Giving the names and schools of the recipients of various prizes. Scarce.

[Booklet; Ballantyne Press] Edinburgh Exhibitiuon 1886 | Printing as in the Olden Time at the Ballantyne Press Olde Streete | CATALOGUE

[Ballantyne Press; Walter Scott]
Publication details: 
The Ballantyne Press | Ballantyne & Hanson, Edinburgh London, [1886]

Booklet, [16pp., 16mo, inc. paper covers. foxing, mainly good condition. Two copies listed on COPAC, Edinburgh and the National Library of Scotland.

[Sir Charles Holroyd, English engraver, first Keeper of the Tate Gallery.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Thomson'

Sir Charles Holroyd (1861-1917), English engraver, first Keeper of the Tate Gallery, and Director of the National Gallery
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the National Gallery, British Art, Millbank, London, S.W. 28 February 1906.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He writes to apologise that he 'cannot get away to see the Holbein' at the previously arranged time, because he has a meeting with 'my accounting officer'. He suggests an alternative time, and apologises 'heartily for my mistake'.

[George Marshall Ward, artist and engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G R Ward') to H. Magford, offering to lend two works by his father James Ward to the Crystal Palace, and the exhibition of another one among Manchester 'merchant Princes'.

George Marshall Ward (1798-1879), artist and engraver, son of the artist James Ward (1769-1859) [The Crystal Palace; Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, 1857]
Publication details: 
31 Fitzroy Square W. [London] 27 April 1857.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In very good condition, neatly placed by the second leaf in a windowpane mount. He has 'received an intimation' that his picture is in Bond Street ('from whence I must fetch it'), and is writing to say that he has 'two Pictures by my Father (one very small but a beautiful little bit) the other the Peak in Derbyshire; a Landscape by Smith of Chichester & a copy of mine after Liverseege all of which I would lend to the Crystal Palace if you would like to have them'. He can deliver these to Bond St on collecting the other.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'F. Cook' to the Secretary of the French Exhibition in Pall Mall, requesting the return of a painting 'by Mr. L. Veneaux', with reference to Ernest Gambart.

F. Cook of 4 Childs Place, Temple Bar [Ernest Gambart (1814-1902), Belgian-born proprietor of the French Gallery, 120/121 Pall Mall, London]
Publication details: 
4 Childs Place, Temple Bar [London]. 12 April 1860.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He has been 'requested by Mr. L. Veneaux to desire you to return the Picture (Boulonaise) which was delivered at your Gallery at the last Winter Exhibition but being a French Picture was not Exhibited, but allowed to remain for the French one'. He has already made an application 'in Berners Street and Mr. Gambart said the proper place to apply to was at the Gallery.' Graves claims 'L. Veneaux' as a misprint for 'V. Vemaux' of 30 Piccadilly, who exhibited 'Souvenir of Eguihen, near Boulogne-sur-mer' at the Royal Academy in 1853.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R. H. Sherlock') from Randall Hopley Sherlock, editor of the Liverpool Mail, describing for his friend Mrs Roper the London International Exhibition of Industry and Art of 1862 at South Kensington.

Randall Hopley Sherlock (d.1875), editor of the Liverpool Mail [The London International Exhibition of Industry and Art of 1862 (Great London Exposition) at South Kensington]
Publication details: 
15 Holland Street, Kensington, W [London]. 1 August [1862.]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. He begins: 'My dear Mrs. Roper - | I have been rather long in fulfilling my promise to write - but I must lay all the blame on this most attractive International from which I can hardly tear myself away! My journey was a very pleasant one on Tuesday with agreeable fellow-passengers, there was another Bouquet besides mine in the carriage - but tell dear Annie it would bear no comparison with mine!

[Pamphlet] Le Corbusier. Architecture Town Planning Painting Sculpture Tapestry[.] An international exhibition First shewing in this country[.] Exhibition Guide.

Le Corbusier.
Publication details: 
No place or date [1950s?]
Le Corbusier.

Four folding leaves (6 pages of print, probably mimeographed or similar), 12mo, unpaginated but apparently complete, one staple, illustrated cover with title as above, damage to spine, closed tears, contents good, two minor changes (including imitate changed to mitigate). Two galleries are mentioned in the text (containing works), the Wavertree Gallery, Bowring Gallery, and the Prince George Gallery. Wavertee suggests Liverpool, but I aait ilumination as to place. However the only copy recorded on COPAC and WorldCat finds itself in Cardiff (minimally described).

Woven silk portrait of Adolphe Thiers by J.-B. Champrony of Saint-Étienne, on printed backing, as a souvenir of the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878.

J.-B. Champromy, Fabricant à Saint-Étienne, Portraits et Cravates en Soie [Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878; Adolphe Thiers]
Woven silk portrait of Adolphe Thiers by J.-B. Champrony of Saint-Étienne
Publication details: 
[Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878.]
Woven silk portrait of Adolphe Thiers by J.-B. Champrony of Saint-Étienne

[Stevengraph] Piece of silk, 7 x 11 cm, woven in red, white, blue, black and gold. Portrait of a bespectacled Thiers in an oval, draped with two French flags, with decorations including a quill and a book, and topped by castellated coronet and banner reading 'A. THIERS'. Woven beneath the portrait is 'LIBERATEUR DU TERRITOIRE | 1ER PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE'. Laid down on original printed bookmark, reading 'EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE | 1878 | GALERIE DU TRAVAIL | METIERS POUR RUBANS | PORTRAITS ET CRAVATES EN SOIE | J.-B. CHAMPRONY | FABRICANT A SAINT-ÉTIENNE'.

Autograph Letter Signed Ph. Pusey to Lord Granville, vice president of the Board of Trade in 1848, who took a prominent part in promoting the Great Exhibition of 1851, concerning plans for the Great Exhibition.

Philip Pusey. reforming agriculturist and politician.
Autograph Letter Signed Ph. Pusey to Lord Granville
Publication details: 
Pusey, 15 March 1850.
Autograph Letter Signed Ph. Pusey to Lord Granville

Three pages, 12mo, fold marks, tiny closed tears, mainly good condition. He is grateful that Granville has eased his anxiety. It relieves me from all uneasiness but in case you should consider it expedient to make The Queen's gracious intentions known to the R[oyal] Ag[ricultural] Society. I mention that their Council will be held on Wednesday next for the last time before the Easter Holidays. | The wish of the Society is made know by their question put relative to Hyde Park.

[Printed item.] Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography 1796-1896. [With introduction by Louis Prang.]

Louis Prang [The Grolier Club, Artistic Lithography Exhibition, 1896; The De Vinne Press]
 Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography
Publication details: 
[The De Vinne Press.] At the Grolier Club, 29 East 32nd Street, New York, 6 to 28 March 1896.
 Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography

12mo, 73 pp. Introduction followed by bibliography (pp.11-19). In original red and black printed wraps. Good tight copy, in lightly-worn and chipped wraps. Unlimited edition, without illustrations. The only copies of this edition at the British Library and University of London.

Six Typed Letters and Notes Signed 'Cecil Harcourt Smith' (Director, V & A) to Sir Henry Truman, Royal Society of Arts. With additional copy letter from Somers Clarke.

Cecil Harcourt Smith, sometime Director and Secretary of the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Six Typed Letters and Notes Signed 'Cecil Harcourt Smith'
Publication details: 
Victoria and Albert Museum, 1917-1919.
Six Typed Letters and Notes Signed 'Cecil Harcourt Smith'

Total (Smith letters) 7pp., 8vo, RSA stamp on all, good condition. Subjects: (1917) letter from a Mr. W. Foxton; a word with a Mr. Kendrick about judging; reception of parcels for the Owen Jones Competition; (1918) measures taken because of possible increase of risk from attack by hostile aircraft; need for the RSA to take back some works deposited by them to make room in the basement for withdrawals from exhibition (pencil note attached about the deposit); arrangements for Mr.

Manuscript Letter from Bradley & Co., 'Picture Frame Makers, Packers & Conveyancers, Exhibition Agents' to the artitst W. F. Stocks, giving their charges for delivering pictures to the Royal Academy.

Bradley & Co., Picture Frame Makers, Packers & Conveyancers, Exhibition Agents, of London [The Royal Academy]
Picture Frame Makers, Packers & Conveyancers
Publication details: 
London, 14 March 1903; on Bradley & Co. letterhead, 81 Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London.
Picture Frame Makers, Packers & Conveyancers

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Written out in one hand, and signed 'Bradley & Co' in another. Addressed to 'W. F. Stocks Esqre | Glen Elwy | St Asaph. | Flint[shire]'. Thirteen lines. Text clear and complete. On foxed and lightly-aged paper. Giving the firm's 'charge for receiving unpacking & delivering pictures to the R.A. or other London Exhibitions' and for 'collecting repacking & forwarding', as well as the dimensions of pictures for which these charges apply.

Handbill advertisement for 'The Celebrated Working Model, by Real Water, of a Copper Mine, [...] Now on View, At Exeter Hall, Strand.'

T. Smith, Exeter Hall, the Strand [Robert Robinett, printer, White Street, Borough; Shows of London]
Publication details: 
[1834.] 'Robinett, Printer, White St. Borough.'

Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper, dimensions 22 x 14 cm. Text clear and complete, on aged and lightly-spotted paper, with minor wear to extremities. Headed 'Under the Patronage of the Nobility and Gentry.' 48 lines of text, including positive quotations from the Observer, Christian Advocate, Sunday Times and Albion and Star. Describes ten aspects of the exhibition, lettered A to K, including the conveyance of the ore 'to the surface by a --- (G) --- POWERFUL HYDRAULIC MACHINE, first in kibbles, through a perpendicular shaft, and lastly in waggons drawn upon an inclined plane'.

Printed circular (in the form of a facsimile of a handwritten letter) invitation to the 'Ceremony of laying the Foundation Stone [of the 'New Library and Museum' at the Guildhall]'.

William Sedgwick Saunders [Guildhall Library; Corporation of London; the City]
Publication details: 
17 October 1870; Guildhall.

4to: 1 p. Facsimile of a handwritten letter. With small embossed circular letterhead, in red and gilt, with crest enclosed by the words 'Bibliotheca civitatis Londoniarum'. Somewhat grubby bifolium, but with text clear and entire, reading 'The Committee appointed by the Corporation of London to carry out the works in connexion with their new Library and Museum having fixed Thursday, the 27th. Instant for the ceremony of laying the Foundation Stone of the buildings, it will afford them much pleasure to be favored with your company on the occasion, at Guildhall at 2. o'clock. p.m.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed male correspondent.

Stéphane Flachat, Ingénieur, Engineer.
Publication details: 
No place, 12 Janvier 1830.

One page, minor damage and staining marginally affecting text, which has lost one letter, as follows: "D'après l'autorisation que mon frère [Eugène Flachat, eminent engineer] m'a transmise de votre part, je prends la liberté de vous demander un rendez-vous, pour vour entretenir du Canal maritime, et vous soumettre notamment la partie des plans de cette entreprise qui interesse plus spécialement la ville de Paris.

Autograph Note Signed to "Monsieur Lucas de Montigny, Chef de Division a la Prefecture, Rue de Petit-Vaugirard, no. 9.

Stéphane Flachat, Ingénieur, Engineer.
Publication details: 
"Samedi matin", no place or date.

One page, minor damage not affecting text, as follows: "D'apres a que vous avez bien voulu dire a mon frère [the eminent engineer Eugène Flachat], je viens vous demander a quelle heure, je poussais avoir l'honneur de vous voir demain dimanche; j'ai toute ma matinée a votre disposition, jusqu'à trois heures. / J'ai l'honneur . . ."

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to the Paris bookseller Paul Daffis.

Eugène Flachat (1802-1873), French civil engineer who worked on the first French passenger railway (Paris-Le Pecq, 1837), on the Paris-Rouen line and the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, 1851 [steam engines]
Publication details: 

12mo: 1 p. Fifteen lines of text. Good, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Minor foxing. Difficult hand. Begins 'Je voudrais avoir cette année la collection des Documents parlementaire qui seront distribué au corps legislatif. | Autrefois j'étais abonné pour une petite somme [...]'.

Secretarial note in French, signed by Flachat.

Eugène Flachat (1802-1873), French civil engineer who worked on the first French passenger railway (Paris-Le Pecq, 1837), on the Paris-Rouen line and the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, 1851 [steam engines]
Publication details: 
23 February 1856; Paris.

12mo: 1 p. Good, on lightly creased paper. Reads 'Je remets à Mr Pulin, porteur de la présente, la lettre de Mr Savoye pour l'aider à retirer les exemplaires des médailles et les diplômes donnés à MM les Membres du Jury.' Presumably relating to the awarding of prizes at an industrial exhibition.


The Great Industrial Exhibition, Dublin, 1853 [William Dargan (1799-1867); Sir John Benson (1812-74), architect; Sir John Gilbert (1817-97), J. Mahony; Henry Linton, and George Pearson, engravers]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [circa 1853].

Attractive image roughly eleven inches by ten wide, captioned 'VIEW OF THE INTERIOR OF THE GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, DUBLIN - OPENED MAY 12, 1853.' On piece of paper roughly fourteen and a half inches by eleven. Good on light-foxed aged paper with two neat vertical folds (perhaps indicating removal from a book). At foot of page list of twelve measurements of the 'PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS OF THE BUILDING', from 'Main Frontage' to 'Width of Outer Gallery'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Spencer Todd') to autograph collector S[eymour]. C. J. Freeman-Matthews of Cape Town.

John Spencer Brydges Todd (1840-1921), Executive Commissioner, Paris, for the Universal Exhibition of 1878, and colonial officer
Publication details: 
18 August 1900; on crested letterhead '112, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.'

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'Although I am surprised at your wishing to include mine in your collection of autographs, here it is. | I agree with Sir Alfred Milner that Work, Brains & Opportunity are necessary to success; and that the last is most necessary. But I think that Self-control should be added to His Excellency's list.' A printed biographical cutting is appended.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Picard') to Georges Berger (1834-1910), Directeur général de l'Exploitation de l'Exposition de 1889.

Alfred Picard (1844-1913), Vice-Président du Conseil d'État [Exposition Universelle de 1889; Paris Exhibition]
Publication details: 
24 April 1890; Paris. On letterhead of the Conseil d'État.

8vo: 3 pp. Bifolium. Very good. Written in French. After an 'etude attentive de rapport de M.M. de Lacretelle et Millas et des autres documents en ma possession' on the Exposition's foreign returns he finds 'certaines lacunes et certains points douteux' concerning which he hopes Berger can enlighten him. He gives a list of seventeen officially-participating countries, each with the subsidy it has received in francs, complaining that 'huit de ces chiffres sont douteux'. This is followed by a similar list of six countries which did not participate officially.

Autograph Letter Signed to I[saac]. Wilkinson[, Manager and Secretary of the Brighton Aquarium].

Dudley Smith (born c.1852), English and Foreign Musical and Dramatic Agent [The Brighton Aquarium; Victorian Circus]
Publication details: 
22 March 1883; on ornate letterhead in blue and gold carrying address at 449 Strand, London (as well as addresses in Paris and New York).

One page, quarto. Very good, though slightly aged and creased, and with minor damp staining at foot, affecting bottom three lines including signature. Wilkinson has written to say that he 'has not the space' Smith has 'named'. '[Y]ou express an opinion that Circus business would pay, & I, from my personal knowledge of Brighton & experience therein, feel sure a really good Circus would prove an immense attraction & a paying one, & would stand some time by introducing fresh novelties'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Lees'.

Alice Law (born 1886), English poet
Publication details: 
No date (circa 1925?); on letterhead of the Lyceum Club, 128 Piccadilly, London.

Two pages, 12mo. Very good on aged paper, with small closed tear at head not affecting text. Appears to concern an exhibition of women painters. Wants to 'personally thank' her for 'the privilege of having seen the International & in particular, your charming pictures. 'Early Morning' has quite carried away my heart! But the others are very fine. it must be so difficult, & so interesting to paint grey darkness. [...] Nothing of Miss Lister's there having in my opinion come up to her 'Builth Bridge' which we have. [...] Next to it I like 'A lonely Tree'.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood[, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Sir Arthur James Richens Trendell [The 1909 Golden West and American Industries Exhibition. Earl's Court Exhibition]
Publication details: 
18 June 1909; on letterhead of 'THE GOLDEN WEST AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES EXHIBITION. Earl's Court.'

British civil servant (1836-1909) and organiser of many international exhibitions. Two pages, quarto. Good, though a touch grubby, and with pin holes in top left-hand corners of both leaves. Ornate letterhead with lettering in front of clouds with sun rays behind and American eagle and flag to the left.

Two typed Letters Signed, successively to G[eorge]. K[enneth]. Menzies and W. Perry, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Alfred Charles Bossom, 1st Baronet [British Art in Industry Exhibition, 1935; Royal Society of Arts; Royal Academy]
Publication details: 
22 June and 1 October 1935; both on House of Commons embossed letterheads, and from 5, Carlton Gardens, S.W.1.

English politician (1881-1965) and architect, much of whose work was done in the United States. Both letters two pages, quarto. Both letters docketed (the first heavily so), bearing the Society's stamp, and with pin and staple holes in top left-hand corner. Second letter good, first lightly creased and grubby. Revealing documents relating to the Royal Society's 'British Art in Industry' exhibition, held at the Royal Academy in 1935. The Society's website describes this as a 'resounding success', but as these letters show, the matter was not so clear cut.

Two Typed Letters Signed to G. E. Mercer, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, concerning his award of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travel Fellowship; with seven associated items (draft replies, memo, programme, etc).

Edward David Mills
Publication details: 

Architect (1915-98), designer of the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. All items very good. ITEM ONE (one page, folio): typed copy of Mills' 'programme' ('The object of the proposed research is to study at first hand the effect of these new techniques on building types in the United States [...]'.). ITEM TWO (one page, quarto, typed): letter by Mills dated 3 March 1969. Congratulates the Society on 'the new appearance of the R.S.A. Journal which is an enormous improvement on the past'. Explains that he has been awarded the Fellowship and encloses copy of programme.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George Kirkley [Royal Academy of Art]
Publication details: 

Dimensions. Paper stained, discoloured and ruckled. Trimmed and mounted on a piece of brown paper. Reads 'Shall feel extreemly [sic] obliged if you will have the goodness to allow the Landscape on Copper sent to be placed on the Walls for the ensuing Exhibition at the Royal Academy has [sic] it will confer an obligation on | Sir/ | Your Most Obedient | Servant | G Kirkley | Landscape on Copper | George Kirkley | No. 3 Gilhams Fields | Worship Street'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. O'Donnell'.

Paul George Konody
Publication details: 
17 October 1917; on blind-stamped letterhead 'I 3, THE ALBANY, | PICCADILLY, W, 1.'

Konody (1872-1933) was a well known art critic, and Art Director of the Canadian War Memorials from 1916 to 1919. He was also connected with the British Pavillon at the Venice Biennale. One page, 12mo, on grey paper. In good condition. Verso of blank second leaf of bifoliate attached to piece of paper. Now that he knows he will be in town the following weekend he can accept her invitation to lunch at the Whitefriars Club at 1.45. Signed 'P. G. Konody'.

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