[ J.M. Barrie ] Original coloured illustrations of Napoleonic costume designs for 1934 production at His Majesty's Theatre, London, of J. M. Barrie's play 'Josephine'

[Costume designs for the 1934 production of 'Josephine' by J. M. Barrie, at His Majesty's Theatre, London] [Lady Helen Beerbohm Tree; George Grossmith Jnr; Lyn Harding; Spencer Trevor; Allan Jeayes]
Publication details: 
1934; His Majesty's Theatre, London.

Twelve pages of illustrations, each on a separate leaf. Seven are portrait folio, four are portrait 8vo, and one is landscape 8vo. All clear and complete, on aged and creased paper. All coloured in watercolour. The seven folio portraits are: Napoleon as First Consul; Talma; Eugene; Moustache ('Mr. Lyn Harding [(1867-1952)]'); two 'Flunkies'; and Austrian Ambassador ('Mr Spencer Trevor [(1875-1945)]'). The four portrait 8vo illustrations consist of: two of Larose ('Lady Tree [Lady Helen Beerbohm Tree (1858-1937)]'); Louise ('Miss Lemand') and the overcoat of Talma ('Mr.

[ Privately printed limited edition. ] The Garrick Club | Notices of One Hundred and Thirty-Five of its Former Members | By Rev. R. H. Barham | Author of 'The Ingoldsby Legends' | With Facsimile of the Original MS.

Rev. R. H. Barham, Author of 'The Ingoldsby Legends'
Publication details: 
[ New York. ] 'Privately Printed | 1896'. [ Limited to 240 copies. ]

viii + 58. Collotype frontispiece reproducing part of manuscript. Nicely printed on good paper. Internally tight, on lightly-aged paper, in discoloured and lightly-worn cream buckram binding, gilt. Tissue guard to frontispiece detached. The conclusion to the four-page preface, which is dated from New York, January 1896, explains that the 'formal publication in England' of the volume 'might possibly be deemed an offence against good taste, although its Author has been deceased for half a century, and hardly a single person referred to by Canon Barham can now be alive.

[ Printed item. ] Tales from "Bentley." Vol. I. [ Including contributions by Thomas Love Peacock; William Macginn; Mrs Trollope; Edward Mayhew ]

Richard Bentley, London bookseller [ Thomas Love Peacock; William Macginn; Mrs Trollope; Edward Mayhew ]
Publication details: 
London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. 1859. [ Winchester: Printed by Hugh Barclay, High Street. ]

[4] + [288]pp. [paginated 1-96 three times]. In original brown cloth binding, with decorative design in black on front board. A fair copy, internally tight, on aged paper, in worn and faded binding. An initial 'Advertisement' reads: 'It is well known that stories by some of the most eminent writers have appeared from time to time in "Bentley's Miscellany." It is here proposed to republish the best of them in a collected form. | London, August, 1859.' Thirteen contributions in prose and verse, from, first, the named authors W. H. Maxwell (2), 'T. C.

[ Printed item in publisher's cloth. ] Doctor Grattan. A Novel.

William A. Hammond, Author of "Lal." [ William Alexander Hammond (1828-1900), Surgeon General of the United States Army during the American Civil War ]
Publication details: 
London: Richard Bentley & Son, New Burlington Street. 1885.

417pp., 8vo. A fair copy, on lightly aged paper, a little loose in worn publisher's brown cloth binding, with gilt title on spine and decorative cross on front board, and green patterned endpapers. Blind stamp of the W. H. Smith Library, Strand, to front free endpaper. According to Hammond's biographer Bonnie Ellen Blustein, 'The complex plot of Doctor Grattan revolved around the relation of insanity to neurological impairment, and touched on the subjects of neuralgia, headache, kleptomania, and delusions.' This English edition of Hammond's book is now uncommon.

[ Printed. ] Fly Leaves; Or, Scraps and Sketches, Literary, Bibliographical and Miscellaneous [...] [ With 'Cheap Books, for Ready Money, selected from the Stock of John Miller, Bookseller, and now on Sale, at 43, Chandos Street, Trafalgar Square.' ]

[ Edward Francis Rimbault (1816-1876); John Miller, London bookseller ]
Publication details: 
London: John Miller, 43, Chandos Street, Trafalgar Square. 1854. [ Publisher's catalogue undated. ]

(The book is anonymous, but Rimbault is generally accepted to have been the author.) x + 189 + 32pp., 12mo. A 32-page publisher's catalogue is bound in at the end. In publisher's blind-tooled black ribbed cloth, with gilt spine. Advertisements printed on endpapers. Tight copy on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding with damage to hinges. Ownership inscription on half-title.

[ Companion volumes illustrated by John Leech. ] 'The Comic Latin Grammar; A new and fracetious Introduction to the Latin Tongue' and 'The Comic English Grammar; A new and facetious Introduction to the English Tongue.'

[ Percival Leigh (1813-1889), satirist and humorist, contributor to 'Punch' [ John Leech (1817-1864), illustrator and caricaturist; Charles Tilt and Richard Bentley, London booksellers ]
Publication details: 
'Latin Grammar': London: Charles Tilt, Fleet Street. 1840. [ Printed by T. H. Coe, Old Change, St. Paul's. ] 'English Grammar': London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. 1840. [ Printed by Samuel Bentley, Bangor House, Shoe Lane. ]

Two good tight copies, on lightly aged paper, in worn original bindings with gilt decorations on front covers, with engravings on browning paper because of high acidity content. Both volumes with bookplate of Alan Angele and manuscript library shelf label. ONE: 'The Comic Latin Grammar'. 163 + [3]pp., 8vo. Eight engravings and numerous illustrations in text (the first engraving is positioned as frontispiece rather than at p.23 as specified).

A Catalogue of an Unique Collection of Ancient English Broadside Ballads printed entirely in the Black Letter.

'Black-letter Ballads' [ John Russell Smith, London bookseller; Charles Whittingham, Chiswick Press ]
Publication details: 
On Sale by John Russell Smith, No. 36, Soho Square, London. 1856. [ Chiswick Press: - C. Whittingham, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane. ]

vii + 141 + [1]pp., 8vo. Final leaf with Chiswick Press device of dolphin and anchor and lion. In sturdy nineteenth-century black leather half-binding, with marbled boards and 'Russell's Catalogue 1856' in gilt on spine. Ownership stamp of 'Alfred H Maurais' on fly-leaf. A characteristically-elegant Chiswick Press item, with 408 items listed, the titles in black letter. Three-page anonymous preface, dated 'May, 1856.' Tight copy, but aged and lightly damp-stained, in worn binding.

[ Benchara Branford (see ODNB) annotations; book ] Branford's copy of Cargill Gilston Knott's 'Life and Scientific Work of Peter Guthrie Tait', heavily annotated by him, mostly with references to 'this genius' James Clerk Maxwell.

Benchara Branford [Benchara Bertrand Patrick Branford] (1867-1944), Scottish mathematician, Professor of Mathematics in the University of London [P.G.Tait; James Clerk Maxwell]
Publication details: 
Book published in 1911 (Cambridge: at the University Press). Annotations dated by Branford between 1934 and 1943.

4to: x + 379 pp. Frontispiece and plates. Tight copy on aged paper, in worn binding. Annotated throughout, with the endpapers and almost every page of the first 146 in particular crammed with notes by Branford in pencil and pen. On the front free endpaper Branford writes 'Finished (fairly thoroughly) on Feb. 26th 1934', and on the title-page, 'B. B. Sep. 3d. 1943'. On the same page he has added to the title 'and many notes (additional to those in text) on his intimate & great friend James Clerk Maxwell [...] the notes being taken from his Life by Campbell & Garnett'.

[ Printed pamphlet on First World War military disability. ] Disabled Sailors and Soldiers. How they are being Re-built at the Nation's Cost.

Ministry of Pensions, London [ John Hodge (1855-1937), Labour politician, first Minister of Labour (1916-1917) and second Minister of Pensions (1917-1919); First World War; military disability ]
Publication details: 
'Ministry of Pensions - Official.' [ London ] Printed by 'D & S' in November 1917 ('11/17'). [ '(13715). Wt. 2275 - G 93, 200 m, 11/17. D & S. E 1256.' ]

16pp., 16mo. Stapled pamphlet. Aged and worn, with rusted staple. Inside the front cover are quotations from Hodge and his predecessor as Minister of Pensions G. N. Barnes. Initial note: 'The following pages contain a general and necessarily brief description of the system followed by the Pensions Ministry.

[Offprint of article attacking 'the ubiquitous apostles of revolutionary and Socialistic doctrines'.] The Ethics of Politics. II. (Reprinted from "The Liberty Review.")

The Liberty Review; Watts & Co., London publishers [ United Kingdom General Election, 1892 ]
Publication details: 
London: Watts & Co., 17, Johnson's Court, Fleet St. Undated [ late nineteenth century ].

8pp., 12mo. Stitched pamphlet. Aged, and with central vertical fold. A call for 'political instructors who shall [...] impress the first principles of political morality on the minds of the newly-enfranchised masses'.

[Sir Thomas Phillipps, collector of manuscripts.] The manuscripts section of the printed auction catalogue of Craven Ord's library, priced and named in one hand, and annotated by Phillipps with a running total of his substantial purchases.

Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872) of Middle Hill, Welsh collector of manuscripts; Robert Harding Evans (1778-1857), auctioneer, of 93 Pall Mall, London [Craven Ord (1756-1832)]
Publication details: 
[Robert Harding Evans, 93 Pall Mall, London.] 'London: Printed by W. Nicol, Cleveland-row, St. James's.' 25 to 27 June 1829.

The last eight leaves only of a printed catalogue (no. 260 in M. V. de Chantilly's 'Robert Harding Evans of Pall Mall | auction catalogues 1812-1846 | a provisional list' (2002)). Stitched and unbound. On aged and worn paper, with slight damp staining to margins. Paginated 23-37 + [1], with the final page (i.e. the verso of the last leaf) carrying the advertisement: 'Preparing for Sale by MR. EVANS. | THE VALUABLE LIBRARY of an | EMINENT COLLECTOR.' (in manuscript: 'Mr Rennie'). Slug at foot of p.37: 'London: Printed by W. Nicol, | Cleveland-row, St.

[ Grafton & Co. (Frank Hamel), London publishers and booksellers. ] Archive of material relating to the firm's dealings with V. M. Arnold, including invoices, quotations, and autograph copies of his letters and orders.

Grafton and Co., London publishers and booksellers, owned by Frank Hamel (1869-1957), also proprietor of 'The Library World' [ V. M. Arnold, chemist ]
Publication details: 
Grafton & Co. (Frank Hamel), Publishers and Booksellers, Coptic House, 51 Great Russell Street, London, W.C.1. Between 1942 and 1945. V. M. Arnold, from Worcester (International Chemical Co.) and Ilford.

This small archive provides an interesting insight into the world of mid-twentieth century antiquarian bookselling. In excess of one hundred items, the collection being in good condition, lightly aged and worn, including 61 typed letters, invoices and quotations by the firm, all on its letterhead, and around 30 drafts of the letters to the firm from a somewhat difficult customer, with an interesting range of interests, his purchases dating between the seventeenth and the twentieth century, on such subjects as Russian antiquities, bookplates, the classics, Rossica and Oscar Wilde.

[ Gerald Duckworth & Co., Ltd., London publishers. ] A Catalogue of the Books published by Duckworths'.

Gerald Duckworth & Co., Ltd., London publishers [ Anthony Powell (1905-2000), novelist ]
Publication details: 
Gerald Duckworth & Co., Ltd. 3 Henrietta Street, London, W.C.2. 1928.

71pp., 8vo. Stapled in orange printed wraps. Divided into three sections: 'The catalogue arranged under authors', 48pp.; 'Lists of series', 14pp.; and 'Index to titles', 9pp. An interesting range of authors and topics (at the time Anthony Powell was the firm's literary editor), from Harold Acton's 'Aquarium' and 'An Indian Ass' to Karl Mantzius's 'A History of Theatrical Art in Ancient and Modern Times'.

[ Edward Askew Sothern, English actor. ] Autograph Signature ('E. A. Sothern | Haymarket Theatre.') on part of letter.

E. A. Sothern [ Edward Askew Sothern ] (1826-1881), English actor, best-known for playing Lord Dundreary in 'Our American Cousin'
Publication details: 
Haymarket Theatre [ London ]. Undated.

On one side of 6 x 10 cm piece cut from the end of a letter. In fair condition, aged, ruckled and a little faded. Reads: '<...> kindly pass | Very soon | If convenient | & oblige - | E. A. Sothern | Haymarket Theatre.'

[ Charles Fechter, Anglo-English actor. ] Autograph Signature ('Ch. Fechter') and authorisation of admission to '2 boxes' at the Adelphi Theatre, London.

Charles Fechter [ Charles Albert Fechter ] (1824-1879), Anglo-French actor
Publication details: 
Adelphi Theatre, London. 23 December [ no year ].

On one side of a 7 x 9 cm piece of laid paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn; apparently cut down. Reads: 'Adelphi | Admit 2 boxes | Wed. Dec 23 | Ch. Fechter'. Good bold signature.

[ W. H. Smith, bookseller, newsagent and politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W H Smith') to 'Mr Perkins' regarding 'Crown rights for money advanced', with carte de visite (portrait photograph) and label for his firm's subscription library.

W. H. Smith [ William Henry Smith (1825-1891) ], bookseller, newsagent and politician; First Lord of the Admiralty and the 'Sir Joseph Porter' of Gilbert and Sullivan's 'HMS Pinafore'
Publication details: 
Letter on House of Commons letterhead. 14 March [ no year ]. Undated carte de visite by the London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company, 110 and 108 Regent Street and 54 Cheapside. Undated label of W. H. Smith & Son's Subscription Library, 186 Strand.

LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. On lightly aged and worn paper. He summons him to a meeting, telling him to read a memo beforehand, before writing: 'I am not disposed to waive any Crown rights for money advanced | Lenders may have notice, but if P. W L C advance public money, the public must be protected against persons who are trading for profit'. CARTE DE VISITE: In fair condition, lightly aged, with 'W. H. SMITH, ESQ., M.P.' printed beneath the image, and the details of the London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company on the reverse.

[ Macleod Yearsley and the Thinker's Library. ] Copy of Yearsley's book 'The Folklore of Fairy-Tale' with extensive autograph emendations (two notes initialled 'M. Y.') and two proof specimens for intended republication in the Thinker's Library.

Macleod Yearsley [ Percival Macleod Yearsley ] (1867-1951), surgeon, author, folklorist and eugenicist [ The Thinker's Library, published by Watts & Co. for the Rationalist Press Association, London ]
Publication details: 
Book: London: Watts & Co., Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, E.C.4. 1924. Specimen proofs by Richard Clay & Sons, Bungay, Suffolk: June and July 1936.

The item provides an interesting insight into the editing process of the Thinker's Library, 140 volumes of which Watts & Co. published for the Rationalist Association between 1929 and 1951. The book is xiii + 240pp., 8vo, in red cloth binding, gilt. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight wear to one corner. A couple of leaves have been neatly torn out, evidently in the process of revision. Stamp of the Rationalist Press Association Ltd on reverse of title.

[Frank Marcham.] Two typewritten drafts of an annotated list of nearly 500 'Auction Sales made by Robert Harding Evans'; with autograph notes on Evans and on his own collection, with typescript titled 'Literary History and local topography'.

Frank Marcham (c.1887-1944), English bookseller [Robert Harding Evans (1778-1857), auctioneer and bookseller]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [London. Begun in the 1920s?]

Robert Harding Evans has been described as 'the greatest of all auctioneers of literary property'. In a career spanning three decades he oversaw the dispersal of many of the finest libraries ever assembled, from the great Roxburghe sale of 1812 to that of the Duke of Sussex in 1845, as well as those of the books of Lord Byron and the manuscripts and copyrights of Sir Walter Scott. In an undated letter to Bodley's Librarian (copy in Item Four below) Marcham states that he is 'working on Evans the auctioneer and the list will be published.

[ Bryan Guinness, Lord Moyne. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Bryan') to 'Dear Hubert' [ Wimbledon bookseller J. H. Dingwall ], placing an order and making suggestions.

Bryan Walter Guinness, 2nd Baron Moyne [ Lord Moyne ] (1905-1992), poet, novelist and brewing heir [ J. H. Dingwall [ John Hubert Dingwall ] (c.1913-2001), Wimbledon bookseller ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Biddesden House, Andover [ Kent ]. 18 February 1960.

3pp., landscape 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, with two punch holes for placement in album to margins of each of the three leaves. He congratulates him on his catalogue, states that he is attaching a wants list (not present) and that he is leaving it to the recipient 'to make out the account as I am not good at adding - & also dont know the postage. | The Librarian at the House of Lords showed great interest in your catalogue & is writing to you for one'. He suggests sending a copy to John Hayward, and gives his address.

[ Empire Industries Association, London. ] Printed pamphlet titled 'Mandated Territories | The Constitutional Position'.

Empire Industries Association, London [ German Mandated Territories; League of Nations Class C Mandates ]
Publication details: 
Empire Industries Association, 9 Victoria Street, London SW1. November 1938. Printed by Burrup, Mathieson & Co., Ltd., 31, Throgmorton Street, London, E.C.2.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. In fair condition, aged and with rust spotting. The document begins: 'In view of the numerous discussions with regard to the status of the Mandated Territories, and the possibility of a request from Germany for the restoration of some or all of the former German Colonies, and in view of the many misconceptions as to the constitutional status of a Mandated Territory, the Empire Industries Association has prepared these brief notes in the hope that they will be helpful to those who may be taking part in any discussions on the problem.

[ Joint V. A. D. Committee (British Red Cross and Order of St. John of Jerusalem), ] Printed 'Certificate of Enrolment in a Voluntary Aid Detachment and Permit to wear the Uniform', signed by two officers (Henry Gandy and John Mason MD).

[ Joint V. A. D. Committee, London; British Red Cross Society; The Order of St. John of Jerusalem; Dorothy Marion Cameron Bower; Henry Gandy; John Mason, M.D. ]
Publication details: 
Headed: 'J. V. A. D. 24. | Joint V.A.D. Committee. | The Territorial Force Association. | The British Red Cross Society. | The Order of St. John of Jerusalem.' [ 83 Pall Mall, London. ] Dated 1 November 1916.

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium. A scarce piece of First World War ephemera, on creased and aged paper. The certificate has been made out in order to enroll 'Dorothy Marion Cameron Bower' into 'Detachment [8] in the County of [Westmorland]', but has not been signed by her. The first page carries the conditions of use, the second a declaration by the signatory, and the third the permit itself, with facsimile signatures of Arthur Stanley, Chairman, and Louis Pearson, Hon. Secretary, and the actual signatures of Henry Gandy, County Director, and John Mason M.D, Commandant.

[ Soviet Poland, printed periodicals. ] Three numbers of 'Polish Facts & Figures | Issued by the Press Office of the Polish Embassy in London'.

[ Soviet Poland; the Polish Embassy in London; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
[ The Press Office of the Polish Embassy in London. ] Three numbers: No. 5, 16 July 1946; No. 14, 19 September 1946; No. 51, 28 June 1947. [ Printed by St. Clements Press Ltd., Portugal Street, London, W.C.2.' ]

The three items are each 4pp., 4to, in bifoliums, and uniform in design. Each carrying a number of articles in small print. Each on aged paper and with wear to margin along outer edge, but with text clear and undamaged. No. 5 includes articles titled: 'Referendum Results', 'Poland's National Day', 'Polish-British Relations', 'Poland's Independence and Freedom Secured | M. Bierut speaks to Democratic Party Congress', 'A Polish Economic System'. No. 14 has in it articles on 'Mr. Byrnes v.

[ Maria Ellen Reeks, wood carver and director of the School of Art Wood-Carving, South Kensingon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M E Reeks') to 'Mr. White', describing the relocation of the school to new premises. With printed ticket announcing the move

Maria Ellen Reeks (1858-1929), wood carver, teacher and director of the School of Art Wood-Carving, South Kensington
Publication details: 
Letter from 38 Thurloe Place, on letterhead of the School of Art Wood-Carving, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, S.W. [ London ] 27 December 1908.

Letter: 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. After discussing his relocation to Paris, she asks whether he has heard 'the news about our School and how we have just moved?

[ Heather Bigg to A. C. Benson, with inscribed book. ] Inscribed copy of his poem 'Nell. A Tale of the Thames', with Autograph Letter Signed ('Heather Bigg') to Benson, thanking him for going through the proofs of the book.

Heather Bigg, F.R.C.S. [ Henry Robert Heather Bigg ] (1853-1911); A. C. Benson (1862-1925), Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge ]
Publication details: 
New Edition. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, and Co., Ltd. 1901. Inscription dated November 1901.

ONE: Letter. 1 November 1901. On letterhead of 56 Wimpole Street, London. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition. With blank reverse of second leaf laid down onto a flyleaf of the book. Benson is not named, but is without doubt the recipient.

[ Slade School, University College London. ] Black and white school photograph titled 'University College, London, Slade School | June, 1947'. With names of 45 of the subjects on reverse in the autograph of student Beatrix Blake.

[ Slade School, University College London, 1947; Beatrix Blake ] [ Randolph Schwabe; Alfred Gerrard; Aelred Bartlett; Allan Gwynne-Jones; George Charlton; Peter Alfred Brooker; Richard Beer ]
Publication details: 
[ Slade School, University College London. June 1947. ] Print by Panora Ltd, London, WC1.

Black and white photographic print on 20 x 82 cm piece of paper, with image size 14.5 x 78 cm. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear, tightly rolled. Printed caption below image, and photographers' details at bottom right. The year's intake and the tutors are placed in five rows on the grass in front of the main building.

[ Jefferson Miles, Proof Master General of Ordnance. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jeaffreson Miles') to Robert Eddowes, Ordnance Storekeeper at Portsmouth, directing him to have all his receipts signed.

Jeaffreson MIles [ Jefferson Miles ] (d.1763), Proof Master General of Ordnance [ Robert Eddowes, Ordnance Storekeeper at Portsmouth; Royal Navy ]
Publication details: 
Office of Ordnance [ London ]. 17 July 1753.

1p., folio. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with postmark, 'To | Robert Eddowes Esqr | Ordnance Storekeeper | at | Portsmouth'. 24 lines of neatly-written text. An unusually emphatic communication, the possibility of fraud clearly being in the air.

[ Walter John Coulson, urologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter J Coulson'), a sick note for 'Mr. Turner'.

Walter John Coulson (1834-1889), FRCS, urologist
Publication details: 
On his embossed letterhead, 2 Frederick Place, Old Jewry. 27 June 1869.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The note reads: 'This is to certify that Mr. Turner has been under my care; and will be unable to return to business for the next ten days. | Walter J Coulson | Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.' For more on Coulson, see his obituary in the British Medical Journal, 14 September 1889.

[ William Griffin, Secretary to the Board of Ordnance. ] 'Copy' circular letter, in secretarial hand, signed by him ('W: Griffin.'), to the 'Officer Commanding the Oldham Regiment of Local Militia', calling in their 'Arms and Accoutrements'.

William Griffin (d.1827), Secretary to the Board of Ordnance, London [ John Crossley of Scaitcliffe, near Rochdale, Lancashire, collector; Napoleonic Wars ]
Publication details: 
Office of Ordnance [ London ]. 10 April 1816.

1p., folio. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with some chipping and a few closed tears to edges. Addressed 'To | The Officer Commanding | the Oldham Regiment of Local Militia. | Oldham Lancashire' (i.e. John Crossley of Scaitcliffe near Rochdale, who built up a notable collection of military memorabilia, dispersed after his death). Attached to a leaf of paper with a note by the recipient concerning the permission he has been granted to retain a 'Musquet and Set of Accoutrements'.

[ Printed item. ] Circular for the First Edition Club, London, by 'A. J. A. Symons, Secretary', inviting publishers to submit books to be included in 'the Fifty Books of the Year', and giving the criteria.

The First Edition Club, London, founded by A. J. A. Symons [ Alphonse James Albert Symons ] (1900-1941) [ Curwen Press? ] [ William Foyle ]
Publication details: 
The First Edition Club, 6 Little Russell Street, London. [ Printed by the Curwen Press? ] [ Between 1922 and 1931. ]

1p., 4to. Nicely printed (by the Curwen Press?) on watermarked laid paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. A nice piece of First Edition Club ephemera. The year to which the circular relates is meant to be added in manuscript, but has not been. Begins: 'The Committee appointed to choose the Fifty Books of the Year for [blank] will be grateful if, at your early convenience, you will submit such of your publications as seem to you most likely to be selected. I may perhaps remind you that the criteria by which judgment is made are | 1. TYPOGRAPHICAL DESIGN | 2. PAPER | 3. BINDING | 4.

[ Sir Henry Irving. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Irving') to 'Lord Gray', regarding a theatre box.

Sir Henry Irving (1838-1905), eminent Victorian actor-manager
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 15A, Grafton Street, Bond Street, W. [ London ] 15 February [ no year ].

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. In a difficult hand. He hopes there is 'no misunderstanding about the box for tonight', which is reserved in the recipient's name at the theatre: '& you have only to ask for your box'. He ends: 'We shall meet tonight I hope after the play.'

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