
Autograph Frank with address to R. Byham.

Sir Thomas Nicholas Redington
Publication details: 
Undated, but with dated 6 and 7 December 1846 on postmarks.

Irish administrator and Member of Parliament (1815-62). Consists of the front of the envelope, the dimensions of which are roughly five inches by three. Addressed to 'R. Byham Esq. | Ordnance Office | Pall Mall | London', and signed 'Th Redington'. Two postmarks in red ink: the first, in a circle, appears to read 'PAID | NW | 6 DE | 1846'; the second, in a circle topped with a crown, appears to read 'PAID | DE 7 | 1846'.

Autograph Letter Signed [to the editor of the North American Review].

William Edward Hartpole Lecky
Publication details: 
16 February 1891; on letterhead '38, Onslow Gardens, S.W.'

Two pages, 12mo. Very good. Thanks his correspondent for 'your kind letter & for the hospitality you have given me in the North American Review. I hope you will be able to bring out my article in the March Number as the political Kaleidoscope changes so quickly that some part may appear belated if it is long delayed.' Asks for a change to be made if it is not possible to bring the piece out in the March issue. Signed 'W E H Lecky'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed to Mark [Bonham-Carter].

George Malcolm Young
G.M. Young
Publication details: 
14 July 1945, 1 December 1946, 8 May 1947; all on letterhead 'THE OLD OXYARD, | OARE, | MARLBOROUGH, | WILTS.'
G.M. Young

English historian (1882-1959). All three items, two pages, quarto. All good, though grubby and lightly creased. Three intimate and revealing letters. ITEM ONE apparently sent to Bonham-Carter in America. 'You will soon be back, I think. Are you now occupied in assembling and correlating your observations? [...] I should guess it was quite impossible to think when a Presidential election is going on. | I have been spending a fortnight in Oxford and I asked some of the early-middle-aged dons what the undergraduates were thinking.

Autograph Note, Third Person, to Sir William Curtis, Lord Mayor of London.

Edward Law, Lord Ellenborough
Publication details: 
St James's Square, 29 May 1815.

Trimmed note laid down on card with added margin with Ellenborough's details (name and rand as Lord Chief Justice). "Lord Ellenborough presents his Comps. to Sir Wm Curtis & the Gentlemen of the Committee of the Corporation of London, & shall be very happy to have the honor of attending them at the opening of His Majesty's Statue at Guildhall on Saturday the 3d of June & afterwards at dinner, if his engagements of public business shall allow of his doing so." Text followed by place and date as above.

Two typed Letters Signed, successively to G[eorge]. K[enneth]. Menzies and W. Perry, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Alfred Charles Bossom, 1st Baronet [British Art in Industry Exhibition, 1935; Royal Society of Arts; Royal Academy]
Publication details: 
22 June and 1 October 1935; both on House of Commons embossed letterheads, and from 5, Carlton Gardens, S.W.1.

English politician (1881-1965) and architect, much of whose work was done in the United States. Both letters two pages, quarto. Both letters docketed (the first heavily so), bearing the Society's stamp, and with pin and staple holes in top left-hand corner. Second letter good, first lightly creased and grubby. Revealing documents relating to the Royal Society's 'British Art in Industry' exhibition, held at the Royal Academy in 1935. The Society's website describes this as a 'resounding success', but as these letters show, the matter was not so clear cut.

Two Typed Letters Signed to W. Perry, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Captain Sir Harold George Campbell
Publication details: 
29 November and 4 December 1933; both on letterhead '11, GROSVENOR CRESCENT, S.W.1.'

British soldier and courtier (1888-1969), Equerry and Groom of the Robes to King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II. Both letters written in capacity as Private Secretary to the Duke of York. Both very good, though grubby, docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. LETTER ONE (one page, 12mo): 'Further to your letter of September 20th., which the Duke of York has had under his consideration, His Royal Highness desires me to tell you that he will be very pelased to be present at the Meeting at which Mr. Robert Hyde will read a paper, on February 7th. 1934.

Autograph Letter Signed to B. Nice Esq'.

Sir William Laird Clowes
Publication details: 
26 January 1904; on letterhead 'VILLA JULIUS | DAVOS | SWITZERLAND'.

English naval historian (1856-1905). One page, 12mo. Poor: grubby and stained and with a small hole (not affecting text). Written in failing health the year before his death. Reads 'Dear Nice; | I answered this at the time of its reception. | Perhaps you may see your way to adopting the suggestion, which has my very cordial support. | I am a poor worm, almost unable to work, but hoping to benefit from warmer weather when it comes. | Yrs sincerely | Wm Laird Clowes'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Joseph Jackson Howard
Publication details: 
Dartmouth Row | Blackheath | Kent | May 30. 1883'.

Genealogist (1827-1902) and Maltravers Herald Extraordinary. Three pages, 12mo. Good, but with some glue stains at head of verso of first leaf and recto of second leaf of bifoliate. Bottom corner of second leaf cut away (not affecting text). He is grateful for the 'account of Chipchase' and is sending 'this months part of the Miscellanea Genealogica' 'per Book post'. Asks for 'notes from Registers, or monumental inscriptions &c.' as contributions. Signed 'J. J. Howard'. Postscript reads 'Are you interested in armorial Bookplates.

Thirty-four Autograph Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Vice-Admiral Sir (Henry) Percy Douglas
Publication details: 
1935-8; on letterheads including 18 Dealtry Road, Putney, and 34 Waterloo Mansions, Dover.

British sailor (1876-1939), hydrographer of the Royal Navy (1924-32), inventor of the Douglas Protractor and the Douglas-Appleyard Arcless Sextant. Various formats from 12mo to octavo. Very good, some docketed and/or bearing the Society's stamp. Relating to the business of the Society, and in particular to a lecture by Douglas involving film of the Manchester Ship Canal.

The reformers of the Anglican Church, and Mr. Macaulay's History of England. A postscript.

E. C. Harington, Chancellor of the Cathedral Church of Exeter. [Thomas Babington Macaulay]
Publication details: 
London: Francis & John Rivington. [...] 1849. 'PLYMOUTH | PRINTED BY LIDSTONE AND BRENDON, | George Lane.'

Octavo. 16 pages. Disbound pamphlet from the Churchill Babington collection, and with his ownership inscription (slightly cropped at head) dated June 1849. Very good on slightly discoloured paper, and with first and last pages somewhat grubby. Babington and Macaulay were related.

The Queen v. Palmer. Verbatim Report of the Trial of William Palmer . . . 1856.

William Palmer.
Publication details: 
London: J. Allen; Cockshaw & Yates, 1856.

326pp., 8vo, half lea. worn and bumped, marbled boards, some damage to spine, contents mainly good but some foxing.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to 'Lt Colonel Buchanan - 9th Regiment'

George Robert Gleig
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but docketed in pencil 'Garrison Chapel Portsmouth Oct. 1874'.

Scottish 'Chaplain-General of the Forces' (1796-1888) and military historian. On piece of paper roughly 4 1/4 by 4 inches. Folded once. Very good. Reads 'Sincerely yours - | G. R. Gleig. | Lt Colonel Buchanan - | 9th Regiment' and on reverse '<...> the music of the Te Deum with which I was so greatly pleased, when I heard it sung by your Choir - You have got together an admirable body <...>'.

Typed letter signed by Gibson, together with printed copy of the League's thirty-sixth annual report, and unsigned carbon copies of reply from the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

THE LEAGUE OF REMEMBRANCE [Mrs E. H. Gibson (Myra Macindoe Gibson)]
Publication details: 
Gibson's letter, 31 May 1957, on League of Remembrance letterhead; carbon of reply, 3 June 1957. Report printed by 'THE GARDEN CITY PRESS LTD., LETCHWORTH, HERTS.'

Mrs Gibson, whose husband was Vice-Chairman of the League, died in 1966. Her letter (one page, quarto, very good apart from rust stain from paperclip) explains that the League is 'at present in temporary premises' and 'without accommodation for its Annual General Meeting' in November ('Her Grace the Duchess of Beaufort is to preside.'), and asks if 'your Society of its kindness, could find it possible to lend a room for the Meeting'. Points out that 'this organisation is over 40 years old', and asks for details of hiring fee. Signed 'Myra Gibson'.

Manuscript account book entitled 'Acco[un]t of Disbursem[en]ts transferred from Marble Covered Book (A)'.

Publication details: 
25 November to 19 December 1771.

Twenty-two leaves, stitched (last leaf loose), in original marbled wraps. 12mo (roughly ten centimeters by fifteen centimetres). Written in a small, neat hand, over columns ruled in red. In good condition although worn and dogeared, except for the loose leaf which is discoloured, frayed and worn, and rear wrap (which carries accounts on its interior), which has loss to the foot. Text entirely legible.

Letter in a Secretarial Hand, signed in Autograph, 'To the Rt: Honble: the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury', together with engraved portrait by Guillaume Philippe Benoist (1725-70).

Thomas Sherlock, Bishop of London
Publication details: 
Letter dated 20 August 1751.

English ecclesiastic (1678-1761) and controversialist, who left his library to Cambridge University. LETTER: one page, octavo, discoloured and creased, and with neatly-repaired loss of strip approximately four inches by one and a half to top right-hand corner, causing some loss to text. Reads 'My Lords. | The Reverend Thomas Bradbury C Master of Arts being Licenced to perform th Office in New Jersey in his Majestys Plant America and on his departure thither I request that your Lordships will be pleased to his Majesty's Bounty of Twenty pounds to defray of his passage to that Province'.

Printed governmental circular (in form of facsimile of manuscript) addressed to 'The Town Clerk' (with 'Town of Maidstone' in manuscript).

Henry Hobhouse [MAIDSTONE, KENT]
Publication details: 
Copy | Whitehall July 1827.'

Hobhouse (1776-1854) was a Privy Councillor in 1828, and Keeper of the State Papers, 1826-54. Quarto. One page. Very good, on first leaf of bifoliate. Folded twice. On watermarked Whatman paper of 1827. Facsimile signature 'H. Hobhouse'. Begins 'The King having been pleased to comply with the prayer of an humble Address presented to His Majesty in pursuance of a Resolution of the House of Commons [...] for a Return of all Towns Cities Places of Jurisdiction within England & Wales' and ending 'I am directed by Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed to Colonel Alexander Ross, Aide-de-camp to the Earl of Cornwallis.

Patrick MacDowall-Crichton, 6th Earl of Dumfries
Publication details: 
31 March 1786; Edinburgh.

Scottish nobleman (1726-1803). Ross (1742-1827; DNB), with Dundas, negotiated the surrender of Yorktown on Cornwallis's behalf. Two pages, quarto. Text entirely legible, but in poor condition, on stained, discoloured paper frayed at edges. Competently repaired with archival tape. Some loss to second leaf of bifoliate caused by breaking of seal. Unusually entertaining request in favour of his nephew, Lieut McCulloch of Bengal.

Autograph Note in his hand (NOT signed). "Alexander Ross", written top right above the note, appears to be the addressee.

Joseph Ritson.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Antiquary (DNB). Piece of paper, c. 4 x 4", discoloured byt text clear, bottom edge rough from tearing. Text: See another song by this author in Johnson's 'Scots Musical Museum'. If 'The Rock and the wee pickle tour' were written before the publication of Ramsay's 'Tea-table miscellany' (1724), there being a song to the tune in that book, the author must have been a great age in 1768. / Those poems are in the broad Buchan dialect." This is followed by the note "The above is in the hand-writing of Joseph Ritson.", an attribution confirmed by comparison with known examples in the BL.

Wanderings in the West

H. Buss
Publication details: 
London, 1871

Printed for private circulation by Thomas Danks, 9 Crane Court, Fleet Street, London, 1871. Ex lib, I counted eight stamps of the Brentford Free Library throughout, an accession no. written on contents page, tastefully rebound in new half leather, marble boards. INSCRIBED by the AUTHOR: "To the Brentford Free Library with the author's best wishes for its success. 1894". Verse based on a visit to the USA , including the western states. Not found in US library catalogues.

Document Signed.

Maria Theresa.
Publication details: 
Date obscured

Queen of Hungary and Empress of Germany. In German. One page, circa 2.5 x 2 feet, vellum, folded, attractive, red mark where seal is missing, some fading but signature clear Item bought in The Czech Republic (Bohemia).. Scan provided on request.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Sir Courtenay Peregrine Ilbert
Publication details: 
7 November 1894; on letterhead '67, GLOUCESTER PLACE, | PORTMAN SQUARE, W.'

Parliamentary legislative draftsman (1841-1924), Benjamin Jowett's literary executor. Three pages, 12mo. Very good, with traces of glue to blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. Docketed in pencil. 'Miss Flora Shaw has asked me whether I could send you an early copy of the paper which I am to read at the Imperial Institute to-morrow afternoon. | The paper has not been printed, & the only spare copy which I have is the rouggh copy from which I had another typed for my own use. | I fear that this is very illegible.

Autograph Card Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Colonel Sir Charles Edward Yate
Publication details: 
Postmarked 19 January [1918]; on letterhead '17, PRINCE OF WALES' TERRACE, | KENSINGTON, W.'

British colonial administrator and politician (1849-1940). Dimensions of card four and a half inches by three and a half inches. Bearing postmark and stamp. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Good, but with creasing and closed tears along foot of card, affecting signature. Reads 'May I ask you kindly to send me a spare copy of the Journal for September. 21st. 1917 no. 3383 - giving the concluding portion of Professor lecture on Architecture - also the next number if not concluded in that.' Signed 'Chas. E. Yate'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen, 1st Baron Brabourne
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Politician and children's writer (1829-1893). Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two and a half. Very good. From autograph album. Mounted on larger piece of blue paper. Reads '[...] himself, & the flatterers to whose advice he has listened rather than to those who have not feared to tell him the truth - | Vy truly | Brabourne'. Docketed in pencil.

The names of those persons who subscribed towards the defence of this country at the time of the Spanish Armada, 1588, and the amounts each contributed. With historical introduction [...]; and index.

T. C. Noble (intro.)
Publication details: 
London: Alfred Russell Smith, 1886.

1st edition, 1886. 8vo. Pages: xxxv + 92. Original cloth blind stamped on front board. Paper browing with age, some fraying at head of spine and title leaf loosening; otherwise good copy. Variant spellings of some of the names in the list have been added in ink in a neat small contemporary hand.


Samuel Smiles
Publication details: 
London: John Murray, 1885. New edition.

Victorian writer and social reformer (DNB), famous for his book 'Self-Help (1859)'. Inscribed by Smiles on the half-title 'To Dear Georgie | from the Author | S Smiles. | Christmas 1886'. Later ownership inscription on front free endpaper. 8vo, xii + 388 pages, followed by sixteen-page catalogue of publisher's advertisements. Original maroon cloth, with blindstamped bevelled boards. Not in the best of condition: cloth worn, stained and rubbed; spine frayed and faded with long tear along hinge; binding loose; paper somewhat discoloured with some foxing.

The dethronement of Stalin full text of the Khrushchev speech.

[The Manchester Guardian]
Publication details: 
Published by the MANCHESTER GUARDIAN | June 1956'.

33 pages, 8vo. In original printed wraps, with cartoon of Khrushchev on front wrap. In good condition, with slight spotting and staining to front wrap. Rust stains from staples and from paperclip at heads of front wrap and first leaf. Offsetting to inside of front wrap from newspaper cutting of article by Walter Lippman, 'WHAT KHRUSHCHEV DID NOT SAY ABOUT THE TERROR | Stalin Insufficient as Scapegoat'. Introduction by 'A STUDENT OF SOVIET AFFAIRS'. Internally subtitled 'The unmasking of Stalin'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed to [G. K. Menzies,] the Secretary, The Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke
Publication details: 
12 February 1918; 14 June [mistakenly given as July] 1918; 18 June 1918; all on letterhead '5 WESTERN TERRACE, | BRIGHTON.'

Dilke, the 2nd Baronet (1843-1911), was a disgraced politician and author. All items 12mo and very good. All three docketed, bearing the Society's stamp, and signed 'C. Wentworth Dilke'. The first item is addressed to Menzies personally and the other two to 'The Secty.' ITEM ONE: one page. He has received the letter of 9 February and is 'pleased to send you a subscription though not much in town'. ITEM TWO: two pages. Would like to know 'whether ladies are admitted as guests and how often'.

Unsigned Colonial Office duplicate copy of typed surrender between the British Trusts Association Limited, the Magadi Soda Company Limited, and His Most Gracious Majesty King George the Fifth.

Publication details: 

Folio bifoliate. 3 pages. In good condition, though somewhat grubby and with minor loss to one corner and some fraying to extremities. Supplemental document (to indenture of 16 May 1919) by which the Magadi Soda Company surrenders to the Crown the hereditaments and premises comprised in a lease to land at Kilindini on the Island of Mombasa in the Mombasa District of the Seyidie Province of the East Africa Protectorate. Neat Colonial Office accession stamp at foot of recto of first leaf, with 'DUPLICATE' stamped at head of same leaf.

Autograph Letter Signed to Joshua Sharpe.

Edward Blakeney
Publication details: 
Mahon the 8th. November 1753', Mahon, Minorca.

The recipient Joshua Sharpe (c.1716-86) was a solicitor of Lincoln's Inn, and counsel for various American colonies before the Board of Trade and Privy Council. His brother Horatio was Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. Two pages, folio. Grubby, frayed and worn, with some closed tears and minor fraying and loss to extremities, and minor loss to text. Appears to concern the investigation into a case brought against an English ship by the owners of the Spanish vessel Sancta Barbara ('Patron Joseph de la Torre').

Part of Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Lord Chancellor of England (1751-1838). Dimensions roughly four and a half inches square. Paper spotted and discoloured. Traces of previous blue-paper mount adhering to blank reverse. Unobtrusive archival-tape repair to closed tear. Reads 'May God support him in the Time of his great Calamity! | I shall be infinitely obliged by your allowing me to hope that thro' you I may occasionally hear of his Health | I remain, Dear Sir, | Yr obliged Servant | Eldon'.

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