
[ Lord William Pitt Lennox. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Willm P. Lennox') to an unnamed recipient, regarding the sale of a copyright to the London publishers Hurst & Blackett.

Lord William Pitt Lennox (1799-1881), British Army officer and author [ Hurst & Blackett, London publishers ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hall Place, Tunbridge. 16 July 1863.

1p., 12mo. In good condition. The subject of the letter is probably Lennox's Fifty Years' Biographical Reminiscences', published by Hurst and Blackett in 1863. Lennox is 'extremely flattered' at the contents of the recipient's letter, but has 'disposed of the copy right to Messrs Hurst and Blackett. 13. Gr. Marlborough St.', to whom he refers the recipient. 'Had I been in London I would have done myself the pleasure of expressing my thanks in person'.

[ Sir Archibald Spicer Hurd, naval authority. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A S H.') to 'Mr Service' (of the publishers Seeley & Co.), complaining about the severity of a proposed contract for a series of articles.

Sir Archibald Spicer Hurd (1869-1959) [ Seeley, Service and Co., London publishers ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 6 Stafford Terrace, Plymouth.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Written in pencil. A long and interesting complaint, casting an interesting light on the journalistic practices of the period. Hurd begins without preamble, pointing out, with reference to a previous letter, that he 'never promised 35000 words', and stating that the publisher 'would doubtless be able to put in a few extra illustrations to fill it out'.

[ First edition, inscribed by the author. ] Portraits of my Married Friends; or, A Peep into Hymen's Kingdom.

'Uncle Ben' [ Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth White (c.1820-1866, née Waterman [ Rhoda White ]]
Publication details: 
New York: D. Appleton & Co., 346 & 348 Broadway. London: 16 Little Britain. 1858.

343pp., 8vo, with sixteen-page publishers' catalogue at rear. Frontispiece and six full-page illustrations (one for each story). In blue cloth, with decorations in gilt on boards, and gilt titles on spine, all edges gilt, and attractive patterned endpapers. In fair condition, on aged paper, rebacked. Inscription on reverse of frontispiece reads: 'To Mary Charnock, | from the Author, | Mrs Rhoda E. White, | with every kindest wish.

[ Arthur Sullivan, composer ] Autograph Signature (clipped) with a few words in his hand, perhaps re. knighthood.

Arthur Sullivan, composer
Publication details: 
[ 1883? ]

7 x 3cm, some glue staining affecting initial letters, but clear, as follows, "yours sincerely | Arthur Sullivan". On the verso, the following words: "ratified by the Kin[g?] [...] which prompted His [...]", possibly referring to his knighthood in 1883.

Publishers' 'Specimen Of First Seven Plates' in 'An Elementary Text-Book of Entomology' by 'W. F. Kirby, of the British Museum'.

W. F. Kirby [ William Forsell Kirby (1844-1912) ], of the British Museum [ Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Paternoster Square; William Wesley & Son, London, Booksellers and Publishers ]
Publication details: 
London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Paternoster Square. 1885. [ With stamp of William Wesley & Son, Booksellers and Publishers, 28, Essex Street, Strand, London. ]

16pp., 4to. Unbound and unstitched pamphlet. On aged and worn paper. The first page has the Wesley stamp, and is headed 'Specimen Of First Seven Plates' It also carries nine lines describing the 'object of the author'. The seven plates are accompanied by captions, and there is also an explanation regarding them.

[Printed booklet.] Rhyming Riddles, &c. &c. for the Amusement of Young Oxonians. By an Old Oxonian.'

'An Old Oxonian' [ Samuel Partridge ] [ Munday and Slatter, Printers, Oxford ]
Publication details: 
Oxford: Printed and Sold by Munday and Slatter; Sold also by J. Thorpe, Cambridge; and B. and R. Crosby and Co. London. 1813. [ Munday and Slatter, Printers, Oxford. ]

[1] + 26pp., 4to. In original plain buff boards. Internally in fair condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn boards with covers detached. 38 poems, almost all of them riddles and charades.

[ Buckingham Palace concert programme. ] Printed programme for a concert by 'Mesd[am]es Adelina Patti, Kellogg & Trebelli' and others, conducted by 'Mr. W. G. Cusins', featuring music by Liszt, Wagner and Max Bruch.

Sir William George Cusins (1833-1893); Adelina Patti; Clara Kellogg; Zelia Trebelli-Bettini; Buckingham Palace; Ortner & Houle, 3 St James's Street, London printers
Publication details: 
'Monday Evening, 16th June, 1879.' Ortner & Houle, 3 St James's Street, London SW.

Printed on one side of a piece of 4to paper, with thick embossed decorative border in imitation of lace. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with closed tears to frail border. Royal crest at head printed in gold and other colours and also embossed. Headed: 'BUCKINGHAM PALACE. | MONDAY EVENING, 16th. JUNE, 1879.' Fourteen pieces are listed, by Mendelssohn, Liszt, Wagner (2), Gounod (2), Bizet, Max Bruch, Rossini (2), Ambroise Thomas, Massenet, Schumann and Cimarosa. Apart from Patti, Kellogg and Trebelli, the performers are 'Herr Henschel', 'Mr. W. H.

[ Sale catalogue, with pencil annotations. ] Catalogue of an Exhibition of a Unique Collection of Autograph Letters of Famous Painters.

The Leicester Galleries, Leicester Square, London; Charles Whittingham & Co., The Chiswick Press, London
Publication details: 
Ernest Brown & Phillips, The Leicester Galleries, Leicester Square, London. March, 1912. Printed by Charles Whittingham and Co., The Chiswick Press, London.

Medium-length unpaginated volume, 16mo. With ten fold-out plates (Perugino, Raphael, Giulio Clovio, Paolo Veronese, Rubens, Nicolas Poussin, Jean Marc Nattier, Thomas Gainsborough, Raeburn, Francois Millet). In printed wraps. On aged and worn paper, in heavily worn wraps. 118 items, well described, with prices.

[ Joseph Atkinson, Edwardian coachmaker, of Leeds, Liverpool and Bootle. ] Printed advertisement with illustrations of eighteen of the firm's horse-drawn vehicles, including 'London Mail Van', 'Bottler's Lurry', 'Brewer's Float', 'Miller's Cart'.

Joseph Atkinson, Edwardian coachmaker, of Leeds, Liverpool and Bootle [ Beck & Inchbold, Ltd., Leeds printers ]
Publication details: 
Joseph Atkinson, Black Bull Street, Hunslet Road, Leeds; also at 93, 95, & 97, Silvester Street, Scotland Road, Liverpool, And 66, Derby Road, Bootle. [ Printed by Beck & Inchbold, Ltd., Leeds. ] Undated [ Edwardian. ].

Printed in black and blue on both sides of a 28 x 43 cm piece of paper. Discoloured and aged, with small strip cut at head of leaf. Carrying 18 engravings of the firm's designs for lurries, carts and vans, usually giving dimensions, weight and load. Among the designs are a 'Bottler's Lurry', 'Mineral Water Van', 'Mineral Water Lurry', 'Farmer's Lurry', 'Brewer's Float', 'Furniture Van', 'London Mail Van', 'Bread Van', 'Parcel or Bread Van', 'Farmer's Cart', 'Miller's Cart' and 'Contractor's Cart'.

[ 'Knight's Juvenile Library': book with coloured frontispiece. ] The Life and Adventures of Thomas Titmouse, And Other Stories. By Peter Parley, Author of "The Wanderers by Sea and Land," etc.

'Peter Parley' [ Samuel Griswold Goodrich (1793-1860) ], children's author [ Knight and Son, 12 Clerkenwell Close, London juvenile publishers ]
Publication details: 
London: Published by Knight and Son, Clerkenwell Close. [c.1855]

64 + 16pp., 16mo. In blue cloth binding, with cover design stamped in gilt. All edges gilt. In fair condition, aged, worn and shaken, with rear endpaper torn away. Coloured frontispiece showing 'The Soldier and the Blind Fiddler'. At rear is a sixteen-page catalogue of 'Books for the Young, Published by Knight and Son, 12, Clerkenwell Close.' Now scarce: although there are 10 copies on WorldCat (where the book is ascribed to Goodrich, and dated), none of them, or on COPAC, are noted as being in Britain.

[ Cadell & Davies, London booksellers. ] Autograph Note Signed from 'S. Cadell' to 'Mr Lawless' [ the firm's assistant Robert Lawless ], instructing him to deliver copies of Pope's Homer to 'Mr Nichols' [ John Bowyer Nichols ].

S. Cadell [ John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863), printer and publisher; Robin Lawless (1724-1806), Irish-born assistant to the London booksellers Cadell & Davies [ Thomas Cadell & William Davies ] ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London, pre-1806. ]

On one side of a small rectangle of laid paper, with one corner snipped off. In fair condition, aged and worn, with spike hole not affecting text. Reads: 'Mr Lawless | Deliver Mr Nichols Ninety Popes omer 4 Vol. | S. Cadell'. Although clearly a member of the firm, the identity of the writer is unclear, the descriptions of Cadell & Davies material at the Huntingdon and Yale not yielding any information.

[ Bangs & Co., New York auctioneers. ] The three parts of the 'Catalogue of the Large and Valuable Library of the late Henry F. Sewall of this City'. [ Including the first four Shakespeare folios. Each of the lots priced in manuscript. ]

Henry F. Sewall (1816-1896), New York merchant and print and book collector [ Bangs & Co., New York auctioneers; William Shakespear, First Folio, 1623 ]
Publication details: 
New York: Bangs & Co., 91 & 93 Fifth Avenue. Dates of sale: 9-13 November 1896 (Part I), 30 November and 1 and 2 December 1896 (Part II), and 18 to 22 January 1897.

376pp., 8vo. Uniformly printed and continuously paginated. Part I: [3] + 1-124. Part II; [2] + 125-251. Part II: 253-376. All three parts in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with rusted staples. in remains of printed wraps. A total of 4240 lots, priced throughout in the margins. The full title gives a good indication of the nature of the collection: 'Catalogue of the Large and Valuable Library of the late Henry F.

[Printed volume.] The Pythouse Papers: Correspondence concerning the Civil War, The Popish Plot, and A Contested Election in 1680. Transcribed from MSS. in the possession of V. F. Benett--Stanford, Esq., M.P.

William Ansell Day, editor [ The Pythouse Papers, 1642-1680, of V. F. Benett-Stanford, Esq., M.P. ]
Publication details: 
London: Bickers & Son, 1 Leicester Square. 1879. [ Wyman and Sons, Printers, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. ]

A total of 211pp., 8vo, paginated vii + xcviii + 105 + [1]. In red leather quarter-binding, with a coat of arms stamped in gilt on the green cloth front cover, and the title in gilt on the spine. Internally in fair condition, on lightly aged paper, in shaken and worn binding, with damage at head and tail of spine. Tastefully printed in a heavy style by Wyman and Sons. Day's 98-page introduction concludes by explaining thaht 'the documents now printed are in possession of Mr. Benett Stanford, the collateral descendant of Colonel Benett, and present member for Shaftesbury.

[ James Galt & Co. Ltd., Manchester booksellers. ] Typed Note to E. Vale of Nant Ffrancon, signed on behalf of the firm by B. E. Stevenson, regarding books ordered, on elaborate coloured letterhead.

James Galt & Co. Ltd., Manchester academic booksellers and stationers, established 1836 [ B. E. Stevenson; E. Vale of Nant Ffrancon, Wales ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of James Galt & Co. Ltd. Grove House Works, Plymouth Grove, Manchester 13. Undated [ 1930s? ].

1p., 4to. In good condition. The large and unusual letterhead is the point of interest: it is roughly 17 x 11.5 cm, and mostly taken up with an illustration, printed in red, yellow, green, blue, orange and black, depicting an idealised scene in a Victorian bookseller's shop, with a young lady with bonnet and parasol, two schoolboys in top hats with Eton collars and a bespectackled master in mortar board and robes, the last of whom is examining a book shown to him by an elderly bookseller.

[ Edwardian Huddersfield auction catalogue] Sale of Library of Books. By instructions of the Executors of the late J. B. Robinson, Esq. J.P. Catalogue of the valuable Library of Books [...].

[ J. B. Robinson, J.P., of Huddersfield [ Eddison, Taylor & Booth, Huddersfield auctioneers ]
Publication details: 
Eddison, Taylor & Booth, 6 High Street, Huddersfield. Auction on 15 March 1907. [ J. Broadbent & Co., Printers, High Street and Albion Street, Huddersfield. ]

14 + 1 pp., 12mo. Stapled. In fair condition, aged and worn, with rusted staples and loss to last leaf (not affecting text). A few pencil notes to the margins. 170 lots. The titles listed on the cover give an indication of the nature of the library: 'Ruskin's Modern Painters, 5 vols. | "Punch," 113 vols. | Encyclopaedia Britannica, 22 vols. | Blackie's Imperial Dictionary, 4 vols. | Royal Academy Pictures, 1891-1894. | Hogarth's Works, large folio. | Berwick's History of British Birds. | Whitaker & Thoresby's History of Leeds. | Gent's History of Ripon, 1733. | Notes and Queries, 60 vols.

[ Messrs. Harrisons & Sons of Pall Mall, Booksellers and Stationers to His Majesty The King. ] Printed catalogue: 'A List of Messrs. Harrision & Sons' Publications.'

Messrs. Harrison & Sons, 'Booksellers and Stationers to His Majesty The King', 45 Pall Mall, London SW
Publication details: 
Messrs. Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall Mall, London. [ Circa 1903. ]

16pp., 4to. Stitched pamphlet. Aged and worn. The lay-out is staid and old-fashioned, reminsicent of the 1880s. Very much geared to the St James's Palace market, with such titles as 'Bicycle Gymkhana and Musical Rides' by Major Walter Wingfield, 'No Army, No Empire' by the Earl of Dunraven, and 'Roulette: The Winning Rules' by 'Sperienza'. Includes various of Sir Bernard Burke's publications, and Hertslet's Treaties, as well as 'Dress Worn by Gentlemen at His Majesty's Court. The latest date within the catalogue is 1903. No other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[Proof engraving of 'The Welcome Coffee House' (Moreton Pinkney, Northamptonshire?) ] Manuscript Letter, signed 'Pro S. W. Partridge & Co | F. N', to W. H. Dunlop, enclosing a proof engraving from the 'Coffee Public News'.

[ S. W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, London publishers ] [Samuel William Partridge (1810-1903); W. H. Dunlop (proprietor?), The Welcome Coffee House (Moreton Pinkney, Northamptonshire?) ]
Publication details: 
S. & W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, London. 25 October 1880.

Both the engraving and the letter are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ENGRAVING: Dimensions of image: 5.5 x 9 cm. Dimensions of paper: 12 x 18 cm. In black ink. The coffee house, with signage, is shown behind an old stone wall, in front of a country house. It is built like a barn with a taller structure beside it (possibly a reading room). LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium.

[ Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., London publishers. ] Illustrated booksellers' 'order form': 'A New Series of Children's Toy Books'.

Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., 4, Stationers Hall Court, London, EC4 [ catalogue of 'Children's Toy Books' ]
Publication details: 
Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., 4, Stationers Hall Court, London, E.C.4. [1919, for 1920.]

8pp., 4to. Illustrations of covers on every page. Stapled. In good condition, on aged paper, with rusted staples. The cover (with a central photograph depicting the covers of eight titles) is headed: 'Order Form. | A New Series of Children's Toy Books. | The Publishers offer in this new series one of the most striking and original Coloured Toy Books ever published. They will please little children. | These Toy Books will command an immediate sale in any part of the country. They are not expensive.' In right-hand margin of cover: 'A Selection of 49 Titles'.

[ Nisbet & Co., Ltd., London publishers. ] Two items: 'Nisbet & Co., Ltd. | Juvenile Order List', August 1917' (with many items by R. M. Ballantyne) and 'Nisbets' Preliminary List | Autumn, 1917'.

Nisbet & Co., Ltd., London publishers [ R. M. Ballantyne (1825-1894), children's author; juvenile publishing ]
Publication details: 
Nisbet & Co., Ltd., 22, Berners Street, London, W.1. 1917.

Both items in good condition, lightly-aged. ONE: 'Nisbet & Co., Ltd. Juvenile Order List'. 4pp., folio. Bifolium. Blue addendum slip tipped-in onto front cover. Divided into 18 sections, including 'The Schoolgirl Series', 'Little Picture Books' and 'The Dominion Library'. With a heavy emphasis on R. M. Ballantyne, with four sections titled: 'R. M. Ballantyne's Famous Stories for Boys | The Copyright Edition', 'R. M. Ballantyne's Tales of Adventure', 'R. M. Ballantyne's Stories | Crown 8vo' and 'R. M. Ballantyne's Stories | Crown 8vo. Picture Cover'.

[ Booklet celebrating 150th anniversary of the celebrated Birmingham cartridge makers.] The Eley Story 1828-1978.

Dorothy Thomas [Eley, Witton, Birmingham cartridge makers] [ C. Harry Lawrence (c.1900-1984), managing director, James Purdey & Sons Ltd, London gunsmiths ]
Publication details: 
Eley, P.O. Box 216, Witton, Birmingham. [Kynoch Graphic Design, Printed at IMI Kynoch Press, Birmingham.] 1978.

[36]pp., 8vo. Stapled in red card wraps with circular cartridge design in silver. An attractive and glossy production, profusely illustrated. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with dink to spine. Section titles read: '"Who is this C. Eley?"'; 'The Brothers'; 'Together now for 40 years'; 'New Century, new problems'; 'Crisis and congratulations'; 'Pastures new'; 'War and Peace'; '"A policiy of enlightened self-interest"'; 'Eley at 150 years old'. From the papers of the noted gunsmith C.

[ Edwardian police. ] Original black and white photograph showing 22 policemen posing in four rows in uniform.

[ Edwardian police (in Kent?) ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Kent? 1900s?]

15 x 21 cm print laid down on 17.5 x 23.5 cm piece of card. Faded and aged, with wear to extremities of card (not print) and staining to reverse. The men are posing in four rows, in front of a large window in a brick wall. They are hatless, and wear single-breasted jackets with seven gilt buttons at the front, with black belt and metal buckle. Four numbers embroidered on either side of collars. In the centre of the group is a sergeant. Most of the men sport moustaches, and many pomaded hair and centre partings. From the papers of the gunsmith C.

[ Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Co., London printsellers. ] Itemised manuscript invoice to 'John Edward Taylor Esq', signed by 'J. W. Wood', including commission on 42 lots purchased for him at the 'Percy Sale'.

Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Company, Printsellers by Appointment to her Majesty, London [ John Edward Taylor (1830-1905), owner of the Manchester Guardian and notable art collector ]
Publication details: 
Paul & Dominic Colnaghi & Company, 14 Pall Mall East, 'S.W. next the College of Physicians', London. On the firm's engraved billhead. 'Midsr. [i.e. Midsummer] 1890'.

Taylor's collecting activities are described in his entry in the Oxford DNB. His collection was sold by his widow in 1912 for the massive sum of £358,500.3pp., folio. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Tastefully-printed billhead, as one might expect, in black and red, with royal crests, boasting that the firm are 'Printsellers by Appointment to her Majesty, | Their Royal Highnesses The Prince Consort, The Prince of Wales, and the Duchess of Kent'. Also the text: 'Established 1760. | Half price allowed for packing cases if returned immediately'.

[British Army in India (a supplies scandal?)] Eight highly-finished, capable caricatures by 'C', involving a Raj (army supplies?) scandal, 'Bilk', 'Jemadar Amwalla and the Old Atasi Troupe', 'Mahomed Arif & Co', 'the G. C. M.', and the Madras Times.

'C'. [British Army in the Raj, 1913; British India; Cannanore [Kannur], Kerala; Mahomed Arif & Co.; Jemadar Amwalla ]
Publication details: 
Two dated from Cannanore [Kannur, Kerala, India], one to December 1913 and the other simply to 1913.

Eight witty and attractive caricatures, in a sub-Punch style. All eight in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Each in black ink on a separate piece of paper, five of them 33.5 x 21.5 cm, and three of them 21 x 17 cm. The context of the caricatures is at present obscure, but would undoubtedly make itself clear with specialist research. The five largest illustrations are: ONE: Caption: 'Please to remember | The twenty-seventh of November | The "Bilk-Powder" treason and plot'.

[ Andrew Ainslie Common, English astronomer and astronomical photographer. ] Typed Letter Signed ('A. A. Common') to the Sandwich bankers Messrs Emmerson & Co., with receipt, regarding golf balls purchased from Ramsay Hunter of St. George's Golf Club

A. A. Common [ Andrew Ainslie Common ] (1841-1903), astronomer and astronomical photographer [ Ramsay Hunter, Scottish greenkeeper and 'architect' of the [Royal] St George's Golf Club, Sandwich, Kent]
Publication details: 
Both letter and receipt from Eaton Rise, Ealing. W. [London] 31 March and 12 May 1900.

For more information on Common, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items on aged and worn paper. ONE: Typed Letter Signed. 31 March 1900. 1p., 4to. 'I bought a gross of balls of Hunter and paid for them on the understanding that I should take them as I wanted them'. He has a rough idea how many he has had, and will be 'able to say exactly when I look in my locker'. He ends by asking the firm to refer to Hunter's books regarding the matter. TWO: Typed Receipt, signed by Common over two red Inland Revenue penny stamps. 12 May 1900. 1p., 4to. 'Received of Messrs Emmerson & Co.

[Charles Thomas Courtney Lewis.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. T Courtney Lewis') to an unnamed recipient, regarding his two books on the publishers Le Blond & Co.

Charles Thomas Courtney Lewis [ C. T. Courtney Lewis ] (b.1856), English writer on art [Le Blond & Co., London fine art publishers]
Publication details: 
32 Great Queen Street, Kingsway, London, WC2. 4 October 1928.

1p., narrow 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He explains that he has 'not written since my Vol in 1920 any Book on Le Blond except the one just published of which I enclose the Prospectus & do not contemplate any other'. He points out the differences between the two volumes and ends with an offer of help.

[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council. ] Typed report of a talk given at Norwich Central Public Library, titled 'The Making of a Book'.

[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council (F. S. Denys Page, President); George Arthur Stephens, city librarian, Norwich ]
Publication details: 
[ Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council. ] Undated [1920s].

2pp., 4to. Carbon. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Begins: 'The third of a series of lectures arranged by the Norwich Printers' Joint Industrial Council was held at the Norwich Central Public Library on March 19, when the City Librarian (Mr. Geo A. Stephen, the author of "Commercial Bookbinding" and other works) gave a lecture on "The Making of a Modern Book". The lecture was illustrated by about a hundred lantern slides and exhibits. [...] Mr. F.S.

[Robert Owen, Welsh utopian socialist.] Manuscript List of newspapers, addressed to 'Robert Owen, Esqr.' [by his publishers Cadell & Davies], with note stating that they are 'The Papers Mr Owens Pamphlet [probably 'A New View of Society'] is to go'.

[Robert Owen (1771-1858), Welsh social reformer and utopian socialist; Cadell & Davies, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. On paper watermarked 'H WILLMOTT | 1812'.

1p., small 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper, with spike hole (not affecting text). Listing seventeen newspapers, from 'The Times' to 'Drakard's paper', with note running up the right-hand margin: 'The Papers Mr Owens Pamphlet is to go'. Addressed on reverse to 'Robert Owen, Esqr.' From the archives of Cadell & Davies, publishers in 1813 of Owen's 'New View of Society'.

[Methuen & Co., London publishers.] Sixteen printed publishers' advertisements, including lists of 'Messrs. Methuen's New Books', and handbills for Jack London's 'White Fang', and works by Robert Hichens, Arnold Bennett and others.

Methuen & Co., London publishers [Jack London; Arnold Bennett; Robert Hichens]
Publication details: 
Methuen & Co. Ltd, 36 Essex Street, London WC2. Dated items between Spring 1907 and Autumn 1939.

The collection of sixteen items is in good overall condition, on aged and worn paper. Includes: two lists of 'Messrs. Methuen's Sixpenny Books', one of them dated to 1908; lists for 1912, 1915, 1924 (two), 1934 (two: novels and 'new books'), 1939 (two: one in red of novels, and the other in blue of non-fiction). Also advertisements for: 'The Illustrated Pocket Library of Plain and Coloured Books'; 'The Heather Moon' by C. N. and A. M.

[Methuen & Co., London publishers.] Eight in-house publicity items and a trade catalogue, comprising: two issues of the firm's 'Book Gazette & Notes on Books'; six issues of its 'Monthly Bulletin'; and 'A Complete and Illustrated Catalogue of Books'.

[Methuen & Co., London publishers.]
Publication details: 
All items from Methuen & Co., 36 Essex Street, London, WC. The two copies of the 'Book Gazette' from October 1896 and September 1901. The six copies of the 'Monthly Bulletin' between July 1904 and April-May-June 1910. The 'Catalogue', January 1929.

The collection in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The catalogue stitched and in wraps; the other eight items with rusted staples, and unbound. Items One and Two: Copies of the 'Book Gazette' (both 32pp., small 4to), numbered 8 (October 1896) and 16 (September 1901), and containing Announcements, Literary Notes, and extracts from publications. Items Three to Eight: Six copies of 'Methuen's Monthly Bulletin'. All 8vo, and ranging in length from 20 to 32pp. The earliest of the six (July 1904) with announcement on front cover: 'Messrs.

[W. Heath Robinson.] Proofs of two sets of prelims from his Navarre Society edition of 'The Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais', with a total of ten illustrations by W. Heath Robinson.

W. Heath Robinson [The Navarre Society, London; Morrision & Gibb, Limited, Printers, Edinburgh; Francois Rabelais]
Publication details: 
Navarre Society, London. Both sets of prelims with stamp of Morrison & Gibb, Limited, Printers, Edinburgh, dated 18 March 1954.

Both sets of proofs unstitched and unopened (and both opening out into a folio sheet), and both with title-pages printed in red and black. Both in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, and both stamped on first page 'PLEASE PASS FOR PRESS | MARGINS' in blue, with purple oval dated printers' stamp. FIRST SET: 16pp., 8vo, paginated to xvi. Title: 'THE WORKS OF MR. FRANCIS | RABELAIS | [...] | Illustrated by W. HEATH ROBINSON | The Second Part'. Publishers' details at foot on pasted label at foot of title-page: 'MCMLIV | THE NAVARRE SOCIETY LONDON'.

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