[Sir Anthony Panizzi [Antonio Genesio Maria Panizzi], Principal Librarian at the British Museum.] Autograph Signature.

Sir Anthony Panizzi [born Antonio Genesio Maria Panizzi in Italy] (1797-1879), Principal Librarian at the British Museum, London
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Now viewed in a favourable light, Panizzi was a controversial figure in his own time, being dubbed a ‘fat pedant’ by Thomas Carlyle, who was moved to press for the creation of the London Library as a result of the Italian’s high-handed behaviour. On 7 x 4 cm piece of grey paper, presumably cut from an album. No othe writing on the slip other than Panizzi's compact and disciplined signature 'A Panizzi.' In good condition, lightly aged, Strips of sunning at top and right edge, but nowhere near the signature. See scan.

[The Navy Office, London.] Manuscript document, addressed to ‘Mr: Turnpenny’ from the Navy Office, in the matter of ‘the Hire of the Pulteney Advice Boat’, regarding a request to delay payment of a bill, signed by six Commissioners of the Navy.

The Navy Office, Seething Lane, City of London [Commissioners of the Navy; Navy Board; Royal Navy; Admiralty]
Publication details: 
30 December 1748. Navy Office [Seething Lane, City of London].

The War of Jenkin’s Ear had ended a few months before, and Daniel A. Baugh, ‘British Naval Administration in the Age of Walpole’ (Princeton, 1965) describes the sorry state into which the Navy Board had fallen at this point. 1p, foolscap 8vo. On recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, the verso of the second leaf being addressed ‘To / Mr Turnpenny / Navy Office’ and docketted ‘Com[missione]rs of Navy to Mr Turnpenny’. In poor condition and urgent need of archival repair. The laid and watermarked paper is flaking away, and part of text, including a couple of the signatures, is lacking.

[The Wesleyan Missions.] Three printed pamphlets in the series 'Papers relative to the Wesleyan Missions, and the State of Heathen Countries.' All illustrated, two with illustrations hand-coloured.

The Wesleyan Missions; James Nichols, printer, 46 Hoxton Square, London [Fiji; Captain Dillon; Charles F. Allison, Wesleyan Academy, Mount-Allison, New Brunswick]
The Wesleyan Mission
Publication details: 
ONE: No. LXXII, June 1838. TWO: No. CXV, March 1849. THREE: No. CXXXVII, September 1854. All three printed by James Nichols, 46 Hoxton Square, London.
The Wesleyan Mission

See W. Moister, ‘A History of Wesleyan Missions in all Parts of the World’ (1871). Each item 4pp, 12mo bifolium. All three with engraved illustration on first page, which has a drophead title. The three are worn and discoloured, with loss of text in caption in Item One (see below), and the first two items with cover illustrations crudely hand-coloured. ONE: No. LXXII, June 1838. Mostly consisting of ‘An appeal to the sympathy of the Christian public, on behalf of the cannibal Fejeeans’.

[Mary Ellis [Mary Belle Elsas], American actress on Broadway and in film, who later found fame in England.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph.

Mary Ellis [born May Belle Elsas] (1897-2003), American Broadway and screen actress and singer, particularly associated with Ivor Novello
Publication details: 
February 1944. No place.

A black and white publicity photograph on an 11 x 15 cm collotype print. Signed at bottom right: ‘Yours sincere / Mary Ellis / Feb. 1844’. A head and shoulders portrait of a dreamy-looking Ellis in front of netting, staring downwards to her right, with her head cradled in her right hand, which is clasped by her left. In good condition, lightly aged. Scan on application

[‘Scotland’s greatest ambassador’: Sir Harry Lauder, music hall singer and comedian.] Autograph Inscription and Signature.

[Harry Lauder] Sir Henry Lauder (1870-1950), hugely-popular Scottish music hall singer and comedian popular, described by Sir Winston Churchill as ‘Scotland’s greatest ambassador’
Publication details: 
On stamped postcard with Tooting postmark of 13 January 1905.

Lauder was the highest-paid entertainer in the world in 1911, and the first British artist to sell a million records (by 1928 he had sold two million). See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 14 x 9 cm plain postcard, addressed (by the recipient) to ‘Norman Wetton / 7 Claremont Road / Forrest Gate.’ On the blank reverse Lauder has written: ‘ “D’you Know this ” / Yours very truly / Harry Lauder’. A little grubby and discoloured, but in fair condition. Scan on application.

[Dorothy Ward, English actress who specialised in the part of principal boy in pantomimes.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph by S. George of London.

Dorothy Ward (1890-1987), English actress over five decades, who often played principal boy in pantomimes, opposite her husband Shaun Glenville [S. George, London photographer]
Publication details: 
1926. With stamp: ‘REPRO BY / S. GEORGES / [14] GREEN ST. / W.C.2.’

Glossy black and white publicity photograph on 8.5 x 13 cm postcard, embossed with studio details at bottom right. ‘MISS DOROTHY WARD’ in white print at foot. Autograph inscription across foot: ‘Best wishes / Dorothy Ward / 1926’. In good condition, lightly aged. A head-and-shoulders image of Ward with right shoulder slightly forwards, looking upwards, with a laurel wreath around her head and frizzy short hair, in pearls and a white sleeveless gown. With stamp and Liverpool postmark on reverse, which is addressed to ‘F. J. Clare / 5 Delamere Grove / Leacombe / Wallasey’. Scan on application

[George Cruikshank, illustrator and engraver associated with Dickens.] Five original loose engravings from Cruikshank’s ‘Comic Alphabet’, and four steel engravings from ‘The Comic Almanac’.

George Cruikshank, illustrator and engraver associated with Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
The five ‘Comic Alphabet’ engravings from a work published in London in 1836. The four ‘Comic Almanac’ engravings among those published in London in that journal, in the 1830s and 1840s.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. ONE: Five engravings from the ‘Comic Alphabet’. All about 8 x 12 cm. Uncoloured. Originally part of a long single piece of paper, fan-folded. In good condition, lightly aged. Two laid down on pieces of grey paper (cut from an album).

[Dame Gladys Cooper, English actress, star of stage and screen.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph by ‘Philco’ of London.

Gladys Cooper [Dame Gladys Constance Cooper] (1888-1971), distinguished English actress, star of stage and screen [‘Philco’, London photographer]
Publication details: 
No date [Early 1930s?]. By ‘Philco’, London, W.C.1.

7.5 x 11.5 cm black and white publicity photograph by ‘ “Philco” London W.C.1.’ Expansive genuine signature ‘Gladys Cooper’ across bottom part of image, in addition to facsimile signature in white at bottom right. In good condition, on postcard with border trimmed. Dark sepia-toned image. A head-and-shoulders portrait, with Cooper staring to her right, with short frizzy hair, in fashionable gown. Scan on application

[Dame Wendy Hiller, distinguished stage and screen actress.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph.

Dame Wendy Hiller [Wendy Margaret Hiller] (1912-2003), distinguished English stage and screen actress over six decades
Publication details: 
No date or place (1940s?).

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 8 x 13 cm collotype print, with 8 x 2 cm space at bottom in which she signs ‘Wendy Hiller.’ In good condition, lightly aged. Black and white, with Hiller’s face in left profile, her body at three-quarters, squinting to her right while wearing what looks like a buttoned-up sou’-wester. Scan on application.

[Alice Delysia [stage name of Alice Henriette Lapize], French actress and singer who moved to England and worked with C. B. Cochran and Noel Coward.] Autograph Signature on publicity photograph by Janet Jevons of London.

Alice Delysia [stage name of Alice Henriette Lapize] (1889-1979), French actress and singer at the Moulin Rouge, who worked in England with C. B. Cochran and Noel Coward [Janet Jevons of London]
Alice Delysia
Publication details: 
Without date. At bottom right of image: ‘Portrait by Janet Jevons, 19/20 New Bond Street, W.1.’
Alice Delysia

8.5 x 14 cm glossy publicity photograph on post card. In good condition, lightly aged. Inscribed across the bottom of the image: ‘Souvenirs / Alice Delysia’. A soft-toned head and shoulders image in black and white, of a smiling Delysia, eyebrows plucked, lips made up, and short hair Marcell-waved. See Image.

[Religious Tract Society.] Two uncommon printed pamphlets: ‘The Blind Schoolmistress of Devonshire. A True and Interesting Story.’ and ‘Scotch Betty: A True Story of a Poor Woman, who was run over by a Waggon’.

Religious Tract Society, London; W. Clowes and A. Applegarth, publishers
Publication details: 
'Scotch Betty': c.1818. London: A. Applegarth for the Religious Tract Society. 'The Blind Schoolmistress'. c. 1830. London: W. Clowes for the RTS.

Two nice ephemeral items. Both now quite scarce: the first (four copies on COPAC) more than the second. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Disbound and stabbed as issued. ONE: ‘No. 592. / The Blind Schoolmistress of Devonshire. / A True and Interesting Story.’ 8pp, 12mo. Slug at foot of p.8 (beneath the RTS’s dove-and-olive-branch device): ‘London: Printed by W. Clowes, Stamford-street, for The Religious Tract Society; and sold at their Depository, 56, Paternoster-row; also by J. and C.

[‘She is not so really great as we hoped’: Charles Manby, civil engineer, involved in managing Adelphi and Haymarket theatres, London.] Copy Letter to Frederick Hodgson, criticising Fanny Kemble and discussing arrangement with Frederick Henry Yates.

Charles Manby (1804-84), civil engineer [Fanny Kemble (1809-93), actress; Frederick Henry Yates (1797-1842), actor; Frederick Hodgson (1795-1854), politician; Adelphi and Haymarket theatres, London]
Publication details: 
Great George Street [London]. 8 November 1841.

Manby’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that ‘His interests ranged beyond the engineering world, and for many years he was involved in the management of the Adelphi and Haymarket theatres.’ Manuscript copy letter. 2pp, 4to. Thirty-three lines of neat text. Addressed to ‘Frederick Hodgson Esqre. M.P.’ Ends: ‘I am Dear Sir / Your very faithfully / Charles Manby’.On first leaf of bifolium. Reverse of second leaf docketted: ‘Copy C Manby to F Hodgson Esqr / Scarbro - Novr 8. 1841’ (the letter does not contain any reference to Scarborough). In fair condition, creased and lightly aged. Folded once.

[Joan of Arc: Rev. Dr Walter Sidney Scott of Shortfield House, Frensham.] Autograph and Typescript material by him relating to Joan of Arc (talk, paper, article, dramatic ‘Reverie’), with material relating to his family pedigree.

[Joan of Arc] Walter Sidney Scott (1900-1980) [Rev. Dr W. S. Scott of Shortfield House, Frensham], English cleric, author and biographer of Joan of Arc [Jeanne d’Arc]
Publication details: 
Between 1956 and 1974. (Genealogical material earlier?)

Scott was the author of books on subjects as diverse as the bluestockings and metaphysical poets. He produced two works on Joan of Arc: first, in 1956, the Folio Society published his edition of ‘The trial of Joan of Arc, being the verbatim report of the proceedings from the Orleans Manuscript’; then, in 1974, appeared his biography ‘Jeanne d’Arc’, published by Harrap. With regard to the present material, Items One to Five are all typed, and Item Seven contains exclusively-autograph material.

[Norfolk postal history.] Autograph Album titled ‘The Posts in Norfolk Related under the headings of the respective Towns and Villages’, ‘Compiled and Arranged by A. E. Trout / South Cave. E. Yks’; franks, stamps, covers and other matter inserted.

[Norfolk postal history; British Post Office in East Anglia] A. E. Trout of South Cave, East Yorkshire [Society of Postal Historians, London]
Publication details: 
Written in 1950s. Introductory note dated April 1956; from Church Street, South Cave, East Yorkshire. Volume begins around 1952, and latest item is from December 1959. Contains Norfolk franks from 1829, 1835 and 1884.

An interesting and informative item in postal history, which in 1956 received the endorsement of being exhibited at the Pall Mall headquarters of the Society of Postal Historians (see below). Manuscript title-page reads: ‘The Posts in Norfolk. / Related under the headings of the respective Towns and Villages. / With various Post Town Lists, Introductory Notes, and Illustrated with Letters, Covers, Stamps, Postmarks, Cuttings, and other Postal Material. / Compiled and Arranged by / A. E. Strout / South Cave. E. Yks.’ 173pp, 4to.

[‘Collector and preserver of Autographs’: William Upcott, antiquary and autograph collector, Assistant Librarian of the London Institution.] Autograph Document Signed, with four pieces of advice in life.

William Upcott (1779-1845), antiquary and autograph collector, Assistant Librarian of the London Institution
Publication details: 
‘London Institution / Finsbury Circus. / January 17. 1834’. On paper watermarked ‘GATER / 1815’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, together with A. N. L. Munby’s entertaining ‘The Cult of the Autograph Letter in England’ (1962). 1p, 4to. No fold. In good condition, on lightly aged paper extracted from a notebook. Signed at foot: ‘William Upcott / a collector and preserver of Autographs. / London Institution / Finsbury Circus. / January 17. 1834’. The four memoranda are neatly written out over fifteen lines in Upcott’s distinctive hand.

[William Upcott, antiquary and autograph collector, Assistant Librarian of the London Institution.] Autograph Document Signed, listing English sovereign, to show that 'not one has ascended the Throne in the blooming month of May'.

William Upcott (1779-1845), antiquary and autograph collector, Assistant Librarian of the London Institution
Publication details: 
‘London Institution, / Finsbury Circus. Jan. 18. 1834.' On paper watermarked 'GATER / 1815'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, together with A. N. L. Munby’s entertaining ‘The Cult of the Autograph Letter in England’ (1962). 1p, 4to. No fold. In good condition, on lightly aged paper extracted from a notebook. Signed at foot: ‘William Upcott / London Institution, / Finsbury Circus. Jan. 18. 1834.' Very neatly written out in Upcott’s best hand, which is more like type (including the signature) than the document offered separately, on the same watermarked paper.

[William Manning, Governor of the Bank of England, West Indian merchant, slaveowner.] Autograph Letter Signed to Francis Freeling of the Post Office, regarding a 'communication' indicating 'the delusion which prevails in the public mind' on a subject

William Manning (1763-1835), Governor of the Bank of England, West Indian merchant, slaveowner, Tory MP, father of Cardinal Manning [Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary of the General Post Office]
Publication details: 
‘Bank of England, / April 28th. 1818.’ London.

See his entry, and Freeling’s, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. Aged and worn, with nicks and closed tears around the edges, but not near the valediction ‘Yours very faithfully / W: Manning.’ Addressed to ‘Francis Freeling, Esqr.’ Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / Your Letter of yesterday I have just received & am exceedingly obliged to you for the communication it contains - it is quite distressing to see the delusion which prevails in the public mind on this subject -’. He is ‘submitting the Extract of the Norwich paper sent by Mr.

[Lord Ullswater [James William Lowther, 1st Viscount Ullswater], Speaker of the House of Commons.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Courtenay Ilbert, Clerk of the Commons, regarding telegrams he has ready to send after the Prime Minister’s ‘intimation’

Lord Ullswater [James William Lowther, 1st Viscount Ullswater (1855-1949)], Conservative politician, Speaker of the House of Commons, 1905-1921 [Sir Courtenay Ilbert (1841-1924), Clerk of the Commons]
Publication details: 
18 August [no year, but during his tenure as Speaker]. On letterhead of Campsea Ashe High House, Wickham Market.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 16mo. Eighteen lines. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. Folded once. Addressed to ‘Dear Ilbert’ and signed ‘James W Lowther’. He has ‘prepared a series of telegram [sic] to all the news agencies and to the Clerk of the Works at Westminster’, and will dispatch them as soon as he receives ‘any intimation from the P.M’. He has another telegram ready for the London Gazette. ‘I think we can reasonably expect that, with 48 hrs notice, all M Ps and the staff would have sufficient notice’.

[Louis-Arsène Delaunay, French actor with the Comédie Française.] Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to Tom Taylor, playwright and editor of Punch, in enveloped addressed by him to 'Sir Tom Taylor'.

Louis-Arsène Delaunay (1826-1903), French actor who over four decades created almost two hundred parts with the Comédie Française [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
'London July 4 1879 / Upper Montagu st. W'.

See his entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica, and Taylor's in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and folded once. In worn envelope with Penny Red stamp and postmark, and slight loss around flap. The envelope was no doubt retained because it was addressed by Delaunay to 'Sir Tom Taylor / Lavender Sweet [sic] / Wandsworth'. A neatly laid written and laid out communication, addressed to ‘Cher Monsieur Taylor’ and signed ‘Yours truly / L Delaunay / de la Comedie française’.

[Jacob Schwartz, American-born proprietor of the Ulysses Bookshop in London, dealer in James Joyce and the Modernists.] Autograph Letter Signed

Jacob Schwartz [Jake Schwartz] (b. 1899, fl. 1960), New York dentist who turned to bookselling and founded the Ulysses bookshop in London, dealing largely in James Joyce and the Modernists
Publication details: 
23 October [no year]. On letterhead of the Ulysses Bookshop, 20 Bury Street, London WC1.

Several James Joyce scholars have turned their attention to Schwartz, an early dealer in his books and manuscripts, as well as publisher of a couple of pirated editions. See William S. Brockman, 'Jacob Schwartz - The Fly in the Honey' in Joyce Studies Annual, Summer 1998. 1p, 4to. On the Ulysses Bookshop letterhead, printed on green paper. Addressed to 'Dear Sir:' and with valediction 'Au Revoir / Dr J Schwartz / prop / Ulysses Books'.

[Earl Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey], Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to Tom Taylor, editor of Punch, praising a performance of his play ‘The Ticket-of-Leave Man’.

Earl Grey [Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey], Secretary of State for War in two Liberal administrations [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
2 June [no year, but 1863, and on paper watermarked with that date]; on letterhead of 13 Carlton House Terrace.

See the entry for Grey and Taylor in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Begins: ‘Dear Mr Taylor - / I am just come home from seeing “the ticket of leave man,” & before I go to bed I must thank you for an evening of very great enjoyment.’ It pleased him ‘to see so good a play, not taken from the French, but really English, [the play was in fact adapted from the French] & teaching the public what is true instead of encouraging a popular delusion of the day’.

[Sir Wentworth Dilke [Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, 1st Baronet], Leading Commissioner of the Great Exhibition.]

Sir Wentworth Dilke [Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, 1st Baronet] (1810-1869), Leading Commissioner of the Great Exhibition of 1851,
Publication details: 
'76 Sloane Street [London] / 3. October 1856.'

See his entry, with those of his father and son (all three named Charles Wentworth Dilke) in the Oxford DNB. With regard to the present item the ODNB states: 'His deep involvement in the project [i.e. the 1851 Great Exhibition] is demonstrated by his massive bequest of exhibition material now held at the Victoria and Albert Museum.' 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a crease to one corner. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to 'Henry Maudsley Esq' and signed 'C Wentworth Dilke'.

[Sir Landon Ronald, conductor and composer, Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, London.] Typed Letter Signed to W. J. Phillips ('My dear old Phil '), lamenting his absence on a 'great night, and one I shall never forget'.

Sir Landon Ronald (1872-1938), conductor and composer, Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, London
Publication details: 
12 November 1935. On letterhead of the Guildhall School of Music, John Carpenter Street, Victoria Embankment, EC4 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with one short closed tear to an edge. Folded twice for postage. The salutation (‘My dear old “Phil,” ’) and the signature ‘Landon Ronald’ are in autograph, the rest typed. The recipient is ‘Dr. W. J. Phillips, / “Kelvinside,” / Malcolm Road, / Wimbledon, S.W.’ He sends a ‘thousand thanks’ for Phillips’s ‘delightful telegram’. ‘It was indeed good of you to think of us all down here. It was a great night, and one I shall never forget.

[Richard Westmacott, sculptor, Professor of Sculpture at the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed to the gardener Edward William Cooke, insisting on paying for flowers, and reporting that his 'poor mangy-looking wall is now pretty well covered'.

Richard Westmacott (1799-1872), sculptor and Professor of Sculpture at the Royal Academy, son of Sir Richard Westmacott (1799-1872) [Edward William Cooke (1811-1880), marine artist and gardener]
Publication details: 
'W. / 1 K[ensington]. G[ate]. [Hyde Park, London] / Thursday'. No date.

See his entry, and those of his father and Cooke, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with dab or red wax to one corner, and part of another corner torn away, presumably in breaking open the seal. Folded diagonally for postage. Addressed to 'My dear Mr Cooke' (the recipient's identity is beyond doubt) and signed 'Richd Westmacott'.

[Sir Francis Chantrey [Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey], sculptor.] Autograph Letter Signed to Edward Hawkins, recommending the artist William Beetham for permission to draw at the British Museum.

Sir Francis Chantrey [Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey] (1781-1841), sculptor [Edward Hawkins (1780-1867), Keeper of Antiquities at the British Museum; William Beetham (1809-1888), artist]
Publication details: 
‘Belgrave Place [London] / 15th. June 1830’.

See his entry, and Hawkins’s, in the Oxford DNB. The subject of the letter, William Beetham, was an early emigrant to New Zealand, where he was one of the colony’s first European artists. 1p, 12mo. With mourning border. In fair condition, aged and worn, with a tiny piece of loss to one corner. Traces of paper mount adhering to blank reverse. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Edwd. Hawkins Esqr.’ and signed ‘F Chantrey’. Begins: ‘My Dear Sir / The bearer Wm.

[Richard Westmacott, sculptor, Professor of Sculpture at the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed to the wife of ‘Mr B.’, congratulating the couple on their wedding anniversary, and looking forward to his own marriage.

Richard Westmacott (1799-1872), sculptor and Professor of Sculpture at the Royal Academy, son of Sir Richard Westmacott (1799-1872)
Publication details: 
‘Wednesday / Aug. 8. 1838’. No place.

See his entry, and that of his father, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with neatly-trimmed remnants of a windowpane mount adhering to the edges of the leaf. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘My dear Madam’ and signed ‘R. W:’, followed by odd flourish.

[Lord Sligo [Howe Peter Browne, 2nd Marquis of Sligo], Governor of Jamaica.] Autograph Letter Signed with regard to payment for a theatre box 'for the remainder of the season'.

Lord Sligo [Howe Peter Browne (1788-1845), 2nd Marquis of Sligo, previously Viscount Westport and Earl of Altamont], Anglo-Irish peer, Governor of Jamaica, abolitionist
Publication details: 
'Mansfield St [London] June 6th [1824?]'

Sligo was appointed Governor of Jamaica in 1834. His efforts on behalf of the recently-emancipated slaves (including the financing of two schools) caused him to become unpopular with the plantation owners, and he was effectively ousted in 1836. 2pp, 12mo. Twenty-one lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Small square of paper with engraving of the family crest laid down at the foot of the second page. Addressed to ‘My Dear Sir’ and signed ‘Sligo’. The Marquis’s handwriting is somewhat opaque.

[Howard Keel, American actor, star of stage, screen and television.] Publicity photograph from the 1947 London production of ‘Oklahoma’, with inscription to ‘Mary’ signed with his real name ‘Harold Keel’.

Howard Keel [stage name of Harold Clifford Keel] (1919-2004), American actor, star of stage, screen and television, and singer noted for his rich baritone voice
Publication details: 
No date, but for the 1947 London production of Oklahamo. Stamped on back by the Perfect Photo Repro Co, 24 William IVth Street, London WC2.

A brown-tinged print (not sepia), on 16 x 21 cm matt card, with 0.75 cm border. In fair condition, very lightly creased and worn. A full length shot of a smiling and clean-shaven Keel, in cowboy getup with ponyskin chaps and his cowboy hat in his left hand, opening what is clearly a stage-prop wicket gate, with backdrop of farm behind him. In Keel's autograph in light blue ink to the left of his torso: 'To Mary, / Best of Everything / Sincerely / Harold Keel'. See Image.

[Stewart Macpherson, musicologist and Dean of the Faculty of Music, University of London.] Autograph Letter Signed, requesting the revise of his 'biography for Modern Makers of Music' from publishers T. Seely, Clarke & Co.

Stewart Macpherson [Charles Stewart Macpherson] (1865-1941), Anglo-Scottish musicologist, Dean of the Faculty of Music in the University of London
Publication details: 
12 September 1908. On letterhead of 23 Chepstow Villas, Bayswater, W. [London]

See his entry in Grove’s, and Percy A. Scholes’s obituary in the Musical Times, June 1941. 2pp, 12mo. Addressed to ‘Messrs. T. Seeley Clark & Co:’ and signed ‘Stewart Macpherson’. On bifolium of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. They have led him to understand that he would have a revised proof of his ‘biography for Modern Makers of Music’ in time for the publication of the work in the autumn would be published that autumn, and is writing to remind them that he has ‘not yet received the revise’.

[W. G. Wills [William Gorman Wills], Irish playwright and painter.] Autograph Letter Signed to Tom Taylor, fellow-playwright and ‘Punch’ editor, recommending Walter John Knewstub, Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s assistant.

W. G. Wills [William Gorman Wills (1828-1891)], Irish playwright and painter [Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright, Punch editor; Walter John Knewstub (1831-1906), assistant to Dante Gabriel Rossetti]
Publication details: 
‘76 Fulham Rd / Brompton [London] / May 4 - 77 [1877]’.

See his entry and Taylor’s in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Sixteen lines of closely-written text. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Begins: ‘My dear Mr. Taylor / Would you allow me to introduce a friend of mine Mr. Knewstube to you.

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