2 Autograph Letters Signed by Close (both 'C. F. Close') to Dawkins; and one Typed Letter Signed ('H. R. Douglas') from Douglas to Close.

Sir Charles Close [Sir Charles Frederick Arden-Close] (1865-1952), surveyor and geographer; Vice-Admiral Sir Henry Percy Douglas (1876-1939) [Sir Wiliam Boyd Dawkins (1837-1929), geologist]
Publication details: 
Close's letters: 17 and 24 April 1926, both on letterhead of Coytbury, St. Giles's Hill, Winchester; Douglas's letter: 23 April 1926, on letterhead of the Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, Whitehall, London, S.W.1.

All three letters good, on lightly aged paper. Close's first letter (12mo, 2 pp): He is pleased to hear 'that Professor O. T. Jones is convalescent and back at work'. Close will write to him to ask if he will take part in the 'Commission' on the 'Terrasses littorales'. Having none 'handy', he is writing to the Admiralty Hydrographer for a 'list of Admiralty Charts'. The Closes have 'settled to take a house in Jersey for the children's holidays', so there is 'little chance of our being at Oxford for the British Association meeting'.

Autograph Letter to Lord Radstock.

Alan Gardner, 1st Baron Gardner of Uttoxeter (1742-1808), English admiral and Member of Parliament for Plymouth [William Waldegrave (1753-1825), 1st Baron Radstock]
Publication details: 
19 April 1808; Lupton House.

8vo (23.5 x 18.5), 2 pp. Signature cut away, resulting in loss of 3.5 x 10 cm rectangle from corner at bottom and affecting four lines of text on recto. Otherwise good, on lightly aged paper with thin strip from brown paper mount adhering to inner margin on reverse. 37 lines of text (four with loss). An interesting letter written during his final illness. He begins by confirming the report which has reached the recipient of Gardner's 'having been very seriously indisposed'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. P. Drury') to unnamed female correspondent.

Major William Price Drury (1861-1928), Royal Marines, English author
Publication details: 
3 September 1907; East Lavington, Petworth, Sussex.

One page, 12mo. Good, on aged paper with a little paperclip spotting. Laid down on piece of card. 'It is with considerable misgiving that I thrust my autograph upon the distinguished company you cite in your letter. Since, however, it is unthinkable to refuse the request of a lady, I have the honour to subscribe myself, | Yours faithfully, | W. P. Drury.'

Signed Covering Document for the sale of papers signed by Nelson, Hardy, St Vincent and Trowbridge.

Commander Richard Longfield Davies, R.N., of Reddinick House, Penzance [R. Hedges Davies; Nelson; Hardy; St Vincent; Trowbridge; Autograph Collecting]
Publication details: 

On piece of paper five inches by six and a half. Good, with slight smudging to a couple of lines and a strip of archival tape on blank reverse. The four lines of text, in a different hand from the signature, were presumably written out by the purchaser, in order to indemnify himself in case of dispute. Reads: 'I hereby certify that these four papers signed respectively by Nelson, Hardy, St Vincent & Trowbridge have descended to me through my grandfather Richard Longfield Davies.-' Signature reads 'R. Hedges Davies | Nover. 10th. 1883.'

Signed Letter ('Php Stephens'), in a secretarial hand, to the Duke of Clarence.

Sir Philip Stephens (1723-1809), Admiralty official [William IV (1765-1837), King of England (as Duke of Clarence); Royal Navy; Valiant; Andromeda]
Publication details: 
Admiralty Office 22d. June 1790.'

Foolscap bifolium: 1 p. Worn, and on discoloured paper, but with text clear and entire. Thirteen lines of text.

Autograph Signature ('Admiral Lord Ams. Beauclerk').

Admiral Lord Amelius Beauclerk, G.C.B. (1771-1846), 3rd son of the 5th Duke of St Albans
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of card roughly 3.5 x 7 cm. Good, though slightly discoloured. Reads '[signed] Admiral | Lord Ams. Beauclerk', beneath which, in a contemporary hand, 'Port Admiral | of Plymouth'.

Autograph Signature ('H Legge') on fragment of document.

Hon. Henry Bilson-Legge (1708-1764), Treasurer of the Navy, 1749-1754
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Dimensions of paper roughly 4 x 6.5 cm. Good, although with slight wear at left and small part of loop at beginning of signature crossing over a printed vertical line. Docketed in pencil 'Lord Treasurer'.

Poemata, quae de praemio Oxoniensibus posito Annis 1806, 1807, et 1808, infeliciter contenderunt; non in publicum edita, amicis tantum privatim deferenda.

[Abraham John Valpy (1787-1854); Pembroke College, Oxford; Trafalgar]
Publication details: 
[London] Londini: In Aedibus Valpianis, Pridie Idus Octobres, 1809. [A. J. Valpy]

Octavo: [ii] + [41] + [1] pp. A little dogeared, on lightly aged paper, and with slight damp staining to one corner at rear. In worn and stained original grey wraps, repaired with strip of brown paper at spine. Three Latin poems by Valpy: 'Trafalgar', 'Plata Fluvius' and 'Delphi'. COPAC lists only three copies: at the British Library, the Bodleian and Durham.

Printed Receipt Signed, with Manuscript Additions in another hand, for Royal Navy [annual?] budget.

Pattee Byng, 2nd Viscount Torrington
Publication details: 
22 February 1728; [London].

(1699-1747). One leaf, dimensions roughly eight inches by ten. Printed text with manuscript additions on recto; docketed on verso 'Right Hon Pattee Byng afterwards Earl of Torrington Treasurer of the Navy 1729- Brother of the unfortunate Admiral John Byng'. Good, but grubby, and with slight loss at head and in centre (affecting five words of text). 'Received then of [Lord Parker one of the Four Tellers of his Majesty's Exchequer] the Sum of [One hundred Twenty one thousand four hundred and sixteen pounds seven shillings and Eleven pence] in further Part of an Order, Dated the [10th.

Autograph Letter Signed to William Smith.

Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville
Publication details: 
2 July 1820; Wimbledon.

Statesman (1771-1851); First Lord of the Admiralty, 1812-27, after whom Melville Sound was named. Three pages, quarto. Very good if a tad grubby.

Loss of The Centaur Man-of-War, In the year 1782. (Written by Capt. Inglefield.)

[John Nicholson Inglefield] [Shipwrecks; The Centaur; Naval; Maritime; The Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated [c.1818?].

Eight 16mo leaves ['A4' at foot of recto of first leaf]. Sixteen unpaginated pages. Unbound, in contemporary marble wraps. Aged and slightly stained, but good overall. Dramatic fold-out handcoloured engraving of distressed men in rowboat in turbulent sea, roughly four and a half inches by five wide, captioned 'CENTAU. | Situation of part of the Crew who are leaveing [sic] the Wreck in a Boat.' Closed tear in engraving unobtrusively repaired on reverse with archival tape. Small stamp of the Webster Collection, with manuscript date 1924, on reverse of print.

Autograph Letter Signed to William Symonds, R.N., with presentation copy of 'Some Remarks on the Rules to be observed in forming a Code of International Signals; with a comparative review of the systems proposed [...] by Captain Levin Joergen Rohde'.

Henry Cranmer Phillipps [Henry Cranmer March Phillipps], R.N.; Captain Levin Joergen Rohde, of the Royal Danish Navy, Knight of the Dannebrog; Sir William Symonds
Publication details: 
LETTER: [Avebury, B[uckinghamshire]?], 3 November 1835; PAMPHLET: London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, Paternoster-row. 1835. [Printed by Manning and Smithson, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row.]

Full subtitle: 'With a comparative review of the systems proposed by H. Cranmer Phillipps, R.N. and by Captain Levin Joergen Rohde, of the Royal Danish Navy, Knight of the Dannebrog, &c. &c.' The letter was previously attached by four small pieces of red sealing wax on the verso of its blank second leaf to the title-page of the pamphlet. Letter and pamphlet are now detached, with traces of wax adhering to both, but not affecting the text of either. LETTER: 12mo, one page. Good on aged paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. D.') to 'E. W.'

Taffrail' (Commander Henry Taprell Dorling,1883-1968), British sailor and author
Publication details: 
18 December [no year], on letterhead 'FROM CAPTAIN TAPRELL DORLING, D.S.O., R.N. | MARLINGS, | WOKING. | TEL: 981.'

Two pages, 12mo. Very good on lightly-foxed blue paper. He has sent his correspondent's letter to the naval correspondent of The Times, and hopes 'that some good may come of it.' Would like to receive 'any more snippets you have from time to time. I didn't know, for instance, that the racing whaler had Sussex until the other day, otherwise I should have tried to make a song about it!' Sends seasons greetings, and wishes him the 'Best of luck'.

Autograph Signatures, with others, on fragment of document authorizing repairs.

Vice Admiral Sir George Francis Seymour (1787-1870); Admiral Richard James Meade, Lord Gilford (1832-1907, ltr 4th Earl of Clanwilliam); Admiral Sir William Fanshawe Martin (1801-95) [THE ROYAL NAVY]
Publication details: 
Circa 1856; no place.

On both sides of a piece of aged paper watermarked 1855, dimensions three inches by eight and a quarter wide. Good, though a tad grubby, with traces of previous brown paper mount adhering to reverse. Recto reads '[tick] H.C.L. | [in another hand] App? | [signature] . Captain | in Comd of Division. | [in another hand] [signature] C M Collins | 1st Class Asst. Engineer | [in another hand] [signature] Gilford | Lieut in Comd. | [in another hand] Approved for necessary Defects | to be made good. | [signature] G F Seymour | Vice Adml. and Commr. in Chief'.

Autograph letter signed to [?] Young,

Thomas Brassey, 1st Earl Brassey of Bulkeley,
Publication details: 
13 September 1905, with letterhead "SUNBEAM RYS".

Politician and maritime administrator (1836-1918). 3pp,12mo. "If you could postpone the date for a week, it would afford me the greatest pleasure to present the testimonial to Canon Simpson. Kindly send me list of a few leading subscriptions as a guide, addressed to Chapel Wood / Nutley / Uckfield. / I am at Milan International Maritime Conferrence last week Septr / Yours faithfully / Brassey"..

Archive of papers relating to his employment.

George Hazlehurst (1867-1941); Millwall Dock Company; Manchester Ship Canal Company
Publication details: 

20 items. Various formats (see below). Showing signs of age, and with some foxing, fraying and creasing, but in very good condition overall. Collection indicates that Hazlehurst, who was born in Grappenhall, Lancashire, to an illiterate mother, was a capable individual entrusted with responsible positions. ITEMS 1 TO 5: Certified Copies of Hazlewood's birth and marriage certificates (birth certificate in poor condition, but with text entirely legible), his wife's birth and death certificates, and his parents' marriage certificate.

Copy of manuscript document 'To The Commissioners for Victualling His Majestys Navy' from 'R. M.'

[Maritime History] [The West Indies] [Lord Hugh Seymour]
Publication details: 
His Majestys Ship Carnatio Port Royal Harbour Jamaica November 18. 1801'.

4to. 4 pages. In poor condition: on paper creased, discoloured and frayed, with several closed tears, but with the text entirely legible. Apparently a copy, and docketed 'No. 1'. Seymour (1759-1801), the commander in chief at Jamaica, died of yellow fever on 11 September. 'R. M.' begins this unusually forthright document by informing the Commissioners that Seymour's death has caused their 'Letter relative to the public service' to pass under his inspection.

Autograph Letter Signed, apparently to his publishers Sampson Low & Co.

Sir William Laird Clowes
Publication details: 
Sark. 9.9.02.'

British naval historian (1856-1905), author of a standard history of the Royal Navy (7 vols, 1897-1903). One page, on piece of stiff paper, roughly four and a half inches by three and a half. In poor condition, discoloured and stained, and with one small hole and some fraying to extremities. Reads 'Thanks for yours of the 8th. | I am afraid that I can only express the hope that you will, in this case, keep the price as low as possible, - as I do not know the business aspects of the question.

Autograph Noted Signed.

Edmund Nagle.
Publication details: 
No place, [April 1802].

Note trimmed with the loss of a few letters, c.7" x 6", some staining but text clear, as follows: "These are to Certify the Principa[l] officers & Commissioners of His Majestys Navy that Mr Thomas Muir served as Lieutenant onboard His Majesty's Ship Juste under my command from the 15th day of June 1801 to the date hereof during which time he complied with the General Printed Instructions & was not absent Six Weeks at any one time./ Given under my hand onboar[d] the Juste this 10th day of [in another hand] April 1802." Note added in another hand - information about Nagle.

Literary Record and Bibliography [in manuscript] compiled by his great-nephew Edward Rimbault Dibdin

Thomas John Dibdin
Publication details: 
4to, 1931

The Dictionary of National Biography states that T. J. Dibdin (1771-1841, closely associated with Sadler's Wells, Drury Lane and the Surrey Theatre) wrote 'nearly two thousand songs and about two hundred operas and plays'. This list, which covers the whole of his life from his earliest known work in 1789 to his death in 1841, is compiled with considerable care on the rectos and some of the versos of 79 bound and numbered leaves (most being the letterhead of the North-East Coast Exhibition, of which E. Rimbault Dibdin was the Director).

Eleven (11) Autograph Letters Signed to Swan Sonnenschein, publishers.

Charles Duke Yonge.
Publication details: 

Historian (DNB). Total thirty (30) pages, 8vo (10) and 4to (1). The subject is his book "Our Great Naval Commanders" published by his correspondents, Swan Sonnenschein, in 1884, from its inception to the proof stage. He begins (16 Dec. 1882) "It is not quite easy to decide whom it would be best to include in such a volume as you propose - Nelson of course stands at the head of all sailors. Next to him, I think, comes Rodney . . . but there are no materials to be procured for a sketch of Hawke . .

Autograph Note Signed to Edward Webber (editor?).

Henry Napier.
Publication details: 
London, 16 April 1847.

Naval officer and historian (1789-1853). One page, 8vo, fold marks and discoloration, text clear and complete. "Sir/ In reply to your note of yesterday I beg to say that my portrait would be misplaced amongst the "Portraits and Memoires [sic] of Eminent Naval & Military Personages" [title underlined], besides which I have not the facilities which you require. With acknowledgements for the intended honour".

Autograph Letter Signed [to R. Byham of the Ordnance Office].

Admiral Sir Edward Campbell Rich Owen
Publication details: 
Windlesham Bagshot | 14 July 1835'.

English admiral who 'while in command of the "Immortalite" captured and destroyed many French gunboats and privateers, 1802-5' (DNB).Two pages, 12mo. Good though grubby, and with blank second leaf of bifoliate cut down to a stub. Thanks Byham for 'all your kindness'. 'I shall have an opportunity of expressing my good wishes & those of Lady Owen to Mrs. Byham & yourself whenever you can seize a moments holiday'. Gives directions. '[...] At the 24th.

Autograph Letter Signed to B. Nice Esq'.

Sir William Laird Clowes
Publication details: 
26 January 1904; on letterhead 'VILLA JULIUS | DAVOS | SWITZERLAND'.

English naval historian (1856-1905). One page, 12mo. Poor: grubby and stained and with a small hole (not affecting text). Written in failing health the year before his death. Reads 'Dear Nice; | I answered this at the time of its reception. | Perhaps you may see your way to adopting the suggestion, which has my very cordial support. | I am a poor worm, almost unable to work, but hoping to benefit from warmer weather when it comes. | Yrs sincerely | Wm Laird Clowes'.

Thirty-four Autograph Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Vice-Admiral Sir (Henry) Percy Douglas
Publication details: 
1935-8; on letterheads including 18 Dealtry Road, Putney, and 34 Waterloo Mansions, Dover.

British sailor (1876-1939), hydrographer of the Royal Navy (1924-32), inventor of the Douglas Protractor and the Douglas-Appleyard Arcless Sextant. Various formats from 12mo to octavo. Very good, some docketed and/or bearing the Society's stamp. Relating to the business of the Society, and in particular to a lecture by Douglas involving film of the Manchester Ship Canal.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, School for the Art of Theatre, 7, John Street, Adelphi, London.

Sir Alfred Fernandez Yarrow
Publication details: 
12 January 1916; on letterhead 'HOMESTEAD, | HINDHEAD, | SURREY.'

English engineer and naval architect (1842-1932). One page, 4to. Good, but lightly creased and slightly discoloured at foot. Bears the stamp of the Royal Society of Arts, of which Wood was the Secretary. Thanks Wood for his 'kind telegram of congratulation' (presumably on his knighthood).

Typed Letter Signed to K. W. Luckhurst, Royal Society of Arts.

Publication details: 
2 November 1957; on letterhead '4, Quay Hill, | Lymington, | Hampshire.'

British naval architect (died 1969). One page, quarto. Folded three times. Very good, but lightly creased. Docketed in ink. Probably relating to the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, of which Giles was a leading member. 'Your views rather coincide with mine, reinforced by a more careful read through of the literature over the weekend. In particular one noticed a falling off in quality of those elected in the last year as compared to the previous.

Four Typed Letters Signed to W. Perry and A. W. Luckhurst, Royal Society of Arts; and Typescript of 'Notes of Sir Philip Devitt's Speech at Southampton, 25th March, 1938.'

Sir Philip Henry Devitt
Publication details: 
Letters: 18 January 1935; 14 and 17 March and 23 May 1938; on letterhead of 'THE DEVITT & MOORE NAUTICAL COLLEGE, LTD.'

British mariner (1876-1947), 'Sole Partner of Devitt and Moore' (Who's Who). All five items very good. The four letters all one page, quarto. The typescript: seven pages, quarto. Three letters docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. LETTER ONE: He has received the letter informing him that 'any day about 12.30 will suit Captain Steele for the presentation of the Thomas Gray Memorial Shield. I presume that you have duly received the sheild and that it has been engraved and is being sent to H.M.S. "Worcester" [...]'.

Britannia; or, The moral claims of seamen stated and enforced. An essay, in three parts.

Rev. John Harris
Publication details: 
London: Thomas Ward and Co., 1837. Second thousand.

8vo. Pages: half-title, xix + 195. Ownership inscription of 'Chrisr. Cole 1837' at head of title. Modern rebacking with new endpapers, but retaining original blind-stamped boards. Paper heavily foxed. Binder's ticket of John Gardner, Borough Green and paper wallet containing long cutting on Chartism at rear. An impassioned appeal for the alleviation of the condition of the English seaman.

Typed Letter Signed to the Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Hormusjee Cowasjee Dinshaw
Publication details: 
21 January 1924; on letterhead 'COWASJEE DINSHAW & BROS.', 'Steamer Point, | Aden'.

Parsee shipping magnate (1857-1939). One page, quarto. Creased and discoloured, with a little spotting. Reads 'I am your Society's Life member since past many years | I shall feel obliged if you can procure me some recipe for making anti-fouling paint for use no steel steamers bottoms.' Signed ''. Docketed as answered over the Society's stamp.

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